Log Message Reference for F5OS-C-1.8.0

ID Number Description
0x0010000000000001 "cdb_get failed to get node data((%RET/%d) (%ERRNOSTR/%s) (%LASTERR/%s) (%ERRNO/%d))"
0x0010000000000003 "Found invalid Peer IP (%PEERIP/%s)"
0x0010000000000004 "Peer Subnet not found: PARTITION_SUBNET"
0x0010000000000005 "Found invalid Peer Subnet (%PEERNET/%s)"
0x0010000000000007 "Error creating temp peer file: (%FILENAME/%s) (%ERRNUM/%d)"
0x0010000000000008 "Error writing temp peer file: (%FILENAME/%s)"
0x0010000000000009 "Error copying temp peer file: (%FILENAME/%s)"
0x0010000000000010 "Partition Blades Daemon starting. (%version/%s) (%log/%s) (%date/%s)"
0x0281000000000001 "DIAG ZMQ Input Message Router - Not configured"
0x0281000000000002 "Service Starting" version=%s
0x0301000000000002 "FWU failed to create the HAL connection"
0x0301000000000004 "FWU timed out waiting for HAL to be ready" seconds=time.Duration
0x0301000000000005 "FWU failed to create BIOS recovery image" error=error
0x0301000000000006 "FWU Init failed to create ZMQ PUB" error=error
0x0301000000000007 "FWU Init failed to start ZMQ PUB" error=error
0x0301000000000008 "Service Starting" version=%s
0x0303000000000001 "BMC SEL Write" event=%s eventDetail=%s
0x0303000000000002 "LOP PEL Write" event=%s
0x0303000000000004 "PCIe slot speed not expected, retrying" pcieSpeed=%s expected=%s actual=%s
0x0341000000000001 "unable to verify platform-hal at startup"
0x0341000000000002 "unable to query platform data at startup"
0x0341000000000003 "platform monitor starting" version=%v role=%v slot=%v
0x0981000000000001 "DIAG_AGENT ZMQ Input Message Router - Not configured"
0x0981000000000002 "unable to verify platform-hal at startup"
0x0981000000000003 "unable to get platform hal host-type"
0x0981000000000004 "unable to get platform hal slot id"
0x0981000000000005 "unable to get platform hal host name"
0x0981000000000006 "unable to open agent.db, using in-memory DB"
0x0981000000000007 "unable to get platform information" err=%v
0x0981000000000008 "unable to create ZMQ Publisher" err=%v
0x0981000000000009 "unable to start ZMQ Publisher" err=%v
0x098100000000000a "unable to communicate with monitoring agent"
0x098100000000000b "criteria container initialization error"
0x098100000000000c "chassis diagnostic agent initialization error"
0x098100000000000d "diag-agent starting" version=%v
0x098100000000000e "Unable to find FPGA PCIe Component" name=%v task=%v
0x098100000000000f "unable to fetch action" address=%v key=%v value=%v
0x0981000000000010 "unable to find Optic Port Component" port=%v task=%v
0x0981000000000011 "Stream component creation error" streamName=%v err=%v
0x0981000000000012 "diag agent" msg=%v kv=%v
0x0981000000000013 "Unable to find Dma Dm Component" taskDmNumber=%v DmaStatsMonitorEventType=%v
0x0981000000000014 "Get message" i=%v err=%v
0x0981000000000015 "Stack" stack=%v
0x0981000000000016 "Start tcpdump capturing error" err=%v
0x0981000000000017 "tcpdump capturing not started"
0x0981000000000018 "Delete streams error" err=%v
0x0981000000000019 "unable to create stream" i=%v err=%v
0x098100000000001a "unable to create stream component" i=%v err=%v
0x098100000000001b "unable to get stream information for streamID" streamId=%v
0x098100000000001c "unable to fetch all streams from stream manager to stream information for streamID" hasError=%v
0x098100000000001d "unable to create component key" err=%v key=%v
0x098100000000001e "Stream Generator has no stream" dm=%v number=%v destBlade=%v
0x098100000000001f "unable to update disk monitor task interval " err=%v
0x0981000000000020 "Unable to create monitor input" err=%v
0x0981000000000021 "Unable to initialize firmware monitor task" err=%v
0x0981000000000022 "Unable to get the firmware data" err=%v
0x0981000000000023 "Unable to notify firmware update status to Confd" node=%v
0x0981000000000024 "DIAG_AGENT unable to get platform hal information" error=%s
0x0981000000000025 "Unable to update chassis module present status" err=%v component=%v present=%v
0x0981000000000026 "Unable to set value in Confd" err=%v keypath=%v
0x0981000000000027 "Unable to start session in Confd" err=%v keypath=%v
0x0981000000000028 "Unable to get value list from Confd" err=%v keypath=%v
0x0981000000000029 "Unable to get value from Confd" err=%v keypath=%v
0x098100000000002a "Unable to get key from dictionary" err=%v key=%v
0x098100000000002b "Unable to get the firmware data" err=%v
0x098100000000002c "Unable to activate PSU manager" err=%v
0x098100000000002d "Unable to start PSU redundancy" err=%v
0x098100000000002e "Unable to activate blade manager" err=%v
0x098100000000002f "Unable to clear alarms" err=%v
0x0981000000000030 "Unable to deactivate blade manager" err=%v
0x0981000000000031 "Unable to stop PSU redundancy" err=%v
0x0981000000000032 "Unable to deactivate PSU manager" err=%v
0x0981000000000033 "Unable to create monitor input" err=%v
0x0981000000000034 "Unable to notify firmware update status to Confd" node=%v
0x0981000000000035 "Unknown LCD sensor" sensor=%v
0x0981000000000036 "Unable to find component" component=%v
0x0981000000000037 "Unable to notify firmware update status as Confd is standby" node=%v
0x0982000000000001 "Verifying Monitoring Agent is up and running" address=%v
0x0982000000000002 "Verifying Platform HAL is up and running" address=%v
0x0982000000000003 "Verifying Platform FWU is up and running" address=%v
0x0982000000000004 "Loading Task" task=%v name=%v profile=%v
0x0982000000000005 "Cancelling Task" task=%v name=%v profile=%v
0x0982000000000006 "Running Task" task=%v name=%v profile=%v mode=%v
0x0982000000000007 "Completed Task" task=%v name=%v profile=%v mode=%v
0x0982000000000008 "Skipping Tasks" task=%v
0x0982000000000009 "Information event generated at diag-agent" event=%v severity=%s area=%s task=%s profile=%s
0x098200000000000b "Component Attribute Changed" node=%s category=%s component=%v attribute=%v severity=%v health=%s value=%v message=%s
0x098200000000000c "Component Health Changed" component=%v severity=%v
0x098200000000000d "Component Attribute Changed" node=%s category=%s component=%v attribute=%v severity=%v health=%s value=%v message=%s
0x098200000000000e "unable to initialize firmware monitor" err=%v
0x098200000000000f "unable to get drive slot from platform HAL" err=%v
0x0982000000000010 "unable to initialize LOP binary alert handler" err=%v
0x0982000000000011 "unable to update LOP binary alert handler attribute" objectId=%v subObject=%v slotId=%v component=%v attribute=%v err=%v
0x0982000000000012 "unable to initialize LOP analog alert handler" err=%v
0x0982000000000013 "unable to refresh LOP analog alert handler" err=%v
0x0982000000000014 "unable to update LOP analog alert handler attribute" component=%v attribute=%v err=%v
0x0982000000000015 "unable to abort profile" name=%v err=%v
0x0982000000000016 "unable to unload profile" name=%v err=%v
0x0982000000000017 "Error event generated at diag-agent" event=%v severity=%s area=%s task=%s profile=%s
0x0982000000000018 "Warning event generated at diag-agent" event=%v severity=%s area=%s task=%s profile=%s
0x0982000000000019 "Component Attribute Changed" node=%s category=%s component=%v attribute=%v severity=%v health=%s value=%v message=%s
0x098200000000001a "Component Attribute Changed" node=%s category=%s component=%v attribute=%v severity=%v health=%s value=%v message=%s
0x098200000000001b "Component Health Changed" component=%v severity=%v
0x098200000000001c "Component Health Changed" component=%v severity=%v
0x098200000000001d "Service monitor error" service=%v error=%v
0x098200000000001e "Error encountered during DB cleanup at startup" error=%s
0x1001000000000001 "BCM56XXD driver error: All L2 stash entries exhausted: vlan_id=(%vlan_id/%d)"
0x1001000000000002 "BCM56XXD driver error: Cannot find VLAN: vlan_id=/, unit=(%vlan_id/%d) (%cvid/%d) (%dev_unit/%d)"
0x1001000000000003 "BCM56XXD SDK error: Error adding l2 entry for vlan_id=, unit=(%vlan_id/%d) (%dev_unit/%d)"
0x1001000000000004 "BCM56XXD SDK error: Error initializing L2 stash free list"
0x1001000000000005 "BCM56XXD driver error: Invalid timer_val = (%timer_val/%d)"
0x1001000000000006 "BCM56XXD SDK error: Error setting L2 age timer"
0x1001000000000007 "BCM56XXD SDK error: Error adding l2 entry for vlan_id=, port_id=(%vlan_id/%d) (%sc_physport/%d)"
0x1001000000000008 "BCM56XXD driver error: Error adding l2 entry in stash: vlan_id=, port_id=(%vlan_id/%d) (%sc_physport/%d)"
0x1001000000000009 "BCM56XXD SDK error: Error adding l2 entry: unit=, trunk_id=(%i_unit/%d) (%sc_ifname/%d)"
0x1001000000000010 "BCM56XXD driver error: Error adding l2 entry in stash: vlan_id=, interface =(%vlan_id/%d) (%sc_ifname/%d)"
0x1001000000000011 "BCM56XXD driver error: Error adding l2 entry in stash: vlan_id=, trunk_id=(%vlan_id/%d) (%trunk_trunk_id/%d)"
0x1001000000000012 "BCM56XXD SDK error: Error: reading L2 entry : (%idx/%d) (%bcm_errmsg_status/%s)"
0x1001000000000013 "BCM56XXD SDK error: failed constructing l2_forward result for unit : entry (%dev_unit/%d) (%idx/%d)"
0x1001000000000014 "BCM56XXD SDK error: Error deleting l2 entry from hardware: vlan_id=(%vlan_id/%d)"
0x1001000000000015 "BCM56XXD driver error: Error deleting l2 entry from stash: vlan_id=(%vlan_id/%d)"
0x1001000000000016 "BCM56XXD SDK error: Error flushing l2 table for port_id=(%port/%d)"
0x1001000000000017 "BCM56XXD driver error: Error restoring static l2 entries for port_id= on unit .(%port/%d) (%i_unit/%d)"
0x1001000000000018 "BCM56XXD SDK error: Error flushing l2 table for unit=, vid=, tid=(%unit/%d) (%vid/%d) (%tid/%d)"
0x1001000000000019 "BCM56XXD SDK error: Error flushing l2 table for unit=, trunk_id=(%i_unit/%d) (%trunk_trunk_id/%d)"
0x1001000000000020 "BCM56XXD driver error: Error restoring static l2 entries: unit=, trunk_id=(%i_unit/%d) (%trunk_trunk_id/%d)"
0x1001000000000021 "BCM56XXD SDK error: Error retrieving vlan bitmaps unit=, vid=(%unit/%d) (%ventry_vid/%d)"
0x1001000000000022 "BCM56XXD driver error: Vlan soft struct does not exist(%vid/%d)"
0x1001000000000023 "BCM56XXD SDK error: Error retrieving rate filter, (%bcm_errmsg_rv/%s)"
0x1001000000000024 "BCM56XXD SDK error: Error setting rate filter, (%bcm_errmsg_rv/%s)"
0x1001000000000025 "BCM56XXD SDK error: Error setting port learning mode, (%bcm_errmsg_rv/%s)"
0x1001000000000026 "BCM56XXD SDK error: Error clearing L2 entries for the port, (%bcm_errmsg_rv/%s)"
0x1001000000000027 "BCM56XXD driver error: Error getting IO expander for :MODPRS(%sw_cfg_u_pcfg_p_ifname/%s)"
0x1001000000000028 "BCM56XXD driver error: Error getting IO expander for :INT(%sw_cfg_u_pcfg_p_ifname/%s)"
0x1001000000000029 "BCM56XXD driver error: Error getting IO expander for :LP(%sw_cfg_u_pcfg_p_ifname/%s)"
0x1001000000000030 "BCM56XXD driver error: Error getting IO expander initialization data array"
0x1001000000000031 "BCM56XXD driver error: Error getting IO expander initialization data count"
0x1001000000000032 "BCM56XXD info: STUBBED "
0x1001000000000033 "BCM56XXD driver error: Error configuring and starting LED uprocessors"
0x1001000000000034 "BCM56XXD driver error: Error applying default port tuning to unit port (%unit/%d) (%port/%d)"
0x1001000000000035 "BCM56XXD info: I2C mux reset completed, dev:, IO Exp addr:0x.(%FUNCTION/%s) (%HOST_I2C_DEVNAME/%s) (%IO_EXPDR_1/%x)"
0x1001000000000036 "BCM56XXD driver error: Error resetting mux and IO expander (%whatc_str/%s)"
0x1001000000000037 "BCM56XXD SDK error: SDK error deleting l2 BPDU entry: (%bcm_errmsg_rv/%s)"
0x1001000000000038 "BCM56XXD SDK error: SDK error configuring l2 BPDU entry: (%bcm_errmsg_rv/%s)"
0x1001000000000039 "BCM56XXD driver error: ip hash field group does not support an ODD number of HSBs.(%totalHSB/%d)"
0x1001000000000040 "BCM56XXD driver error: IFP port init failed (No device)"
0x1001000000000041 "BCM56XXD info: Invalid Ifp redirect params"
0x1001000000000042 "BCM56XXD info: Created global cos user entry .(%dev_field_entry_cos/%d)"
0x1001000000000043 "BCM56XXD info: Deleted global cos user entry .(%dev_field_entry_cos/%d)"
0x1001000000000044 "BCM56XXD SDK error: Error calling soc_cm_mdebug_init"
0x1001000000000045 "BCM56XXD SDK error: Error calling soc_mdebug_init"
0x1001000000000046 "BCM56XXD SDK error: Error updating debug flag (lx) for module (%debug_level/%s) (%mod/%s)"
0x1001000000000047 "BCM56XXD SDK error: Error calling bcm_mdebug_init"
0x1001000000000048 "BCM56XXD SDK error: Error fetch debug config for module (%mod_name/%s)"
0x1001000000000049 "BCM56XXD SDK error: Error fetch debug encoding () for module (%dbg_cfg_lvl_names_i/%s) (%mod_name/%s)"
0x1001000000000050 "BCM56XXD SDK error: Unable to get sc from unit= port=(%unit/%d) (%port/%d)"
0x1001000000000051 "BCM56XXD SDK error: Trouble enabling mirror - interface not initialized(%sc_ifname/%s)"
0x1001000000000052 "BCM56XXD SDK error: Trouble with bcm_mirror_mode() (%bcm_errmsg_status/%s)"
0x1001000000000053 "BCM56XXD SDK error: Trouble with bcm_mirror_to_set() (%bcm_errmsg_status/%s)"
0x1001000000000054 "BCM56XXD SDK error: Trouble with bcm_egress_set() (%bcm_errmsg_status/%s)"
0x1001000000000055 "BCM56XXD SDK error: Trouble with bcm_mirror_to_pbmp_set() (%bcm_errmsg_status/%s)"
0x1001000000000056 "BCM56XXD driver error: Trouble getting softc for unit= port=(%unit/%d) (%port/%d)"
0x1001000000000057 "BCM56XXD SDK error: Trouble with bcm_egress_clear() (%bcm_errmsg_status/%s)"
0x1001000000000058 "BCM56XXD SDK error: Trouble with bcm_ingress_clear() (%bcm_errmsg_status/%s)"
0x1001000000000059 "BCM56XXD SDK error: Trouble with bcm_mirror_set() (%bcm_errmsg_status/%s)"
0x1001000000000060 "BCM56XXD SDK error: Trouble with bcm_mirror_conduit_higig_set() (%bcm_errmsg_status/%s)"
0x1001000000000061 "BCM56XXD SDK error: Trunk port trouble with bcm_mirror_port_set() (%bcm_errmsg_status/%s)"
0x1001000000000062 "BCM56XXD SDK error: Non-trunk port trouble with bcm_mirror_port_set() (%bcm_errmsg_status/%s)"
0x1001000000000063 "BCM56XXD driver error: Trouble committing mirror settings to hardware: :(%sc_mirror_to_dev_unit/%d) (%sc_mirror_to_physport/%d)"
0x1001000000000064 "BCM56XXD driver error: Trouble committing CML settings to hardware: :(%sc_mirror_to_dev_unit/%d) (%sc_mirror_to_physport/%d)"
0x1001000000000065 "BCM56XXD info: port mirror (tcpdump) from to CPU.(%enable_0_enabledisable/%s) (%sc_ifname/%s)"
0x1001000000000066 "BCM56XXD info: tcpdump limit: 200 packets per second."
0x1001000000000067 "BCM56XXD SDK error: trouble with bcm_mirror_port_get():(%bcm_errmsg_rv/%s)"
0x1001000000000068 "BCM56XXD SDK error: Trouble with bcm_mirror_port_set():(%bcm_errmsg_rv/%s)"
0x1001000000000069 "BCM56XXD driver error: Trouble in bs_mirror_set to (%sc_from_ifname/%s) (%sc_conduit_ifname/%s)"
0x1001000000000070 "BCM56XXD driver error: Oops. API problem. from and conduit not on same device"
0x1001000000000071 "BCM56XXD driver error: Cannot map egress port from modid "
0x1001000000000072 "BCM56XXD SDK error: Trouble with bcm_mirror_to_pvmp_set() (%bcm_errmsg_rv/%s)"
0x1001000000000073 "Memory allocation failed: (const char*)'Cannot allocate pkt Q data store, unit=(%unit/%d)"
0x1001000000000074 "BCM56XXD SDK error: (const char*)'Cannot allocate pkt Q lock, unit=(%unit/%d)"
0x1001000000000075 "BCM56XXD SDK error: (const char*)'RX already running, unit=(%unit/%d)"
0x1001000000000076 "BCM56XXD SDK error: (const char*)'Error setting rx packet rate limit, unit= (%unit/%d) (%bcm_errmsg_rv/%s)"
0x1001000000000077 "BCM56XXD SDK error: Error setting up rx DMA, unit= (%unit/%d) (%bcm_errmsg_rv/%s)"
0x1001000000000078 "BCM56XXD SDK error: Error registering rx dma callback, unit= error=(%unit/%d) (%bcm_errmsg_rv/%s)"
0x1001000000000079 "BCM56XXD info: Trouble restoring cpu mirror afterflood control. unit: , reenable(%pr_sc_dev_unit/%d)"
0x1001000000000080 "BCM56XXD info: bs_packet_register :: reenablingcpu mirror () delay=s(%pr_client_id/%s) (%sec_packet_registry_i_mirror_halted/%d)"
0x1001000000000081 "BCM56XXD driver error: No free space in packet registry"
0x1001000000000082 "BCM56XXD SDK error: Trouble setting up mirror from to CPU(%pr_sc_ifname/%s)"
0x1001000000000083 "BCM56XXD driver error: Trouble setting up mirror from to CPU(%sc_ifname/%s)"
0x1001000000000084 "Memory allocation failed: Cannot allocate memory for higig pkt of size=(%send_len/%d)"
0x1001000000000085 "BCM56XXD driver error: Trouble deleting mirror from to CPU(%pr_sc_ifname/%s)"
0x1001000000000086 "BCM56XXD driver error: Unable to convert unit= to device(%unit/%d)"
0x1001000000000087 "BCM56XXD driver error: Unable to convert u=, p= to soft struct(%unit/%d) (%pkt_rx_port/%d)"
0x1001000000000088 "BCM56XXD SDK error: Trouble halting mirror for flood control (%pr_client_id/%s)"
0x1001000000000089 "BCM56XXD info: bs_packet_rx () unit= FULL!flags() halt mirror of (%pr_client_id/%s) (%unit/%d) (%pkt_flags/%x) (%pr_sc_ifname/%s)"
0x1001000000000090 "BCM56XXD info: Queue Full, unit: (%sc_dev_unit/%d)"
0x1001000000000091 "BCM56XXD driver error: No packet to free in tx callback, unit=(%unit/%d)"
0x1001000000000092 "BCM56XXD driver error: TX packet length too long. TX aborted(%pkt_data_len/%d)"
0x1001000000000093 "BCM56XXD info: Tx Aborted. Link(s) not UP yet. unit=, tx_ports=(%unit/%d) (%pbmppbits/%x)"
0x1001000000000094 "BCM56XXD SDK error: Bad vs_packet_tx() pkt alloc, unit=(%unit/%d)"
0x1001000000000096 "BCM56XXD info: bcm_tx failed. , unit=, pkt=(%bcm_errmsg_rv/%s) (%unit/%d) (%pkt/%p)"
0x1001000000000097 "BCM56XXD info: Stuck (retries exhausted)"
0x1001000000000098 "BCM56XXD info: Active tx DMA on unit=(%unit/%d)"
0x1001000000000099 "BCM56XXD driver error: Config property exceeds max len:(%char_buf/%s)"
0x1001000000000100 "BCM56XXD info: Turning off learning and en_ifilter settings for (%ifname/%s)"
0x1001000000000101 "BCM56XXD driver error: Unable to disable learning on : (%ifname/%s) (%rv/%d)"
0x1001000000000102 "BCM56XXD SDK error: Unable to turn off ingress filtering for : (%ifname/%s) (%bcm_errmsg_rv/%s)"
0x1001000000000103 "BCM56XXD driver error: Unable to find soft struct for (%ifname/%s)"
0x1001000000000104 "BCM56XXD driver error: PortControlLane set failed. p= err:(%port/%d) (%bcm_errmsg_rv/%s)"
0x1001000000000105 "BCM56XXD driver error: Port speed set failed. p= err:(%port/%d) (%bcm_errmsg_rv/%s)"
0x1001000000000106 "BCM56XXD driver error: port data structure not found for port=(%port/%d)"
0x1001000000000107 "BCM56XXD info: Enable higig2 mode on higig ports of unit .(%unit/%d)"
0x1001000000000108 "BCM56XXD info: Enable module loopback mode on higig ports of unit .(%unit/%d)"
0x1001000000000109 "BCM56XXD driver error: Failed to set module loopback on unit port . (%unit/%d) (%i/%d)"
0x1001000000000110 "BCM56XXD info: bcm56xxd: unit port bundle state: (%unit/%d) (%port/%d) (%BUNDLE_ENABLED_pc/%d)"
0x1001000000000111 "BCM56XXD error: Platform is not supported"
0x1001000000000112 "BCM56XXD driver error: Unable to find specified platform id=, unit=(%platform_id/%x) (%unit/%x)"
0x1001000000000113 "BCM56XXD driver error: Trouble settting transmit phase interpolation for unit=, port=, offset=0x%02x, data=0x%04x(%unit/%d) (%txpis_i_port/%d) (%offset/%x) (%data/%x)"
0x1001000000000114 "BCM56XXD SDK error: SDK error: (%bcm_errmsg_rv/%s)"
0x1001000000000115 "BCM56XXD driver error: Unable to find vlan member in QinQ Map for vlan<:>(%sc_ifname/%s) (%vlan_vid/%d) (%vlan_cvid/%d)"
0x1001000000000116 "BCM56XXD driver error: Error adding '' to QinQ VLAN :(%sc_ifname/%s) (%vlan_vid/%d) (%vlan_cvid/%d)"
0x1001000000000117 "BCM56XXD driver error: Trouble deleting port from QinQ VLAN<:>(%port/%d) (%vlan_vid/%d) (%vlan_cvid/%d)"
0x1001000000000118 "BCM56XXD driver error: Unable to find QinQ data for port vlan<:>(%port/%d) (%vlan_vid/%d) (%vlan_cvid/%d)"
0x1001000000000119 "BCM56XXD driver error: Unable to select VLAN priority, port:, mode:(%port/%d) (%cos_mode/%d)"
0x1001000000000120 "BCM56XXD driver error: ERROR: Invalid gport =0x (%gport/%x)"
0x1001000000000121 "BCM56XXD driver error: Unable to find software structure for unit=, port=(%unit/%d) (%port/%d)"
0x1001000000000122 "BCM56XXD driver error: Unable to find software structure for unit=, trunk=(%unit/%d) (%tid/%d)"
0x1001000000000123 "BCM56XXD driver error: Unable to get default ingress action for port= SDK Error: (%ext_port/%d) (%bcm_errmsg_rv/%s)"
0x1001000000000124 "BCM56XXD driver error: Unable to get default egress action for port=, SDK Error: (%ext_port/%d) (%bcm_errmsg_rv/%s)"
0x1001000000000125 "BCM56XXD driver error: Unable to find VLAN / for port (%statssvid/%d) (%statscvid/%d) (%port/%d)"
0x1001000000000126 "BCM56XXD driver error: Unable to get tag data for VLAN /, port (%statssvid/%d) (%statscvid/%d) (%sc_ifname/%s)"
0x1001000000000127 "Memory allocation failed: Failed to allocate STP data store, unit=, port=(%dev_unit/%d) (%i/%d)"
0x1001000000000128 "Memory allocation failed: Failed to allocate STP data store, unit=, trunk=(%dev_unit/%d) (%trunk_trunk_name/%s)"
0x1001000000000129 "BCM56XXD driver error: Cannot destroy default STG (%stp_stg/%d)"
0x1001000000000130 "BCM56XXD SDK error: Trouble destroying STG , (%stp_stg/%d) (%bcm_errmsg_rv/%s)"
0x1001000000000131 "Memory allocation failed: Cannot allocate cluster interface data store."
0x1001000000000132 "BCM56XXD driver error: Static L2 init failed for remote port=, (%ifname/%s) (%port_id/%d)"
0x1001000000000133 "BCM56XXD driver error: Trunk name already in use (%name/%s)"
0x1001000000000134 "BCM56XXD driver error: Trunk resources exhausted, unit=(%dev_unit/%d)"
0x1001000000000135 "BCM56XXD driver error: Warning: Possible memory leak. NULL expected for trunk_name"
0x1001000000000136 "Memory allocation failed: Unable to allocate trunk name space for (%name/%s)"
0x1001000000000137 "BCM56XXD driver error: STP init failed for trunk=(%name/%s)"
0x1001000000000138 "BCM56XXD driver error: Static L2 init failed for trunk=(%name/%s)"
0x1001000000000139 "BCM56XXD SDK error: bcm_trunk_chip_info_get: unit= (%unit/%d) (%bcm_errmsg_rv/%s)"
0x1001000000000140 "BCM56XXD SDK error: Unable to find target trunk members(%trunk_trunk_id/%d)"
0x1001000000000141 "BCM56XXD driver error: Unable to program trunk id: (cmp:0x(%trunk_trunk_id/%d) (%cmp_state/%x)"
0x1001000000000142 "BCM56XXD driver error: Unable to find trunk name , unit=(%name/%s) (%unit/%d)"
0x1001000000000143 "BCM56XXD driver error: Invalid trunk ID , id=(%name/%s) (%tid/%d)"
0x1001000000000144 "BCM56XXD driver error: L2 stash restore failed for trunk (%trunk_trunk_name/%s)"
0x1001000000000145 "BCM56XXD SDK error: Unable to find target trunk in hardware(%tid/%d)"
0x1001000000000146 "BCM56XXD driver error: Trouble setting trunk: unit=, trunk=(%i_unit/%d) (%trunk_trunk_name/%s)"
0x1001000000000147 "BCM56XXD driver error: STP state set failed, unit=, trunk=(%unit/%d) (%name/%s)"
0x1001000000000148 "BCM56XXD driver error: Unable to find trunk name (%trunk_name/%s)"
0x1001000000000149 "BCM56XXD driver error: Requested port not a member :(%member_module_id/%d) (%member_physport/%d)"
0x1001000000000150 "BCM56XXD driver error: Trouble resetting qinq-ethertype, port (%member_ifname/%s)"
0x1001000000000151 "BCM56XXD SDK error: bs_trunk_addr_set: unit= (%unit/%d) (%bcm_errmsg_rv/%s)"
0x1001000000000152 "BCM56XXD info: SDK error delete l2 entries for trunk on unit .(%bcm_errmsg_rv/%s) (%tid/%d) (%i_unit/%d)"
0x1001000000000153 "BCM56XXD driver error: Trouble removing trunk hash filters: unit=(%i_unit/%d)"
0x1001000000000154 "BCM56XXD SDK error: Trouble setting trunk , unit (%trunk_trunk_id/%d) (%dev_unit/%d)"
0x1001000000000155 "BCM56XXD SDK error: Trouble destroying trunk , unit (%trunk_trunk_id/%d) (%dev_unit/%d)"
0x1001000000000156 "BCM56XXD info: SDK error delete l2 entriesfor trunk on unit (%bcm_errmsg_rv/%s) (%trunk_trunk_id/%d) (%dev_unit/%d)"
0x1001000000000157 "BCM56XXD driver error: Trouble setting trunk hash filters: unit , hash=(%dev_unit/%d) (%trunk_hash/%d)"
0x1001000000000158 "BCM56XXD driver error: Unable to match module id for module (%mod_id/%d)"
0x1001000000000159 "BCM56XXD driver error: Error: Bad input pointers."
0x1001000000000160 "BCM56XXD SDK error: Trouble reading trunk info from hardware: trunk=, tid=, rv= on unit .(%trunk_trunk_name/%s) (%trunk_trunk_id/%d) (%rv/%d) (%unit/%d)"
0x1001000000000161 "BCM56XXD SDK error: Trouble removing FFP filter from hardware, SDK error (%bcm_errmsg_rv/%s)"
0x1001000000000162 "BCM56XXD SDK error: Trouble deleting FFP filter, SDK error (%bcm_errmsg_rv/%s)"
0x1001000000000163 "BCM56XXD SDK error: bcm_trunk_create_id: unit= (%unit/%d) (%bcm_errmsg_rv/%s)"
0x1001000000000164 "BCM56XXD SDK error: bs_gport_trunk_set: unit= (%unit/%d) (%bcm_errmsg_rv/%s)"
0x1001000000000165 "BCM56XXD info: Configure port based RTAG7 hash on unit .(%unit/%d)"
0x1001000000000166 "BCM56XXD info: Configure RTAG7 hash on unit .(%unit/%d)"
0x1001000000000167 "BCM56XXD driver error: Unable to convert invalid slot number: slot=, port=(%slot/%d) (%port/%d)"
0x1001000000000168 "BCM56XXD driver error: Unable to convert invalid port number: slot=, port=(%slot/%d) (%port/%d)"
0x1001000000000169 "BCM56XXD SDK error: Error setting unit=, port= default vlan id(%unit/%d) (%port/%d)"
0x1001000000000170 "BCM56XXD driver error: Incorrect PCI memory address space : (%PRETTY_FUNCTION/%s) (%LINE/%d)"
0x1001000000000171 "BCM56XXD driver error: Failed to open /dev/mem : (%PRETTY_FUNCTION/%s) (%LINE/%d)"
0x1001000000000172 "BCM56XXD driver error: : mmap failed with error (%PRETTY_FUNCTION/%s)"
0x1001000000000173 "BCM56XXD driver error: Error: chassis_slot not yet populated"
0x1001000000000174 "BCM56XXD driver error: Error: chassis_max_slots not yet populated"
0x1001000000000175 "BCM56XXD info: map unit higig port to hgm module id mac Id .(%unit/%d) (%port/%d) (%mod_id/%d) (%mac_id/%d)"
0x1001000000000176 "BCM56XXD info: Increment HA heartbeat from , line (%func/%s) (%line/%d)"
0x1001000000000177 "BCM56XXD driver error: Unable to find vlan member in vlan : (%vlan_vid/%d) (%vlan_cvid/%d)"
0x1001000000000178 "BCM56XXD driver error: Cannot add a trunk member to a vlan"
0x1001000000000179 "BCM56XXD driver error: No support for multiple untagged vlan ports"
0x1001000000000180 "BCM56XXD driver error: Unable to find free member space in vlan (%vlan_vid/%d)"
0x1001000000000181 "BCM56XXD driver error: Trouble adding member to QinQ vlan (%sc_ifname/%s) (%vlan_vid/%d)"
0x1001000000000182 "BCM56XXD driver error: Trunk workers cannot have their VLANs changed, unit=(%dev_unit/%d)"
0x1001000000000183 "BCM56XXD driver error: Could not enable port learning unit , port (%dev_unit/%d) (%p/%d)"
0x1001000000000184 "BCM56XXD driver error: Problem changing vlan id unit=, old vid=(%unit/%d) (%vid/%d)"
0x1001000000000185 "BCM56XXD driver error: Problem changing vlan id /, unit=(%vid/%d) (%cvid/%d) (%unit/%d)"
0x1001000000000186 "Memory allocation failed: Error allocating vlan data store, unit=, vid=(%dev_unit/%d) (%vid/%d)"
0x1001000000000187 "Memory allocation failed: Error allocating vlan member list store, unit=, vid=(%dev_unit/%d) (%vid/%d)"
0x1001000000000188 "BCM56XXD driver error: Attempt to delete non-existent VLAN vid=/(%vid/%d) (%cvid/%d)"
0x1001000000000189 "BCM56XXD driver error: Trunk already exists on vlan (%trunk_trunk_name/%s) (%next_vlan_vid/%d)"
0x1001000000000190 "BCM56XXD driver error: Trouble adding trunk member to vlan (%vs_softc_t_trunk_members_i_ifname/%s) (%vlan_vid/%d)"
0x1001000000000191 "BCM56XXD driver error: Unable to add trunk to vlan /(%trunk_trunk_id/%d) (%vid/%d) (%cvid/%d)"
0x1001000000000192 "BCM56XXD driver error: Unable to find vlan , on unit (%vid/%d) (%i/%d)"
0x1001000000000193 "BCM56XXD driver error: Unable to find free member space in vlan , unit (%vid/%d) (%i/%d)"
0x1001000000000194 "BCM56XXD driver error: Trunk not a member of vlan (%trunk_trunk_name/%s) (%vlan_vid/%d)"
0x1001000000000195 "BCM56XXD driver error: Unable to delete trunk from vlan /(%trunk_trunk_id/%d) (%vid/%d) (%cvid/%d)"
0x1001000000000196 "BCM56XXD driver error: Problem changing CVID:, VLAN:/ not found(%new_cvid/%d) (%vid/%d) (%old_cvid/%d)"
0x1001000000000197 "BCM56XXD driver error: Problem changing CVID:, VLAN:/(%new_cvid/%d) (%vid/%d) (%old_cvid/%d)"
0x1001000000000198 "BCM56XXD driver error: Trouble setting ether-type for member (%sc_ifname/%s)"
0x1001000000000199 "BCM56XXD SDK error: Bad trunk change handler register, unit=(%unit/%d)"
0x1001000000000200 "BCM56XXD SDK error: Bad linkscan change handler register, unit=(%unit/%d)"
0x1001000000000201 "BCM56XXD driver error: Trunk hash not recognized(%mcp_hash/%d)"
0x1001000000000202 "BCM56XXD driver error: Error deleting trunk on unit (%trunk_name/%s) (%dev_unit/%d)"
0x1001000000000203 "BCM56XXD info: Trunk not found(%trunk_name/%s)"
0x1001000000000204 "BCM56XXD driver error: Error: Internal insanity"
0x1001000000000205 "BCM56XXD driver error: Error creating trunk on unit (%trunk_name/%s) (%dev_unit/%d)"
0x1001000000000206 "BCM56XXD driver error: Error trunk already exists on unit (%trunk_name/%s) (%dev_unit/%d)"
0x1001000000000207 "BCM56XXD driver error: Trunk has working members on unit (%trunk_name/%s) (%dev_unit/%d)"
0x1001000000000208 "BCM56XXD driver error: Unable to find Non fabricswitch on this platform to support remote trunk member."
0x1001000000000209 "BCM56XXD driver error: Trouble adding interface to trunk=(%csc_ifname/%s) (%trunk_name/%s)"
0x1001000000000210 "BCM56XXD driver error: Trouble deleting interface from trunk=(%csc_ifname/%s) (%trunk_name/%s)"
0x1001000000000211 "BCM56XXD driver error: Error trunk on unit does not exist(%trunk_name/%s) (%sc_dev_unit/%d)"
0x1001000000000212 "BCM56XXD driver error: Error setting trunk hash value (%trunk_name/%s) (%bs_hash/%d)"
0x1001000000000213 "BCM56XXD driver error: Cannot change ID of active trunk from to (%trunk_name/%s) (%trunk_trunk_id/%d) (%id/%d)"
0x1001000000000214 "BCM56XXD info: Trunk not found in bsx_trunk_id_set.(%trunk_name/%s)"
0x1001000000000215 "BCM56XXD info: Trunk not found in bsx_trunk_tpid_set.(%trunk_name/%s)"
0x1001000000000216 "BCM56XXD info: (%X/%d) (%builtin_return_address/%p)"
0x1001000000000217 "BCM56XXD driver error: ERROR: Assertion ()(%expr/%s)"
0x1001000000000218 "BCM56XXD info: stack trace:"
0x1001000000000219 "BCM56XXD driver error: Exiting after assert failure at : (%file/%s) (%line/%d)"
0x1001000000000220 "BCM56XXD driver error: Port lookup failed on unit invalid port:(%sdk_unit/%d) (%sdk_port/%d)"
0x1001000000000221 "BCM56XXD driver error: Unable to find platform info for unit= dev_id=0x(%unit/%d) (%dev_id/%x)"
0x1001000000000222 "BCM56XXD SDK error: custome_pre_init() failed: unit=(%unit/%d)"
0x1001000000000223 "BCM56XXD driver error: Error setting PID to in BHW(%bs_platform_ext_get_bhw_pid/%s)"
0x1001000000000224 "BCM56XXD driver error: bhw_init_hw failed: sdk return=(%bcm_ret/%d)"
0x1001000000000225 "BCM56XXD SDK error: Detected 0 devices waiting 5s..."
