ID Number |
Description |
0x0301000000000002 |
"FWU failed to create the HAL connection" |
0x0301000000000004 |
"FWU timed out waiting for HAL to be ready" seconds=time.Duration |
0x0301000000000005 |
"FWU failed to create BIOS recovery image" error=error |
0x0301000000000006 |
"FWU Init failed to create ZMQ PUB" error=error |
0x0301000000000007 |
"FWU Init failed to start ZMQ PUB" error=error |
0x0301000000000008 |
"Service Starting" version=%s |
0x0303000000000001 |
"BMC SEL Write" event=%s eventDetail=%s |
0x0303000000000002 |
"LOP PEL Write" event=%s |
0x0303000000000004 |
"PCIe slot speed not expected, retrying" pcieSpeed=%s expected=%s actual=%s |
0x0341000000000001 |
"unable to verify platform-hal at startup" |
0x0341000000000002 |
"unable to query platform data at startup" |
0x0341000000000003 |
"platform monitor starting" version=%v role=%v slot=%v |
0x0981000000000001 |
"unable to verify platform-hal at startup" |
0x0981000000000002 |
"unable to get platform hal host-type" |
0x0981000000000003 |
"unable to get platform hal slot id" |
0x0981000000000004 |
"unable to get platform hal node name" |
0x0981000000000005 |
"unable to open agent.db, using in-memory DB" |
0x0981000000000006 |
"unable to get platform information" err=%v |
0x0981000000000007 |
"unable to create ZMQ Publisher" err=%v |
0x0981000000000008 |
"unable to start ZMQ Publisher" err=%v |
0x0981000000000009 |
"unable to communicate with monitoring agent" |
0x098100000000000a |
"criteria container initialization error" |
0x098100000000000b |
"diag-agent starting" version=%v |
0x098100000000000c |
"unable to query initial appliance module present status" err=%v |
0x098100000000000d |
"unable to get the list of drives from platform hal" err=%v |
0x098100000000000e |
"unable to get slot number of the drive from platform hal" err=%v |
0x098100000000000f |
"unable to update appliance module present status" err=%v component=%v present=%v |
0x0981000000000010 |
"unable to update BMC analog alert attribute" component=%v attribute=%v err=%v |
0x0981000000000011 |
"unable to update BMC discrete alert attribute" component=%v attribute=%v err=%v |
0x0981000000000012 |
"unable to find component" component=%v |
0x0981000000000013 |
"unable to initialize psu manager" err=%v |
0x0981000000000014 |
"unable to start task" name=%v err=%v |
0x0981000000000015 |
"unknown lcd sensor" data=%v |
0x0981000000000016 |
"unable to start session in ConfD" subscriber=%v err=%v |
0x0981000000000017 |
"unable to get value list from ConfD" subscriber=%v err=%v |
0x0981000000000018 |
"unable to set value in ConfD" subscriber=%v err=%v |
0x0981000000000019 |
"unable to set value Firmware Update Status" keypath=%v err=%v |
0x098100000000001a |
"unable to find Optic Port Component" port=%v task=%v |
0x098100000000001b |
"unable to find FPGA PCIe Component" name=%v task=%v |
0x098100000000001c |
"unable to get element Sensor Callpoint" callpoint=%v keypath=%v component=%v err=%v |
0x098100000000001d |
"unable to update Disk Capacity Criteria " component=%v attribute=%v limit=%v |
0x098100000000001e |
"unable to update Growth Rate Criteria " component=%v attribute=%v |
0x098100000000001f |
"Unable to get platform options from platform-hal" |
0x0981000000000020 |
"FIPS card exceeds alert temperature threshold" temperature=%d units=%v |
0x0981000000000021 |
"FIPS card temperature limit exceeded, shutting down" |
0x0981000000000022 |
"FIPS card temperature limit exceeded. System powered off." |
0x0981000000000023 |
"Failed to shutdown system for FIPS over temperature, retrying" err=%v |
0x0981000000000024 |
"Failed to shutdown system for FIPS over temperature" |
0x0981000000000025 |
"unable to write PEL entry" err=%v |
0x0981000000000026 |
"unable to set AOM ssh username and password" |
0x0981000000000027 |
"unable to clear AOM customer data" |
0x0981000000000028 |
"unable to read AOM network configuration" |
0x0981000000000029 |
"unable to set AOM network configuration" |
0x098100000000002a |
"unable to read AOM SSH login banner" |
0x098100000000002b |
"unable to set AOM SSH login banner" |
0x098100000000002c |
"unable to read AOM SSH configuration" |
0x098100000000002d |
"unable to set AOM SSH configuration" |
0x0982000000000001 |
"Verifying Monitoring Agent is up and running" address=%v |
0x0982000000000002 |
"Verifying Platform HAL is up and running" address=%v |
0x0982000000000003 |
"Verifying Platform FWU is up and running" address=%v |
0x0982000000000004 |
"Loading Task" task=%v name=%v profile=%v |
0x0982000000000005 |
"Cancelling Task" task=%v name=%v profile=%v |
0x0982000000000006 |
"Running Task" task=%v name=%v profile=%v mode=%v |
0x0982000000000007 |
"Completed Task" task=%v name=%v profile=%v mode=%v |
0x0982000000000008 |
"Skipping Tasks" task=%v |
0x0982000000000009 |
"Information event generated at diag-agent" event=%v severity=%s area=%s task=%s profile=%s |
0x098200000000000b |
"Component Attribute Changed" node=%s category=%s component=%v attribute=%v severity=%v health=%s value=%v message=%s |
0x098200000000000c |
"Component Health Changed" component=%v severity=%v |
0x098200000000000d |
"Component Attribute Changed" node=%s category=%s component=%v attribute=%v severity=%v health=%s value=%v message=%s |
0x098200000000000e |
"unable to initialize firmware monitor" err=%v |
0x098200000000000f |
"unable to get drive slot from platform HAL" err=%v |
0x0982000000000010 |
"unable to initialize LOP binary alert handler" err=%v |
0x0982000000000011 |
"unable to update LOP binary alert handler attribute" objectId=%v subObject=%v slotId=%v component=%v attribute=%v err=%v |
0x0982000000000012 |
"unable to initialize LOP analog alert handler" err=%v |
0x0982000000000013 |
"unable to refresh LOP analog alert handler" err=%v |
0x0982000000000014 |
"unable to update LOP analog alert handler attribute" component=%v attribute=%v err=%v |
0x0982000000000015 |
"unable to abort profile" name=%v err=%v |
0x0982000000000016 |
"unable to unload profile" name=%v err=%v |
0x0982000000000017 |
"Error event generated at diag-agent" event=%v severity=%s area=%s task=%s profile=%s |
0x0982000000000018 |
"Warning event generated at diag-agent" event=%v severity=%s area=%s task=%s profile=%s |
0x0982000000000019 |
"Component Attribute Changed" node=%s category=%s component=%v attribute=%v severity=%v health=%s value=%v message=%s |
0x098200000000001a |
"Component Attribute Changed" node=%s category=%s component=%v attribute=%v severity=%v health=%s value=%v message=%s |
0x098200000000001b |
"Component Health Changed" component=%v severity=%v |
0x098200000000001c |
"Component Health Changed" component=%v severity=%v |
0x098200000000001d |
"Service monitor error" service=%v error=%v |
0x098200000000001e |
"Error encountered during DB cleanup at startup" error=%s |
0x1010000000000001 |
"cdb_set failed setting oper data (%operdatapath/%s) (%confderrno/%d) (%confdlasterr/%s)" |
0x1010000000000002 |
"maapi_connect failed (%confderrno/%d) (%confdlasterr/%s)" |
0x1010000000000003 |
"Failed to start maapi platform_session (%confderrno/%d) (%confdlasterr/%s)" |
0x1010000000000004 |
"Failed to create component (%component/%s)(%confderrno/%d) (%confdlasterr/%s)" |
0x1010000000000005 |
"Failed to set element (%element/%s)(%confderrno/%d) (%confdlasterr/%s)" |
0x1010000000000006 |
"Failed to load schemas (%confderrno/%d) (%confdlasterr/%s)" |
0x1010000000000007 |
"Failed to create socket (%confderrno/%d) (%confdlasterr/%s)" |
0x1010000000000008 |
"Failed to open socket (%sockettype/%s) (%errno/%d)" |
0x1010000000000009 |
"Unable to publish without slotId" |
0x1010000000000010 |
"Failed to create component (%component/%s)(%confderrno/%d) (%confdlasterr/%s)" |
0x1010000000000011 |
"Failed to start cdb platform_session (%confderrno/%d) (%confdlasterr/%s)" |
0x1010000000000012 |
"Failed to close cdb platform_session (%confderrno/%d) (%confdlasterr/%s)" |
0x1010000000000013 |
"Failed to set cdb path (%path/%s) (%confderrno/%d) (%confdlasterr/%s)" |
0x1010000000000014 |
"Failed to publish (%property/%s) (%value/%s)" |
0x1010000000000015 |
"cdb_get: (%PATH/%s) (%ERRNOSTR/%s) (%LASTERR/%s) (%ERRNO/%d)" |
0x1010000000000016 |
"cdb_cd: (%PATH/%s) (%ERRNOSTR/%s) (%LASTERR/%s) (%ERRNO/%d)" |
0x1010000000000017 |
"Write to cdb failed: (%PATH/%s) (%ERRNOSTR/%s) (%LASTERR/%s) (%ERRNO/%d)" |
0x1010000000000018 |
"service-instance (%NAME/%s) not in cdb" |
0x1010000000000019 |
"Delete from cdb failed: (%PATH/%s) (%ERRNOSTR/%s) (%LASTERR/%s) (%ERRNO/%d)" |
0x1010000000000021 |
"Failed to delete component (%component/%s)(%confderrno/%d) (%confdlasterr/%s)" |
0x1010000000000022 |
"Failed to commit maapi transaction (%confderrno/%d) (%confdlasterr/%s)" |
0x1010000000000023 |
"Failed to commit added maapi elements (%confderrno/%d) (%confdlasterr/%s)" |
0x1020000000000001 |
"Platform-mgr HAL response error. (%errorcode/%d) (%errmsg/%s)" |
0x1020000000000002 |
"Wrong response payload count (%service/%s) (%expected/%d) (%received/%d) (%actionid/%d)" |
0x1020000000000003 |
"Received null or unknown HAL response. (%action_id/%d)" |
0x1020000000000004 |
"Received null or unknown FWU response. (%action_id/%d)" |
0x1030000000000001 |
"Platform-mgr firmware update requesting blade reboot to complete update (%slot/%d) (%component/%s)" |
0x1030000000000002 |
"Platform-mgr firmware update request for CPLD update and restart failed. (%slot/%d)" |
0x1030000000000003 |
"Platform-mgr firmware update is requesting a power cycle to complete the update.(%slot/%d)" |
0x1030000000000004 |
"Platform-mgr firmware update response error. (%errorcode/%d) (%errmsg/%s)" |
0x1030000000000005 |
"Platform-mgr all firmware up to date, no update required" |
0x1030000000000006 |
"Platform-mgr Firmware update in progress (%elapsedseconds/%d)" |
0x1030000000000007 |
"Platform-mgr firmware update needed (%slot/%d) (%component/%s) (%currentversion/%s) (%targetversion/%s)" |
0x1030000000000008 |
"Platform-mgr firmware update request for power cycle restart failed. (%slot/%d)" |
0x1030000000000009 |
"Platform-mgr firmware update requesting blade power cycle to complete update (%slot/%d) (%component/%s)" |
0x1030000000000010 |
"Firmware update disabled by environment variable" |
0x1030000000000011 |
"Platform-mgr All Core firmware components up to date, no update required - Starting update check of system firmware (%slot/%d)" |
0x1030000000000012 |
"Platform-mgr Core firmware update complete - Starting update check of system firmware (%slot/%d) (%updateaction/%s)" |
0x1030000000000013 |
"CPLD reload needed to complete firmware update." |
0x1030000000000014 |
"Platform-mgr system firmware update in progress (%elapsedseconds/%d)" |
0x1030000000000015 |
"Platform-mgr system firmware update needed (%slot/%d) (%component/%s) (%currentversion/%s) (%targetversion/%s)" |
0x1030000000000016 |
"Platform-mgr all system firmware components up to date, no update required" |
0x1030000000000017 |
"Platform-mgr system firmware update complete (%slot/%d)" |
0x1030000000000018 |
"File created to indicate AFU status (%filepath/%s)" |
0x1030000000000019 |
"System is unusable and no tenants can be deployed as the AFU status file creation has failed (%filepath/%s)" |
0x1040000000000001 |
"Platform-mgr starting (%version/%s) (%date/%s)" |
0x1040000000000002 |
"Platform-mgr exiting" |
0x1040000000000003 |
"Platform-mgr error (%error/%s)" |
0x1040000000000004 |
"Platform-mgr unable to initialize ZMQ. (%error/%d)" |
0x1040000000000005 |
"Platform-mgr checking if firmware update is needed (%slot/%d)" |
0x1040000000000006 |
"Failed to open file (%filename/%s)" |
0x1040000000000007 |
"Failed to read file (%filename/%s)" |
0x1040000000000008 |
"Failed to write to file (%filename/%s)" |
0x1040000000000009 |
"Failed to close file (%filename/%s)" |
0x1040000000000013 |
"Platform-mgr too many Hardware-Status messages, some messages may be dropped" |
0x1040000000000014 |
"LOP RTC updated. (%diff/%lld)" |
0x1040000000000015 |
"Unknown command line argument (%arg/%s)" |
0x1040000000000016 |
"Blade board lifecycle (%lifecycle/%s)" |
0x1040000000000017 |
"ZMQ Message Server Started. Listening on (%hipri/%d) (%lowpri/%d)" |
0x1040000000000018 |
"Failed to register endpoint (%endpoint/%s)" |
0x1040000000000019 |
"Failed to deregister endpoint (%endpoint/%s)" |
0x1040000000000020 |
"Failed to send reply (%endpoint/%s)" |
0x1040000000000021 |
"Failed to get zmq handle to socket" |
0x1040000000000022 |
"Unexpected crypto device (%name/%s) (%pciid/%s)" |
0x1040000000000024 |
"Failed to initialize endpoint for zmq to hal or fwu" |
0x1040000000000025 |
"Failed to access (%filename/%s) to update timezone (%error/%s)" |
0x1040000000000026 |
"Failed to create (%filename/%s) to update timezone (%error/%s)" |
0x1040000000000027 |
"Platform-mgr checking if system firmware update is needed (%slot/%d)" |
0x1040000000000028 |
"Platform-mgr EventSubscriber failed to initialize" |
0x1040000000000029 |
"Platform-mgr received a EventSubscriber notice for (%name/%s)" |
0x1040000000000030 |
"Memory allocation failed (%TYPE/%s)" |
0x1040000000000031 |
"Manual intervention in CPU Performance, rebooting the system" |
0x1040000000000032 |
"New License installed, rebooting the system" |
0x1040000000000033 |
"marketing-name (%name/%s) is not valid for (%hardware/%s)" |
0x1040000000000034 |
"Unable to find throttle_level in license file" |
0x1040000000000037 |
"Platform-mgr error (%error/%s)" |
0x1040000000000039 |
"Platform-mgr Raid Alert error (%error/%s)" |
0x1040000000000040 |
"Invalid license installed" |
0x1040000000000041 |
"Timezone set (%ZONE/%s)" |
0x1040000000000042 |
"Failed to update timezone (%FILE/%s) (%ERROR/%s)" |
0x1040000000000043 |
"Timezone is invalid (%ZONE/%s)" |
0x1040000000000044 |
"Unable to read timezone data (%ZONE/%s) (%ERROR/%s)" |
0x1040000000000045 |
"SERVICE_INDICATOR initializing platform-mgr in FIPS 140-3 mode" |
0x1040000000000046 |
"Platform-mgr error : Failed to reboot appliance" |
0x1301000000000002 |
"Adding remote server (%host/%s)" |
0x1301000000000003 |
"Removing remote server (%host/%s)" |
0x1301000000000004 |
"rsyslog.conf operation failed. (%path/%s) (%msg/%s)" |
0x1301000000000005 |
"Setting component log severity (%name/%s) (%severity/%d)" |
0x1301000000000008 |
"File I/O operation failed (%path/%s)" |
0x1301000000000009 |
"Initialization error (%component/%s)" |
0x1301000000000010 |
"Remote logging destinations modified (%mode/%s)" |
0x1301000000000013 |
"Hostlogs fwdconfig update (%remote/%s) (%fwdon/%s)" |
0x1301000000000015 |
"Database operation error: (%op/%s) (%errorstr/%s)" |
0x1301000000000016 |
"Hostlogs forwarding to active for this node changed (%state/%s)" |
0x1301000000000017 |
"Missing slot identifier in environment" |
0x1301000000000018 |
"Clearing host logs forwarding configuration for this node" |
0x1301000000000021 |
"Internal config handler error (%issue/%s) (%severity/%s)" |
0x1301000000000022 |
"Rsyslog configure daemon starting. (%version/%s) (%date/%s)" |
0x1301000000000023 |
"Setting component's log severity (%list/%s)" |
0x1301000000000024 |
"Remote logging selector modified (%dst/%s) (%facility/%s) (%severity/%s)" |
0x1301000000000025 |
"Hostname settings. (%operation/%s) (%hostname/%s) (%includeinlogs/%s)" |
0x181000000000001 |
"HAL ZMQ Input Message Router - Not configured" |
0x181000000000002 |
"Service Starting" version=%s |
0x1901000000000001 |
"Dagd service starting. (%version/%s) (%build_date/%s)" |
0x1901000000000002 |
"Dagd service exiting." |
0x1901000000000003 |
"New connection. (%remote_addr/%s)" |
0x1901000000000006 |
"Dagd connection EOF. (%remote_addr/%s)" |
0x1901000000000007 |
"Dagd connection error. (%remote_addr/%s) (%code/%d) (%message/%s)" |
0x1901000000000008 |
"Error creating a commit reply message. (%error_code/%d)" |
0x1901000000000009 |
"Received commit reply, but no commit request found." |
0x1901000000000011 |
"Error processing a sdag message. (%msg_type/%d) (%error_code/%d)" |
0x1901000000000015 |
"cdb_get: (%PATH/%s) (%ERRNOSTR/%s) (%LASTERR/%s) (%ERRNO/%d)" |
0x1901000000000016 |
"cdb_cd: (%PATH/%s) (%ERRNOSTR/%s) (%LASTERR/%s) (%ERRNO/%d)" |
0x1901000000000017 |
"Couldn't write DagState for tenant (%tenant_name/%s) (%message/%s)" |
0x1901000000000019 |
"Couldn't bulk write DagState for tenant (%tenant_name/%s) (%confd_errno/%d) (%confd_errstr/%s)" |
0x1901000000000020 |
"Tenant Disconnect (%remote_addr/%s)" |
0x1901000000000022 |
"Dagd ZMQ Server starting." |
0x1901000000000023 |
"Dagd ZMQ Server received empty message." |
0x1901000000000024 |
"Dagd Tmstat error on table (%field/%s) (%table_name/%s): (%text/%s)" |
0x1901000000000025 |
"Dagd ZMQ Server exiting." |
0x1901000000000026 |
"Dagd ZMQ Server error: (%error_message/%s) (%endpoint/%s)" |
0x1901000000000027 |
"Dagd ZMQ Server error: (%error_message/%s) (%endpoint/%s) (%error/%d)" |
0x1901000000000028 |
"Dagd ZMQ Server error: (%error_message/%s) (%endpoint/%s) (%error/%d)" |
0x1901000000000029 |
"Dagd ZMQ server req message: (%error_message/%s)." |
0x1901000000000030 |
"(%error_message/%s) (%error/%d)" |
0x1901000000000031 |
"Dagd handler error: (%error_message/%s)." |
0x1901000000000032 |
"Dadg tenant stat table row update error:(%field/%d) (%error_message/%s)." |
0x1901000000000033 |
"Dagd published DAG state: (%tenant_name/%s) (%table_type/%s) (%sdag_table_hash/%u)." |
0x1901000000000037 |
"cdb_exist: (%PATH/%s) (%ERRNOSTR/%s) (%LASTERR/%s) (%ERRNO/%d)" |
0x1901000000000038 |
"Connection refused; unexpected client IP. (%CONNECTED_CLIENT_IP/%s) (%DERIVED_TENANT_ID/%d) (%EXPECTED_TENANT_ID/%d)" |
0x1901000000000039 |
"Connection refused; unable to find tenant name in ConfD matching name in request body. (%REQUEST_TENANT_NAME/%s) (%CONNECTED_CLIENT_IP/%s)" |
0x1901000000000043 |
"Found and deleted stale dag-state. (%name/%s)" |
0x1b01000000000001 |
"Key Migration Recovery failed (%stage/%s)" |
0x1b01000000000002 |
"Key Migration failed, attempting to restore (%stage/%s)" |
0x1b01000000000003 |
"Failed to connect to ConfD MAAPI for peer (%addr/%s)" |
0x1b01000000000004 |
"Failed to open peer file (%file/%s)(%errno/%s)" |
0x1b01000000000005 |
"Failed to start user session for peer (%addr/%s)" |
0x1b01000000000006 |
"Failed to start maapi trans for peer (%addr/%s)" |
0x1b01000000000007 |
"Failed to open secure elements manifest file (%file/%s)(%errno/%s)" |
0x1b01000000000008 |
"Unable to create Mappi transaction (%error/%s)(%errno/%s)" |
0x1b01000000000009 |
"Failed to get element from cdb (%path/%s)(%error/%s)(%errno/%s)" |
0x1b01000000000010 |
"Failed to set element in cdb (%path/%s)(%error/%s)(%errno/%s)" |
0x1b01000000000011 |
"Failed to set system aaa primary-key state status for (%status/%s)" |
0x1b01000000000012 |
"Failed to reload confd config" |
0x1b01000000000013 |
"Failed complete_transaction for (%path/%s)" |
0x1b01000000000019 |
"Failed to reload confd config for peer (%addr/%s)" |
0x1b01000000000020 |
"Peer Communication failure - failed to set peer confds in read only mode (%enable/%s)(%addr/%s)" |
0x1b01000000000021 |
"Failed to decrypt element (%elem/%s)(%path/%s)" |
0x1b01000000000022 |
"No items found for secure elem path (%path/%s)" |
0x1b01000000000023 |
"The callpoint tag isn't defined (%tag/%d)" |
0x1b01000000000024 |
"Starting Key Migration" |
0x1b01000000000025 |
"Key Migration was successful" |
0x1b01000000000028 |
"Completed step (%step/%s)" |
0x1b01000000000032 |
"Primary Key successfully retrieved from EEPROM" |
0x1b01000000000033 |
"Failed to fetch Key. Error code (%err_code/%d)" |
0x1b01000000000034 |
"Hash successfully retrieved from EEPROM" |
0x1b01000000000035 |
"Failed to fetch Hash from EEPROM. Error code (%err_code/%d)" |
0x1b01000000000036 |
"Error: Key Hash failed.\nHash: (%hash/%s)\nsha512: (%sha/%s)\n" |
0x1b01000000000037 |
"Primary Key successfully saved into EEPROM" |
0x1b01000000000038 |
"Failed to set Key. Error code (%err_code/%d)" |
0x1b01000000000039 |
"Hash successfully saved into EEPROM" |
0x1b01000000000040 |
"Failed to set Hash. Error code (%err_code/%d)" |
0x1b01000000000041 |
"Error Occurred while accessing storage." |
0x1b01000000000042 |
"Failed to set Key. Not an Active CC." |
0x1b01000000000043 |
"The lopd daemon is not running, bailing out." |
0x1b01000000000044 |
"The HAL service is not running, bailing out." |
0x1b01000000000045 |
"Failed in maapi_install_crypto_keys." |
0x1b01000000000046 |
"Failed in maapi_get_str_elem for (%path/%s)" |
0x1b01000000000047 |
"Failed to decrypt (%type/%s)." |
0x1b01000000000048 |
"Failed in maapi_set_namespace (%namespace/%s)." |
0x1b01000000000049 |
"Failed in maapi_set_elem2 for (%path/%s)" |
0x1b01000000000050 |
"Failed in maapi_apply_trans." |
0x1b01000000000051 |
"Failed in maapi_finish_trans." |
0x1b01000000000052 |
"Environment missing 'partition_id'" value.; |
0x1b01000000000053 |
"Environment missing 'cc_ip' value."; |
0x1b01000000000054 |
"Unable to create socket: (%errno/%s)." |
0x1b01000000000055 |
"Failed to connect to ConfD maapi(%addr/%s) (%error/%s)" |
0x1b01000000000056 |
"Failed to connect to ConfD cdb(%addr/%s)(%error/%s)" |
0x1b01000000000057 |
"Failed in cdb_start_session2." |
0x1b01000000000058 |
"Failed in cdb_num_instances (%path/%s)." |
0x1b01000000000059 |
"Failed in cdb_get_u_int8 (%path/%s)." |
0x1b01000000000060 |
"Failed in cdb_get_bool (%path/%s)." |
0x1b01000000000061 |
"Partition found was not enabled (%id/%d)." |
0x1b01000000000062 |
"Failed in cdb_get_str for (%path/%s)" |
0x1b01000000000063 |
"Partition not found." |
0x1b01000000000064 |
"Failed in maapi_start_trans_flags2." |
0x1b01000000000065 |
"Failed in maapi_start_user_session3 (%user/%s) (%context/%s) (%group/%s)." |
0x1b01000000000067 |
"Key value on EEPROM is empty" |
0x1b01000000000068 |
"Hash value on EEPROM is empty" |
0x1b01000000000069 |
"ParseAndValidateKeyHash failed" |
0x1b01000000000070 |
"(%func/%s) failed with return code (%ret/%d)." |
0x1b01000000000071 |
"(%func/%s) failed." |
0x1b01000000000072 |
"Failed to allocate memory." |
0x1b01000000000073 |
"Hash is successfully retrieved from TPM2" |
0x1b01000000000074 |
"Failed to fetch Hash from TPM2. Error code (%rc/%d)" |
0x1b01000000000075 |
"Key is successfully retrieved from TPM2" |
0x1b01000000000076 |
"Failed to fetch Key from TPM2. Error code (%rc/%d)" |
0x1b01000000000077 |
"Security violation attempting to fetch keys. (%proc/%s)" |
0x1b01000000000078 |
"Retrying reading confd: attempt: (%num/%d)" |
0x1b01000000000079 |
"SERVICE_INDICATOR initializing confd-key-migrationd in FIPS 140-3 mode" |
0x1b01000000000080 |
"Socket setopt failed (%name/%s) (%option/%s) (%errno/%s)" |
0x1b01000000000081 |
"Retrying the reading of key in case lopd was down temporarily." |
0x1c01000000000001 |
"Upgrade Service starting (%version/%s) (%date/%s)" |
0x1c01000000000002 |
"Upgrade Service exiting." |
0x1c01000000000005 |
"Operation succeeded (%OUTPUT/%s)" |
0x1c01000000000006 |
"Operation failed (%OUTPUT/%s)" |
0x1c01000000000007 |
