cli transaction
cli transaction(1) BIG-IP TMSH Manual cli transaction(1)
transaction - Opens batch mode within which you can submit a set of
commands as a single transaction.
Use the transaction component within the cli module to open batch mode,
enter a series of commands, and then submit the commands as a single
create transaction
modify transaction
delete [entry_id]
submit transaction [validate-only]
list transaction
delete transaction
tmsh parses each command that you enter in batch mode. If the command
passes a syntax check, tmsh saves it as part of the transaction you are
creating and returns a confirmation. After you finish adding commands,
you submit the transaction to change the running configuration of the
system. You must run the save config command to save the changes to the
stored configuration files.
If, while creating a transaction, you decide you do not want to change
the running configuration, you can delete the transaction rather than
submit it. However, you can recreate a transaction that you have
deleted by using the cli history component.
There are a few commands that you can enter on the command line that
the system immediately runs, rather than adding the commands to a
transaction. These commands are list and show. Additionally, tmsh
immediately runs the command sequence run bigpipe, but does not add it
to the transaction.
The following example shows the commands that you enter from within the
ltm module to create and submit a transaction that creates a Local
Traffic Manager pool and virtual server, and then associates the two.
1. Open tmsh batch mode:
create /cli transaction
2. Add a command to the transaction that creates pool1 for the Local
Traffic Manager using the default values for a pool:
create pool pool1
3. Add a command to the transaction that creates the virtual server
virtual1 for the Local Traffic Manager using the default values for a
virtual server, and associates it with pool1.
create virtual virtual1 pool pool1
4. Display, in a numbered list, the current set of commands in the
list /cli transaction
Note: You can use the preceding command to determine the entry ID
of a command. Then, you can use this ID to remove or replace a
command in the transaction, or to identify a command before which
you want to insert another command.
5. Submit the transaction:
submit /cli transaction
Specifies, in quotation marks, the full path to a command to add
to or delete from the transaction that you are creating. You can
also replace an existing command with another command or insert a
command before a command in the transaction.
Opens batch mode.
Deletes the transaction that you are creating and closes batch
list Displays, in a numbered list, the current set of commands in the
transaction that you are creating.
Specifies a previously entered line in the transaction that you
want to change. The options are:
Deletes the specified entries from the transaction that you
are creating.
Specifies the number of a command in the list of commands in
the transaction that you want to delete.
submit [validate-only]
Submits the transaction that you are entering and closes batch
mode. The transaction is submitted in the context of the cli
admin-partitions settings that are active when the submit command
is issued.
Validates the configuration changes without putting them in
cli admin-partitions, create, delete, list, modify, submit, tmsh
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BIG-IP 2015-06-01 cli transaction(1)