0x1001000000000226 "BCM56XXD driver error: bs_bhw_lp_init failed: sdk return=(%bcm_ret/%d)"
0x1001000000000227 "BCM56XXD SDK error: mdebug_init failed"
0x1001000000000228 "BCM56XXD driver error: bs_if_attach() failed: unit=(%unit/%d)"
0x1001000000000229 "BCM56XXD info: bcm56xxd: attached unit ()(%unit/%d) (%soc_dev_name_unit/%s)"
0x1001000000000230 "BCM56XXD driver error: bs_if_hw_start() failed: unit=(%unit/%d)"
0x1001000000000231 "BCM56XXD driver error: bs_arl_init() failed"
0x1001000000000232 "BCM56XXD driver error: SFP disable failed for PORT=(%port/%d)"
0x1001000000000233 "BCM56XXD driver error: Non-SFP disable failed for PORT=(%port/%d)"
0x1001000000000234 "BCM56XXD SDK error: Error bcm_stk_ucbitmap_set, unit=(%unit/%d)"
0x1001000000000235 "Memory allocation failed: Cannot VLAN ref cnt data, unit=(%unit/%d)"
0x1001000000000236 "Memory allocation failed: Cannot allocate interface data store, unit=(%unit/%d)"
0x1001000000000237 "Memory allocation failed: Cannot allocate trunk data store, unit=(%unit/%d)"
0x1001000000000238 "BCM56XXD SDK error: Cannot allocate trunk lock mutex, unit=(%unit/%d)"
0x1001000000000239 "BCM56XXD driver error: Device initialization failed, unit=(%unit/%d)"
0x1001000000000240 "BCM56XXD SDK error: custome_post_init() failed: unit=(%unit/%d)"
0x1001000000000241 "BCM56XXD driver error: Interface initialization failure, unit=(%unit/%d)"
0x1001000000000242 "BCM56XXD info: Enable HIGIG lookup mode for higig port=(%hg_port/%d)"
0x1001000000000243 "BCM56XXD SDK error: Error calling bcm_init_phy_id_map unit= with SDK error .(%unit/%d) (%bcm_errmsg_rv/%s)"
0x1001000000000244 "BCM56XXD SDK error: Error bringing up internal interfaces unit=, => port=.(%unit/%d) (%lrv/%d) (%i/%d)"
0x1001000000000245 "BCM56XXD SDK error: Error bcm_stk_my_modid_set, unit=(%unit/%d)"
0x1001000000000246 "BCM56XXD SDK error: Error bcm_stk_modport_set, unit=(%unit/%d)"
0x1001000000000247 "BCM56XXD driver error: Error creating 8021D field group, unit=(%dev_unit/%d)"
0x1001000000000248 "BCM56XXD driver error: Error creating LACPDU field filter, unit=(%dev_unit/%d)"
0x1001000000000249 "BCM56XXD driver error: Error creating STP BPDU FFPs, unit=(%dev_unit/%d)"
0x1001000000000250 "BCM56XXD driver error: Error creating LLDPDU field filter, unit=(%dev_unit/%d)"
0x1001000000000251 "BCM56XXD info: field group entries installed for trapping 8021D packets to CPU."
0x1001000000000252 "BCM56XXD driver error: Error creating LACPDU FFPs, unit=(%dev_unit/%d)"
0x1001000000000253 "BCM56XXD SDK error: Trouble initializing higig : SDK error (%bcm_errmsg_rv/%s)"
0x1001000000000254 "BCM56XXD SDK error: Error loading LED code, unit=(%unit/%d)"
0x1001000000000255 "BCM56XXD SDK error: Error registering link led handler, unit=(%unit/%d)"
0x1001000000000256 "BCM56XXD SDK error: Error setting bcm_port_linkscan (unit=) : port (%unit/%d) (%SOC_PORT_NAME_unit/%s)"
0x1001000000000257 "BCM56XXD driver error: Error initializing STP data store, unit=(%unit/%d)"
0x1001000000000258 "BCM56XXD driver error: Error initializing raw packet subsystem, unit=(%unit/%d)"
0x1001000000000259 "BCM56XXD driver error: Error disabling port based vlans, unit=(%unit/%d)"
0x1001000000000260 "BCM56XXD SDK error: Error enabling tagged packet filgering (unit=) : port (%unit/%d) (%SOC_PORT_NAME_unit/%s)"
0x1001000000000261 "BCM56XXD SDK error: Unable to set single COS queue unit=, (%unit/%d) (%bcm_errmsg_rv/%s)"
0x1001000000000262 "BCM56XXD SDK error: Error enabling BPDU reception, unit=, port=(%unit/%d) (%p/%d)"
0x1001000000000263 "BCM56XXD SDK error: Error enabling HG BPDU reception, unit=, port=(%unit/%d) (%p/%d)"
0x1001000000000264 "BCM56XXD driver error: Error initializing hardware, unit=(%dev_unit/%d)"
0x1001000000000265 "BCM56XXD SDK error: bcm_port_linkscan_set failed, unit=(%dev_unit/%d)"
0x1001000000000266 "BCM56XXD SDK error: port linkscan disable failed, unit=, port=(%dev_unit/%d) (%sc_physport/%d)"
0x1001000000000267 "BCM56XXD driver error: bs_if_initialize: can't read port_ability for (%sc_ifname/%s)"
0x1001000000000268 "BCM56XXD SDK error: Port enable failed, unit=, physport=(%dev_unit/%d) (%sc_physport/%d)"
0x1001000000000269 "BCM56XXD SDK error: Port autoneg set failed, unit=, physport=(%dev_unit/%d) (%sc_physport/%d)"
0x1001000000000270 "BCM56XXD SDK error: Initializing port settings failed, unit=, physport=(%dev_unit/%d) (%sc_physport/%d)"
0x1001000000000271 "BCM56XXD driver error: // 'bs_if_initialize called for l2_stash: for (%sc_ifname/%s)"
0x1001000000000272 "BCM56XXD driver error: Static L2 init failed for port=, unit=(%sc_physport/%d) (%dev_unit/%d)"
0x1001000000000273 "BCM56XXD driver error: bs_if_reinitialize_all: trouble getting soft struct, unit=(%dev_unit/%d)"
0x1001000000000274 "BCM56XXD driver error: bs_if_reinitialize_all: trouble reprobing ports, unit=(%dev_unit/%d)"
0x1001000000000275 "BCM56XXD driver error: bs_if_reinitialize_all: can't init (%sc_ifname/%s)"
0x1001000000000276 "BCM56XXD driver error: bs_if_initialize_all: trouble getting soft struct, unit=(%dev_unit/%d)"
0x1001000000000277 "BCM56XXD driver error: bs_if_initialize_all: can't init (%sc_ifname/%s)"
0x1001000000000278 "BCM56XXD SDK error: In bs_if_linkscan_disable bcm_linkscan_disable on unit failed with SDK error .(%unit/%d) (%bcm_errmsg_rv/%s)"
0x1001000000000279 "BCM56XXD SDK error: In bs_if_syshalt bcm_rx_stop on unit failed with SDK error .(%unit/%d) (%bcm_errmsg_rv/%s)"
0x1001000000000280 "BCM56XXD SDK error: In bs_if_syshalt bcm_detach on unit failed with SDK error .(%unit/%d) (%bcm_errmsg_rv/%s)"
0x1001000000000281 "BCM56XXD SDK error: In bs_if_syshalt soc_detach on unit failed with SDK error .(%unit/%d) (%bcm_errmsg_rv/%s)"
0x1001000000000282 "BCM56XXD SDK error: [bs_if_set_rate_limit]bcm_rate_type_set() fails for unit : (%unit/%d) (%bcm_errmsg_rv/%s)"
0x1001000000000283 "BCM56XXD SDK error: writing dynamic buf limit. unit : (%unit/%d) (%bcm_errmsg_rv/%s)"
0x1001000000000284 "BCM56XXD driver error: setting MTU for unit ,port to failed.(%unit/%d) (%port/%d) (%size/%d)"
0x1001000000000285 "BCM56XXD SDK error: [bs_if_set_wred]bcm_cosq_discard_set() fails for unit : (%unit/%d) (%bcm_errmsg_rv/%s)"
0x1001000000000286 "BCM56XXD SDK error: [bs_if_set_wred]bcm_cosq_discard_port_set() fails for unit : (%unit/%d) (%bcm_errmsg_rv/%s)"
0x1001000000000287 "BCM56XXD info: unit : Customize buffering: total dyn pool=%%, dyn per port=%% (bytes/port: static= dyn=, total: static= dyn= oversub:)(%unit/%d) (%max_dyn_total/%d) (%max_dyn_port/%d) (%fix_limit_128/%d) (%dyn_limit_128/%d) (%fix_total_128/%d) (%dyn_total_128/%d) (%fix_total_dyn_limitnports_ncells_128/%d)"
0x1001000000000288 "BCM56XXD info: Setting burst factor to %% (alpha: val:) (%max_dyn_total/%d) (%alpha/%d) (%alpha_reg/%d)"
0x1001000000000289 "BCM56XXD info: Configure unit egress dynamic threshold alpha value to .(%unit/%d) (%alpha_regval/%d)"
0x1001000000000290 "BCM56XXD info: Configure unit ingress PG7 dynamic threshold alpha value to .(%unit/%d) (%alpha_regval/%d)"
0x1001000000000291 "BCM56XXD info: Configure unit ingress PG7 static threadshold shared limit cell to 0x.(%unit/%d) (%max_cells/%x)"
0x1001000000000292 "BCM56XXD info: Received signal: ()(%signame_signame_UNKNOWN/%s) (%sig/%d)"
0x1001000000000293 "BCM56XXD info: fault addr: (%info_si_addr/%x)"
0x1001000000000294 "BCM56XXD info: fault code: 0x(%info_si_code/%x)"
0x1001000000000295 "BCM56XXD info: state: ()(%sync_statename_get_state/%s) (%state/%x)"
0x1001000000000296 "BCM56XXD info: check for active transmit DMAs:"
0x1001000000000297 "BCM56XXD error: only valid for dataplane switch(%FUNCTION/%s)"
0x1001000000000298 "BCM56XXD error: Num ports exceeds cc_switchd_pmap size"
0x1001000000000299 "BCM56XXD notice: slot pkt: (%fmt_slotid_packet_slotid_packet/%s)"
0x1001000000000300 "BCM56XXD error: bcm_port_link_status_get port FAILED (%sc_ifname/%s) (%rc/%d)"
0x1001000000000301 "BCM56XXD info: link for port is not UP(%sc_ifname/%s)"
0x1001000000000302 "BCM56XXD error: vs_packet_tx on failed (%sc_ifname/%s) (%rc/%d)"
0x1001000000000303 "BCM56XXD error: Cannot find ventry for (%vname/%s)"
0x1001000000000304 "BCM56XXD error: NULL trunk on port for (%sc_ifname/%s)"
0x1001000000000305 "BCM56XXD error: failed to add lagg to vlan (%ccswp_plagg_role_name/%s) (%vname/%s)"
0x1001000000000306 "BCM56XXD error: failed to delete lagg from vlan (%ccswp_plagg_role_name/%s) (%vname/%s)"
0x1001000000000307 "BCM56XXD error: Unknown update operation (%role_name/%s) (%vname/%s)"
0x1001000000000308 "BCM56XXD error: vlan lagg update failed"
0x1001000000000309 "BCM56XXD error: Adding port to vlan failed(%sc_ifname/%s) (%vname/%s)"
0x1001000000000310 "BCM56XXD error: Deleting port from vlan failed(%sc_ifname/%s) (%vname/%s)"
0x1001000000000311 "BCM56XXD error: ifname() trunk_name() failed err() (%sc_ifname/%s) (%trunk_name/%s) (%rc/%d)"
0x1001000000000312 "BCM56XXD error: Failed to add interface() to trunk() err= (%slotted_ifname/%s) (%trunk_name/%s) (%rc/%d)"
0x1001000000000313 "BCM56XXD error: bsx_trunk create_default failed to create trunk id (%new_lagg_role_name_0/%s) (%new_lagg_lagg_id/%d)"
0x1001000000000314 "BCM56XXD info: Exiting before adding all portsmbrs_added(), new_lagg->num_mbrs() laggname (%mbrs_added/%d) (%new_lagg_num_mbrs/%d) (%new_lagg_role_name_0/%s)"
0x1001000000000315 "BCM56XXD error: Adding port to trunk failed(%port_idx/%d) (%new_lagg_role_name/%s)"
0x1001000000000316 "BCM56XXD starting up: Initializing switch devices"
0x1001000000000317 "BCM56XXD error: Trouble initializing switch devices"
0x1001000000000318 "BCM56XXD error: Failed to add cluster interface for , modid (%slotted_ifname/%s) (%bs_dev_modid/%d)"
0x1001000000000319 "BCM56XXD error: Failed to flush arl table"
0x1001000000000320 "BCM56XXD error: Cannot populate cluster interface (%slotted_ifname/%s)"
0x1001000000000321 "BCM56XXD starting up: BCM56xxd starting. debug=, foreground=, packet=, bcm_debug=0xlx, soc_debug=0xlx(%debug/%d) (%foreground/%d) (%packet_interface_enable/%d)"
0x1001000000000322 "BCM56XXD error: switchd_bs: Cannot find bs platform"
0x1001000000000323 "BCM56XXD error: Number of devs found () exceeds CC_SWITCH_MAX_SWITCHES ()(%num_bs_devs/%d) (%CC_SWITCH_MAX_SWITCHES/%d)"
0x1001000000000324 "BCM56XXD error: Alloc of of cc_switch_info_t failed"
0x1001000000000325 "BCM56XXD error: Cannot determine switch role"
0x1001000000000326 "BCM56XXD error: Role for switch unit unknown(%bs_devcfg_unit/%d)"
0x1001000000000327 "BCM56XXD notice: Disabling port(idx(), name(), phys_port()) on switch(Unit() swinst()) (%bs_idx/%d) (%bs_port_ifname_bs_port_ifname_unknown/%s) (%bs_port_physport/%d) (%bs_devcfg_unit/%d) (%swinst_switch_handlerole_CC_SWITCH_OVERLAY_overlay_data_planen/%s)"
0x1001000000000328 "BCM56XXD SDK error: Error taking down internal interfaces unit=, => port=.(%bs_devcfg_unit/%d) (%lrv/%d) (%bs_idx/%d)"
0x1001000000000329 "BCM56XXD error: Cannot determine platform_id"
0x1001000000000330 "BCM56XXD notice: Enabling stp passthrough mode "
0x1001000000000331 "BCM56XXD error: BCM56xxd failed to daemonize"
0x1001000000000332 "BCM56XXD error: Exiting due to hardware init failure"
0x1001000000000333 "BCM56XXD error: Cannot map bs info to cc switchd"
0x1001000000000334 "BCM56XXD driver error: Failure setting STP passthrough mode "
0x1001000000000335 "pthread_cond_timedwait returns "
0x1001000000000336 "lock failure "
0x1001000000000337 "unlock failure "
0x1001000000000338 "lock(bank_lock) failed: "
0x1001000000000339 "unlock(bank_lock) failed: "
0x1001000000000340 "No vlan matching key (%vlk/%d)"
0x1001000000000341 "member not in vlan (%mbr_idx/%d) (%vlan_vlan_id/%d)"
0x1001000000000342 "Unexpected vlan/mbr leaf"
0x1001000000000343 "confd_register_trans_cb FAILED (%confd_err/%s)"
0x1001000000000344 "confd_register_data_cb FAILED (%confd_err/%s)"
0x1001000000000345 "Call Unexpected"
0x1001000000000346 "Exit err (%ret/%d)"
0x1001000000000347 "No slots in VLAN vlan_id (%swvl_vlan_name/%s) (%swvl_vlan_id/%d)"
0x1001000000000348 "Partition is new but has no members yet(%ccp_name/%s)"
0x1001000000000349 "Create new vlan for cluster (%ccp_name/%s)"
0x1001000000000350 "Error, out of vlans, can't add vlan for cluster (%ccp_name/%s)"
0x1001000000000351 "No dataplane switch"
0x1001000000000352 "Cannot create mappi socket"
0x1001000000000353 "mappi_connect failed => (%confd_strerror_rc/%s)"
0x1001000000000354 "maapi_start_user_session failed => (%confd_strerror_rc/%s)"
0x1001000000000355 "maapi_start_trans Failed => (%confd_strerror_m_thandle/%s)"
0x1001000000000356 "maapi_set_namespace failed => (%confd_strerror_rc/%s)"
0x1001000000000357 "maapi_create failed for interface => (%if_name/%s) (%confd_strerror_rc/%s)"
0x1001000000000358 "config/name => (%if_name/%s) (%confd_strerror_confd_errno/%s)"
0x1001000000000359 "config/type => (%if_name/%s) (%type/%s) (%confd_strerror_confd_errno/%s)"
0x1001000000000360 "ethernet/config/type => (%if_name/%s) (%confd_strerror_confd_errno/%s)"
0x1001000000000361 "ethernet/config/duplex-mode => (%if_name/%s) (%confd_strerror_confd_errno/%s)"
0x1001000000000362 "Invalid cdb publish socket"
0x1001000000000363 "failed to start CDB_OPERATIONAL data session => (%confd_strerror_confd_errno/%s)"
0x1001000000000364 "failed to set cdb name space => (%confd_strerror_confd_errno/%s)"
0x1001000000000365 "Cannot fetch state for port , use defaults(%if_name/%s)"
0x1001000000000366 "cdb_set_values failed => (%confd_strerror_confd_errno/%s)"
0x1001000000000367 "Failed to publish interfaces"
0x1001000000000368 "Initial cdb operdata publish attempt failed"
0x1001000000000369 "Failed to open cdb_od_data_sock"
0x1001000000000370 "Cannot allocate the pubsub structure"
0x1001000000000371 "Platform initialization failed"
0x1001000000000372 "Failed to set switchd opermode "
0x1001000000000373 "FAILED to obtain CCPEER floating ip"
0x1001000000000374 "Cannot initialize cc sw"
0x1001000000000375 "Cannot start sdk command service"
0x1001000000000376 "/swcfg/switch[]/port[]/admin changed from to (%sw/%d) (%port/%d) (%swp_admnst_DNUP/%s) (%new_admnst_DNUP/%s)"
0x1001000000000377 "admin state of port on switch transitions to (%port/%d) (%SWINST_SWNAME_swinst/%s) (%pcfg_snap_ports_port_admnst_DNUP/%s)"
0x1001000000000378 "Make operstat for switch port reflect admin state(%SWINST_SWNAME_swinst/%s) (%port/%d)"
0x1001000000000379 "Failed to save stdout "
0x1001000000000380 "fclose stdout ()(%errno/%d)"
0x1001000000000381 "fdopen(STDOUT_FILENO, \'w\') failed ()(%errno/%d)"
0x1001000000000382 "Failed to dup STDOUT_FILENO "
0x1001000000000383 "fflush failed ()(%errno/%d)"
0x1001000000000384 "Close of stdout_sav() FAILED ()(%bcms_ss_stdout_sav/%d) (%errno/%d)"
0x1001000000000385 "Restore of STDOUT_FILENO via dup2 failed ()(%errno/%d)"
0x1001000000000386 "Cannot allocate rx buffer "
0x1001000000000387 "STUBBED"
0x1001000000000388 "Unable to ignore SIGPIPE "
0x1001000000000389 "getaddrinfo FAILED "
0x1001000000000390 "socked fails (re ) for ai_family(), ai_socketype(), ai_protocol() (%rp_ai_family/%d) (%rp_ai_socktype/%d) (%rp_ai_protocol/%d)"
0x1001000000000391 "setsockopt FAILED "
0x1001000000000392 "Switchd command server unavailable Could not bind socket to any address"
0x1001000000000393 "listen FAILED "
0x1001000000000394 "Accept failed "
0x1001000000000395 "bcmserv client already connected "
0x1001000000000396 "failed to duplicate accept soc for input(%accsoc/%d)"
0x1001000000000397 "Cannot fdopen(accsoc, \'r\') => "
0x1001000000000398 "close"
0x1001000000000399 "Needs BCMSDK"
0x1001000000000400 "BCM56XXD HAL message error: Trouble creating packet register error message:(%source_name/%s)"
0x1001000000000401 "BCM56XXD HAL message error: Trouble creating packet register error message payload:(%source_name/%s)"
0x1001000000000402 "BCM56XXD info: Got a wrong unit: and working owner for trunk .(%unit/%d) (%workingOwner/%d) (%trunk_trunk_name/%s)"
0x1001000000000403 "BCM56XXD HAL message error: Improper Packet Send message format"
0x1001000000000404 "BCM56XXD info: Abort packet send request from on unit , port (%source_name/%s) (%sc_dev_unit/%d) (%sc_physport/%d)"
0x1001000000000405 "BCM56XXD driver error: Improper interface specified in Packet Request (%ifname/%s)"
0x1001000000000406 "BCM56XXD driver error: Trouble with packet registration (%prclient_id/%s)"
0x1001000000000407 "BCM56XXD HAL message error: Timeout zero, client: (%source_name/%s)"
0x1001000000000408 "BCM56XXD error: f5zmqmsg init failed"
0x1001000000000409 "BCM56XXD HAL error: Trouble creating F5ZMQMSG thread: 0x(%f5zmqmsg_th/%x)"
0x1001000000000410 "BCM56XXD HAL message error: Trouble creating packet-to-client message payload: (%source_name/%s)"
0x1001000000000411 "BCM56XXD HAL message error: Cannot identify source interface for client packet"
0x1001000000000412 "BCM56XXD info: halSetHigigMirror timeout: retrying..."
0x1001000000000413 "BCM56XXD HAL error: Error calling halHigigMirror: (%status/%d)"
0x1001000000000414 "BCM56XXD driver error: Improper interface specified in (%SHELL_CMD_TRIGGER_FILE/%s) (%ifname/%s)"
0x1001000000000415 "BCM56XXD info: -----------------------------------------"
0x1001000000000416 "BCM56XXD info: BSC> (interface: unit:)(%cmd/%s) (%ifname/%s) (%sc_dev_unit/%d)"
0x1001000000000417 "BCM56XXD info: HAL Receive() non-zero result"
0x1001000000000418 "BCM56XXD info: : exiting(%FUNCTION/%s)"
0x1001000000000419 "(%msg/%s)"
0x1001000000000420 "Received a message of type UNKNOWN"
0x1001000000000421 "Cannot read active status from HAL"
0x1001000000000422 "Count rejected. Only default count() supported (%cnt/%d) (%SWITCHD_HAL_ITEM_INSTCNT_DFLT/%d)"
0x1001000000000423 "Failed to fopen hal log file /var/log_controller/switchd-hal"
0x1001000000000424 "Failed to fopen hal log file /dev/null"
0x1001000000000425 "hal_init failed!"
0x1001000000000426 "FAILED to get chassis slot number"
0x1001000000000427 "FAILED to get number of blade slots"
0x1001000000000428 "FAILED to get host type"
0x1001000000000429 "Nailing up platform parameters. Assuming (%switchd_rdoptshosttype/%s)"
0x1001000000000430 "Cannot determine hardware platform"
0x1001000000000431 "host type is not presently supported by swtichd(%switchd_hal_item_ccrtci_base_cc_host_type/%s)"
0x1001000000000432 "SLOT FORCED ACTIVE as (%switchd_hal_item_ccrtci_base_cc_slot_local/%d) (%switchd_rdoptsuflagsforce_active_CC_SWITCHD_FORCEACTIVE_OPERMODE_per_opermode_switchd_rdoptsuflagsforce_active_CC_SWITCHD_FORCEACTIVE_ACTIVE_active_stby/%s)"
0x1001000000000433 "Live Hal: host type , number of cc slots number of blade slots this cc slot (%switchd_hal_item_ccrtci_base_cc_host_type/%s) (%switchd_hal_item_ccrtci_base_cc_slots/%d) (%switchd_hal_item_ccrtci_base_cc_blade_slots/%d) (%switchd_hal_item_ccrtci_base_cc_slot_local/%d)"
0x1001000000000434 "expr() file() line()(%expr/%s) (%file/%s) (%line/%d)"
0x1001000000000435 "switchd running w/o bcmsdk "
0x1001000000000436 "Error fetching local slot"
0x1001000000000437 "Creating vlan id (%vname/%s) (%vid/%d)"
0x1001000000000438 "Error creating VLAN id(), name() => rc(%vid/%d) (%vname_vname_anonymouns/%s) (%rc/%d)"
0x1001000000000439 "Failed to ADD members to VLAN (%vid/%d)"
0x1001000000000440 "Failed to REMOVE members to VLAN (%vid/%d)"
0x1001000000000441 "vlan id() name() is empty; deleting(%vid/%d) (%vname_vname_anonymous/%s)"
0x1001000000000442 "switchd_bs_vlan_update(upd = CC_SWITCHD_VLANHW_DESTROY, vid = ) FAILED => (%vid/%d) (%rc/%d)"
0x1001000000000443 "Unknown action"
0x1001000000000444 "lagg should not be busy!(%laggs_num_laggs/%d)"
0x1001000000000445 "No mo free lagg entries"
0x1001000000000446 "Cannot allocate new lagg"
0x1001000000000447 "lagg is allocated but not busy???(%lagg_idx/%d)"
0x1001000000000448 "Setup of lage failed(%lagg_idx/%d)"
0x1001000000000449 "Failed to populate cluster interfaces"
0x1001000000000450 "FAILED to create overlay network laggs"
0x1001000000000451 "Cannot determine fixed overlay vlans"
0x1001000000000452 "base switch init failed: (%rc/%d)"
0x1001000000000453 "FAILED to initialize overlay switch"
0x1001000000000454 "Failed to get vlan port role map"
0x1001000000000455 "Failed to add CCHOST to map"
0x1001000000000456 "Failed to add CCPEER to map"
0x1001000000000457 "UNKNOWN op()(%switchd_act/%d)"
0x1001000000000458 "Error fetching local ha active status"
0x1001000000000459 "Nover overlay switch"
0x1001000000000460 "BCM56XXD driver error: Unable to find vlan member in vlan :(%sc_ifname/%s) (%vlan_vid/%d) (%vlan_cvid/%d)"
0x1001000000000461 "BCM56XXD SDK error: failed: SDK error (%funct_name/%s) (%bcm_errmsg_rv/%s)"
0x1001000000000462 "Message from BHW. (%bhw_msg/%s)"
0x1001000000000463 "Message from BHW. (%bhw_msg/%s)"
0x1001000000000464 "BCM56XXD HAL message error: Cannot determine RX endpt"
0x1001000000000465 "BCM56XXD HAL message error: Cannot find send handle for (%zmq_addr/%s)"
0x1001000000000466 "BCM56XXD driver error: No interface or trunk provided for packet client send"
0x1001000000000467 "Memory allocation failed: buf alloc failed"
0x1001000000000468 "SWITCHD_F5ZMQ message error: Failed to pack switchd f5zmq msg"
0x1001000000000469 "BCM56XXD HAL message error: switchd f5zmq add payload failure"
0x1001000000000470 "switchd halhealth message error: Unable to initialize health reporting"
0x1001000000000471 "BCM56XXD HAL message error: Trouble creating F5ZMQMSG thread: 0x(%f5zmqmsg_th/%x)"
0x1001000000000482 "BCM56XXD HAL message error: Error calling halHigigMirror: (%status/%d)"
0x1001000000000483 "SWITCHD_F5ZMQ: fzmq_init_thread_safe: rc() log and continue(%rc/%d)"
0x1001000000000484 "(%cbp/%s)"
0x1001000000000485 "Linkstatus change (%PORT/%s) (%LINKSTAT/%s)"
0x1001000000000486 "(%ERRMSG/%s)"
0x1001000000000487 "config/minlinks => (%if_name/%s) (%confd_strerror_confd_errno/%s)"
0x1001000000000488 "config/laggtype => (%if_name/%s) (%type/%s) (%confd_strerror_confd_errno/%s)"
0x1001000000000489 "config/port laggid => (%if_name/%s) (%confd_strerror_confd_errno/%s)"
0x1001000000000490 "config/socket"
0x1001000000000491 "config/lacp intf => (%if_name/%s) (%confd_strerror/%s)"
0x1001000000000492 "config/lagg port => (%port/%s) (%confd_strerror/%s)"
0x1001000000000493 "config/lagg (%laggname/%s)"
0x1001000000000494 "final switch init failed: (%rc/%d)"
0x1001000000000495 "SWITCHD_CMD_BCMSERV: Cannot create cmd_bcmserv thread (%pthcr_err/%d)"
0x1001000000000496 "SWITCHD_CMD_BCMSERV: Cannot join cmd_bcmserv thread err: (%pthjo_err/%d)"
0x1001000000000497 "SWITCHD_CMD_BCMSERV: cmd_bcmserv thread restarting. Exit err: (%pthjo_err/%d)"
0x1001000000000498 "SWITCHD_CONFD: ConfD error signalled: attempting ConfD recconnect"
0x1001000000000499 "SWITCHD_CONFD: Error publishing operdata: attempting ConfD reconnect"
0x1001000000000501 "SWITCHD_BS_ING2EGR: configuring an ingress to egress limit for (%portrole_st/%s)"
0x1001000000000502 "BCM56XXD error: Adding trunk to vlan failed(%sc_ifname/%s) (%vname/%s)"
0x1001000000000503 "BCM56XXD error: Deleting trunk from vlan failed(%sc_ifname/%s) (%vname/%s)"
0x1001000000000505 "SWITCHD_PTHREAD: (%op/%s) failed for (%mutex/%s)"
0x1001000000000506 "SWITCHD_PTHREAD: (%op/%s) failed for (%thread/%s")"
0x1001000000000507 "SWITCHD_MGMTPORT: Unable to set MGMT port enabled status. (%bcm_errmsg/%s) (%ifname/%s)"
0x1001000000000508 "SWITCHD_MGMTPORT: Unable to get MGMT port enabled status. (%bcm_errmsg/%s) (%ifname/%s)"
0x1001000000000509 "SWITCHD_PORTENABLE: Port is not a management port. Not enabling or disabling. (%ifname/%s)"
0x1001000000000510 "SWITCHD_PTHREAD: pthread api (%api/%s) failed"
0x1001000000000511 "SWITCHD_F5ZMQ: Bad packet (%packlen/%d) <= 0"
0x1001000000000512 "SWITCHD_F5ZMQ: Failed to send data from (%zmq_addr/%s)"
0x1001000000000513 "SWITCHD_F5ZMQ: failed to register (%type/%d) (%path/%s)"
0x1001000000000514 "SWITCHD_F5ZMQ: failed to register (%type/%x)"
0x1001000000000515 "SWITCHD_F5ZMQ: Failed to find float ip"
0x1001000000000516 "SWITCHD_F5ZMQ: Invalid zmq message registration"
0x1001000000000517 "SWITCHD_CMDSERV: Error (%err/%d) setting up cmdserv IO redirection"
0x1001000000000518 "SWITCHD_CMDSERV: Error configuring accept socket"
0x1001000000000519 "(%info/%s)"
0x1001000000000520 "(%notc/%s)"
0x1001000000000521 "(%warn/%s)"
0x1001000000000522 "(%err/%s)"
0x1001000000000523 "(%info/%s)"
0x1001000000000524 "(%notc/%s)"
0x1001000000000525 "(%warn/%s)"
0x1001000000000526 "(%err/%s)"
0x1001000000000527 "SWITCHD_F5ZMQ: (%err/%s)"
0x1001000000000528 "SWITCHD_BCM: Enabling controlplane rate limiting unit(%unit/%d) mcast(%mc/%d) bcast(%dlf/%d) dlf(%bcast/%d)"
0x1001000000000529 "SWITCHD_CVEVT: Shutdown signal received."
0x1001000000000530 "SWITCHD_SHUTDOWN: Switchd exiting now."
0x1001000000000531 "Error setting phy control (%unit/%d) (%port/%d) (%param/%d) (%errmsg/%s)"
0x1001000000000540 "Switch vendor SDK API failed (%unit/%d)"
0x1010000000000001 "cdb_set failed setting oper data (%operdatapath/%s) (%confderrno/%d) (%confdlasterr/%s)"
0x1010000000000002 "maapi_connect failed (%confderrno/%d) (%confdlasterr/%s)"
0x1010000000000003 "Failed to start maapi platform_session (%confderrno/%d) (%confdlasterr/%s)"
0x1010000000000004 "Failed to create component (%component/%s)(%confderrno/%d) (%confdlasterr/%s)"
0x1010000000000005 "Failed to set element (%element/%s)(%confderrno/%d) (%confdlasterr/%s)"
0x1010000000000006 "Failed to load schemas (%confderrno/%d) (%confdlasterr/%s)"
0x1010000000000007 "Failed to create socket (%confderrno/%d) (%confdlasterr/%s)"
0x1010000000000008 "Failed to open socket (%sockettype/%s) (%errno/%d)"
0x1010000000000009 "Unable to publish without slotId"
0x1010000000000010 "Failed to create component (%component/%s)(%confderrno/%d) (%confdlasterr/%s)"
0x1010000000000011 "Failed to start cdb platform_session (%confderrno/%d) (%confdlasterr/%s)"
0x1010000000000012 "Failed to close cdb platform_session (%confderrno/%d) (%confdlasterr/%s)"
0x1010000000000013 "Failed to set cdb path (%path/%s) (%confderrno/%d) (%confdlasterr/%s)"
0x1010000000000014 "Failed to publish (%property/%s) (%value/%s)"
0x1010000000000015 "cdb_get: (%PATH/%s) (%ERRNOSTR/%s) (%LASTERR/%s) (%ERRNO/%d)"
0x1010000000000016 "cdb_cd: (%PATH/%s) (%ERRNOSTR/%s) (%LASTERR/%s) (%ERRNO/%d)"
0x1010000000000017 "Write to cdb failed: (%PATH/%s) (%ERRNOSTR/%s) (%LASTERR/%s) (%ERRNO/%d)"
0x1010000000000018 "service-instance (%NAME/%s) not in cdb"
0x1010000000000019 "Delete from cdb failed: (%PATH/%s) (%ERRNOSTR/%s) (%LASTERR/%s) (%ERRNO/%d)"
0x1010000000000021 "Failed to delete component (%component/%s)(%confderrno/%d) (%confdlasterr/%s)"
0x1010000000000022 "Failed to commit maapi transaction (%confderrno/%d) (%confdlasterr/%s)"
0x1010000000000023 "Failed to commit added maapi elements (%confderrno/%d) (%confdlasterr/%s)"
0x1020000000000001 "Platform-mgr HAL response error. (%errorcode/%d) (%errmsg/%s)"
0x1020000000000002 "Wrong response payload count (%service/%s) (%expected/%d) (%received/%d) (%actionid/%d)"
0x1020000000000003 "Received null or unknown HAL response. (%action_id/%d)"
0x1020000000000004 "Received null or unknown FWU response. (%action_id/%d)"
0x1030000000000001 "Platform-mgr firmware update requesting blade reboot to complete update (%slot/%d) (%component/%s)"
0x1030000000000002 "Platform-mgr firmware update request for CPLD update and restart failed. (%slot/%d)"
0x1030000000000003 "Platform-mgr firmware update is requesting a power cycle to complete the update.(%slot/%d)"
0x1030000000000004 "Platform-mgr firmware update response error. (%errorcode/%d) (%errmsg/%s)"
0x1030000000000005 "Platform-mgr all firmware up to date, no update required"
0x1030000000000006 "Platform-mgr Firmware update in progress (%elapsedseconds/%d)"
0x1030000000000007 "Platform-mgr firmware update needed (%slot/%d) (%component/%s) (%currentversion/%s) (%targetversion/%s)"
0x1030000000000008 "Platform-mgr firmware update request for power cycle restart failed. (%slot/%d)"
0x1030000000000009 "Platform-mgr firmware update requesting blade power cycle to complete update (%slot/%d) (%component/%s)"
0x1030000000000010 "Firmware update disabled by environment variable"
0x1030000000000011 "Platform-mgr All Core firmware components up to date, no update required - Starting update check of system firmware (%slot/%d)"
0x1030000000000012 "Platform-mgr Core firmware update complete - Starting update check of system firmware (%slot/%d) (%updateaction/%s)"
0x1030000000000013 "CPLD reload needed to complete firmware update."