"Confd Operation (%OP/%s)" |
0x1c01000000000008 |
"Confd Operation failed (%OP/%s) (%ERR/%d)" |
0x1c01000000000009 |
"Upgrade to same version (%TYPE/%s) (%VER/%s)" |
0x1c01000000000011 |
"System upgrade compatibility failed with message (%MSG/%s)" |
0x1c01000000000012 |
"Incompatible portgroup config mode version change (%TARGETVERSION/%s) (%MODE/%s) (%PORTGROUPS/%s)" |
0x1c01000000000013 |
"Failed to get the CDB data. (%path/%s) (%errno/%d) (%error/%s)" |
0x1d81000000000001 |
"Initializing 'tmstat' library" |
0x1d81000000000002 |
"Stats Collector - Starting" version=%v |
0x1d81000000000003 |
"Stats Collector - Shutting Down" |
0x1d81000000000004 |
"File System Partition Query Error" error=%v |
0x1d81000000000005 |
"File System Usage Query Error" path=%v error=%v |
0x1d81000000000006 |
"RAID Stats Query Error" error=%v |
0x1f01000000000001 |
"audit-service starting (%version/%s) (%log/%s) (%date/%s)" |
0x1f01000000000002 |
"audit-service exiting." |
0x1f01000000000003 |
"inotif error (%msg/%s)" |
0x1f01000000000004 |
"file error (%msg/%s) (%file/%s)" |
0x1f02000000000001 |
"Could not write database (%OBJECT/%s) (%ERR/%s)" |
0x1f02000000000002 |
"Could not delete user success login instance. (%user/%s) (%ERR/%s)" |
0x1f02000000000003 |
"ConfD Error (%msg/%s)" |
0x1f03000000000001 |
"audit (%user/%s) (%cmd/%s)" |
0x1f03000000000002 |
"audit (%user/%s) (%cmd/%s)" |
0x1f03000000000003 |
"audit create (%ctx/%s) (%user/%s) (%path/%s)" |
0x1f03000000000004 |
"audit delete (%ctx/%s) (%user/%s) (%path/%s)" |
0x1f03000000000005 |
"audit modify (%ctx/%s) (%user/%s) (%path/%s)" |
0x1f03000000000006 |
"audit value set (%ctx/%s) (%user/%s) (%path/%s) (%value/%s)" |
0x1f03000000000007 |
"audit move first (%ctx/%s) (%user/%s) (%path/%s)" |
0x1f03000000000008 |
"audit move after (%ctx/%s) (%user/%s) (%path/%s)" |
0x1f03000000000009 |
"audit delete attr (%ctx/%s) (%user/%s) (%path/%s) (%value/%s)" |
0x1f03000000000010 |
"audit set attr (%ctx/%s) (%user/%s) (%path/%s) (%value/%s)" |
0x1f03000000000011 |
"User account locked (%reason/%s) (%failcount/%u) (%unlock_time/%u) (%user/%s)" |
0x1f03000000000012 |
"User authentication failed (%reason/%s) (%failcount/%u) (%user/%s)" |
0x2001000000000001 |
"Image Agent starting (%version/%s) (%date/%s)" |
0x2001000000000002 |
"Image Agent exiting." |
0x2001000000000003 |
"Internal error (%ERR/%s)" |
0x2001000000000004 |
"Not in Active Mode. No write operations." |
0x2001000000000006 |
"System upgrade is successful." |
0x2001000000000008 |
"System Image change notification is being sent." |
0x2001000000000009 |
"SERVICE_INDICATOR initializing image_agent in FIPS 140-3 mode." |
0x2001000000000010 |
"System rollback initiation notification is being sent." |
0x2002000000000001 |
"Failed to start DB session (%ERR/%s)" |
0x2002000000000002 |
"Failed to end DB session (%ERR/%s)" |
0x2002000000000003 |
"Failed to access DB (%IMAGE/%s) (%ERR/%s)" |
0x2002000000000004 |
"Failed to create DB entry (%IMAGE/%s) (%ERR/%s)" |
0x2002000000000005 |
"Failed to delete DB entry (%IMAGE/%s) (%ERR/%s)" |
0x2002000000000006 |
"Failed to read DB (%IMAGE/%s) (%FIELD/%s) (%ERR/%s)" |
0x2002000000000007 |
"Failed to write DB (%IMAGE/%s) (%FIELD/%s) (%ERR/%s)" |
0x2002000000000009 |
"Failed to create image processing directory (%IMAGE/%s)" |
0x2002000000000010 |
"Failed to verify image signature. Removed. (%IMAGE/%s) (%FAILURE/%s)" |
0x2002000000000011 |
"Image file transfer started (%IMAGE/%s)" |
0x2002000000000012 |
"Image file transfer completed (%IMAGE/%s)" |
0x2002000000000013 |
"Image file transfer interrupted (%IMAGE/%s)" |
0x2002000000000014 |
"Image file transfer failed (%IMAGE/%s)" |
0x2002000000000015 |
"Image file signature verified (%IMAGE/%s)" |
0x2002000000000016 |
"Failed to open socket." |
0x2002000000000017 |
"Failed to create maapi transaction." |
0x2002000000000018 |
"Failed to start user session." |
0x2002000000000019 |
"Failed to start trans (%CONFD_ERR/%s)" |
0x2002000000000020 |
"Version comparison failed." |
0x2002000000000021 |
"Image file processing started (%IMAGE/%s)" |
0x2002000000000022 |
"Image file processing failed (%IMAGE/%s) (%REASON/%s)" |
0x2002000000000023 |
"Image file processing completed (%IMAGE/%s)" |
0x2002000000000024 |
"Invalid IMAGES file removed (%FILE/%s)" |
0x2002000000000025 |
"Invalid SPEC file removed (%FILE/%s)" |
0x2002000000000026 |
"Cannot identify file type. Removing. (%FILE/%s)" |
0x2002000000000027 |
"System Rollback is in progress. (%Version/%s)" |
0x2002000000000028 |
"System Rollback is completed. (%Version/%s)" |
0x2002000000000029 |
"Rollback version matching failed. (%type/%s) (%Active/%s) (%RBK/%s)" |
0x2002000000000030 |
"System rollback initiation failed." |
0x2002000000000031 |
"Disk usage exceeded threshold. Removing (%FILE/%s)" |
0x2003000000000001 |
"Image file added (%FILE/%s)" |
0x2003000000000002 |
"Image file removed (%FILE/%s)" |
0x2003000000000003 |
"Image file replicated (%FILE/%s)" |
0x2003000000000004 |
"Image file not replicated (%FILE/%s)" |
0x2003000000000005 |
"Image file replica deleted (%FILE/%s)" |
0x2003000000000006 |
"Image file replica not deleted (%FILE/%s)" |
0x2003000000000007 |
"Image file identified (%FILE/%s) (%TYPE/%s)" |
0x2004000000000001 |
"Failed to create maapi transaction (%ERR/%s)" |
0x2004000000000002 |
"Invalid image type (%IMAGE/%s)" |
0x2004000000000003 |
"Internal Error: Unsupported argument." |
0x2004000000000004 |
"Operation unsuccessful (%FAILURE/%s)" |
0x2004000000000005 |
"Error (%COMP/%s) component (%COMP_VERSION/%s) of ISO (%ISO/%s) is in active state." |
0x2004000000000006 |
"Error Image (%VERSION/%s) is in active state." |
0x2004000000000007 |
"Error Image (%VERSION/%s) is part of ISO (%ISO/%s)" |
0x2004000000000008 |
"Error Image (%VERSION/%s) does not exist." |
0x2004000000000009 |
"Error number (%ERRORNO/%d): unable to get response from sw mgmt API." |
0x2004000000000010 |
"Unsupported appliance type: (%TAG/%d)" |
0x2004000000000011 |
"Missing newline in response from sw mgmt API." |
0x2004000000000012 |
"popen error." |
0x2004000000000013 |
"Error unexpected response back from API: (%RES/%s)" |
0x2004000000000014 |
"Looks like we can delete the (%APPLIANCE/%s) image (%VERSION/%s)" |
0x2004000000000015 |
"NULL Image version is invalid." |
0x2004000000000016 |
"Failed to read config data from confd." |
0x2004000000000017 |
"Failed to complete maapi transaction (%ERR/%s)" |
0x2004000000000018 |
"Maapi get elem failed (%ERR/%s)" |
0x2004000000000019 |
"Error in reading base version." |
0x2004000000000020 |
"We can delete the package (%PACKAGE/%s)with version(%VERSION/%s)" |
0x2004000000000021 |
"NULL package version is invalid." |
0x2004000000000022 |
"Error package(%PACKAGE/%s) with version(%VERSION/%s) does not exist." |
0x2004000000000023 |
"Error package(%PACKAGE/%s) with version(%VERSION/%s) is in active state." |
0x2004000000000024 |
"User rejected removing active package (%PACKAGE/%s) with version (%VERSION/%s)" |
0x2004000000000025 |
"Confd Operation failed (%OP/%s) (%ERR/%d)" |
0x2005000000000001 |
"Failed to read if image is in use (%IMAGE/%s) (%ERR/%s)" |
0x2005000000000002 |
"Failed to write inuse flag (%OPERATION/%s) (%IMAGE/%s) (%ERR/%s)" |
0x2005000000000003 |
"Failed to read tenant name (%ERR/%s)" |
0x2005000000000004 |
"Failed to read tenant field (%TENANT/%s) (%FIELD/%s) (%ERR/%s)" |
0x2005000000000005 |
"Image does not exist in DB (%IMAGE/%s)" |
0x2005000000000006 |
"Running Versions update transaction failed. retrying (%count/%d)" |
0x2005000000000007 |
"Failed to fetch image active version (%obj_name/%s)" |
0x2005000000000008 |
"Image version update failed for (%PATH/%s) (%ERRNO/%d) (%LASTERR/%s)" |
0x2010000000000001 |
"L2Agent starting (%version/%s) (%date/%s) (%slotid/%u) (%role/%s) (%platform/%s)" |
0x2010000000000002 |
"BaseMac info not available. Exiting ..." |
0x2010000000000003 |
"Internal subnet (%SUBNET/%s)" |
0x2010000000000004 |
"Detected FPGAMGR restart (%slotid/%u). Exiting..." |
0x2010000000000006 |
0x2010000000000007 |
0x2010000000000008 |
0x2010000000000009 |
0x2010000000000010 |
"PG data different - publish portgroups" |
0x2010000000000011 |
"PG data matches - do not publish" |
0x2010000000000012 |
"Interface data different - publish interfaces" |
0x2010000000000013 |
"Interface config data matches - do not publish" |
0x2010000000000016 |
"Empty base Mac" |
0x2010000000000017 |
"sending reboot failed for blade (%BLADE/%d) (%ERRNOSTR/%s) (%RC/%d)" |
0x2010000000000018 |
"cannot create reboot socket (%ERRNOSTR/%s)" |
0x2010000000000019 |
"cannot connect to reboot socket (%ERRNOSTR/%s)" |
0x2010000000000020 |
"reboot sent ok for blade (%BLADE/%d)" |
0x2010000000000021 |
"Interface oper data publish" |
0x2010000000000022 |
"Unrecognized platform type (%PLATFORM/%s). Exiting..." |
0x2010000000000023 |
"(%test/%s)" |
0x2010000000000024 |
0x2010000000000025 |
0x2010000000000026 |
"Pipeline data different - publish pipelines" |
0x2010000000000027 |
"Pipeline data matches - do not publish" |
0x2010000000000028 |
"l2_agent published pipelines after retries count (%COUNT/%d)" |
0x2010000000000029 |
"l2_agent published port-speed for interfaces after retries count (%COUNT/%d)" |
0x2010000000000030 |
"NIC_MGR_ZMQ_ADDR env_var not found. Exiting ..." |
0x2010000000000031 |
"l2_agent found port profile (%PROFILE/%d)" |
0x2010000000000032 |
"l2_agent changed the port profile (%FROMPROFILE/%s) (%TOPROFILE/%s)" |
0x2010000000000033 |
"l2_agent failed changing port profile (%PROFILE/%d) (%ERRNOSTR/%s)" |
0x2010000000000034 |
"l2_agent port profile change started reboot (%PROFILE/%d)" |
0x2010000000000035 |
"l2_agent failed port-profile reboot (%ERRNOSTR/%s)" |
0x2010000000000037 |
"Read hardware port-profile (%PROFILE/%s) (%RETRYCOUNT/%d)" |
0x2010000000000038 |
"Cannot find the config entry for virtual-network (%VNET/%s)" |
0x2010000000000039 |
"Cannot find the config entry for virtual-wire (%VWIRE/%s)" |
0x2010000000000040 |
"AUDIT - SERVICE_INDICATOR initializing L2-agent in FIPS 140-3 mode" |
0x2010000000000041 |
"Interface data received - publish interfaces" |
0x2010000000000042 |
"Process port profile update: current hardware and cdb settings (%hardware/%s) (%cdb/%s)" |
0x2010000000000043 |
"allow-multi-intf-vlans (%enabled/%d)" |
0x2010000000000044 |
"Failed to set up push endpoint (%FUNC/%s) (%ENDPOINT/%s)" |
0x2010000000000045 |
"Failed to register endpoint (%FUNC/%s) (%ENDPOINT/%s)" |
0x2010000000000046 |
"Failed to deregister endpoint (%FUNC/%s) (%ENDPOINT/%s)" |
0x2010000000000047 |
"Failed to receive interface counters for SNMP." |
0x2020000000000001 |
"failed to create maapi transaction with config daemon (%ERRNOSTR/%s) (%LASTERR/%s)" |
0x2020000000000002 |
"maapi_get failed for (%PORTGROUP/%s) (%ATTRIBUTE/%s) (%ERRNOSTR/%s) (%LASTERR/%s) (%ERRNO/%d)" |
0x2020000000000003 |
"failed to complete maapi transaction (%ERRNOSTR/%s) (%LASTERR/%s)" |
0x2020000000000004 |
"maapi_get failed for (%INTERFACE/%s) (%ERRNOSTR/%s) (%LASTERR/%s) (%ERRNO/%d)" |
0x2020000000000005 |
"maapi_get failed for (%INTERFACE/%s) (%ERRNOSTR/%s) (%LASTERR/%s) (%ERRNO/%d)" |
0x2020000000000006 |
"failed to create session for oper data update (%ERRNOSTR/%s) (%LASTERR/%s)" |
0x2020000000000007 |
"maapi_get failed for pgsettings (%ERRNOSTR/%s) (%LASTERR/%s) (%ERRNO/%d)" |
0x2020000000000008 |
"cdb_get failed for pgsettings (%ERRNOSTR/%s) (%LASTERR/%s) (%ERRNO/%d)" |
0x2020000000000009 |
"cdb_set failed for state pgsettings (%ERRNOSTR/%s) (%LASTERR/%s) (%ERRNO/%d)" |
0x2020000000000010 |
"portgroup mode change caused removal of interface (%INTERFACE/%s)" |
0x2020000000000011 |
"LAG ID delete failed for interface (%IFNAME/%s) (%ERRNOSTR/%s) (%LASTERR/%s))" |
0x2030000000000001 |
"maapi_set failed for portgroup (%PORTGROUP/%s) (%ATTRIBUTE/%s) (%PATH/%s) (%ERRNOSTR/%s) (%LASTERR/%d)" |
0x2030000000000002 |
"maapi_create failed for portgroup (%PORTGROUP/%s) (%ERRNOSTR/%s) (%LASTERR/%s) (%ERRNO/%d)" |
0x2030000000000003 |
"maapi_set failed for interface (%INTERFACE/%s) (%ATTRIBUTE/%s) (%PATH/%s) (%LASTERR/%s) (%ERRNOSTR/%d)" |
0x2030000000000004 |
"maapi_create failed for interface (%INTERFACE/%s) (%ERRNOSTR/%s) (%LASTERR/%s) (%ERRNO/%d)" |
0x2030000000000006 |
"maapi_create failed for vlan (%VID/%d) (%ERRNOSTR/%s) (%LASTERR/%s) (%ERRNO/%d)" |
0x2030000000000007 |
"maapi_delete failed for portgroup (%PORTGROUP/%s) (%ERRNOSTR/%s) (%LASTERR/%s) (%ERRNO/%d)" |
0x2030000000000008 |
"maapi_delete failed for interface (%INTERFACE/%s) (%ERRNOSTR/%s) (%LASTERR/%s) (%ERRNO/%d)" |
0x2030000000000009 |
"mac entry (%ENTRY/%s) not found" |
0x2030000000000010 |
"maapi_delete failed for static fdb entry interface field (%INTERFACE/%s) (%ERRNOSTR/%s) (%LASTERR/%s) (%ERRNO/%d)" |
0x2030000000000012 |
"cdb_get failed to get mac for mac entry (%ERRNOSTR/%s) (%LASTERR/%s) (%ERRNO/%d)" |
0x2030000000000013 |
"cdb_get failed to get vlan for mac entry (%ERRNOSTR/%s) (%LASTERR/%s) (%ERRNO/%d)" |
0x2030000000000014 |
"cdb_get failed to get tag-type for mac entry (%ERRNOSTR/%s) (%LASTERR/%s) (%ERRNO/%d)" |
0x2030000000000015 |
"maapi_delete failed for lldp interface (%INTERFACE/%s) (%ERRNOSTR/%s) (%LASTERR/%s) (%ERRNO/%d)" |
0x2030000000000016 |
"maapi_delete failed for stp interface (%INTERFACE/%s) (%ERRNOSTR/%s) (%LASTERR/%s) (%ERRNO/%d)" |
0x2030000000000017 |
"maapi_delete failed for mstp interface (%INTERFACE/%s) (%ERRNOSTR/%s) (%LASTERR/%s) (%ERRNO/%d)" |
0x2030000000000018 |
"maapi_delete failed for rstp interface (%INTERFACE/%s) (%ERRNOSTR/%s) (%LASTERR/%s) (%ERRNO/%d)" |
0x2030000000000019 |
"maapi_delete failed for lacp interface (%INTERFACE/%s) (%ERRNOSTR/%s) (%LASTERR/%s) (%ERRNO/%d)" |
0x2030000000000020 |
"maapi_delete failed for qos interface (%INTERFACE/%s) (%ERRNOSTR/%s) (%LASTERR/%s) (%ERRNO/%d)" |
0x2030000000000021 |
"maapi_create failed for vlan (%VID/%s) (%ERRNOSTR/%s) (%LASTERR/%s) (%ERRNO/%d)" |
0x2030000000000022 |
"maapi_create failed for port-mapping (%PORTMAP/%s) (%ERRNOSTR/%s) (%LASTERR/%s) (%ERRNO/%d)" |
0x2030000000000023 |
"maapi_create failed for port-mapping (%PORTMAP/%s) pipeline (%PIPELINE/%s) (%ERRNOSTR/%s) (%LASTERR/%s) (%ERRNO/%d)" |
0x2030000000000024 |
"maapi_set failed for port-mapping (%PORTMAP/%s) pipeline (%PIPELINE/%s) (%ATTRIBUTE/%s) (%ERRNOSTR/%s) (%LASTERR/%s) (%ERRNO/%d)" |
0x2030000000000025 |
"maapi_delete failed for state port-speed for interface (%INTERFACE/%s) (%ERRNOSTR/%s) (%LASTERR/%s) (%ERRNO/%d)" |
0x2030000000000026 |
"maapi_delete failed for node (%NODE/%s) state (%STATE/%s) (%ERRNOSTR/%s) (%LASTERR/%s) (%ERRNO/%d)" |
0x2030000000000027 |
"NDIs exhausted..." |
0x2030000000000028 |
"maapi_get failed for virtual-network ndi-id (%VNET/%s) (%ERRNOSTR/%s) (%LASTERR/%s) (%ERRNO/%d)" |
0x2030000000000029 |
"maapi_set failed for virtual-network ndi-id (%VNET/%s) (%ERRNOSTR/%s) (%LASTERR/%s) (%ERRNO/%d)" |
0x2030000000000030 |
"config-restore overwrite of stale ndi-id for virtual-network ndi-id (%VNET/%s) (%NDI/%d)" |
0x2030000000000031 |
"virtual-network (%VNET/%s) cannot be configured because system reached the max number (%MAX/%d) of supported virtual-networks" |
0x2030000000000032 |
"maapi_get failed to read virtual-networks for virtual-wire (%VWIRE/%s) (%ERRNOSTR/%s) (%LASTERR/%s) (%ERRNO/%d)" |
0x2030000000000033 |
"maapi_get failed for interface configuration (%INTERFACE/%s) (%FIELD/%s) (%ERRNOSTR/%s) (%LASTERR/%s) (%ERRNO/%d)" |
0x2040000000000001 |
"fpgaclient failed to register endpoint (%EPTYPE/%d) (%PATH/%s)" |
0x2040000000000002 |
"fpgaclient failed to deregister endpoint (%PATH/%s)" |
0x2040000000000003 |
"fpgamgr portgroups do not match the running config portgroups - restart FPGAMGR" |
0x2040000000000004 |
"fpgaclient expect non null payload" |
0x2040000000000005 |
"fpgaclient failed to send to ZMQ endpoint address (%ZMQADDRESS/%s))" |
0x2040000000000006 |
"fpgaclient got no response from FPGAD - timeout" |
0x2040000000000007 |
"Interface (%INTERFACE/%s) data differ; config: slotid (%CSLOT/%d), speed (%CSPEED/%d), fpga: slotid (%FSLOT/%d), speed (%FSPEED/%d). Exiting..." |
0x2040000000000008 |
"PG (%PORTGROUP/%s) data differ; config: mode (%CMODE/%d) slotid (%CSLOT/%d), fpga: mode (%FMODE/%d) slotid (%FSLOT/%d). Exiting..." |
0x2040000000000009 |
"fpgaclient failed to read alertfd" |
0x2040000000000010 |
"fpgaclient received interface (%INTERFACE/%s) data: Port (%PORT/%d) PortIdx (%PORTIDX/%d) Speed (%SPEED/%s)" |
0x2040000000000012 |
"MAC exhaustion for interface (%INTERFACE/%s). Exiting..." |
0x2040000000000013 |
"Interface (%INTERFACE/%s) does not exist in the ifmap. Exiting..." |
0x2040000000000014 |
"Update phyport for interface (%INTERFACE/%s): old (%OLDPORT/%d), new (%NEWPORT/%d)." |
0x2040000000000015 |
"fpgaclient received portgroup (%NAME/%s) data: Idx (%PGINDEX/%d) Mode (%PGMODE/%s)" |
0x2040000000000016 |
"PG (%PORTGROUP/%s) does not exist in the pgmap. Exiting..." |
0x2040000000000017 |
"cdb_get failed to get interface name (%ERRNOSTR/%s) (%LASTERR/%s) (%ERRNO/%d)" |
0x2040000000000018 |
"interface (%INTERFACE/%s) not in map, when map not empty. Insert it" |
0x2040000000000019 |
"pipeline (%PIPELINE/%s) pipeline-group (%PIPELINEGRP/%s) differs from fpga-pipeline-group (%FPGAPIPELINEGRP/%s)" |
0x2040000000000020 |
"pipeline (%PIPELINE/%s) not found in hardcoded map" |
0x2040000000000021 |
"Update speed for interface (%INTERFACE/%s): old (%OLDSPED/%s), new (%NEWSPEED/%s)." |
0x2040000000000022 |
"fpgaclient received interface (%INTERFACE/%s) data: Port-DID (%PORT/%d) Portgroup-Idx (%PGIDX/%d) PipelineGroup (%PipelineGroup/%s) Speed (%SPEED/%s)" |
0x2040000000000023 |
"fpgaclient received pipeline (%PIPELINE/%s) data: PipelineGroup (%PIPELINEGROUP/%s)" |
0x2040000000000024 |
"No hwmac received for interface (%INTERFACE/%s)." |
0x2040000000000025 |
"PG (%PORTGROUP/%s) data differ; config: mode (%CMODE/%d) slotid (%CSLOT/%d), fpga: mode (%FMODE/%d) slotid (%FSLOT/%d)." |
0x2040000000000026 |
"PG (%PORTGROUP/%s) does not exist in the pgmap." |
0x2040000000000027 |
"Interface (%INTERFACE/%s) data differ; config: slotid (%CSLOT/%d), speed (%CSPEED/%d), fpga: slotid (%FSLOT/%d), speed (%FSPEED/%d)." |
0x2040000000000028 |
"Interface (%INTERFACE/%s) does not exist in the ifmap." |
0x2050000000000001 |
"cdb_get failed for PORTGROUP name (%ERRNOSTR/%s) (%LASTERR/%s) (%ERRNO/%d)" |
0x2050000000000002 |
"cdb_cd failed for (%PATH/%s) (%ERRNOSTR/%s) (%LASTERR/%s) (%ERRNO/%d)" |
0x2050000000000003 |
"cdb_get failed for (%PORTGROUP/%s) (%ATTRIBUTE/%s) (%ERRNOSTR/%s) (%LASTERR/%s) (%ERRNO/%d)" |
0x2050000000000004 |
"unknown operation (%OP/%d)" |
0x2050000000000006 |
"cdb_set_values failed for interface (%INTERFACE/%s) (%ERRNOSTR/%s) (%LASTERR/%s) (%ERRNO/%d)" |
0x2050000000000007 |
"cdb_get failed for interface (%INTERFACE/%s) (%ATTRIBUTE/%s) (%ERRNOSTR/%s) (%LASTERR/%s) (%ERRNO/%d)" |
0x2050000000000008 |
"cdb_get failed for mac entry (%ENTRY/%s) (%ATTRIBUTE/%s) (%ERRNOSTR/%s) (%LASTERR/%s) (%ERRNO/%d)" |
0x2050000000000009 |
"cdb_get failed to get chassis-base-mac for mac entry (%ERRNOSTR/%s) (%LASTERR/%s) (%ERRNO/%d)" |
0x2050000000000011 |
"cdb_get failed to get node data (%ERRNOSTR/%s) (%LASTERR/%s) (%ERRNO/%d)" |
0x2050000000000012 |
"unknown operation (%OP/%d)" |
0x2050000000000013 |
"reconstruct mac alloc pool - cdb_get failed to get interface (%ATTRIBUTE/%s) (%ERRNOSTR/%s) (%LASTERR/%s) (%ERRNO/%d)" |
0x2050000000000014 |
"cdb_set_values failed for virtual-network state (%VNET/%s) (%ERRNOSTR/%s) (%LASTERR/%s) (%ERRNO/%d)" |
0x2050000000000015 |
"cdb_get_values failed for virtual-network (%ERRNOSTR/%s) (%LASTERR/%s) (%ERRNO/%d)" |
0x2050000000000016 |
"cdb_set_values failed for virtual-wire state (%VWIRE/%s) (%ERRNOSTR/%s) (%LASTERR/%s) (%ERRNO/%d)" |
0x2050000000000017 |
"cdb_get_values failed for virtual-wire (%ERRNOSTR/%s) (%LASTERR/%s) (%ERRNO/%d)" |
0x2050000000000018 |
"This message has been deprecated." |
0x2050000000000019 |
"This message has been deprecated." |
0x2050000000000020 |
"cdb_get_values failed for host-endpoint (%ERRNOSTR/%s) (%LASTERR/%s) (%ERRNO/%d)" |
0x2060000000000001 |
"maapi_set_elem failed for interface (%INTERFACE/%s) (%ERRNOSTR/%s) (%LASTERR/%s) (%ERRNO/%d))" |
0x2060000000000002 |
"maapi_set_elem failed for (%LEAF/%s) (%ERRNOSTR/%s) (%LASTERR/%s) (%ERRNO/%d))" |
0x2080000000000001 |
"Failed to send completion reply for component (%COMPONENT/%s)" |
0x2101000000000001 |
"Failed to connect confd's control socket." |
0x2101000000000002 |
"Failed to initialize SNMP Trap daemon." |
0x2101000000000003 |
"confd_register_snmp_notification is failed." |
0x2101000000000004 |
"Failed to create socket." |
0x2101000000000005 |
"Failed sending (%name/%s) trap to CONFD." |
0x2101000000000006 |
"(%PHASE/%s) Retrying Forever." |
0x2101000000000007 |
"SNMP Trap Service Starting...(%version/%s) (%date/%s)." |
0x2101000000000008 |
"SNMP Trap Service Exiting... (%version/%s) (%date/%s)." |
0x2101000000000009 |
"SNMP Trap can't be processed on Subsidary Controller." |
0x2101000000000010 |
"Trap Name is missing in the Request." |
0x2101000000000011 |
"cdb_get failed for (%COMPONENT/%s) (%ERROR/%s) (%LASTERR/%s) (%ERRNO/%d)." |
0x2101000000000012 |
"cdb_get_values failed with (%ERROR/%s) (%LASTERR/%s) (%ERRNO/%d)." |
0x2101000000000013 |
"Caught Exception (%exception/%s)." |
0x2101000000000014 |
"Caught unknown Exception." |
0x2101000000000015 |
"Invalid op value (%op/%d)." |
0x2101000000000016 |
"Input request is not of AlertRequest type." |
0x2201000000000001 |
"Alert Service starting. (%version/%s) (%date/%s)" |
0x2201000000000002 |
"Alert Service exiting." |
0x2201000000000003 |
"(%func/%s)Alert Service unable to initialize ZMQ" |
0x2201000000000004 |
"Failed to register endpoint (%endpoint/%s)" |
0x2201000000000005 |
"Failed to deregister endpoint (%endpoint/%s)" |
0x2201000000000006 |
"ZMQ Message Server Started. Listening on alert port (%port/%d)" |
0x2201000000000007 |
"(%func/%s)Unable to create Alert entry in CDB. (%keypath/%s) (%confd_err/%s) (%confd_errno/%d)" |
0x2201000000000008 |
"Unable to delete Alert entry (%keypath/%s) from CDB" |
0x2201000000000009 |
"(%func/%s): (%pointer/%s) is NULL)" |
0x2201000000000010 |
"(%func/%s) Controller State is not Active or Standby. State = (%state/%s)" |
0x2201000000000011 |
"(%func/%s) Alert source is empty." |
0x2201000000000012 |
"(%func/%s) Unable to clear Alert {(%alm_id/%s) (%resource/%s)}" |
0x2201000000000013 |
"(%func/%s) confd_errstr (%errstr/%s), confd_errno: (%errno/%d)" |
0x2201000000000014 |
"(%func/%s) Unable to end confD session. (%ERROR/%s) (%LASTERR/%s) (%ERRNO/%d)" |
0x2201000000000016 |
"(%func/%s)Failed to get protobuf size." |
0x2201000000000017 |
"(%func/%s)ZMQ failed to allocate message length. (%msg_len/%d)" |
0x2201000000000018 |
"(%func/%s)Failed to send reply (%endpoint/%s)" |
0x2201000000000019 |
"(%func/%s)cdb_get failed. (%KEYPATH/%s) (%ERROR/%s) (%LASTERR/%s) (%ERRNO/%d)" |
0x2201000000000020 |
"(%func/%s)Unknown Alarm Yang Severity. (%yangSeverity/%d)" |
0x2201000000000021 |
