F5 BIG-IP Controller for Marathon


The F5 BIG-IP Controller for Marathon is a Marathon Application that manages F5 BIG-IP Local Traffic Manager (LTM) services.

Release Notes





See the F5 BIG-IP Controller for Marathon user documentation.


The F5 BIG-IP Controller for Marathon is a Docker container that runs as a Marathon Application. It watches the Marathon API for the creation/destruction of Marathon Apps; when it discovers an App with the F5 labels applied, it automatically updates the BIG-IP as follows:

  • matches the Marathon App to the specified BIG-IP partition;
  • creates a virtual server and pool for each port-mapping;
  • creates a pool member for each App task and adds the member to the default pool;
  • creates health monitors on the BIG-IP for pool members if the Marathon App has health checks configured.


The F5 BIG-IP Controller for Marathon monitors the BIG-IP partition it manages for configuration changes. If it discovers changes, the Controller reapplies its own configuration to the BIG-IP system.

F5 does not recommend making configuration changes to objects in any partition managed by the F5 BIG-IP Controller for Marathon via any other means (for example, the configuration utility, TMOS, or by syncing configuration with another device or service group). Doing so may result in disruption of service or unexpected behavior.

Configuration Parameters

Parameter Type Required Default Description Allowed Values
MARATHON_URL string Required n/a the Marathon URL  
F5_CC_BIGIP_HOSTNAME string Required n/a BIG-IP hostname / IP address  
F5_CC_BIGIP_USERNAME bar Required n/a BIG-IP username [1]  
F5_CC_BIGIP_PASSWORD bar Required n/a BIG-IP password  
F5_CC_PARTITIONS bar Required n/a BIG-IP partition to create objects in  
F5_CC_USE_HEALTHCHECK boolean Optional False Respect Marathon’s health check status when adding app instance to backend pool True, False
F5_CC_SSE_TIMEOUT integer Optional 30 Marathon event stream timeout  
F5_CC_MARATHON_CA_CERT integer Optional n/a CA certificate for Marathon HTTPS connections  
F5_CC_VERIFY_INTERVAL integer Optional 30 Inteval at which to verify BIG-IP configurations  
F5_CC_LOG_FORMAT string Optional %(asctime)s %(name)s: %(levelname) -8s: %(message)s log message format  
F5_CC_LOG_LEVEL string Optional INFO log level INFO, DEBUG, ERROR
F5_CC_MARATHON_AUTH string Optional n/a Path to file containing a 'user:pass' definition for the Marathon HTTP API.  
F5_CC_DCOS_AUTH_CREDENTIALS string Optional n/a DC/OS service account credentials  
F5_CC_DCOS_AUTH_TOKEN string Optional n/a DC/OS ACS Token  

Application Labels

F5 application labels are key-value pairs that correspond to BIG-IP configuration options.

To configure virtual servers on the BIG-IP device for specific application service ports, define a port index in the configuration parameter. In the table below, {n} refers to an index into the service-port mapping array, starting at 0.

F5 BIG-IP Controller for Marathon supports two BIG-IP configuration modes (normal and iApp), with a different set of application labels for each mode. Normal mode directly configures the virtual servers via the application labels, whereas iApp mode configures virtual servers via an iApp template.

The Controller uses the following naming structure when creating BIG-IP objects:


Application Labels for Normal Mode

Use the following application labels to deploy virtual servers on the BIG-IP.

Parameter Type Required Default Description Allowed Values
F5_PARTITION string Required n/a BIG-IP partition in which to create objects; cannot be “Common”  
F5_{n}_BIND_ADDR string Optional n/a

IP address of the App service [2]


"F5_0_BIND_ADDR": ""

F5_{n}_PORT string Required n/a

Service port to use for communications with the BIG-IP

Overrides the servicePort configuration parameter.

Example: "F5_0_PORT": "80"

F5_{n}_MODE string Optional tcp

Connection mode

Example: "F5_0_MODE": "http"

http, tcp
F5_{n}_BALANCE string Optional round-robin

Load-balancing algorithm [3]


"F5_0_BALANCE": "least-connections-member"

See supported loadBalancingMode options in f5-cccl
F5_{n}_SSL_PROFILE string Optional n/a

BIG-IP SSL profile to apply to an HTTPS virtual server


"F5_0_SSL_PROFILE": "Common/clientssl"

Any BIG-IP client SSL profile


If you don’t define F5_{n}_BIND_ADDR, the Controller will create BIG-IP pools without virtual servers. In such cases, you should already have a BIG-IP virtual server that handles client connections configured with an iRule or local traffic policy that can forward the request to the correct pool.

You can use an IPAM system to populate the F5_{n}_BIND_ADDR label. When the Controller discovers a valid F5_{n}_BIND_ADDR for an Application, it creates a BIG-IP virtual server for the App with the specified the IP address.