0x1030000000000014 "Platform-mgr system firmware update in progress (%elapsedseconds/%d)"
0x1030000000000015 "Platform-mgr system firmware update needed (%slot/%d) (%component/%s) (%currentversion/%s) (%targetversion/%s)"
0x1030000000000016 "Platform-mgr all system firmware components up to date, no update required"
0x1030000000000017 "Platform-mgr system firmware update complete (%slot/%d)"
0x1030000000000018 "File created to indicate AFU status (%filepath/%s)"
0x1030000000000019 "System is unusable and no tenants can be deployed as the AFU status file creation has failed (%filepath/%s)"
0x1040000000000001 "Platform-mgr starting (%version/%s) (%date/%s)"
0x1040000000000002 "Platform-mgr exiting"
0x1040000000000003 "Platform-mgr error (%error/%s)"
0x1040000000000004 "Platform-mgr unable to initialize ZMQ. (%error/%d)"
0x1040000000000005 "Platform-mgr checking if firmware update is needed (%slot/%d)"
0x1040000000000006 "Failed to open file (%filename/%s)"
0x1040000000000007 "Failed to read file (%filename/%s)"
0x1040000000000008 "Failed to write to file (%filename/%s)"
0x1040000000000009 "Failed to close file (%filename/%s)"
0x1040000000000013 "Platform-mgr too many Hardware-Status messages, some messages may be dropped"
0x1040000000000014 "LOP RTC updated. (%diff/%lld)"
0x1040000000000015 "Unknown command line argument (%arg/%s)"
0x1040000000000016 "Blade board lifecycle (%lifecycle/%s)"
0x1040000000000017 "ZMQ Message Server Started. Listening on (%hipri/%d) (%lowpri/%d)"
0x1040000000000018 "Failed to register endpoint (%endpoint/%s)"
0x1040000000000019 "Failed to deregister endpoint (%endpoint/%s)"
0x1040000000000020 "Failed to send reply (%endpoint/%s)"
0x1040000000000021 "Failed to get zmq handle to socket"
0x1040000000000022 "Unexpected crypto device (%name/%s) (%pciid/%s)"
0x1040000000000024 "Failed to initialize endpoint for zmq to hal or fwu"
0x1040000000000025 "Failed to access (%filename/%s) to update timezone (%error/%s)"
0x1040000000000026 "Failed to create (%filename/%s) to update timezone (%error/%s)"
0x1040000000000027 "Platform-mgr checking if system firmware update is needed (%slot/%d)"
0x1040000000000028 "Platform-mgr EventSubscriber failed to initialize"
0x1040000000000029 "Platform-mgr received a EventSubscriber notice for (%name/%s)"
0x1040000000000030 "Memory allocation failed (%TYPE/%s)"
0x1040000000000031 "Manual intervention in CPU Performance, rebooting the system"
0x1040000000000032 "New License installed, rebooting the system"
0x1040000000000033 "marketing-name (%name/%s) is not valid for (%hardware/%s)"
0x1040000000000034 "Unable to find throttle_level in license file"
0x1040000000000037 "Platform-mgr error (%error/%s)"
0x1040000000000039 "Platform-mgr Raid Alert error (%error/%s)"
0x1040000000000040 "Invalid license installed"
0x1040000000000041 "Timezone set (%ZONE/%s)"
0x1040000000000042 "Failed to update timezone (%FILE/%s) (%ERROR/%s)"
0x1040000000000043 "Timezone is invalid (%ZONE/%s)"
0x1040000000000044 "Unable to read timezone data (%ZONE/%s) (%ERROR/%s)"
0x1040000000000045 "SERVICE_INDICATOR initializing platform-mgr in FIPS 140-3 mode"
0x1040000000000046 "Platform-mgr error : Failed to reboot appliance"
0x1101000000000001 "pthread_create[config] %m"
0x1101000000000002 "pthread_create[op_data] %m"
0x1101000000000004 "unexpected tag: ; path: (%tag/%d) (%path/%s)"
0x1101000000000006 "not found: \'\' (%partition_name/%s)"
0x1101000000000007 "unknown tag: (%tag/%u)"
0x1101000000000009 "confd_register_trans_cb failed "
0x1101000000000010 "confd_register_range_data_cb failed "
0x1101000000000012 "pthread_mutex_lock %m"
0x1101000000000013 "pthread_mutex_unlock %m"
0x1101000000000015 "clock_gettime() %m"
0x1101000000000016 "get_blade_power_array() failed for 100 seconds "
0x1101000000000017 "out of space in buffer; unable to update partition list"
0x1101000000000018 "partition ; unable to look up iso version string (%partitions_part_name/%s)"
0x1101000000000019 "unable to look up iso[] (%partitions_part_iso_version/%s)"
0x1101000000000020 "Missing os version in iso[] (%partitions_part_iso_version/%s)"
0x1101000000000021 "Missing service version in iso[] (%partitions_part_iso_version/%s)"
0x1101000000000022 "Error opening pipe for partition status check %m"
0x1101000000000023 "Missing newline reading pipe for partition status check "
0x1101000000000024 "fopen: /var/log_controller/partition-software-manager-hal %m"
0x1101000000000025 "hal_init() failed "
0x1101000000000026 "Unable to look up local CC slot number from HAL..retrying "
0x1101000000000027 "invalid slot #: (%slot_num/%u)"
0x1101000000000029 "confd_load_schemas failed[]...sleeping (%inet_ntoa_odtaaddrsin_addr/%s)"
0x1101000000000030 "pthread_mutex_init[config] %m"
0x1101000000000031 "pthread_cond_init[config] %m"
0x1101000000000032 "pthread_mutex_init[op data] %m"
0x1101000000000033 "Unable to start ConfD CFG thread. "
0x1101000000000035 "unable to allocate partition_iso_image "
0x1101000000000037 "out of memory"
0x1101000000000038 "popen: "
0x1101000000000039 "missing newline in 'list ' response (%api_obj_name/%s)"
0x1101000000000040 "missing output from \'(%cmd/%s)\' command (%api_obj_name/%s) (%sv_sw_vers_name/%s)"
0x1101000000000041 "unexpected output from \'status \' API: (%api_obj_name/%s) (%sv_sw_vers_name/%s) (%buffer/%s)"
0x1101000000000042 "out of memory allocating cp_data "
0x1101000000000043 "out of memory allocating cp_data lists "
0x1101000000000044 "out of memory linking partition data "
0x1101000000000052 "unknown class_tag: (%field_tag/%d)"
0x1101000000000055 "unknown field_tag: (%field_tag/%d)"
0x1101000000000057 "confd_register_data_cb failed "
0x1101000000000058 "partition ; missing OS version (%partitions_part_name/%s)"
0x1101000000000059 "partition ; missing service version (%partitions_part_name/%s)"
0x1101000000000060 "unexpected output from \'sync_status \' API: (%api_obj_name/%s) (%sv_sw_vers_name/%s) (%buffer/%s)"
0x1101000000000062 "Partition services failed to start (%partitions_part_name/%s) (%sv_sw_vers_name/%s) (%slot_num/%u)"
0x1101000000000065 "Partition services install failed, rolling back (%partitions_part_name/%s) (%sv_sw_vers_name/%s) (%slot_num/%u)"
0x1101000000000066 "Partition services install failed (%partitions_part_name/%s) (%sv_sw_vers_name/%s)"
0x1101000000000067 "failed to start CDB_OPERATIONAL data session => (%confd_strerror_confd_errno/%s)"
0x1101000000000068 "failed to set cdb name space => (%confd_strerror_confd_errno/%s)"
0x1101000000000069 "cdb_set_values failed => (%confd_strerror_confd_errno/%s)"
0x1101000000000070 "Error cdb_set_namespace (%confdstrerr/%s) (%confdlasterr/%s)"
0x1301000000000002 "Adding remote server (%host/%s)"
0x1301000000000003 "Removing remote server (%host/%s)"
0x1301000000000004 "rsyslog.conf operation failed. (%path/%s) (%msg/%s)"
0x1301000000000005 "Setting component log severity (%name/%s) (%severity/%d)"
0x1301000000000008 "File I/O operation failed (%path/%s)"
0x1301000000000009 "Initialization error (%component/%s)"
0x1301000000000010 "Remote logging destinations modified (%mode/%s)"
0x1301000000000013 "Hostlogs fwdconfig update (%remote/%s) (%fwdon/%s)"
0x1301000000000015 "Database operation error: (%op/%s) (%errorstr/%s)"
0x1301000000000016 "Hostlogs forwarding to active for this node changed (%state/%s)"
0x1301000000000017 "Missing slot identifier in environment"
0x1301000000000018 "Clearing host logs forwarding configuration for this node"
0x1301000000000021 "Internal config handler error (%issue/%s) (%severity/%s)"
0x1301000000000022 "Rsyslog configure daemon starting. (%version/%s) (%date/%s)"
0x1301000000000023 "Setting component's log severity (%list/%s)"
0x1301000000000024 "Remote logging selector modified (%dst/%s) (%facility/%s) (%severity/%s)"
0x1301000000000025 "Hostname settings. (%operation/%s) (%hostname/%s) (%includeinlogs/%s)"
0x181000000000001 "HAL ZMQ Input Message Router - Not configured"
0x181000000000002 "Service Starting" version=%s
0x1901000000000001 "Dagd service starting. (%version/%s) (%build_date/%s)"
0x1901000000000002 "Dagd service exiting."
0x1901000000000003 "New connection. (%remote_addr/%s)"
0x1901000000000006 "Dagd connection EOF. (%remote_addr/%s)"
0x1901000000000007 "Dagd connection error. (%remote_addr/%s) (%code/%d) (%message/%s)"
0x1901000000000008 "Error creating a commit reply message. (%error_code/%d)"
0x1901000000000009 "Received commit reply, but no commit request found."
0x1901000000000011 "Error processing a sdag message. (%msg_type/%d) (%error_code/%d)"
0x1901000000000015 "cdb_get: (%PATH/%s) (%ERRNOSTR/%s) (%LASTERR/%s) (%ERRNO/%d)"
0x1901000000000016 "cdb_cd: (%PATH/%s) (%ERRNOSTR/%s) (%LASTERR/%s) (%ERRNO/%d)"
0x1901000000000017 "Couldn't write DagState for tenant (%tenant_name/%s) (%message/%s)"
0x1901000000000019 "Couldn't bulk write DagState for tenant (%tenant_name/%s) (%confd_errno/%d) (%confd_errstr/%s)"
0x1901000000000020 "Tenant Disconnect (%remote_addr/%s)"
0x1901000000000022 "Dagd ZMQ Server starting."
0x1901000000000023 "Dagd ZMQ Server received empty message."
0x1901000000000024 "Dagd Tmstat error on table (%field/%s) (%table_name/%s): (%text/%s)"
0x1901000000000025 "Dagd ZMQ Server exiting."
0x1901000000000026 "Dagd ZMQ Server error: (%error_message/%s) (%endpoint/%s)"
0x1901000000000027 "Dagd ZMQ Server error: (%error_message/%s) (%endpoint/%s) (%error/%d)"
0x1901000000000028 "Dagd ZMQ Server error: (%error_message/%s) (%endpoint/%s) (%error/%d)"
0x1901000000000029 "Dagd ZMQ server req message: (%error_message/%s)."
0x1901000000000030 "(%error_message/%s) (%error/%d)"
0x1901000000000031 "Dagd handler error: (%error_message/%s)."
0x1901000000000032 "Dadg tenant stat table row update error:(%field/%d) (%error_message/%s)."
0x1901000000000033 "Dagd published DAG state: (%tenant_name/%s) (%table_type/%s) (%sdag_table_hash/%u)."
0x1901000000000037 "cdb_exist: (%PATH/%s) (%ERRNOSTR/%s) (%LASTERR/%s) (%ERRNO/%d)"
0x1901000000000038 "Connection refused; unexpected client IP. (%CONNECTED_CLIENT_IP/%s) (%DERIVED_TENANT_ID/%d) (%EXPECTED_TENANT_ID/%d)"
0x1901000000000039 "Connection refused; unable to find tenant name in ConfD matching name in request body. (%REQUEST_TENANT_NAME/%s) (%CONNECTED_CLIENT_IP/%s)"
0x1901000000000043 "Found and deleted stale dag-state. (%name/%s)"
0x1b01000000000001 "Key Migration Recovery failed (%stage/%s)"
0x1b01000000000002 "Key Migration failed, attempting to restore (%stage/%s)"
0x1b01000000000003 "Failed to connect to ConfD MAAPI for peer (%addr/%s)"
0x1b01000000000004 "Failed to open peer file (%file/%s)(%errno/%s)"
0x1b01000000000005 "Failed to start user session for peer (%addr/%s)"
0x1b01000000000006 "Failed to start maapi trans for peer (%addr/%s)"
0x1b01000000000007 "Failed to open secure elements manifest file (%file/%s)(%errno/%s)"
0x1b01000000000008 "Unable to create Mappi transaction (%error/%s)(%errno/%s)"
0x1b01000000000009 "Failed to get element from cdb (%path/%s)(%error/%s)(%errno/%s)"
0x1b01000000000010 "Failed to set element in cdb (%path/%s)(%error/%s)(%errno/%s)"
0x1b01000000000011 "Failed to set system aaa primary-key state status for (%status/%s)"
0x1b01000000000012 "Failed to reload confd config"
0x1b01000000000013 "Failed complete_transaction for (%path/%s)"
0x1b01000000000019 "Failed to reload confd config for peer (%addr/%s)"
0x1b01000000000020 "Peer Communication failure - failed to set peer confds in read only mode (%enable/%s)(%addr/%s)"
0x1b01000000000021 "Failed to decrypt element (%elem/%s)(%path/%s)"
0x1b01000000000022 "No items found for secure elem path (%path/%s)"
0x1b01000000000023 "The callpoint tag isn't defined (%tag/%d)"
0x1b01000000000024 "Starting Key Migration"
0x1b01000000000025 "Key Migration was successful"
0x1b01000000000028 "Completed step (%step/%s)"
0x1b01000000000032 "Primary Key successfully retrieved from EEPROM"
0x1b01000000000033 "Failed to fetch Key. Error code (%err_code/%d)"
0x1b01000000000034 "Hash successfully retrieved from EEPROM"
0x1b01000000000035 "Failed to fetch Hash from EEPROM. Error code (%err_code/%d)"
0x1b01000000000036 "Error: Key Hash failed.\nHash: (%hash/%s)\nsha512: (%sha/%s)\n"
0x1b01000000000037 "Primary Key successfully saved into EEPROM"
0x1b01000000000038 "Failed to set Key. Error code (%err_code/%d)"
0x1b01000000000039 "Hash successfully saved into EEPROM"
0x1b01000000000040 "Failed to set Hash. Error code (%err_code/%d)"
0x1b01000000000041 "Error Occurred while accessing storage."
0x1b01000000000042 "Failed to set Key. Not an Active CC."
0x1b01000000000043 "The lopd daemon is not running, bailing out."
0x1b01000000000044 "The HAL service is not running, bailing out."
0x1b01000000000045 "Failed in maapi_install_crypto_keys."
0x1b01000000000046 "Failed in maapi_get_str_elem for (%path/%s)"
0x1b01000000000047 "Failed to decrypt (%type/%s)."
0x1b01000000000048 "Failed in maapi_set_namespace (%namespace/%s)."
0x1b01000000000049 "Failed in maapi_set_elem2 for (%path/%s)"
0x1b01000000000050 "Failed in maapi_apply_trans."
0x1b01000000000051 "Failed in maapi_finish_trans."
0x1b01000000000052 "Environment missing 'partition_id'" value.;
0x1b01000000000053 "Environment missing 'cc_ip' value.";
0x1b01000000000054 "Unable to create socket: (%errno/%s)."
0x1b01000000000055 "Failed to connect to ConfD maapi(%addr/%s) (%error/%s)"
0x1b01000000000056 "Failed to connect to ConfD cdb(%addr/%s)(%error/%s)"
0x1b01000000000057 "Failed in cdb_start_session2."
0x1b01000000000058 "Failed in cdb_num_instances (%path/%s)."
0x1b01000000000059 "Failed in cdb_get_u_int8 (%path/%s)."
0x1b01000000000060 "Failed in cdb_get_bool (%path/%s)."
0x1b01000000000061 "Partition found was not enabled (%id/%d)."
0x1b01000000000062 "Failed in cdb_get_str for (%path/%s)"
0x1b01000000000063 "Partition not found."
0x1b01000000000064 "Failed in maapi_start_trans_flags2."
0x1b01000000000065 "Failed in maapi_start_user_session3 (%user/%s) (%context/%s) (%group/%s)."
0x1b01000000000067 "Key value on EEPROM is empty"
0x1b01000000000068 "Hash value on EEPROM is empty"
0x1b01000000000069 "ParseAndValidateKeyHash failed"
0x1b01000000000070 "(%func/%s) failed with return code (%ret/%d)."
0x1b01000000000071 "(%func/%s) failed."
0x1b01000000000072 "Failed to allocate memory."
0x1b01000000000073 "Hash is successfully retrieved from TPM2"
0x1b01000000000074 "Failed to fetch Hash from TPM2. Error code (%rc/%d)"
0x1b01000000000075 "Key is successfully retrieved from TPM2"
0x1b01000000000076 "Failed to fetch Key from TPM2. Error code (%rc/%d)"
0x1b01000000000077 "Security violation attempting to fetch keys. (%proc/%s)"
0x1b01000000000078 "Retrying reading confd: attempt: (%num/%d)"
0x1b01000000000079 "SERVICE_INDICATOR initializing confd-key-migrationd in FIPS 140-3 mode"
0x1b01000000000080 "Socket setopt failed (%name/%s) (%option/%s) (%errno/%s)"
0x1b01000000000081 "Retrying the reading of key in case lopd was down temporarily."
0x1c1000000000001 "HAL failed to write platform file" file=%s
0x1c1000000000002 "Service Starting" version=%s
0x1d81000000000001 "Initializing 'tmstat' library"
0x1d81000000000002 "Stats Collector - Starting" version=%v
0x1d81000000000003 "Stats Collector - Shutting Down"
0x1d81000000000004 "File System Partition Query Error" error=%v
0x1d81000000000005 "File System Usage Query Error" path=%v error=%v
0x1d81000000000006 "RAID Stats Query Error" error=%v
0x1f01000000000001 "audit-service starting (%version/%s) (%log/%s) (%date/%s)"
0x1f01000000000002 "audit-service exiting."
0x1f01000000000003 "inotif error (%msg/%s)"
0x1f01000000000004 "file error (%msg/%s) (%file/%s)"
0x1f02000000000001 "Could not write database (%OBJECT/%s) (%ERR/%s)"
0x1f02000000000002 "Could not delete user success login instance. (%user/%s) (%ERR/%s)"
0x1f02000000000003 "ConfD Error (%msg/%s)"
0x1f03000000000001 "audit (%user/%s) (%cmd/%s)"
0x1f03000000000002 "audit (%user/%s) (%cmd/%s)"
0x1f03000000000003 "audit create (%ctx/%s) (%user/%s) (%path/%s)"
0x1f03000000000004 "audit delete (%ctx/%s) (%user/%s) (%path/%s)"
0x1f03000000000005 "audit modify (%ctx/%s) (%user/%s) (%path/%s)"
0x1f03000000000006 "audit value set (%ctx/%s) (%user/%s) (%path/%s) (%value/%s)"
0x1f03000000000007 "audit move first (%ctx/%s) (%user/%s) (%path/%s)"
0x1f03000000000008 "audit move after (%ctx/%s) (%user/%s) (%path/%s)"
0x1f03000000000009 "audit delete attr (%ctx/%s) (%user/%s) (%path/%s) (%value/%s)"
0x1f03000000000010 "audit set attr (%ctx/%s) (%user/%s) (%path/%s) (%value/%s)"
0x1f03000000000011 "User account locked (%reason/%s) (%failcount/%u) (%unlock_time/%u) (%user/%s)"
0x1f03000000000012 "User authentication failed (%reason/%s) (%failcount/%u) (%user/%s)"
0x2001000000000001 "Image Agent Starting"
0x2001000000000002 "Image Agent Exiting"
0x2001000000000007 "SERVICE_INDICATOR initializing image_agent in FIPS 140-3 mode."
0x2002000000000001 "Could not start DB session (%ERR/%s)"
0x2002000000000002 "Could not end DB session (%ERR/%s)"
0x2002000000000003 "Could not access DB (%IMAGE/%s) (%ERR/%s)"
0x2002000000000004 "Could not create DB entry (%IMAGE/%s) (%ERR/%s)"
0x2002000000000005 "Could not delete DB entry (%IMAGE/%s) (%ERR/%s)"
0x2002000000000006 "Could not read DB (%IMAGE/%s) (%FIELD/%s) (%ERR/%s)"
0x2002000000000007 "Could not write DB (%IMAGE/%s) (%FIELD/%s) (%ERR/%s)"
0x2002000000000009 "Could not create image processing directory (%IMAGE/%s)"
0x2002000000000010 "Could not verify image signature. Removed. (%IMAGE/%s) (%FAILURE/%s)"
0x2002000000000011 "Image file transfer started (%IMAGE/%s)"
0x2002000000000012 "Image file transfer completed (%IMAGE/%s)"
0x2002000000000013 "Image file transfer interrupted (%IMAGE/%s)"
0x2002000000000014 "Image file transfer failed (%IMAGE/%s)"
0x2002000000000015 "Image file signature verified (%IMAGE/%s)"
0x2002000000000016 "Image file processing started (%IMAGE/%s)"
0x2002000000000017 "Image file processing failed (%IMAGE/%s) (%REASON/%s)"
0x2002000000000018 "Image file processing completed (%IMAGE/%s)"
0x2002000000000019 "Invalid IMAGES file removed (%FILE/%s)"
0x2002000000000020 "Invalid SPEC file removed (%FILE/%s)"
0x2002000000000021 "Cannot identify file type. Removing. (%FILE/%s)"
0x2002000000000022 "Invalid file extension. Removing. (%FILE/%s)"
0x2003000000000001 "Image file added (%FILE/%s)"
0x2003000000000002 "Image file removed (%FILE/%s)"
0x2003000000000003 "Image file replicated (%FILE/%s)"
0x2003000000000004 "Image file not replicated (%FILE/%s)"
0x2003000000000005 "Image file replica deleted (%FILE/%s)"
0x2003000000000006 "Image file replica not deleted (%FILE/%s)"
0x2003000000000007 "Image file identified (%FILE/%s) (%TYPE/%s)"
0x2004000000000001 "Could not create maapi transaction (%ERR/%s)"
0x2004000000000002 "Invalid image type (%IMAGE/%s)"
0x2004000000000004 "Operation unsuccessful (%FAILURE/%s)"
0x2005000000000001 "Could not read if image is in use (%IMAGE/%s) (%ERR/%s)"
0x2005000000000002 "Could not write inuse flag (%OPERATION/%s) (%IMAGE/%s) (%ERR/%s)"
0x2005000000000003 "Could not read tenant name (%ERR/%s)"
0x2005000000000004 "Could not read tenant field (%TENANT/%s) (%FIELD/%s) (%ERR/%s)"
0x2005000000000005 "Image does not exist in DB (%IMAGE/%s)"
0x2005000000000006 "Startup or Failover event received (%MSG/%s)"
0x2010000000000001 "L2Agent starting (%version/%s) (%date/%s) (%slotid/%u) (%role/%s) (%platform/%s)"
0x2010000000000002 "BaseMac info not available. Exiting ..."
0x2010000000000003 "Internal subnet (%SUBNET/%s)"
0x2010000000000004 "Detected FPGAMGR restart (%slotid/%u). Exiting..."
0x2010000000000006 "WAITING FOR PORTGROUP DATA......"
0x2010000000000007 "RECEIVED PORTGROUP DATA......"
0x2010000000000008 "WAITING FOR INTERFACE DATA......"
0x2010000000000009 "RECEIVED INTERFACE DATA......"
0x2010000000000010 "PG data different - publish portgroups"
0x2010000000000011 "PG data matches - do not publish"
0x2010000000000012 "Interface data different - publish interfaces"
0x2010000000000013 "Interface config data matches - do not publish"
0x2010000000000016 "Empty base Mac"
0x2010000000000017 "sending reboot failed for blade (%BLADE/%d) (%ERRNOSTR/%s) (%RC/%d)"
0x2010000000000018 "cannot create reboot socket (%ERRNOSTR/%s)"
0x2010000000000019 "cannot connect to reboot socket (%ERRNOSTR/%s)"
0x2010000000000020 "reboot sent ok for blade (%BLADE/%d)"
0x2010000000000021 "Interface oper data publish"
0x2010000000000022 "Unrecognized platform type (%PLATFORM/%s). Exiting..."
0x2010000000000023 "(%test/%s)"
0x2010000000000024 "WAITING FOR PIPELINE DATA......"
0x2010000000000025 "RECEIVED PIPELINE DATA......"
0x2010000000000026 "Pipeline data different - publish pipelines"
0x2010000000000027 "Pipeline data matches - do not publish"
0x2010000000000028 "l2_agent published pipelines after retries count (%COUNT/%d)"
0x2010000000000029 "l2_agent published port-speed for interfaces after retries count (%COUNT/%d)"
0x2010000000000030 "NIC_MGR_ZMQ_ADDR env_var not found. Exiting ..."
0x2010000000000031 "l2_agent found port profile (%PROFILE/%d)"
0x2010000000000032 "l2_agent changed the port profile (%FROMPROFILE/%s) (%TOPROFILE/%s)"
0x2010000000000033 "l2_agent failed changing port profile (%PROFILE/%d) (%ERRNOSTR/%s)"
0x2010000000000034 "l2_agent port profile change started reboot (%PROFILE/%d)"
0x2010000000000035 "l2_agent failed port-profile reboot (%ERRNOSTR/%s)"
0x2010000000000037 "Read hardware port-profile (%PROFILE/%s) (%RETRYCOUNT/%d)"
0x2010000000000038 "Cannot find the config entry for virtual-network (%VNET/%s)"
0x2010000000000039 "Cannot find the config entry for virtual-wire (%VWIRE/%s)"
0x2010000000000040 "AUDIT - SERVICE_INDICATOR initializing L2-agent in FIPS 140-3 mode"
0x2010000000000041 "Interface data received - publish interfaces"
0x2010000000000042 "Process port profile update: current hardware and cdb settings (%hardware/%s) (%cdb/%s)"
0x2010000000000043 "allow-multi-intf-vlans (%enabled/%d)"
0x2010000000000044 "Failed to set up push endpoint (%FUNC/%s) (%ENDPOINT/%s)"
0x2010000000000045 "Failed to register endpoint (%FUNC/%s) (%ENDPOINT/%s)"
0x2010000000000046 "Failed to deregister endpoint (%FUNC/%s) (%ENDPOINT/%s)"
0x2010000000000047 "Failed to receive interface counters for SNMP."
0x2020000000000001 "failed to create maapi transaction with config daemon (%ERRNOSTR/%s) (%LASTERR/%s)"
0x2020000000000002 "maapi_get failed for (%PORTGROUP/%s) (%ATTRIBUTE/%s) (%ERRNOSTR/%s) (%LASTERR/%s) (%ERRNO/%d)"
0x2020000000000003 "failed to complete maapi transaction (%ERRNOSTR/%s) (%LASTERR/%s)"
0x2020000000000004 "maapi_get failed for (%INTERFACE/%s) (%ERRNOSTR/%s) (%LASTERR/%s) (%ERRNO/%d)"
0x2020000000000005 "maapi_get failed for (%INTERFACE/%s) (%ERRNOSTR/%s) (%LASTERR/%s) (%ERRNO/%d)"
0x2020000000000006 "failed to create session for oper data update (%ERRNOSTR/%s) (%LASTERR/%s)"
0x2020000000000007 "maapi_get failed for pgsettings (%ERRNOSTR/%s) (%LASTERR/%s) (%ERRNO/%d)"
0x2020000000000008 "cdb_get failed for pgsettings (%ERRNOSTR/%s) (%LASTERR/%s) (%ERRNO/%d)"
0x2020000000000009 "cdb_set failed for state pgsettings (%ERRNOSTR/%s) (%LASTERR/%s) (%ERRNO/%d)"
0x2020000000000010 "portgroup mode change caused removal of interface (%INTERFACE/%s)"
0x2020000000000011 "LAG ID delete failed for interface (%IFNAME/%s) (%ERRNOSTR/%s) (%LASTERR/%s))"
0x2030000000000001 "maapi_set failed for portgroup (%PORTGROUP/%s) (%ATTRIBUTE/%s) (%PATH/%s) (%ERRNOSTR/%s) (%LASTERR/%d)"
0x2030000000000002 "maapi_create failed for portgroup (%PORTGROUP/%s) (%ERRNOSTR/%s) (%LASTERR/%s) (%ERRNO/%d)"
0x2030000000000003 "maapi_set failed for interface (%INTERFACE/%s) (%ATTRIBUTE/%s) (%PATH/%s) (%LASTERR/%s) (%ERRNOSTR/%d)"
0x2030000000000004 "maapi_create failed for interface (%INTERFACE/%s) (%ERRNOSTR/%s) (%LASTERR/%s) (%ERRNO/%d)"
0x2030000000000006 "maapi_create failed for vlan (%VID/%d) (%ERRNOSTR/%s) (%LASTERR/%s) (%ERRNO/%d)"
0x2030000000000007 "maapi_delete failed for portgroup (%PORTGROUP/%s) (%ERRNOSTR/%s) (%LASTERR/%s) (%ERRNO/%d)"
0x2030000000000008 "maapi_delete failed for interface (%INTERFACE/%s) (%ERRNOSTR/%s) (%LASTERR/%s) (%ERRNO/%d)"
0x2030000000000009 "mac entry (%ENTRY/%s) not found"
0x2030000000000010 "maapi_delete failed for static fdb entry interface field (%INTERFACE/%s) (%ERRNOSTR/%s) (%LASTERR/%s) (%ERRNO/%d)"
0x2030000000000012 "cdb_get failed to get mac for mac entry (%ERRNOSTR/%s) (%LASTERR/%s) (%ERRNO/%d)"
0x2030000000000013 "cdb_get failed to get vlan for mac entry (%ERRNOSTR/%s) (%LASTERR/%s) (%ERRNO/%d)"
0x2030000000000014 "cdb_get failed to get tag-type for mac entry (%ERRNOSTR/%s) (%LASTERR/%s) (%ERRNO/%d)"
0x2030000000000015 "maapi_delete failed for lldp interface (%INTERFACE/%s) (%ERRNOSTR/%s) (%LASTERR/%s) (%ERRNO/%d)"
0x2030000000000016 "maapi_delete failed for stp interface (%INTERFACE/%s) (%ERRNOSTR/%s) (%LASTERR/%s) (%ERRNO/%d)"
0x2030000000000017 "maapi_delete failed for mstp interface (%INTERFACE/%s) (%ERRNOSTR/%s) (%LASTERR/%s) (%ERRNO/%d)"
0x2030000000000018 "maapi_delete failed for rstp interface (%INTERFACE/%s) (%ERRNOSTR/%s) (%LASTERR/%s) (%ERRNO/%d)"
0x2030000000000019 "maapi_delete failed for lacp interface (%INTERFACE/%s) (%ERRNOSTR/%s) (%LASTERR/%s) (%ERRNO/%d)"
0x2030000000000020 "maapi_delete failed for qos interface (%INTERFACE/%s) (%ERRNOSTR/%s) (%LASTERR/%s) (%ERRNO/%d)"
0x2030000000000021 "maapi_create failed for vlan (%VID/%s) (%ERRNOSTR/%s) (%LASTERR/%s) (%ERRNO/%d)"
0x2030000000000022 "maapi_create failed for port-mapping (%PORTMAP/%s) (%ERRNOSTR/%s) (%LASTERR/%s) (%ERRNO/%d)"
0x2030000000000023 "maapi_create failed for port-mapping (%PORTMAP/%s) pipeline (%PIPELINE/%s) (%ERRNOSTR/%s) (%LASTERR/%s) (%ERRNO/%d)"
0x2030000000000024 "maapi_set failed for port-mapping (%PORTMAP/%s) pipeline (%PIPELINE/%s) (%ATTRIBUTE/%s) (%ERRNOSTR/%s) (%LASTERR/%s) (%ERRNO/%d)"
0x2030000000000025 "maapi_delete failed for state port-speed for interface (%INTERFACE/%s) (%ERRNOSTR/%s) (%LASTERR/%s) (%ERRNO/%d)"
0x2030000000000026 "maapi_delete failed for node (%NODE/%s) state (%STATE/%s) (%ERRNOSTR/%s) (%LASTERR/%s) (%ERRNO/%d)"
0x2030000000000027 "NDIs exhausted..."
0x2030000000000028 "maapi_get failed for virtual-network ndi-id (%VNET/%s) (%ERRNOSTR/%s) (%LASTERR/%s) (%ERRNO/%d)"
0x2030000000000029 "maapi_set failed for virtual-network ndi-id (%VNET/%s) (%ERRNOSTR/%s) (%LASTERR/%s) (%ERRNO/%d)"
0x2030000000000030 "config-restore overwrite of stale ndi-id for virtual-network ndi-id (%VNET/%s) (%NDI/%d)"
0x2030000000000031 "virtual-network (%VNET/%s) cannot be configured because system reached the max number (%MAX/%d) of supported virtual-networks"
0x2030000000000032 "maapi_get failed to read virtual-networks for virtual-wire (%VWIRE/%s) (%ERRNOSTR/%s) (%LASTERR/%s) (%ERRNO/%d)"
0x2030000000000033 "maapi_get failed for interface configuration (%INTERFACE/%s) (%FIELD/%s) (%ERRNOSTR/%s) (%LASTERR/%s) (%ERRNO/%d)"
0x2040000000000001 "fpgaclient failed to register endpoint (%EPTYPE/%d) (%PATH/%s)"
0x2040000000000002 "fpgaclient failed to deregister endpoint (%PATH/%s)"
0x2040000000000003 "fpgamgr portgroups do not match the running config portgroups - restart FPGAMGR"
0x2040000000000004 "fpgaclient expect non null payload"
0x2040000000000005 "fpgaclient failed to send to ZMQ endpoint address (%ZMQADDRESS/%s))"
0x2040000000000006 "fpgaclient got no response from FPGAD - timeout"
0x2040000000000007 "Interface (%INTERFACE/%s) data differ; config: slotid (%CSLOT/%d), speed (%CSPEED/%d), fpga: slotid (%FSLOT/%d), speed (%FSPEED/%d). Exiting..."
0x2040000000000008 "PG (%PORTGROUP/%s) data differ; config: mode (%CMODE/%d) slotid (%CSLOT/%d), fpga: mode (%FMODE/%d) slotid (%FSLOT/%d). Exiting..."
0x2040000000000009 "fpgaclient failed to read alertfd"
0x2040000000000010 "fpgaclient received interface (%INTERFACE/%s) data: Port (%PORT/%d) PortIdx (%PORTIDX/%d) Speed (%SPEED/%s)"
0x2040000000000012 "MAC exhaustion for interface (%INTERFACE/%s). Exiting..."
0x2040000000000013 "Interface (%INTERFACE/%s) does not exist in the ifmap. Exiting..."
0x2040000000000014 "Update phyport for interface (%INTERFACE/%s): old (%OLDPORT/%d), new (%NEWPORT/%d)."
0x2040000000000015 "fpgaclient received portgroup (%NAME/%s) data: Idx (%PGINDEX/%d) Mode (%PGMODE/%s)"
0x2040000000000016 "PG (%PORTGROUP/%s) does not exist in the pgmap. Exiting..."
0x2040000000000017 "cdb_get failed to get interface name (%ERRNOSTR/%s) (%LASTERR/%s) (%ERRNO/%d)"
0x2040000000000018 "interface (%INTERFACE/%s) not in map, when map not empty. Insert it"
0x2040000000000019 "pipeline (%PIPELINE/%s) pipeline-group (%PIPELINEGRP/%s) differs from fpga-pipeline-group (%FPGAPIPELINEGRP/%s)"
0x2040000000000020 "pipeline (%PIPELINE/%s) not found in hardcoded map"
0x2040000000000021 "Update speed for interface (%INTERFACE/%s): old (%OLDSPED/%s), new (%NEWSPEED/%s)."
0x2040000000000022 "fpgaclient received interface (%INTERFACE/%s) data: Port-DID (%PORT/%d) Portgroup-Idx (%PGIDX/%d) PipelineGroup (%PipelineGroup/%s) Speed (%SPEED/%s)"
0x2040000000000023 "fpgaclient received pipeline (%PIPELINE/%s) data: PipelineGroup (%PIPELINEGROUP/%s)"
0x2040000000000024 "No hwmac received for interface (%INTERFACE/%s)."
0x2040000000000025 "PG (%PORTGROUP/%s) data differ; config: mode (%CMODE/%d) slotid (%CSLOT/%d), fpga: mode (%FMODE/%d) slotid (%FSLOT/%d)."
0x2040000000000026 "PG (%PORTGROUP/%s) does not exist in the pgmap."
0x2040000000000027 "Interface (%INTERFACE/%s) data differ; config: slotid (%CSLOT/%d), speed (%CSPEED/%d), fpga: slotid (%FSLOT/%d), speed (%FSPEED/%d)."
0x2040000000000028 "Interface (%INTERFACE/%s) does not exist in the ifmap."
0x2050000000000001 "cdb_get failed for PORTGROUP name (%ERRNOSTR/%s) (%LASTERR/%s) (%ERRNO/%d)"
0x2050000000000002 "cdb_cd failed for (%PATH/%s) (%ERRNOSTR/%s) (%LASTERR/%s) (%ERRNO/%d)"
0x2050000000000003 "cdb_get failed for (%PORTGROUP/%s) (%ATTRIBUTE/%s) (%ERRNOSTR/%s) (%LASTERR/%s) (%ERRNO/%d)"
0x2050000000000004 "unknown operation (%OP/%d)"
0x2050000000000006 "cdb_set_values failed for interface (%INTERFACE/%s) (%ERRNOSTR/%s) (%LASTERR/%s) (%ERRNO/%d)"
0x2050000000000007 "cdb_get failed for interface (%INTERFACE/%s) (%ATTRIBUTE/%s) (%ERRNOSTR/%s) (%LASTERR/%s) (%ERRNO/%d)"
0x2050000000000008 "cdb_get failed for mac entry (%ENTRY/%s) (%ATTRIBUTE/%s) (%ERRNOSTR/%s) (%LASTERR/%s) (%ERRNO/%d)"
0x2050000000000009 "cdb_get failed to get chassis-base-mac for mac entry (%ERRNOSTR/%s) (%LASTERR/%s) (%ERRNO/%d)"
0x2050000000000011 "cdb_get failed to get node data (%ERRNOSTR/%s) (%LASTERR/%s) (%ERRNO/%d)"
0x2050000000000012 "unknown operation (%OP/%d)"
0x2050000000000013 "reconstruct mac alloc pool - cdb_get failed to get interface (%ATTRIBUTE/%s) (%ERRNOSTR/%s) (%LASTERR/%s) (%ERRNO/%d)"
0x2050000000000014 "cdb_set_values failed for virtual-network state (%VNET/%s) (%ERRNOSTR/%s) (%LASTERR/%s) (%ERRNO/%d)"
0x2050000000000015 "cdb_get_values failed for virtual-network (%ERRNOSTR/%s) (%LASTERR/%s) (%ERRNO/%d)"
0x2050000000000016 "cdb_set_values failed for virtual-wire state (%VWIRE/%s) (%ERRNOSTR/%s) (%LASTERR/%s) (%ERRNO/%d)"
0x2050000000000017 "cdb_get_values failed for virtual-wire (%ERRNOSTR/%s) (%LASTERR/%s) (%ERRNO/%d)"
0x2050000000000018 "This message has been deprecated."
0x2050000000000019 "This message has been deprecated."
0x2050000000000020 "cdb_get_values failed for host-endpoint (%ERRNOSTR/%s) (%LASTERR/%s) (%ERRNO/%d)"
0x2060000000000001 "maapi_set_elem failed for interface (%INTERFACE/%s) (%ERRNOSTR/%s) (%LASTERR/%s) (%ERRNO/%d))"
0x2060000000000002 "maapi_set_elem failed for (%LEAF/%s) (%ERRNOSTR/%s) (%LASTERR/%s) (%ERRNO/%d))"
0x2080000000000001 "Failed to send completion reply for component (%COMPONENT/%s)"
0x2081000000000001 "OTEL Agent service starting" version=%v
0x2081000000000002 "OTEL Agent service Shutting down"
0x2081000000000003 "OTEL Agent detected configuration change"
0x2081000000000004 "OTEL Agent received restart signal"
0x2081000000000005 "OTEL Agent generated an error" activity=%v error=%v
0x2081000000000006 "OTEL Agent detected otel-collector exited, restarting"
0x2082000000000001 "Starting OTEL Collector service"
0x2082000000000002 "Stopping OTEL Collector service"
0x2082000000000003 "OTEL Collector message" message=%v kw=#
0x2082000000000004 "OTEL Collector generated a warning" warning=%v kw=#
0x2082000000000005 "OTEL Collector generated an error" error=%v kw=#
0x2101000000000001 "Failed to connect confd's control socket."
0x2101000000000002 "Failed to initialize SNMP Trap daemon."
0x2101000000000003 "confd_register_snmp_notification is failed."
0x2101000000000004 "Failed to create socket."
0x2101000000000005 "Failed sending (%name/%s) trap to CONFD."
0x2101000000000006 "(%PHASE/%s) Retrying Forever."
0x2101000000000007 "SNMP Trap Service Starting...(%version/%s) (%date/%s)."
0x2101000000000008 "SNMP Trap Service Exiting... (%version/%s) (%date/%s)."
0x2101000000000009 "SNMP Trap can't be processed on Subsidary Controller."
0x2101000000000010 "Trap Name is missing in the Request."
0x2101000000000011 "cdb_get failed for (%COMPONENT/%s) (%ERROR/%s) (%LASTERR/%s) (%ERRNO/%d)."
0x2101000000000012 "cdb_get_values failed with (%ERROR/%s) (%LASTERR/%s) (%ERRNO/%d)."
0x2101000000000013 "Caught Exception (%exception/%s)."
0x2101000000000014 "Caught unknown Exception."
0x2101000000000015 "Invalid op value (%op/%d)."
0x2101000000000016 "Input request is not of AlertRequest type."
0x2201000000000001 "Alert Service starting. (%version/%s) (%date/%s)"
0x2201000000000002 "Alert Service exiting."
0x2201000000000003 "(%func/%s)Alert Service unable to initialize ZMQ"
0x2201000000000004 "Failed to register endpoint (%endpoint/%s)"
0x2201000000000005 "Failed to deregister endpoint (%endpoint/%s)"
0x2201000000000006 "ZMQ Message Server Started. Listening on alert port (%port/%d)"
0x2201000000000007 "(%func/%s)Unable to create Alert entry in CDB. (%keypath/%s) (%confd_err/%s) (%confd_errno/%d)"
0x2201000000000008 "Unable to delete Alert entry (%keypath/%s) from CDB"
0x2201000000000009 "(%func/%s): (%pointer/%s) is NULL)"
0x2201000000000010 "(%func/%s) Controller State is not Active or Standby. State = (%state/%s)"
0x2201000000000011 "(%func/%s) Alert source is empty."