"(%func/%s)Sending (%ACTION/%s). (%source/%s) (%severity/%d) (%dest/%s)" |
0x2201000000000022 |
"(%func/%s)Sending POST_LOP_OBJECT_LED_STATUS_RESET (%dest/%s)" |
0x2201000000000023 |
"(%func/%s)Failed to get protobuf size." |
0x2201000000000024 |
"(%func/%s)ConfD is not ready." |
0x2201000000000025 |
"(%func/%s)zmq poll item list is NULL." |
0x2201000000000026 |
"(%func/%s) (%ALERT_ID/%s) " |
0x2201000000000027 |
"Received alert assert. (%alert/%s)" |
0x2201000000000028 |
"Received alert clear. (%alert/%s)" |
0x2201000000000029 |
"Received event. (%event/%s)" |
0x2201000000000030 |
"ZMQ pull payload is null." |
0x2201000000000031 |
"Failed to create (%PATH/%s)" |
0x2201000000000032 |
"Failed to push ZMQ message." |
0x2201000000000034 |
"Unable to remove events file (%FILE/%s)." |
0x2201000000000035 |
"Failed to send ZMQ message." |
0x2201000000000036 |
"Failed to add ZMQ payload message." |
0x2201000000000037 |
"Recieved chassis alarm on standby controller. (%source/%s)" |
0x2201000000000038 |
"Processing LED status. (%message/%s)" |
0x2201000000000039 |
"Invalid controller slot. (%source/%s)" |
0x281000000000001 |
"DIAG ZMQ Input Message Router - Not configured" |
0x281000000000002 |
"Service Starting" version=%s |
0x3010000000000001 |
"---===[ FPGA Manager Starting ]===--- (%Version/%s) (%Date/%s)" |
0x3010000000000002 |
"ZMQ Message Server Started. Listening on (%hipri/%d) (%lowpri/%d)" |
0x3010000000000003 |
"Failed to register endpoint (%endpoint/%s)" |
0x3010000000000004 |
"Failed to deregister endpoint (%endpoint/%s)" |
0x3010000000000005 |
"Failed to send reply (%endpoint/%s)" |
0x3010000000000006 |
"SDK error during programming. (%API/%s) (%port/%d) (%error/%s)" |
0x3010000000000007 |
"SDK error during device programming. (%API/%s) (%code/%d) (%error/%s)" |
0x3010000000000008 |
"Error initializing ATSE/HDP - exiting!" |
0x3010000000000009 |
"Error during tmstat operation. (%API/%s) (%TBLNAME/%s) (%error/%s)" |
0x3010000000000010 |
"Initializing ATSE HDP (%name/%s) (%version/%s) (%date/%s)" |
0x3010000000000011 |
"Worker thread started". |
0x3010000000000012 |
"Timeout waiting for response from FWUpdater". |
0x3010000000000013 |
"FWU response error. (%error_code/%d) (%message/%s)" |
0x3010000000000014 |
"Error reading ATSE bitstream version." |
0x3010000000000015 |
"Error reading VQF bitstream version." |
0x3010000000000016 |
"Error loading FPGA bitstreams. Aborting!" |
0x3010000000000017 |
"Loading ATSE FPGA" |
0x3010000000000018 |
"Loading VQF FPGA" |
0x3010000000000019 |
"Error attaching to FPGA devices - Exiting!" |
0x3010000000000020 |
"Hardware Config: (%Slot/%d) (%Lifecycle/%s) (%ATSEs/%d) (%VQFs/%d) (%PortGroups/%d) (%HostType/%s)" |
0x3010000000000021 |
"Error reading Platform-Config from HAL: exiting!" |
0x3010000000000022 |
"Error initializing FZMQ library: exiting!" |
0x3010000000000023 |
"Error creating statistics timer. (%ERRORNO/%d) (%ERROR/%s)" |
0x3010000000000024 |
"Error arming statistics timer. (%ERRORNO/%d) (%ERROR/%s)" |
0x3010000000000025 |
"Unsupported bit stream for portgroup config - defaulting to standard. (%CONFIG/%s)" |
0x3010000000000026 |
"Bad command line argument" |
0x3010000000000027 |
"Error reading Platform Info from HAL. (%ITEM/%s)" |
0x3010000000000028 |
"Unknown HostType from HAL. (%HOST/%s)" |
0x3010000000000029 |
"F5SW SDK (%VERSION/%s)" |
0x3010000000000031 |
"FPGA update status: (%FPGA/%s) (%STATUS/%s)" |
0x3010000000000032 |
"Portgroup config matched. (%VARIANT/%s)" |
0x3010000000000033 |
"Portgroup configuration: (%PORTGROUP/%d) (%CONFIG/%s)" |
0x3010000000000034 |
"Timeout waiting for response from FWUpdater, will retry (%TIMEOUT/%d) (%RETRIES/%d)". |
0x3010000000000037 |
"Loading FPGA bitstream. (%FPGA/%s)" |
0x3010000000000038 |
"Initializing FPGA (%name/%s) (%version/%s) (%date/%s)" |
0x3010000000000039 |
"Error initializing internal FPGA links - Exiting!"); |
0x3010000000000040 |
"FPGA link initialization thread started." |
0x3010000000000041 |
"FPGA link initialization complete." |
0x3010000000000042 |
"Internal link initialization failure between FPGAs. (%FPGAs/%s) |
0x3020000000000001 |
"cdb_set failed for (%PORTGROUP/%s) (%ATTRIBUTE/%s) (%ERROR/%s) (%LASTERR/%s) (%ERRNO/%d)" |
0x3020000000000002 |
"Unable to start confD session. (%ERROR/%s) (%LASTERR/%s) (%ERRNO/%d)" |
0x3020000000000003 |
"Failed to create CDB component (%COMPONENT/%s) (%ERROR/%s) (%LASTERR/%s) (%ERRNO/%d)" |
0x3020000000000004 |
"cdb_set failed for (%COMPONENT/%s) (%ERROR/%s) (%LASTERR/%s) (%ERRNO/%d)" |
0x3020000000000005 |
"cdb_get failed for (%COMPONENT/%s) (%ERROR/%s) (%LASTERR/%s) (%ERRNO/%d)" |
0x3020000000000006 |
"cdb if_iter unexpected op (%OP/%d)" |
0x3020000000000007 |
"Error processing vlan-listener object update. (%OPER/%s) (%INTERFACE/%s) (%VLAN/%d)" |
0x3020000000000008 |
"cdb_get failed for (%TENANT/%s) (%COMPONENT/%s) (%ERROR/%s) (%LASTERR/%s) (%ERRNO/%d)" |
0x3020000000000009 |
"Failed to delete CDB component (%COMPONENT/%s) (%ERROR/%s) (%LASTERR/%s) (%ERRNO/%d)" |
0x3020000000000010 |
"Failed to find CDB component (%COMPONENT/%s)" |
0x3020000000000011 |
"Unexpected STP configuration. (%DESCRIPTION/%s)" |
0x3020000000000012 |
"Unable to start confD transaction. (%ERROR/%s) (%LASTERR/%s) (%ERRNO/%d)" |
0x3020000000000013 |
"Unable to complete confD transaction. (%ERROR/%s) (%LASTERR/%s) (%ERRNO/%d)" |
0x3020000000000014 |
"Bad port_adjust. (%PORT_ADJUST/%d)" |
0x3020000000000015 |
"cdb_cd failed for (%COMPONENT/%s) (%ERROR/%s) (%LASTERR/%s) (%ERRNO/%d)" |
0x3020000000000016 |
"Could not find tracked instance for tenant (%TENANT/%s) (%SLOT/%d)" |
0x3020000000000017 |
"Error processing port-listener object update. (%OPER/%s) (%INTERFACE/%s)" |
0x3020000000000018 |
"Setting FPGA_STATE. (%STATE/%s)" |
0x3020000000000019 |
"No HDP unit found (%TENANT/%s) (%SLOT/%d) (%INSTANCE/%d) (%DID/%x)" |
0x3020000000000020 |
"CDB function failed, retrying after delay (%DESCRIPTION/%s) (%ERROR/%s) (%LASTERR/%s) (%ERRNO/%d)" |
0x3020000000000021 |
"CDB function success after retries (%DESCRIPTION/%s) (%RETRIES/%d)" |
0x3020000000000022 |
"Not creating existing CDB subscribers (%SUBSCRIBER/%s)" |
0x3020000000000023 |
"Failed to read portgroup mode from CDB (%PORTGROUP/%d) (%retries/%d)" |
0x3030000000000001 |
"This message has been deprecated." |
0x3030000000000002 |
"Optical tuning will not be applied - unknown hardware platform. (%ifname/%s) (%platform/%s)" |
0x3030000000000003 |
"Timeout waiting for response from optics-mgr". |
0x3030000000000004 |
"Error applying optical tuning. (%ifname/%s) (%page/%u) (%addr/%u) (%tuneval/%u)". |
0x3030000000000005 |
"Optic inserted (%Portgroup/%s) (%Vendor/%s) (%PartNum/%s) (%Rev/%s) (%Serial/%s)" |
0x3030000000000006 |
"Optic REMOVED. (%Portgroup/%d)" |
0x3030000000000007 |
"Failure to apply power to optic - device is unusable. (%portgroup/%s) (%socket/%d)" |
0x3030000000000008 |
"Unable to read optic EEPROM - device is unusable. (%portgroup/%s) (%socket/%d)" |
0x3030000000000009 |
"Failure to remove power from optic. (%portgroup/%s) (%socket/%d)" |
0x3030000000000010 |
"Failure to enable high power mode for optic - device is unusable. (%portgroup/%s) (%socket/%d)" |
0x3030000000000011 |
"FEC is configured (%ifname/%s) (%supported/%s) (%state/%s)" |
0x3030000000000013 |
"Unsupported SFP+/SFP28 Optic (%portgroup/%d)" |
0x3030000000000014 |
"Optic REMOVED. (%Portgroup/%s)" |
0x3030000000000015 |
"Optic inserted does not match portgroup mode configuration (%portgroup/%s) (%mode/%s) (%media/%s)" |
0x3030000000000017 |
"Unsupported QSFP Optic (%portgroup/%d)" |
0x3030000000000018 |
"Setting multi-rate optic to 100G (%portgroup/%s) (%media/%s)" |
0x3030000000000019 |
"Setting multi-rate optic to 40G (%portgroup/%s) (%media/%s)" |
0x3030000000000020 |
"Setting multi-rate optic to 25G (%portgroup/%s) (%media/%s)" |
0x3030000000000021 |
"Setting multi-rate optic to 10G (%portgroup/%s) (%media/%s)" |
0x3030000000000023 |
"Error unlocking the OPT-0052 EEPROM. (%ifname/%s)". |
0x3030000000000024 |
"This message has been deprecated". |
0x3030000000000025 |
"Error updating the CTLE mapping register in the OPT-0052 EEPROM. (%ifname/%s)". |
0x3030000000000026 |
"Error reading back the CTLE mapping register in the OPT-0052 EEPROM. (%ifname/%s)". |
0x3030000000000027 |
"Bad value read back from the CTLE mapping register in the OPT-0052 EEPROM. (%ifname/%s) (%value/%x)". |
0x3030000000000028 |
"Error updating the pseudo revision register in the OPT-0052 EEPROM. (%ifname/%s)". |
0x3030000000000029 |
"Error reading back the pseudo revision register in the OPT-0052 EEPROM. (%ifname/%s)". |
0x3030000000000030 |
"Bad value read back from the pseudo revision register in the OPT-0052 EEPROM. (%ifname/%s) (%value/%x)". |
0x3030000000000031 |
"Innolight OPT-0052 is up to date (%ifname/%s)". |
0x3030000000000032 |
"Innolight OPT-0052 updated successfully (%ifname/%s)". |
0x3030000000000033 |
"Innolight OPT-0052 update failed (%ifname/%s)". |
0x3030000000000034 |
"Error reading Optic Ready state information in the QSFP DD EEPROM". |
0x3030000000000035 |
"Innolight OPT-0046 Rev 5C, is up to date (%ifname/%s)". |
0x3030000000000036 |
"Innolight OPT-0046 Rev 5C, updated successfully (%ifname/%s)". |
0x3030000000000037 |
"Innolight OPT-0046 Rev 5C, update failed (%ifname/%s)". |
0x3030000000000038 |
"Optic not initialized, unplug and re-install. (%portgroup/%s) (%socket/%d)" |
0x3040000000000001 |
"DDM not supported by this optic. (%PORTGROUP/%s) (%Vendor/%s) (%PartNum/%s) (%Rev/%s)" |
0x3040000000000002 |
"DDM is supported by this optic. (%PORTGROUP/%s) (%Vendor/%s) (%PartNum/%s) (%Rev/%s)" |
0x3040000000000003 |
"DDM thresholds are not supported by this optic. (%PORTGROUP/%s) (%Vendor/%s) (%PartNum/%s) (%Rev/%s)" |
0x3040000000000004 |
"DDM not implemented for this identifier type. (%identifier/%d) (%PORTGROUP/%s) (%Vendor/%s) (%PartNum/%s) (%Rev/%s)" |
0x3040000000000005 |
"DDM has no thresholds for this transceiver, DDM not supported. (%PORTGROUP/%s) (%Vendor/%s) (%PartNum/%s) (%Rev/%s)" |
0x3040000000000006 |
"DDM high alarm set (%PORTGROUP/%s) (%ALARMTYPE/%s) (%LANE1/%f) (%LANE2/%f) (%LANE3/%f) (%LANE4/%f)" |
0x3040000000000007 |
"DDM high alarm clear (%PORTGROUP/%s) (%ALARMTYPE/%s) (%LANE1/%f) (%LANE2/%f) (%LANE3/%f) (%LANE4/%f)" |
0x3040000000000008 |
"DDM high warning set (%PORTGROUP/%s) (%ALARMTYPE/%s) (%LANE1/%f) (%LANE2/%f) (%LANE3/%f) (%LANE4/%f)" |
0x3040000000000009 |
"DDM high warning clear (%PORTGROUP/%s) (%ALARMTYPE/%s) (%LANE1/%f) (%LANE2/%f) (%LANE3/%f) (%LANE4/%f)" |
0x3040000000000010 |
"DDM low alarm set (%PORTGROUP/%s) (%ALARMTYPE/%s) (%LANE1/%f) (%LANE2/%f) (%LANE3/%f) (%LANE4/%f)" |
0x3040000000000011 |
"DDM low alarm clear (%PORTGROUP/%s) (%ALARMTYPE/%s) (%LANE1/%f) (%LANE2/%f) (%LANE3/%f) (%LANE4/%f)" |
0x3040000000000012 |
"DDM low warning set (%PORTGROUP/%s) (%ALARMTYPE/%s) (%LANE1/%f) (%LANE2/%f) (%LANE3/%f) (%LANE4/%f)" |
0x3040000000000013 |
"DDM low warning clear (%PORTGROUP/%s) (%ALARMTYPE/%s) (%LANE1/%f) (%LANE2/%f) (%LANE3/%f) (%LANE4/%f)" |
0x3040000000000014 |
"DDM I2C error reading channel monitoring values (%PORTGROUP/%s)" |
0x3040000000000015 |
"DDM high alarm set (%PORTGROUP/%s) (%ALARMTYPE/%s) (%IMMEDIATE/%d)" |
0x3040000000000016 |
"DDM high alarm clear (%PORTGROUP/%s) (%ALARMTYPE/%s) (%IMMEDIATE/%d)" |
0x3040000000000017 |
"DDM high warning set (%PORTGROUP/%s) (%ALARMTYPE/%s) (%IMMEDIATE/%d)" |
0x3040000000000018 |
"DDM high warning clear (%PORTGROUP/%s) (%ALARMTYPE/%s) (%IMMEDIATE/%d)" |
0x3040000000000019 |
"DDM low alarm set (%PORTGROUP/%s) (%ALARMTYPE/%s) (%IMMEDIATE/%d)" |
0x3040000000000020 |
"DDM low alarm clear (%PORTGROUP/%s) (%ALARMTYPE/%s) (%IMMEDIATE/%d)" |
0x3040000000000021 |
"DDM low warning set (%PORTGROUP/%s) (%ALARMTYPE/%s) (%IMMEDIATE/%d)" |
0x3040000000000022 |
"DDM low warning clear (%PORTGROUP/%s) (%ALARMTYPE/%s) (%IMMEDIATE/%d)" |
0x3040000000000023 |
"DDM polling disabled (%PORTGROUP/%s)" |
0x3040000000000024 |
"DDM polling frequency modified (%PORTGROUP/%s) (%FREQUENCY/%u)" |
0x3040000000000025 |
"DDM not implemented for this optic. (%PORTGROUP/%s) (%Vendor/%s) (%PartNum/%s) (%Rev/%s)" |
0x3040000000000026 |
"Transmit disable is not supported for optic (%PORTGROUP/%s) (%Vendor/%s) (%PartNum/%s) (%Rev/%s)" |
0x3040000000000030 |
"DDM high alarm set (%PORTGROUP/%s) (%ALARMTYPE/%s) (%LANE1/%f)" |
0x3040000000000031 |
"DDM high alarm clear (%PORTGROUP/%s) (%ALARMTYPE/%s) (%LANE1/%f)" |
0x3040000000000032 |
"DDM high warning set (%PORTGROUP/%s) (%ALARMTYPE/%s) (%LANE1/%f) " |
0x3040000000000033 |
"DDM high warning clear (%PORTGROUP/%s) (%ALARMTYPE/%s) (%LANE1/%f)" |
0x3040000000000034 |
"DDM low alarm set (%PORTGROUP/%s) (%ALARMTYPE/%s) (%LANE1/%f)" |
0x3040000000000035 |
"DDM low alarm clear (%PORTGROUP/%s) (%ALARMTYPE/%s) (%LANE1/%f)" |
0x3040000000000036 |
"DDM low warning set (%PORTGROUP/%s) (%ALARMTYPE/%s) (%LANE1/%f)" |
0x3040000000000037 |
"DDM low warning clear (%PORTGROUP/%s) (%ALARMTYPE/%s) (%LANE1/%f)" |
0x3040000000000038 |
"DDM is supported by this optic, but polling is disabled. (%PORTGROUP/%s) (%Vendor/%s) (%PartNum/%s) (%Rev/%s)" |
0x3040000000000039 |
"DDM encountered unknown alarm/warn value (%PORTGROUP/%s) (%ALARMTYPE/%d)" |
0x3050000000000001 |
"Error retrieving VQF version." |
0x3050000000000002 |
"Error retrieving VQF Op Mode." |
0x3050000000000003 |
"Error retrieving VQF Enable value." |
0x3050000000000004 |
"Error initializing VQF - exiting!" |
0x3050000000000005 |
"VoQ programmed (%blade/%d) (%port/%d) (%module/%s) (%state/%s)" |
0x3050000000000006 |
"VqfDev called with argument out of range. (%method/%s) (%argument/%s) (%value/%s)" |
0x3050000000000007 |
"VQF EMM Watchdog. (%slot/%d)" |
0x3050000000000008 |
"VQF IMM Watchdog. (%slot/%d) (%port/%d)" |
0x3050000000000009 |
"VQF EMM Watchdog Resolved. (%slot/%d)" |
0x3050000000000010 |
"VQF IMM Watchdog Resolved. (%slot/%d) (%port/%d)" |
0x3050000000000011 |
"VQF interface link state (%ifname/%s) (%state/%s)" |
0x3050000000000012 |
"VOQ Configuration Error. (%ERROR/%s)" |
0x3050000000000013 |
"Bad VQF PLL status, reloading VQF (%value/%x)" |
0x3050000000000014 |
"Optimizing system controller backplane links." |
0x3050000000000015 |
"Could not establish backplane link with one or more system controllers" |
0x3050000000000016 |
"Loaded VQF FPGA (%MACC_LINK_STT/%x)" |
0x3050000000000017 |
"VoQ window error (%slot/%d) (%port/%d)" |
0x3050000000000018 |
"VoQ window error cleared (%slot/%d) (%port/%d)" |
0x3050000000000019 |
"VQF failover condition on backplane link (%link/%d)" |
0x3050000000000020 |
"VQF failover condition recovered on backplane link (%link/%d)" |
0x3050000000000021 |
"Adding slot to VQF database set (%slot/%d)" |
0x3050000000000022 |
"Removing slot from VQF database set (%slot/%d)" |
0x3050000000000023 |
"Enabling VQF synchronization with slot (%slot/%d)" |
0x3050000000000024 |
"Slot activation status updated in VQF (%slot/%d) (%status/%d)" |
0x3050000000000025 |
"Slot out of range during VQF activate write (%slot/%d)" |
0x3050000000000026 |
"Slot out of range during VQF activate read (%slot/%d)" |
0x3050000000000027 |
"VQF remote slot update (%slot/%d) (%ports/%s)" |
0x3050000000000028 |
"VQF remote slot delete (%slot/%d)" |
0x3050000000000029 |
"VQF using Marvell CRC mode" |
0x3050000000000030 |
"VQF BP link Phy reset masking mode (%link/%d) (%state/%s)" |
0x3050000000000031 |
"VQF PLL status bit not set: (%bit_name/%s)" |
0x3060000000000001 |
"Modified port IFH config (%port/%d) (%field/%s) (%value/%d)" |
0x3060000000000002 |
"Error modifying vlan config on port. (%PORT/%d) (%VLAN/%d)" |
0x3060000000000003 |
"Error adding port to LAG. (%BLADE/%d) (%PORT/%d) (%LAG/%s)" |
0x3060000000000004 |
"Error adding LAG to Native VLAN, LAG not found. (%LAG/%s)" |
0x3060000000000005 |
"Error adding LAG to Trunk VLAN(s), LAG not found. (%LAG/%s)" |
0x3060000000000006 |
"Error adding LAG Member to Native VLAN. (%LAG/%s) (%PORT/%d) (%VLAN/%d)" |
0x3060000000000007 |
"Error adding LAG Member to Trunk VLAN. (%LAG/%s) (%PORT/%d) (%VLAN/%d)" |
0x3060000000000008 |
"Error deleting LAG Member from Native VLAN. (%LAG/%s) (%PORT/%d) (%VLAN/%d)" |
0x3060000000000009 |
"Error deleting LAG Member from Trunk VLANs. (%LAG/%s) (%PORT/%d)" |
0x3060000000000010 |
"Error removing port from LAG. (%REASON/%s) (%BLADE/%d) (%PORT/%d) (%LAG/%s)" |
0x3060000000000011 |
"Error modifying vlan config on LAG. (%LAG/%s) (%PORT/%d) (%VLAN/%d)" |
0x3060000000000012 |
"STP configuration error. (%DESCRIPTION/%s)" |
0x3060000000000013 |
"L2 Control Protocol Invalid Type. (%TYPE/%d)" |
0x3060000000000014 |
"Error creating LAG. (%REASON/%s) (%LAG/%s)" |
0x3060000000000015 |
"Error deleting LAG. (%REASON/%s) (%LAG/%s)" |
0x3060000000000016 |
"Unable to set STP VLAN state, VLAN is not configured for the interface. (%VLAN/%d) (%INTERFACE/%s)" |
0x3060000000000017 |
"Unsupported DID size received from DAG library. (%DID_SIZE/%d)" |
0x3060000000000018 |
"CosQ Meter Configuration for VTC out of range. (%METER_GROUP/%d) (%VTC/%d)" |
0x3060000000000019 |
"CosQ PMQ vlan priority value out of range. (%PORT/%d) (%PRIORITY/%d)" |
0x3060000000000020 |
"CosQ PMQ vlan priority VTC value out of range. (%PORT/%d) (%PRIORITY/%d) (%VTC/%d)" |
0x3060000000000021 |
"CosQ PMQ DSCP value out of range. (%PORT/%d) (%DSCP/%d)" |
0x3060000000000022 |
"CosQ PMQ DSCP VTC value out of range. (%PORT/%d) (%DSCP/%d) (%VTC/%d)" |
0x3060000000000023 |
"VLAN is not configured on LAG, ignoring. (%VLAN/%d) (%LAG/%s)" |
0x3060000000000024 |
"Adding Native VLAN to Port. (%IFNAME/%s) (%PORT/%d) (%VID/%d)" |
0x3060000000000025 |
"Deleting Native VLAN from Port. (%PORT/%d) (%VID/%d)" |
0x3060000000000026 |
"Adding LAG Members to Native VLAN. (%LAG/%s) (%MEMBERS/%s) (%VLAN/%d)" |
0x3060000000000027 |
"Deleting LAG Members from Native VLAN. (%LAG/%s) (%MEMBERS/%s) (%VLAN/%d)" |
0x3060000000000028 |
"Adding Port to Trunk VLAN. (%PORT/%d) (%VLAN/%s)" |
0x3060000000000029 |
"Deleting Port from Trunk VLAN. (%PORT/%d) (%VLAN/%s)" |
0x3060000000000030 |
"Adding LAG Members to Trunk VLANs. (%LAG/%s) (%MEMBERS/%s) (%VLAN/%s)" |
0x3060000000000031 |
"Deleting LAG Members from Trunk VLANs. (%LAG/%s) (%MEMBERS/%s) (%VLAN/%s)" |
0x3060000000000032 |
"Error updating DLS entry fields. (%DID/%d) (%FIELDS/%d)" |
0x3060000000000033 |
"COSQ: Adding COSQ Meter Configuration for VTC. (%METER_GRP/%d) (%VTC/%d) (%CIR/%d) (%CBS/%d)" |
0x3060000000000034 |
"COSQ: Deleting COSQ Meter Configuration for VTC. (%METER_GRP/%d) (%VTC/%d)" |
0x3060000000000035 |
"COSQ: Error updating VQF SMS Profile drop level. (%ERROR/%s) (%PORT/%d) (%SLOT/%d)" |
0x3060000000000036 |
"COSQ: Updating VQF SMS profile. (%PORT/%d) (%SLOT/%d) (%DROPLVL/%x)" |
0x3060000000000037 |
"COSQ: Error finding DLS entry. (%DID/%d)" |
0x3060000000000038 |
"COSQ: Configuring VLAN Priority State. (%PORT/%d) (%ENABLE/%s)" |
0x3060000000000039 |
"COSQ: Creating port VLAN priority mapping to VTC. (%PORT/%d) (%PRIORITY/%d) (%VTC/%d)" |
0x3060000000000040 |
"COSQ: Unmapping VLAN Priority. (%PORT/%d) (%PRIORITY/%d)" |
0x3060000000000041 |
"COSQ: Configuring the VTC Mapping for DCSP. (%PORT/%d) (%ENABLE/%s)" |
0x3060000000000042 |
"COSQ: Creating a PMQ table mapping for a DSCP to VTC Value. (%PORT/%d) (%DSCP/%d) (%VTC/%d)" |
0x3060000000000043 |
"COSQ: Unmapping DSCP. (%PORT/%d) (%DSCP/%d)" |
0x3060000000000044 |
"COSQ: Error adding COSQ Meter Configuration. (%METER_GRP/%d) (%VTC/%d) (%CIR/%d) (%CBS/%d)" |
0x3060000000000045 |
"COSQ: Deleting all entries for DID. (%DID/%d)" |
0x3060000000000046 |
"COSQ: Deleting entire DLS Configuration." |
0x3060000000000047 |
"COSQ: Deleting entire COSQ Meter Group Configuration." |
0x3060000000000048 |
"COSQ: Updating the PMQ STATUS. (%OLD/%s) (%NEW/%s)" |
0x3060000000000050 |
"Cannot find unit in map of DIDs for link (%LINK/%d)" |
0x3060000000000051 |
"Error initializing NSE - exiting!" |
0x3060000000000052 |
"Error updating DLS BCAST Configuration (%FIELDS/%d)" |
0x3060000000000053 |
"Error updating DLS DLF Configuration (%FIELDS/%d)" |
0x3060000000000054 |
"DLS BCAST TCPDump Configuration Updated (%LOCAL_EN/%d) (%REMOTE_EN/%d)" |
0x3060000000000055 |
"DLS DLF TCPDump Configuration Updated (%LOCAL_EN/%d) (%REMOTE_EN/%d)" |
0x3060000000000056 |
"VLAN TCPDump Configuration Updated (%NSEUNIT/%d) (%DID/%x) (%PORT/%d) (%VLAN/%d) (%LOCAL_EN/%d) (%REMOTE_EN/%d)" |
0x3060000000000057 |
"Error configuring virtual-wire mode for an interface. (%INTERFACE/%s) (%ERROR/%s)" |
0x3060000000000058 |
"Error configuring virtual-wire mode for a port. (%DID/%x) (%ERROR/%s)" |
0x3060000000000059 |
"DID not found in DID to Port Table map (%DID/%x)" |
0x3060000000000060 |
"DID not found in DID to Port Table (%DID/%x)" |
0x3070000000000001 |
"L2 Learning thread started". |
0x3070000000000002 |
"L2 Learning service connected to Line DMA-Agent." |
0x3070000000000003 |
"L2 Learning service disconnected from DMA-Agent." |
0x3070000000000004 |
"Send to VQF-DMAA Incomplete. (%SENT/%d) (%TARGET/%d)" |
0x3070000000000005 |
"Send to VQF-DMAA Failed. Dropping failed messages. (%DROPPED/%d)" |
0x3070000000000006 |
"This message has been deprecated." |
0x3070000000000007 |
"Cannot create UNIX socket to DMA-agent: (%Socket/%s) (%Error/%d)" |
0x3070000000000008 |
"L2 Forwarding thread started". |
0x3070000000000009 |
"L2FS send failure. (%DID/%d) (%Error/%d)" |
0x3070000000000010 |
"L2FS Receive Failure. (%Error/%d)" |
0x3070000000000011 |
"L2 Forwarding service connected to Host DMA-Agent." |
0x3070000000000012 |
"L2FS client poll error. (%Error/%d)" |
0x3070000000000013 |
"L2 Forwarding service disconnected from Host DMA-Agent." |
0x3070000000000014 |
"L2 Learning Service received wrong Message Type. (%MSG/%d)" |
0x3070000000000015 |
"L2 Learning Service received unknown opcode. (%OPCODE/%d)" |
0x3070000000000016 |
"L2 Learning Service is not running, can't flush interface (%INTERFACE/%s)" |
0x3070000000000017 |
"Error flushing L2 entries. (%REASON/%s)" |
0x3070000000000018 |
"Unable to handle PORT_MOTION event, no table entry found (%ENTRY/%s) (%PORT/%d)" |
0x3070000000000019 |
"Invalid port returned in L2LS descriptor. (%ENTRY/%s) (%PORT/%d)" |
0x3070000000000020 |
"L2 FDB Tables are full, dropping new learn events." |
0x3070000000000021 |
"L2 stats pointer is NULL. (%ENTRY/%s)" |
0x3070000000000024 |
"L2 Learning service connected to Host DMA-Agent." |
0x3070000000000025 |
"L2 Learning service disconnected from Host DMA-Agent. (%SEP/%d)" |
0x3070000000000026 |
"Error from host dma-agent. (%TYPE/%s) (%SEP/%d) (%ERROR/%d)" |
0x3070000000000027 |
"Error from line dma-agent. (%TYPE/%s)" |
0x3070000000000028 |
"Force deleting L2 H/W entry. (%ENTRY/%s) (%TABLE/%s) (%ADDRESS/%x)" |
0x3070000000000029 |
"This message has been deprecated." |
0x3080000000000001 |
"DAG Select Table error (%ERROR/%s)" |
0x3080000000000002 |
"Failed to program IP Protocol CAM" |
0x3080000000000003 |
"SDAG Service Definition alloc failed - table full. (%VAL/%d)" |
0x3080000000000004 |
"SDAG DID Table alloc failed - table full. (%DIDS/%s)" |
