cli scriptΒΆ

cli script(1)		      BIG-IP TMSH Manual		 cli script(1)

       script - Automates tmsh using Tool Command Language (Tcl).


       Configure the script component within the cli module using the syntax
       shown in the following sections.

	create script [name]
	modify script [name]
	  app-service [[string] | none]
	  description [string]
	  ignore-verification [true | false]
	  script-checksum [[string] | none]
	  script-signature [[string] | none]

	edit script [ [ [name] | [glob] | [regex] ] ... ]

	list script
	list script [ [ [name] | [glob] | [regex] ] ... ]
	show running-config script
	show running-config script [ [ [name] | [glob] | [regex] ] ... ]

	delete script [name]

       Note: generate cryptographic signature or checksum based on cli script

	generate cli script [name]

	run script [name] [options ...]
	    file [file name] [options ...]
	    verbatim-arguments [file option] [file name] [options ...]

       The options that are available depend on which script you are running.

       The file option is limited to users with the role of administrator.

       You can use the script component to build Tcl scripts to automate
       management of the BIG-IP(r) system. By combining command aliases with
       scripts, you can extend tmsh to build commands that are customized to
       your environment.

       To do this, place the content of the script inside one or more Tcl
       procedures. The content of a script cannot exceed 65,000 bytes.
       However, a script can include other scripts. For more information about
       including scripts in other scripts, see tmsh::include following.

       Starting with BIGIP 11.5.0, tmsh commands are versioned. The tmsh
       active version should be specified in scripts. This will avoid breaking
       scripts due to changes in tmsh syntax in the different versions. See
       examples below for how to use it in a script. Without tmsh active
       version specified, scripts will run on the current active version. By
       default, the active version will be the latest cli version.

       You can use the following procedures in the manner specified:

	    tmsh invokes the procedure script::run when you issue the command
	    sequence run / cli script [name]. A script is run relative to the
	    module in which the run command is invoked.

	    The script::run procedure must be defined in the script named by
	    the run command. Scripts that are included by tmsh::include are
	    not required to implement the procedure script::run.

	    Provides context sensitive help. A script is not required to
	    implement script::help.

	    Provides context sensitive help. A script is not required to
	    implement script::tabc.

	    tmsh calls the procedure script::init before calling one of the
	    following procedures: script::run, script::help, or script::tabc.
	    The script::init procedure can use the Tcl variable tmsh::csh to
	    determine which one of these three procedures tmsh invokes after

	    Additionally, you can use the procedure script::init to initialize
	    global variables. A script is not required to implement

       edit script myscript

       Creates or modifies the script myscript.

       edit script myscript yourscript

       Creates or modifies the scripts myscript and yourscript at the same

       list script myscript

       Displays the contents of the script myscript.

       delete script [name]

       Deletes the script myscript from the system.

       run script myscript [arguments ...]

       Runs the script myscript. The system passes arguments to the script in
       the following Tcl variables:

       o   tmsh::argc contains the number of arguments including the name of
	   the script.

       o   tmsh::argv contains the list of argument values. The first item in
	   tmsh::argv is always the name of the script.

       Tip: You can create an alias for the command sequence run / cli script
       [name] using the cli alias component. For more information, see help
       cli alias.

       run script verbatim-arguments myscript [arguments ...]

       Runs the same commands as run script myscript [arguments...] above,
       except the system passes all arguments specified in the command as one
       argument to the script. Note that you do not need to enclose the
       argument list in double quotes, and you do not need to escape special

       generate my_script checksum

       Generate a checksum for the script text and add the checksum as a

       generate my_script signature signing-key my_key

       Generate a signature for the script text using the specified private
       key and add the signature as a property.

       Note: For a script which includes a checksum or signature to
       successfully load, the script text contents must match the stored
       checksum or signature.  To temporarily stop the verification of
       signature or checksum and still retain the checksum or signature, the
       ignore-verification attribute must be set to true. This is done by
       editing the script and adding the ignore-verification attribute.

       To completely clear the signature or checksum, simply set the attribute
       script-signature or script-checksum to empty string "". By doing so,
       the script will be processed as if it was never signed or checksumed.

       modify script /Common/my_script { proc script::init {} { }

       proc script::run {} { }

       proc script::help {} { }

       proc script::tabc {} { }
	   ignore-verification true
	   script-checksum 74778e7b13016e0b9329a17f8d2da601
	   total-signing-status checksum
	   verification-status checksum-verified }

	    Specifies the name of the application service to which the object
	    belongs. The default value is none. Note: If the strict-updates
	    option is enabled on the application service that owns the object,
	    you cannot modify or delete the object. Only the application
	    service can modify or delete the object.