0x2201000000000012 "(%func/%s) Unable to clear Alert {(%alm_id/%s) (%resource/%s)}"
0x2201000000000013 "(%func/%s) confd_errstr (%errstr/%s), confd_errno: (%errno/%d)"
0x2201000000000014 "(%func/%s) Unable to end confD session. (%ERROR/%s) (%LASTERR/%s) (%ERRNO/%d)"
0x2201000000000016 "(%func/%s)Failed to get protobuf size."
0x2201000000000017 "(%func/%s)ZMQ failed to allocate message length. (%msg_len/%d)"
0x2201000000000018 "(%func/%s)Failed to send reply (%endpoint/%s)"
0x2201000000000019 "(%func/%s)cdb_get failed. (%KEYPATH/%s) (%ERROR/%s) (%LASTERR/%s) (%ERRNO/%d)"
0x2201000000000020 "(%func/%s)Unknown Alarm Yang Severity. (%yangSeverity/%d)"
0x2201000000000021 "(%func/%s)Sending (%ACTION/%s). (%source/%s) (%severity/%d) (%dest/%s)"
0x2201000000000022 "(%func/%s)Sending POST_LOP_OBJECT_LED_STATUS_RESET (%dest/%s)"
0x2201000000000023 "(%func/%s)Failed to get protobuf size."
0x2201000000000024 "(%func/%s)ConfD is not ready."
0x2201000000000025 "(%func/%s)zmq poll item list is NULL."
0x2201000000000026 "(%func/%s) (%ALERT_ID/%s) "
0x2201000000000027 "Received alert assert. (%alert/%s)"
0x2201000000000028 "Received alert clear. (%alert/%s)"
0x2201000000000029 "Received event. (%event/%s)"
0x2201000000000030 "ZMQ pull payload is null."
0x2201000000000031 "Failed to create (%PATH/%s)"
0x2201000000000032 "Failed to push ZMQ message."
0x2201000000000034 "Unable to remove events file (%FILE/%s)."
0x2201000000000035 "Failed to send ZMQ message."
0x2201000000000036 "Failed to add ZMQ payload message."
0x2201000000000037 "Recieved chassis alarm on standby controller. (%source/%s)"
0x2201000000000038 "Processing LED status. (%message/%s)"
0x2201000000000039 "Invalid controller slot. (%source/%s)"
0x2301000000000001 "---===[ Partition-agent Starting ]===--- (%Version/%s) (%Date/%s)"
0x2301000000000002 "---===[ Partition-agent Exiting ]===--- (%Version/%s) (%Date/%s)"
0x2301000000000003 "---===[ Partition-agent Exiting ]===--- Unable to start thread (%threadname/%s)"
0x2301000000000004 "Internal error, partition name not found. (%partition_name/%s)"
0x2301000000000011 "Failed to create join thread (%threadname/%s)"
0x2301000000000012 "Request for slot number returned (%slot_number/%d)"
0x2301000000000014 "Notification of chassis basemac change ignored, already have basemac: (%BaseMAC/%s)"
0x2301000000000015 "Reply to partition (%partitionId/%d) request for base MAC (%BaseMAC/%s)"
0x2301000000000016 "Partition has no MAC addresses assigned (%partitionId/%d) (%active/%d)"
0x2301000000000017 "Partition has MAC addresses assigned: (%partitionId/%d) (%active/%d) (%macCount/%u)"
0x2301000000000018 "Partition offset/count list (%partitionId/%d) (%active/%d) (%entries/%s)"
0x2301000000000019 "Partition Bridge IP is not present for enabled partition; delay change of controller state (%partitionName/%s)"
0x2301000000000022 "Partition has blocks of MAC addresses allocated and cannot be downgraded (%partitionId/%d) (%version/%s)"
0x2301000000000023 "Partition service version cannot be parsed (%partitionId/%d) (%version/%s)"
0x2301000000000024 "Partition service version verified for block MAC support (%partitionId/%d) (%version/%s) (%first_no/%d) (%second_no/%d)"
0x2301000000000025 "Partition UUID verification shows stale partition data, remove op data for partition: (%partitionId/%d)"
0x2301000000000027 "Partition uuid not known (%partitionId/%d)"
0x2302000000000001 "cdb_set failed setting oper data (%operdatapath/%s) (%confderrno/%d) (%confdlasterr/%s)"
0x2302000000000002 "Failed to publish (%property/%s) (%value/%s)"
0x2302000000000003 "Failed to obtain confd socket to publish operational data"
0x2302000000000004 "Partition agent could not establish confd connection to publish operational data"
0x2302000000000005 "Unable to set path to publish operational data (%path/%s)"
0x2302000000000006 "Failed to create component (%component/%s)(%confderrno/%d) (%confdlasterr/%s)"
0x2302000000000007 "Failed to set cdb path (%path/%s) (%confderrno/%d) (%confdlasterr/%s)"
0x2302000000000008 "Failed to start cdb platform_session (%confderrno/%d) (%confdlasterr/%s)"
0x2302000000000009 "Failed to close cdb platform_session (%confderrno/%d) (%confdlasterr/%s)"
0x2302000000000010 "Failed to delete component (%component/%s)(%confderrno/%d) (%confdlasterr/%s)"
0x2302000000000011 "Load_schemas failed - retrying (%addr/%s) (%confdlasterr/%s)"
0x2302000000000012 "cdb_get failed for getting oper data (%func/%s)(%operdatapath/%s) (%confderrno/%d) (%confdlasterr/%s)"
0x2302000000000013 LOG_INFO "connected to ConfD for callpoint operation data "
0x2302000000000014 "confd_register_trans_cb failed (%confderrno/%d) (%confdlasterr/%s)"
0x2302000000000015 "confd_register_range_data_cb failed (%confderrno/%d) (%confdlasterr/%s)"
0x2302000000000016 "unexpected confd tag or path. (%tag/%d) (%path/%s)"
0x2302000000000017 "unknown confd tag. (%tag/%u)"
0x2302000000000018 "connected to ConfD for callpoint operation data "
0x2302000000000019 "out of memory allocating cp_data "
0x2302000000000020 "out of memory allocating cp_data lists "
0x2302000000000021 "Error opening pipe for partition status check"
0x2302000000000023 "Missing newline reading pipe for partition status check "
0x2302000000000024 "Unable to start cdb session to read partition_macs - retrying (%confderr/%s)"
0x2302000000000025 "Partition being created, vcc chassis MAC poolSize (%partitionId/%d) (%poolSize/%d) "
0x2303000000000001 "Unable to obtain valid slot count (%slotcount/%d)"
0x2303000000000002 "Unable to obtain chassis base MAC, no MACs can be allocated until base MAC available"
0x2303000000000003 "Using chassis base MAC (%mac/%s)"
0x2303000000000004 "Error restoring MAC allocation from partition_macs database entries (%mac/%s)"
0x2303000000000005 "MAC reclaim from partition not found. (%partitionId/%d) (%offset/%d)"
0x2303000000000006 "Standby Chassis Controller will not reclaim MACs. (%partitionId/%d)"
0x2303000000000007 "Standby Chassis Controller ignores requests to allocate MACs."
0x2303000000000008 "Socket error, unable to use sw-mgmt socket to reboot slot. (%slot/%d)"
0x2303000000000009 "Rebooting slot(%slot/%d)"
0x2303000000000010 "Failed to write slot reboot request to sw-mgmt socket. (%slot/%d)"
0x2303000000000011 "HAL initialization failed, process exiting"
0x2303000000000012 "Unable to look up local CC slot number from HAL..retrying\n"
0x2303000000000013 "Socket error, unable to use sw-mgmt socket to issue partition upgrade API command"
0x2303000000000014 "Failed to write partition upgrade API command to sw-mgmt socket."
0x2303000000000015 "Failed to read result of partition upgrade API command from sw-mgmt socket."
0x2303000000000016 "Error exit (%reason/%s)"
0x2303000000000017 "Error Converting macString to mac_addr (%macstring/%s)"
0x2303000000000018 "Error MAC free pool already empty when trying to remove mac (%mac/%s)"
0x2303000000000019 "Error duplicate MAC not in free pool, already allocated (%mac/%s)"
0x2303000000000020 "Error MAC and offset from basemac inconsistent (%offset/%d) (%mac/%s) "
0x2303000000000021 "MAC reclaim request sent to partition (%partitionId/%d)"
0x2303000000000022 "MAC reclaim reply from partition (%partitionId/%d) (%macsreclaimed/%d)"
0x2303000000000023 "Partition allocated MACs not found. (%partitionId/%d)"
0x2303000000000024 "Error MAC and offset from basemac not from this pool (%offset/%d) (%mac/%s)"
0x2303000000000025 "Hello message from partition (%partitionId/%d)"
0x2303000000000026 "Standby Chassis Controller ignores HELLO"
0x2303000000000027 "Slot reboot request failed(%SLOT/%d)"
0x2303000000000028 "Slot reboot request succeeded(%SLOT/%d)"
0x2304000000000001 "Partition-agent error (%errormsg/%s)"
0x2304000000000002 "Unable to initialize ZMQ. (%error/%d)"
0x2304000000000003 "ZMQ Message Server Started. Listening on (%hipri/%d) (%lowpri/%d)"
0x2304000000000004 "Failed to register endpoint (%endpoint/%s)"
0x2304000000000005 "Failed to deregister endpoint (%endpoint/%s)"
0x2304000000000006 "Failed to send reply (%endpoint/%s)"
0x2304000000000007 "Failed to get zmq handle to socket"
0x2304000000000008 "Unable to start ZMQ server thread (%error/%d)"
0x2304000000000009 "Invalid zmq payload count (%count/%d)"
0x2304000000000010 "Failed to create zmq_socket"
0x2304000000000011 "Failed to allocate MAC block of size (%size/%s) for partition (%partitionId/%d)"
0x2304000000000012 "received NULL message (%function/%s)"
0x2304000000000013 "received NULL payload in ZMQ message (%function/%s)"
0x2304000000000014 "Number of envelopes for partition list (%envelopes/%d) (%active/%d) (%partitionList/%s)"
0x2305000000000001 "Management port link state up"
0x2305000000000002 "Management port link state down"
0x2305000000000003 "Controller is now Healthy"
0x2305000000000004 "Controller is now Unhealthy"
0x2305000000000005 "Controller component is Unhealthy (%component/%s)"
0x2305000000000010 "Changing failover state from:(%current_state/%s) to (%new_state/%s)"
0x241000000000001 "DIAG ZMQ Input Message Router - Not configured"
0x241000000000002 "Service Starting" version=%s
0x2701000000000001 "unexpected tag: (%tag/%d)"
0x2701000000000002 "confd_register_trans_cb failed "
0x2701000000000003 "confd_register_range_data_cb failed "
0x2701000000000004 "pthread_create[(%type_str/%s)] (%errstr/%s)"
0x2701000000000005 "pthread_mutex_lock[(%type_str/%s)] (%errstr/%s)"
0x2701000000000006 "pthread_mutex_unlock[(%type_str/%s)] (%errstr/%s)"
0x2701000000000007 "error lookup up user from environment "
0x2701000000000008 "user name \'\' too long (> ) (%username_local/%s) (%usernamelen/%u)"
0x2701000000000009 "error lookup up user in password db "
0x2701000000000010 "error generating group name for partition \'\' (%cc_partition_i_name/%s)"
0x2701000000000011 "error looking up group \'\' in group db (%gr_partition_name/%s)"
0x2701000000000012 "error looking up group \'admin\' in group db "
0x2701000000000013 "error looking up group \'ts_admin\' in group db "
0x2701000000000014 "unexpected zero rc after poll() (%errstr/%s)"
0x2701000000000015 "set_user_to_host() (%rc/%d)"
0x2701000000000016 "back from loop; rc: (%rc/%d)"
0x2701000000000017 "fopen: : (%input_file/%s)"
0x2701000000000018 "fscanf: : (%input_file/%s)"
0x2701000000000019 "invalid slot #: (%local_cc_slot_number/%u)"
0x2701000000000020 "pthread_mutex_init[(%type_str/%s)] (%errstr/%s)"
0x2701000000000021 "pthread_cond_init[(%type_str/%s)] (%errstr/%s)"
0x2701000000000022 "confd_load_schemas failed[]...sleeping (%inet_ntoa_odtaaddrsin_addr/%s)"
0x2701000000000023 "Unable to start (%type_str/%s) thread. "
0x2701000000000024 "User does not have permission to access slot (%slot/%u)"
0x3001000000000001 "slot number out of range (%FUNCTION/%s) (%blade_slot/%d)"
0x3001000000000002 "calloc failed (%FUNCTION/%s)"
0x3001000000000004 "Not enough chassis power (%FUNCTION/%s) (%total_power/%f) (%total_power_required/%f)"
0x3001000000000005 "not enough power (%FUNCTION/%s)"
0x3001000000000006 "setrlimit(RLIMIT_CORE, RLIM_INFINITY) failed (%FUNCTION/%s)"
0x3001000000000007 "pthread_mutex_lock: (%strerror/%s) (%FUNCTION/%s)"
0x3001000000000009 "pthread_mutex_unlock: (%strerror/%s) (%FUNCTION/%s)"
0x3001000000000010 "pthread_create[power_manager]: (%strerror/%s) "
0x3001000000000013 "chassis_manager is done"
0x3001000000000014 "Failed to parse firmware items"
0x3001000000000015 "Failed to parse update status msg."
0x3001000000000016 "Failed to parse cpu response."
0x3001000000000017 "Failed to parse drive response."
0x3001000000000018 "Failed to parse platform power cycle response."
0x3001000000000019 "system_power_cycle: The chassis controller will be power cycled!"
0x3001000000000020 "system_reboot: Reboot the chassis controller! "
0x3001000000000021 "sendto error returns (%argv_0/%s) (%errno/%d)"
0x3001000000000022 "Failed to parse chassis platform response "
0x3001000000000023 "Failed to parse lcd seeprom response"
0x3001000000000024 "Failed to parse PEL entry response."
0x3001000000000025 "AFU after update action failed to restart."
0x3001000000000026 "pthread_create[config]: (%strerror/%s)"
0x3001000000000027 "pthread_mutex_init[config]: (%strerror/%s)"
0x3001000000000028 "pthread_cond_init[config]: (%strerror/%s)"
0x3001000000000029 "Unable to start ConfD CFG thread. "
0x3001000000000031 "pthread_create[afu_loop]: (%strerror/%s) "
0x3010000000000001 "---===[ FPGA Manager Starting ]===--- (%Version/%s) (%Date/%s)"
0x3010000000000002 "ZMQ Message Server Started. Listening on (%hipri/%d) (%lowpri/%d)"
0x3010000000000003 "Failed to register endpoint (%endpoint/%s)"
0x3010000000000004 "Failed to deregister endpoint (%endpoint/%s)"
0x3010000000000005 "Failed to send reply (%endpoint/%s)"
0x3010000000000006 "SDK error during programming. (%API/%s) (%port/%d) (%error/%s)"
0x3010000000000007 "SDK error during device programming. (%API/%s) (%code/%d) (%error/%s)"
0x3010000000000008 "Error initializing ATSE/HDP - exiting!"
0x3010000000000009 "Error during tmstat operation. (%API/%s) (%TBLNAME/%s) (%error/%s)"
0x3010000000000010 "Initializing ATSE HDP (%name/%s) (%version/%s) (%date/%s)"
0x3010000000000011 "Worker thread started".
0x3010000000000012 "Timeout waiting for response from FWUpdater".
0x3010000000000013 "FWU response error. (%error_code/%d) (%message/%s)"
0x3010000000000014 "Error reading ATSE bitstream version."
0x3010000000000015 "Error reading VQF bitstream version."
0x3010000000000016 "Error loading FPGA bitstreams. Aborting!"
0x3010000000000017 "Loading ATSE FPGA"
0x3010000000000018 "Loading VQF FPGA"
0x3010000000000019 "Error attaching to FPGA devices - Exiting!"
0x3010000000000020 "Hardware Config: (%Slot/%d) (%Lifecycle/%s) (%ATSEs/%d) (%VQFs/%d) (%PortGroups/%d) (%HostType/%s)"
0x3010000000000021 "Error reading Platform-Config from HAL: exiting!"
0x3010000000000022 "Error initializing FZMQ library: exiting!"
0x3010000000000023 "Error creating statistics timer. (%ERRORNO/%d) (%ERROR/%s)"
0x3010000000000024 "Error arming statistics timer. (%ERRORNO/%d) (%ERROR/%s)"
0x3010000000000025 "Unsupported bit stream for portgroup config - defaulting to standard. (%CONFIG/%s)"
0x3010000000000026 "Bad command line argument"
0x3010000000000027 "Error reading Platform Info from HAL. (%ITEM/%s)"
0x3010000000000028 "Unknown HostType from HAL. (%HOST/%s)"
0x3010000000000029 "F5SW SDK (%VERSION/%s)"
0x3010000000000031 "FPGA update status: (%FPGA/%s) (%STATUS/%s)"
0x3010000000000032 "Portgroup config matched. (%VARIANT/%s)"
0x3010000000000033 "Portgroup configuration: (%PORTGROUP/%d) (%CONFIG/%s)"
0x3010000000000034 "Timeout waiting for response from FWUpdater, will retry (%TIMEOUT/%d) (%RETRIES/%d)".
0x3010000000000037 "Loading FPGA bitstream. (%FPGA/%s)"
0x3010000000000038 "Initializing FPGA (%name/%s) (%version/%s) (%date/%s)"
0x3010000000000039 "Error initializing internal FPGA links - Exiting!");
0x3010000000000040 "FPGA link initialization thread started."
0x3010000000000041 "FPGA link initialization complete."
0x3010000000000042 "Internal link initialization failure between FPGAs. (%FPGAs/%s)
0x3020000000000001 "cdb_set failed for (%PORTGROUP/%s) (%ATTRIBUTE/%s) (%ERROR/%s) (%LASTERR/%s) (%ERRNO/%d)"
0x3020000000000002 "Unable to start confD session. (%ERROR/%s) (%LASTERR/%s) (%ERRNO/%d)"
0x3020000000000003 "Failed to create CDB component (%COMPONENT/%s) (%ERROR/%s) (%LASTERR/%s) (%ERRNO/%d)"
0x3020000000000004 "cdb_set failed for (%COMPONENT/%s) (%ERROR/%s) (%LASTERR/%s) (%ERRNO/%d)"
0x3020000000000005 "cdb_get failed for (%COMPONENT/%s) (%ERROR/%s) (%LASTERR/%s) (%ERRNO/%d)"
0x3020000000000006 "cdb if_iter unexpected op (%OP/%d)"
0x3020000000000007 "Error processing vlan-listener object update. (%OPER/%s) (%INTERFACE/%s) (%VLAN/%d)"
0x3020000000000008 "cdb_get failed for (%TENANT/%s) (%COMPONENT/%s) (%ERROR/%s) (%LASTERR/%s) (%ERRNO/%d)"
0x3020000000000009 "Failed to delete CDB component (%COMPONENT/%s) (%ERROR/%s) (%LASTERR/%s) (%ERRNO/%d)"
0x3020000000000010 "Failed to find CDB component (%COMPONENT/%s)"
0x3020000000000011 "Unexpected STP configuration. (%DESCRIPTION/%s)"
0x3020000000000012 "Unable to start confD transaction. (%ERROR/%s) (%LASTERR/%s) (%ERRNO/%d)"
0x3020000000000013 "Unable to complete confD transaction. (%ERROR/%s) (%LASTERR/%s) (%ERRNO/%d)"
0x3020000000000014 "Bad port_adjust. (%PORT_ADJUST/%d)"
0x3020000000000015 "cdb_cd failed for (%COMPONENT/%s) (%ERROR/%s) (%LASTERR/%s) (%ERRNO/%d)"
0x3020000000000016 "Could not find tracked instance for tenant (%TENANT/%s) (%SLOT/%d)"
0x3020000000000017 "Error processing port-listener object update. (%OPER/%s) (%INTERFACE/%s)"
0x3020000000000018 "Setting FPGA_STATE. (%STATE/%s)"
0x3020000000000019 "No HDP unit found (%TENANT/%s) (%SLOT/%d) (%INSTANCE/%d) (%DID/%x)"
0x3020000000000020 "CDB function failed, retrying after delay (%DESCRIPTION/%s) (%ERROR/%s) (%LASTERR/%s) (%ERRNO/%d)"
0x3020000000000021 "CDB function success after retries (%DESCRIPTION/%s) (%RETRIES/%d)"
0x3020000000000022 "Not creating existing CDB subscribers (%SUBSCRIBER/%s)"
0x3020000000000023 "Failed to read portgroup mode from CDB (%PORTGROUP/%d) (%retries/%d)"
0x3030000000000001 "This message has been deprecated."
0x3030000000000002 "Optical tuning will not be applied - unknown hardware platform. (%ifname/%s) (%platform/%s)"
0x3030000000000003 "Timeout waiting for response from optics-mgr".
0x3030000000000004 "Error applying optical tuning. (%ifname/%s) (%page/%u) (%addr/%u) (%tuneval/%u)".
0x3030000000000005 "Optic inserted (%Portgroup/%s) (%Vendor/%s) (%PartNum/%s) (%Rev/%s) (%Serial/%s)"
0x3030000000000006 "Optic REMOVED. (%Portgroup/%d)"
0x3030000000000007 "Failure to apply power to optic - device is unusable. (%portgroup/%s) (%socket/%d)"
0x3030000000000008 "Unable to read optic EEPROM - device is unusable. (%portgroup/%s) (%socket/%d)"
0x3030000000000009 "Failure to remove power from optic. (%portgroup/%s) (%socket/%d)"
0x3030000000000010 "Failure to enable high power mode for optic - device is unusable. (%portgroup/%s) (%socket/%d)"
0x3030000000000011 "FEC is configured (%ifname/%s) (%supported/%s) (%state/%s)"
0x3030000000000013 "Unsupported SFP+/SFP28 Optic (%portgroup/%d)"
0x3030000000000014 "Optic REMOVED. (%Portgroup/%s)"
0x3030000000000015 "Optic inserted does not match portgroup mode configuration (%portgroup/%s) (%mode/%s) (%media/%s)"
0x3030000000000017 "Unsupported QSFP Optic (%portgroup/%d)"
0x3030000000000018 "Setting multi-rate optic to 100G (%portgroup/%s) (%media/%s)"
0x3030000000000019 "Setting multi-rate optic to 40G (%portgroup/%s) (%media/%s)"
0x3030000000000020 "Setting multi-rate optic to 25G (%portgroup/%s) (%media/%s)"
0x3030000000000021 "Setting multi-rate optic to 10G (%portgroup/%s) (%media/%s)"
0x3030000000000023 "Error unlocking the OPT-0052 EEPROM. (%ifname/%s)".
0x3030000000000024 "This message has been deprecated".
0x3030000000000025 "Error updating the CTLE mapping register in the OPT-0052 EEPROM. (%ifname/%s)".
0x3030000000000026 "Error reading back the CTLE mapping register in the OPT-0052 EEPROM. (%ifname/%s)".
0x3030000000000027 "Bad value read back from the CTLE mapping register in the OPT-0052 EEPROM. (%ifname/%s) (%value/%x)".
0x3030000000000028 "Error updating the pseudo revision register in the OPT-0052 EEPROM. (%ifname/%s)".
0x3030000000000029 "Error reading back the pseudo revision register in the OPT-0052 EEPROM. (%ifname/%s)".
0x3030000000000030 "Bad value read back from the pseudo revision register in the OPT-0052 EEPROM. (%ifname/%s) (%value/%x)".
0x3030000000000031 "Innolight OPT-0052 is up to date (%ifname/%s)".
0x3030000000000032 "Innolight OPT-0052 updated successfully (%ifname/%s)".
0x3030000000000033 "Innolight OPT-0052 update failed (%ifname/%s)".
0x3030000000000034 "Error reading Optic Ready state information in the QSFP DD EEPROM".
0x3030000000000035 "Innolight OPT-0046 Rev 5C, is up to date (%ifname/%s)".
0x3030000000000036 "Innolight OPT-0046 Rev 5C, updated successfully (%ifname/%s)".
0x3030000000000037 "Innolight OPT-0046 Rev 5C, update failed (%ifname/%s)".
0x3030000000000038 "Optic not initialized, unplug and re-install. (%portgroup/%s) (%socket/%d)"
0x3040000000000001 "DDM not supported by this optic. (%PORTGROUP/%s) (%Vendor/%s) (%PartNum/%s) (%Rev/%s)"
0x3040000000000002 "DDM is supported by this optic. (%PORTGROUP/%s) (%Vendor/%s) (%PartNum/%s) (%Rev/%s)"
0x3040000000000003 "DDM thresholds are not supported by this optic. (%PORTGROUP/%s) (%Vendor/%s) (%PartNum/%s) (%Rev/%s)"
0x3040000000000004 "DDM not implemented for this identifier type. (%identifier/%d) (%PORTGROUP/%s) (%Vendor/%s) (%PartNum/%s) (%Rev/%s)"
0x3040000000000005 "DDM has no thresholds for this transceiver, DDM not supported. (%PORTGROUP/%s) (%Vendor/%s) (%PartNum/%s) (%Rev/%s)"
0x3040000000000006 "DDM high alarm set (%PORTGROUP/%s) (%ALARMTYPE/%s) (%LANE1/%f) (%LANE2/%f) (%LANE3/%f) (%LANE4/%f)"
0x3040000000000007 "DDM high alarm clear (%PORTGROUP/%s) (%ALARMTYPE/%s) (%LANE1/%f) (%LANE2/%f) (%LANE3/%f) (%LANE4/%f)"
0x3040000000000008 "DDM high warning set (%PORTGROUP/%s) (%ALARMTYPE/%s) (%LANE1/%f) (%LANE2/%f) (%LANE3/%f) (%LANE4/%f)"
0x3040000000000009 "DDM high warning clear (%PORTGROUP/%s) (%ALARMTYPE/%s) (%LANE1/%f) (%LANE2/%f) (%LANE3/%f) (%LANE4/%f)"
0x3040000000000010 "DDM low alarm set (%PORTGROUP/%s) (%ALARMTYPE/%s) (%LANE1/%f) (%LANE2/%f) (%LANE3/%f) (%LANE4/%f)"
0x3040000000000011 "DDM low alarm clear (%PORTGROUP/%s) (%ALARMTYPE/%s) (%LANE1/%f) (%LANE2/%f) (%LANE3/%f) (%LANE4/%f)"
0x3040000000000012 "DDM low warning set (%PORTGROUP/%s) (%ALARMTYPE/%s) (%LANE1/%f) (%LANE2/%f) (%LANE3/%f) (%LANE4/%f)"
0x3040000000000013 "DDM low warning clear (%PORTGROUP/%s) (%ALARMTYPE/%s) (%LANE1/%f) (%LANE2/%f) (%LANE3/%f) (%LANE4/%f)"
0x3040000000000014 "DDM I2C error reading channel monitoring values (%PORTGROUP/%s)"
0x3040000000000015 "DDM high alarm set (%PORTGROUP/%s) (%ALARMTYPE/%s) (%IMMEDIATE/%d)"
0x3040000000000016 "DDM high alarm clear (%PORTGROUP/%s) (%ALARMTYPE/%s) (%IMMEDIATE/%d)"
0x3040000000000017 "DDM high warning set (%PORTGROUP/%s) (%ALARMTYPE/%s) (%IMMEDIATE/%d)"
0x3040000000000018 "DDM high warning clear (%PORTGROUP/%s) (%ALARMTYPE/%s) (%IMMEDIATE/%d)"
0x3040000000000019 "DDM low alarm set (%PORTGROUP/%s) (%ALARMTYPE/%s) (%IMMEDIATE/%d)"
0x3040000000000020 "DDM low alarm clear (%PORTGROUP/%s) (%ALARMTYPE/%s) (%IMMEDIATE/%d)"
0x3040000000000021 "DDM low warning set (%PORTGROUP/%s) (%ALARMTYPE/%s) (%IMMEDIATE/%d)"
0x3040000000000022 "DDM low warning clear (%PORTGROUP/%s) (%ALARMTYPE/%s) (%IMMEDIATE/%d)"
0x3040000000000023 "DDM polling disabled (%PORTGROUP/%s)"
0x3040000000000024 "DDM polling frequency modified (%PORTGROUP/%s) (%FREQUENCY/%u)"
0x3040000000000025 "DDM not implemented for this optic. (%PORTGROUP/%s) (%Vendor/%s) (%PartNum/%s) (%Rev/%s)"
0x3040000000000026 "Transmit disable is not supported for optic (%PORTGROUP/%s) (%Vendor/%s) (%PartNum/%s) (%Rev/%s)"
0x3040000000000030 "DDM high alarm set (%PORTGROUP/%s) (%ALARMTYPE/%s) (%LANE1/%f)"
0x3040000000000031 "DDM high alarm clear (%PORTGROUP/%s) (%ALARMTYPE/%s) (%LANE1/%f)"
0x3040000000000032 "DDM high warning set (%PORTGROUP/%s) (%ALARMTYPE/%s) (%LANE1/%f) "
0x3040000000000033 "DDM high warning clear (%PORTGROUP/%s) (%ALARMTYPE/%s) (%LANE1/%f)"
0x3040000000000034 "DDM low alarm set (%PORTGROUP/%s) (%ALARMTYPE/%s) (%LANE1/%f)"
0x3040000000000035 "DDM low alarm clear (%PORTGROUP/%s) (%ALARMTYPE/%s) (%LANE1/%f)"
0x3040000000000036 "DDM low warning set (%PORTGROUP/%s) (%ALARMTYPE/%s) (%LANE1/%f)"
0x3040000000000037 "DDM low warning clear (%PORTGROUP/%s) (%ALARMTYPE/%s) (%LANE1/%f)"
0x3040000000000038 "DDM is supported by this optic, but polling is disabled. (%PORTGROUP/%s) (%Vendor/%s) (%PartNum/%s) (%Rev/%s)"
0x3040000000000039 "DDM encountered unknown alarm/warn value (%PORTGROUP/%s) (%ALARMTYPE/%d)"
0x3050000000000001 "Error retrieving VQF version."
0x3050000000000002 "Error retrieving VQF Op Mode."
0x3050000000000003 "Error retrieving VQF Enable value."
0x3050000000000004 "Error initializing VQF - exiting!"
0x3050000000000005 "VoQ programmed (%blade/%d) (%port/%d) (%module/%s) (%state/%s)"
0x3050000000000006 "VqfDev called with argument out of range. (%method/%s) (%argument/%s) (%value/%s)"
0x3050000000000007 "VQF EMM Watchdog. (%slot/%d)"
0x3050000000000008 "VQF IMM Watchdog. (%slot/%d) (%port/%d)"
0x3050000000000009 "VQF EMM Watchdog Resolved. (%slot/%d)"
0x3050000000000010 "VQF IMM Watchdog Resolved. (%slot/%d) (%port/%d)"
0x3050000000000011 "VQF interface link state (%ifname/%s) (%state/%s)"
0x3050000000000012 "VOQ Configuration Error. (%ERROR/%s)"
0x3050000000000013 "Bad VQF PLL status, reloading VQF (%value/%x)"
0x3050000000000014 "Optimizing system controller backplane links."
0x3050000000000015 "Could not establish backplane link with one or more system controllers"
0x3050000000000016 "Loaded VQF FPGA (%MACC_LINK_STT/%x)"
0x3050000000000017 "VoQ window error (%slot/%d) (%port/%d)"
0x3050000000000018 "VoQ window error cleared (%slot/%d) (%port/%d)"
0x3050000000000019 "VQF failover condition on backplane link (%link/%d)"
0x3050000000000020 "VQF failover condition recovered on backplane link (%link/%d)"
0x3050000000000021 "Adding slot to VQF database set (%slot/%d)"
0x3050000000000022 "Removing slot from VQF database set (%slot/%d)"
0x3050000000000023 "Enabling VQF synchronization with slot (%slot/%d)"
0x3050000000000024 "Slot activation status updated in VQF (%slot/%d) (%status/%d)"
0x3050000000000025 "Slot out of range during VQF activate write (%slot/%d)"
0x3050000000000026 "Slot out of range during VQF activate read (%slot/%d)"
0x3050000000000027 "VQF remote slot update (%slot/%d) (%ports/%s)"
0x3050000000000028 "VQF remote slot delete (%slot/%d)"
0x3050000000000029 "VQF using Marvell CRC mode"
0x3050000000000030 "VQF BP link Phy reset masking mode (%link/%d) (%state/%s)"
0x3050000000000031 "VQF PLL status bit not set: (%bit_name/%s)"
0x3060000000000001 "Modified port IFH config (%port/%d) (%field/%s) (%value/%d)"
0x3060000000000002 "Error modifying vlan config on port. (%PORT/%d) (%VLAN/%d)"
0x3060000000000003 "Error adding port to LAG. (%BLADE/%d) (%PORT/%d) (%LAG/%s)"
0x3060000000000004 "Error adding LAG to Native VLAN, LAG not found. (%LAG/%s)"
0x3060000000000005 "Error adding LAG to Trunk VLAN(s), LAG not found. (%LAG/%s)"
0x3060000000000006 "Error adding LAG Member to Native VLAN. (%LAG/%s) (%PORT/%d) (%VLAN/%d)"
0x3060000000000007 "Error adding LAG Member to Trunk VLAN. (%LAG/%s) (%PORT/%d) (%VLAN/%d)"
0x3060000000000008 "Error deleting LAG Member from Native VLAN. (%LAG/%s) (%PORT/%d) (%VLAN/%d)"
0x3060000000000009 "Error deleting LAG Member from Trunk VLANs. (%LAG/%s) (%PORT/%d)"
0x3060000000000010 "Error removing port from LAG. (%REASON/%s) (%BLADE/%d) (%PORT/%d) (%LAG/%s)"
0x3060000000000011 "Error modifying vlan config on LAG. (%LAG/%s) (%PORT/%d) (%VLAN/%d)"
0x3060000000000012 "STP configuration error. (%DESCRIPTION/%s)"
0x3060000000000013 "L2 Control Protocol Invalid Type. (%TYPE/%d)"
0x3060000000000014 "Error creating LAG. (%REASON/%s) (%LAG/%s)"
0x3060000000000015 "Error deleting LAG. (%REASON/%s) (%LAG/%s)"
0x3060000000000016 "Unable to set STP VLAN state, VLAN is not configured for the interface. (%VLAN/%d) (%INTERFACE/%s)"
0x3060000000000017 "Unsupported DID size received from DAG library. (%DID_SIZE/%d)"
0x3060000000000018 "CosQ Meter Configuration for VTC out of range. (%METER_GROUP/%d) (%VTC/%d)"
0x3060000000000019 "CosQ PMQ vlan priority value out of range. (%PORT/%d) (%PRIORITY/%d)"
0x3060000000000020 "CosQ PMQ vlan priority VTC value out of range. (%PORT/%d) (%PRIORITY/%d) (%VTC/%d)"
0x3060000000000021 "CosQ PMQ DSCP value out of range. (%PORT/%d) (%DSCP/%d)"
0x3060000000000022 "CosQ PMQ DSCP VTC value out of range. (%PORT/%d) (%DSCP/%d) (%VTC/%d)"
0x3060000000000023 "VLAN is not configured on LAG, ignoring. (%VLAN/%d) (%LAG/%s)"
0x3060000000000024 "Adding Native VLAN to Port. (%IFNAME/%s) (%PORT/%d) (%VID/%d)"
0x3060000000000025 "Deleting Native VLAN from Port. (%PORT/%d) (%VID/%d)"
0x3060000000000026 "Adding LAG Members to Native VLAN. (%LAG/%s) (%MEMBERS/%s) (%VLAN/%d)"
0x3060000000000027 "Deleting LAG Members from Native VLAN. (%LAG/%s) (%MEMBERS/%s) (%VLAN/%d)"
0x3060000000000028 "Adding Port to Trunk VLAN. (%PORT/%d) (%VLAN/%s)"
0x3060000000000029 "Deleting Port from Trunk VLAN. (%PORT/%d) (%VLAN/%s)"
0x3060000000000030 "Adding LAG Members to Trunk VLANs. (%LAG/%s) (%MEMBERS/%s) (%VLAN/%s)"
0x3060000000000031 "Deleting LAG Members from Trunk VLANs. (%LAG/%s) (%MEMBERS/%s) (%VLAN/%s)"
0x3060000000000032 "Error updating DLS entry fields. (%DID/%d) (%FIELDS/%d)"
0x3060000000000033 "COSQ: Adding COSQ Meter Configuration for VTC. (%METER_GRP/%d) (%VTC/%d) (%CIR/%d) (%CBS/%d)"
0x3060000000000034 "COSQ: Deleting COSQ Meter Configuration for VTC. (%METER_GRP/%d) (%VTC/%d)"
0x3060000000000035 "COSQ: Error updating VQF SMS Profile drop level. (%ERROR/%s) (%PORT/%d) (%SLOT/%d)"
0x3060000000000036 "COSQ: Updating VQF SMS profile. (%PORT/%d) (%SLOT/%d) (%DROPLVL/%x)"
0x3060000000000037 "COSQ: Error finding DLS entry. (%DID/%d)"
0x3060000000000038 "COSQ: Configuring VLAN Priority State. (%PORT/%d) (%ENABLE/%s)"
0x3060000000000039 "COSQ: Creating port VLAN priority mapping to VTC. (%PORT/%d) (%PRIORITY/%d) (%VTC/%d)"
0x3060000000000040 "COSQ: Unmapping VLAN Priority. (%PORT/%d) (%PRIORITY/%d)"
0x3060000000000041 "COSQ: Configuring the VTC Mapping for DCSP. (%PORT/%d) (%ENABLE/%s)"
0x3060000000000042 "COSQ: Creating a PMQ table mapping for a DSCP to VTC Value. (%PORT/%d) (%DSCP/%d) (%VTC/%d)"
0x3060000000000043 "COSQ: Unmapping DSCP. (%PORT/%d) (%DSCP/%d)"
0x3060000000000044 "COSQ: Error adding COSQ Meter Configuration. (%METER_GRP/%d) (%VTC/%d) (%CIR/%d) (%CBS/%d)"
0x3060000000000045 "COSQ: Deleting all entries for DID. (%DID/%d)"
0x3060000000000046 "COSQ: Deleting entire DLS Configuration."
0x3060000000000047 "COSQ: Deleting entire COSQ Meter Group Configuration."
0x3060000000000048 "COSQ: Updating the PMQ STATUS. (%OLD/%s) (%NEW/%s)"
0x3060000000000050 "Cannot find unit in map of DIDs for link (%LINK/%d)"
0x3060000000000051 "Error initializing NSE - exiting!"
0x3060000000000052 "Error updating DLS BCAST Configuration (%FIELDS/%d)"
0x3060000000000053 "Error updating DLS DLF Configuration (%FIELDS/%d)"
0x3060000000000054 "DLS BCAST TCPDump Configuration Updated (%LOCAL_EN/%d) (%REMOTE_EN/%d)"
0x3060000000000055 "DLS DLF TCPDump Configuration Updated (%LOCAL_EN/%d) (%REMOTE_EN/%d)"
0x3060000000000056 "VLAN TCPDump Configuration Updated (%NSEUNIT/%d) (%DID/%x) (%PORT/%d) (%VLAN/%d) (%LOCAL_EN/%d) (%REMOTE_EN/%d)"
0x3060000000000057 "Error configuring virtual-wire mode for an interface. (%INTERFACE/%s) (%ERROR/%s)"
0x3060000000000058 "Error configuring virtual-wire mode for a port. (%DID/%x) (%ERROR/%s)"
0x3060000000000059 "DID not found in DID to Port Table map (%DID/%x)"
0x3060000000000060 "DID not found in DID to Port Table (%DID/%x)"
0x3070000000000001 "L2 Learning thread started".