0x3080000000000005 |
"Service Group Configuration error. (%TENANT/%s) (%ERROR/%s)" |
0x3080000000000006 |
"TCP SYN Cookie configuration error. (%TENANT/%s) (%ERROR/%s)" |
0x3080000000000007 |
"DOS Group Configuration error. (%TENANT/%s) (%ERROR/%s)" |
0x3080000000000009 |
"Service Group configured for tenant. (%TenantName/%s) (%ServiceGroup/%d)" |
0x3080000000000010 |
"Service Group removed from tenant. (%TenantName/%s) (%ServiceGroup/%d)" |
0x3080000000000011 |
"DOS Group configured for tenant. (%TenantName/%s) (%DosGroup/%d)" |
0x3080000000000012 |
"DOS Group removed from tenant. (%TenantName/%s) (%DosGroup/%d)" |
0x3080000000000013 |
"Invalid RQM capability block" |
0x3080000000000015 |
"Service Group Configuration error. Unit=(%Unit/%d) (%ERROR/%s)" |
0x3080000000000017 |
"DOS Group Configuration error. Unit=(%Unit/%d) (%ERROR/%s)" |
0x3080000000000019 |
"Service Group configured for unit. (%Unit/%d) (%ServiceGroup/%d)" |
0x3080000000000020 |
"Service Group removed from unit. (%Unit/%d) (%ServiceGroup/%d)" |
0x3080000000000021 |
"DOS Group configured for unit. (%Unit/%d) (%DosGroup/%d)" |
0x3080000000000022 |
"Cannot find tracking information for Tenant. (%Tenant/%s) (%Slot/%d) (%Instance/%d)" |
0x3080000000000023 |
"DDOS ZMQ message hdp entity out of range. (%Tenant/%s) (%ZmqMsg/%s) (%HdpEntity/%d)" |
0x3080000000000024 |
"DM Lookup Config DM offset out of range (%Service/%d) (%DmOffset/%d)" |
0x3080000000000025 |
"PORT Value Set for IP Tunnel Protocol (%Protocol/%s) (%Port/%d)" |
0x3080000000000026 |
"IP Tunnel Protocol Enabled (%Protocol/%s)" |
0x3080000000000027 |
"IP Tunnel Protocol Disabled (%Protocol/%s)" |
0x3080000000000028 |
"IP Tunnel NVGRE Ethernet Type Set (%Value/%x)" |
0x3080000000000029 |
"Setting DDOS Vector Version for tenant. (%TenantName/%s) (%DosGroup/%d) (%Unit/%d) (%Version/%x)" |
0x3080000000000030 |
"Error configuring phase 2 DDOS vector on tenant. (%TenantName/%s) (%Unit/%d) (%Vector/%d)" |
0x3090000000000001 |
"Invalid flow-control type. (%type/%d)" |
0x3090000000000002 |
"Updating interface link state (%ifname/%s) (%state/%s)" |
0x3090000000000003 |
"ATSE BE2 Training Failure - exiting. (%GCI0/%x) (%GCI1/%x)" |
0x3090000000000004 |
"Unable to find data for portgroup. (%PORTGROUP/%d)" |
0x3090000000000005 |
"Unexpected number of portgroup modes. (%PGMODES/%d)" |
0x3090000000000006 |
"Data inconsistency: Unable to find internal software structure. (%API/%s) (%PORT/%d)" |
0x3090000000000007 |
"Invalid port passed in ZMQ message (%PORT/%d) (%MSG/%d)" |
0x3090000000000008 |
"No interfaces available for QOS configuration" |
0x3090000000000011 |
"Error initializing Port Transceiver library (%RET/%lld)" |
0x3090000000000012 |
"Port Transceiver library error during programming (%API/%s) (%code/%lld) (%msg/%s)" |
0x3090000000000013 |
"Eye Pattern Failure on Interface. (%INTERFACE/%s) (%Eye_Value/%d)" |
0x3090000000000014 |
"ATSE BE2 Training SDK Failure - exiting." |
0x3090000000000015 |
"Unable to initialize BE2 interface, retrying initialization" |
0x3090000000000016 |
"Configured Interface MAC. (%INTERFACE/%s) (%Tx/%s) (%Rx/%s)" |
0x3090000000000017 |
"BE2 Link Monitor failure detected. (%Unit/%d) (%GCI/%d)" |
0x3090000000000018 |
"BE2 Link Monitor failure resolved. (%Unit/%d) (%GCI/%d)" |
0x30a0000000000001 |
"Error initializing XBAR - exiting!" |
0x30a0000000000002 |
"Initializing platform type (%type/%d)" |
0x30a0000000000003 |
"Xbar Mcast Schedule (%sched/%d)" |
0x30a0000000000004 |
"Xbar Path Type (%type/%d) Guaranteed Memory (%mem/%d)" |
0x30a0000000000005 |
"Xbar Hash (%hash/%s) Port Mirror BitMap (%map/%x)" |
0x30a0000000000006 |
"Xbar Multicast Dup Map (%port/%d) Dest BitMap (%map/%x)" |
0x30a0000000000007 |
"Xbar Enabled Module Link (%mid/%d) Dest link idx (%id/%d)" |
0x30b0000000000001 |
"This message had been deprecated" |
0x30b0000000000002 |
"Unable to delete Virtual-Wire. Virtual-wire not found (%VWIRE/%s)" |
0x30b0000000000003 |
"Unable retrieve end-points for Virtual-Wire. Virtual-wire not found (%VWIRE/%s)" |
0x30b0000000000004 |
"Unable to configure link propagation for Virtual-Wire. Virtual-wire not found (%VWIRE/%s) (%STATE/%s)" |
0x30b0000000000005 |
"Internal Error, virtual-network not found. (%VNET/%s)" |
0x30b0000000000006 |
"Internal Error, virtual-network ID not found. (%NDI_ID/%d)" |
0x30b0000000000007 |
"Internal virtual-network error, Interface not found. (%INTERFACE/%s)" |
0x30b0000000000008 |
"Internal virtual-network error, VLAN not found. (%VLAN/%d)" |
0x30b0000000000009 |
"Unable to configure bpdu-mode for virtual-wire. Virtual-wire not found. (%VWIRE/%s)" |
0x30b0000000000010 |
"This message has been deprecated" |
0x30b0000000000011 |
"Error adding an interface to a virtual-wire, no vwire found for virtual-network. (%INTERFACE/%s) (%VNET/%s)" |
0x30b0000000000012 |
"Error deleting an interface from a virtual-wire, no vwire found for virtual-network. (%INTERFACE/%s) (%VNET/%s)" |
0x30b0000000000013 |
"Virtual-Wire link propagation forcing link state of interface. (%INTERFACE/%s) (%STATE/%s)" |
0x30b0000000000014 |
"Unable to configure link propagation for Virtual-Wire. Interface not found (%INTERFACE/%s)" |
0x30b0000000000015 |
"Unable to configure link propagation for Virtual-Wire. Number of destinations does not match (%DEST1/%d) (%DEST2/%d)" |
0x30b0000000000016 |
"Linkstatus propagation config failure. (%VIRTUAL_WIRE/%s)" |
0x30b0000000000017 |
"Linkstatus propagation failure. Unable to force interface UP (%INTERFACE/%s)" |
0x30b0000000000018 |
"Error deleting an interface from a virtual-wire, virtual-network not found. (%INTERFACE/%s) (%VNET/%s)" |
0x3201000000000001 |
"Error opening file. (%ERRSTR/%s) (%FILE/%s)" |
0x3201000000000002 |
"Error reading bytes (%ERRSTR/%s)" |
0x3201000000000003 |
"Error reading (%SCHEMA/%s) (%ERRSTR/%s)" |
0x3201000000000004 |
"Failed to build schema validator (%ERRSTR/%s)" |
0x3201000000000005 |
"Error reading manifest (%ERRSTR/%s)" |
0x3201000000000006 |
"Failed to validate manifest (%ERRSTR/%s)" |
0x3201000000000007 |
"Failed to create temp directory. (%ERRSTR/%s) (%DIRECTORY_PATTERN/%s)" |
0x3201000000000008 |
"Failed to remove temp directory (%ERRSTR/%s)" |
0x3201000000000009 |
"Failed to open tar file (%ERRSTR/%s)" |
0x3201000000000010 |
"Failed to get item in tar file. (%tar_file/%s) (%ERRSTR/%s)" |
0x3201000000000011 |
"Failed to create file for untar. (%filename/%s) (%ERRSTR/%s)" |
0x3201000000000012 |
"Failed to untar file. (%filename/%s) (%ERRSTR/%s)" |
0x3201000000000013 |
"Failed to chmod. (%filename/%s) (%ERROR/%s)" |
0x3201000000000014 |
"File not found (%FILE/%s) (%MANIFEST/%s)" |
0x3201000000000015 |
"Cannot delete file (%FILE/%s) (%ERRSTR/%s)" |
0x3201000000000016 |
"Failed to start qkviewd daemon. (%ERRSTR/%s)" |
0x3201000000000017 |
"Error: (%ERRSTR/%s)" |
0x3201000000000018 |
"Error collecting peer. (%peerip/%s) (%ERRSTR/%s)" |
0x3201000000000019 |
"qkview-collect failed on host: (%START/%s) (%END/%s) (%RETURNCODE/%d) (%ERR/%s) (%CMDOUT/%s)" |
0x3201000000000020 |
"Error flushing log to tarball. (%logfile/%s) (%ERRSTR/%s)" |
0x3201000000000021 |
"Failed to get valid list of containers. (%ERRSTR/%s)" |
0x3201000000000022 |
"Container finished with error. (%ERRSTR/%s) (%CONTID/%s)" |
0x3201000000000023 |
"Malformed container ID, unable to collect. Empty container ID. (%ERRSTR/%s)" |
0x3201000000000024 |
"Failed to copy tarball to container. (%CONTID/%s) (%ERRSTR/%s)" |
0x3201000000000025 |
"Unexpected return from container exec command. (%CONTORRESP/%s) (%CONTID/%s) (%ERRSTR/%s)" |
0x3201000000000026 |
"Failed to find any file in tarball: (%ERRSTR/%s)" |
0x3201000000000027 |
"Failed to create tarball header. (%ERRSTR/%s)" |
0x3201000000000028 |
"Failed to create file for request. (%QKTYPE/%s) (%ERRSTR/%s)" |
0x3201000000000029 |
"Failed to create new request for post. (%QKTYPE/%s) (%ERRSTR/%s)" |
0x3201000000000030 |
"Failed to receive response from request. (%QKTYPE/%s) (%ERRSTR/%s)" |
0x3201000000000031 |
"Invalid json unmarshal. (%QKTYPE/%s) (%ERRSTR/%s)" |
0x3201000000000032 |
"Failed to create new client while collecting snapshots. (%ERRSTR/%s)" |
0x3201000000000033 |
"Unable to receive hostname while collecting snapshots: (%ERRSTR/%s)" |
0x3201000000000034 |
"Unable to complete request due to error REQUEST. (%REQUEST/%s) (%ERRSTR/%s)" |
0x3201000000000035 |
"Stat error while trying to add file. (%FILE/%s) (%ERRSTR/%s)" |
0x3201000000000036 |
"Get header info error while trying to add file. (%FILE/%s) (%ERRSTR/%s)" |
0x3201000000000037 |
"Open error while trying to add file. (%FILE/%s) (%ERRSTR/%s)" |
0x3201000000000038 |
"Write header error while trying to add file. (%FILE/%s) (%ERRSTR/%s)" |
0x3201000000000039 |
"Copy error while trying to add file. (%FILE/%s) (%ERRSTR/%s)" |
0x3201000000000040 |
"Error creating output directory for collate snapshots. (%ERRSTR/%s)" |
0x3201000000000041 |
"Error creating tar file for collate snapshots. (%tar_file/%s) (%ERRSTR/%s)" |
0x3201000000000042 |
"Unable to delete corefiles. (%COREFILE/%s) (%ERRSTR/%s)" |
0x3201000000000043 |
"Error while collecting corefiles (%HOST/%s)" |
0x3201000000000044 |
"Qkview collection is already in progress (%qkview/%s)" |
0x3201000000000046 |
"Qkviewd is starting. (%VERSION/%s) (%LOG/%s) (%DATE/%s)" |
0x3201000000000048 |
"No containers were collected. (%ERRSTR/%s)" |
0x3201000000000050 |
"Canceled qkview (%qkview/%s)" |
0x3201000000000051 |
"Get Qkview (%qkview/%s)" |
0x3201000000000052 |
"Deleted qkview file. (%filename/%s)" |
0x3201000000000053 |
"No manifest to verify. (%manifest_file/%s)" |
0x3201000000000054 |
"Completed collecting qkview on host: (%START/%s) (%END/%s) (%RETURNCODE/%d) (%CMDOUT/%s)" |
0x3201000000000055 |
"Starting qkview-collect on host: (%CMD/%s)" |
0x3201000000000056 |
"Requesting host to collect qkview. (%ERRSTR/%s)" |
0x3201000000000057 |
"Qkviewd listening on: (%QKVIEWIP/%s)" |
0x3201000000000061 |
"Info: (%MESSAGE/%s)" |
0x3201000000000065 |
"Starting collate of containers, saving to file. (%FILENAME/%s)" |
0x3201000000000066 |
"Finished collate of containers, saved to file. (%FILENAME/%s)" |
0x3201000000000067 |
"Collecting container snapshots. (%FILENAME/%s)" |
0x3201000000000068 |
"Collection of container snapshots has finished. (%FILENAME/%s)" |
0x3201000000000080 |
"Requesting to collect core-files. (%MESSAGE/%s)" |
0x3201000000000081 |
"Error walking directory (%path/%s) (%error/%s)" |
0x3201000000000082 |
"Error opening product info file (%file/%s) (%error/%s)" |
0x3201000000000083 |
"Error opening platform info file (%file/%s) (%error/%s)" |
0x3201000000000085 |
"No disk space available for Qkview operation. (%MESSAGE/%s)" |
0x3201000000000088 |
"Error retreiving container log (%container/%s) (%error/%s)" |
0x3201000000000089 |
"No container log data found. (%container/%s)" |
0x3201000000000090 |
"TLS Certificates not available to open secure connection. (%MESSAGE/%s)" |
0x3201000000000091 |
"Qkviewd listening for secured connections on: (%QKVIEWIP/%s)" |
0x3201000000000095 |
"Qkviewd service is HEALTHY. (%MESSAGE/%s)" |
0x3201000000000096 |
"Qkviewd service is UNHEALTHY. (%MESSAGE/%s)" |
0x3201000000000097 |
"Qkviewd is going to SHUTDOWN. (%SIGNAL/%s)" |
0x3201000000000101 |
"Qkview file is being collected. (%filename/%s)" |
0x3201000000000102 |
"Unknown error collecting qkview. (%collecting/%d)" |
0x3201000000000105 |
"Error adding subpackage, might have a problem with the file system. (%SUBPACKAGE/%s) (%error/%s)" |
0x3201000000000106 |
"Error adding subpackages (%SUBPACKAGES/%s)" |
0x3201000000000107 |
"Failed to untar file for: (%failed_tar_file/%d)" |
0x3201000000000108 |
"Found a duplicate file in the QKView tarball. (%error/%s)" |
0x3201000000000109 |
"Collection failed for container, so path is set to no-file (%container/%s)" |
0x3401000000000001 |
"Failed to load schemas from confd." |
0x3401000000000002 |
"Failed to open socket ds." |
0x3401000000000003 |
"Confd connect(ds) failed. (%status/%d)" |
0x3401000000000004 |
"Failed to open socket ss." |
0x3401000000000005 |
"Confd connect(ss) failed. (%status/%d)" |
0x3401000000000006 |
"Confd subscribe(ss) failed. (%status/%d)" |
0x3401000000000007 |
"Confd subscribe_done(ss) failed. (%status/%d)" |
0x3401000000000008 |
"Failed to open socket ods" |
0x3401000000000009 |
"Confd connect(ods) failed. (%status/%d)" |
0x3401000000000010 |
"Failed to open socket od2." |
0x3401000000000011 |
"Confd connect(od2) failed. (%status/%d)" |
0x3401000000000012 |
"Confd connect(oss) failed. (%status/%d)" |
0x3401000000000013 |
"Confd oper_subscribe(oss). (%path/%s) (%status/%d)" |
0x3401000000000014 |
"Confd isubscribe_done(oss). (%status/%d)" |
0x3401000000000015 |
"Confd start_session(od) failed. (%status/%d)" |
0x3401000000000016 |
"Confd start_session(ods) failed. (%status/%d)" |
0x3401000000000017 |
"Confd start_session(ds) failed. (%status/%d)" |
0x3401000000000018 |
"Duplicate Interface object. (%key/%s)" |
0x3401000000000019 |
"Interface object not found. (%key/%s)" |
0x3401000000000020 |
"Duplicate trunk object. (%key/%s)" |
0x3401000000000021 |
"Trunk object not found. (%key/%s)" |
0x3401000000000022 |
"Duplicate trunk config member. (%key/%s)" |
0x3401000000000023 |
"Try to Add an invalid Config Mbr Ignored! (%key/%s)" |
0x3401000000000024 |
"Trunk config member object not found. (%key/%s)" |
0x3401000000000025 |
"Trunk config member object not found. (%port/%d)" |
0x3401000000000026 |
"Link Actor Out of Sync. (%key/%s)" |
0x3401000000000027 |
"Link Partner Out of Sync. (%key/%s)" |
0x3401000000000028 |
"iter_ret: unexpected op. (%path/%s) (%op/%d)" |
0x3401000000000029 |
"initMsgHandler failed." |
0x3401000000000030 |
"connect failed with no fd!" |
0x3401000000000031 |
"Connected to Confd CBD." |
0x3401000000000032 |
"Not connected to Confd CBD." |
0x3401000000000033 |
"Poll failed." |
0x3401000000000034 |
"Too many poll failures, terminating." |
0x3401000000000035 |
"Internal link is AVAILABLE. (%key/%s)" |
0x3401000000000036 |
"Link added to aggregation. (%key/%s)" |
0x3401000000000037 |
"Internal link is UNAVAILABLE. (%key/%s)" |
0x3401000000000038 |
"Link removed from aggregation. (%key/%s)" |
0x3401000000000039 |
"Interface (%key/%s) (%admin_status/%s) (%link_status/%s) (%duplex/%s) (%lacp_state/%s)" |
0x3401000000000040 |
"LACPD starting (%version/%s) (%date/%s)" |
0x3401000000000042 |
"Lacpd received trunk config from Confd. (%name/%s)" |
0x3401000000000043 |
"Lacpd received interface config from Confd. (%name/%s)" |
0x3401000000000044 |
"Lacpd is restarting to failover to the other controller" |
0x3401000000000046 |
"(%info_str/%s)" |
0x3401000000000047 |
"(%err_str/%s)" |
0x3401000000000049 |
"Fatal error, application exit (%fatal_str/%s)" |
0x3401000000000050 |
"Error during tmstat operation. (%API/%s) (%TBLNAME/%s) (%error/%s)" |
0x3401000000000051 |
"Interface field modified. (%name/%s) (%key/%s) (%value/%s)" |
0x3401000000000052 |
"Trunk field modified. (%name/%s) (%key/%s) (%value/%s)" |
0x3401000000000053 |
"Worker LACPD instance was unresponsive and timed out. (%slot/%d) (%timeout/%d)" |
0x3401000000000054 |
"New worker LACPD instance found. (%slot/%d)" |
0x3401000000000055 |
"Adding config member. (%interface/%s) (%trunk/%s)" |
0x3401000000000056 |
"Removing config member. (%interface/%s) (%trunk/%s)" |
0x3401000000000058 |
"Removing LACP trunk. (%name/%s)" |
0x3401000000000059 |
"Modify LACP trunk params. (%name/%s) (%type/%s) (%mode/%s) (%interval/%s)" |
0x3401000000000060 |
"Adding working member. (%interface/%s) (%trunk/%s)" |
0x3401000000000061 |
"Removing working member. (%interface/%s) (%trunk/%s)" |
0x3401000000000062 |
"Adding message to send queue. (%type/%s) (%trunk/%s) (%interface/%s)" |
0x3401000000000063 |
"Processing message. (%type/%s) (%trunk/%s) (%interface/%s)" |
0x3401000000000064 |
"Callpoint error. (%hook_type/%s) (%when/%s) (%reason/%s)" |
0x3401000000000066 |
"Failed to initialize L2 Plugin" |
0x3401000000000067 |
"Successfully initialized L2 Plugin" |
0x3401000000000068 |
"zmq poll timeout or error (%port/%d) (%cnt/%d) (%errno/%d) (%errno_str/%s)" |
0x3401000000000069 |
"Failed to send lacp reset counters request (%slot/%d)" |
0x3401000000000070 |
"Failed to initialize zmq client (%slot/%d) (%type/%s) (%reason/%s)" |
0x3401000000000071 |
"Failed to read field from db. (%reader/%s) (%path/%s) (%error/%s) (%lasterr/%s)" |
0x3401000000000072 |
"Failed to write to db, retrying. (%reason/%s) (%strerr/%s) (%lasterr/%s)" |
0x3401000000000073 |
"Field does not exist in db. (%function/%s) (%path/%s)" |
0x3401000000000074 |
"Field already exists in db. (%function/%s) (%path/%s)" |
0x3401000000000075 |
"Failed to write to db. (%function/%s) (%path/%s) (%strerr/%s) (%lasterr/%s)" |
0x3401000000000076 |
"Received fatal signal, exiting. (%signal/%d)" |
0x3401000000000077 |
"New System ID configured. (%id/%s)" |
0x3401000000000078 |
"Found deployment mode. (%mode/%s)" |
0x3401000000000079 |
"Found running slot. (%slot/%d)" |
0x3401000000000080 |
"Waiting to enter an active HA state." |
0x3401000000000081 |
"Event handling started." |
0x3401000000000082 |
"Instance connected to sep device." |
0x3401000000000083 |
"New trunk interface. (%name/%s) (%type/%s) (%mode/%s) (%interval/%s)" |
0x3401000000000084 |
"Interface link state changed. (%name/%s) (%status/%s) (%speed/%d)" |
0x3401000000000085 |
"Interface enabled state changed. (%name/%s) (%enabled/%s)" |
0x3401000000000086 |
"Field does not exist in db. (%function/%s) (%path/%s)" |
0x3401000000000087 |
"Mux_enable_colldist (%port_state/%s)" |
0x3401000000000088 |
"Mux_disable_colldist (%port_state/%s)" |
0x3401000000000089 |
"Interface config data already exists. (%name/%s)" |
0x3401000000000090 |
"Interface operational data already exists. (%name/%s)" |
0x3401000000000091 |
"Adding message to send queue. (%type/%s) (%system_priority/%d)" |
0x3401000000000092 |
"Processing message. (%type/%s) (%system_priority/%d)" |
0x3401000000000093 |
"Confd Operation queue is full. Dropping the top message from queue." |
0x3401000000000094 |
"Waiting to connect to sep device." |
0x3401000000000096 |
"Failed to get interface name using the port number. (%portNum/%d)" |
0x3901000000000001 |
"cdb_get failed (%ret/%d) (%confd_errno/%d) (%fmt/%s)" |
0x3901000000000002 |
"Failed to read cert file (%name/%s) (%errno/%s)" |
0x3901000000000004 |
"Certificate not yet valid (%file/%s)" |
0x3901000000000005 |
"chmod failed (%rc/%d)" |
0x3901000000000006 |
"Failed to copy (%file/%s)" |
0x3901000000000008 |
"Creating CSR (%name/%s)" |
0x3901000000000009 |
"Failed to read input crl file. (%filename/%s)" |
0x3901000000000010 |
"Failed to write crl file: (%path/%s)" |
0x3901000000000012 |
"File cannot be opened (%file/%s)" |
0x3901000000000013 |
"OpenSSL public key failed." |
0x3901000000000014 |
"Key/Certificate mismatch (%file1/%s) (%file2/%s)" |
0x3901000000000015 |
"Failed to open key file (%name/%s)" |
0x3901000000000016 |
"Failed to read key file (%name/%s)" |
0x3901000000000017 |
"Specified maapi element does not exists in cdb (%path/%s)(%key/%s)" |
0x3901000000000018 |
"Failed to set element in cdb (%path/%s)(%key/%s)(%error/%s)(%errno/%s)" |
0x3901000000000019 |
"OpenSSL ASN1_INTEGER_new failed to allocate memory." |
0x3901000000000020 |
"OpenSSL ASN1_STRING_set_default_mask_asc failed." |
0x3901000000000021 |
"OpenSSL BIO_new_fp failed allocate memory." |
0x3901000000000022 |
"OpenSSL BIO_new failed allocate memory." |
0x3901000000000024 |
"OpenSSL BIO_write failed to write CSR." |
0x3901000000000025 |
"OpenSSL BN_GENCB_set failed to generate callback." |
0x3901000000000026 |
"OpenSSL BN_new failed allocate memory." |
0x3901000000000028 |
"OpenSSL BN_pseudo_rand failed." |
0x3901000000000029 |
"OpenSSL BN_set_word failed." |
0x3901000000000030 |
"OpenSSL BN_to_ASN1_INTEGER failed." |
0x3901000000000031 |
"OpenSSL certificate key is nil." |
0x3901000000000032 |
"OpenSSL CONF_modules_load failed." |
0x3901000000000033 |
"Certificate Request city (%city/%s)." |
0x3901000000000034 |
"Certificate Request country (%country/%s)." |
0x3901000000000035 |
"Certificate Request email (%email/%s)." |
0x3901000000000036 |
"Certificate Request name (%name/%s)." |
0x3901000000000037 |
"Certificate Request organization (%organization/%s)." |
0x3901000000000038 |
"Certificate Request organizational unit (%unit/%s)." |
0x3901000000000039 |
"Certificate Request region (%state/%s)." |
0x3901000000000040 |
"Certificate Request version (%version/%d)." |
0x3901000000000042 |
"OpenSSL do_sign_init failed." |
0x3901000000000043 |
"OpenSSL EC_GROUP_new_by_curve_name failed." |
0x3901000000000044 |
"OpenSSL EC_KEY_generate_key failed." |
0x3901000000000045 |
"OpenSSL EC_KEY_new failed to allocate memory." |
0x3901000000000046 |
"OpenSSL EC_KEY_set_group failed." |
0x3901000000000048 |
"OpenSSL_malloc failed to allocate bytes (%size/%u)" |
0x3901000000000049 |
"OpenSSL X509_name parse error." |
0x3901000000000050 |
"OpenSSL NCONF_get_section failed." |
0x3901000000000051 |
"OpenSSL NCONF_get_string failed to find file (%file/%s)" |
0x3901000000000052 |
"OpenSSL NCONF_load failed for file (%file/%s)" |
0x3901000000000053 |
"OpenSSL NCONF_new failed to allocate memory." |
0x3901000000000054 |
"OpenSSL OBJ_create failed for (%name/%s)." |
0x3901000000000055 |
"OpenSSL OBJ_sn2nid failed." |
0x3901000000000056 |
"OpenSSL PEM_bytes_read_bio failed (%name/%s)" |
0x3901000000000057 |
"OpenSSL PEM_read_bio_X509_REQ failed read csr." |
0x3901000000000058 |
"Failed to read crl. Invalid PEM format crl input" |
0x3901000000000059 |
"OpenSSL PEM_read_bio_PrivateKey failed read key (%file/%s)" |
0x3901000000000060 |
"OpenSSL PEM_write_bio_ECPrivateKey failed to write key." |
0x3901000000000061 |
"OpenSSL PEM_write_bio_RSAPrivateKey failed to write key." |
0x3901000000000062 |
"OpenSSL PEM_write_bio_X509_REQ failed write certificate request." |
0x3901000000000063 |
"OpenSSL dev random error." |
0x3901000000000064 |
"OpenSSL RSA_generate_key_ex failed." |
0x3901000000000065 |
"OpenSSL RSA_new_method failed." |
0x3901000000000066 |
"OpenSSL Subject not starting with backslash." |
0x3901000000000067 |
"OpenSSL X509_get_pubkey failed to get public key." |
0x3901000000000068 |
"OpenSSL X509_gmtime_adj failed." |
0x3901000000000069 |
"OpenSSL X509_NAME_add_entry_by_NID failed for (%name/%s)." |
0x3901000000000070 |
"OpenSSL X509_Name_new failed to allocate memory." |
0x3901000000000071 |
"OpenSSL X509_new failed to allocate memory." |
0x3901000000000072 |
"OpenSSL X509_REQ_get_pubkey failed to get public key." |
0x3901000000000073 |
"OpenSSL X509 create CSR failed." |
0x3901000000000074 |
"OpenSSL X509_REQ_new failed to allocate memory." |
0x3901000000000075 |
"OpenSSL X509_REQ_set_pubkey failed." |
0x3901000000000076 |
"OpenSSL X509_REQ_set_subject_name failed." |
0x3901000000000077 |
"OpenSSL X509_REQ_set_version failed." |
0x3901000000000078 |
"OpenSSL X509_REQ_verify failed to verify signature." |
0x3901000000000079 |