	    Generate a checksum for the script text and add the checksum to
	    the script as a property.  Only for use with the generate command.

	    A user defined description.

       file Specifies that the script to be run should come from a file
	    located on the file system rather than a script from the

       glob Displays the scripts that match the glob expression. See help glob
	    for a description of glob expression syntax.

       name Specifies a unique name for the script. This option is required
	    for the edit and delete commands.

	    Displays the scripts that match the regular expression. The
	    regular expression must be preceded by an at sign (@[regular
	    expression]) to indicate that the identifier is a regular
	    expression. See help regex for a description of regular expression

	    Generate a signature for the script text using the specified
	    private key and add the signature to the script as a property.
	    Only for use with the generate command.

	    The private key to use for signing the script. Only for use with
	    the signature option.

	    Specifies that the arguments at the end of the command should not
	    be tokenized by tmsh prior to being sent to the script. This is
	    useful when the script is wrapping another utility that takes

       The following Tcl commands mirror tmsh commands. For example, the Tcl
       tmsh::create command accepts the same components, object identifiers,
       and properties that the tmsh create command accepts.

       tmsh::cd [args...]
	    Runs the cd command using the specified arguments.

       tmsh::cp [args...]
	    Runs the cp command using the specified arguments.

       tmsh::create [args...]
	    Runs the create command using the specified arguments.

       tmsh::delete [args...]
	    Runs the delete command using the specified arguments.

       tmsh::install [args...]
	    Runs the install command using the specified arguments.

       tmsh::generate [args...]
	    Runs the generate command using the specified arguments.

       tmsh::list [args...]
	    Runs the list command using the specified arguments. The system
	    returns the results as a string.

       tmsh::load [args...]
	    Runs the load command using the specified arguments.

       tmsh::modify [args...]
	    Runs the modify command using the specified arguments.

       tmsh::publish [args...]
	    Runs the publish command using the specified arguments.

	    Runs the pwd command.

       tmsh::reset-stats [args...]
	    Runs the reset-stats command using the specified arguments.

       tmsh::restart [args...]
	    Runs the command restart using the specified arguments.

       tmsh::run [args...]
	    Runs the run command using the specified arguments.

       tmsh::save [args...]
	    Runs the save command using the specified arguments.

       tmsh::show [args...]
	    Runs the show command using the specified arguments. The system
	    returns the results as a string.

       tmsh::start [args...]
	    Runs the command start using the specified arguments.

       tmsh::stop [args...]
	    Runs the command stop using the specified arguments.

       The following Tcl commands provide structured access for retrieving
       configuration, statistics, and status information.

       tmsh::get_config [args...]
	    Returns a list of Tcl objects. Each of these objects can be passed
	    to the commands that accept an $obj argument. The arguments for
	    this command are the same as for the tmsh list command.

       tmsh::get_status [component] [args...]
	    Returns a list of Tcl objects that can be passed to the following
	    commands that accept an $obj argument. The arguments to this
	    command are the same as the tmsh show command.

	    This command can only be used on components that accept the field-
	    fmt option. The field-fmt option is automatically appended to the
	    argument list. The tmsh help pages identify if a component
	    supports the field-fmt option.

	    That there are very few components that have status and statistics
	    that do not support the field-fmt option, and in those cases you
	    can use the Tcl  tmsh::show command to retrieve the object in the
	    form of a Tcl string object.

	    A component must be specified, for example, tmsh::get_status ltm

       tmsh::get_type $obj
	    Returns the type identifier associated with the object. The $obj
	    argument must be an object that was returned by either of the Tcl
	    tmsh::get_config or tmsh::get_status commands.

       tmsh::get_name $obj
	    Returns the object identifier associated with the object. The $obj
	    argument must be an object that was returned by either of the Tcl
	    commands tmsh::get_config or tmsh::get_status.

       tmsh::get_field_names [value | nested] $obj
	    Returns a list of field names (not the value associated with a
	    field) that are present in an object. The value fields are simple
	    values or lists (for example, an integer or a string). The nested
	    fields are a collection of zero or more nested objects, where the
	    nested objects have their own fields (for example, pool members,
	    and virtual server profiles).