Application Labels for iApp Mode

Use iApp application labels to deploy iApp templates on the BIG-IP.

Parameter Type Required Default Description
F5_PARTITION string Required n/a BIG-IP partition in which to create objects; cannot be “Common”
F5_{n}_IAPP_TEMPLATE string Required n/a

The iApp template you want to use to create the Application Service; must already exist on the BIG-IP.


"F5_0_IAPP_TEMPLATE": "/Common/f5.http"

F5_{n}_IAPP_OPTION_* string iApp template- specific n/a

Define iApp configuration options to apply to the Application Service.


"F5_0_IAPP_OPTION_description": "This is a test iApp"

F5_{n}_IAPP_TABLE_* JSON string iApp template- specific n/a

Define iApp tables to apply to the Application Service.


{"columns": ["Index", "Name", "Type", "Options"], "rows": [[0, "mon1", "tcp", "" ],[1, "mon2", "http", ""]]}"
F5_{n}_IAPP_VARIABLE_* string iApp template- specific n/a

Define the variables the iApp needs to create the Service.

Use an existing resource,or tell the service to create a new one using #create_new#.


"F5_0_IAPP_VARIABLE_pool__addr": "" "F5_0_IAPP_VARIABLE_pool__pool_to_use": "#create_new#"

F5_{n}_IAPP_POOL_MEMBER_TABLE string Required n/a

Defines the name and layout of the pool member table in the iApp

This entry can vary from iApp to iApp.

See F5_{n}_IAPP_POOL_MEMBER_TABLE section below.

F5_{n}_IAPP_POOL_MEMBER_TABLE_NAME string Required if F5_{n} _IAPP_POOL _MEMBER_ TABLE is unset n/a

The iApp table entry containing pool member definitions.

This entry can vary from iApp to iApp.



"F5_0_IAPP_POOL_MEMBER_TABLE_NAME": "pool__members"


You can use the F5_{n}_IAPP_POOL_MEMBER_TABLE option to describe the layout of the pool member table that the controller should configure. It is a JSON object with these properties:

  • name (required): A string that specifies the name of the table that contains the pool members.
  • columns (required): An array that specifies the columns that the controller will configure in the pool member table, in order.

Each entry in columns is an object that has a name property and either a kind or value property:

  • name (required): A string that specifies the column name.
  • kind: A string that tells the controller what property from the node to substitute. The controller supports "IPAddress" and "Port".
  • value: A string that specifies a value. The controller will not perform any substitution, it uses the value as specified.

For instance, if you configure an application with two tasks at and, and you specify:

  "name": "pool__members",
  "columns": [
    {"name": "Port", "kind": "Port"},
    {"name": "IPAddress", "kind": "IPAddress"},
    {"name": "ConnectionLimit", "value": "0"}


This is the F5_0_IAPP_POOL_MEMBER_TABLE value represented as a JSON object. Since Marathon accepts labels as strings, you must encode it as a string before entering it in the UI.

This would configure the following table on BIG-IP:

  "name": "pool__members",
  "columnNames": [
  "rows": [
      "row": [
      "row": [

You will need to adjust this for the particular iApp template that you are using. One way to discover the format is to configure an iApp manually from a template, and then check its configuration using tmsh list sys app service <appname>.

Usage Example

The F5 BIG-IP Controller for Marathon configures objects on the BIG-IP in response to Marathon Applications and Tasks. For the example App – sample-marathon-application.json – starting the F5 BIG-IP Controller for Marathon with the following JSON creates objects in the /mesos partition on the BIG-IP device.

  "id": "marathon-bigip-ctlr",
  "cpus": 0.5,
  "mem": 128.0,
  "instances": 1,
  "container": {
    "type": "DOCKER",
    "forcePullImage": true,
    "docker": {
      "image": "<path to Docker image>",
      "network": "BRIDGE"
  "env": {
    "MARATHON_URL": "<URL for Marathon API Service>",
    "F5_CC_PARTITIONS": "mesos",
    "F5_CC_BIGIP_USERNAME": "admin",
    "F5_CC_BIGIP_PASSWORD": "admin"

Run the command below on the BIG-IP to view the newly-created objects.

user@(my-bigip)(Active)(/mesos)(tmos)# show ltm


[1]The controller requires the BIG-IP user account to have a defined role of Administrator, Resource Administrator, or Manager. See BIG-IP Users for further details.
[2]The controller supports BIG-IP route domain specific addresses.
[3]The marathon-bigip-ctlr supports BIG-IP load balancing algorithms that do not require additional configuration parameters. You can view the full list of supported algorithms in the f5-cccl schema. See the BIG-IP Local Traffic Management Basics user guide for information about each load balancing mode.