0x3070000000000002 "L2 Learning service connected to Line DMA-Agent."
0x3070000000000003 "L2 Learning service disconnected from DMA-Agent."
0x3070000000000004 "Send to VQF-DMAA Incomplete. (%SENT/%d) (%TARGET/%d)"
0x3070000000000005 "Send to VQF-DMAA Failed. Dropping failed messages. (%DROPPED/%d)"
0x3070000000000006 "This message has been deprecated."
0x3070000000000007 "Cannot create UNIX socket to DMA-agent: (%Socket/%s) (%Error/%d)"
0x3070000000000008 "L2 Forwarding thread started".
0x3070000000000009 "L2FS send failure. (%DID/%d) (%Error/%d)"
0x3070000000000010 "L2FS Receive Failure. (%Error/%d)"
0x3070000000000011 "L2 Forwarding service connected to Host DMA-Agent."
0x3070000000000012 "L2FS client poll error. (%Error/%d)"
0x3070000000000013 "L2 Forwarding service disconnected from Host DMA-Agent."
0x3070000000000014 "L2 Learning Service received wrong Message Type. (%MSG/%d)"
0x3070000000000015 "L2 Learning Service received unknown opcode. (%OPCODE/%d)"
0x3070000000000016 "L2 Learning Service is not running, can't flush interface (%INTERFACE/%s)"
0x3070000000000017 "Error flushing L2 entries. (%REASON/%s)"
0x3070000000000018 "Unable to handle PORT_MOTION event, no table entry found (%ENTRY/%s) (%PORT/%d)"
0x3070000000000019 "Invalid port returned in L2LS descriptor. (%ENTRY/%s) (%PORT/%d)"
0x3070000000000020 "L2 FDB Tables are full, dropping new learn events."
0x3070000000000021 "L2 stats pointer is NULL. (%ENTRY/%s)"
0x3070000000000024 "L2 Learning service connected to Host DMA-Agent."
0x3070000000000025 "L2 Learning service disconnected from Host DMA-Agent. (%SEP/%d)"
0x3070000000000026 "Error from host dma-agent. (%TYPE/%s) (%SEP/%d) (%ERROR/%d)"
0x3070000000000027 "Error from line dma-agent. (%TYPE/%s)"
0x3070000000000028 "Force deleting L2 H/W entry. (%ENTRY/%s) (%TABLE/%s) (%ADDRESS/%x)"
0x3070000000000029 "This message has been deprecated."
0x3070000000000030 "Ignoring Port-Motion of STATIC L2 entry. (%ENTRY/%s) (%FROM/%d) (%TO/%d)"
0x3070000000000031 "Adding static L2 entry. (%ENTRY/%s)"
0x3070000000000032 "Deleting static L2 entry. (%ENTRY/%s)"
0x3080000000000001 "DAG Select Table error (%ERROR/%s)"
0x3080000000000002 "Failed to program IP Protocol CAM"
0x3080000000000003 "SDAG Service Definition alloc failed - table full. (%VAL/%d)"
0x3080000000000004 "SDAG DID Table alloc failed - table full. (%DIDS/%s)"
0x3080000000000005 "Service Group Configuration error. (%TENANT/%s) (%ERROR/%s)"
0x3080000000000006 "TCP SYN Cookie configuration error. (%TENANT/%s) (%ERROR/%s)"
0x3080000000000007 "DOS Group Configuration error. (%TENANT/%s) (%ERROR/%s)"
0x3080000000000009 "Service Group configured for tenant. (%TenantName/%s) (%ServiceGroup/%d)"
0x3080000000000010 "Service Group removed from tenant. (%TenantName/%s) (%ServiceGroup/%d)"
0x3080000000000011 "DOS Group configured for tenant. (%TenantName/%s) (%DosGroup/%d)"
0x3080000000000012 "DOS Group removed from tenant. (%TenantName/%s) (%DosGroup/%d)"
0x3080000000000013 "Invalid RQM capability block"
0x3080000000000015 "Service Group Configuration error. Unit=(%Unit/%d) (%ERROR/%s)"
0x3080000000000017 "DOS Group Configuration error. Unit=(%Unit/%d) (%ERROR/%s)"
0x3080000000000019 "Service Group configured for unit. (%Unit/%d) (%ServiceGroup/%d)"
0x3080000000000020 "Service Group removed from unit. (%Unit/%d) (%ServiceGroup/%d)"
0x3080000000000021 "DOS Group configured for unit. (%Unit/%d) (%DosGroup/%d)"
0x3080000000000022 "Cannot find tracking information for Tenant. (%Tenant/%s) (%Slot/%d) (%Instance/%d)"
0x3080000000000023 "DDOS ZMQ message hdp entity out of range. (%Tenant/%s) (%ZmqMsg/%s) (%HdpEntity/%d)"
0x3080000000000024 "DM Lookup Config DM offset out of range (%Service/%d) (%DmOffset/%d)"
0x3080000000000025 "PORT Value Set for IP Tunnel Protocol (%Protocol/%s) (%Port/%d)"
0x3080000000000026 "IP Tunnel Protocol Enabled (%Protocol/%s)"
0x3080000000000027 "IP Tunnel Protocol Disabled (%Protocol/%s)"
0x3080000000000028 "IP Tunnel NVGRE Ethernet Type Set (%Value/%x)"
0x3080000000000029 "Setting DDOS Vector Version for tenant. (%TenantName/%s) (%DosGroup/%d) (%Unit/%d) (%Version/%x)"
0x3080000000000030 "Error configuring phase 2 DDOS vector on tenant. (%TenantName/%s) (%Unit/%d) (%Vector/%d)"
0x3090000000000001 "Invalid flow-control type. (%type/%d)"
0x3090000000000002 "Updating interface link state (%ifname/%s) (%state/%s)"
0x3090000000000003 "ATSE BE2 Training Failure - exiting. (%GCI0/%x) (%GCI1/%x)"
0x3090000000000004 "Unable to find data for portgroup. (%PORTGROUP/%d)"
0x3090000000000005 "Unexpected number of portgroup modes. (%PGMODES/%d)"
0x3090000000000006 "Data inconsistency: Unable to find internal software structure. (%API/%s) (%PORT/%d)"
0x3090000000000007 "Invalid port passed in ZMQ message (%PORT/%d) (%MSG/%d)"
0x3090000000000008 "No interfaces available for QOS configuration"
0x3090000000000011 "Error initializing Port Transceiver library (%RET/%lld)"
0x3090000000000012 "Port Transceiver library error during programming (%API/%s) (%code/%lld) (%msg/%s)"
0x3090000000000013 "Eye Pattern Failure on Interface. (%INTERFACE/%s) (%Eye_Value/%d)"
0x3090000000000014 "ATSE BE2 Training SDK Failure - exiting."
0x3090000000000015 "Unable to initialize BE2 interface, retrying initialization"
0x3090000000000016 "BE2 Link Monitor failure detected. (%Unit/%d) (%GCI/%d)"
0x3090000000000017 "BE2 Link Monitor failure resolved. (%Unit/%d) (%GCI/%d)"
0x30a0000000000001 "Error initializing XBAR - exiting!"
0x30a0000000000002 "Initializing platform type (%type/%d)"
0x30a0000000000003 "Xbar Mcast Schedule (%sched/%d)"
0x30a0000000000004 "Xbar Path Type (%type/%d) Guaranteed Memory (%mem/%d)"
0x30a0000000000005 "Xbar Hash (%hash/%s) Port Mirror BitMap (%map/%x)"
0x30a0000000000006 "Xbar Multicast Dup Map (%port/%d) Dest BitMap (%map/%x)"
0x30a0000000000007 "Xbar Enabled Module Link (%mid/%d) Dest link idx (%id/%d)"
0x30b0000000000001 "This message had been deprecated"
0x30b0000000000002 "Unable to delete Virtual-Wire. Virtual-wire not found (%VWIRE/%s)"
0x30b0000000000003 "Unable retrieve end-points for Virtual-Wire. Virtual-wire not found (%VWIRE/%s)"
0x30b0000000000004 "Unable to configure link propagation for Virtual-Wire. Virtual-wire not found (%VWIRE/%s) (%STATE/%s)"
0x30b0000000000005 "Internal Error, virtual-network not found. (%VNET/%s)"
0x30b0000000000006 "Internal Error, virtual-network ID not found. (%NDI_ID/%d)"
0x30b0000000000007 "Internal virtual-network error, Interface not found. (%INTERFACE/%s)"
0x30b0000000000008 "Internal virtual-network error, VLAN not found. (%VLAN/%d)"
0x30b0000000000009 "Unable to configure bpdu-mode for virtual-wire. Virtual-wire not found. (%VWIRE/%s)"
0x30b0000000000010 "This message has been deprecated"
0x30b0000000000011 "Error adding an interface to a virtual-wire, no vwire found for virtual-network. (%INTERFACE/%s) (%VNET/%s)"
0x30b0000000000012 "Error deleting an interface from a virtual-wire, no vwire found for virtual-network. (%INTERFACE/%s) (%VNET/%s)"
0x30b0000000000013 "Virtual-Wire link propagation forcing link state of interface. (%INTERFACE/%s) (%STATE/%s)"
0x30b0000000000014 "Unable to configure link propagation for Virtual-Wire. Interface not found (%INTERFACE/%s)"
0x30b0000000000015 "Unable to configure link propagation for Virtual-Wire. Number of destinations does not match (%DEST1/%d) (%DEST2/%d)"
0x30b0000000000016 "Linkstatus propagation config failure. (%VIRTUAL_WIRE/%s)"
0x30b0000000000017 "Linkstatus propagation failure. Unable to force interface UP (%INTERFACE/%s)"
0x30b0000000000018 "Error deleting an interface from a virtual-wire, virtual-network not found. (%INTERFACE/%s) (%VNET/%s)"
0x3101000000000001 "pthread_create failed[config]: (%strerror/%s)"
0x3101000000000002 "pthread_mutex_lock failed: (%strerror/%s)"
0x3101000000000003 "pthread_mutex_unlock failed: (%strerror/%s)"
0x3101000000000004 "exceeded buffer space; delete vlan interface command is too long"
0x3101000000000005 "exceeded buffer space; modify ipv4 command is too long"
0x3101000000000006 "system command returns error (%host_cmd/%s) (%err/%d)"
0x3101000000000007 "exceeded buffer space; modify ipv4 gateway command is too long"
0x3101000000000008 "exceeded buffer space; modify ipv6 gateway command is too long"
0x3101000000000009 "exceeded buffer space; modify ipv6 command is too long"
0x3101000000000010 "exceeded buffer space; add macvlan interface command is too long"
0x3101000000000011 "exceeded buffer space; delete macvlan interface command is too long"
0x3101000000000012 "exceeded buffer space; bringup team port interface command is too long"
0x3101000000000013 " cmd failed error (%host_cmd/%s) (%rc/%d)"
0x3101000000000014 "docker container doesn't exist (%container_name/%s)"
0x3101000000000015 "exceeded buffer space; enable interface ipv4 dhcp command is too long"
0x3101000000000016 "exceeded buffer space; enable interface ipv6 dhcp command is too long"
0x3101000000000017 "inet_ntop: controller_address fail: (%strerror/%s)"
0x3101000000000018 "exceeded buffer space; disableinterface ipv4 dhcp command is too long"
0x3101000000000019 "exceeded buffer space; disable interface ipv6 dhcp command is too long"
0x3101000000000020 "inet_ntop: addr_float fail: (%strerror/%s)"
0x3101000000000021 "inet_ntop: addr_1 fail: (%strerror/%s)"
0x3101000000000022 "inet_ntop: addr_gateway fail: (%strerror/%s)"
0x3101000000000023 "Unknown Chassis host type: (%host_type/%s)"
0x3101000000000024 "exceeded buffer space; disconnect team vlan command is too long"
0x3101000000000025 "nsenter cmd failed (%nsenter_cmd/%s)"
0x3101000000000026 "cmd failed (%host_cmd/%s)"
0x3101000000000027 "exceeded buffer space; command is too long"
0x3101000000000028 "Invalid pid 0 for docker container (%container_name/%s)"
0x3101000000000029 "fopen failed: (%strerror/%s)"
0x3101000000000030 "hal_init failed: (%strerror/%s)"
0x3101000000000031 "pthread_mutex_init failed[config]: (%strerror/%s)"
0x3101000000000032 "pthread_cond_init failed[config]: (%strerror/%s)"
0x3101000000000033 "Unable to start ConfD CFG thread. "
0x3101000000000034 "hal_get_ha_active error: (%strerror/%s)"
0x3101000000000035 "usage argument failure (%argv/%s)"
0x3101000000000036 "failed to send address assignment packet to the LCD"
0x3101000000000037 "cdb_set failed setting oper data (%operdatapath/%s) (%confdstrerr/%s) (%confdlasterr/%s)"
0x3101000000000038 "Error cdb_start_session (%confdstrerr/%s) (%confdlasterr/%s)"
0x3101000000000039 "Error cdb_set_namespace (%confdstrerr/%s) (%confdlasterr/%s)"
0x3101000000000040 "Error cdb_cd (%dir/%s) (%confdstrerr/%s) (%confdlasterr/%s)"
0x3101000000000041 "Unable to start thread to publish chassis basemac. "
0x3101000000000042 "Failed wait on pthread conditional to publish chassis basemac (%strerr/%s)"
0x3101000000000043 "Failed to signal condition var to publish operdata (%strerr/%s)"
0x3101000000000044 "Timed out retrying op_data_cb_connect (%confdstrerr/%s) (%confdlasterr/%s)"
0x3101000000000045 "Unable to detach thread to publish chassis basemac. (%strerr/%s)"
0x3101000000000046 "open failed for (%op/%s): (%path/%s): (%err/%s)"
0x3101000000000047 "error (%op/%s): (%path/%s)"
0x3101000000000048 "Bad value (%val/%d): (%path/%s)...attempting to fix"
0x3101000000000049 "pthread_create[(%type_str/%s)]: (%errstr/%s)"
0x3101000000000050 "out of memory allocating (%item_str/%s)"
0x3101000000000051 "pthread_mutex_init error"
0x3101000000000052 "unable to start thread"
0x3101000000000053 "Firewall rule added:(%Name/%s), (%ip/%s), (%port/%d)"
0x3101000000000054 "Firewall rule deleted:(%Name/%s), (%ip/%s), (%port/%d)"
0x3101000000000055 "Default rule added:(%Name/%s), (%port/%d)"
0x3101000000000056 "Default rule deleted:(%Chain_Name/%s), (%port/%d)"
0x3101000000000057 "Invalid iptable port:(%RULE_NAME/%s), (%PORT/%d)"
0x3101000000000058 "Empty ip. (%RULE_NAME/%s)"
0x3101000000000059 "Failed to execute iptable cmd: (%CMD/%s), (%ERR/%s)"
0x3101000000000060 "Failed getting chain rule count (%CMD/%s)"
0x3101000000000068 "Failed to find CDB component (%COMPONENT/%s)"
0x3101000000000069 "Unable to fetch data from confd (%path/%s) (%confd_strerror_confd_errno/%s) (%confd_lasterr/%s)"
0x3101000000000070 "Unable to set in cdb (%path/%s) (%confd_strerror_confd_errno/%s) (%confd_lasterr/%s)"
0x3101000000000071 "Firewall logging (%logenabled/%d)"
0x3201000000000001 "Error opening file. (%ERRSTR/%s) (%FILE/%s)"
0x3201000000000002 "Error reading bytes (%ERRSTR/%s)"
0x3201000000000003 "Error reading (%SCHEMA/%s) (%ERRSTR/%s)"
0x3201000000000004 "Failed to build schema validator (%ERRSTR/%s)"
0x3201000000000005 "Error reading manifest (%ERRSTR/%s)"
0x3201000000000006 "Failed to validate manifest (%ERRSTR/%s)"
0x3201000000000007 "Failed to create temp directory. (%ERRSTR/%s) (%DIRECTORY_PATTERN/%s)"
0x3201000000000008 "Failed to remove temp directory (%ERRSTR/%s)"
0x3201000000000009 "Failed to open tar file (%ERRSTR/%s)"
0x3201000000000010 "Failed to get item in tar file. (%tar_file/%s) (%ERRSTR/%s)"
0x3201000000000011 "Failed to create file for untar. (%filename/%s) (%ERRSTR/%s)"
0x3201000000000012 "Failed to untar file. (%filename/%s) (%ERRSTR/%s)"
0x3201000000000013 "Failed to chmod. (%filename/%s) (%ERROR/%s)"
0x3201000000000014 "File not found (%FILE/%s) (%MANIFEST/%s)"
0x3201000000000015 "Cannot delete file (%FILE/%s) (%ERRSTR/%s)"
0x3201000000000016 "Failed to start qkviewd daemon. (%ERRSTR/%s)"
0x3201000000000017 "Error: (%ERRSTR/%s)"
0x3201000000000018 "Error collecting peer. (%peerip/%s) (%ERRSTR/%s)"
0x3201000000000019 "qkview-collect failed on host: (%START/%s) (%END/%s) (%RETURNCODE/%d) (%ERR/%s) (%CMDOUT/%s)"
0x3201000000000020 "Error flushing log to tarball. (%logfile/%s) (%ERRSTR/%s)"
0x3201000000000021 "Failed to get valid list of containers. (%ERRSTR/%s)"
0x3201000000000022 "Container finished with error. (%ERRSTR/%s) (%CONTID/%s)"
0x3201000000000023 "Malformed container ID, unable to collect. Empty container ID. (%ERRSTR/%s)"
0x3201000000000024 "Failed to copy tarball to container. (%CONTID/%s) (%ERRSTR/%s)"
0x3201000000000025 "Unexpected return from container exec command. (%CONTORRESP/%s) (%CONTID/%s) (%ERRSTR/%s)"
0x3201000000000026 "Failed to find any file in tarball: (%ERRSTR/%s)"
0x3201000000000027 "Failed to create tarball header. (%ERRSTR/%s)"
0x3201000000000028 "Failed to create file for request. (%QKTYPE/%s) (%ERRSTR/%s)"
0x3201000000000029 "Failed to create new request for post. (%QKTYPE/%s) (%ERRSTR/%s)"
0x3201000000000030 "Failed to receive response from request. (%QKTYPE/%s) (%ERRSTR/%s)"
0x3201000000000031 "Invalid json unmarshal. (%QKTYPE/%s) (%ERRSTR/%s)"
0x3201000000000032 "Failed to create new client while collecting snapshots. (%ERRSTR/%s)"
0x3201000000000033 "Unable to receive hostname while collecting snapshots: (%ERRSTR/%s)"
0x3201000000000034 "Unable to complete request due to error REQUEST. (%REQUEST/%s) (%ERRSTR/%s)"
0x3201000000000035 "Stat error while trying to add file. (%FILE/%s) (%ERRSTR/%s)"
0x3201000000000036 "Get header info error while trying to add file. (%FILE/%s) (%ERRSTR/%s)"
0x3201000000000037 "Open error while trying to add file. (%FILE/%s) (%ERRSTR/%s)"
0x3201000000000038 "Write header error while trying to add file. (%FILE/%s) (%ERRSTR/%s)"
0x3201000000000039 "Copy error while trying to add file. (%FILE/%s) (%ERRSTR/%s)"
0x3201000000000040 "Error creating output directory for collate snapshots. (%ERRSTR/%s)"
0x3201000000000041 "Error creating tar file for collate snapshots. (%tar_file/%s) (%ERRSTR/%s)"
0x3201000000000042 "Unable to delete corefiles. (%COREFILE/%s) (%ERRSTR/%s)"
0x3201000000000043 "Error while collecting corefiles (%HOST/%s)"
0x3201000000000044 "Qkview collection is already in progress (%qkview/%s)"
0x3201000000000046 "Qkviewd is starting. (%VERSION/%s) (%LOG/%s) (%DATE/%s)"
0x3201000000000048 "No containers were collected. (%ERRSTR/%s)"
0x3201000000000050 "Canceled qkview (%qkview/%s)"
0x3201000000000051 "Get Qkview (%qkview/%s)"
0x3201000000000052 "Deleted qkview file. (%filename/%s)"
0x3201000000000053 "No manifest to verify. (%manifest_file/%s)"
0x3201000000000054 "Completed collecting qkview on host: (%START/%s) (%END/%s) (%RETURNCODE/%d) (%CMDOUT/%s)"
0x3201000000000055 "Starting qkview-collect on host: (%CMD/%s)"
0x3201000000000056 "Requesting host to collect qkview. (%ERRSTR/%s)"
0x3201000000000057 "Qkviewd listening on: (%QKVIEWIP/%s)"
0x3201000000000061 "Info: (%MESSAGE/%s)"
0x3201000000000065 "Starting collate of containers, saving to file. (%FILENAME/%s)"
0x3201000000000066 "Finished collate of containers, saved to file. (%FILENAME/%s)"
0x3201000000000067 "Collecting container snapshots. (%FILENAME/%s)"
0x3201000000000068 "Collection of container snapshots has finished. (%FILENAME/%s)"
0x3201000000000080 "Requesting to collect core-files. (%MESSAGE/%s)"
0x3201000000000081 "Error walking directory (%path/%s) (%error/%s)"
0x3201000000000082 "Error opening product info file (%file/%s) (%error/%s)"
0x3201000000000083 "Error opening platform info file (%file/%s) (%error/%s)"
0x3201000000000085 "No disk space available for Qkview operation. (%MESSAGE/%s)"
0x3201000000000088 "Error retreiving container log (%container/%s) (%error/%s)"
0x3201000000000089 "No container log data found. (%container/%s)"
0x3201000000000090 "TLS Certificates not available to open secure connection. (%MESSAGE/%s)"
0x3201000000000091 "Qkviewd listening for secured connections on: (%QKVIEWIP/%s)"
0x3201000000000095 "Qkviewd service is HEALTHY. (%MESSAGE/%s)"
0x3201000000000096 "Qkviewd service is UNHEALTHY. (%MESSAGE/%s)"
0x3201000000000097 "Qkviewd is going to SHUTDOWN. (%SIGNAL/%s)"
0x3201000000000101 "Qkview file is being collected. (%filename/%s)"
0x3201000000000102 "Unknown error collecting qkview. (%collecting/%d)"
0x3201000000000105 "Error adding subpackage, might have a problem with the file system. (%SUBPACKAGE/%s) (%error/%s)"
0x3201000000000106 "Error adding subpackages (%SUBPACKAGES/%s)"
0x3201000000000107 "Failed to untar file for: (%failed_tar_file/%d)"
0x3201000000000108 "Found a duplicate file in the QKView tarball. (%error/%s)"
0x3201000000000109 "Collection failed for container, so path is set to no-file (%container/%s)"
0x3301000000000001 "Failed to load schemas from confd."
0x3301000000000002 "Failed to open socket ds."
0x3301000000000003 "Confd connect(ds) failed. (%status/%d)"
0x3301000000000004 "Failed to open socket ss."
0x3301000000000005 "Confd connect(ss) failed. (%status/%d)"
0x3301000000000006 "Confd subscribe(ss) failed. (%status/%d)"
0x3301000000000007 "Confd subscribe_done(ss) failed. (%status/%d)"
0x3301000000000008 "Failed to open socket ods"
0x3301000000000009 "Confd connect(ods) failed. (%status/%d)"
0x3301000000000010 "Failed to open socket od2."
0x3301000000000011 "Confd connect(od2) failed. (%status/%d)"
0x3301000000000012 "Confd connect(oss) failed. (%status/%d)"
0x3301000000000013 "Confd oper_subscribe(oss). (%path/%s) (%status/%d)"
0x3301000000000014 "Confd isubscribe_done(oss). (%status/%d)"
0x3301000000000015 "Confd start_session(od) failed. (%status/%d)"
0x3301000000000016 "Confd start_session(ods) failed. (%status/%d)"
0x3301000000000017 "Confd start_session(ds) failed. (%status/%d)"
0x3301000000000019 "Interface object not found. (%key/%s)"
0x3301000000000021 "Trunk object not found. (%key/%s)"
0x3301000000000022 "Duplicate trunk config member. (%key/%s)"
0x3301000000000023 "Try to Add an invalid Config Mbr Ignored! (%key/%s)"
0x3301000000000024 "Trunk config member object not found. (%key/%s)"
0x3301000000000025 "Trunk config member object not found. (%port/%d)"
0x3301000000000026 "Link Actor Out of Sync. (%key/%s)"
0x3301000000000027 "Link Partner Out of Sync. (%key/%s)"
0x3301000000000028 "iter_ret: unexpected op. (%path/%s) (%op/%d)"
0x3301000000000029 "initMsgHandler failed."
0x3301000000000030 "connect failed with no fd!"
0x3301000000000031 "Connected to Confd CBD."
0x3301000000000032 "Not connected to Confd CBD."
0x3301000000000033 "Poll failed."
0x3301000000000034 "Too many poll failures, terminating."
0x3301000000000035 "Internal link is AVAILABLE. (%key/%s)"
0x3301000000000036 "Link added to aggregation. (%trunk/%s) (%key/%s)"
0x3301000000000037 "Internal link is UNAVAILABLE. (%key/%s)"
0x3301000000000038 "Link removed from aggregation. (%key/%s) (%trunk/%s)"
0x3301000000000039 "Interface (%key/%s) (%admin_status/%s) (%link_status/%s) (%duplex/%s) (%lacp_state/%s)"
0x3301000000000040 "LACPD starting."
0x3301000000000049 "Lacpd receive info from Confd on trunk. (%name/%s)"
0x3301000000000051 "Fatal error, application exit (%fatal_str/%s)"
0x3301000000000053 "Trunk interface modified. (%name/%s) (%key/%s) (%value/%s)"
0x3301000000000054 "Failed to write to db. (%function/%s) (%path/%s) (%strerr/%s) (%lasterr/%s)"
0x3301000000000055 "Error during tmstat operation. (%api/%s) (%tblname/%s) (%error/%s)"
0x3301000000000056 "Failed to read field from db. (%reader/%s) (%path/%s) (%error/%s) (%lasterr/%s)"
0x3301000000000057 "Failed to delete field in db. (%function/%s) (%path/%s) (%error/%s) (%lasterr/%s)"
0x3301000000000058 "Field does not exist in db. (%function/%s) (%path/%s)"
0x3301000000000059 "Field already exists in db. (%function/%s) (%path/%s)"
0x3301000000000060 "Interface link status changed. (%status/%s) (%name/%s) "
0x3301000000000061 "Interface enabled state changed. (%name/%s) (%enabled/%s)"
0x3301000000000062 "Controller LACPD starting (%version/%s) (%date/%s)"
0x3301000000000063 "Waiting to enter an active HA state."
0x3301000000000064 "Entering new HA state. (%state/%s)"
0x3301000000000065 "Event handling started."
0x3301000000000066 "Configured LACP System ID (%ID/%s)"
0x3301000000000067 "New ethernet interface(s). (%enabled/%s) (%operstatus/%s) (%mbps/%d) (%duplex/%s) (%names/%s)"
0x3301000000000068 "Add interfaces as config member to trunk. (%trunk/%s) (%interfaces/%s)"
0x3301000000000069 "Remove interface as config member from trunk. (%trunk/%s) (%interface/%s)"
0x3301000000000070 "Lacpd is the new active"
0x3301000000000072 "cdb start session failed. (%name/%s) (%error/%s) (%lasterr/%s)"
0x3301000000000075 "Retry creating working member. (%name/%s) (%trunk/%s)"
0x3401000000000001 "Failed to load schemas from confd."
0x3401000000000002 "Failed to open socket ds."
0x3401000000000003 "Confd connect(ds) failed. (%status/%d)"
0x3401000000000004 "Failed to open socket ss."
0x3401000000000005 "Confd connect(ss) failed. (%status/%d)"
0x3401000000000006 "Confd subscribe(ss) failed. (%status/%d)"
0x3401000000000007 "Confd subscribe_done(ss) failed. (%status/%d)"
0x3401000000000008 "Failed to open socket ods"
0x3401000000000009 "Confd connect(ods) failed. (%status/%d)"
0x3401000000000010 "Failed to open socket od2."
0x3401000000000011 "Confd connect(od2) failed. (%status/%d)"
0x3401000000000012 "Confd connect(oss) failed. (%status/%d)"
0x3401000000000013 "Confd oper_subscribe(oss). (%path/%s) (%status/%d)"
0x3401000000000014 "Confd isubscribe_done(oss). (%status/%d)"
0x3401000000000015 "Confd start_session(od) failed. (%status/%d)"
0x3401000000000016 "Confd start_session(ods) failed. (%status/%d)"
0x3401000000000017 "Confd start_session(ds) failed. (%status/%d)"
0x3401000000000018 "Duplicate Interface object. (%key/%s)"
0x3401000000000019 "Interface object not found. (%key/%s)"
0x3401000000000020 "Duplicate trunk object. (%key/%s)"
0x3401000000000021 "Trunk object not found. (%key/%s)"
0x3401000000000022 "Duplicate trunk config member. (%key/%s)"
0x3401000000000023 "Try to Add an invalid Config Mbr Ignored! (%key/%s)"
0x3401000000000024 "Trunk config member object not found. (%key/%s)"
0x3401000000000025 "Trunk config member object not found. (%port/%d)"
0x3401000000000026 "Link Actor Out of Sync. (%key/%s)"
0x3401000000000027 "Link Partner Out of Sync. (%key/%s)"
0x3401000000000028 "iter_ret: unexpected op. (%path/%s) (%op/%d)"
0x3401000000000029 "initMsgHandler failed."
0x3401000000000030 "connect failed with no fd!"
0x3401000000000031 "Connected to Confd CBD."
0x3401000000000032 "Not connected to Confd CBD."
0x3401000000000033 "Poll failed."
0x3401000000000034 "Too many poll failures, terminating."
0x3401000000000035 "Internal link is AVAILABLE. (%key/%s)"
0x3401000000000036 "Link added to aggregation. (%key/%s)"
0x3401000000000037 "Internal link is UNAVAILABLE. (%key/%s)"
0x3401000000000038 "Link removed from aggregation. (%key/%s)"
0x3401000000000039 "Interface (%key/%s) (%admin_status/%s) (%link_status/%s) (%duplex/%s) (%lacp_state/%s)"
0x3401000000000040 "LACPD starting (%version/%s) (%date/%s)"
0x3401000000000042 "Lacpd received trunk config from Confd. (%name/%s)"
0x3401000000000043 "Lacpd received interface config from Confd. (%name/%s)"
0x3401000000000044 "Lacpd is restarting to failover to the other controller"
0x3401000000000046 "(%info_str/%s)"
0x3401000000000047 "(%err_str/%s)"
0x3401000000000049 "Fatal error, application exit (%fatal_str/%s)"
0x3401000000000050 "Error during tmstat operation. (%API/%s) (%TBLNAME/%s) (%error/%s)"
0x3401000000000051 "Interface field modified. (%name/%s) (%key/%s) (%value/%s)"
0x3401000000000052 "Trunk field modified. (%name/%s) (%key/%s) (%value/%s)"
0x3401000000000053 "Worker LACPD instance was unresponsive and timed out. (%slot/%d) (%timeout/%d)"
0x3401000000000054 "New worker LACPD instance found. (%slot/%d)"
0x3401000000000055 "Adding config member. (%interface/%s) (%trunk/%s)"
0x3401000000000056 "Removing config member. (%interface/%s) (%trunk/%s)"
0x3401000000000058 "Removing LACP trunk. (%name/%s)"
0x3401000000000059 "Modify LACP trunk params. (%name/%s) (%type/%s) (%mode/%s) (%interval/%s)"
0x3401000000000060 "Adding working member. (%interface/%s) (%trunk/%s)"
0x3401000000000061 "Removing working member. (%interface/%s) (%trunk/%s)"
0x3401000000000062 "Adding message to send queue. (%type/%s) (%trunk/%s) (%interface/%s)"
0x3401000000000063 "Processing message. (%type/%s) (%trunk/%s) (%interface/%s)"
0x3401000000000064 "Callpoint error. (%hook_type/%s) (%when/%s) (%reason/%s)"
0x3401000000000066 "Failed to initialize L2 Plugin"
0x3401000000000067 "Successfully initialized L2 Plugin"
0x3401000000000068 "zmq poll timeout or error (%port/%d) (%cnt/%d) (%errno/%d) (%errno_str/%s)"
0x3401000000000069 "Failed to send lacp reset counters request (%slot/%d)"
0x3401000000000070 "Failed to initialize zmq client (%slot/%d) (%type/%s) (%reason/%s)"
0x3401000000000071 "Failed to read field from db. (%reader/%s) (%path/%s) (%error/%s) (%lasterr/%s)"
0x3401000000000072 "Failed to write to db, retrying. (%reason/%s) (%strerr/%s) (%lasterr/%s)"
0x3401000000000073 "Field does not exist in db. (%function/%s) (%path/%s)"
0x3401000000000074 "Field already exists in db. (%function/%s) (%path/%s)"
0x3401000000000075 "Failed to write to db. (%function/%s) (%path/%s) (%strerr/%s) (%lasterr/%s)"
0x3401000000000076 "Received fatal signal, exiting. (%signal/%d)"
0x3401000000000077 "New System ID configured. (%id/%s)"
0x3401000000000078 "Found deployment mode. (%mode/%s)"
0x3401000000000079 "Found running slot. (%slot/%d)"
0x3401000000000080 "Waiting to enter an active HA state."
0x3401000000000081 "Event handling started."
0x3401000000000082 "Instance connected to sep device."
0x3401000000000083 "New trunk interface. (%name/%s) (%type/%s) (%mode/%s) (%interval/%s)"
0x3401000000000084 "Interface link state changed. (%name/%s) (%status/%s) (%speed/%d)"
0x3401000000000085 "Interface enabled state changed. (%name/%s) (%enabled/%s)"
0x3401000000000086 "Field does not exist in db. (%function/%s) (%path/%s)"
0x3401000000000087 "Mux_enable_colldist (%port_state/%s)"
0x3401000000000088 "Mux_disable_colldist (%port_state/%s)"
0x3401000000000089 "Interface config data already exists. (%name/%s)"
0x3401000000000090 "Interface operational data already exists. (%name/%s)"
0x3401000000000091 "Adding message to send queue. (%type/%s) (%system_priority/%d)"
0x3401000000000092 "Processing message. (%type/%s) (%system_priority/%d)"
0x3401000000000093 "Confd Operation queue is full. Dropping the top message from queue."
0x3401000000000094 "Waiting to connect to sep device."
0x3401000000000096 "Failed to get interface name using the port number. (%portNum/%d)"
0x3901000000000001 "cdb_get failed (%ret/%d) (%confd_errno/%d) (%fmt/%s)"
0x3901000000000002 "Failed to read cert file (%name/%s) (%errno/%s)"
0x3901000000000004 "Certificate not yet valid (%file/%s)"
0x3901000000000005 "chmod failed (%rc/%d)"
0x3901000000000006 "Failed to copy (%file/%s)"
0x3901000000000008 "Creating CSR (%name/%s)"
0x3901000000000009 "Failed to read input crl file. (%filename/%s)"
0x3901000000000010 "Failed to write crl file: (%path/%s)"
0x3901000000000012 "File cannot be opened (%file/%s)"
0x3901000000000013 "OpenSSL public key failed."
0x3901000000000014 "Key/Certificate mismatch (%file1/%s) (%file2/%s)"
0x3901000000000015 "Failed to open key file (%name/%s)"
0x3901000000000016 "Failed to read key file (%name/%s)"
0x3901000000000017 "Specified maapi element does not exists in cdb (%path/%s)(%key/%s)"
0x3901000000000018 "Failed to set element in cdb (%path/%s)(%key/%s)(%error/%s)(%errno/%s)"
0x3901000000000019 "OpenSSL ASN1_INTEGER_new failed to allocate memory."
0x3901000000000020 "OpenSSL ASN1_STRING_set_default_mask_asc failed."
0x3901000000000021 "OpenSSL BIO_new_fp failed allocate memory."
0x3901000000000022 "OpenSSL BIO_new failed allocate memory."
0x3901000000000024 "OpenSSL BIO_write failed to write CSR."
0x3901000000000025 "OpenSSL BN_GENCB_set failed to generate callback."
0x3901000000000026 "OpenSSL BN_new failed allocate memory."
0x3901000000000028 "OpenSSL BN_pseudo_rand failed."
0x3901000000000029 "OpenSSL BN_set_word failed."
0x3901000000000030 "OpenSSL BN_to_ASN1_INTEGER failed."
0x3901000000000031 "OpenSSL certificate key is nil."
0x3901000000000032 "OpenSSL CONF_modules_load failed."
0x3901000000000033 "Certificate Request city (%city/%s)."
0x3901000000000034 "Certificate Request country (%country/%s)."
0x3901000000000035 "Certificate Request email (%email/%s)."
0x3901000000000036 "Certificate Request name (%name/%s)."
0x3901000000000037 "Certificate Request organization (%organization/%s)."
0x3901000000000038 "Certificate Request organizational unit (%unit/%s)."
0x3901000000000039 "Certificate Request region (%state/%s)."
0x3901000000000040 "Certificate Request version (%version/%d)."
0x3901000000000042 "OpenSSL do_sign_init failed."
0x3901000000000043 "OpenSSL EC_GROUP_new_by_curve_name failed."
0x3901000000000044 "OpenSSL EC_KEY_generate_key failed."
0x3901000000000045 "OpenSSL EC_KEY_new failed to allocate memory."
0x3901000000000046 "OpenSSL EC_KEY_set_group failed."
0x3901000000000048 "OpenSSL_malloc failed to allocate bytes (%size/%u)"
0x3901000000000049 "OpenSSL X509_name parse error."
0x3901000000000050 "OpenSSL NCONF_get_section failed."
0x3901000000000051 "OpenSSL NCONF_get_string failed to find file (%file/%s)"
0x3901000000000052 "OpenSSL NCONF_load failed for file (%file/%s)"
0x3901000000000053 "OpenSSL NCONF_new failed to allocate memory."
0x3901000000000054 "OpenSSL OBJ_create failed for (%name/%s)."
0x3901000000000055 "OpenSSL OBJ_sn2nid failed."
0x3901000000000056 "OpenSSL PEM_bytes_read_bio failed (%name/%s)"
0x3901000000000057 "OpenSSL PEM_read_bio_X509_REQ failed read csr."
0x3901000000000058 "Failed to read crl. Invalid PEM format crl input"
0x3901000000000059 "OpenSSL PEM_read_bio_PrivateKey failed read key (%file/%s)"
0x3901000000000060 "OpenSSL PEM_write_bio_ECPrivateKey failed to write key."
0x3901000000000061 "OpenSSL PEM_write_bio_RSAPrivateKey failed to write key."
0x3901000000000062 "OpenSSL PEM_write_bio_X509_REQ failed write certificate request."
0x3901000000000063 "OpenSSL dev random error."
0x3901000000000064 "OpenSSL RSA_generate_key_ex failed."
0x3901000000000065 "OpenSSL RSA_new_method failed."