	    The $obj argument must be an object that was returned by the Tcl
	    tmsh::get_config or tmsh::get_status commands. If the object was
	    retrieved using the Tcl tmsh::get_config command, the field names
	    are identical to those that are displayed by the tmsh list
	    command. If the object was retrieved using the Tcl
	    tmsh::get_status command, the fields are identical to those that
	    the system displays using the tmsh show command with the field-fmt

       tmsh::get_field_value $obj [field name] [Tcl variable]
	    Retrieves the value of field name.

	    The Tcl variable is optional. The behavior of this command depends
	    on whether field name is present in $obj and a Tcl variable is
	    present in the command.

	    o	 If field name is present in $obj, and a Tcl variable is
		 present, the Tcl variable is set to the value of field name
		 and the command returns 1.

	    o	 If field name is not present in $obj, and a Tcl variable is
		 present, the command returns 0 (zero).

	    o	 If field name is present in $obj, and a Tcl variable is not
		 present, the command returns the field value.

	    o	 If field name is not present in $obj, and a Tcl variable is
		 not present, the command raises an error that causes the
		 script to stop. You can use the Tcl command catch to
		 recognize the error and continue to run the script.

	    The $obj argument must be an object that was returned by the Tcl
	    tmsh::get_config or tmsh::get_status commands, or a nested object
	    obtained from the Tcl tmsh::get_field_value command.

	    If the field is a set of nested objects, the Tcl object that the
	    system returns is a list of objects, where each of the objects can
	    contain fields. Each of the objects can be passed to the Tcl
	    tmsh::get_field_value command. If the field is not a nested object
	    the system returns a single Tcl string object.

       The following Tcl commands are specific to the tmsh Tcl API. There are
       no corresponding commands available in tmsh.

	    Begins an update transaction. The Tcl tmsh::create, tmsh::delete,
	    and tmsh::modify commands that are issued before the next Tcl
	    tmsh::commit_transaction command are submitted as a single update.

	    The system rolls back all of the commands if any of the commands

	    Runs the commands that have been issued since the last Tcl
	    tmsh::begin_transaction command. The system validates all of the
	    commands against the running configuration. If any one of the
	    commands fail, the system does not apply any of the commands to
	    the running configuration.

	    Cancels all commands that you have issued since the last Tcl
	    tmsh::begin_transaction command.

       Important: You cannot use these Tcl commands inside an active

       o    tmsh::list

       o    tmsh::show

       o    tmsh::get_config

       o    tmsh::get_status

       You can use the following Tcl commands to generate log events. These
       commands affect the behavior of the script and do not affect tmsh.
       These commands are available only to users who have been assigned
       either the Administrator or Resource Administrator role.

       tmsh::log_dest [screen | file]
	    Specifies whether the system sends events to the screen or to log
	    files. If file is selected, log messages will be directed to

       tmsh::log_level [level]
	    Specifies the default severity level. The system does not log
	    events below the specified level. The options, listed in
	    decreasing order of severity, are:

	    o	 emerg

	    o	 alert

	    o	 crit

	    o	 err

	    o	 warning

	    o	 notice

	    o	 info

	    o	 debug

       tmsh::log [level] "message..."
	    Logs the specified message. The level parameter is optional. The
	    level can be one of those described in the Tcl tmsh::log_level

       Custom counter, gauge, and string fields may be created, modified, and
       retrieved using iRules or tmsh scripts. These custom fields are created
       on first write and do not need to be declared separately.

       Each custom field has a "key" that can be associated with a tmsh
       configuration object. This key is composed of a tmsh component dotted
       path, a specific object name or ID, the field type, and the field name.
       The entire key must be enclosed in quotes.

       For example, "ltm.pool /Common/my_pool counter num_hits" refers to the
       num_hits counter associated with the LTM pool named my_pool, located in
       the Common folder.

       These custom fields are displayed with the tmsh show command on the
       associated object.

       istats::incr [key] [amount]
	    Increments a custom counter by amount.

       istats::set [key] [value]
	    Sets a custom gauge or string to value. Setting a counter to an
	    exact value will only set it in the local segment, but istats::get
	    will always read the aggregated (not local) value.

       istats::get [key]
	    Returns the latest aggregated value of the custom field or 0
	    (zero) if it does not exist ("" for string fields).

       istats::remove [key]
	    Removes the custom field from all segments on all blades.
	    Effectively resets a counter to 0.

