F5® BIG-IP®: Active-Standby Cluster


The active-standby cluster template configures two (2) BIG-IP® devices to function as an ‘active-standby pair’ in a ‘sync-failover device group’. An active-standby pair is a pair of BIG-IP® devices configured so that one device is actively processing traffic while the other device remains ready to take over if failover occurs. A sync-failover device group contains devices that synchronize their configuration data and fail over to one another if a device becomes unavailable.


  • Basic understanding of BIG-IP® device service clustering.
  • F5 OpenStack Heat Plugins installed on the Neutron controller.
  • Three (3) VLANs configured in Neutron – ‘mgmt’, ‘control’, and ‘data’ – to be used for system management, high availability, and data traffic, respectively.
  • Two (2) licensed, operational BIG-IP® devices (hardware or Virtual Edition); both must be connected to the ‘control’ VLAN.
  • Login credentials for user(s) with administrative permissions on BIG-IP® device(s).

See also




  1. In Horizon, go to Orchestration –> Stacks.
  2. Click Launch Stack.
  3. Choose the Template File from its location on your machine, then click Next.
  4. Provide the information required for the Heat engine to build your stack. You can use the table below as a worksheet to gather all of the necessary information ahead of time.
  5. Click Launch. The Heat engine then creates your stack; the status changes to Create complete when it is finished.
Configuration Items
Configuration Item Type Entry/Description
Stack Name string Provide a name for the stack to be created
Creation Timeout integer Length of time after which stack creation will time out (minutes)
Password for user “<username>” string Enter the password for your user account
Cluster Name string the name you’d like to assign to the new cluster
FIP for first device string Floating IP address of the first BIG-IP
FIP for second device string Floating IP address of the second BIG-IP
Username for first device string the username of an admin user for the first BIG-IP
Password for first device string the admin user’s password for the first BIG-IP
Username for second device string the username of an admin user for the second BIG-IP
Password for second device string the admin user’s password for the second BIG-IP


Click the download link below to save a copy of the template.