0x3901000000000066 "OpenSSL Subject not starting with backslash."
0x3901000000000067 "OpenSSL X509_get_pubkey failed to get public key."
0x3901000000000068 "OpenSSL X509_gmtime_adj failed."
0x3901000000000069 "OpenSSL X509_NAME_add_entry_by_NID failed for (%name/%s)."
0x3901000000000070 "OpenSSL X509_Name_new failed to allocate memory."
0x3901000000000071 "OpenSSL X509_new failed to allocate memory."
0x3901000000000072 "OpenSSL X509_REQ_get_pubkey failed to get public key."
0x3901000000000073 "OpenSSL X509 create CSR failed."
0x3901000000000074 "OpenSSL X509_REQ_new failed to allocate memory."
0x3901000000000075 "OpenSSL X509_REQ_set_pubkey failed."
0x3901000000000076 "OpenSSL X509_REQ_set_subject_name failed."
0x3901000000000077 "OpenSSL X509_REQ_set_version failed."
0x3901000000000078 "OpenSSL X509_REQ_verify failed to verify signature."
0x3901000000000079 "OpenSSL X509_set_issuer_name failed."
0x3901000000000080 "OpenSSL X509_set_pubkey failed to set public key."
0x3901000000000081 "OpenSSL X509_set_serialNumber failed."
0x3901000000000082 "OpenSSL X509_sign failed."
0x3901000000000083 "OpenSSL X509_STORE_new failed allocate memory."
0x3901000000000084 "OpenSSL X509_time_adj_ex failed."
0x3901000000000085 "OpenSSL X509V3_EXT_add_nconf failed to load extension (%name/%s)."
0x3901000000000086 "OpenSSL X509V3_EXT_REQ_add_nconf failed to load extension (%name/%s)."
0x3901000000000087 "create_server failed (%pam_radius_conf/%s) (%rad_server/%s) (%timeout/%d)"
0x3901000000000088 "OpenSSL X509_STORE_set_default_paths failed."
0x3901000000000090 "(%message/%s)"
0x3901000000000091 "create_pam_tacplus_item failed (%server/%s)."
0x3901000000000093 "LDAP search base: (%base/%s)"
0x3901000000000094 "LDAP bind DN: (%binddn/%s)"
0x3901000000000095 "LDAP bind password: supplied"
0x3901000000000097 "The Active Directory server does not support unix attributes such as uidNumber; attempting to create alternate objectSid to uidNumber mappings."
0x3901000000000098 "Unable to retrieve domain Sid for supplied servers and domains; server will be treated as if it has unix attributes present."
0x3901000000000099 "Domain sID: (%sid/%s)"
0x3901000000000100 "(%item/%s): (%data/%s)"
0x3901000000000101 "LDAP API error during (%oper/%s): (%code/%d) - (%msg/%s)"
0x3901000000000104 "Active Directory enabled"
0x3901000000000105 "Saved Certificate Authority (CA) Bundle file: (%name/%s)"
0x3901000000000106 "Unable to save Certificate Authority (CA) Bundle file: (%name/%s) (%errnum/%d)"
0x3901000000000107 "LDAP bind password supplied but empty; acting as if no bind password"
0x3901000000000108 "Missing server secret. (%path/%s)"
0x3901000000000109 "Failed to set element in cdb. (%path/%s) (%error/%s) (%errno/%s)"
0x3901000000000110 "Saved HTTPD configuration file. (%name/%s)"
0x3901000000000111 "Unable to save HTTPD configuration file. (%name/%s)"
0x3901000000000112 "Authentication Manager starting. (%version/%s) (%log/%s) (%date/%s)"
0x3901000000000113 "SERVICE_INDICATOR initializing authentication-mgr in FIPS 140-3 mode"
0x3901000000000114 "AUDIT - SERVICE_INDICATOR (%user/%s) (%msg/%s) (%algo/%s)"
0x3901000000000116 "OpenSSL Keys and Certificates must start with -----BEGIN ..."
0x3901000000000120 "CA-BUNDLE input data is formatted with the wrong number of dashes."
0x3901000000000122 "Unsuported key type entered."
0x3901000000000123 "Basic authentication update succeeded."
0x3901000000000124 "Unable to create a certificate signing request(CSR)."
0x3901000000000125 "Certificate size is bigger than (%m_cert_size/%u) and cannot be used."
0x3901000000000126 "Commit approved for blank key and certificate."
0x3901000000000127 "A zero key size but non-zero certificate is unacceptable."
0x3901000000000128 "Key size is too big."
0x3901000000000129 "Commit approved for missing certificate."
0x3901000000000130 "Certificate revocation list size=(%m_crl_size/%d) is too big and cannot be used."
0x3901000000000131 "Tokenlifetime successfully updated in ConfD database."
0x3901000000000132 "Path=(%m_tokenlifetime_cfg_path/%s) does not exist."
0x3901000000000133 "Failed setting Operational state data for tokenlifetime"
0x3901000000000134 "Key size too big to be supported."
0x3901000000000135 "Failed to create a directory. (%PATH/%s) (%Error_Message/%s)"
0x3901000000000136 "Deleted HTTPD configuration file. (%name/%s)"
0x3901000000000137 "Opening SElinux port for tacacs server. (%port/%d) (%server/%s)"
0x3901000000000138 "Closing SElinux port for tacacs server. (%port/%d) (%server/%s)"
0x3901000000000139 "Failed to update state data for specified path. (%PATH/%s) (%confd_errno/%d)"
0x3901000000000143 "Unable to open pam config file (%PATH/%s)"
0x3901000000000146 "The OCSP IP address is not configured. Setting OCSP override-responder to off."
0x3901000000000147 "CDB get operation failed. (%COMPONENT/%s) (%ERROR/%s) (%LASTERR/%s) (%ERRNO/%d)"
0x3901000000000148 "System's IPv4 management address isn't configured."
0x3901000000000150 "(%message/%s)"
0x3901000000000151 "(%func/%s) Invalid op: (%enum/%d)"
0x3901000000000152 "Token is invalidated: (%session_id/%s)"
0x3901000000000153 "(%func/%s) Failed to read cdb element. (%error/%s) (%errno/%s)"
0x3901000000000154 "(%func/%s) Failed to delete cdb element. (%error/%s) (%errno/%s)"
0x3901000000000155 "Unable to open flag file (%FILE/%s) (%OPERATION/%s)"
0x4001000000000001 "pthread_create[config]: (%strerror/%s)"
0x4001000000000002 "pthread_mutex_lock: (%strerror/%s)"
0x4001000000000003 "pthread_mutex_unlock: (%strerror/%s)"
0x4001000000000004 "log fopen failed: (%strerror/%s)"
0x4001000000000005 "pthread_mutex_init[config]: (%strerror/%s)"
0x4001000000000006 "pthread_cond_init[config]: (%strerror/%s)"
0x4001000000000007 "Unable to start ConfD CFG thread. "
0x4001000000000009 "get_blade_base_mac for slot failed (%FUNCTION/%s) (%slot/%d)"
0x4001000000000010 "snprintf mac address bad length (%FUNCTION/%s) (%length/%d)"
0x4001000000000011 "hard link failed (%FUNCTION/%s) (%filename/%s) (%hardlinkname/%s) (%strerror/%s)"
0x4001000000000012 "set_pxe_server slot failed (%slot/%d)"
0x4001000000000013 "filename bad length (%FUNCTION/%s) (%length/%d)"
0x4001000000000014 "pxe file open failed (%FUNCTION/%s) (%strerror/%s)"
0x4001000000000015 "pxe file write failed (%FUNCTION/%s) (%SERIAL_LINE/%s) (%strerror/%s)"
0x4001000000000016 "sprintf KERNEL bad length (%FUNCTION/%s) (%length/%d)"
0x4001000000000017 "sprintf APPEND bad length (%FUNCTION/%s) (%length/%d)"
0x4001000000000018 "pxe file close failed (%FUNCTION/%s) (%strerror/%s)"
0x4001000000000019 "Exhausted retries, unable to determine which blades occupy each slot (%FUNCTION/%s)"
0x4101000000000001 "pthread_mutex_lock (%errstr/%s)"
0x4101000000000002 "pthread_mutex_unlock (%errstr/%s)"
0x4101000000000003 "out of memory allocating (%item_str/%s)"
0x4101000000000004 "poll (%errstr/%s)"
0x4101000000000005 "confd_pp_kpath() returned ; >= (%rc/%d) (%BUFSIZ/%d)"
0x4101000000000006 "unexpected operation (%op/%d)"
0x4101000000000007 "maapi_get_(%type/%s)_elem failed: (%path_str/%s)"
0x4101000000000008 "preparing to init confd: dup2 (%errstr/%s)"
0x4101000000000009 "fcntl: close-on-exec 0 (%errstr/%s)"
0x4101000000000010 "open: varlog/confd (%errstr/%s)"
0x4101000000000011 "dup2: stdout (%errstr/%s)"
0x4101000000000012 "dup2: stderr (%errstr/%s)"
0x4101000000000013 "execl: /usr/bin/confd (%errstr/%s)"
0x4101000000000014 "maapi_start_user_session() failed, error code: (%rc/%d)"
0x4101000000000015 "maapi_start_trans() failed, error code: (%confd_errno/%d)"
0x4101000000000016 "unable to fetch: (%path_str/%s)"
0x4101000000000017 "maapi_finish_trans() failed, rc: (%rc/%d)"
0x4101000000000018 "hal_request_ha_active() failed "
0x4101000000000019 "hal_get_ha_active() failed "
0x4101000000000020 "Out of space in packet buffer (%num/%u)"
0x4101000000000021 "malformed packet tlv type (%tlv_type/%u)"
0x4101000000000022 "malformed packet tlv type (%tlv_type/%u); len (len1%%u) < (%len2/%u)"
0x4101000000000023 "malformed packet tlv type (%tlv_type/%u); len (len1%%u) > (%len2/%u)"
0x4101000000000024 "malformed packet tlv type (%tlv_type/%u); missing null byte"
0x4101000000000025 "malformed packet tlv; tlv extends past end"
0x4101000000000026 "(%file_str/%s): (%errstr/%s); reboot aborted"
0x4101000000000027 "remote and local controller network mismatch...rebooting."
0x4101000000000028 "sendto[raw]: (%errstr/%s)"
0x4101000000000029 "recvd our own HA packet; discarding..."
0x4101000000000030 "unexpected active controller: (%slot/%u)"
0x4101000000000031 "unexpected ha_mode: (%mode/%u)"
0x4101000000000032 "unexpected tag: (%tag/%d)"
0x4101000000000033 "pthread_create[(%type_str/%s)]: (%errstr/%s)"
0x4101000000000034 "read: health pipe: (%errstr/%s)"
0x4101000000000035 "read: health pipe EOF"
0x4101000000000036 "Error scanning health helper (%type_str/%s) input line ((%len1/%d) != (%len2/%d))"
0x4101000000000037 "add_to_health (%type_str/%s) failed"
0x4101000000000038 "unexpected health line: (%line_str/%s)"
0x4101000000000039 "component (%comp_str/%s) NOT healthy"
0x4101000000000040 "attribute (%comp_str/%s) tag (%attr_str/%s) NOT healthy"
0x4101000000000041 "fcntl(..., F_SETFL, O_NONBLOCK): (%errstr/%s)"
0x4101000000000042 "fork: (%reason_str/%s): (%errstr/%s)"
0x4101000000000043 "dup2: (%reason_str/%s): (%errstr/%s)"
0x4101000000000044 "freopen: (%reason_str/%s): (%errstr/%s)"
0x4101000000000045 "execl: (%reason_str/%s): (%errstr/%s)"
0x4101000000000046 "getifaddrs: (%errstr/%s)"
0x4101000000000047 "unable to locate interface for (%int_str/%s)"
0x4101000000000048 "unable to init health helper"
0x4101000000000049 "Unable to look up (%var_str/%s) in environment"
0x4101000000000050 "(%sock_type_str/%s): socket: (%errstr/%s)"
0x4101000000000051 "(%sock_op_str/%s): setsockopt: (%errstr/%s)"
0x4101000000000052 "ioctl: (%ioctl_str/%s) (%errstr/%s)"
0x4101000000000053 "confd --wait-phase0: failed "
0x4101000000000054 "confd_init_daemon failed (%errstr/%s)"
0x4101000000000055 "socket[(%type_str/%s)] failed "
0x4101000000000056 "confd_load_schemas failed[] (%addr/%s)"
0x4101000000000057 "confd_register_valpoint_cb ((%reason_str/%s)) failed"
0x4101000000000058 "confd_register_done (%errstr/%s) failed"
0x4101000000000059 "confd --start-phase1: failed"
0x4101000000000060 "confd --start-phase2: failed"
0x4101000000000061 "pthread_mutex_init[(%type_str/%s)] (%errstr/%s)"
0x4101000000000062 "unable to start thread[(%type_str/%s)]"
0x4101000000000063 "be active failed: confd_errno: (%confd_errno/%d)"
0x4101000000000064 "ConfD is now Active"
0x4101000000000065 "Confd is now None"
0x4101000000000066 "ConfD is now Standby "
0x4101000000000067 "waitpid: confd exited code (%code/%d)"
0x4101000000000068 "waitpid: confd terminated signal (%code/%d)"
0x4101000000000069 "waitpid: unexpected (%errstr/%s)"
0x4101000000000070 "role change detected -> (%ha_role_old/%d) (%ha_role/%d)"
0x4101000000000071 "confd_ha_get_status failed: err (%rc/%d)"
0x4101000000000072 "standby confd lost contact with active confd"
0x4101000000000073 "fopen: /var/log/vcc-confd-hal (%errstr/%s)"
0x4101000000000074 "hal_init() failed "
0x4101000000000075 "Unable to look up local CC slot number from HAL..retrying "
0x4101000000000076 "invalid number of slots specified via VCC_HAL_NUMSLOTS "
0x4101000000000077 "Unable to look up number of slots from HAL..retrying "
0x4101000000000078 "Failure to generate initial VCC config (%cmd_bf/%s)"
0x4101000000000079 "Failure to generate initial blade components (%cmd_bf/%s)"
0x4101000000000080 "Only chassis with 8 slots and 32 slots are supported now "
0x4101000000000081 "Failure to generate initial firmware config (%cmd_buf/%s)"
0x4101000000000082 "Failure to generate initial blade components (%cmd_bf/%s)"
0x4101000000000083 "preparing to init confd: pipe (%errstr/%s)"
0x4101000000000084 "Partition name \'\' may not contain \'\' (%partname/%s) (%c/%c)"
0x4101000000000085 "active_status: (%cpld_string_active_status/%s) (%size/%x)"
0x4101000000000086 "phase 2 confd init complete...ConfD is up"
0x4101000000000087 "preparing to init confd: fork (%errstr/%s)"
0x4101000000000088 "unknown system_type: (%system_type_str/%s)"
0x4101000000000089 "pthread_cond_init[(%type_str/%s)] (%errstr/%s)"
0x4101000000000090 "unknown image_type: (%image_type_str/%s)"
0x4101000000000091 "invalid image type: (%image_type/%d)"
0x4101000000000092 "popen (%errstr/%s)"
0x4101000000000093 "unable to get response from sw mgmt API"
0x4101000000000094 "missing newline in response from sw mgmt API"
0x4101000000000095 "config_backup: args: (%args/%p)"
0x4101000000000096 "Config backup command failed"
0x4101000000000097 "Config backup failed"
0x4101000000000098 "config_restore: args: (%args/%p)"
0x4101000000000099 "config_restore: confd_pid: (%confd_pid/%d)"
0x4101000000000100 "Config restore command failed"
0x4101000000000101 "Config restore failed"
0x4101000000000102 "init_action: uinfo: (%uinfo/%p)"
0x4101000000000103 "init_action: acb: (%acb/%p)"
0x4101000000000104 "init_action: action_data: (%action_data/%p)"
0x4101000000000105 "do_action: uinfo: (%uinfo/%p)"
0x4101000000000106 "do_action: acb: (%acb/%p)"
0x4101000000000107 "do_action: name: (%name/%p)"
0x4101000000000108 "do_action: nparams: (%nparams/%d)"
0x4101000000000109 "do_action: action_data: (%action_data/%p)"
0x4101000000000110 "do_action: invalid name->tag"
0x4101000000000111 "abort_action: uinfo: (%uinfo/%p)"
0x4101000000000112 "action_poll_loop_iter: action_data: (%action_data/%p)"
0x4101000000000113 "action_poll_loop_iter: confd_pid: (%confd_pid/%d)"
0x4101000000000114 "action_poll_loop_iter: control_socket: (%control_socket/%d)"
0x4101000000000115 "action_poll_loop_iter: worker_socket: (%worker_socket/%d)"
0x4101000000000116 "action_connect_loop_iter: action_data: (%action_data/%p)"
0x4101000000000117 "action_connect_loop_iter: confd_pid: (%confd_pid/%d)"
0x4101000000000118 "register action handler failed"
0x4101000000000119 "register done failed"
0x4101000000000120 "action_thread_func: args: (%args/%p)"
0x4101000000000121 "action_thread_func: confd_pid: (%confd_pid/%d)"
0x4101000000000122 "vcc-confd exiting to restore config"
0x4101000000000123 "Failed to create reset flag file."
0x4101000000000124 "maapi_finish_trans() failed, error code: (%confd_errno/%d)"
0x4101000000000125 "failed to update config, clearing, backed up to (%rename_dir/%s)"
0x4101000000000126 "failed config clear command: (%cmd/%s), rc: (%rc/%d)"
0x4101000000000127 "update test failed in phase (%phase/%u)"
0x4101000000000128 "update test passed"
0x4101000000000129 "command: (%cmd/%s): failed"
0x4101000000000130 "error generating init file: (%file/%s)"
0x4101000000000131 "failed to upgrade, will try restoring last version"
0x4101000000000132 "VCC_CONFD_CONFIG_FIX: Fixed and commited NETWORK_RANGE_TYPE"
0x4101000000000133 "confd phase0 db adjustment failed (%field_str/%s)"
0x4101000000000134 "Confd maapi attach init operation failed"
0x4101000000000135 "Confd maapi set_namesapce operation failed (%namespace_str/%s)"
0x4101000000000136 "Initial database startup complete (%startup/%s)
0x4101000000000137 "CCRU: Confd install stage inconsistent (%msg/%s)"
0x4101000000000138 "CCRU: Standby installation of os version (%os/%s) / service version (%svc/%s), switch Active and continue"
0x4101000000000139 "pthread_mutex_trylock (%errstr/%s)"
0x4101000000000140 "System call to getConfdPrimaryKey --partition failed (%size/%d)"
0x4301000000000001 "Platform Stats Bridge Starting. (%version/%s) (%date/%s)"
0x4301000000000002 "Platform Stats Bridge Exiting."
0x4301000000000003 "(%func/%s): stats timeout for (%component/%s)"
0x4302000000000001 "(%func/%s): Unable to start confD session. (%ERROR/%s) (%LASTERR/%s) (%ERRNO/%d)"
0x4302000000000002 "(%func/%s): Unable to create cdb entry. (%ERROR/%s) (%LASTERR/%s) (%ERRNO/%d)"
0x4302000000000003 "(%func/%s): Unable to delete cdb entry. (%ERROR/%s) (%LASTERR/%s) (%ERRNO/%d)"
0x4302000000000004 "(%func/%s): Failed to get a cdb entry. (%ERROR/%s) (%LASTERR/%s) (%ERRNO/%d)"
0x4302000000000005 "(%func/%s): get_next timeout for (%component_name/%s)"
0x4302000000000006 "Invalid xml tag to get element value. (%xmltag/%d)"
0x4302000000000007 "Received invalid cdb operation. (%op/%d) in CPU data map update"
0x4303000000000001 "Error reply received while fetching stats. (%ERRCODE/%x) (%ERRORSTR/%s)"
0x4303000000000005 "Snmp stats requested (%tablename/%s)"
0x4303000000000006 "Snmp stats timeout called while fetching stats (%tablename/%s)"
0x4303000000000007 "Not able to fetch stats ZMQ client setup failed ((%tablename/%s) (%slot/%d))"
0x4305000000000001 "Error reply received while fetching stats. (%ERRCODE/%x) (%ERRORSTR/%s)"
0x4305000000000005 "New primary slot (%slot/%d)"
0x4305000000000007 "(%msg/%s) (%value/%d)"
0x4701000000000001 "Line DMA Agent Starting"
0x4701000000000002 "TCPD shared memory mapping failed"
0x4701000000000003 "DM context memory mappin failed"
0x4701000000000004 "TCPD socket initialization failed"
0x4701000000000005 "L2 socket initialization failed"
0x4701000000000006 "PCIe device attach failed"
0x4701000000000007 "IOMMU setup failed"
0x4701000000000008 "Packet capture startup configuration failed"
0x4701000000000009 "Packet capture started"
0x4701000000000010 "Packet capture stopped"
0x4701000000000011 "Packet capture client connected"
0x4701000000000012 "Packet capture client disconnected"
0x4701000000000013 "Packet capture client conenction rejected as client already connected"
0x4701000000000014 "L2 client connected"
0x4701000000000015 "L2 client disconnected"
0x4701000000000016 "L2 client conenction rejected as client already connected"
0x4801000000000001 "optics-mgr starting (%version/%s) (%date/%s) (%partition/%s)"
0x4801000000000002 "optics-mgr exiting"
0x4801000000000003 "optics-mgr error (%error/%s)"
0x4801000000000004 "optics-mgr HAL response error. (%errorcode/%d) (%errmsg/%s)"
0x4801000000000005 "optics-mgr invalid hardware platform (%hardwaretype/%d)"
0x4801000000000006 "No optical tuning available (%partnum/%s) (%interface/%s) (%revision/%s)"
0x4801000000000007 "No optical tuning available for optical version (%major/%d) (%minor/%d)"
0x4801000000000008 "Optical tuning invalid port (%partnum/%s) (%port/%s) (%revision/%s)"
0x4801000000000010 "Received request to validate optic. (%brand/%s) (%oui/%s) (%rev/%s) (%ifname/%s) (%pn/%s)"
0x4801000000000011 "OPTICS_SUCCESS_TUNING_NEEDED returning tuning (%numctle/%u) (%brand/%s) (%oui/%s) (%rev/%s) (%ifname/%s) (%pn/%s)"
0x4801000000000012 "OPTICS_SUCCESS_NO_TUNING (%brand/%s) (%oui/%s) (%rev/%s) (%ifname/%s) (%pn/%s)"
0x4801000000000013 "Failed to find tuning for optic (%brand/%s) (%oui/%s) (%rev/%s) (%ifname/%s) (%pn/%s)"
0x4801000000000014 "Received request to validate optic. (%brand/%s) (%oui/%s) (%rev/%s) (%ifname/%s) (%pn/%s) (%hwtype/%s)"
0x4801000000000015 "Received request to validate optic. (%brand/%s) (%oui/%s) (%rev/%s) (%ifname/%s) (%pn/%s) (%hwtype/%s) (%speed/%s) (%lifeycle/%s)"
0x4801000000000016 "OPTICS_TUNING_EARLY_SUPPORT returning tuning (%numctle/%u) (%brand/%s) (%oui/%s) (%rev/%s) (%ifname/%s) (%pn/%s)"
0x4801000000000017 "OPTICS_SUCCESS_NO_TUNING_EARLY_SUPPORT (%brand/%s) (%oui/%s) (%rev/%s) (%ifname/%s) (%pn/%s)"
0x4802000000000001 "optics-mgr unable to initialize ZMQ. (%error/%d)"
0x4802000000000002 "ZMQ Message Server Started. Listening on (%port/%d)"
0x4802000000000003 "Failed to register endpoint (%endpoint/%s)"
0x4802000000000004 "Failed to deregister endpoint (%endpoint/%s)"
0x4802000000000005 "Failed to send reply (%endpoint/%s) (%replytype/%s)"
0x4802000000000006 "Failed to get zmq handle to socket"
0x4802000000000007 "Failed to add source data to ZMQ envelope (%endpoint/%s)"
0x4802000000000008 "Failed to init ZMQ envelope (%endpoint/%s)"
0x4802000000000009 "Failed to init ZMQ payload (%endpoint/%s)"
0x4802000000000010 "Expect non null ZMQ payload (%endpoint/%s)"
0x4802000000000011 "Unexpected payload count, should be 1. No response generated (%cnt/%d)"
0x4802000000000012 "Optics-Mgr does not recognize the request message received"
0x4802000000000013 "Failed to parse request message (%request/%s)"
0x4802000000000014 "Failed to add message to payload (%replysize/%u) (%lensize/%u)",
0x5010000000000001 "OrchAgent starting (%Version/%s) (%Date/%s)"
0x5010000000000002 "OrchAgent exiting"
0x5010000000000004 "SERVICE_INDICATOR initializing orchestration-agent in FIPS 140-3 mode"
0x5010000000000005 "Chassis serial number is invalid - tenants will not operate"
0x5010000000000006 "Invalid Platform Type (%msg/%s)"
0x5010000000000007 "Internal error. (%ERRMSG/%s)"
0x5010000000000009 "Tenant doesn't support secure channel, falling back to insecure channel to prevent connection failure. (%Tenant/%s)"
0x5020000000000001 "maapi failed to connect to config daemon (%ERRNOSTR/%s) (%LASTERR/%s)"
0x5020000000000002 "failed to end session with config daemon (%ERRNOSTR/%s) (%LASTERR/%s)"
0x5030000000000001 "maapi_set failed for (%TENANTCONFIG/%s) (%ATTRIBUTE/%s) (%PATH/%s) (%ERRNOSTR/%s) (%ERRNO/%d)"
0x5030000000000002 "maapi_create failed for (%TENANTCONFIG/%s) (%ERRNOSTR/%s) (%LASTERR/%s) (%ERRNO/%d)"
0x5030000000000006 "cdb_get failed for SLOTCONFIG name (%ERRNOSTR/%s) (%LASTERR/%s) (%ERRNO/%d)"
0x5030000000000007 "cdb_get failed for (%SLOTCONFIG/%d) (%ATTRIBUTE/%s) (%ERRNOSTR/%s) (%LASTERR/%s) (%ERRNO/%d)"
0x5030000000000008 "cdb_get failed in getting the base-mac for tenant (%TENANT/%s) (%ERRNOSTR/%s) (%LASTERR/%s) (%ERRNO/%d)"
0x5030000000000009 "cdb_get failed in getting the mgmt-mac for tenant (%TENANT/%s) (%ERRNOSTR/%s) (%LASTERR/%s) (%ERRNO/%d)"
0x5030000000000010 "cdb_get failed in getting the mac pool size for tenant (%TENANT/%s) (%ERRNOSTR/%s) (%LASTERR/%s) (%ERRNO/%d)"
0x5030000000000011 "failed to read partition slot data (%ERRNOSTR/%s) (%LASTERR/%s) (%ERRNO/%d)"
0x5030000000000012 "maapi_set_elem failed for interface (%INTERFACE/%s)"
0x5030000000000013 "maapi_create failed for hugepages (%slot/%d) (%PATH/%s) for tenant (%TENANT/%s) (%ERRNOSTR/%s) (%LASTERR/%s) (%ERRNO/%d)"
0x5030000000000014 "maapi_delete failed for hugepages (%slot/%d) (%PATH/%s) for tenant (%TENANT/%s) (%ERRNOSTR/%s) (%LASTERR/%s) (%ERRNO/%d)"
0x5030000000000015 "tenant console user operation failed for (%USER/%s) (%OP/%s) (%ERRNOSTR/%s) (%ERRNO/%d)"
0x5030000000000016 "tenant console user added (%USER/%s)"
0x5030000000000017 "tenant console user deleted (%USER/%s)"
0x5030000000000018 "Failed to update node running state for node (%PATH/%s) (%ERRNOSTR/%s) (%LASTERR/%s) (%ERRNO/%d)"
0x5030000000000019 "Failed to update node name for node (%PATH/%s)"
0x5030000000000020 "Failed to update node state for node (%PATH/%s)"
0x5030000000000021 "Failed to read node name for index (%node/%d)"
0x5030000000000022 "Failed to read node config state for node (%PATH/%s)"
0x5030000000000023 "cdb_get failed in getting the appliance-mode for tenant (%TENANT/%s) (%ERRNOSTR/%s) (%LASTERR/%s) (%ERRNO/%d)"
0x5030000000000024 "New tenant (%TENANT/%s) has been added in tenant DB. state = CONFIGURED, blade (%blade/%d)"
0x5030000000000025 "cdb_get failed for (%ATTRIBUTE/%s) (%ERRNOSTR/%s) (%LASTERR/%s) (%ERRNO/%d)"
0x5030000000000026 "cdb_get failed in getting the storage size for tenant (%TENANT/%s) (%ERRNOSTR/%s) (%LASTERR/%s) (%ERRNO/%d)"
0x5030000000000027 "unknown tenant (%name/%s) instance type (%type/%u)"
0x5030000000000028 "cdb_get failed for (%ATTRIBUTE/%s) (%ERRNOSTR/%s) (%LASTERR/%s) (%ERRNO/%d)"
0x5030000000000029 "Sub-module configuration created. (%TENANT/%s)"
0x5030000000000030 "Sub-module configuration deleted. (%TENANT/%s)"
0x5030000000000031 "Unable to fetch feature flag in function (%func/%s)"
0x5030000000000032 "total_tenants_existing : (%tenant_count/%d)"
0x5030000000000033 "Invalid tenant instantiation"
0x5030000000000034 "Tenant name (%TENANT/%s) is already being used by existing system service (%SERVICE/%s)"
0x5030000000000035 "Platform self signed cert and key size is zero"
0x5030000000000036 "Failed to create maapi transaction. (%ERRNOSTR/%s) (%LASTERR/%s) (%ERRNO/%d)"
0x5030000000000037 "Failed to create maapi read transaction. (%ERRNOSTR/%s) (%LASTERR/%s) (%ERRNO/%d)"
0x5030000000000038 "Key header check failed (%HEADER/%s)"
0x5030000000000039 "Key Hash (%TYPE/%s) (%HASH/%s)"
0x5030000000000040 "maapi install crypto keys error. (%ERRNOSTR/%s) (%ERRNO/%d)"
0x5030000000000041 "(%ERR/%s) (%ERRNOSTR/%s) (%ERRNO/%d)"
0x5030000000000042 "Allocated virtual tenant slot (%NODE/%s)(%SLOT/%d)"
0x5030000000000043 "Released virtual tenant slot (%NODE/%s)(%SLOT/%d)"
0x5030000000000044 "Tenant name too long for virtual console access. (%TENANT/%s) (%MAXLEN/%d)"
0x5030000000000045 "Username already exists, cannot add virtual console user for tenant. (%TENANT/%s)"
0x5030000000000046 "maapi_delete failed for modules (%PATH/%s) (%TENANT/%s) (%ERRNOSTR/%s) (%LASTERR/%s) (%ERRNO/%d)"
0x5030000000000047 "maapi_get failed for modules (%PATH/%s) (%VFGROUP/%d) (%ERRNOSTR/%s) (%LASTERR/%s) (%ERRNO/%d)"
0x5030000000000048 "maapi_set failed for modules (%PATH/%s) (%VFGROUP/%d) (%ERRNOSTR/%s) (%LASTERR/%s) (%ERRNO/%d)"
0x5030000000000049 "maapi_delete failed for modules (%PATH/%s) (%VFGROUP/%d) (%ERRNOSTR/%s) (%LASTERR/%s) (%ERRNO/%d)"
0x5030000000000050 "maapi_exists failed (%PATH/%s) (%ERRNOSTR/%s)"
0x5030000000000051 "maapi_create failed for vf group (%PATH/%s) (%VFGROUP/%d) (%ERRNOSTR/%s) (%LASTERR/%s) (%ERRNO/%d)"
0x5030000000000052 "maapi_get failed for (%TENANTCONFIG/%s) (%ATTRIBUTE/%s) (%PATH/%s) (%ERRNOSTR/%s) (%ERRNO/%d)"
0x5030000000000053 "maapi_set failed for tenant storage (%ERRNO/%d) (%ERRNOSTR/%s)"
0x5030000000000054 "maapi_set failed for tenant reserved-cpus (%ERRNO/%d) (%ERRNOSTR/%s)"
0x5030000000000055 "Failed to read HSM state while deploying tenant. (%ERRNO/%d) (%ERRNOSTR/%s)"
0x5030000000000056 "Failed to write mgmt vlan (%MGMTVLAN/%s) (%FIELD/%s) (%OPERATION/%s)"
0x5030000000000057 "Failed to create ConfD transaction, (%TEXT/%s) (%ERRNOSTR/%s) (%LASTERR/%s)"
0x5030000000000058 "Failed to complete transaction, (%TEXT/%s) (%ERRNOSTR/%s) (%LASTERR/%s)"
0x5040000000000001 "cdb_get failed for TENANTCONFIG name (%ERRNOSTR/%s) (%LASTERR/%s) (%ERRNO/%d)"
0x5040000000000002 "cdb_cd failed for (%PATH/%s) (%ERRNOSTR/%s) (%LASTERR/%s) (%ERRNO/%d)"
0x5040000000000003 "cdb_get failed for (%TENANTCONFIG/%s) (%ATTRIBUTE/%s) (%ERRNOSTR/%s) (%LASTERR/%s) (%ERRNO/%d)"
0x5040000000000004 "cdb_get failed for (%TENANTCONFIG/%d) (%ATTRIBUTE/%s) (%ERRNOSTR/%s) (%LASTERR/%s) (%ERRNO/%d)"
0x5040000000000005 "cdb_set failed for (%TENANTCONFIG/%s) (%ATTRIBUTE/%s) (%ERRNOSTR/%s) (%LASTERR/%s) (%ERRNO/%d)"
0x5040000000000006 "cdb_delete failed for (%TENANTCONFIG/%s) (%ATTRIBUTE/%s) (%ERRNOSTR/%s) (%LASTERR/%s) (%ERRNO/%d)"
0x5040000000000007 "cdb_get failed to get mac for mac entry (%ERRNOSTR/%s) (%LASTERR/%s) (%ERRNO/%d)"
0x5040000000000008 "cdb_get failed for vlans (%ERRNOSTR/%s) (%LASTERR/%s) (%ERRNO/%d)"
0x5040000000000009 "cdb_get failed in getting the vlan for tenant (%TENANT/%s) (%ERRNOSTR/%s) (%LASTERR/%s) (%ERRNO/%d)"
0x5040000000000010 "Platform is not ready on node (%PLATFORM/%d) (%node/%d)"
0x5040000000000011 "Failed to end session with config daemon on cluster oper data (%ERRNOSTR/%s) (%LASTERR/%s)"
0x5040000000000012 "cdb_delete failed for (%TENANTINSTANCE/%s) (%ATTRIBUTE/%s) (%ERRNOSTR/%s) (%LASTERR/%s) (%ERRNO/%d)"
0x5040000000000013 "cdb_get failed for (%TENANTINSTANCECONFIG/%s) (%ATTRIBUTE/%s) (%ERRNOSTR/%s) (%LASTERR/%s) (%ERRNO/%d)"
0x5040000000000014 "cdb_get failed for TENANT name (%ERRNOSTR/%s) (%LASTERR/%s) (%ERRNO/%d)"
0x5040000000000015 "cdb_get failed for pod name for tenant (%TENANT/%s) (%ERRNOSTR/%s) (%LASTERR/%s) (%ERRNO/%d)"
0x5040000000000016 "cdb_get failed for pod node for tenant (%TENANT/%s) pod (%POD/%s) (%ERRNOSTR/%s) (%LASTERR/%s) (%ERRNO/%d)"
0x5040000000000017 "cdb_get failed for pod ip for tenant (%TENANT/%s) pod (%POD/%s) (%ERRNOSTR/%s) (%LASTERR/%s) (%ERRNO/%d)"
0x5040000000000018 "pod ip type unsupported for tenant (%TENANT/%s) pod (%POD/%s) type (%TYPE/%d)"
0x5040000000000019 "cdb_get failed for TENANT type (%TENANT/%s) (%ERRNOSTR/%s) (%LASTERR/%s) (%ERRNO/%d)"
0x5040000000000020 "cdb_cd failed for (%PATH/%s) (%ERRNOSTR/%s) (%LASTERR/%s) (%ERRNO/%d)"
0x5040000000000021 "submod cdb_get failed for (%TENANTCONFIG/%s) (%ATTRIBUTE/%s) (%ERRNOSTR/%s) (%LASTERR/%s) (%ERRNO/%d)"
0x5040000000000022 "submod cdb_get failed for (%TENANTCONFIG/%d) (%ATTRIBUTE/%s) (%ERRNOSTR/%s) (%LASTERR/%s) (%ERRNO/%d)"
0x5040000000000023 "Old config value does not exist for (%TENANTCONFIG/%s)"
0x5040000000000024 "cdb_get failed for virtual-wires (%ERRNOSTR/%s) (%LASTERR/%s) (%ERRNO/%d)"
0x5040000000000025 "cdb_get failed for slot serial number (%SLOT/%s) (%ERRNOSTR/%s) (%LASTERR/%s) (%ERRNO/%d)"
0x5040000000000026 "cdb_get failed for slot platform ID (%SLOT/%s) (%ERRNOSTR/%s) (%LASTERR/%s) (%ERRNO/%d)"
0x5040000000000027 "cdb_exist failed to check slot serial number (%SLOT/%s) (%ERRNOSTR/%s) (%LASTERR/%s) (%ERRNO/%d)"
0x5040000000000028 "cdb_exist failed to check slot platform ID (%SLOT/%s) (%ERRNOSTR/%s) (%LASTERR/%s) (%ERRNO/%d)"
0x5050000000000001 "tenant creation failed for (%TENANT/%s) (%node/%d) (%ret/%d)"
0x5050000000000002 "tenant deletion failed for (%TENANT/%s) (%node/%d) (%ret/%d)"
0x5050000000000003 "Config Map creation failed for (%TENANT/%s) (%node/%d)"
0x5050000000000004 "Config Map deletion failed for (%TENANT/%s) (%node/%d)"
0x5050000000000006 "Timed out waiting for kvm NI helper job to complete (%PATH/%s), timeout (%timeout/%d)"
0x5050000000000008 "Secret creation failed for (%TENANT/%s) (%node/%d)"
0x5050000000000009 "Secret deletion failed for (%TENANT/%s) (%node/%d)"
0x5050000000000010 "Kvm helper job creation failed for (%TENANT/%s)"
0x5050000000000011 "Kvm helper job deletion failed for (%TENANT/%s)"
0x5050000000000012 "Kvm Helper job failed to de-allocate the resources for (%TENANT/%s)"
0x5050000000000013 "Custom Network Interface creation failed for (%TENANT/%s) reason (%error/%d)"
0x5050000000000015 "Tenant External Interface deletion failed for (%TENANT/%s)"
0x5050000000000016 "Tenant External Interface creation failed for (%TENANT/%s)"
0x5050000000000017 "Tenant not launched. Platform services not reported READY on node. (%TENANT/%s), (%node/%d)"
0x5050000000000018 "Tenant not launched since node is disabled. (%TENANT/%s), (%node/%d)"
0x5050000000000020 "Failed: PatchSvcPOD: (%type/%s) (%msg/%s)"
0x5050000000000022 "SvcPOD: (%type/%s) (%msg/%s)"
0x5050000000000024 "V6 prefix to mask operation failed. (%TENANT/%s)"
0x5050000000000025 "Tenant Size is not valid."
