AS3 API Response code handling in BIG-IP Next CISΒΆ

API Endpoint - https://{{bigip_next_cm_mgmt_ip}}/api/v1/spaces/default/appsvcs/declare?target_address={{bigip_next_1_mgmt_ip}}

Response Code HTTP Status Description
200 OK BIG-IP Next CIS does not try to repost AS3 declaration.
201 Created
CIS polls for its status continuously and blocks incoming
202 Accepted
CIS polls for its status continuously and blocks incoming
207 Multi Status
CIS retries every 30 seconds for failed tenants and successful
tenant declarations will not be posted.
404 Not Found
If CIS receives 404 at the start-up it immediately exits and the
container will be restarted continuously.
422 Unprocessable Entity CIS retries every 30 seconds for failed tenants.
503 Service Unavailable CIS waits for 30 seconds before trying to repost.
Others   CIS retries every 30 seconds for failed tenants.


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