"OpenSSL X509_set_issuer_name failed." |
0x3901000000000080 |
"OpenSSL X509_set_pubkey failed to set public key." |
0x3901000000000081 |
"OpenSSL X509_set_serialNumber failed." |
0x3901000000000082 |
"OpenSSL X509_sign failed." |
0x3901000000000083 |
"OpenSSL X509_STORE_new failed allocate memory." |
0x3901000000000084 |
"OpenSSL X509_time_adj_ex failed." |
0x3901000000000085 |
"OpenSSL X509V3_EXT_add_nconf failed to load extension (%name/%s)." |
0x3901000000000086 |
"OpenSSL X509V3_EXT_REQ_add_nconf failed to load extension (%name/%s)." |
0x3901000000000087 |
"create_server failed (%pam_radius_conf/%s) (%rad_server/%s) (%timeout/%d)" |
0x3901000000000088 |
"OpenSSL X509_STORE_set_default_paths failed." |
0x3901000000000090 |
"(%message/%s)" |
0x3901000000000091 |
"create_pam_tacplus_item failed (%server/%s)." |
0x3901000000000093 |
"LDAP search base: (%base/%s)" |
0x3901000000000094 |
"LDAP bind DN: (%binddn/%s)" |
0x3901000000000095 |
"LDAP bind password: supplied" |
0x3901000000000097 |
"The Active Directory server does not support unix attributes such as uidNumber; attempting to create alternate objectSid to uidNumber mappings." |
0x3901000000000098 |
"Unable to retrieve domain Sid for supplied servers and domains; server will be treated as if it has unix attributes present." |
0x3901000000000099 |
"Domain sID: (%sid/%s)" |
0x3901000000000100 |
"(%item/%s): (%data/%s)" |
0x3901000000000101 |
"LDAP API error during (%oper/%s): (%code/%d) - (%msg/%s)" |
0x3901000000000104 |
"Active Directory enabled" |
0x3901000000000105 |
"Saved Certificate Authority (CA) Bundle file: (%name/%s)" |
0x3901000000000106 |
"Unable to save Certificate Authority (CA) Bundle file: (%name/%s) (%errnum/%d)" |
0x3901000000000107 |
"LDAP bind password supplied but empty; acting as if no bind password" |
0x3901000000000108 |
"Missing server secret. (%path/%s)" |
0x3901000000000109 |
"Failed to set element in cdb. (%path/%s) (%error/%s) (%errno/%s)" |
0x3901000000000110 |
"Saved HTTPD configuration file. (%name/%s)" |
0x3901000000000111 |
"Unable to save HTTPD configuration file. (%name/%s)" |
0x3901000000000112 |
"Authentication Manager starting. (%version/%s) (%log/%s) (%date/%s)" |
0x3901000000000113 |
"SERVICE_INDICATOR initializing authentication-mgr in FIPS 140-3 mode" |
0x3901000000000114 |
"AUDIT - SERVICE_INDICATOR (%user/%s) (%msg/%s) (%algo/%s)" |
0x3901000000000116 |
"OpenSSL Keys and Certificates must start with -----BEGIN ..." |
0x3901000000000120 |
"CA-BUNDLE input data is formatted with the wrong number of dashes." |
0x3901000000000122 |
"Unsuported key type entered." |
0x3901000000000123 |
"Basic authentication update succeeded." |
0x3901000000000124 |
"Unable to create a certificate signing request(CSR)." |
0x3901000000000125 |
"Certificate size is bigger than (%m_cert_size/%u) and cannot be used." |
0x3901000000000126 |
"Commit approved for blank key and certificate." |
0x3901000000000127 |
"A zero key size but non-zero certificate is unacceptable." |
0x3901000000000128 |
"Key size is too big." |
0x3901000000000129 |
"Commit approved for missing certificate." |
0x3901000000000130 |
"Certificate revocation list size=(%m_crl_size/%d) is too big and cannot be used." |
0x3901000000000131 |
"Tokenlifetime successfully updated in ConfD database." |
0x3901000000000132 |
"Path=(%m_tokenlifetime_cfg_path/%s) does not exist." |
0x3901000000000133 |
"Failed setting Operational state data for tokenlifetime" |
0x3901000000000134 |
"Key size too big to be supported." |
0x3901000000000135 |
"Failed to create a directory. (%PATH/%s) (%Error_Message/%s)" |
0x3901000000000136 |
"Deleted HTTPD configuration file. (%name/%s)" |
0x3901000000000137 |
"Opening SElinux port for tacacs server. (%port/%d) (%server/%s)" |
0x3901000000000138 |
"Closing SElinux port for tacacs server. (%port/%d) (%server/%s)" |
0x3901000000000139 |
"Failed to update state data for specified path. (%PATH/%s) (%confd_errno/%d)" |
0x3901000000000143 |
"Unable to open pam config file (%PATH/%s)" |
0x3901000000000146 |
"The OCSP IP address is not configured. Setting OCSP override-responder to off." |
0x3901000000000147 |
"CDB get operation failed. (%COMPONENT/%s) (%ERROR/%s) (%LASTERR/%s) (%ERRNO/%d)" |
0x3901000000000148 |
"System's IPv4 management address isn't configured." |
0x3901000000000150 |
"(%message/%s)" |
0x3901000000000151 |
"(%func/%s) Invalid op: (%enum/%d)" |
0x3901000000000152 |
"Token is invalidated: (%session_id/%s)" |
0x3901000000000153 |
"(%func/%s) Failed to read cdb element. (%error/%s) (%errno/%s)" |
0x3901000000000154 |
"(%func/%s) Failed to delete cdb element. (%error/%s) (%errno/%s)" |
0x3901000000000155 |
"Unable to open flag file (%FILE/%s) (%OPERATION/%s)" |
0x4301000000000001 |
"Platform Stats Bridge Starting. (%version/%s) (%date/%s)" |
0x4301000000000002 |
"Platform Stats Bridge Exiting." |
0x4301000000000003 |
"(%func/%s): stats timeout for (%component/%s)" |
0x4302000000000001 |
"(%func/%s): Failed to get a cdb entry. (%ERROR/%s) (%LASTERR/%s) (%ERRNO/%d)" |
0x4302000000000002 |
"(%func/%s):get_next timeout for (%component_name/%s)" |
0x4305000000000001 |
"Error reply received while fetching stats. (%ERRCODE/%x) (%ERRORSTR/%s)" |
0x4701000000000001 |
"Line DMA Agent Starting" |
0x4701000000000002 |
"TCPD shared memory mapping failed" |
0x4701000000000003 |
"DM context memory mappin failed" |
0x4701000000000004 |
"TCPD socket initialization failed" |
0x4701000000000005 |
"L2 socket initialization failed" |
0x4701000000000006 |
"PCIe device attach failed" |
0x4701000000000007 |
"IOMMU setup failed" |
0x4701000000000008 |
"Packet capture startup configuration failed" |
0x4701000000000009 |
"Packet capture started" |
0x4701000000000010 |
"Packet capture stopped" |
0x4701000000000011 |
"Packet capture client connected" |
0x4701000000000012 |
"Packet capture client disconnected" |
0x4701000000000013 |
"Packet capture client conenction rejected as client already connected" |
0x4701000000000014 |
"L2 client connected" |
0x4701000000000015 |
"L2 client disconnected" |
0x4701000000000016 |
"L2 client conenction rejected as client already connected" |
0x4801000000000001 |
"optics-mgr starting (%version/%s) (%date/%s) (%partition/%s)" |
0x4801000000000002 |
"optics-mgr exiting" |
0x4801000000000003 |
"optics-mgr error (%error/%s)" |
0x4801000000000004 |
"optics-mgr HAL response error. (%errorcode/%d) (%errmsg/%s)" |
0x4801000000000005 |
"optics-mgr invalid hardware platform (%hardwaretype/%d)" |
0x4801000000000006 |
"No optical tuning available (%partnum/%s) (%interface/%s) (%revision/%s)" |
0x4801000000000007 |
"No optical tuning available for optical version (%major/%d) (%minor/%d)" |
0x4801000000000008 |
"Optical tuning invalid port (%partnum/%s) (%port/%s) (%revision/%s)" |
0x4801000000000010 |
"Received request to validate optic. (%brand/%s) (%oui/%s) (%rev/%s) (%ifname/%s) (%pn/%s)" |
0x4801000000000011 |
"OPTICS_SUCCESS_TUNING_NEEDED returning tuning (%numctle/%u) (%brand/%s) (%oui/%s) (%rev/%s) (%ifname/%s) (%pn/%s)" |
0x4801000000000012 |
"OPTICS_SUCCESS_NO_TUNING (%brand/%s) (%oui/%s) (%rev/%s) (%ifname/%s) (%pn/%s)" |
0x4801000000000013 |
"Failed to find tuning for optic (%brand/%s) (%oui/%s) (%rev/%s) (%ifname/%s) (%pn/%s)" |
0x4801000000000014 |
"Received request to validate optic. (%brand/%s) (%oui/%s) (%rev/%s) (%ifname/%s) (%pn/%s) (%hwtype/%s)" |
0x4801000000000015 |
"Received request to validate optic. (%brand/%s) (%oui/%s) (%rev/%s) (%ifname/%s) (%pn/%s) (%hwtype/%s) (%speed/%s) (%lifeycle/%s)" |
0x4801000000000016 |
"OPTICS_TUNING_EARLY_SUPPORT returning tuning (%numctle/%u) (%brand/%s) (%oui/%s) (%rev/%s) (%ifname/%s) (%pn/%s)" |
0x4801000000000017 |
"OPTICS_SUCCESS_NO_TUNING_EARLY_SUPPORT (%brand/%s) (%oui/%s) (%rev/%s) (%ifname/%s) (%pn/%s)" |
0x4802000000000001 |
"optics-mgr unable to initialize ZMQ. (%error/%d)" |
0x4802000000000002 |
"ZMQ Message Server Started. Listening on (%port/%d)" |
0x4802000000000003 |
"Failed to register endpoint (%endpoint/%s)" |
0x4802000000000004 |
"Failed to deregister endpoint (%endpoint/%s)" |
0x4802000000000005 |
"Failed to send reply (%endpoint/%s) (%replytype/%s)" |
0x4802000000000006 |
"Failed to get zmq handle to socket" |
0x4802000000000007 |
"Failed to add source data to ZMQ envelope (%endpoint/%s)" |
0x4802000000000008 |
"Failed to init ZMQ envelope (%endpoint/%s)" |
0x4802000000000009 |
"Failed to init ZMQ payload (%endpoint/%s)" |
0x4802000000000010 |
"Expect non null ZMQ payload (%endpoint/%s)" |
0x4802000000000011 |
"Unexpected payload count, should be 1. No response generated (%cnt/%d)" |
0x4802000000000012 |
"Optics-Mgr does not recognize the request message received" |
0x4802000000000013 |
"Failed to parse request message (%request/%s)" |
0x4802000000000014 |
"Failed to add message to payload (%replysize/%u) (%lensize/%u)", |
0x5010000000000001 |
"OrchAgent starting (%Version/%s) (%Date/%s)" |
0x5010000000000002 |
"OrchAgent exiting" |
0x5010000000000004 |
"SERVICE_INDICATOR initializing orchestration-agent in FIPS 140-3 mode" |
0x5010000000000005 |
"Chassis serial number is invalid - tenants will not operate" |
0x5010000000000006 |
"Invalid Platform Type (%msg/%s)" |
0x5010000000000007 |
"Internal error. (%ERRMSG/%s)" |
0x5010000000000009 |
"Tenant doesn't support secure channel, falling back to insecure channel to prevent connection failure. (%Tenant/%s)" |
0x5020000000000001 |
"maapi failed to connect to config daemon (%ERRNOSTR/%s) (%LASTERR/%s)" |
0x5020000000000002 |
"failed to end session with config daemon (%ERRNOSTR/%s) (%LASTERR/%s)" |
0x5030000000000001 |
"maapi_set failed for (%TENANTCONFIG/%s) (%ATTRIBUTE/%s) (%PATH/%s) (%ERRNOSTR/%s) (%ERRNO/%d)" |
0x5030000000000002 |
"maapi_create failed for (%TENANTCONFIG/%s) (%ERRNOSTR/%s) (%LASTERR/%s) (%ERRNO/%d)" |
0x5030000000000006 |
"cdb_get failed for SLOTCONFIG name (%ERRNOSTR/%s) (%LASTERR/%s) (%ERRNO/%d)" |
0x5030000000000007 |
"cdb_get failed for (%SLOTCONFIG/%d) (%ATTRIBUTE/%s) (%ERRNOSTR/%s) (%LASTERR/%s) (%ERRNO/%d)" |
0x5030000000000008 |
"cdb_get failed in getting the base-mac for tenant (%TENANT/%s) (%ERRNOSTR/%s) (%LASTERR/%s) (%ERRNO/%d)" |
0x5030000000000009 |
"cdb_get failed in getting the mgmt-mac for tenant (%TENANT/%s) (%ERRNOSTR/%s) (%LASTERR/%s) (%ERRNO/%d)" |
0x5030000000000010 |
"cdb_get failed in getting the mac pool size for tenant (%TENANT/%s) (%ERRNOSTR/%s) (%LASTERR/%s) (%ERRNO/%d)" |
0x5030000000000011 |
"failed to read partition slot data (%ERRNOSTR/%s) (%LASTERR/%s) (%ERRNO/%d)" |
0x5030000000000012 |
"maapi_set_elem failed for interface (%INTERFACE/%s)" |
0x5030000000000013 |
"maapi_create failed for hugepages (%slot/%d) (%PATH/%s) for tenant (%TENANT/%s) (%ERRNOSTR/%s) (%LASTERR/%s) (%ERRNO/%d)" |
0x5030000000000014 |
"maapi_delete failed for hugepages (%slot/%d) (%PATH/%s) for tenant (%TENANT/%s) (%ERRNOSTR/%s) (%LASTERR/%s) (%ERRNO/%d)" |
0x5030000000000015 |
"tenant console user operation failed for (%USER/%s) (%OP/%s) (%ERRNOSTR/%s) (%ERRNO/%d)" |
0x5030000000000016 |
"tenant console user added (%USER/%s)" |
0x5030000000000017 |
"tenant console user deleted (%USER/%s)" |
0x5030000000000018 |
"Failed to update node running state for node (%PATH/%s) (%ERRNOSTR/%s) (%LASTERR/%s) (%ERRNO/%d)" |
0x5030000000000019 |
"Failed to update node name for node (%PATH/%s)" |
0x5030000000000020 |
"Failed to update node state for node (%PATH/%s)" |
0x5030000000000021 |
"Failed to read node name for index (%node/%d)" |
0x5030000000000022 |
"Failed to read node config state for node (%PATH/%s)" |
0x5030000000000023 |
"cdb_get failed in getting the appliance-mode for tenant (%TENANT/%s) (%ERRNOSTR/%s) (%LASTERR/%s) (%ERRNO/%d)" |
0x5030000000000024 |
"New tenant (%TENANT/%s) has been added in tenant DB. state = CONFIGURED, blade (%blade/%d)" |
0x5030000000000025 |
"cdb_get failed for (%ATTRIBUTE/%s) (%ERRNOSTR/%s) (%LASTERR/%s) (%ERRNO/%d)" |
0x5030000000000026 |
"cdb_get failed in getting the storage size for tenant (%TENANT/%s) (%ERRNOSTR/%s) (%LASTERR/%s) (%ERRNO/%d)" |
0x5030000000000027 |
"unknown tenant (%name/%s) instance type (%type/%u)" |
0x5030000000000028 |
"cdb_get failed for (%ATTRIBUTE/%s) (%ERRNOSTR/%s) (%LASTERR/%s) (%ERRNO/%d)" |
0x5030000000000029 |
"Sub-module configuration created. (%TENANT/%s)" |
0x5030000000000030 |
"Sub-module configuration deleted. (%TENANT/%s)" |
0x5030000000000031 |
"Unable to fetch feature flag in function (%func/%s)" |
0x5030000000000032 |
"total_tenants_existing : (%tenant_count/%d)" |
0x5030000000000033 |
"Invalid tenant instantiation" |
0x5030000000000034 |
"Tenant name (%TENANT/%s) is already being used by existing system service (%SERVICE/%s)" |
0x5030000000000035 |
"Platform self signed cert and key size is zero" |
0x5030000000000036 |
"Failed to create maapi transaction. (%ERRNOSTR/%s) (%LASTERR/%s) (%ERRNO/%d)" |
0x5030000000000037 |
"Failed to create maapi read transaction. (%ERRNOSTR/%s) (%LASTERR/%s) (%ERRNO/%d)" |
0x5030000000000038 |
"Key header check failed (%HEADER/%s)" |
0x5030000000000039 |
"Key Hash (%TYPE/%s) (%HASH/%s)" |
0x5030000000000040 |
"maapi install crypto keys error. (%ERRNOSTR/%s) (%ERRNO/%d)" |
0x5030000000000041 |
"(%ERR/%s) (%ERRNOSTR/%s) (%ERRNO/%d)" |
0x5030000000000042 |
"Allocated virtual tenant slot (%NODE/%s)(%SLOT/%d)" |
0x5030000000000043 |
"Released virtual tenant slot (%NODE/%s)(%SLOT/%d)" |
0x5030000000000044 |
"Tenant name too long for virtual console access. (%TENANT/%s) (%MAXLEN/%d)" |
0x5030000000000045 |
"Username already exists, cannot add virtual console user for tenant. (%TENANT/%s)" |
0x5030000000000046 |
"maapi_delete failed for modules (%PATH/%s) (%TENANT/%s) (%ERRNOSTR/%s) (%LASTERR/%s) (%ERRNO/%d)" |
0x5030000000000047 |
"maapi_get failed for modules (%PATH/%s) (%VFGROUP/%d) (%ERRNOSTR/%s) (%LASTERR/%s) (%ERRNO/%d)" |
0x5030000000000048 |
"maapi_set failed for modules (%PATH/%s) (%VFGROUP/%d) (%ERRNOSTR/%s) (%LASTERR/%s) (%ERRNO/%d)" |
0x5030000000000049 |
"maapi_delete failed for modules (%PATH/%s) (%VFGROUP/%d) (%ERRNOSTR/%s) (%LASTERR/%s) (%ERRNO/%d)" |
0x5030000000000050 |
"maapi_exists failed (%PATH/%s) (%ERRNOSTR/%s)" |
0x5030000000000051 |
"maapi_create failed for vf group (%PATH/%s) (%VFGROUP/%d) (%ERRNOSTR/%s) (%LASTERR/%s) (%ERRNO/%d)" |
0x5030000000000052 |
"maapi_get failed for (%TENANTCONFIG/%s) (%ATTRIBUTE/%s) (%PATH/%s) (%ERRNOSTR/%s) (%ERRNO/%d)" |
0x5030000000000053 |
"maapi_set failed for tenant storage (%ERRNO/%d) (%ERRNOSTR/%s)" |
0x5030000000000054 |
"maapi_set failed for tenant reserved-cpus (%ERRNO/%d) (%ERRNOSTR/%s)" |
0x5030000000000055 |
"Failed to read HSM state while deploying tenant. (%ERRNO/%d) (%ERRNOSTR/%s)" |
0x5040000000000001 |
"cdb_get failed for TENANTCONFIG name (%ERRNOSTR/%s) (%LASTERR/%s) (%ERRNO/%d)" |
0x5040000000000002 |
"cdb_cd failed for (%PATH/%s) (%ERRNOSTR/%s) (%LASTERR/%s) (%ERRNO/%d)" |
0x5040000000000003 |
"cdb_get failed for (%TENANTCONFIG/%s) (%ATTRIBUTE/%s) (%ERRNOSTR/%s) (%LASTERR/%s) (%ERRNO/%d)" |
0x5040000000000004 |
"cdb_get failed for (%TENANTCONFIG/%d) (%ATTRIBUTE/%s) (%ERRNOSTR/%s) (%LASTERR/%s) (%ERRNO/%d)" |
0x5040000000000005 |
"cdb_set failed for (%TENANTCONFIG/%s) (%ATTRIBUTE/%s) (%ERRNOSTR/%s) (%LASTERR/%s) (%ERRNO/%d)" |
0x5040000000000006 |
"cdb_delete failed for (%TENANTCONFIG/%s) (%ATTRIBUTE/%s) (%ERRNOSTR/%s) (%LASTERR/%s) (%ERRNO/%d)" |
0x5040000000000007 |
"cdb_get failed to get mac for mac entry (%ERRNOSTR/%s) (%LASTERR/%s) (%ERRNO/%d)" |
0x5040000000000008 |
"cdb_get failed for vlans (%ERRNOSTR/%s) (%LASTERR/%s) (%ERRNO/%d)" |
0x5040000000000009 |
"cdb_get failed in getting the vlan for tenant (%TENANT/%s) (%ERRNOSTR/%s) (%LASTERR/%s) (%ERRNO/%d)" |
0x5040000000000010 |
"Platform is not ready on node (%PLATFORM/%d) (%node/%d)" |
0x5040000000000011 |
"Failed to end session with config daemon on cluster oper data (%ERRNOSTR/%s) (%LASTERR/%s)" |
0x5040000000000012 |
"cdb_delete failed for (%TENANTINSTANCE/%s) (%ATTRIBUTE/%s) (%ERRNOSTR/%s) (%LASTERR/%s) (%ERRNO/%d)" |
0x5040000000000013 |
"cdb_get failed for (%TENANTINSTANCECONFIG/%s) (%ATTRIBUTE/%s) (%ERRNOSTR/%s) (%LASTERR/%s) (%ERRNO/%d)" |
0x5040000000000014 |
"cdb_get failed for TENANT name (%ERRNOSTR/%s) (%LASTERR/%s) (%ERRNO/%d)" |
0x5040000000000015 |
"cdb_get failed for pod name for tenant (%TENANT/%s) (%ERRNOSTR/%s) (%LASTERR/%s) (%ERRNO/%d)" |
0x5040000000000016 |
"cdb_get failed for pod node for tenant (%TENANT/%s) pod (%POD/%s) (%ERRNOSTR/%s) (%LASTERR/%s) (%ERRNO/%d)" |
0x5040000000000017 |
"cdb_get failed for pod ip for tenant (%TENANT/%s) pod (%POD/%s) (%ERRNOSTR/%s) (%LASTERR/%s) (%ERRNO/%d)" |
0x5040000000000018 |
"pod ip type unsupported for tenant (%TENANT/%s) pod (%POD/%s) type (%TYPE/%d)" |
0x5040000000000019 |
"cdb_get failed for TENANT type (%TENANT/%s) (%ERRNOSTR/%s) (%LASTERR/%s) (%ERRNO/%d)" |
0x5040000000000020 |
"cdb_cd failed for (%PATH/%s) (%ERRNOSTR/%s) (%LASTERR/%s) (%ERRNO/%d)" |
0x5040000000000021 |
"submod cdb_get failed for (%TENANTCONFIG/%s) (%ATTRIBUTE/%s) (%ERRNOSTR/%s) (%LASTERR/%s) (%ERRNO/%d)" |
0x5040000000000022 |
"submod cdb_get failed for (%TENANTCONFIG/%d) (%ATTRIBUTE/%s) (%ERRNOSTR/%s) (%LASTERR/%s) (%ERRNO/%d)" |
0x5040000000000023 |
"Old config value does not exist for (%TENANTCONFIG/%s)" |
0x5040000000000024 |
"cdb_get failed for virtual-wires (%ERRNOSTR/%s) (%LASTERR/%s) (%ERRNO/%d)" |
0x5040000000000025 |
"cdb_get failed for slot serial number (%SLOT/%s) (%ERRNOSTR/%s) (%LASTERR/%s) (%ERRNO/%d)" |
0x5040000000000026 |
"cdb_get failed for slot platform ID (%SLOT/%s) (%ERRNOSTR/%s) (%LASTERR/%s) (%ERRNO/%d)" |
0x5040000000000027 |
"cdb_exist failed to check slot serial number (%SLOT/%s) (%ERRNOSTR/%s) (%LASTERR/%s) (%ERRNO/%d)" |
0x5040000000000028 |
"cdb_exist failed to check slot platform ID (%SLOT/%s) (%ERRNOSTR/%s) (%LASTERR/%s) (%ERRNO/%d)" |
0x5050000000000001 |
"tenant creation failed for (%TENANT/%s) (%node/%d) (%ret/%d)" |
0x5050000000000002 |
"tenant deletion failed for (%TENANT/%s) (%node/%d) (%ret/%d)" |
0x5050000000000003 |
"Config Map creation failed for (%TENANT/%s) (%node/%d)" |
0x5050000000000004 |
"Config Map deletion failed for (%TENANT/%s) (%node/%d)" |
0x5050000000000006 |
"Timed out waiting for kvm NI helper job to complete (%PATH/%s), timeout (%timeout/%d)" |
0x5050000000000008 |
"Secret creation failed for (%TENANT/%s) (%node/%d)" |
0x5050000000000009 |
"Secret deletion failed for (%TENANT/%s) (%node/%d)" |
0x5050000000000010 |
"Kvm helper job creation failed for (%TENANT/%s)" |
0x5050000000000011 |
"Kvm helper job deletion failed for (%TENANT/%s)" |
0x5050000000000012 |
"Kvm Helper job failed to de-allocate the resources for (%TENANT/%s)" |
0x5050000000000013 |
"Custom Network Interface creation failed for (%TENANT/%s) reason (%error/%d)" |
0x5050000000000015 |
"Tenant External Interface deletion failed for (%TENANT/%s)" |
0x5050000000000016 |
"Tenant External Interface creation failed for (%TENANT/%s)" |
0x5050000000000017 |
"Tenant not launched. Platform services not reported READY on node. (%TENANT/%s), (%node/%d)" |
0x5050000000000018 |
"Tenant not launched since node is disabled. (%TENANT/%s), (%node/%d)" |
0x5050000000000020 |
"Failed: PatchSvcPOD: (%type/%s) (%msg/%s)" |
0x5050000000000022 |
"SvcPOD: (%type/%s) (%msg/%s)" |
0x5050000000000024 |
"V6 prefix to mask operation failed. (%TENANT/%s)" |
0x5050000000000025 |
"Tenant Size is not valid." |
0x5050000000000026 |
"Tenant Disk Resize failed. (%TENANT/%s) reason (%error/%s)" |
0x5050000000000027 |
"Tenant Cannot be resize to smaller size" |
0x5050000000000028 |
"Tenant image pull backoff error - delete tenant pod. (%TENANT/%s), (%node/%d)" |
0x5050000000000029 |
"Failed to generate tenant token for tenant: (%TENANT/%s), (%msg/%s)" |
0x5050000000000030 |
"Failed to update ip rules for tenant on node (%TENANT/%s), (%node/%d)" |
0x5050000000000031 |
"Restarting system tenant (%SYSTEMTENANT/%s) due to unhealthy event" |
0x5050000000000032 |
"Tenant not launched. Failed to find the node in a partition (%TENANT/%s), (%node/%d)" |
0x5050000000000033 |
"cmd failed (%cmd/%s) (%err/%s)" |
0x5050000000000034 |
"Missing Tenant configurational data.(%TENANT/%s) (%error/%s)" |
0x5050000000000035 |
"Error creating token for namespace (%NAMESPACE/%s)" |
0x5050000000000036 |
"Error retrieving token for namespace (%NAMESPACE/%s), (%status/%d)" |
0x5050000000000037 |
"Error creating service account for namespace (%NAMESPACE/%s)" |
0x5050000000000038 |
"Error deleting service account for namespace (%NAMESPACE/%s)" |
0x5050000000000039 |
"Error creating role for namespace (%NAMESPACE/%s)" |
0x5050000000000040 |
"Error deleting role for namespace (%NAMESPACE/%s)" |
0x5050000000000041 |
"Error creating role binding for namespace (%NAMESPACE/%s)" |
0x5050000000000042 |
"Error deleting role binding for namespace (%NAMESPACE/%s)" |
0x5050000000000043 |
"Error creating tenant namespace (%NAMESPACE/%s)" |
0x5050000000000044 |
"Error removing tenant namespace (%NAMESPACE/%s)" |
0x5050000000000045 |
"Error tenant namespace still in Terminating state (%NAMESPACE/%s)" |
0x5050000000000047 |
"Error tenant namespace does not exist (%NAMESPACE/%s)" |
0x5050000000000048 |
"Error creating RBAC for namespace (%NAMESPACE/%s)" |
0x5050000000000049 |
"Qat Devices are not available on node. (%TENANT/%s), (%node/%d)" |
0x5050000000000050 |
"Restarting f5-resource-manager due to unhealthy event or unavailability." |
0x5050000000000051 |
"Failed to create (%type/%s) for ResourceManager" |
0x5050000000000052 |
"Failed to delete (%type/%s) for ResourceManager" |
0x5050000000000053 |
"Tenant (%TENANT/%s): event (%event/%s)" |
0x5050000000000054 |
"Tenant deployment can not proceed as (%filename/%s) is not present on the node." |
0x5050000000000055 |
"Failed to create the control plane network for tenant: (%TENANT/%s) (%status/%d)." |
0x5050000000000056 |
"Failed to delete the control network for tenant: (%TENANT/%s) (%status/%d)." |
0x5050000000000057 |
"Failed to create deployment: (%TENANT/%s) (%status/%d)." |
0x5050000000000058 |
"Failed to delete deployment: (%TENANT/%s) (%status/%d)." |
0x5050000000000059 |
"Failed to create bond network for tenant: (%TENANT/%s) (%status/%d)." |
0x5050000000000060 |
"Failed to delete bond network for tenant: (%TENANT/%s) (%status/%d)." |
0x5050000000000061 |
"Failed to create vnap network for tenant: (%TENANT/%s) (%status/%d)." |
0x5050000000000062 |
"Failed to delete vnap network for tenant: (%TENANT/%s) (%status/%d)." |
0x5050000000000063 |
"Failed to create sriov-ha network for tenant: (%TENANT/%s) (%status/%d)." |
0x5050000000000064 |
"Failed to delete sriov-ha network for tenant: (%TENANT/%s) (%status/%d)." |
0x5050000000000065 |
"Stale tenant namespace exists, proceeding to delete it (%NAMESPACE/%s)" |
0x5060000000000001 |
"Tenant configuration created. (%TENANT/%s)" |
0x5060000000000002 |
"Tenant attempting to provision the resources. (%TENANT/%s) (%node/%d)" |
0x5060000000000003 |
"Tenant attempting deploy. (%TENANT/%s) (%node/%d)" |
0x5060000000000004 |