0x5050000000000026 "Tenant Disk Resize failed. (%TENANT/%s) reason (%error/%s)"
0x5050000000000027 "Tenant Cannot be resize to smaller size"
0x5050000000000028 "Tenant image pull backoff error - delete tenant pod. (%TENANT/%s), (%node/%d)"
0x5050000000000029 "Failed to generate tenant token for tenant: (%TENANT/%s), (%msg/%s)"
0x5050000000000030 "Failed to update ip rules for tenant on node (%TENANT/%s), (%node/%d)"
0x5050000000000031 "Restarting system tenant (%SYSTEMTENANT/%s) due to unhealthy event"
0x5050000000000032 "Tenant not launched. Failed to find the node in a partition (%TENANT/%s), (%node/%d)"
0x5050000000000033 "cmd failed (%cmd/%s) (%err/%s)"
0x5050000000000034 "Missing Tenant configurational data.(%TENANT/%s) (%error/%s)"
0x5050000000000035 "Error creating token for namespace (%NAMESPACE/%s)"
0x5050000000000036 "Error retrieving token for namespace (%NAMESPACE/%s), (%status/%d)"
0x5050000000000037 "Error creating service account for namespace (%NAMESPACE/%s)"
0x5050000000000038 "Error deleting service account for namespace (%NAMESPACE/%s)"
0x5050000000000039 "Error creating role for namespace (%NAMESPACE/%s)"
0x5050000000000040 "Error deleting role for namespace (%NAMESPACE/%s)"
0x5050000000000041 "Error creating role binding for namespace (%NAMESPACE/%s)"
0x5050000000000042 "Error deleting role binding for namespace (%NAMESPACE/%s)"
0x5050000000000043 "Error creating tenant namespace (%NAMESPACE/%s)"
0x5050000000000044 "Error removing tenant namespace (%NAMESPACE/%s)"
0x5050000000000045 "Error tenant namespace still in Terminating state (%NAMESPACE/%s)"
0x5050000000000047 "Error tenant namespace does not exist (%NAMESPACE/%s)"
0x5050000000000048 "Error creating RBAC for namespace (%NAMESPACE/%s)"
0x5050000000000049 "Qat Devices are not available on node. (%TENANT/%s), (%node/%d)"
0x5050000000000050 "Restarting f5-resource-manager due to unhealthy event or unavailability."
0x5050000000000051 "Failed to create (%type/%s) for ResourceManager"
0x5050000000000052 "Failed to delete (%type/%s) for ResourceManager"
0x5050000000000053 "Tenant (%TENANT/%s): event (%event/%s)"
0x5050000000000054 "Tenant deployment can not proceed as (%filename/%s) is not present on the node."
0x5050000000000055 "Failed to create the control plane network for tenant: (%TENANT/%s) (%status/%d)."
0x5050000000000056 "Failed to delete the control network for tenant: (%TENANT/%s) (%status/%d)."
0x5050000000000057 "Failed to create deployment: (%TENANT/%s) (%status/%d)."
0x5050000000000058 "Failed to delete deployment: (%TENANT/%s) (%status/%d)."
0x5050000000000059 "Failed to create bond network for tenant: (%TENANT/%s) (%status/%d)."
0x5050000000000060 "Failed to delete bond network for tenant: (%TENANT/%s) (%status/%d)."
0x5050000000000061 "Failed to create vnap network for tenant: (%TENANT/%s) (%status/%d)."
0x5050000000000062 "Failed to delete vnap network for tenant: (%TENANT/%s) (%status/%d)."
0x5050000000000063 "Failed to create sriov-ha network for tenant: (%TENANT/%s) (%status/%d)."
0x5050000000000064 "Failed to delete sriov-ha network for tenant: (%TENANT/%s) (%status/%d)."
0x5050000000000065 "Stale tenant namespace exists, proceeding to delete it (%NAMESPACE/%s)"
0x5050000000000066 "Sending Gratuitous ARPs on tenant mgmt interfaces after controller failover."
0x5060000000000001 "Tenant configuration created. (%TENANT/%s)"
0x5060000000000002 "Tenant attempting to provision the resources. (%TENANT/%s) (%node/%d)"
0x5060000000000003 "Tenant attempting deploy. (%TENANT/%s) (%node/%d)"
0x5060000000000004 "Tenant deployed successfully (%TENANT/%s) (%node/%d)"
0x5060000000000005 "Tenant attempting to stop (%TENANT/%s) (%node/%d)"
0x5060000000000006 "Tenant attempting to delete (%TENANT/%s) (%node/%d)"
0x5060000000000007 "Failed to get tenant(s) health from server (%rest/%d) (%status/%s)"
0x5060000000000008 "Failed to get node(s) health from server (%rest/%d) (%status/%s)"
0x5060000000000009 "Attempting to setup Tenant to Platform Network channel (%TENANT/%s) (%node/%d)"
0x5060000000000010 "Tenant has unhealthy event (%event/%s). (%TENANT/%s) (%node/%d)"
0x5060000000000011 "Tenant disk attempting to resize. (%TENANT/%s) (%Size/%d)"
0x5060000000000012 "Tenant disk resized successfully (%TENANT/%s) (%node/%d)"
0x5060000000000013 "Tenant is running successfully (%TENANT/%s) (%node/%d)"
0x5060000000000014 "Tenant deployment failed (%TENANT/%s) (%node/%d) (%result/%s)"
0x5060000000000015 "Tenant configuration deleted. (%TENANT/%s)"
0x5060000000000016 "Tenant deleted successfully (%TENANT/%s) (%node/%d)"
0x5060000000000017 "Tenant stopped successfully (%TENANT/%s) (%node/%d)"
0x5060000000000018 "Unhealthy event for tenant (%TENANT/%s) during upgrade (%event/%s)"
0x5060000000000019 "Tenant to Platform Network channel setup done successfully (%TENANT/%s) (%node/%d)"
0x5060000000000021 "Tenant resource provisioning successful. (%TENANT/%s) (%node/%d)"
0x5060000000000022 "Using spec path: (%path/%s)"
0x5060000000000024 "Error parsing (%path/%s): (%error/%s)"
0x5060000000000025 "Unable to validate spec file (%path/%s)"
0x5060000000000028 "Flag (%flag/%s) does not exist, skipping."
0x5060000000000029 "Got error code (%code/%d) while checking existence of flag (%flag/%s)"
0x5060000000000030 "Chassis serial number is invalid - do not attempt tenant deploy. (%TENANT/%s) (%node/%d)"
0x5060000000000032 "(%msg/%s) (%TENANT/%s)"
0x5060000000000033 "(%msg/%s) (%TENANT/%s)"
0x5060000000000034 "Successfully update CPU for tenant (%TENANT/%s)"
0x5060000000000035 "Successfully update feature-flags for tenant (%TENANT/%s)"
0x5060000000000036 "Successfully update float IP for tenant (%TENANT/%s)"
0x5060000000000037 "Successfully update HA state for tenant (%TENANT/%s)"
0x5060000000000039 "NodeAgent failed to process the request with error (%message/%s)"
0x5060000000000040 "Timeout waiting for response from NodeAgent (%TENANT/%s) (%NODE/%d)"
0x5060000000000041 "Successfully update module-provision update for tenant (%TENANT/%s)"
0x5060000000000042 "Failed to allocate memory for tenant (%TENANT/%s) (%node/%d)"
0x5060000000000043 "Tenant interim upgrade status (%TENANT/%s) (%event/%s) (%ret/%d)"
0x5060000000000044 "Tenant upgrade started. (%TENANT/%s)"
0x5060000000000045 "Tenant upgrade successful. (%TENANT/%s)"
0x5060000000000046 "Retrying tenant upgrade. (%TENANT/%s)"
0x5060000000000047 "Unable to post tenant upgrade result in confd on standby. (%TENANT/%s)"
0x5060000000000048 "Tenant upgrade failed. (%TENANT/%s)"
0x5060000000000049 "Tenant deployment failed due to insufficient CPUs (%TENANT/%s) (%node/%d)"
0x5060000000000050 "Unable to post updated 4k memory to confd on standby. (%TENANT/%s)"
0x5060000000000051 "Tenant rollback is in progress. (%TENANT/%s)"
0x5060000000000052 "Stale Tenant upgrade finishing. Do not update confd. (%TENANT/%s) (%TENANTID/%d)"
0x5060000000000053 "Failed to delete the token file associated with the tenant namespace. (%FILE/%s)"
0x5060000000000054 "Scaling down tenant deployments for memory allocation. (%TENANT/%s)"
0x5060000000000055 "Scaling up tenant deployments after memory allocation failed after multiple retries. (%TENANT/%s)"
0x5060000000000056 "Scaling down tenant deployments is successful. (%TENANT/%s)"
0x5060000000000057 "Retrying to create platform-agent pod for tenant (%TENANT/%s)"
0x5070000000000001 "No available SR-IOV VF groups found"
0x5070000000000002 "SR-IOV VF Slot information is not available/updated for the tenant (%TENANT/%s)"
0x5070000000000003 "Received invalid SR-IOV VF group id (%VFGROUP/%d)"
0x5070000000000004 "Unable to fetch VFs pci address from filesystem"
0x5070000000000005 "Unable to fetch VF groups data from confd"
0x5070000000000006 "SR-IOV DP pod is at running/ready state, able to access VFs"
0x5070000000000007 "Failed to perform driver switch on SR-IOV VFs (%TENANT/%s)"
0x5701000000000001 "License Service starting, (%version/%s) (%date/%s)"
0x5701000000000002 "License Service exiting."
0x5701000000000003 "cdb_get failed for (%COMPONENT/%s) (%ERROR/%s) (%LASTERR/%s) (%ERRNO/%d)"
0x5701000000000004 "(%func/%s): Memory allocation failed (%TYPE/%s)"
0x5701000000000008 "(%func/%s): (%Execption/%s)"
0x5701000000000010 "(%func/%s): (%Error/%s)"
0x5701000000000011 "(%func/%s): Unable to create Mappi transaction (%ERRNO/%d) (%LASTERR/%s)"
0x5701000000000012 "(%func/%s): License update transaction failed. retrying (%count/%d)"
0x5701000000000013 "(%func/%s): Dossier is empty. Unable to fetch the system dossier"
0x5701000000000014 "(%func/%s): Unable to instantiate LicenseCdbHandler Object"
0x5701000000000015 "(%func/%s): Dossier instance creation failed"
0x5701000000000016 "(%func/%s): Dossier init failed"
0x5701000000000017 "(%func/%s): Getting Hashed Dossier failed"
0x5701000000000018 "(%func/%s): Getting Encrypted Dossier failed"
0x5701000000000019 "(%func/%s): Could not retrieve Chassis Reg Key from HAL"
0x5701000000000020 "(%func/%s): Unable to instantiate LicenseActivationClient Object"
0x5701000000000021 "(%func/%s): license can't be installed on Standby"
0x5701000000000022 "(%func/%s): (%message/%s)"
0x5701000000000023 "(%func/%s): Configuration set elem operation failed for (%PATH/%s) (%ERRNO/%d) (%LASTERR/%s)"
0x5701000000000024 "(%func/%s): Configuration set elem2 operation failed for (%PATH/%s) (%ERRNO/%d) (%LASTERR/%s)"
0x5701000000000025 "(%func/%s): Configuration delete operation failed for (%PATH/%s) (%ERRNO/%d) (%LASTERR/%s)"
0x5701000000000026 "(%func/%s): Configuration get operation failed for (%PATH/%s) (%ERRNO/%d) (%LASTERR/%s)"
0x5701000000000027 "(%func/%s): Dossier CDB Update failed"
0x5701000000000028 "(%func/%s)Populating license details on startup"
0x5701000000000029 "(%func/%s)Populating license details failed on startup"
0x5701000000000030 "(%func/%s)License Installation is aborted"
0x5701000000000033 "(%func/%s): License file creation failed (%ERROR/%s)"
0x5701000000000037 "AUDIT - SERVICE_INDICATOR initializing system_license_service in FIPS 140-3 mode"
0x5701000000000038 "Maapi complete transaction failed for fflags update. (%error/%s) (%error_no/%d)"
0x5701000000000039 "License feature flags maapi_set_values failed. (%error/%s) (%error_no/%d)"
0x5701000000000040 "License feature flags cdb_set_values failed. (%error/%s) (%error_no/%d)"
0x5701000000000041 "License feature flags oper data set failed. (%error/%s) (%error_no/%d)"
0x5701000000000042 "Password not provided with username in diagnostics proxy."
0x5701000000000044 "(%msg/%s) : (%error/%s) (%error_no/%d)"
0x5701000000000045 "(%msg/%s)"
0x5701000000000046 "Proxy server is not set for license installation, proceeding without a proxy."
0x5701000000000047 "Proxy-server URL is not valid, use the format ://:"
0x5801000000000001 "API service gateway starting (%VERSION/%s) (%DATE/%s)"
0x5801000000000002 "UNUSED: API service gateway exiting"
0x5801000000000003 "Memory allocation failed (%TYPE/%s)"
0x5801000000000004 "Failed to read env variable (%VAR/%s)"
0x5801000000000006 "Rejecting vlan (%VLAN/%d) for tenant (%TENANT/%s)"
0x5801000000000007 "syncookie not supported message (%text/%s)"
0x5801000000000008 "No environment variable NETWORK_PREFIX, using default network prefix 10.1"
0x5801000000000009 "Env variable set (%VAR/%s) (%VALUE/%s)"
0x5801000000000010 "Error during tmstat operation. (%API/%s) (%TBLNAME/%s) (%error/%s)"
0x5801000000000011 "Waiting for self-signed certificates installation. (%MSG/%s)"
0x5801000000000012 "self-signed crypto keys installation completed"
0x5801000000000013 "API service gateway exiting"
0x5801000000000015 "SERVICE_INDICATOR initializing api-svc-gateway in FIPS 140-3 mode"
0x5803000000000001 "Read from cdb failed: (%PATH/%s) (%ERRNOSTR/%s) (%LASTERR/%s) (%ERRNO/%d)"
0x5803000000000002 "Change Directory for cdb failed: (%PATH/%s) (%ERRNOSTR/%s) (%LASTERR/%s) (%ERRNO/%d)"
0x5803000000000003 "Write to cdb failed: (%PATH/%s) (%ERRNOSTR/%s) (%LASTERR/%s) (%ERRNO/%d)"
0x5803000000000004 "service-instance (%NAME/%s) not in cdb"
0x5803000000000005 "Delete from cdb failed: (%PATH/%s) (%ERRNOSTR/%s) (%LASTERR/%s) (%ERRNO/%d)"
0x5803000000000007 "service-instance (%NAME/%s) with nonzero submodule-id doesn't support (%FEATURE/%s)"
0x5803000000000008 "cdb_get: (%PATH/%s) (%TENANT/%s) (%ERRNOSTR/%s) (%LASTERR/%s) (%ERRNO/%d)"
0x5803000000000009 "Key Hash (%TYPE/%s) (%HASH/%s)"
0x5803000000000010 "Key header check failed (%HEADER/%s)"
0x5803000000000011 "Crypto key installation failed: (%ERRNOSTR/%s) (%LASTERR/%s) (%ERRNO/%d)"
0x5803000000000012 "Read from cdb failed for virtual-wire: (%PATH/%s) (%ERRNOSTR/%s) (%LASTERR/%s) (%ERRNO/%d)"
0x5803000000000013 "Unexpected CONFD type for interface field (%INTERFACE/%s) (%FIELD/%s) (%EXPECTED/%d) (%ACTUAL/%d)"
0x5803000000000017 "failed to parse sdag table (%TENANT/%s) (%TABLE/%s)"
0x5803000000000018 "cdb_get: (%PATH/%s) (%KEY/%s) (%ERRNOSTR/%s) (%LASTERR/%s) (%ERRNO/%d)"
0x5803000000000019 "cdb_exists: (%PATH/%s) (%KEY/%s) (%ERRNOSTR/%s) (%LASTERR/%s) (%ERRNO/%d)"
0x5803000000000021 "Failed to look up physical slot. (%VIRTSLOT/%d)"
0x5803000000000022 "Failed to look up virtual slot. (%PHYSSLOT/%d)"
0x5803000000000023 "database get: (%PATH/%s) (%NODE/%s) (%ERRNOSTR/%s) (%LASTERR/%s) (%ERRNO/%d)"
0x5803000000000024 "Failed to get backline link field from database. (%FIELD/%s) (%ERRNOSTR/%s) (%LASTERR/%s) (%ERRNO/%d)"
0x5803000000000026 "Failed to find cdb path: (%PATH/%s) (%ERRNOSTR/%s) (%LASTERR/%s) (%ERRNO/%d)"
0x5804000000000001 "Client Registration failed: (%ERRMSG/%s)"
0x5804000000000002 "Client Subscription failed: (%ERRMSG/%s)"
0x5804000000000003 "Client Deregistration failed: (%ERRMSG/%s)"
0x5804000000000004 "Platform-Tenant connection API: (%MSG/%s)"
0x5804000000000005 "tmstat error: (%ERRMSG/%s)"
0x5804000000000006 "Primary slot notification: (%ERRMSG/%s)"
0x5804000000000007 "UNUSED: Error in mssrequest: (%ERRMSG/%s)"
0x5804000000000008 "Transform Config request failed: (%ERRMSG/%s)"
0x5804000000000009 "Secret Config request failed: (%ERRMSG/%s)"
0x5804000000000010 "DDoS Vector Config request failed: (%ERRMSG/%s)"
0x5804000000000011 "DDoS Tunable Params request failed: (%ERRMSG/%s)"
0x5804000000000012 "Image version error: (%ERRMSG/%s)"
0x5804000000000013 "DDoS WL Config request failed: (%ERRMSG/%s)"
0x5804000000000014 "BDoS Params request failed: (%ERRMSG/%s)"
0x5804000000000015 "DDoS Vector Stats request failed: (%ERRMSG/%s)"
0x5804000000000016 "Error in request from tenant (%TENANT/%s) (%FUNC/%s) (%TYPE/%s)"
0x5804000000000017 "Vlan Config request failed: (%ERRMSG/%s)"
0x5804000000000018 "Stats query failed: (%ERRMSG/%s)"
0x5804000000000019 "Error while configuring vlanset: (%ERRMSG/%s)"
0x5804000000000020 "Error while fetching daglib: (%ERRMSG/%s)"
0x5804000000000021 "delete api_client (%tenant/%s)"
0x5804000000000024 "Incorrectly formatted peer, reject"
0x5804000000000025 "Timeout processing L2 listener requests"
0x5804000000000027 "No unit key was found in confd for tenant (%TENANT/%s)"
0x5804000000000029 "Unit key could not be decrypted (%TENANT/%s) (%HASH/%s) (%ERRNOSTR/%s) (%LASTERR/%s) (%ERRNO/%d)"
0x5804000000000030 "Unit key was not in a valid format (%TENANT/%s) (%HASH/%s)"
0x5804000000000031 "Unit key hash did not match (%TENANT/%s) (%HASH/%s) (%HASHCALC/%s)"
0x5804000000000032 "Processed primary slot notify request for tenant client (%tenant/%s)"
0x5804000000000033 "Processed image version notify request for tenant client (%tenant/%s)"
0x5804000000000034 "Processed register request for the tenant client (%tenant/%s)"
0x5804000000000035 "Processed deregister request for tenant client (%tenant/%s)"
0x5804000000000036 "Receive subscribe request from tenant client (%tenant/%s)"
0x5804000000000037 "End of tenant client subscription for the tenant (%tenant/%s)"
0x5804000000000038 "Fetching sdaglib (%size/%d)"
0x5804000000000039 "Receive listener request from tenant client (%tenant/%s) (%instid/%d) (%listeners_count/%d) (%mac_masq_listeners_count/%d)"
0x5804000000000040 "Listener request (%vlanname/%s) (%vlantag/%d) (%mac/%s) (%cmphash/%s) (%tunnel/%s) (%ipv6prefixlen/%d) (%daghash/%d) (%portadjust/%s)"
0x5804000000000041 "Network manager reply returned error (%errorcode/%d) (%tenant/%s) (%tenantinstance/%d) (%vlantag/%d) (%op/%d)"
0x5804000000000042 "Network manager reply returned OK (%tenant/%s) (%tenantinstance/%d) (%vlantag/%d) (%op/%d)"
0x5804000000000043 "primary slot notification: Tenant client is not registered (%tenant/%s)"
0x5804000000000044 "primary slot notification: Tenant client not found in the tenant config database (%tenant/%s)"
0x5804000000000045 "primary slot notification: Failed to write primary slot info to ConfD for tenant client (%tenant/%s)"
0x5804000000000046 "image version notification: API client is not registered (%tenant/%s)"
0x5804000000000047 "image version notification: API client not found in the tenant config database (%tenant/%s)"
0x5804000000000048 "image version notification: Failed write of running image version (%tenant/%s)"
0x5804000000000049 "Client Registration failed: API client already registered (%tenant/%s)"
0x5804000000000050 "Client Registration failed: invalid API client (%tenant/%s)"
0x5804000000000051 "Client Registration failed: API client not found in the tenant config database (%tenant/%s)";
0x5804000000000052 "Client Deregistration failed: API client is not registered (%tenant/%s)"
0x5804000000000053 "Client Deregistration failed: invalid API client (%tenant/%s)"
0x5804000000000054 "Client Subscription failed: API client is not registered (%tenant/%s)"
0x5804000000000055 "Client Subscription failed: API client already subscribed (%tenant/%s)"
0x5804000000000056 "Client Subscription failed: Initial notification to tenant client failed for the tenant (%tenant/%s)"
0x5804000000000057 "Client Subscription: API client no longer subscribed (%tenant/%s)"
0x5804000000000058 "Client Subscription failed: API client no longer in the tenant config database (%tenant/%s)"
0x5804000000000059 "Client Subscription failed: Failed to send notification for the tenant (%tenant/%s)"
0x5804000000000060 "Tenant deletion: API client is not registered (%tenant/%s)"
0x5804000000000061 "Listener creation failed: API client is not registered (%tenant/%s)"
0x5804000000000062 "Error while fetching daglib: API client is not registered (%tenant/%s)"
0x5804000000000063 "Error while fetching feature info: (%ERRMSG/%s)"
0x5804000000000064 "tenant state notification: API client is not registered (%tenant/%s)"
0x5804000000000065 "tenant state notification: API client not found in the tenant config database (%tenant/%s)"
0x5804000000000066 "tenant state notification: Failed cdb write of tenant state (%tenant/%s)"
0x5804000000000067 "Receive notify tenant state request from API client (%tenant/%s)"
0x5804000000000068 "Vnap Config request failed: (%ERRMSG/%s)"
0x5804000000000069 "Timeout processing Vnap request"
0x5804000000000070 "tenant state notification: Failed cdb write of primary slot (%tenant/%s)"
0x5804000000000071 "Unable to get platform type/unsupported platform type (%TENANT/%d)"
0x5804000000000072 "Invalid token for the tenant (%TENANT/%s)"
0x5804000000000073 "Token validation has failed for tenant (%TENANT/%d) with error (%ERROR/%s)"
0x5804000000000074 "Failed to find tenant: (%TENANT/%s)"
0x5804000000000075 "(%LOG/%s)"
0x5804000000000078 "Platform key could not be decrypted (%ERRNOSTR/%s) (%LASTERR/%s) (%ERRNO/%d)"
0x5804000000000079 "Install crypt keys failed (%ERRNOSTR/%s) (%LASTERR/%s) (%ERRNO/%d)"
0x5804000000000080 "Listener mac masq request (%vlantag/%d) (%mac/%s) (%op/%d)"
0x5804000000000081 "Network manager mac masquerade reply returned error (%errorcode/%d) (%tenant/%s) (%tenantinstance/%d) (%vlantag/%d) (%mac/%s) (%op/%d)"
0x5804000000000082 "Network manager mac masquerade reply returned OK (%tenant/%s) (%tenantinstance/%d) (%vlantag/%d) (%mac/%s) (%op/%d)"
0x5804000000000083 "Timeout processing Dag grpc requests"
0x5804000000000084 "Dag gRPC request error: (%TENANT/%s) (%TYPE/%s)(%ERRMSG/%s)"
0x5804000000000085 "Dag gRPC interal error: (%TENANT/%s) (%TYPE/%s)(%ERRMSG/%s)"
0x5804000000000086 "gRPC Server failed to start, server will be inactive."
0x5804000000000087 "Error occurred while processing listener request (%TENANT/%s) (%REASON/%s) (%VALUE/%s)"
0x5804000000000088 "Error fetching Virtual-wire: (%ERRMSG/%s)"
0x5804000000000089 "tenant state notification: API client not found in the tenant tmstat database (%tenant/%s)"
0x5804000000000095 "virtual-wire not found in tenant (%tenant/%s) (%vwire/%s)"
0x5804000000000097 "Virtual wire notification vlan (%vwire/%s) (%vlanid/%d)"
0x5804000000000098 "Virtual wire notification vnet_if (%vnet/%s) (%iftype/%s) (%did/%d)"
0x5804000000000101 "Tenant client deregistration in progress for: (%TENANTNAME/%s)"
0x5804000000000102 "Tenant client subscription in progress for: (%TENANTNAME/%s)"
0x5804000000000108 "Error in IPv4 inet_ntoa IP to string conversion"
0x5804000000000109 "Error in IPv6 inet_ntop IP to string conversion"
0x5804000000000110 "subscribe: API client is no longer registered (%service/%s) (%tenant/%s)"
0x5804000000000111 "cluster subscribe: API client is not registered (%tenant/%s)"
0x5804000000000112 "cluster subscribe: API client already subscribed (%tenant/%s)"
0x5804000000000113 "cluster subscribe: Initial notification to API client failed (%tenant/%s)"
0x5804000000000114 "cluster subscribe: notification to API client failed (%tenant/%s)"
0x5804000000000115 "No registered stream client found (%tenant/%s)"
0x5804000000000116 "Module provisioning Config request failed: (%ERRMSG/%s)"
0x5804000000000117 "Module provisioning status request failed: (%ERRMSG/%s)"
0x5805000000000001 "Error while registering message queues: (%ERRMSG/%s)"
0x5805000000000002 "Error in Message queues(rcv): unexpected fpgamgr msg (%ID/%d)"
0x5805000000000003 "Error in Message queues(rcv): fpga msg poll timeout"
0x5805000000000004 "Error in Message queues(rcv): fpga msg bad status (%STATUS/%s) (%TYPE/%s) (%MODE/%s)"
0x5805000000000005 "Bad return from Message Queue api (%FUNC/%s)"
0x5805000000000006 "Running network manager Message Queue client at (%ADDR/%s)"
0x5805000000000007 "Failure setting up FPGA Message Queue"
0x5805000000000008 "Failure sending fpgamgr ddos msg, message queue not initialized. (%THREAD/%d) (%ID/%d) (%MODE/%s)"
0x5805000000000009 "Failure deregistering FPGA Message Queue upon thread exit. (%THREAD/%d) (%ERR/%d)"
0x5805000000000010 "No payload received in reply from F5OS platform component - (%COMPONENT/%s). Invalid reply"
0x5805000000000011 "Failed to start Message Queue client. (%NAME/%s)"
0x5805000000000012 "Reply handling for (%COMPONENT/%s): no callback for client_name (%CLIENT/%s), tenant_name (%TENANT/%s), instance (%INSTANCE/%d)"
0x5901000000000001 "Datapath CP Proxy Starting. (%verion/%s) (%build_date/%s) (%msg_version_in_use/%d)"
0x5901000000000002 "Doorbell setup error (%TYPE/%s) (%ERRNO/%d) (%ERRNOSTR/%s)"
0x5901000000000003 "Epoll operations error (%TYPE/%s) (%ERRNO/%d) (%ERRNOSTR/%s)"
0x5901000000000004 "DMAA connection error (%TYPE/%s) (%ERRNO/%d) (%ERRNOSTR/%s)"
0x5901000000000005 "Tenant connection error (%TYPE/%s) (%ERRNO/%d) (%ERRNOSTR/%s)"
0x5901000000000006 "CDB error reading field (%TENANTNAME/%s) (%FIELD/%s) (%ERRNOSTR/%s) (%LASTERR/%s) (%ERRNO/%d)"
0x5901000000000007 "CDB error reading field (%TENANTID/%u) (%FIELD/%s) (%ERRNOSTR/%s) (%LASTERR/%s) (%ERRNO/%d)"
0x5901000000000008 "CDB error field is missing (%TENANTNAME/%s) (%FIELD/%s) (%ERRNOSTR/%s) (%LASTERR/%s) (%ERRNO/%d)"
0x5901000000000009 "Failed to find Tenant with Tenant Name (%TENANTNAME/%s) (%ERRNOSTR/%s) (%LASTERR/%s) (%ERRNO/%d)"
0x5901000000000010 "Failed to find Tenant with Tenant ID (%TENANTID/%u) (%ERRNOSTR/%s) (%LASTERR/%s) (%ERRNO/%d)"
0x5901000000000011 "Tenant ID missing from key value pairs"
0x5901000000000012 "CDB error writing component state field (%FIELD/%s) (%VALUE/%d) (%SLOT/%d) (%ERRNO/%d) (%ERRNOSTR/%s)"
0x5901000000000013 "Failed to read environment variable (%VARIABLE/%s)"
0x5901000000000014 "Failed to get Tenant Name for Tenant FD (%FD/%d)"
0x5901000000000015 "Failed to write Tenant Service Instance (%TENANTNAME/%s) (%ERRNOSTR/%s) (%LASTERR/%s) (%ERRNO/%d)"
0x5901000000000016 "Tenant Name not set when writing Tenant Service Instance (%TENANTID/%u)"
0x5901000000000017 "Failed to delete Tenant Service Instance (%TENANTNAME/%s) (%ERRNOSTR/%s) (%LASTERR/%s) (%ERRNO/%d)"
0x5901000000000018 "Failed to find internal Tenant record (%STAGE/%s) (%TENANTFD/%d) (%TENANTNAME/%s)"
0x5901000000000019 "Failed to find internal Tenant record (%STAGE/%s) (%TENANTFD/%d)"
0x5901000000000020 "Failure in waiting for DMA Agent to be ready (%STAGE/%s) (%ERRNO/%d) (%ERRNOSTR/%s)"
0x5901000000000021 "Failed to verify DMA Agent readiness. Exiting... (%ERRNO/%d) (%ERRNOSTR/%s)"
0x5901000000000022 "Failed to read Control Plane keys. (%TENANTNAME/%s) (%SUBMODULE/%d) (%ERRNO/%d) (%ERRNOSTR/%s)"
0x5901000000000023 "Failed to find Tenant record by Tenant ID (%TENANTID/%u) (%ERRNO/%d) (%ERRNOSTR/%s)"
0x5901000000000024 "Failed to create event fd (%ERRNO/%d) (%ERRNOSTR/%s)"
0x5901000000000025 "Configuration update error (%TYPE/%s) (%ERRNO/%d) (%ERRNOSTR/%s)"
0x5901000000000026 "Subscription error (%TYPE/%s) (%ERRNOSTR/%s) (%LASTERR/%s) (%ERRNO/%d)"
0x5901000000000027 "Failed to handle sep enable message from tenant (%TYPE/%s) (%ERRNO/%d) (%ERRNOSTR/%s)"
0x5901000000000028 "Failed to handle sep disable message from tenant (%TYPE/%s) (%ERRNO/%d) (%ERRNOSTR/%s)"
0x5901000000000029 "Error in reading generic response message (%TYPE/%s) (%ERRNO/%d) (%ERRNOSTR/%s)"
0x5901000000000030 "Substring not found in hugepath conversion (%TENANTNAME/%s)"
0x5901000000000031 "Successfully handled operation. (%TYPE/%s)"
0x5901000000000032 "Successfully handled operation. (%TENANTNAME/%s) (%TYPE/%s)"
0x5901000000000033 "Successfully handled operation. (%TENANTNAME/%s) (%SUBMODID/%d) (%TYPE/%s)"
0x5901000000000034 "Service Instance Update Success. (%TENANTNAME/%s) (%DOSGRP/%s) (%SVCGRP/%s) (%SVCID/%d)"
0x5901000000000035 "Tenant fd attempt to double register (%TENANTNAME/%s) (%SUBMODULE/%d)"
0x5901000000000036 "A system tenant with this Service ID is already registered (%TENANTNAME/%s) (%SVCID/%d)"
0x5901000000000037 "Tenant Connection Information (%TYPE/%s) (%TENANTNAME/%s) (%SUBMODID/%d) (%MSG_VERSION/%d)"
0x5901000000000038 "Failed to handle operation. (%TENANTNAME/%s) (%SUBMODID/%d) (%TYPE/%s) (%ERRNOSTR/%s)"
0x5901000000000039 "Failed to update Service IDs (%OPERATION/%s) (%TENANTNAME/%s) (%ERRNOSTR/%s) (%LASTERR/%s) (%ERRNO/%d)"
0x5901000000000040 "Duplicate tenant registration for name submodule pair (%TENANTNAME/%s) (%SUBMODULE/%d)"
0x5901000000000042 "Old tenant connection version in use (%TYPE/%s) (%VERSION/%d)"
0x5901000000000043 "No service ids available (%NAME/%s) (%SUBMODULE/%d)"
0x5901000000000045 "Confd Event Update: (%EVENT/%s) (%FROM/%s) (%TENANTNAME/%s) (%ATSE/%u) (%SUBMODULE/%d)"
0x5901000000000046 "Waiting to read initial tenant configuration."
0x5901000000000047 "Setting up doorbell socket (%PATH/%s)"
0x5901000000000048 "Invalid request type (%TYPE/%s) (%TENANTNAME/%s)"
0x5901000000000049 "Successfully read initial tenant configuration."
0x5901000000000050 "Failed to handle get info message from tenant (%TENANT/%s) (%TYPE/%s) (%ERRNO/%d) (%ERRNOSTR/%s)"
0x5901000000000051 "Failed to handle system tenant registration (%SVCID/%d) (%TYPE/%s)"
0x5901000000000052 "Bad Sep Group Response (%TENANT/%s) (%MAXATSE/%d) (%NUMSEPGRP/%d)"
0x5901000000000054 "Failed to find Tenant record by Tenant Name (%TENANTNAME/%s) (%ERRNO/%d) (%ERRNOSTR/%s)"
0x5901000000000055 "Failed to find doorbell FD associated with tenant FD (%TENANTFD/%d) (%ERRNO/%d) (%ERRNOSTR/%s)"
0x5901000000000056 "Error in configuring the tenant. (%TENANTNAME/%s) (%TYPE/%s) (%ERRNOSTR/%s)"
0x5901000000000057 "Removing doorbell socket path. (%PATH/%s) (%METHOD/%s)"
0x5901000000000058 "Error while removing doorbell socket path. (%PATH/%s) (%METHOD/%s) (%ERRNO/%d) (%ERRNOSTR/%s)"
0x5e01000000000001 "utils-agent starting (%VERSION/%s) (%DATE/%s)"
0x5e01000000000002 "utils-agent exiting"
0x5e01000000000003 "utils-agent error in thread-pool (%ERROR/%s)"
0x5e01000000000004 "utils-agent (%INFO/%s)"
0x5e01000000000005 "utils-agent file transfer error (%ERROR/%s)"
0x5e01000000000006 "utils-agent (%AUDITLOG/%s)"
0x5e01000000000007 "utils-agent (%VALIDATIONERROR/%s)"
0x5e01000000000008 "utils-agent file path is not allowed (%FILEPATH/%s) (%FILEOPERATION/%s)"
0x5e01000000000009 "utils-agent (%INFO/%s)"
0x5e01000000000010 "utils-agent (%STATUS/%s) (%FILEPATH/%s) (%ERRORNO/%d) (%ERROR/%s)"
0x5e01000000000011 "utils-agent : failed set value for cdb (%COMPONENT/%s) (%ERROR/%s) (%LASTERROR/%s) (%ERRORNO/%d)"
0x5e01000000000012 "utils-agent : failed get value for cdb (%COMPONENT/%s) (%ERROR/%s) (%LASTERROR/%s) (%ERRORNO/%d)"
0x5e01000000000013 "utils-agent (%ERROR/%s)"
0x5e01000000000014 "utils-agent (%INFO/%s)"
0x5e01000000000015 "utils-agent failed to move file from (%SOURCE/%s) (%DESTINATION/%s) with (%ERROR/%s)"
0x5e01000000000016 "utils-agent (%STATUS/%s) (%ERRORNO/%d)"
0x5e01000000000017 "SERVICE_INDICATOR initializing utils-agent in FIPS 140-3 mode"
0x5e01000000000018 "utils-agent failed to create maapi transaction (%COMPONENT/%s) (%ERROR/%s) (%LASTERROR/%s) (%ERRORNO/%d)"
0x5e01000000000019 "utils-agent failed to complete maapi transaction (%COMPONENT/%s) (%ERROR/%s) (%LASTERROR/%s) (%ERRORNO/%d)"
0x5f01000000000001 "fips-service starting. (%version/%s) (%date/%s)"
0x5f01000000000002 "fips-service exiting"
0x5f01000000000003 "fips monitoring started"
0x5f01000000000005 "(%func/%s) Controller State is neither Active nor Standby. State = (%state/%s)"
0x5f01000000000006 "(%func/%s) (%error/%s)"
0x5f01000000000007 "Setting root account expiry-date is failed"
0x5f01000000000008 "Failed to lock/unlock Always-On Management(AOM) Command Menu"
0x5f01000000000009 "(%INFO/%s)"
0x5f01000000000010 "(%ERROR/%s) (%confd_stderror/%s) (%confd_lasterr/%s) (%confd_errno/%d)"
0x5f01000000000011 "FIPS error: Failed to reboot system, in function: (%func_name/%s), Error code (%ERRNO/%d)"
0x5f01000000000012 "FIPS error: Failed to read reboot counter from filesystem, Error code (%ERRNO/%d)"
0x5f01000000000013 "Read reboot count from file system: (%reboot_count/%d)"
0x5f01000000000014 "(%reboot_reason/%s)"
0x5f01000000000015 "FIPS error: Failed to reset reboot counter in filesystem, Error code (%ERRNO/%d)"
0x5f01000000000016 "FIPS error: Failed to sync fips directory, Error code (%ERRNO/%d)"
0x5f01000000000017 "FIPS error: Failed to sync fips error file (%file/%s), Error code (%ERRNO/%d)"
0x5f01000000000018 "FIPS: Entropy Health failure detected"
0x5f01000000000019 "FIPS: Error mode failure detected"
0x5f01000000000020 "FIPS: default handler triggered for file: (%file/%s)"
0x5f01000000000021 "FIPS License is installed/enabled, rebooting the system"
0x5f01000000000022 "FIPS License is disabled, rebooting the system"
0x5f01000000000023 "Failed to set cdb path (%path/%s) (%confderrno/%d) (%confdlasterr/%s)"
0x5f01000000000024 "cdb_get failed for getting oper data (%func/%s)(%operdatapath/%s) (%confderrno/%d) (%confdlasterr/%s)"
0x5f01000000000025 "Failed to open the file (%path/%s), Error code (%ERRNO/%d)"
0x5f01000000000026 "Reboot count file not created, Error code (%ERRNO/%d)"
0x5f01000000000027 "start session failed, Error code (%ERRNO/%d) (%confdlasterr/%s)"
0x5f01000000000028 "end session failed , Error code (%ERRNO/%d)"
0x5f01000000000029 "set (%element/%s) element failed (%ERRSTR/%s) (%PREVERRNO/%d) (%ERRNO/%d)"
0x5f01000000000030 "AUDIT - SERVICE_INDICATOR initializing fips-service in FIPS 140-3 mode"
0x5f01000000000033 "Failed to get partition id for partition (%name/%s)"
0x5f01000000000034 "failed to start CDB_OPERATIONAL data session => (%confd_strerror_confd_errno/%s)"
0x5f01000000000035 "failed to set cdb name space => (%confd_strerror_confd_errno/%s)"
0x5f01000000000036 "Failed to connect to ConfD"
0x5f01000000000037 "cdb_create failed for path (%path/%s) (%confderrno/%d) (%confdlasterr/%s)"
0x5f01000000000038 "Failed to reset integrity status (%confderrno/%d) (%confdlasterr/%s)"
0x6001000000000001 "LLDP daemon starting, (%version/%s) (%date/%s)"
0x6001000000000002 "LLDP daemon exiting."