       The following commands are TCL utility commands.

	    Clears the screen and places the cursor at the upper left of the

       tmsh::display [variable | command output]
	    Provides access to the tmsh pager. Output generated with the Tcl
	    puts command is not paged.

       tmsh::display_threshold [integer]
	    When a script is run, the system disables the option cli
	    preference display-threshold.

	    You can use the Tcl tmsh::display_threshold command to re-enable
	    the threshold. Re-enabling the threshold in this way causes the
	    script to generate a prompt if you issue the tmsh::list,
	    tmsh::show, tmsh::get_config, or tmsh::get_status commands, and
	    the output that is generated exceeds the threshold. See help cli
	    preference for a description of this option and valid ranges for
	    its value.

       tmsh::expand_macro [macro_text] options...
	    Expands a macro and returns the resulting string. A macro is a
	    string containing macro syntax which can be used for parameter
	    substitution, script and iRule templatization, etc. The Macro
	    Syntax includes the following delimiters:

	    <%		    The beginning of an expansion code block.

	    <%= 	    The beginning of an expansion code block. Spool
	    the output after evaluating.

	    <%D[0-9][0-9]   The beginning of a debug/logging code block with
	    the debug threshold set to 0 thru 99.

	    <%D[0-9][0-9]=  The beginning of a debug/logging code block with
	    the debug threshold set to 0 thru 99. Spool the output after

	    %>		    The end of the current block (works for all

	    Typically, the result of the expand_macro command is used as the
	    input to another command (eg. ltm rule create). The command can be
	    called multiple times within an iApp implementation to expand
	    multiple macros.

	    macro_text is the blob of text to expand. If not specified, the
	    command will expand the Macro section of the iApp. If no
	    macro_text argument is specified and no Macro section exists for
	    the iApp, an error will be issued.

	    -vars name_value_pair_list

	    Specifies a list of additional variables (name/value pairs) which
	    can be referenced within the macro and expanded by the command.
	    All APL variables are automatically available from within the
	    macro, so the -vars option allows a way to specify additional
	    variables from the iApp Implementation section. Since the
	    variables are defined within a Tcl list the format is: { name1
	    value1 name2 ... nameN valueN }

	    -debug debug_levels

	    Specifies a single debug level or list of debug levels for
	    controlling which debug messages get rendered in the expanded

	    -debuginclusive debug_level

	    Specifies a debug level for controlling which debug messages get
	    rendered in the expanded output. Since it's "inclusive" all
	    messages with a level at the specified level and below will get
	    rendered in the expanded output.

	    The following example expands the macro defined in the Macro
	    section of the iApp, and sets the debug level to render all debug
	    messages with a level of 11, 33 or 66:

	    tmsh::expand_macro -debug {11 33 66}

	    The following example expands the macro defined via a Tcl variable
	    (mac), adds two variables (foo and enable_mything), and sets the
	    debug level to render all messages of level 66 and below:

	    tmsh::expand_macro $mac -vars {foo bar enable_mything true}
	    -debuginclusive 66

       tmsh::get_ifile_text [iFile name]
	    Retrieve the text contained in the specified text iFile. When used
	    on an iFile containing characters which are non-ascii or are not
	    printable/space, an error will be returned.

       tmsh::include [script name]
	    Runs the Tcl eval command on the specified script. The system
	    evaluates the script at a global level, and all procedures in the
	    included script are available to any other procedure. You must
	    have previously created the script that is being included using
	    the tmsh edit / cli script [name] command. If a full path is not
	    given for the script name, tmsh will attempt to first locate the
	    script from the same folder as the including script, then the root
	    partition folder of the including script, and finally the /Common

       tmsh::run_proc [script_name:proc_name] options...]
	    Runs the Tcl eval command on the specified script and process. The
	    script script_name is loaded as if tmsh::include was called. After
	    the script is loaded, the Tcl eval command is run on the specified
	    Tcl process. Any options that were specified are passed to the Tcl
	    process. This is essentially a short form of running tmsh::include
	    script_name, followed by running one of the Tcl processes
	    contained in the script that was included.

	    The following example invokes the display_pool_status proc that is
	    contained in the pool_utils script:

	    tmsh::run_proc pool_utils:display_pool_status

       tmsh::stateless [disabled | enabled]
	    Modifies the behavior of tmsh::create and tmsh::delete.