"Tenant deployed successfully (%TENANT/%s) (%node/%d)" |
0x5060000000000005 |
"Tenant attempting to stop (%TENANT/%s) (%node/%d)" |
0x5060000000000006 |
"Tenant attempting to delete (%TENANT/%s) (%node/%d)" |
0x5060000000000007 |
"Failed to get tenant(s) health from server (%rest/%d) (%status/%s)" |
0x5060000000000008 |
"Failed to get node(s) health from server (%rest/%d) (%status/%s)" |
0x5060000000000009 |
"Attempting to setup Tenant to Platform Network channel (%TENANT/%s) (%node/%d)" |
0x5060000000000010 |
"Tenant has unhealthy event (%event/%s). (%TENANT/%s) (%node/%d)" |
0x5060000000000011 |
"Tenant disk attempting to resize. (%TENANT/%s) (%Size/%d)" |
0x5060000000000012 |
"Tenant disk resized successfully (%TENANT/%s) (%node/%d)" |
0x5060000000000013 |
"Tenant is running successfully (%TENANT/%s) (%node/%d)" |
0x5060000000000014 |
"Tenant deployment failed (%TENANT/%s) (%node/%d) (%result/%s)" |
0x5060000000000015 |
"Tenant configuration deleted. (%TENANT/%s)" |
0x5060000000000016 |
"Tenant deleted successfully (%TENANT/%s) (%node/%d)" |
0x5060000000000017 |
"Tenant stopped successfully (%TENANT/%s) (%node/%d)" |
0x5060000000000018 |
"Unhealthy event for tenant (%TENANT/%s) during upgrade (%event/%s)" |
0x5060000000000019 |
"Tenant to Platform Network channel setup done successfully (%TENANT/%s) (%node/%d)" |
0x5060000000000021 |
"Tenant resource provisioning successful. (%TENANT/%s) (%node/%d)" |
0x5060000000000022 |
"Using spec path: (%path/%s)" |
0x5060000000000024 |
"Error parsing (%path/%s): (%error/%s)" |
0x5060000000000025 |
"Unable to validate spec file (%path/%s)" |
0x5060000000000028 |
"Flag (%flag/%s) does not exist, skipping." |
0x5060000000000029 |
"Got error code (%code/%d) while checking existence of flag (%flag/%s)" |
0x5060000000000030 |
"Chassis serial number is invalid - do not attempt tenant deploy. (%TENANT/%s) (%node/%d)" |
0x5060000000000032 |
"(%msg/%s) (%TENANT/%s)" |
0x5060000000000033 |
"(%msg/%s) (%TENANT/%s)" |
0x5060000000000034 |
"Successfully update CPU for tenant (%TENANT/%s)" |
0x5060000000000035 |
"Successfully update feature-flags for tenant (%TENANT/%s)" |
0x5060000000000036 |
"Successfully update float IP for tenant (%TENANT/%s)" |
0x5060000000000037 |
"Successfully update HA state for tenant (%TENANT/%s)" |
0x5060000000000039 |
"NodeAgent failed to process the request with error (%message/%s)" |
0x5060000000000040 |
"Timeout waiting for response from NodeAgent (%TENANT/%s) (%NODE/%d)" |
0x5060000000000041 |
"Successfully update module-provision update for tenant (%TENANT/%s)" |
0x5060000000000042 |
"Failed to allocate memory for tenant (%TENANT/%s) (%node/%d)" |
0x5060000000000043 |
"Tenant interim upgrade status (%TENANT/%s) (%event/%s) (%ret/%d)" |
0x5060000000000044 |
"Tenant upgrade started. (%TENANT/%s)" |
0x5060000000000045 |
"Tenant upgrade successful. (%TENANT/%s)" |
0x5060000000000046 |
"Retrying tenant upgrade. (%TENANT/%s)" |
0x5060000000000047 |
"Unable to post tenant upgrade result in confd on standby. (%TENANT/%s)" |
0x5060000000000048 |
"Tenant upgrade failed. (%TENANT/%s)" |
0x5060000000000049 |
"Tenant deployment failed due to insufficient CPUs (%TENANT/%s) (%node/%d)" |
0x5060000000000050 |
"Unable to post updated 4k memory to confd on standby. (%TENANT/%s)" |
0x5060000000000051 |
"Tenant rollback is in progress. (%TENANT/%s)" |
0x5060000000000052 |
"Stale Tenant upgrade finishing. Do not update confd. (%TENANT/%s) (%TENANTID/%d)" |
0x5060000000000053 |
"Failed to delete the token file associated with the tenant namespace. (%FILE/%s)" |
0x5060000000000054 |
"Scaling down tenant deployments for memory allocation. (%TENANT/%s)" |
0x5060000000000055 |
"Scaling up tenant deployments after memory allocation failed after multiple retries. (%TENANT/%s)" |
0x5060000000000056 |
"Scaling down tenant deployments is successful. (%TENANT/%s)" |
0x5070000000000001 |
"No available SR-IOV VF groups found" |
0x5070000000000002 |
"SR-IOV VF Slot information is not available/updated for the tenant (%TENANT/%s)" |
0x5070000000000003 |
"Received invalid SR-IOV VF group id (%VFGROUP/%d)" |
0x5070000000000004 |
"Unable to fetch VFs pci address from filesystem" |
0x5070000000000005 |
"Unable to fetch VF groups data from confd" |
0x5070000000000006 |
"SR-IOV DP pod is at running/ready state, able to access VFs" |
0x5070000000000007 |
"Failed to perform driver switch on SR-IOV VFs (%TENANT/%s)" |
0x5701000000000001 |
"License Service starting, (%version/%s) (%date/%s)" |
0x5701000000000002 |
"License Service exiting." |
0x5701000000000003 |
"cdb_get failed for (%COMPONENT/%s) (%ERROR/%s) (%LASTERR/%s) (%ERRNO/%d)" |
0x5701000000000004 |
"(%func/%s): Memory allocation failed (%TYPE/%s)" |
0x5701000000000008 |
"(%func/%s): (%Execption/%s)" |
0x5701000000000010 |
"(%func/%s): (%Error/%s)" |
0x5701000000000011 |
"(%func/%s): Unable to create Mappi transaction (%ERRNO/%d) (%LASTERR/%s)" |
0x5701000000000012 |
"(%func/%s): License update transaction failed. retrying (%count/%d)" |
0x5701000000000013 |
"(%func/%s): Dossier is empty. Unable to fetch the system dossier" |
0x5701000000000014 |
"(%func/%s): Unable to instantiate LicenseCdbHandler Object" |
0x5701000000000015 |
"(%func/%s): Dossier instance creation failed" |
0x5701000000000016 |
"(%func/%s): Dossier init failed" |
0x5701000000000017 |
"(%func/%s): Getting Hashed Dossier failed" |
0x5701000000000018 |
"(%func/%s): Getting Encrypted Dossier failed" |
0x5701000000000019 |
"(%func/%s): Could not retrieve Chassis Reg Key from HAL" |
0x5701000000000020 |
"(%func/%s): Unable to instantiate LicenseActivationClient Object" |
0x5701000000000021 |
"(%func/%s): license can't be installed on Standby" |
0x5701000000000022 |
"(%func/%s): (%message/%s)" |
0x5701000000000023 |
"(%func/%s): Configuration set elem operation failed for (%PATH/%s) (%ERRNO/%d) (%LASTERR/%s)" |
0x5701000000000024 |
"(%func/%s): Configuration set elem2 operation failed for (%PATH/%s) (%ERRNO/%d) (%LASTERR/%s)" |
0x5701000000000025 |
"(%func/%s): Configuration delete operation failed for (%PATH/%s) (%ERRNO/%d) (%LASTERR/%s)" |
0x5701000000000026 |
"(%func/%s): Configuration get operation failed for (%PATH/%s) (%ERRNO/%d) (%LASTERR/%s)" |
0x5701000000000027 |
"(%func/%s): Dossier CDB Update failed" |
0x5701000000000028 |
"(%func/%s)Populating license details on startup" |
0x5701000000000029 |
"(%func/%s)Populating license details failed on startup" |
0x5701000000000030 |
"(%func/%s)License Installation is aborted" |
0x5701000000000033 |
"(%func/%s): License file creation failed (%ERROR/%s)" |
0x5701000000000037 |
"AUDIT - SERVICE_INDICATOR initializing system_license_service in FIPS 140-3 mode" |
0x5701000000000038 |
"Maapi complete transaction failed for fflags update. (%error/%s) (%error_no/%d)" |
0x5701000000000039 |
"License feature flags maapi_set_values failed. (%error/%s) (%error_no/%d)" |
0x5701000000000040 |
"License feature flags cdb_set_values failed. (%error/%s) (%error_no/%d)" |
0x5701000000000041 |
"License feature flags oper data set failed. (%error/%s) (%error_no/%d)" |
0x5701000000000042 |
"Password not provided with username in diagnostics proxy." |
0x5701000000000044 |
"(%msg/%s) : (%error/%s) (%error_no/%d)" |
0x5701000000000045 |
"(%msg/%s)" |
0x5701000000000046 |
"Proxy server is not set for license installation, proceeding without a proxy." |
0x5701000000000047 |
"Proxy-server URL is not valid, use the format ://:" |
0x5801000000000001 |
"API service gateway starting (%VERSION/%s) (%DATE/%s)" |
0x5801000000000002 |
"UNUSED: API service gateway exiting" |
0x5801000000000003 |
"Memory allocation failed (%TYPE/%s)" |
0x5801000000000004 |
"Failed to read env variable (%VAR/%s)" |
0x5801000000000006 |
"Rejecting vlan (%VLAN/%d) for tenant (%TENANT/%s)" |
0x5801000000000007 |
"syncookie not supported message (%text/%s)" |
0x5801000000000008 |
"No environment variable NETWORK_PREFIX, using default network prefix 10.1" |
0x5801000000000009 |
"Env variable set (%VAR/%s) (%VALUE/%s)" |
0x5801000000000010 |
"Error during tmstat operation. (%API/%s) (%TBLNAME/%s) (%error/%s)" |
0x5801000000000011 |
"Waiting for self-signed certificates installation. (%MSG/%s)" |
0x5801000000000012 |
"self-signed crypto keys installation completed" |
0x5801000000000013 |
"API service gateway exiting" |
0x5801000000000015 |
"SERVICE_INDICATOR initializing api-svc-gateway in FIPS 140-3 mode" |
0x5803000000000001 |
"Read from cdb failed: (%PATH/%s) (%ERRNOSTR/%s) (%LASTERR/%s) (%ERRNO/%d)" |
0x5803000000000002 |
"Change Directory for cdb failed: (%PATH/%s) (%ERRNOSTR/%s) (%LASTERR/%s) (%ERRNO/%d)" |
0x5803000000000003 |
"Write to cdb failed: (%PATH/%s) (%ERRNOSTR/%s) (%LASTERR/%s) (%ERRNO/%d)" |
0x5803000000000004 |
"service-instance (%NAME/%s) not in cdb" |
0x5803000000000005 |
"Delete from cdb failed: (%PATH/%s) (%ERRNOSTR/%s) (%LASTERR/%s) (%ERRNO/%d)" |
0x5803000000000007 |
"service-instance (%NAME/%s) with nonzero submodule-id doesn't support (%FEATURE/%s)" |
0x5803000000000008 |
"cdb_get: (%PATH/%s) (%TENANT/%s) (%ERRNOSTR/%s) (%LASTERR/%s) (%ERRNO/%d)" |
0x5803000000000009 |
"Key Hash (%TYPE/%s) (%HASH/%s)" |
0x5803000000000010 |
"Key header check failed (%HEADER/%s)" |
0x5803000000000011 |
"Crypto key installation failed: (%ERRNOSTR/%s) (%LASTERR/%s) (%ERRNO/%d)" |
0x5803000000000012 |
"Read from cdb failed for virtual-wire: (%PATH/%s) (%ERRNOSTR/%s) (%LASTERR/%s) (%ERRNO/%d)" |
0x5803000000000013 |
"Unexpected CONFD type for interface field (%INTERFACE/%s) (%FIELD/%s) (%EXPECTED/%d) (%ACTUAL/%d)" |
0x5803000000000017 |
"failed to parse sdag table (%TENANT/%s) (%TABLE/%s)" |
0x5803000000000018 |
"cdb_get: (%PATH/%s) (%KEY/%s) (%ERRNOSTR/%s) (%LASTERR/%s) (%ERRNO/%d)" |
0x5803000000000019 |
"cdb_exists: (%PATH/%s) (%KEY/%s) (%ERRNOSTR/%s) (%LASTERR/%s) (%ERRNO/%d)" |
0x5803000000000021 |
"Failed to look up physical slot. (%VIRTSLOT/%d)" |
0x5803000000000022 |
"Failed to look up virtual slot. (%PHYSSLOT/%d)" |
0x5803000000000023 |
"database get: (%PATH/%s) (%NODE/%s) (%ERRNOSTR/%s) (%LASTERR/%s) (%ERRNO/%d)" |
0x5803000000000024 |
"Failed to get backline link field from database. (%FIELD/%s) (%ERRNOSTR/%s) (%LASTERR/%s) (%ERRNO/%d)" |
0x5803000000000026 |
"Failed to find cdb path: (%PATH/%s) (%ERRNOSTR/%s) (%LASTERR/%s) (%ERRNO/%d)" |
0x5804000000000001 |
"Client Registration failed: (%ERRMSG/%s)" |
0x5804000000000002 |
"Client Subscription failed: (%ERRMSG/%s)" |
0x5804000000000003 |
"Client Deregistration failed: (%ERRMSG/%s)" |
0x5804000000000004 |
"Platform-Tenant connection API: (%MSG/%s)" |
0x5804000000000005 |
"tmstat error: (%ERRMSG/%s)" |
0x5804000000000006 |
"Primary slot notification: (%ERRMSG/%s)" |
0x5804000000000007 |
"UNUSED: Error in mssrequest: (%ERRMSG/%s)" |
0x5804000000000008 |
"Transform Config request failed: (%ERRMSG/%s)" |
0x5804000000000009 |
"Secret Config request failed: (%ERRMSG/%s)" |
0x5804000000000010 |
"DDoS Vector Config request failed: (%ERRMSG/%s)" |
0x5804000000000011 |
"DDoS Tunable Params request failed: (%ERRMSG/%s)" |
0x5804000000000012 |
"Image version error: (%ERRMSG/%s)" |
0x5804000000000013 |
"DDoS WL Config request failed: (%ERRMSG/%s)" |
0x5804000000000014 |
"BDoS Params request failed: (%ERRMSG/%s)" |
0x5804000000000015 |
"DDoS Vector Stats request failed: (%ERRMSG/%s)" |
0x5804000000000016 |
"Error in request from tenant (%TENANT/%s) (%FUNC/%s) (%TYPE/%s)" |
0x5804000000000017 |
"Vlan Config request failed: (%ERRMSG/%s)" |
0x5804000000000018 |
"Stats query failed: (%ERRMSG/%s)" |
0x5804000000000019 |
"Error while configuring vlanset: (%ERRMSG/%s)" |
0x5804000000000020 |
"Error while fetching daglib: (%ERRMSG/%s)" |
0x5804000000000021 |
"delete api_client (%tenant/%s)" |
0x5804000000000024 |
"Incorrectly formatted peer, reject" |
0x5804000000000025 |
"Timeout processing L2 listener requests" |
0x5804000000000027 |
"No unit key was found in confd for tenant (%TENANT/%s)" |
0x5804000000000029 |
"Unit key could not be decrypted (%TENANT/%s) (%HASH/%s) (%ERRNOSTR/%s) (%LASTERR/%s) (%ERRNO/%d)" |
0x5804000000000030 |
"Unit key was not in a valid format (%TENANT/%s) (%HASH/%s)" |
0x5804000000000031 |
"Unit key hash did not match (%TENANT/%s) (%HASH/%s) (%HASHCALC/%s)" |
0x5804000000000032 |
"Processed primary slot notify request for tenant client (%tenant/%s)" |
0x5804000000000033 |
"Processed image version notify request for tenant client (%tenant/%s)" |
0x5804000000000034 |
"Processed register request for the tenant client (%tenant/%s)" |
0x5804000000000035 |
"Processed deregister request for tenant client (%tenant/%s)" |
0x5804000000000036 |
"Receive subscribe request from tenant client (%tenant/%s)" |
0x5804000000000037 |
"End of tenant client subscription for the tenant (%tenant/%s)" |
0x5804000000000038 |
"Fetching sdaglib (%size/%d)" |
0x5804000000000039 |
"Receive listener request from tenant client (%tenant/%s) (%instid/%d) (%listeners_count/%d) (%mac_masq_listeners_count/%d)" |
0x5804000000000040 |
"Listener request (%vlanname/%s) (%vlantag/%d) (%mac/%s) (%cmphash/%s) (%tunnel/%s) (%ipv6prefixlen/%d) (%daghash/%d) (%portadjust/%s)" |
0x5804000000000041 |
"Network manager reply returned error (%errorcode/%d) (%tenant/%s) (%tenantinstance/%d) (%vlantag/%d) (%op/%d)" |
0x5804000000000042 |
"Network manager reply returned OK (%tenant/%s) (%tenantinstance/%d) (%vlantag/%d) (%op/%d)" |
0x5804000000000043 |
"primary slot notification: Tenant client is not registered (%tenant/%s)" |
0x5804000000000044 |
"primary slot notification: Tenant client not found in the tenant config database (%tenant/%s)" |
0x5804000000000045 |
"primary slot notification: Failed to write primary slot info to ConfD for tenant client (%tenant/%s)" |
0x5804000000000046 |
"image version notification: API client is not registered (%tenant/%s)" |
0x5804000000000047 |
"image version notification: API client not found in the tenant config database (%tenant/%s)" |
0x5804000000000048 |
"image version notification: Failed write of running image version (%tenant/%s)" |
0x5804000000000049 |
"Client Registration failed: API client already registered (%tenant/%s)" |
0x5804000000000050 |
"Client Registration failed: invalid API client (%tenant/%s)" |
0x5804000000000051 |
"Client Registration failed: API client not found in the tenant config database (%tenant/%s)"; |
0x5804000000000052 |
"Client Deregistration failed: API client is not registered (%tenant/%s)" |
0x5804000000000053 |
"Client Deregistration failed: invalid API client (%tenant/%s)" |
0x5804000000000054 |
"Client Subscription failed: API client is not registered (%tenant/%s)" |
0x5804000000000055 |
"Client Subscription failed: API client already subscribed (%tenant/%s)" |
0x5804000000000056 |
"Client Subscription failed: Initial notification to tenant client failed for the tenant (%tenant/%s)" |
0x5804000000000057 |
"Client Subscription: API client no longer subscribed (%tenant/%s)" |
0x5804000000000058 |
"Client Subscription failed: API client no longer in the tenant config database (%tenant/%s)" |
0x5804000000000059 |
"Client Subscription failed: Failed to send notification for the tenant (%tenant/%s)" |
0x5804000000000060 |
"Tenant deletion: API client is not registered (%tenant/%s)" |
0x5804000000000061 |
"Listener creation failed: API client is not registered (%tenant/%s)" |
0x5804000000000062 |
"Error while fetching daglib: API client is not registered (%tenant/%s)" |
0x5804000000000063 |
"Error while fetching feature info: (%ERRMSG/%s)" |
0x5804000000000064 |
"tenant state notification: API client is not registered (%tenant/%s)" |
0x5804000000000065 |
"tenant state notification: API client not found in the tenant config database (%tenant/%s)" |
0x5804000000000066 |
"tenant state notification: Failed cdb write of tenant state (%tenant/%s)" |
0x5804000000000067 |
"Receive notify tenant state request from API client (%tenant/%s)" |
0x5804000000000068 |
"Vnap Config request failed: (%ERRMSG/%s)" |
0x5804000000000069 |
"Timeout processing Vnap request" |
0x5804000000000070 |
"tenant state notification: Failed cdb write of primary slot (%tenant/%s)" |
0x5804000000000071 |
"Unable to get platform type/unsupported platform type (%TENANT/%d)" |
0x5804000000000072 |
"Invalid token for the tenant (%TENANT/%s)" |
0x5804000000000073 |
"Token validation has failed for tenant (%TENANT/%d) with error (%ERROR/%s)" |
0x5804000000000074 |
"Failed to find tenant: (%TENANT/%s)" |
0x5804000000000075 |
"(%LOG/%s)" |
0x5804000000000078 |
"Platform key could not be decrypted (%ERRNOSTR/%s) (%LASTERR/%s) (%ERRNO/%d)" |
0x5804000000000079 |
"Install crypt keys failed (%ERRNOSTR/%s) (%LASTERR/%s) (%ERRNO/%d)" |
0x5804000000000080 |
"Listener mac masq request (%vlantag/%d) (%mac/%s) (%op/%d)" |
0x5804000000000081 |
"Network manager mac masquerade reply returned error (%errorcode/%d) (%tenant/%s) (%tenantinstance/%d) (%vlantag/%d) (%mac/%s) (%op/%d)" |
0x5804000000000082 |
"Network manager mac masquerade reply returned OK (%tenant/%s) (%tenantinstance/%d) (%vlantag/%d) (%mac/%s) (%op/%d)" |
0x5804000000000083 |
"Timeout processing Dag grpc requests" |
0x5804000000000084 |
"Dag gRPC request error: (%TENANT/%s) (%TYPE/%s)(%ERRMSG/%s)" |
0x5804000000000085 |
"Dag gRPC interal error: (%TENANT/%s) (%TYPE/%s)(%ERRMSG/%s)" |
0x5804000000000086 |
"gRPC Server failed to start, server port(s) will be inactive. (%TYPE/%s)" |
0x5804000000000087 |
"Error occurred while processing listener request (%TENANT/%s) (%REASON/%s) (%VALUE/%s)" |
0x5804000000000088 |
"Error fetching Virtual-wire: (%ERRMSG/%s)" |
0x5804000000000089 |
"tenant state notification: API client not found in the tenant tmstat database (%tenant/%s)" |
0x5804000000000095 |
"virtual-wire not found in tenant (%tenant/%s) (%vwire/%s)" |
0x5804000000000097 |
"Virtual wire notification vlan (%vwire/%s) (%vlanid/%d)" |
0x5804000000000098 |
"Virtual wire notification vnet_if (%vnet/%s) (%iftype/%s) (%did/%d)" |
0x5804000000000101 |
"Tenant client deregistration in progress for: (%TENANTNAME/%s)" |
0x5804000000000102 |
"Tenant client subscription in progress for: (%TENANTNAME/%s)" |
0x5804000000000108 |
"Error in IPv4 inet_ntoa IP to string conversion" |
0x5804000000000109 |
"Error in IPv6 inet_ntop IP to string conversion" |
0x5804000000000110 |
"subscribe: API client is no longer registered (%service/%s) (%tenant/%s)" |
0x5804000000000111 |
"cluster subscribe: API client is not registered (%tenant/%s)" |
0x5804000000000112 |
"cluster subscribe: API client already subscribed (%tenant/%s)" |
0x5804000000000113 |
"cluster subscribe: Initial notification to API client failed (%tenant/%s)" |
0x5804000000000114 |
"cluster subscribe: notification to API client failed (%tenant/%s)" |
0x5804000000000115 |
"No registered stream client found (%tenant/%s)" |
0x5804000000000116 |
"Module provisioning Config request failed: (%ERRMSG/%s)" |
0x5804000000000117 |
"Module provisioning status request failed: (%ERRMSG/%s)" |
0x5805000000000001 |
"Error while registering message queues: (%ERRMSG/%s)" |
0x5805000000000002 |
"Error in Message queues(rcv): unexpected fpgamgr msg (%ID/%d)" |
0x5805000000000003 |
"Error in Message queues(rcv): fpga msg poll timeout" |
0x5805000000000004 |
"Error in Message queues(rcv): fpga msg bad status (%STATUS/%s) (%TYPE/%s) (%MODE/%s)" |
0x5805000000000005 |
"Bad return from Message Queue api (%FUNC/%s)" |
0x5805000000000006 |
"Running network manager Message Queue client at (%ADDR/%s)" |
0x5805000000000007 |
"Failure setting up FPGA Message Queue" |
0x5805000000000008 |
"Failure sending fpgamgr ddos msg, message queue not initialized. (%THREAD/%d) (%ID/%d) (%MODE/%s)" |
0x5805000000000009 |
"Failure deregistering FPGA Message Queue upon thread exit. (%THREAD/%d) (%ERR/%d)" |
0x5805000000000010 |
"No payload received in reply from F5OS platform component - (%COMPONENT/%s). Invalid reply" |
0x5805000000000011 |
"Failed to start Message Queue client. (%NAME/%s)" |
0x5805000000000012 |
"Reply handling for (%COMPONENT/%s): no callback for client_name (%CLIENT/%s), tenant_name (%TENANT/%s), instance (%INSTANCE/%d)" |
0x5901000000000001 |
"Datapath CP Proxy Starting. (%verion/%s) (%build_date/%s) (%msg_version_in_use/%d)" |
0x5901000000000002 |
"Doorbell setup error (%TYPE/%s) (%ERRNO/%d) (%ERRNOSTR/%s)" |
0x5901000000000003 |
"Epoll operations error (%TYPE/%s) (%ERRNO/%d) (%ERRNOSTR/%s)" |
0x5901000000000004 |
"DMAA connection error (%TYPE/%s) (%ERRNO/%d) (%ERRNOSTR/%s)" |
0x5901000000000005 |
"Tenant connection error (%TYPE/%s) (%ERRNO/%d) (%ERRNOSTR/%s)" |
0x5901000000000006 |
"CDB error reading field (%TENANTNAME/%s) (%FIELD/%s) (%ERRNOSTR/%s) (%LASTERR/%s) (%ERRNO/%d)" |
0x5901000000000007 |
"CDB error reading field (%TENANTID/%u) (%FIELD/%s) (%ERRNOSTR/%s) (%LASTERR/%s) (%ERRNO/%d)" |
0x5901000000000008 |
"CDB error field is missing (%TENANTNAME/%s) (%FIELD/%s) (%ERRNOSTR/%s) (%LASTERR/%s) (%ERRNO/%d)" |
0x5901000000000009 |
"Failed to find Tenant with Tenant Name (%TENANTNAME/%s) (%ERRNOSTR/%s) (%LASTERR/%s) (%ERRNO/%d)" |
0x5901000000000010 |
"Failed to find Tenant with Tenant ID (%TENANTID/%u) (%ERRNOSTR/%s) (%LASTERR/%s) (%ERRNO/%d)" |
0x5901000000000011 |
"Tenant ID missing from key value pairs" |
0x5901000000000012 |
"CDB error writing component state field (%FIELD/%s) (%VALUE/%d) (%SLOT/%d) (%ERRNO/%d) (%ERRNOSTR/%s)" |
0x5901000000000013 |
"Failed to read environment variable (%VARIABLE/%s)" |
0x5901000000000014 |
"Failed to get Tenant Name for Tenant FD (%FD/%d)" |
0x5901000000000015 |
"Failed to write Tenant Service Instance (%TENANTNAME/%s) (%ERRNOSTR/%s) (%LASTERR/%s) (%ERRNO/%d)" |
0x5901000000000016 |
"Tenant Name not set when writing Tenant Service Instance (%TENANTID/%u)" |
0x5901000000000017 |
"Failed to delete Tenant Service Instance (%TENANTNAME/%s) (%ERRNOSTR/%s) (%LASTERR/%s) (%ERRNO/%d)" |
0x5901000000000018 |
"Failed to find internal Tenant record (%STAGE/%s) (%TENANTFD/%d) (%TENANTNAME/%s)" |
0x5901000000000019 |
"Failed to find internal Tenant record (%STAGE/%s) (%TENANTFD/%d)" |
0x5901000000000020 |
"Failure in waiting for DMA Agent to be ready (%STAGE/%s) (%ERRNO/%d) (%ERRNOSTR/%s)" |
0x5901000000000021 |
"Failed to verify DMA Agent readiness. Exiting... (%ERRNO/%d) (%ERRNOSTR/%s)" |
0x5901000000000022 |
"Failed to read Control Plane keys. (%TENANTNAME/%s) (%SUBMODULE/%d) (%ERRNO/%d) (%ERRNOSTR/%s)" |
0x5901000000000023 |
"Failed to find Tenant record by Tenant ID (%TENANTID/%u) (%ERRNO/%d) (%ERRNOSTR/%s)" |
0x5901000000000024 |
"Failed to create event fd (%ERRNO/%d) (%ERRNOSTR/%s)" |
0x5901000000000025 |
"Configuration update error (%TYPE/%s) (%ERRNO/%d) (%ERRNOSTR/%s)" |
0x5901000000000026 |
"Subscription error (%TYPE/%s) (%ERRNOSTR/%s) (%LASTERR/%s) (%ERRNO/%d)" |
0x5901000000000027 |
"Failed to handle sep enable message from tenant (%TYPE/%s) (%ERRNO/%d) (%ERRNOSTR/%s)" |
0x5901000000000028 |
"Failed to handle sep disable message from tenant (%TYPE/%s) (%ERRNO/%d) (%ERRNOSTR/%s)" |
0x5901000000000029 |
