Manage OpenStack secrets

In F5 VNFM, click System Resources -> Secret Store Management, click edit_secrets next to each of the following secrets to edit the values for your project. Doing so enables your blueprint to access these values as needed, during orchestration, without exposing the plain text values.


To avoid deployment issues, verify that you enter these secrets correctly. For example, remove any extra spaces in the keystone secrets. Click secretHidden_secrets to view the secret value (if you have the correct permissions).

System Resources -> Secret Store Management

BIG-IP Notes
agent_key_private The private, PEM-encoded, SSH key for connecting to BIG-IP instances. Browse to the local copy of the private key using the Get secret value from file option.
bigip_admin_password Set to the desired password for the default BIG-IP admin account. Default value is admin.
bigip_root_password Set to the desired password for the default BIG-IP root account. Default value is default.
bigip_username Default value is admin.
bigip_root_user Root user name of the BIG-IP. You must add this bigip_root_user secret to your manager.
BIG-IQ Notes
bigiq_password Set to the password for the BIG-IQ system used for licensing BIG-IP VEs in the deployment. Default value is admin.
bigiq_username Set to the user name for the BIG-IQ system used for licensing BIG-IP VEs in the deployment. Default value is admin.
VNF Manager Notes
manager_rest_host Set to the internal IP address of hostname of the VNF Manager. Recommended setting,
manager_rest_password Set to the password for the VNF Manager. Default value is admin.
manager_rest_username Set to the user name of the VNF Manager. Default value is admin.
manager_rest_tenant The VNFM tenant/project name. Default value is default_tenant.
Keystone Notes
keystone_password Set to the password for the account with access to the OpenStack tenant where you will deploy blueprint resources.
keystone_tenant_name Set to the OpenStack tenant/project name where you will deploy blueprint resources.

Set to the v2 authentication URL of the OpenStack environment where you will deploy blueprint resources; for example,


Avoid adding any extra spaces at the beginning and at the end of this value. In OpenStack, find this URL in the Compute -> Access & Security -> IP Access -> Identity row.

keystone_username Set to the user name of the account with access to the OpenStack tenant where you will deploy blueprint resources.


If you are allowing VNFM to create keystone resources on OpenStack, then you must configure the keystone account with the required OpenStack permissions.

Nagiorest Notes
nagiosrest_pass Set to the desired password for the Nagios monitoring instance. Default value is testpass.
nagiosrest_user Set to the desired user name for the Nagios monitoring instance. Default value is testuser.
Region Notes
Region Set to the OpenStack region where you will deploy blueprint resources. Default value is nova.

For more information, see use the secret store topic.

What’s next?

Define an inputs YAML file.