Per-App licenses

When you want to use BIG-IP VE with one back-end application, choose a Per-App license.

Per-App licenses are currently available:

  • As BYOL (Bring Your Own License)
  • With throughput speeds of 25 or 200 Mbps
  • In BIG-IP VE and later

This license is available for Local Traffic Manager (LTM) only, or you can use it to run LTM and Application Security Manager (ASM) as a WAF (Web Application Firewall).

Per-App licenses are also used as part of BIG-IP Cloud Edition, to license BIG-IP VE instances when they are auto-scaled from within BIG-IQ.

Per-App licensing virtual server options

With a Per-App license, you can create one virtual IP address and three virtual servers.

The three virtual servers in this case would have the same destination IP address, but would use different ports.

For example, your virtual servers might be:

Name Description Destination Address/Service Port
VS1 Website traffic
VS2 Redirect for website traffic
VS3 Website instrumentation/health checking

If you’d prefer, the virtual server can be a wildcard. For example, the Destination Address would be instead of in the previous example. You can specify the Service Port, or use *.

Name Description Destination Address/Service Port
VS1 Catch-all, log with iRule*
VS2 Website traffic
VS3 Website instrumentation/health checking