	    When stateless mode is disabled, an attempt to create an object
	    that already exists in the configuration results in an error, and
	    an attempt to delete an object that does not exist in the
	    configuration is an error.

	    When stateless mode is enabled, an attempt to create an object
	    that already exists in the configuration does not result in an
	    error, and an attempt to delete an object that does not exist in
	    the configuration does not result in an error.

	    Enabling stateless mode enables scripts to successfully run
	    multiple times with the same input.

	    The default value is disabled.

	    Returns the version number of the BIG-IP system as a Tcl string.
	    The version consists of three digits: a major, minor, and
	    maintenance version, separated by periods. For example, 10.1.0
	    indicates minor version 1 of major version 10.

       Use the following commands to create a script that provides context
       sensitive help when a user types Tab or question mark (?).

	    Scripts can provide the script::help procedure. tmsh invokes the
	    procedure when a user types a question mark (?) while entering the
	    command sequence run / cli script [name]. If the specified script
	    includes the script::init procedure, tmsh invokes it before the
	    script::help procedure. The script can add context sensitive help
	    by calling the tmsh::add_help and tmsh::builtin_help procedures.
	    tmsh formats the help and displays it.

	    Scripts can provide the script::tabc procedure. The system invokes
	    this procedure when the user types Tab while entering the command
	    sequence run / cli script. If the script::init procedure is
	    included in the script, that procedure is invoked before the
	    script::tabc procedure. The script can add tab completion datasets
	    to the script by calling the tmsh::add_tabc and tmsh::builtin_tabc
	    procedures. tmsh either formats and displays the tab completion
	    datasets, or if possible, completes the current argument.

	    tmsh::csh is a Tcl string variable that can be used in the
	    script::init procedure to determine the context in which the
	    script::init procedure was invoked.

	    tmsh::csh is set to one of the following:

	    question mark (?)
		 Indicates that the user typed a question mark (?).

	    TABC Indicates the user pressed the Tab key.

	    an empty string ""
		 Indicates the script is being run.

       tmsh::add_help [ [category item description] | [description] ]
	    Displays context sensitive help when the user types a question
	    mark (?). If you supply one argument, that argument displays as-is
	    with no formatting applied to the description.

	    If you supply three arguments, one or more datasets are
	    constructed. The first argument is the name of the dataset. The
	    second argument is an item in the dataset. The third argument is a
	    description of the item. This command has an effect only if the
	    Tcl tmsh::csh variable is set to question mark (?).

       tmsh::builtin_help ["tmsh command" args...]
	    Presents the same results as typing a question mark (?) while
	    entering a tmsh command. The system stores a set of possible
	    completions and displays the possibilities when the script::help
	    procedure returns. This command has an effect only if the Tcl
	    tmsh::csh variable is set to question mark (?).

       tmsh::add_tabc [ [category item] | [item] ]
	    Adds tab completion datasets. If you supply one argument, the
	    system adds that argument to an anonymous dataset. If you supply
	    two arguments, the system constructs one or more datasets. The
	    first argument is the name of the dataset. The second argument is
	    an item in the dataset. Potential completions are displayed in
	    groups based on category. This command has an effect only if the
	    Tcl $tmsh::csh variable is set to TABC.

       tmsh::builtin_tabc ["tmsh command" args...]
	    Many of the tmsh commands that are available for scripting are
	    also available in the interactive shell. A script can use the
	    tmsh::builtin_tabc command to present the same tab completion
	    results as a built-in command. The command does not return a
	    value. The set of possible completions are stored internally and
	    displayed when the script::tabc procedure returns. This command
	    has an effect only if the Tcl $tmsh::csh variable is set to TABC.

       A selection of third party libraries have been tested to work within
       the CLI script environment, including MD5, BASE64, SHA1/SHA256, HTTP,
       TLS, TCL Perl, LDAP client, and XML parser. The TCL packages can only
       reside in the directory of /usr/share/compat-tcl8.4.

       Important: Only these tested packages are supported currently.

