Troubleshooting Transport Server

Usually any configuration error is published in the transport server’s status. You can check the transport server status as follows:

kubectl get ts cr-transport-server -n foo -o jsonpath="{.status}"

Apparently, you can also look for CIS controller’s log and grep for warning and error as follows:

kubectl logs deploy/test-bigip-controller-1 -n kube-system \| grep


2024/09/06 03:51:28.853347 [WARNING] Ensure DeployConfig CR is created in CIS monitored namespace

2024/09/06 03:51:37.152802 [WARNING] [AS3] virtualServer: crd_10_8_3_11_1344, pool: pytest_svc_1_1344_foo, only following load-balancing types are supported with BIG-IP Next - fastest-app-response, least-connections-member, predictive-member, ratio-least-connections-member, ratio-session, round-robin, weighted-round-robin

Troubleshooting Service Load Balancer

For Service type Load balancer you can also look for CIS controller’s log and grep for warning and error as follows:

kubectl logs deploy/test-bigip-controller-1 -n kube-system | grep “WARNING\|ERROR”


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