"Error in reading generic response message (%TYPE/%s) (%ERRNO/%d) (%ERRNOSTR/%s)" |
0x5901000000000030 |
"Substring not found in hugepath conversion (%TENANTNAME/%s)" |
0x5901000000000031 |
"Successfully handled operation. (%TYPE/%s)" |
0x5901000000000032 |
"Successfully handled operation. (%TENANTNAME/%s) (%TYPE/%s)" |
0x5901000000000033 |
"Successfully handled operation. (%TENANTNAME/%s) (%SUBMODID/%d) (%TYPE/%s)" |
0x5901000000000034 |
"Service Instance Update Success. (%TENANTNAME/%s) (%DOSGRP/%s) (%SVCGRP/%s) (%SVCID/%d)" |
0x5901000000000035 |
"Tenant fd attempt to double register (%TENANTNAME/%s) (%SUBMODULE/%d)" |
0x5901000000000036 |
"A system tenant with this Service ID is already registered (%TENANTNAME/%s) (%SVCID/%d)" |
0x5901000000000037 |
"Tenant Connection Information (%TYPE/%s) (%TENANTNAME/%s) (%SUBMODID/%d) (%MSG_VERSION/%d)" |
0x5901000000000038 |
"Failed to handle operation. (%TENANTNAME/%s) (%SUBMODID/%d) (%TYPE/%s) (%ERRNOSTR/%s)" |
0x5901000000000039 |
"Failed to update Service IDs (%OPERATION/%s) (%TENANTNAME/%s) (%ERRNOSTR/%s) (%LASTERR/%s) (%ERRNO/%d)" |
0x5901000000000040 |
"Duplicate tenant registration for name submodule pair (%TENANTNAME/%s) (%SUBMODULE/%d)" |
0x5901000000000042 |
"Old tenant connection version in use (%TYPE/%s) (%VERSION/%d)" |
0x5901000000000043 |
"No service ids available (%NAME/%s) (%SUBMODULE/%d)" |
0x5901000000000045 |
"Confd Event Update: (%EVENT/%s) (%FROM/%s) (%TENANTNAME/%s) (%ATSE/%u) (%SUBMODULE/%d)" |
0x5901000000000046 |
"Waiting to read initial tenant configuration." |
0x5901000000000047 |
"Setting up doorbell socket (%PATH/%s)" |
0x5901000000000048 |
"Invalid request type (%TYPE/%s) (%TENANTNAME/%s)" |
0x5901000000000049 |
"Successfully read initial tenant configuration." |
0x5901000000000050 |
"Failed to handle get info message from tenant (%TENANT/%s) (%TYPE/%s) (%ERRNO/%d) (%ERRNOSTR/%s)" |
0x5901000000000051 |
"Failed to handle system tenant registration (%SVCID/%d) (%TYPE/%s)" |
0x5901000000000052 |
"Bad Sep Group Response (%TENANT/%s) (%MAXATSE/%d) (%NUMSEPGRP/%d)" |
0x5901000000000054 |
"Failed to find Tenant record by Tenant Name (%TENANTNAME/%s) (%ERRNO/%d) (%ERRNOSTR/%s)" |
0x5901000000000055 |
"Failed to find doorbell FD associated with tenant FD (%TENANTFD/%d) (%ERRNO/%d) (%ERRNOSTR/%s)" |
0x5901000000000056 |
"Error in configuring the tenant. (%TENANTNAME/%s) (%TYPE/%s) (%ERRNOSTR/%s)" |
0x5901000000000057 |
"Removing doorbell socket path. (%PATH/%s) (%METHOD/%s)" |
0x5901000000000058 |
"Error while removing doorbell socket path. (%PATH/%s) (%METHOD/%s) (%ERRNO/%d) (%ERRNOSTR/%s)" |
0x5901000000000059 |
"Failed to delete Service Instance table (%ERRNOSTR/%s) (%LASTERR/%s) (%ERRNO/%d)" |
0x5e01000000000001 |
"utils-agent starting (%VERSION/%s) (%DATE/%s)" |
0x5e01000000000002 |
"utils-agent exiting" |
0x5e01000000000003 |
"utils-agent error in thread-pool (%ERROR/%s)" |
0x5e01000000000004 |
"utils-agent (%INFO/%s)" |
0x5e01000000000005 |
"utils-agent file transfer error (%ERROR/%s)" |
0x5e01000000000006 |
"utils-agent (%AUDITLOG/%s)" |
0x5e01000000000007 |
"utils-agent (%VALIDATIONERROR/%s)" |
0x5e01000000000008 |
"utils-agent file path is not allowed (%FILEPATH/%s) (%FILEOPERATION/%s)" |
0x5e01000000000009 |
"utils-agent (%INFO/%s)" |
0x5e01000000000010 |
"utils-agent (%STATUS/%s) (%FILEPATH/%s) (%ERRORNO/%d) (%ERROR/%s)" |
0x5e01000000000011 |
"utils-agent : failed set value for cdb (%COMPONENT/%s) (%ERROR/%s) (%LASTERROR/%s) (%ERRORNO/%d)" |
0x5e01000000000012 |
"utils-agent : failed get value for cdb (%COMPONENT/%s) (%ERROR/%s) (%LASTERROR/%s) (%ERRORNO/%d)" |
0x5e01000000000013 |
"utils-agent (%ERROR/%s)" |
0x5e01000000000014 |
"utils-agent (%INFO/%s)" |
0x5e01000000000015 |
"utils-agent failed to move file from (%SOURCE/%s) (%DESTINATION/%s) with (%ERROR/%s)" |
0x5e01000000000016 |
"utils-agent (%STATUS/%s) (%ERRORNO/%d)" |
0x5e01000000000017 |
"SERVICE_INDICATOR initializing utils-agent in FIPS 140-3 mode" |
0x5e01000000000018 |
"utils-agent failed to create maapi transaction (%COMPONENT/%s) (%ERROR/%s) (%LASTERROR/%s) (%ERRORNO/%d)" |
0x5e01000000000019 |
"utils-agent failed to complete maapi transaction (%COMPONENT/%s) (%ERROR/%s) (%LASTERROR/%s) (%ERRORNO/%d)" |
0x5f01000000000001 |
"fips-service starting. (%version/%s) (%date/%s)" |
0x5f01000000000002 |
"fips-service exiting" |
0x5f01000000000003 |
"fips monitoring started" |
0x5f01000000000005 |
"(%func/%s) Controller State is neither Active nor Standby. State = (%state/%s)" |
0x5f01000000000006 |
"(%func/%s) (%error/%s)" |
0x5f01000000000007 |
"Setting root account expiry-date is failed" |
0x5f01000000000008 |
"Failed to lock/unlock Always-On Management(AOM) Command Menu" |
0x5f01000000000009 |
"(%INFO/%s)" |
0x5f01000000000010 |
"(%ERROR/%s) (%confd_stderror/%s) (%confd_lasterr/%s) (%confd_errno/%d)" |
0x5f01000000000011 |
"FIPS error: Failed to reboot system, in function: (%func_name/%s), Error code (%ERRNO/%d)" |
0x5f01000000000012 |
"FIPS error: Failed to read reboot counter from filesystem, Error code (%ERRNO/%d)" |
0x5f01000000000013 |
"Read reboot count from file system: (%reboot_count/%d)" |
0x5f01000000000014 |
"(%reboot_reason/%s)" |
0x5f01000000000015 |
"FIPS error: Failed to reset reboot counter in filesystem, Error code (%ERRNO/%d)" |
0x5f01000000000016 |
"FIPS error: Failed to sync fips directory, Error code (%ERRNO/%d)" |
0x5f01000000000017 |
"FIPS error: Failed to sync fips error file (%file/%s), Error code (%ERRNO/%d)" |
0x5f01000000000018 |
"FIPS: Entropy Health failure detected" |
0x5f01000000000019 |
"FIPS: Error mode failure detected" |
0x5f01000000000020 |
"FIPS: default handler triggered for file: (%file/%s)" |
0x5f01000000000021 |
"FIPS License is installed/enabled, rebooting the system" |
0x5f01000000000022 |
"FIPS License is disabled, rebooting the system" |
0x5f01000000000023 |
"Failed to set cdb path (%path/%s) (%confderrno/%d) (%confdlasterr/%s)" |
0x5f01000000000024 |
"cdb_get failed for getting oper data (%func/%s)(%operdatapath/%s) (%confderrno/%d) (%confdlasterr/%s)" |
0x5f01000000000025 |
"Failed to open the file (%path/%s), Error code (%ERRNO/%d)" |
0x5f01000000000026 |
"Reboot count file not created, Error code (%ERRNO/%d)" |
0x5f01000000000027 |
"start session failed, Error code (%ERRNO/%d) (%confdlasterr/%s)" |
0x5f01000000000028 |
"end session failed , Error code (%ERRNO/%d)" |
0x5f01000000000029 |
"set (%element/%s) element failed (%ERRSTR/%s) (%PREVERRNO/%d) (%ERRNO/%d)" |
0x5f01000000000030 |
"AUDIT - SERVICE_INDICATOR initializing fips-service in FIPS 140-3 mode" |
0x5f01000000000033 |
"Failed to get partition id for partition (%name/%s)" |
0x5f01000000000034 |
"failed to start CDB_OPERATIONAL data session => (%confd_strerror_confd_errno/%s)" |
0x5f01000000000035 |
"failed to set cdb name space => (%confd_strerror_confd_errno/%s)" |
0x5f01000000000036 |
"Failed to connect to ConfD" |
0x5f01000000000037 |
"cdb_create failed for path (%path/%s) (%confderrno/%d) (%confdlasterr/%s)" |
0x5f01000000000038 |
"Failed to reset integrity status (%confderrno/%d) (%confdlasterr/%s)" |
0x6001000000000001 |
"LLDP daemon starting, (%version/%s) (%date/%s)" |
0x6001000000000002 |
"LLDP daemon exiting." |
0x6001000000000003 |
"LLDP Datapath Handler is NULL." |
0x6001000000000004 |
"LLDPD Datapath Initialization failed." |
0x6001000000000005 |
"eSetTimer Failed. LLDPD failed to start." |
0x6001000000000006 |
"Non LLDP PDU received and dropped on interface: (%ifName/%s)." |
0x6001000000000007 |
"LLDP Mgmt socket creation failed" |
0x6001000000000008 |
"Building LLDP PDU failed: Unable to obtain SRC MAC for interface: (%ifName/%s)." |
0x6001000000000009 |
"Building LLDP PDU failed: Unable to obtain System Serial Number." |
0x6001000000000013 |
"Unexpected STP configuration. (%DESCRIPTION/%s)" |
0x6001000000000014 |
"CDB get operation failed for (%COMPONENT/%s) (%ERROR/%s) (%LASTERR/%s) (%ERRNO/%d)" |
0x6001000000000015 |
"Unable to start confD session. (%ERROR/%s) (%LASTERR/%s) (%ERRNO/%d)" |
0x6001000000000016 |
"LLDP neighbour update failed (%ifName/%s) and (%nbid/%s)" |
0x6001000000000017 |
"LLDP neighbour remove failed (%ifName/%s) and (%nbid/%s)" |
0x6001000000000018 |
"CDB set operation failed for (%COMPONENT/%s) (%ERROR/%s) (%LASTERR/%s) (%ERRNO/%d)" |
0x6001000000000020 |
"SEP Client spec is Opened." |
0x6001000000000021 |
"SEP library in ERR state." |
0x6001000000000022 |
"Failed to receive packet." |
0x6001000000000023 |
"PDU resource is out of memory." |
0x6001000000000024 |
"Failed to send PDU packet." |
0x6001000000000025 |
"(%phyPort/%d) is reserved and not used." |
0x6001000000000031 |
"(%msg/%s)" |
0x6001000000000033 |
"(%msg/%s) (%value/%s)" |
0x6001000000000035 |
"ZMQ set up failed for send request." |
0x6001000000000036 |
"Failed to mkdir for SEP Client Connection (%ERROR/%s) (%ERRNO/%d)" |
0x6101000000000001 |
"UNUSED: Failed to open socket ds." |
0x6101000000000002 |
"UNUSED: Failed to open socket ss." |
0x6101000000000003 |
"UNUSED: Failed to open socket ods" |
0x6101000000000004 |
"UNUSED: Failed to open socket od2." |
0x6101000000000005 |
"UNUSED: Duplicate Interface object. (%key/%s)" |
0x6101000000000006 |
"UNUSED: Interface object not found. (%key/%s)" |
0x6101000000000007 |
"UNUSED: Duplicate trunk object. (%key/%s)" |
0x6101000000000008 |
"UNUSED: Trunk object not found. (%key/%s)" |
0x6101000000000009 |
"UNUSED: Duplicate trunk config member. (%key/%s)" |
0x6101000000000010 |
"UNUSED: Try to Add an invalid Config Mbr Ignored! (%key/%s)" |
0x6101000000000011 |
"UNUSED: Trunk config member object not found. (%key/%s)" |
0x6101000000000012 |
"UNUSED: Trunk config member object not found. (%port/%d)" |
0x6101000000000013 |
"UNUSED: Link Actor Out of Sync. (%key/%s)" |
0x6101000000000014 |
"UNUSED: Link Partner Out of Sync. (%key/%s)" |
0x6101000000000015 |
"UNUSED: iter_ret: unexpected op. (%path/%s) (%op/%d)" |
0x6101000000000016 |
"UNUSED: initMsgHandler failed." |
0x6101000000000017 |
"UNUSED: connect failed with no fd!" |
0x6101000000000018 |
"UNUSED: Poll failed." |
0x6101000000000019 |
"UNUSED: Too many poll failures, terminating." |
0x6101000000000020 |
"UNUSED: Internal link is AVAILABLE. (%key/%s)" |
0x6101000000000021 |
"UNUSED: Link added to aggregation. (%key/%s)" |
0x6101000000000022 |
"UNUSED: Internal link is UNAVAILABLE. (%key/%s)" |
0x6101000000000023 |
"UNUSED: Link removed from aggregation. (%key/%s)" |
0x6101000000000024 |
"UNUSED: Interface (%key/%s) (%admin_status/%s) (%link_sattus/%s) (%duplex/%s) (%lacp_satte/%s)" |
0x6101000000000025 |
"STPD starting. (%version/%s) (%date/%s)" |
0x6101000000000026 |
"(%mode/%s) (%treenum/%d)] Root change failed: new root=(%newroot/%s) regionalRoot=(%rroot/%s)" |
0x6101000000000027 |
"Error while adding the tree (%treeNum/%u): (%err/%s)" |
0x6101000000000028 |
"Error while removing the tree (%treeNum/%u): (%err/%s)" |
0x6101000000000029 |
"failed to set STP instance (%treeNum/%u) parameters: (%err/%s)" |
0x6101000000000030 |
"init BpduMsgHandler failed. (%reason/%s) (%err/%d)" |
0x6101000000000031 |
"failed to set bridge parameters: (%err/%s)" |
0x6101000000000032 |
"Write MSTP config name to Confd is (%ret/%s)" |
0x6101000000000033 |
"Failed to set RSTP global stats" |
0x6101000000000034 |
"Failed to set RSTP ifc stats (%ifc/%s)" |
0x6101000000000035 |
"Unsupported port role error (%role/%d)" |
0x6101000000000036 |
"fatal error: (%err/%s)" |
0x6101000000000037 |
"Failed to disable the port (%port/%u) in this spanning tree instance (%tree/%u): (%err/%s)" |
0x6101000000000038 |
"Failed to enable the port (%port/%u) in this spanning tree instance (%tree/%u): (%err/%s)" |
0x6101000000000039 |
"Failed to get spanning tree instance per-port parameters ((%tree/%u), (%port/%u)): (%err/%s)" |
0x6101000000000040 |
"Failed to set spanning tree instance per-port parameters ((%tree/%u), (%port/%u)): (%err/%s)" |
0x6101000000000041 |
"Caught a fatal exception: (%err/%s)" |
0x6101000000000042 |
"Received duplicate ConfD create request for VLAN (%vlan/%s)" |
0x6101000000000043 |
"Received ConfD modify request for nonexistent VLAN (%vlan/%s)" |
0x6101000000000044 |
"Received ConfD object delete request for nonexistent VLAN (%vlan/%s)" |
0x6101000000000045 |
"UNUSED: Unsupported port state error (%portstate/%d)" |
0x6101000000000046 |
"stp_vlan_mbr references nonexistent VLAN (%name/%s)" |
0x6101000000000047 |
"stp_vlan_mbr references nonexistent STP instance (%treeNum/%u)" |
0x6101000000000048 |
"UNUSED: Failed to set MSTP global stats" |
0x6101000000000049 |
"Failed to set MSTP instance stats (%inst/%d)" |
0x6101000000000050 |
"Failed to set MSTP ifc stats (%inst/%d) (%ifc/%s)" |
0x6101000000000051 |
"(%mode/%s) (%treeNum/%d)] Port Role change failed: (%interface/%s) = (%role/%s)" |
0x6101000000000052 |
"(%mode/%s) (%treeNum/%d)] Port State change failed: (%interface/%s) = (%state/%s)" |
0x6101000000000053 |
"(%info_str/%s)" |
0x6101000000000054 |
"(%err_str/%s)" |
0x6101000000000056 |
"Fatal error, application exit (%fatal_str/%s)" |
0x6102000000000001 |
"UNUSED: Failed to load schemas from confd." |
0x6102000000000002 |
"UNUSED: Confd connect(ds) failed. (%status/%d)" |
0x6102000000000003 |
"UNUSED: Confd connect(ss) failed. (%status/%d)" |
0x6102000000000004 |
"UNUSED: Confd subscribe(ss) failed. (%status/%d)" |
0x6102000000000005 |
"UNUSED: Confd subscribe_done(ss) failed. (%status/%d)" |
0x6102000000000006 |
"UNUSED: Confd connect(ods) failed. (%status/%d)" |
0x6102000000000007 |
"UNUSED: Confd connect(od2) failed. (%status/%d)" |
0x6102000000000008 |
"UNUSED: Confd connect(oss) failed. (%status/%d)" |
0x6102000000000009 |
"UNUSED: Confd oper_subscribe(oss). (%path/%s) (%status/%d)" |
0x6102000000000010 |
"UNUSED: Confd isubscribe_done(oss). (%status/%d)" |
0x6102000000000011 |
"UNUSED: Confd start_session(od) failed. (%status/%d)" |
0x6102000000000012 |
"UNUSED: Confd start_session(ods) failed. (%status/%d)" |
0x6102000000000013 |
"UNUSED: Confd start_session(ds) failed. (%status/%d)" |
0x6102000000000014 |
"UNUSED: Connected to Confd CBD." |
0x6102000000000015 |
"UNUSED: Not connected to Confd CBD." |
0x6102000000000016 |
"UNUSED: STPD receive info from Confd on trunk. (%name/%s)" |
0x6102000000000017 |
"UNUSED: STPD receive info from Confd on interface. (%name/%s)" |
0x6102000000000018 |
"Failed to write to cdb (%FIELD/%s) (%ERRNO/%d) (%ERRNOSTR/%s)" |
0x6102000000000019 |
"Failed to delete from cdb (%FIELD/%s) (%ERRNO/%d) (%ERRNOSTR/%s)" |
0x6102000000000020 |
"Invalid interface name" |
0x6102000000000021 |
"UNUSED: cdb_get failed for interface (%INTERFACE/%s) (%ATTRIBUTE/%s) (%ERRNOSTR/%s) (%LASTERR/%s) (%ERRNO/%d)" |
0x6102000000000022 |
"UNUSED: cdb_cd failed for interface (%INTERFACE/%s) (%ERRNOSTR/%s) (%LASTERR/%s) (%ERRNO/%d)" |
0x6102000000000023 |
"UNUSED: Unexpected vlan tag type (%INTERFACE/%s) (%ERRNOSTR/%s) (%LASTERR/%s) (%ERRNO/%d)" |
0x6102000000000024 |
"UNUSED: Stpd is restarting to failover to the other controller" |
0x6102000000000025 |
"UNUSED: Unexpected mstp vlan tag type (%ERRNOSTR/%s) (%LASTERR/%s) (%ERRNO/%d)" |
0x6102000000000026 |
"Error occurred in read_initial (%REASON/%s) (%ERRNOSTR/%s) (%LASTERR/%s) (%ERRNO/%d)" |
0x6102000000000027 |
"Error occurred during cdb read (%REASON/%s) (%ERRNOSTR/%s) (%LASTERR/%s) (%ERRNO/%d)" |
0x6102000000000028 |
"Error occurred during cdb set (%REASON/%s) (%ERRNOSTR/%s) (%LASTERR/%s) (%ERRNO/%d)" |
0x6201000000000001 |
"internal error (%CODE/%d)" |
0x6201000000000002 |
"internal event (%CODE/%d)" |
0x6201000000000003 |
"NETWORK_PREFIX environment variable is not set; exiting" |
0x6201000000000004 |
"unable to create the LOPD socket; exiting (%ERRNO/%d) (%ERRNOSTR/%s)" |
0x6201000000000005 |
"unable to set socket options on the LOPD socket; exiting (%ERRNO/%d) (%ERRNOSTR/%s)" |
0x6201000000000006 |
"unable to bind to the LOPD socket; exiting (%ERRNO/%d) (%ERRNOSTR/%s)" |
0x6201000000000007 |
"unable to open the LOP serial device; exiting (%ERRNO/%d) (%ERRNOSTR/%s)" |
0x6201000000000008 |
"unable to get LOP serial device attributes (%ERRNO/%d) (%ERRNOSTR/%s)" |
0x6201000000000009 |
"unable set LOP serial device attributes (%ERRNO/%d) (%ERRNOSTR/%s)" |
0x6201000000000010 |
"timed out while waiting for LOP response" |
0x6201000000000011 |
"unable to poll for I/O events (%ERRNO/%d) (%ERRNOSTR/%s)" |
0x6201000000000012 |
"LOP daemon (LOPD) starting" |
0x6201000000000013 |
"LOP daemon (LOPD) exiting" |
0x6201000000000014 |
"using network prefix (%PREFIX/%s)" |
0x6201000000000015 |
"out of memory to store LOP messages; exiting" |
0x6201000000000016 |
"unable to determine the current log level" |
0x6201000000000017 |
"response mismatch (%OBJECT/%s) (%EXPECTED/%s)" |
0x6201000000000018 |
"response invalid; discarding it (%OBJECT/%s)" |
0x6201000000000019 |
"invalid destination slot ID for outgoing GET/SET request; discarding it (%OBJECT/%s) (%SLOT_ID/%x)" |
0x6201000000000020 |
"invalid destination slot ID for outgoing ALERT/NOTIFY request; discarding it (%OBJECT/%s) (%SLOT_ID/%x)" |
0x6201000000000021 |
"console redirection is not connected; sending disconnection response" |
0x6201000000000022 |
"LOP daemon LOPD starting (%VERSION/%s) (%DATE/%s)" |
0x6201000000000023 |
"caught SIGHUP signal; shutting down" |
0x6201000000000024 |
"caught SIGINT signal; shutting down" |
0x6201000000000025 |
"caught SIGQUIT signal; shutting down" |
0x6201000000000026 |
"caught SIGTERM signal; shutting down" |
0x6201000000000027 |
"LOP daemon LOPD exiting" |
0x6202000000000001 |
"unable to read from LOP serial device (%ERRNO/%d) (%ERRNOSTR/%s)" |
0x6202000000000002 |
"EOF reading from LOP serial device" |
0x6202000000000003 |
"unable to write to LOP serial device; exiting (%ERRNO/%d) (%ERRNOSTR/%s)" |
0x6202000000000004 |
"received serial message from LOP exceeds buffer size; discarding it" |
0x6202000000000005 |
"encapsulated serial data from LOP exceeds buffer size; discarding it" |
0x6202000000000006 |
"encapsulated serial data from LOP contains unescaped flag byte; discarding it" |
0x6202000000000007 |
"encapsulated serial data from LOP ends with escape byte; discarding it" |
0x6202000000000008 |
"received serial message with unexpected object action; discarding it (%OBJECT/%s)" |
0x6202000000000009 |
"LOP has disconnected from serial interface; exiting" |
0x6202000000000010 |
"unable to de-encapsulate data from LOP; exiting" |
0x6202000000000011 |
"received serial message too short; discarding it (%LEN/%u) (%EXPECTED/%u)" |
0x6202000000000012 |
"received serial message with CRC mismatch; discarding it" |
0x6202000000000013 |
"received serial message not OK; discarding it" |
0x6202000000000014 |
"unable to encapsulate serial data for LOP; exiting" |
0x6203000000000001 |
"unable to send message on the network; exiting (%ADDR/%s) (%PORT/%d) (%ERRNO/%d) (%ERRNOSTR/%s)" |
0x6203000000000002 |
"unable to read message from the network (%ERRNO/%d) (%ERRNOSTR/%s)" |
0x6203000000000003 |
"zero length message read from the network" |
0x6203000000000004 |
"unable to process received network message address; exiting" |
0x6203000000000005 |
"received network message too short; discarding it (%LEN/%d) (%EXPECTED/%u)" |
0x6203000000000006 |
"received network message with CRC mismatch; discarding it (%ADDR/%s) (%PORT/%d)" |
0x6203000000000008 |
"unable to convert message address; discarding it (%ADDR/%s)" |
0x6203000000000009 |
"failed to convert message address; discarding it (%ADDR/%s) (%ERRNO/%d) (%ERRNOSTR/%s)" |
0x6701000000000002 |
"Failed to delete service pod. (%details/%s)" |
0x6701000000000004 |
"INFO. (%details/%s)" |
0x6701000000000005 |
"Failed to install IP table rules. (%command/%s) (%rc/%d) (%retry/%d)" |
0x6701000000000006 |
"Failed to install IP table rules. (%command/%s) (%rc/%d)" |
0x6701000000000007 |
"Caught an exception (%details/%s) (%func/%s)" |
0x6701000000000008 |
"Error while executing service health API. (%func/%s) (%API/%s) (%ret/%d)" |
0x6701000000000009 |
"Cannot setup environment for Orchestration Manager (%reason/%s)" |
0x6701000000000013 |
"(%func/%s) Waiting for /var/F5/system/AFU_COMPLETE file" |
0x6701000000000014 |
"(%func/%s) AFU is completed, proceed for K3S installation" |
0x6701000000000015 |
"SW-MGMT socket error (%details/%s) (%arg/%s)" |
0x6704000000000001 |
"ERROR (%details/%s)." |
0x6705000000000001 |
"ERROR: Failed to install CNI plugin. (%CNI/%s) (%ERROR/%d) (%REF_LOG/%s)" |
0x6705000000000002 |
"ERROR: Failed to uninstall CNI plugin. (%CNI/%s) (%ERROR/%d) (%REF_LOG/%s)" |
0x6705000000000003 |
"Installing CNI plugin. (%CNI/%s)" |
0x6705000000000004 |
"Error: Failure during CNI installation process. (%STEP/%s) (%ERROR/%d)" |
0x6705000000000005 |
"Error: Failed to install IP rules. (%ERROR/%d) (%REF_LOG/%s)" |
0x6705000000000006 |
"Cluster install state change. (%func/%s) (%Stage/%s) (%oldstate/%s) (%newstate/%s) (%details/%s)" |
0x6705000000000007 |
"Appliance is NOT ready in k3s cluster. (%id/%d) (%reason/%s)" |
0x6705000000000008 |
"Appliance is ready in k3s cluster. (%id/%d) (%reason/%s)" |
0x6707000000000001 |
"Failed to set value in Database. (%func/%s) (%xpath/%s) (%ERROR/%s) (%LASTERR/%s) (%ERRNO/%d)" |
0x6707000000000002 |
"Failed to delete entry in Database. (%func/%s) (%xpath/%s) (%ERROR/%s) (%LASTERR/%s) (%ERRNO/%d)" |
0x6707000000000003 |
"Failed to create entry in Database. (%func/%s) (%xpath/%s) (%ERROR/%s) (%LASTERR/%s) (%ERRNO/%d)" |
0x6707000000000004 |
"Failed to create a session to Database. (%func/%s) (%ERROR/%s) (%LASTERR/%s) (%ERRNO/%d)" |
0x6801000000000001 |
"User Manager Starting. (%VERSION/%s) (%DATE/%s)" |
0x6801000000000002 |
"User Manager Exiting, (%VERSION/%s) (%DATE/%s)" |
0x6801000000000003 |
"Change password operation failed (%USER/%s)" |
0x6801000000000004 |
"Set password operation failed (%USER/%s)" |
0x6801000000000008 |
"Failed to start USER_MANAGER Health Monitor" |
0x6801000000000009 |
"Failed to stop USER_MANAGER Health Monitor" |
0x6801000000000013 |
"(%SRC_USER/%s) password applied to (%DEST_USER/%s)" |
0x6801000000000015 |
"New user added (%USER/%s)" |
0x6801000000000016 |
"User removed (%USER/%s)" |
0x6801000000000017 |
"User added (%USER/%s)" |
0x6801000000000018 |
"SERVICE_INDICATOR initializing user-manager in FIPS 140-3 mode" |
0x6801000000000019 |
0x6801000000000020 |
"Authentication response truncated" |
0x6801000000000021 |
"Problem with retrieving user - user not found" |
0x6801000000000022 |
"Unable to retrieve primary group name" |
0x6801000000000023 |
"Problem retrieving groups - malloc failed" |
0x6801000000000024 |
"Error in run unable to set up" |
0x6801000000000025 |
"ZMQ recv setup Failed." |
0x6801000000000026 |
"ZMQ Registering end point Failed." |
0x6801000000000027 |
"Un authorized user name (%user_name/%s) grpstrbuf (%grpstr/%s)" |
0x6801000000000028 |
"Could not parse Request" |
0x6801000000000029 |
"Failed to fork child process" |
0x6801000000000030 |
"Failed to launch auth info process" |
0x6801000000000031 |
"Failed to get authorization info" |
0x6801000000000032 |