       This example demonstrates the use of a Tcl package command to make use
       of tls/https. The TLS package is installed in the directory
       /usr/share/compat-tcl8.4/tls in the form of two files: tls.tcl and

	 Modify script /Common/use_tls {

	 proc script::run {} {
	     set pkg_name tls
	     set pkg_version 1.6
	     package require http
	     if {[catch {package require $pkg_name pkg_version}]} {
		 puts "No package found: $pkg_name!\n"
	     } else {
		 puts "Found package: $pkg_name!\n"
		 http::register https 443 tls::socket
		 set token [http::geturl]
		 upvar #0 $token state
		 puts $state(http)
		 puts $state(body)

       This example uses the callback function to handle http data.

	 cli script /Common/use_http2 {
	 proc script::httpCallback {token} {
		 upvar #0 $token state
		 puts $state(http)
		 puts $state(body)
		 incr ::got_something
	 proc script::run {} {
	     namespace eval :: {
		 set got_something 0
	     set pkg_name http
	     set pkg_version 2.4.5
	     if {[catch {package require $pkg_name $pkg_version}]} {
		 puts "No package found: $pkg_name!\n"
	     } else {
		 puts "Found package: $pkg_name!\n"
		 http::geturl -command script::httpCallback
		 vwait ::got_something

       This example uses the LDAP client package to query data.

	 cli script /Common/use_ldap {
	 proc script::run {} {
	     set pkg_name ldap
	     if {[catch {package require $pkg_name 1.8}]} {
		 puts "No package found: $pkg_name!\n"
	     } else {
		 puts "Found package: $pkg_name!\n"
		 set handle [ldap::connect]
		 ldap::bind $handle
		 set results [ldap::search $handle "dc=f5,dc=com" "(uid=test)" {}]
		 foreach result $results {
		     puts $result
		 ldap::unbind $handle
		 ldap::disconnect $handle

       Here are some additional examples:

	 cli script /Common/use_parray {
	 proc script::run {} {
		 puts [info patch]
		 namespace eval :: {
		     set pkg_location /usr/share/compat-tcl8.4/
		     source [file join $pkg_location package.tcl]
		 puts "NS: [namespace current]"
		 set pkg_location $::pkg_location
		 source [file join $pkg_location parray.tcl]
		 parray ::tcl_platform

	 cli script /Common/use_sha2 {
	 proc script::run {} {
		 set pkg_name sha256
		 if {[catch {package require $pkg_name}]} {
		     puts "No package found: $pkg_name!\n"
		 } else {
		     puts "Found package: $pkg_name!\n"
		     puts "TCL does SHA2 now:"
		     puts [sha2::sha256 "TCL does SHA2"]

	 cli script /Common/use_tclperl {
	 proc script::run {} {
		 set pkg_name tclperl
		 if {[catch {package require $pkg_name}]} {
		     puts "No package found: $pkg_name!\n"
		 } else {
		     puts "Found package: $pkg_name!\n"
		     set interpreter [perl::interp new]
		     $interpreter eval {print "Hello World\n"}
		     perl::interp delete $interpreter

       There are several characters that are part of both Tcl and tmsh syntax.
       You must escape these characters in a shell script so that Tcl passes
       them to tmsh. You can use standard Tcl escape characters, such as
       quotes and back slashes. You must escape curly braces ({ }), for
       example, "{" "}".

       tmsh::create ltm pool my_pool members add "{ }"
	    Creates a Local Traffic Manager pool named my_pool.

       The following commands are disabled for users that have not been
       assigned a user role of Administrator or Resource Administrator:

       o    auto_execok

       o    auto_import

       o    auto_load

       o    auto_mkindex

       o    auto_mkindex_old

       o    auto_qualify

       o    auto_reset

       o    bgerror

       o    cd

       o    close

       o    eof

       o    exec

       o    fblocked

       o    fconfigure

       o    fcopy

       o    file

       o    filevent

       o    filename

       o    flush

       o    glob

       o    http

       o    interp

       o    load

       o    memory

       o    open

       o    package

       o    pid

       o    pkg:create

       o    pkg_mkindex

       o    pwd

       o    seek

       o    socket

       o    source

       o    tcl_findLibrary

       o    tell

       o    unknown

       o    updates

       o    vwait

       The following example demonstrates the use of all tmsh Tcl commands.
       The script displays all configuration property values or all status and
       statistic values for the specified component, depending on the
       specified arguments. The system displays all configuration settings if
       you replace [tmsh::get_config $comp all-properties] with
       [tmsh::get_config / all-properties]. The use of the all-properties
       option ensures that all options are displayed.

       This command sequence is an example of how to run the following script:
       run / cli script example.tcl config ltm pool.

	 cli script example.tcl {

	     proc script::init { } {
		 set ::field_fmt "%-25s %s"
		 set ::usage_string "usage: [lindex $tmsh::argv 0] \

	     proc script::help { } {
		 if { $tmsh::argc < 2 } {
		     tmsh::add_help Options: config "Display configuration"
		     tmsh::add_help Options: status \
					 "Display status and statistics"
		 else {
		     build_csh tmsh::builtin_help

	     proc script::tabc { } {
		 if { $tmsh::argc < 2 } {
		     tmsh::add_tabc config
		     tmsh::add_tabc status
		 else {
		     build_csh tmsh::builtin_tabc

	     proc script::run { } {
		 if { $tmsh::argc < 3 } {
		 set opt [lindex $tmsh::argv 1]
		 if { $opt != "config" && $opt != "status" } {
		 set comp ""
		 for {set idx 2} {$idx < $tmsh::argc} {incr idx} {
		     append comp "[lindex $tmsh::argv $idx] "

		 if { $opt == "config" } {
		     set objs [tmsh::get_config $comp all-properties]
		 else {
		     set objs [tmsh::get_status $comp]

		 set idx 0
		 set total [llength $objs]

		 while { $idx < $total } {
		     set obj [lindex $objs $idx]
		     print_object obj
		     puts ""
		     incr idx;

	     proc print_fields { objVar } {
		 upvar $objVar obj
		 set fdx 0
		 set fields [tmsh::get_field_names value $obj]
		 set field_count [llength $fields]
		 while { $fdx < $field_count } {
		     set field [lindex $fields $fdx]
		     puts [format $::field_fmt $field \
			 [tmsh::get_field_value $obj $field]]
		     incr fdx

	     proc print_object { objVar } {
		 upvar $objVar obj
		 puts "[tmsh::get_type $obj] [tmsh::get_name $obj]"

		 # name/value pairs
		 print_fields obj

		 # nested objects
		 set fdx 0
		 set fields [tmsh::get_field_names nested $obj]
		 set count [llength $fields]
		 while { $fdx < $count } {
		     set field [lindex $fields $fdx]
		     set nested_objects [tmsh::get_field_value $obj $field]
		     set ndx 0
		     set n_count [llength $nested_objects]
		     while { $ndx < $n_count } {
			 set nobj [lindex $nested_objects $ndx]
			 print_object nobj
			 incr ndx
		     if {$n_count == 0 } {
			 puts [format $::field_fmt $field "none"]
		     incr fdx

	     proc build_csh { command } {
		 # generate context sensitive help, tab completion or "?"
		 set args ""
		 for {set idx 2} {$idx < $tmsh::argc} {incr idx} {
		     lappend args [lindex $tmsh::argv $idx]
		 set opt [lindex $tmsh::argv 1]
		 if { $opt == "config" } {
		     $command list $args
		 elseif { $opt == "status" } {
		     $command show $args
		 else {
		     puts "\nunexpected argument: $opt"
		 return $args

	     proc usage { } {
		 puts $::usage_string

       The following example demonstrates the scripts using 11.6.0 tmsh

	cli script example_ver.tcl {
	   proc script::run {} {
	       tmsh::modify cli version active 11.6.0
	       # the tmsh command in the section below should contain 11.6.0 tmsh syntax
	       puts stdout [tmsh::list ltm pool mypool]

       The following example demonstrates the scripts that are using multiple
       tmsh syntaxes.

	cli script example_multi_ver.tcl {
	   proc script::run {} {
	       tmsh::modify cli version active 11.5.0
	       # the tmsh command in the section below should contain 11.5.0 tmsh syntax
	       puts stdout [tmsh::list ltm pool mypool]

	       tmsh::modify cli version active 11.6.0
	       # the tmsh command in the section below should contain 11.6.0 tmsh syntax
	       puts stdout [tmsh::list ltm pool mypool]

       cli alias, create, delete, edit, glob, list, modify, regex, reset-
       stats, show, tmsh and generate.

       For complete information about tmsh, see the Traffic Management Shell
       (tmsh) Reference Guide. This guide is available on the Ask F5(sm)
       Knowledge Base (

       For information about Tcl, see

       No part of this program may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or
       by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying,
       recording, or information storage and retrieval systems, for any
       purpose other than the purchaser's personal use, without the express
       written permission of F5 Networks, Inc.

       F5 Networks and BIG-IP (c) Copyright 2009-2016. All rights reserved.

BIG-IP				  2016-03-14			 cli script(1)