"Invalid authorized_key attempted for user." |
0x6801000000000033 |
"Administrative user set-password for target user.(%USER/%s)(%TARGET/%s)" |
0x6801000000000034 |
"Administrative user set-password succeeded for target user.(%USER/%s)(%TARGET/%s)" |
0x6801000000000035 |
"set-password failed.(%USER/%s)(%MSG/%s)" |
0x6801000000000036 |
"change-password started.(%USER/%s)" |
0x6801000000000037 |
"change-password succeeded.(%USER/%s)" |
0x6801000000000038 |
"change-password failed.(%USER/%s)(%MSG/%s)" |
0x6801000000000039 |
"User password corrupted. Must be reset with set-password.(%USER/%s)" |
0x6801000000000040 |
"LDAP API error during operation. (%oper/%s) (%code/%d) (%msg/%s)" |
0x6801000000000044 |
"Mapping remote-gid from group name. (%group/%s) (%role/%s) (%remotegid/%d)" |
0x6801000000000045 |
"Error while querying LDAP group information for remote-gid mapping. (%group/%s) (%role/%s)" |
0x6801000000000046 |
"Group name mapping for remote-gid requested but LDAP is not properly configured. (%group/%s) (%role/%s)" |
0x6801000000000047 |
"LDAP configuration could not be loaded. (%group/%s) (%role/%s)" |
0x6802000000000001 |
"cdb_get failed for (%ATTRIBUTE/%s) (%ERRNOSTR/%s) (%LASTERR/%s) (%ERRNO/%d)" |
0x6802000000000002 |
"Could not write database (%OBJECT/%s) (%FIELD/%s) (%ERR/%s)" |
0x6802000000000005 |
"Could not read database (%ERR/%s)" |
0x6802000000000006 |
"cdb_exists failed, (%ERRNOSTR/%s) (%LASTERR/%s) (%ERRNO/%d)" |
0x6802000000000007 |
"Could not write database (%OBJECT/%s) (%ERR/%s)" |
0x6802000000000008 |
"Failed to complete Mappi transaction. (%ERRNO/%d) (%LASTERR/%s)" |
0x6802000000000009 |
"maapi_exists failed, (%ERRNOSTR/%s) (%LASTERR/%s) (%ERRNO/%d)" |
0x6802000000000010 |
"cdb_get failed (%ret/%d) (%confd_errno/%d) (%fmt/%s)" |
0x6802000000000011 |
"Error updating remote_gid from group name mapping (%ERRNOSTR/%s) (%LASTERR/%s) (%ERRNO/%d)" |
0x6802000000000012 |
"Error initializing confd writer (%ERRNOSTR/%s) (%LASTERR/%s) (%ERRNO/%d)" |
0x6a01000000000001 |
"SNMP Service starting (%version/%s) (%date/%s)" |
0x6a01000000000002 |
"SNMP Service exiting." |
0x6a01000000000003 |
"ZMQ setup failed for send request." |
0x6a01000000000004 |
"Path does not exist. (%path/%s)" |
0x6a01000000000005 |
"Directory created successfully. (%dir/%s)" |
0x6a01000000000006 |
"Failed to create directory: (%dir/%s)" |
0x6a01000000000007 |
"System's IPv4 address isn't configured." |
0x6a01000000000008 |
"System's IPv6 address isn't configured." |
0x6a01000000000009 |
"Socket creation failed." |
0x6a01000000000010 |
"IOCTL request failed." |
0x6a01000000000011 |
"Memory allocation failed." |
0x6a01000000000012 |
"User exist with old engine-id." |
0x6a01000000000013 |
"(%msg/%s)" |
0x6a01000000000014 |
"Community exist with old engine-id." |
0x6a01000000000016 |
"Invalid fan instance: (%fan_instance/%d)" |
0x6a01000000000017 |
"Failed to get fan request header size" |
0x6a01000000000018 |
"Failed to send ZMQ request for fantray: (%msg_length/%d)" |
0x6a01000000000019 |
"SERVICE_INDICATOR initializing snmp-service in FIPS 140-3 mode" |
0x6a01000000000020 |
"SNMP system description. (%sysDescr/%s)" |
0x6a01000000000021 |
"INOTIFY init Failed." |
0x6a01000000000022 |
0x6a01000000000023 |
"Failed to send SNMP trap for bad login." |
0x6a01000000000024 |
"INOTIFY read failed for the file: (%filename/%s)" |
0x6a01000000000025 |
"Failed to open file: (%filename/%s)" |
0x6a01000000000026 |
"Failed to create file: (%filename/%s)" |
0x6a01000000000027 |
"Failed to get filesystems on node (%node/%s)" |
0x6a01000000000028 |
"ZMQ setup failed." |
0x6a02000000000001 |
"Failed to create Mappi transaction. (%NAMESPACE/%s) (%OP/%s) (%ERRNO/%d) (%LASTERR/%s)" |
0x6a02000000000002 |
"Maapi get operation failed. (%PATH/%s) (%ERRNO/%d) (%LASTERR/%s)" |
0x6a02000000000003 |
"Maapi set elem operation failed. (%PATH/%s) (%ERRNO/%d) (%LASTERR/%s)" |
0x6a02000000000004 |
"SNMPv2-MIB update transaction failed. (%count/%d)" |
0x6a02000000000005 |
"CDB set operation failed. (%COMPONENT/%s) (%ERROR/%s) (%LASTERR/%s) (%ERRNO/%d)" |
0x6a02000000000006 |
"Failed to start the CDB session. (%PATH/%s) (%ERROR/%s) (%LASTERR/%s) (%ERRNO/%d)" |
0x6a02000000000007 |
"CDB get operation failed. (%COMPONENT/%s) (%ERROR/%s) (%LASTERR/%s) (%ERRNO/%d)" |
0x6a02000000000008 |
"Received invalid cdb operation. (%op/%d) in FPGA data map update" |
0x6a02000000000009 |
"Invalid xml tag to get element value. (%xmltag/%d)" |
0x6a02000000000010 |
"CDB get operation failed for SNMP user name (%PATH/%s) (%ERRNOSTR/%d) (%LASTERR/%s) (%ERRNO/%d)" |
0x6a02000000000011 |
"CDB change directory operation failed for (%PATH/%s) (%ERRNOSTR/%d) (%LASTERR/%s) (%ERRNO/%d)" |
0x6a02000000000012 |
"CDB get operation failed for (%USER/%s) (%ATTRIBUTE/%s) (%ERRNOSTR/%d) (%LASTERR/%s) (%ERRNO/%d)" |
0x6a02000000000013 |
"Failed to complete Mappi transaction. (%NAMESPACE/%s) (%OP/%s) (%ERRNO/%d) (%LASTERR/%s)" |
0x6a02000000000014 |
"Failed to do Maapi set values operation. (%PATH/%s) (%ERRNO/%d) (%LASTERR/%s)" |
0x6a02000000000015 |
"Maapi set values failed due to path error. (%PATH/%s) (%ERRNO/%d) (%LASTERR/%s)" |
0x6a02000000000016 |
"Received invalid cdb operation. (%op/%d)" |
0x6a02000000000017 |
"Maapi set elem2 operation failed. (%PATH/%s) (%ERRNO/%d) (%LASTERR/%s)" |
0x6a02000000000018 |
"CDB set elem operation failed. (%COMPONENT/%s) (%ERRNO/%d) (%LASTERR/%s)" |
0x6a02000000000019 |
"Failed to do Maapi set elem. (%PATH/%s) (%ERRNO/%d) (%LASTERR/%s) |
0x6a02000000000020 |
"CDB delete failed for (%PATH/%s) (%ERROR/%s) (%LASTERR/%s) (%ERRNO/%d)" |
0x6a02000000000021 |
"CDB set values failed for (%PATH/%s) (%ERROR/%s) (%LASTERR/%s) (%ERRNO/%d)" |
0x6a02000000000022 |
"CDB set case failed for SNMP target (%TARGET/%s) (%CASE/%s) (%ERROR/%s) (%LASTERR/%s) (%ERRNO/%d)" |
0x6a02000000000023 |
"Failed to delete Maapi. (%PATH/%s) (%ERRNO/%d) (%LASTERR/%s)" |
0x6a02000000000024 |
"Invalid xml tag in get (%xmltag/%d)" |
0x6a02000000000025 |
"Received invalid cdb operation (%op/%d) in Firmware data map update" |
0x6a02000000000026 |
"Invalid xml tag in Get (%xmltag/%d)" |
0x6a02000000000027 |
"Maapi create operation failed. (%PATH/%s) (%ERRNO/%d) (%LASTERR/%s)" |
0x6a02000000000028 |
"Engine-id value: Invalid ConfD type (%TYPE/%d)" |
0x7001000000000001 |
"System host config service starting. (%Version/%s) (%Date/%s)" |
0x7001000000000002 |
"fopen failed: (%strerror/%s)" |
0x7001000000000003 |
"hal_init failed: (%strerror/%s)" |
0x7001000000000004 |
"Too Many: (%path/%s) (%howmany/%d) > (%max/%d)" |
0x7001000000000005 |
"Unable to fetch Pid, in function: (%func_name/%s) " |
0x7001000000000006 |
"Unable to fetch eeprom info from HAL (%name/%s)" |
0x7001000000000007 |
"Mac offset too large for this platform :(%OFFSET/%d) " |
0x7001000000000008 |
"inet_ntop: addr fail: (%strerror/%s)" |
0x7001000000000009 |
"inet_ntop: addr_gateway fail: (%strerror/%s)" |
0x7001000000000010 |
"popen failed: (%strerror/%s)" |
0x7001000000000013 |
"Counterdata is not fetched. Clearing reset_map snapshot. In function: (%func_name/%s)" |
0x7001000000000014 |
"daemon handler is Null in function: (%func_name/%s) " |
0x7001000000000015 |
"Error with writing counterdata to file in function: (%func_name/%s)" |
0x7001000000000016 |
"failed to fetch map data in function (%func_name/%s)" |
0x7001000000000017 |
"Operational state data for configured-network-range failed due to incorrect network prefix" |
0x7001000000000018 |
"Operational state data for active-network-range failed due to incorrect network prefix" |
0x7001000000000019 |
"Missing CHASSIS_NETWORK_SELECTION in environment" |
0x7001000000000020 |
"Missing CHASSIS_ID in environment" |
0x7001000000000021 |
"NETWORK_PREFIX env not found" |
0x7001000000000022 |
"Error: bad NETWORK_PREFIX env range" |
0x7001000000000023 |
"FAILED to send packts (%ERRNO/%d) (%ERRNOSTR/%s)" |
0x7001000000000024 |
"FAILED to open lcd socket (%SOCKET/%d) (%ERRNOSTR/%s)" |
0x7001000000000025 |
"FAILED to get interface index" |
0x7001000000000026 |
"FAILED to get interface address" |
0x7001000000000027 |
"Received empty base mac address from HAL" |
0x7001000000000028 |
"Received empty mac address pool size from HAL. Setting default value (%pool_size/%s)" |
0x7001000000000029 |
"SystemRebootHandled Failed to reboot appliance, in function: (%func_name/%s), Error code (%ERRNO/%d) " |
0x7001000000000030 |
"Missing NETWORK_RANGE_TYPE in environment" |
0x7001000000000031 |
"(%func_name/%s)" |
0x7001000000000032 |
"(%func/%s): (%message/%s)" |
0x7001000000000033 |
"(%func/%s): (%message/%s)" |
0x7001000000000034 |
"SW-MGMT socket error: (%message/%s)" |
0x7001000000000035 |
"(%func/%s): System timezone - (%message/%s)" |
0x7001000000000038 |
"(%func/%s): (%path/%s) does not exist" |
0x7001000000000039 |
"(%func/%s): (%dir/%s) created successfully" |
0x7001000000000040 |
"(%func/%s): failed to create: (%dir/%s)" |
0x7001000000000041 |
"(%func/%s): (%base_mac/%s) length is incorrect" |
0x7001000000000042 |
"HOSTNAME env var not found" |
0x7001000000000043 |
"failed to fetch dynamic PHY parameters" |
0x7001000000000044 |
"Received mac address pool size from HAL is not within the limit 0
0x7001000000000045 |
"The installed license enables FIX Low Latency; rebooting the system" |
0x7001000000000046 |
"The installed license disables FIX Low Latency; rebooting the system" |
0x7001000000000047 |
"Setting default host name: (%NAME/%s)" |
0x7001000000000053 |
"Firewall rule added:(%Name/%s), (%ip/%s), (%port/%d)" |
0x7001000000000054 |
"Firewall rule deleted:(%Name/%s), (%ip/%s), (%port/%d)" |
0x7001000000000055 |
"Default rule added:(%Name/%s), (%port/%d)" |
0x7001000000000056 |
"Default rule deleted:(%Chain_Name/%s), (%port/%d)" |
0x7001000000000060 |
"Invalid iptable port:(%RULE_NAME/%s), (%PORT/%d)" |
0x7001000000000061 |
"Empty ip. (%RULE_NAME/%s)" |
0x7001000000000062 |
"Failed to execute iptable cmd: (%CMD/%s), (%ERR/%s)" |
0x7001000000000063 |
"Failed getting chain rule count (%CMD/%s)" |
0x7001000000000070 |
"Unexpected exception while joining threads (%err/%s)" |
0x7001000000000071 |
"(%err/%s)" |
0x7001000000000072 |
"Unable to set operational data" |
0x7001000000000073 |
"Exception during initiatilation(%err/%s)" |
0x7001000000000074 |
"(%err/%s)" |
0x7001000000000075 |
"DHCP config ignored (%buffer/%s)" |
0x7001000000000076 |
"Received unsupported port speed: (%speed/%d)" |
0x7001000000000077 |
"Expected mgmt type to be ianaift_ethernetCsmacd, but received (%type/%d)" |
0x7001000000000078 |
"Received NULL handler" |
0x7001000000000079 |
"System-host-config: unable to initialize ZMQ" |
0x7001000000000080 |
"Unable to fetch sysinfo uptime: (%errno/%d)" |
0x7001000000000081 |
"Failed to open file: (%filename/%s)" |
0x7001000000000082 |
"Adding file to receive update failed" |
0x7001000000000083 |
"File monitor init failed" |
0x7001000000000084 |
"Failed to update prompt status" |
0x7001000000000085 |
"Firewall logging (%logenabled/%d)" |
0x7002000000000001 |
"Failed to find CDB component (%COMPONENT/%s)" |
0x7002000000000002 |
"Unable to fetch data from confd (%path/%s) (%confd_strerror_confd_errno/%s) (%confd_lasterr/%s)" |
0x7002000000000003 |
"Unable to set in cdb (%path/%s) (%confd_strerror_confd_errno/%s) (%confd_lasterr/%s)" |
0x7002000000000004 |
"Unable to start confD session. (%ERROR/%s) (%LASTERR/%s) (%ERRNO/%d)" |
0x7002000000000005 |
"Successfully set base mac and mac pool size respectively in (%path1/%s) (%base_mac/%s) (%path2/%s) (%mac_pool_size/%s)" |
0x7002000000000006 |
"maapi_set failed for (%PATH/%s) (%ERRNOSTR/%s) (%LASTERR/%s)" |
0x7002000000000007 |
"maapi_create failed for (%PATH/%s) (%ERRNOSTR/%s) (%LASTERR/%s)" |
0x7002000000000008 |
"unknown tag (%TAG/%u) in operation (%OP/%d)" |
0x7002000000000009 |
"cdb_set_values failed for interface (%INTERFACE/%s) (%ERRNOSTR/%d) (%LASTERR/%s) (%ERRNO/%d)" |
0x7002000000000010 |
"Failed to send completion reply for component (%COMPONENT/%s)" |
0x7002000000000011 |
"failed to create maapi transaction with config daemon (%ERRNOSTR/%s) (%LASTERR/%s)" |
0x7002000000000012 |
"failed to complete maapi transaction (%ERRNOSTR/%s) (%LASTERR/%s)" |
0x7002000000000013 |
"unknown tag id (%TAG/%u)" |
0x7002000000000014 |
"path does not exists (%path/%s)" |
0x7002000000000015 |
"Failed to create transaction (%confd_strerror_confd_errno/%s) (%confd_lasterr/%s)" |
0x7002000000000016 |
"CBD updated with hostname: (%NAME/%s)" |
0x7002000000000017 |
"(%func/%s): unsupported action (%tag/%d)" |
0x7002000000000018 |
"(%func/%s): Failed getting interface name (%path/%s)" |
0x7002000000000019 |
"maapi_delete failed for (%PATH/%s) (%ERRNOSTR/%s) (%LASTERR/%s)" |
0x7002000000000020 |
"Timezone is invalid (%ZONE/%s)" |
0x7002000000000024 |
"cdb_get: (%PATH/%s) (%ERRNOSTR/%s) (%LASTERR/%s) (%ERRNO/%d)" |
0x7002000000000025 |
"(%entry/%s) exists" |
0x7002000000000026 |
"(%OP/%d) is not supported" |
0x7002000000000027 |
"cdb_cd failed for (%err/%s)" |
0x7003000000000001 |
"cmd failed (%host_cmd/%s) (%err/%s)" |
0x7003000000000002 |
"Failed to get con name for mgmt interface" |
0x7003000000000003 |
"Failed to set dns (%iptype/%s) server list" |
0x7101000000000001 |
"Control thread starting (%NODE/%s)" |
0x7101000000000002 |
"Control thread shutdown (%NODE/%s)" |
0x7101000000000003 |
"Internal error (%ERR/%s)" |
0x7101000000000004 |
"Internal error (%ERR/%s) (%VALUE/%d)" |
0x7101000000000006 |
"Error message: (%ERR/%s)" |
0x7101000000000007 |
"Maapi stop is failed. Error: (%ERR/%s)" |
0x7101000000000008 |
"Sending event:(%VALUE/%d) is failed:(%ERR/%s)" |
0x7101000000000012 |
"Invalid iptable port:(%RULE_NAME/%s), (%PORT/%d)" |
0x7101000000000013 |
"Empty ip. (%RULE_NAME/%s)" |
0x7101000000000014 |
"Failed to execute iptable cmd: (%CMD/%s), (%ERR/%s)" |
0x7101000000000015 |
"Failed getting chain rule count (%CMD/%s)" |
0x7101000000000016 |
"Internal error during restore cleanup (%FIELD/%s) (%ERRNOSTR/%s) (%LASTERR/%s) (%ERRNO/%d)" |
0x7101000000000017 |
"Items cleaned up on config-restore (%FIELD/%s) (%NUM/%d)" |
0x7101000000000022 |
"Restricted SSH traffic from ip: (%IP_NETW/%s)" |
0x7101000000000023 |
"Add rule exist in DB with (%RULE_NAME/%s), (%IP_ADD/%s)" |
0x7101000000000024 |
"Empty ip. (%RULE_NAME/%s)" |
0x7101000000000025 |
"Failed to execute cmd: (%CMD/%s), (%ERR/%s)" |
0x7101000000000026 |
"SSH Rule Info: (%Name/%s), (%ip/%s), (%port/%d), (%is_ipv4/%d)" |
0x7101000000000027 |
"Add ssh access denial rule: (%RULE_NAME/%s)" |
0x7101000000000028 |
"Add ssh access allowed IP rule: (%RULE_NAME/%s), (%IP_ADD/%s)" |
0x7101000000000029 |
"Delete ssh access denial rule: (%RULE_NAME/%s)" |
0x7101000000000030 |
"Delete ssh access allowed IP rule: (%RULE_NAME/%s), (%IP_ADD/%s)" |
0x7101000000000041 |
"System Control starting. (%version/%s) (%date/%s)" |
0x7101000000000042 |
"Firewall rule added:(%Name/%s), (%ip/%s), (%port/%d)" |
0x7101000000000043 |
"Firewall rule deleted:(%Name/%s), (%ip/%s), (%port/%d)" |
0x7101000000000044 |
"Default rule added:(%Name/%s), (%port/%d)" |
0x7101000000000045 |
"Default rule deleted:(%Chain_Name/%s), (%port/%d)" |
0x7101000000000046 |
"Config-backup successful. (%BackupName/%s))" |
0x7101000000000047 |
"Config-backup failed.(%ERR/%s)" |
0x7101000000000048 |
"Operation successful.(%operation/%s)" |
0x7101000000000049 |
"Operation failed.(%operation/%s)(%ERR/%s)" |
0x7102000000000001 |
"HAFW connected to local database" |
0x7102000000000002 |
"HAFW connected to local database after retry (%RETRIES/%d)" |
0x7102000000000003 |
"HAFW discconnected from local database" |
0x7103000000000001 |
"Config backup & Restore command path (%PATH/%s)" |
0x7103000000000002 |
"Failed to open the backup file" |
0x7103000000000003 |
"Failed to write output to file" |
0x7103000000000004 |
0x7103000000000005 |
"Notification error: (%ERR/%s)" |
0x7103000000000006 |
"Confd connect failed: (%ERR/%s)" |
0x7103000000000008 |
"ConfigBackupRestore::recursive_delete_all failed to delete (%TYPE/%s) (%PATH/%s) (%ERR/%s)" |
0x7103000000000009 |
"can't open directory (%PATH/%s) (%ERR/%s)" |
0x7103000000000010 |
"Invalid cdb iter operation (%op/%d)" |
0x7103000000000013 |
"(%FUNCTION/%s) No Memory for file data list" |
0x7103000000000014 |
"(%FUNCTION/%s) Command completion failed" |
0x7103000000000016 |
"Unable to fetch IP address from confd for profile (%prof/%s)" |
0x7901000000000003 |
"Restricted SSH traffic from ip: (%IP_NETW/%s)" |
0x7901000000000004 |
"Add rule exist in DB with (%RULE_NAME/%s), (%IP_ADD/%s)" |
0x7901000000000007 |
"SSH Rule Info: (%Name/%s), (%ip/%s), (%port/%d), (%is_ipv4/%d)" |
0x7901000000000008 |
"Add ssh access denial rule: (%RULE_NAME/%s)" |
0x7901000000000009 |
"Add ssh access allowed IP rule: (%RULE_NAME/%s), (%IP_ADD/%s)" |
0x7901000000000010 |
"Delete ssh access denial rule: (%RULE_NAME/%s)" |
0x7901000000000011 |
"Delete ssh access allowed IP rule: (%RULE_NAME/%s), (%IP_ADD/%s)" |
0x7901000000000022 |
"Firewall Manager starting. (%version/%s) (%date/%s)" |
0x7901000000000023 |
"Firewall rule added:(%Name/%s), (%ip/%s), (%port/%d)" |
0x7901000000000024 |
"Firewall rule deleted:(%Name/%s), (%ip/%s), (%port/%d)" |
0x7901000000000025 |
"Default rule added:(%Name/%s), (%port/%d)" |
0x7901000000000026 |
"Default rule deleted:(%Chain_Name/%s), (%port/%d)" |
0x7b01000000000001 |
"Failed to read input crl file. (%filename/%s)" |
0x7b01000000000002 |
"Failed to write crl file: (%path/%s)" |
0x7b01000000000003 |
"File cannot be opened (%file/%s)" |
0x7b01000000000004 |
"OpenSSL public key failed." |
0x7b01000000000005 |
"Key/Certificate mismatch (%file1/%s) (%file2/%s)" |
0x7b01000000000006 |
"Failed to open key file (%name/%s)" |
0x7b01000000000007 |
"Failed to read key file (%name/%s)" |
0x7b01000000000008 |
"OpenSSL ASN1_INTEGER_new failed to allocate memory." |
0x7b01000000000009 |
"OpenSSL ASN1_STRING_set_default_mask_asc failed." |
0x7b01000000000010 |
"OpenSSL BIO_new_fp failed allocate memory." |
0x7b01000000000011 |
"OpenSSL BIO_new failed allocate memory." |
0x7b01000000000012 |
"OpenSSL BIO_write_filename failed write (%name/%s)." |
0x7b01000000000013 |
"OpenSSL BIO_write failed to write CSR." |
0x7b01000000000014 |
"OpenSSL BN_GENCB_set failed to generate callback." |
0x7b01000000000015 |
"OpenSSL BN_new failed allocate memory." |
0x7b01000000000016 |
"OpenSSL BN_pseudo_rand failed." |
0x7b01000000000017 |
"OpenSSL BN_set_word failed." |
0x7b01000000000018 |
"OpenSSL BN_to_ASN1_INTEGER failed." |
0x7b01000000000019 |
"OpenSSL certificate key is nil." |
0x7b01000000000020 |
"OpenSSL CONF_modules_load failed." |
0x7b01000000000021 |
"Certificate Request city (%city/%s)." |
0x7b01000000000022 |
"Certificate Request country (%country/%s)." |
0x7b01000000000023 |
"Certificate Request email (%email/%s)." |
0x7b01000000000024 |
"Certificate Request name (%name/%s)." |
0x7b01000000000025 |
"Certificate Request organization (%organization/%s)." |
0x7b01000000000026 |
"Certificate Request organizational unit (%unit/%s)." |
0x7b01000000000027 |
"Certificate Request region (%state/%s)." |
0x7b01000000000028 |
"Certificate Request version (%version/%d)." |
0x7b01000000000029 |
"OpenSSL do_sign_init failed." |
0x7b01000000000030 |
"OpenSSL EC_GROUP_new_by_curve_name failed." |
0x7b01000000000031 |
"OpenSSL EC_KEY_generate_key failed." |
0x7b01000000000032 |
"OpenSSL EC_KEY_new failed to allocate memory." |
0x7b01000000000033 |
"OpenSSL EC_KEY_set_group failed." |
0x7b01000000000034 |
"OpenSSL_malloc failed to allocate bytes (%size/%u)" |
0x7b01000000000035 |
"OpenSSL X509_name parse error." |
0x7b01000000000036 |
"OpenSSL NCONF_get_section failed." |
0x7b01000000000037 |
"OpenSSL NCONF_get_string failed to find file (%file/%s)" |
0x7b01000000000038 |
"OpenSSL NCONF_load failed for file (%file/%s)" |
0x7b01000000000039 |
"OpenSSL NCONF_new failed to allocate memory." |
0x7b01000000000040 |
"OpenSSL OBJ_create failed for (%name/%s)." |
0x7b01000000000041 |
"OpenSSL OBJ_sn2nid failed." |
0x7b01000000000042 |
"OpenSSL PEM_read_bio_X509_REQ failed read csr." |
0x7b01000000000043 |
"Failed to read crl. Invalid PEM format crl input" |
0x7b01000000000044 |
"OpenSSL PEM_read_bio_PrivateKey failed read key (%file/%s)" |
0x7b01000000000045 |
"OpenSSL PEM_write_bio_ECPrivateKey failed to write key." |
0x7b01000000000046 |
"OpenSSL PEM_write_bio_RSAPrivateKey failed to write key." |
0x7b01000000000047 |
"OpenSSL PEM_write_bio_X509_REQ failed write certificate request." |
0x7b01000000000048 |
"OpenSSL RSA_generate_key_ex failed." |
0x7b01000000000049 |
"OpenSSL RSA_new_method failed." |
0x7b01000000000050 |
"OpenSSL Subject not starting with backslash." |
0x7b01000000000051 |
"OpenSSL X509_get_pubkey failed to get public key." |
0x7b01000000000052 |
"OpenSSL X509_gmtime_adj failed." |
0x7b01000000000053 |
"OpenSSL X509_NAME_add_entry_by_NID failed for (%name/%s)." |
0x7b01000000000054 |
"OpenSSL X509_Name_new failed to allocate memory." |
0x7b01000000000055 |
"OpenSSL X509_new failed to allocate memory." |
0x7b01000000000056 |
"OpenSSL X509_REQ_get_pubkey failed to get public key." |
0x7b01000000000057 |
"OpenSSL X509 create CSR failed." |
0x7b01000000000058 |
"OpenSSL X509_REQ_new failed to allocate memory." |
0x7b01000000000059 |
"OpenSSL X509_REQ_set_pubkey failed." |
0x7b01000000000060 |
"OpenSSL X509_REQ_set_subject_name failed." |
0x7b01000000000061 |
"OpenSSL X509_REQ_set_version failed." |
0x7b01000000000062 |
"OpenSSL X509_REQ_verify failed to verify signature." |
0x7b01000000000063 |
"OpenSSL X509_set_issuer_name failed." |
0x7b01000000000064 |
"OpenSSL X509_set_pubkey failed to set public key." |
0x7b01000000000065 |
"OpenSSL X509_set_serialNumber failed." |
0x7b01000000000066 |
"OpenSSL X509_sign failed." |
0x7b01000000000067 |
"OpenSSL X509_STORE_new failed allocate memory." |
0x7b01000000000068 |
"OpenSSL X509_time_adj_ex failed." |
0x7b01000000000069 |
"OpenSSL X509V3_EXT_add_nconf failed to load extension (%name/%s)." |
0x7b01000000000070 |
"OpenSSL X509V3_EXT_REQ_add_nconf failed to load extension (%name/%s)." |
0x7b01000000000071 |
"OpenSSL X509_STORE_set_default_paths failed." |
0x7b01000000000072 |
"(%message/%s)" |
0x7b01000000000073 |
"Saved Certificate Authority (CA) Bundle file: (%name/%s)" |
0x7b01000000000074 |
"Unable to save Certificate Authority (CA) Bundle file: (%name/%s) (%errnum/%d)" |
0x7b01000000000075 |
"OpenSSL Keys and Certificates must start with -----BEGIN ..." |
0x7b01000000000079 |
"Unable to save HTTPD configuration file. (%name/%s) (%errnum/%d)" |
0x7b01000000000081 |
"Saved HTTPD configuration file. (%name/%s)" |
0x7b01000000000082 |
"CA-BUNDLE input data is formatted with the wrong number of dashes." |
0x7b01000000000084 |
"fmemopen failed. (%name/%s) (%errnum/%d)" |
0x7b01000000000085 |
"The (%item/%s) being set in confd failed." |
0x7b01000000000086 |
"Certificate Request Subject Alternative Name (%san/%s)." |
0x7b01000000000087 |
"Certificate Request Days Valid (%dval/%s)." |
0x7b01000000000088 |
"Certificate Request Key type (%type/%s)." |