0x6001000000000003 "LLDP Datapath Handler is NULL."
0x6001000000000004 "LLDPD Datapath Initialization failed."
0x6001000000000005 "eSetTimer Failed. LLDPD failed to start."
0x6001000000000006 "Non LLDP PDU received and dropped on interface: (%ifName/%s)."
0x6001000000000007 "LLDP Mgmt socket creation failed"
0x6001000000000008 "Building LLDP PDU failed: Unable to obtain SRC MAC for interface: (%ifName/%s)."
0x6001000000000009 "Building LLDP PDU failed: Unable to obtain System Serial Number."
0x6001000000000013 "Unexpected STP configuration. (%DESCRIPTION/%s)"
0x6001000000000014 "CDB get operation failed for (%COMPONENT/%s) (%ERROR/%s) (%LASTERR/%s) (%ERRNO/%d)"
0x6001000000000015 "Unable to start confD session. (%ERROR/%s) (%LASTERR/%s) (%ERRNO/%d)"
0x6001000000000016 "LLDP neighbour update failed (%ifName/%s) and (%nbid/%s)"
0x6001000000000017 "LLDP neighbour remove failed (%ifName/%s) and (%nbid/%s)"
0x6001000000000018 "CDB set operation failed for (%COMPONENT/%s) (%ERROR/%s) (%LASTERR/%s) (%ERRNO/%d)"
0x6001000000000020 "SEP Client spec is Opened."
0x6001000000000021 "SEP library in ERR state."
0x6001000000000022 "Failed to receive packet."
0x6001000000000023 "PDU resource is out of memory."
0x6001000000000024 "Failed to send PDU packet."
0x6001000000000025 "(%phyPort/%d) is reserved and not used."
0x6001000000000031 "(%msg/%s)"
0x6001000000000033 "(%msg/%s) (%value/%s)"
0x6001000000000035 "ZMQ set up failed for send request."
0x6001000000000036 "Failed to mkdir for SEP Client Connection (%ERROR/%s) (%ERRNO/%d)"
0x6101000000000001 "UNUSED: Failed to open socket ds."
0x6101000000000002 "UNUSED: Failed to open socket ss."
0x6101000000000003 "UNUSED: Failed to open socket ods"
0x6101000000000004 "UNUSED: Failed to open socket od2."
0x6101000000000005 "UNUSED: Duplicate Interface object. (%key/%s)"
0x6101000000000006 "UNUSED: Interface object not found. (%key/%s)"
0x6101000000000007 "UNUSED: Duplicate trunk object. (%key/%s)"
0x6101000000000008 "UNUSED: Trunk object not found. (%key/%s)"
0x6101000000000009 "UNUSED: Duplicate trunk config member. (%key/%s)"
0x6101000000000010 "UNUSED: Try to Add an invalid Config Mbr Ignored! (%key/%s)"
0x6101000000000011 "UNUSED: Trunk config member object not found. (%key/%s)"
0x6101000000000012 "UNUSED: Trunk config member object not found. (%port/%d)"
0x6101000000000013 "UNUSED: Link Actor Out of Sync. (%key/%s)"
0x6101000000000014 "UNUSED: Link Partner Out of Sync. (%key/%s)"
0x6101000000000015 "UNUSED: iter_ret: unexpected op. (%path/%s) (%op/%d)"
0x6101000000000016 "UNUSED: initMsgHandler failed."
0x6101000000000017 "UNUSED: connect failed with no fd!"
0x6101000000000018 "UNUSED: Poll failed."
0x6101000000000019 "UNUSED: Too many poll failures, terminating."
0x6101000000000020 "UNUSED: Internal link is AVAILABLE. (%key/%s)"
0x6101000000000021 "UNUSED: Link added to aggregation. (%key/%s)"
0x6101000000000022 "UNUSED: Internal link is UNAVAILABLE. (%key/%s)"
0x6101000000000023 "UNUSED: Link removed from aggregation. (%key/%s)"
0x6101000000000024 "UNUSED: Interface (%key/%s) (%admin_status/%s) (%link_sattus/%s) (%duplex/%s) (%lacp_satte/%s)"
0x6101000000000025 "STPD starting. (%version/%s) (%date/%s)"
0x6101000000000026 "(%mode/%s) (%treenum/%d)] Root change failed: new root=(%newroot/%s) regionalRoot=(%rroot/%s)"
0x6101000000000027 "Error while adding the tree (%treeNum/%u): (%err/%s)"
0x6101000000000028 "Error while removing the tree (%treeNum/%u): (%err/%s)"
0x6101000000000029 "failed to set STP instance (%treeNum/%u) parameters: (%err/%s)"
0x6101000000000030 "init BpduMsgHandler failed. (%reason/%s) (%err/%d)"
0x6101000000000031 "failed to set bridge parameters: (%err/%s)"
0x6101000000000032 "Write MSTP config name to Confd is (%ret/%s)"
0x6101000000000033 "Failed to set RSTP global stats"
0x6101000000000034 "Failed to set RSTP ifc stats (%ifc/%s)"
0x6101000000000035 "Unsupported port role error (%role/%d)"
0x6101000000000036 "fatal error: (%err/%s)"
0x6101000000000037 "Failed to disable the port (%port/%u) in this spanning tree instance (%tree/%u): (%err/%s)"
0x6101000000000038 "Failed to enable the port (%port/%u) in this spanning tree instance (%tree/%u): (%err/%s)"
0x6101000000000039 "Failed to get spanning tree instance per-port parameters ((%tree/%u), (%port/%u)): (%err/%s)"
0x6101000000000040 "Failed to set spanning tree instance per-port parameters ((%tree/%u), (%port/%u)): (%err/%s)"
0x6101000000000041 "Caught a fatal exception: (%err/%s)"
0x6101000000000042 "Received duplicate ConfD create request for VLAN (%vlan/%s)"
0x6101000000000043 "Received ConfD modify request for nonexistent VLAN (%vlan/%s)"
0x6101000000000044 "Received ConfD object delete request for nonexistent VLAN (%vlan/%s)"
0x6101000000000045 "UNUSED: Unsupported port state error (%portstate/%d)"
0x6101000000000046 "stp_vlan_mbr references nonexistent VLAN (%name/%s)"
0x6101000000000047 "stp_vlan_mbr references nonexistent STP instance (%treeNum/%u)"
0x6101000000000048 "UNUSED: Failed to set MSTP global stats"
0x6101000000000049 "Failed to set MSTP instance stats (%inst/%d)"
0x6101000000000050 "Failed to set MSTP ifc stats (%inst/%d) (%ifc/%s)"
0x6101000000000051 "(%mode/%s) (%treeNum/%d)] Port Role change failed: (%interface/%s) = (%role/%s)"
0x6101000000000052 "(%mode/%s) (%treeNum/%d)] Port State change failed: (%interface/%s) = (%state/%s)"
0x6101000000000053 "(%info_str/%s)"
0x6101000000000054 "(%err_str/%s)"
0x6101000000000056 "Fatal error, application exit (%fatal_str/%s)"
0x6102000000000001 "UNUSED: Failed to load schemas from confd."
0x6102000000000002 "UNUSED: Confd connect(ds) failed. (%status/%d)"
0x6102000000000003 "UNUSED: Confd connect(ss) failed. (%status/%d)"
0x6102000000000004 "UNUSED: Confd subscribe(ss) failed. (%status/%d)"
0x6102000000000005 "UNUSED: Confd subscribe_done(ss) failed. (%status/%d)"
0x6102000000000006 "UNUSED: Confd connect(ods) failed. (%status/%d)"
0x6102000000000007 "UNUSED: Confd connect(od2) failed. (%status/%d)"
0x6102000000000008 "UNUSED: Confd connect(oss) failed. (%status/%d)"
0x6102000000000009 "UNUSED: Confd oper_subscribe(oss). (%path/%s) (%status/%d)"
0x6102000000000010 "UNUSED: Confd isubscribe_done(oss). (%status/%d)"
0x6102000000000011 "UNUSED: Confd start_session(od) failed. (%status/%d)"
0x6102000000000012 "UNUSED: Confd start_session(ods) failed. (%status/%d)"
0x6102000000000013 "UNUSED: Confd start_session(ds) failed. (%status/%d)"
0x6102000000000014 "UNUSED: Connected to Confd CBD."
0x6102000000000015 "UNUSED: Not connected to Confd CBD."
0x6102000000000016 "UNUSED: STPD receive info from Confd on trunk. (%name/%s)"
0x6102000000000017 "UNUSED: STPD receive info from Confd on interface. (%name/%s)"
0x6102000000000018 "Failed to write to cdb (%FIELD/%s) (%ERRNO/%d) (%ERRNOSTR/%s)"
0x6102000000000019 "Failed to delete from cdb (%FIELD/%s) (%ERRNO/%d) (%ERRNOSTR/%s)"
0x6102000000000020 "Invalid interface name"
0x6102000000000021 "UNUSED: cdb_get failed for interface (%INTERFACE/%s) (%ATTRIBUTE/%s) (%ERRNOSTR/%s) (%LASTERR/%s) (%ERRNO/%d)"
0x6102000000000022 "UNUSED: cdb_cd failed for interface (%INTERFACE/%s) (%ERRNOSTR/%s) (%LASTERR/%s) (%ERRNO/%d)"
0x6102000000000023 "UNUSED: Unexpected vlan tag type (%INTERFACE/%s) (%ERRNOSTR/%s) (%LASTERR/%s) (%ERRNO/%d)"
0x6102000000000024 "UNUSED: Stpd is restarting to failover to the other controller"
0x6102000000000025 "UNUSED: Unexpected mstp vlan tag type (%ERRNOSTR/%s) (%LASTERR/%s) (%ERRNO/%d)"
0x6102000000000026 "Error occurred in read_initial (%REASON/%s) (%ERRNOSTR/%s) (%LASTERR/%s) (%ERRNO/%d)"
0x6102000000000027 "Error occurred during cdb read (%REASON/%s) (%ERRNOSTR/%s) (%LASTERR/%s) (%ERRNO/%d)"
0x6102000000000028 "Error occurred during cdb set (%REASON/%s) (%ERRNOSTR/%s) (%LASTERR/%s) (%ERRNO/%d)"
0x6201000000000001 "internal error (%CODE/%d)"
0x6201000000000002 "internal event (%CODE/%d)"
0x6201000000000003 "NETWORK_PREFIX environment variable is not set; exiting"
0x6201000000000004 "unable to create the LOPD socket; exiting (%ERRNO/%d) (%ERRNOSTR/%s)"
0x6201000000000005 "unable to set socket options on the LOPD socket; exiting (%ERRNO/%d) (%ERRNOSTR/%s)"
0x6201000000000006 "unable to bind to the LOPD socket; exiting (%ERRNO/%d) (%ERRNOSTR/%s)"
0x6201000000000007 "unable to open the LOP serial device; exiting (%ERRNO/%d) (%ERRNOSTR/%s)"
0x6201000000000008 "unable to get LOP serial device attributes (%ERRNO/%d) (%ERRNOSTR/%s)"
0x6201000000000009 "unable set LOP serial device attributes (%ERRNO/%d) (%ERRNOSTR/%s)"
0x6201000000000010 "timed out while waiting for LOP response"
0x6201000000000011 "unable to poll for I/O events (%ERRNO/%d) (%ERRNOSTR/%s)"
0x6201000000000012 "LOP daemon (LOPD) starting"
0x6201000000000013 "LOP daemon (LOPD) exiting"
0x6201000000000014 "using network prefix (%PREFIX/%s)"
0x6201000000000015 "out of memory to store LOP messages; exiting"
0x6201000000000016 "unable to determine the current log level"
0x6201000000000017 "response mismatch (%OBJECT/%s) (%EXPECTED/%s)"
0x6201000000000018 "response invalid; discarding it (%OBJECT/%s)"
0x6201000000000019 "invalid destination slot ID for outgoing GET/SET request; discarding it (%OBJECT/%s) (%SLOT_ID/%x)"
0x6201000000000020 "invalid destination slot ID for outgoing ALERT/NOTIFY request; discarding it (%OBJECT/%s) (%SLOT_ID/%x)"
0x6201000000000021 "console redirection is not connected; sending disconnection response"
0x6201000000000022 "LOP daemon LOPD starting (%VERSION/%s) (%DATE/%s)"
0x6201000000000023 "caught SIGHUP signal; shutting down"
0x6201000000000024 "caught SIGINT signal; shutting down"
0x6201000000000025 "caught SIGQUIT signal; shutting down"
0x6201000000000026 "caught SIGTERM signal; shutting down"
0x6201000000000027 "LOP daemon LOPD exiting"
0x6202000000000001 "unable to read from LOP serial device (%ERRNO/%d) (%ERRNOSTR/%s)"
0x6202000000000002 "EOF reading from LOP serial device"
0x6202000000000003 "unable to write to LOP serial device; exiting (%ERRNO/%d) (%ERRNOSTR/%s)"
0x6202000000000004 "received serial message from LOP exceeds buffer size; discarding it"
0x6202000000000005 "encapsulated serial data from LOP exceeds buffer size; discarding it"
0x6202000000000006 "encapsulated serial data from LOP contains unescaped flag byte; discarding it"
0x6202000000000007 "encapsulated serial data from LOP ends with escape byte; discarding it"
0x6202000000000008 "received serial message with unexpected object action; discarding it (%OBJECT/%s)"
0x6202000000000009 "LOP has disconnected from serial interface; exiting"
0x6202000000000010 "unable to de-encapsulate data from LOP; exiting"
0x6202000000000011 "received serial message too short; discarding it (%LEN/%u) (%EXPECTED/%u)"
0x6202000000000012 "received serial message with CRC mismatch; discarding it"
0x6202000000000013 "received serial message not OK; discarding it"
0x6202000000000014 "unable to encapsulate serial data for LOP; exiting"
0x6203000000000001 "unable to send message on the network; exiting (%ADDR/%s) (%PORT/%d) (%ERRNO/%d) (%ERRNOSTR/%s)"
0x6203000000000002 "unable to read message from the network (%ERRNO/%d) (%ERRNOSTR/%s)"
0x6203000000000003 "zero length message read from the network"
0x6203000000000004 "unable to process received network message address; exiting"
0x6203000000000005 "received network message too short; discarding it (%LEN/%d) (%EXPECTED/%u)"
0x6203000000000006 "received network message with CRC mismatch; discarding it (%ADDR/%s) (%PORT/%d)"
0x6203000000000008 "unable to convert message address; discarding it (%ADDR/%s)"
0x6203000000000009 "failed to convert message address; discarding it (%ADDR/%s) (%ERRNO/%d) (%ERRNOSTR/%s)"
0x6701000000000001 "Blade is labeled incorrectly with (%LABEL/%s) instead of (%PROJ/%s)."
0x6701000000000002 "Blade is not currently labeled; label with (%PROJ/%s)."
0x6701000000000003 "Failed to parse HAL Chassis Inventory response."
0x6702000000000001 "ERROR: Failed to open (%FILE/%s) for writing."
0x6703000000000001 "ERROR: Failed to add blade to cluster via scaleup.yml."
0x6704000000000001 "ERROR: Failed to add controller to cluster via scaleup.yml."
0x6705000000000001 "ERROR: Failed to initiate openshift cluster."
0x6706000000000001 "ERROR: Execution of command (%COMMAND/%s) with error (%ERROR/%d)."
0x6706000000000002 "ERROR: Fork failed during execution of (%COMMAND/%s) with error (%ERROR/%d)."
0x6707000000000001 "ERROR: Failed to get Partition Config for (%ATTRIBUTE/%s) (%ERRNOSTR/%d) (%LASTERR/%s) (%ERRNO/%d)."
0x6801000000000001 "User Manager Starting. (%VERSION/%s) (%DATE/%s)"
0x6801000000000002 "User Manager Exiting, (%VERSION/%s) (%DATE/%s)"
0x6801000000000003 "Change password operation failed (%USER/%s)"
0x6801000000000004 "Set password operation failed (%USER/%s)"
0x6801000000000008 "Failed to start USER_MANAGER Health Monitor"
0x6801000000000009 "Failed to stop USER_MANAGER Health Monitor"
0x6801000000000013 "(%SRC_USER/%s) password applied to (%DEST_USER/%s)"
0x6801000000000015 "New user added (%USER/%s)"
0x6801000000000016 "User removed (%USER/%s)"
0x6801000000000017 "User added (%USER/%s)"
0x6801000000000018 "SERVICE_INDICATOR initializing user-manager in FIPS 140-3 mode"
0x6801000000000019 "AUDIT - SERVICE_INDICATOR (%USER/%s) (%MSG/%s)"
0x6801000000000020 "Authentication response truncated"
0x6801000000000021 "Problem with retrieving user - user not found"
0x6801000000000022 "Unable to retrieve primary group name"
0x6801000000000023 "Problem retrieving groups - malloc failed"
0x6801000000000024 "Error in run unable to set up"
0x6801000000000025 "ZMQ recv setup Failed."
0x6801000000000026 "ZMQ Registering end point Failed."
0x6801000000000027 "Un authorized user name (%user_name/%s) grpstrbuf (%grpstr/%s)"
0x6801000000000028 "Could not parse Request"
0x6801000000000029 "Failed to fork child process"
0x6801000000000030 "Failed to launch auth info process"
0x6801000000000031 "Failed to get authorization info"
0x6801000000000032 "Invalid authorized_key attempted for user."
0x6801000000000033 "Administrative user set-password for target user.(%USER/%s)(%TARGET/%s)"
0x6801000000000034 "Administrative user set-password succeeded for target user.(%USER/%s)(%TARGET/%s)"
0x6801000000000035 "set-password failed.(%USER/%s)(%MSG/%s)"
0x6801000000000036 "change-password started.(%USER/%s)"
0x6801000000000037 "change-password succeeded.(%USER/%s)"
0x6801000000000038 "change-password failed.(%USER/%s)(%MSG/%s)"
0x6801000000000039 "User password corrupted. Must be reset with set-password.(%USER/%s)"
0x6801000000000040 "LDAP API error during operation. (%oper/%s) (%code/%d) (%msg/%s)"
0x6801000000000044 "Mapping remote-gid from group name. (%group/%s) (%role/%s) (%remotegid/%d)"
0x6801000000000045 "Error while querying LDAP group information for remote-gid mapping. (%group/%s) (%role/%s)"
0x6801000000000046 "Group name mapping for remote-gid requested but LDAP is not properly configured. (%group/%s) (%role/%s)"
0x6801000000000047 "LDAP configuration could not be loaded. (%group/%s) (%role/%s)"
0x6802000000000001 "cdb_get failed for (%ATTRIBUTE/%s) (%ERRNOSTR/%s) (%LASTERR/%s) (%ERRNO/%d)"
0x6802000000000002 "Could not write database (%OBJECT/%s) (%FIELD/%s) (%ERR/%s)"
0x6802000000000005 "Could not read database (%ERR/%s)"
0x6802000000000006 "cdb_exists failed, (%ERRNOSTR/%s) (%LASTERR/%s) (%ERRNO/%d)"
0x6802000000000007 "Could not write database (%OBJECT/%s) (%ERR/%s)"
0x6802000000000008 "Failed to complete Mappi transaction. (%ERRNO/%d) (%LASTERR/%s)"
0x6802000000000009 "maapi_exists failed, (%ERRNOSTR/%s) (%LASTERR/%s) (%ERRNO/%d)"
0x6802000000000010 "cdb_get failed (%ret/%d) (%confd_errno/%d) (%fmt/%s)"
0x6802000000000011 "Error updating remote_gid from group name mapping (%ERRNOSTR/%s) (%LASTERR/%s) (%ERRNO/%d)"
0x6802000000000012 "Error initializing confd writer (%ERRNOSTR/%s) (%LASTERR/%s) (%ERRNO/%d)"
0x6a01000000000001 "SNMP Service starting (%version/%s) (%date/%s)"
0x6a01000000000002 "SNMP Service exiting."
0x6a01000000000003 "ZMQ setup failed for send request."
0x6a01000000000004 "Path does not exist. (%path/%s)"
0x6a01000000000005 "Directory created successfully. (%dir/%s)"
0x6a01000000000006 "Failed to create directory: (%dir/%s)"
0x6a01000000000007 "System's IPv4 address isn't configured."
0x6a01000000000008 "System's IPv6 address isn't configured."
0x6a01000000000009 "Socket creation failed."
0x6a01000000000010 "IOCTL request failed."
0x6a01000000000011 "Memory allocation failed."
0x6a01000000000012 "User exist with old engine-id."
0x6a01000000000013 "(%msg/%s)"
0x6a01000000000014 "Community exist with old engine-id."
0x6a01000000000016 "Invalid fan instance: (%fan_instance/%d)"
0x6a01000000000017 "Failed to get fan request header size"
0x6a01000000000018 "Failed to send ZMQ request for fantray: (%msg_length/%d)"
0x6a01000000000019 "SERVICE_INDICATOR initializing snmp-service in FIPS 140-3 mode"
0x6a01000000000020 "SNMP system description. (%sysDescr/%s)"
0x6a01000000000021 "INOTIFY init Failed."
0x6a01000000000022 "INOTIFY ADD WATCH Failed."
0x6a01000000000023 "Failed to send SNMP trap for bad login."
0x6a01000000000024 "INOTIFY read failed for the file: (%filename/%s)"
0x6a01000000000025 "Failed to open file: (%filename/%s)"
0x6a01000000000026 "Failed to create file: (%filename/%s)"
0x6a01000000000027 "Failed to get filesystems on node (%node/%s)"
0x6a01000000000028 "ZMQ setup failed."
0x6a02000000000001 "Failed to create Mappi transaction. (%NAMESPACE/%s) (%OP/%s) (%ERRNO/%d) (%LASTERR/%s)"
0x6a02000000000002 "Maapi get operation failed. (%PATH/%s) (%ERRNO/%d) (%LASTERR/%s)"
0x6a02000000000003 "Maapi set elem operation failed. (%PATH/%s) (%ERRNO/%d) (%LASTERR/%s)"
0x6a02000000000004 "SNMPv2-MIB update transaction failed. (%count/%d)"
0x6a02000000000005 "CDB set operation failed. (%COMPONENT/%s) (%ERROR/%s) (%LASTERR/%s) (%ERRNO/%d)"
0x6a02000000000006 "Failed to start the CDB session. (%PATH/%s) (%ERROR/%s) (%LASTERR/%s) (%ERRNO/%d)"
0x6a02000000000007 "CDB get operation failed. (%COMPONENT/%s) (%ERROR/%s) (%LASTERR/%s) (%ERRNO/%d)"
0x6a02000000000008 "Received invalid cdb operation. (%op/%d) in FPGA data map update"
0x6a02000000000009 "Invalid xml tag to get element value. (%xmltag/%d)"
0x6a02000000000010 "CDB get operation failed for SNMP user name (%PATH/%s) (%ERRNOSTR/%d) (%LASTERR/%s) (%ERRNO/%d)"
0x6a02000000000011 "CDB change directory operation failed for (%PATH/%s) (%ERRNOSTR/%d) (%LASTERR/%s) (%ERRNO/%d)"
0x6a02000000000012 "CDB get operation failed for (%USER/%s) (%ATTRIBUTE/%s) (%ERRNOSTR/%d) (%LASTERR/%s) (%ERRNO/%d)"
0x6a02000000000013 "Failed to complete Mappi transaction. (%NAMESPACE/%s) (%OP/%s) (%ERRNO/%d) (%LASTERR/%s)"
0x6a02000000000014 "Failed to do Maapi set values operation. (%PATH/%s) (%ERRNO/%d) (%LASTERR/%s)"
0x6a02000000000015 "Maapi set values failed due to path error. (%PATH/%s) (%ERRNO/%d) (%LASTERR/%s)"
0x6a02000000000016 "Received invalid cdb operation. (%op/%d)"
0x6a02000000000017 "Maapi set elem2 operation failed. (%PATH/%s) (%ERRNO/%d) (%LASTERR/%s)"
0x6a02000000000018 "CDB set elem operation failed. (%COMPONENT/%s) (%ERRNO/%d) (%LASTERR/%s)"
0x6a02000000000019 "Failed to do Maapi set elem. (%PATH/%s) (%ERRNO/%d) (%LASTERR/%s)
0x6a02000000000020 "CDB delete failed for (%PATH/%s) (%ERROR/%s) (%LASTERR/%s) (%ERRNO/%d)"
0x6a02000000000021 "CDB set values failed for (%PATH/%s) (%ERROR/%s) (%LASTERR/%s) (%ERRNO/%d)"
0x6a02000000000022 "CDB set case failed for SNMP target (%TARGET/%s) (%CASE/%s) (%ERROR/%s) (%LASTERR/%s) (%ERRNO/%d)"
0x6a02000000000023 "Failed to delete Maapi. (%PATH/%s) (%ERRNO/%d) (%LASTERR/%s)"
0x6a02000000000024 "Invalid xml tag in get (%xmltag/%d)"
0x6a02000000000025 "Received invalid cdb operation (%op/%d) in Firmware data map update"
0x6a02000000000026 "Invalid xml tag in Get (%xmltag/%d)"
0x6a02000000000027 "Maapi create operation failed. (%PATH/%s) (%ERRNO/%d) (%LASTERR/%s)"
0x6a02000000000028 "Engine-id value: Invalid ConfD type (%TYPE/%d)"
0x6f01000000000001 "System Service Starting, (%version/%s) (%date/%s)"
0x6f01000000000002 "System Service Exiting..."
0x6f01000000000003 "(%func/%s): (%message/%s)"
0x6f01000000000004 "(%func/%s): Peer Controller reboot trigger failed. (%controller/%d)"
0x6f01000000000005 "(%func/%s): Controller reboot trigger failed. (%controller/%d)"
0x6f01000000000006 "(%func/%s): Controller slot is not set in environment"
0x6f01000000000007 "(%func/%s): (%message/%s)"
0x6f01000000000008 "SW-MGMT socket error: (%message/%s)"
0x6f01000000000009 "(%func/%s): (%message/%s)"
0x6f01000000000013 "(%func/%s): (%path/%s) does not exist"
0x6f01000000000014 "(%func/%s): (%dir/%s) created successfully"
0x6f01000000000015 "(%func/%s): failed to create: (%dir/%s)"
0x6f01000000000017 "Unable to fetch from confd (%path/%s) (%confd_strerror_confd_errno/%s) (%confd_lasterr/%s)"
0x6f01000000000018 "(%msg/%s)"
0x6f02000000000001 "(%func/%s): unsupported action (%tag/%d)"
0x6f02000000000002 "(%func/%s): Invalid Controller status. (%status/%d) and (%req_reboot/%s)"
0x6f02000000000003 "Unable to fetch from confd (%path/%s) (%confd_strerror_confd_errno/%s) (%confd_lasterr/%s)"
0x6f02000000000004 "Failed to create transaction (%confd_strerror_confd_errno/%s) (%confd_lasterr/%s)"
0x6f02000000000005 "Failed to find CDB component (%COMPONENT/%s)"
0x6f02000000000006 "cdb_set failed for (%PATH/%s) (%LASTERR/%s) (%ERRNO/%d)"
0x6f02000000000007 "Failed to start confd session. (%ERROR/%s) (%LASTERR/%s) (%ERRNO/%d)"
0x7901000000000003 "Restricted SSH traffic from ip: (%IP_NETW/%s)"
0x7901000000000004 "Add rule exist in DB with (%RULE_NAME/%s), (%IP_ADD/%s)"
0x7901000000000007 "SSH Rule Info: (%Name/%s), (%ip/%s), (%port/%d), (%is_ipv4/%d)"
0x7901000000000008 "Add ssh access denial rule: (%RULE_NAME/%s)"
0x7901000000000009 "Add ssh access allowed IP rule: (%RULE_NAME/%s), (%IP_ADD/%s)"
0x7901000000000010 "Delete ssh access denial rule: (%RULE_NAME/%s)"
0x7901000000000011 "Delete ssh access allowed IP rule: (%RULE_NAME/%s), (%IP_ADD/%s)"
0x7901000000000022 "Firewall Manager starting. (%version/%s) (%date/%s)"
0x7901000000000023 "Firewall rule added:(%Name/%s), (%ip/%s), (%port/%d)"
0x7901000000000024 "Firewall rule deleted:(%Name/%s), (%ip/%s), (%port/%d)"
0x7901000000000025 "Default rule added:(%Name/%s), (%port/%d)"
0x7901000000000026 "Default rule deleted:(%Chain_Name/%s), (%port/%d)"
0x7b01000000000001 "Failed to read input crl file. (%filename/%s)"
0x7b01000000000002 "Failed to write crl file: (%path/%s)"
0x7b01000000000003 "File cannot be opened (%file/%s)"
0x7b01000000000004 "OpenSSL public key failed."
0x7b01000000000005 "Key/Certificate mismatch (%file1/%s) (%file2/%s)"
0x7b01000000000006 "Failed to open key file (%name/%s)"
0x7b01000000000007 "Failed to read key file (%name/%s)"
0x7b01000000000008 "OpenSSL ASN1_INTEGER_new failed to allocate memory."
0x7b01000000000009 "OpenSSL ASN1_STRING_set_default_mask_asc failed."
0x7b01000000000010 "OpenSSL BIO_new_fp failed allocate memory."
0x7b01000000000011 "OpenSSL BIO_new failed allocate memory."
0x7b01000000000012 "OpenSSL BIO_write_filename failed write (%name/%s)."
0x7b01000000000013 "OpenSSL BIO_write failed to write CSR."
0x7b01000000000014 "OpenSSL BN_GENCB_set failed to generate callback."
0x7b01000000000015 "OpenSSL BN_new failed allocate memory."
0x7b01000000000016 "OpenSSL BN_pseudo_rand failed."
0x7b01000000000017 "OpenSSL BN_set_word failed."
0x7b01000000000018 "OpenSSL BN_to_ASN1_INTEGER failed."
0x7b01000000000019 "OpenSSL certificate key is nil."
0x7b01000000000020 "OpenSSL CONF_modules_load failed."
0x7b01000000000021 "Certificate Request city (%city/%s)."
0x7b01000000000022 "Certificate Request country (%country/%s)."
0x7b01000000000023 "Certificate Request email (%email/%s)."
0x7b01000000000024 "Certificate Request name (%name/%s)."
0x7b01000000000025 "Certificate Request organization (%organization/%s)."
0x7b01000000000026 "Certificate Request organizational unit (%unit/%s)."
0x7b01000000000027 "Certificate Request region (%state/%s)."
0x7b01000000000028 "Certificate Request version (%version/%d)."
0x7b01000000000029 "OpenSSL do_sign_init failed."
0x7b01000000000030 "OpenSSL EC_GROUP_new_by_curve_name failed."
0x7b01000000000031 "OpenSSL EC_KEY_generate_key failed."
0x7b01000000000032 "OpenSSL EC_KEY_new failed to allocate memory."
0x7b01000000000033 "OpenSSL EC_KEY_set_group failed."
0x7b01000000000034 "OpenSSL_malloc failed to allocate bytes (%size/%u)"
0x7b01000000000035 "OpenSSL X509_name parse error."
0x7b01000000000036 "OpenSSL NCONF_get_section failed."
0x7b01000000000037 "OpenSSL NCONF_get_string failed to find file (%file/%s)"
0x7b01000000000038 "OpenSSL NCONF_load failed for file (%file/%s)"
0x7b01000000000039 "OpenSSL NCONF_new failed to allocate memory."
0x7b01000000000040 "OpenSSL OBJ_create failed for (%name/%s)."
0x7b01000000000041 "OpenSSL OBJ_sn2nid failed."
0x7b01000000000042 "OpenSSL PEM_read_bio_X509_REQ failed read csr."
0x7b01000000000043 "Failed to read crl. Invalid PEM format crl input"
0x7b01000000000044 "OpenSSL PEM_read_bio_PrivateKey failed read key (%file/%s)"
0x7b01000000000045 "OpenSSL PEM_write_bio_ECPrivateKey failed to write key."
0x7b01000000000046 "OpenSSL PEM_write_bio_RSAPrivateKey failed to write key."
0x7b01000000000047 "OpenSSL PEM_write_bio_X509_REQ failed write certificate request."
0x7b01000000000048 "OpenSSL RSA_generate_key_ex failed."
0x7b01000000000049 "OpenSSL RSA_new_method failed."
0x7b01000000000050 "OpenSSL Subject not starting with backslash."
0x7b01000000000051 "OpenSSL X509_get_pubkey failed to get public key."
0x7b01000000000052 "OpenSSL X509_gmtime_adj failed."
0x7b01000000000053 "OpenSSL X509_NAME_add_entry_by_NID failed for (%name/%s)."
0x7b01000000000054 "OpenSSL X509_Name_new failed to allocate memory."
0x7b01000000000055 "OpenSSL X509_new failed to allocate memory."
0x7b01000000000056 "OpenSSL X509_REQ_get_pubkey failed to get public key."
0x7b01000000000057 "OpenSSL X509 create CSR failed."
0x7b01000000000058 "OpenSSL X509_REQ_new failed to allocate memory."
0x7b01000000000059 "OpenSSL X509_REQ_set_pubkey failed."
0x7b01000000000060 "OpenSSL X509_REQ_set_subject_name failed."
0x7b01000000000061 "OpenSSL X509_REQ_set_version failed."
0x7b01000000000062 "OpenSSL X509_REQ_verify failed to verify signature."
0x7b01000000000063 "OpenSSL X509_set_issuer_name failed."
0x7b01000000000064 "OpenSSL X509_set_pubkey failed to set public key."
0x7b01000000000065 "OpenSSL X509_set_serialNumber failed."
0x7b01000000000066 "OpenSSL X509_sign failed."
0x7b01000000000067 "OpenSSL X509_STORE_new failed allocate memory."
0x7b01000000000068 "OpenSSL X509_time_adj_ex failed."
0x7b01000000000069 "OpenSSL X509V3_EXT_add_nconf failed to load extension (%name/%s)."
0x7b01000000000070 "OpenSSL X509V3_EXT_REQ_add_nconf failed to load extension (%name/%s)."
0x7b01000000000071 "OpenSSL X509_STORE_set_default_paths failed."
0x7b01000000000072 "(%message/%s)"
0x7b01000000000073 "Saved Certificate Authority (CA) Bundle file: (%name/%s)"
0x7b01000000000074 "Unable to save Certificate Authority (CA) Bundle file: (%name/%s) (%errnum/%d)"
0x7b01000000000075 "OpenSSL Keys and Certificates must start with -----BEGIN ..."
0x7b01000000000079 "Unable to save HTTPD configuration file. (%name/%s) (%errnum/%d)"
0x7b01000000000081 "Saved HTTPD configuration file. (%name/%s)"
0x7b01000000000082 "CA-BUNDLE input data is formatted with the wrong number of dashes."
0x7b01000000000084 "fmemopen failed. (%name/%s) (%errnum/%d)"
0x7b01000000000085 "The (%item/%s) being set in confd failed."
0x7b01000000000086 "Certificate Request Subject Alternative Name (%san/%s)."
0x7b01000000000087 "Certificate Request Days Valid (%dval/%s)."
0x7b01000000000088 "Certificate Request Key type (%type/%s)."
0x7f01000000000001 "cdb_get failed to get blade data((%RET/%d) (%ERRNOSTR/%s) (%LASTERR/%s) (%ERRNO/%d))"
0x7f01000000000003 "Found invalid Blade IP (%BLADEIP/%s)"
0x7f01000000000004 "PEER Subnet not found: PEER_SUBNET"
0x7f01000000000005 "Found invalid PEER Subnet (%PEERNET/%s)"
0x7f01000000000007 "Error creating temp BLADE file: (%FILENAME/%s) (%ERRNUM/%d)"
0x7f01000000000008 "Error writing temp BLADE file: (%FILENAME/%s)"
0x7f01000000000009 "Error copying temp BLADE file: (%FILENAME/%s)"
0x7f01000000000010 "CHASSIS Blades Daemon starting. (%version/%s) (%log/%s) (%date/%s)"
0xf010000000000002 "unexpected tag: (%tag/%d)"
0xf010000000000004 "confd_register_trans_cb failed "
0xf010000000000005 "confd_register_range_data_cb failed "
0xf010000000000006 "pthread_create[config] %m"
0xf010000000000007 "pthread_create[op_data] %m"
0xf010000000000008 "fopen: /var/log_controller/vcc-ha-hal %m"
0xf010000000000009 "hal_init() failed "
0xf010000000000010 "Unable to look up local CC slot number from HAL..retrying "
0xf010000000000011 "invalid slot #: (%slot_num/%u)"
0xf010000000000013 "confd_load_schemas failed[]...sleeping (%inet_ntoa_odtaaddrsin_addr/%s)"
0xf010000000000014 ": pthread_mutex_init[config]: (%argv_0/%s)"
0xf010000000000015 ": pthread_cond_init[config]: (%argv_0/%s)"
0xf010000000000016 ": pthread_mutex_init[op data]: (%argv_0/%s)"
0xf010000000000017 ": Unable to start ConfD threads. (%argv_0/%s)"
0xf010000000000018 "hal_get_ha_active() failed "
0xf010000000000019 "pthread_mutex_lock %m"
0xf010000000000020 "pthread_mutex_unlock %m"
0xf010000000000021 "malloc failed"

Log Message Details

0x0010000000000001 : "cdb_get failed to get node data((%RET/%d) (%ERRNOSTR/%s) (%LASTERR/%s) (%ERRNO/%d))"

level: LOG_ERR
  • The ConfD database has not started or is inoperable.
  • QKView will not be able to collect data from peer blades or standby devices.
  • Ensure the partition-manager container is running and that the ConfD database is healthy.

0x0010000000000003 : "Found invalid Peer IP (%PEERIP/%s)"

level: LOG_ERR
  • Peer IP is not reachable or is missing.
  • Unable to collect QKView data from peers.
  • Wait and try again.

0x0010000000000004 : "Peer Subnet not found: PARTITION_SUBNET"

level: LOG_ERR
  • Unable to reach peer subnet.
  • Unable to collect QKView data from peers.
  • Wait and try again.

0x0010000000000005 : "Found invalid Peer Subnet (%PEERNET/%s)"

level: LOG_ERR
  • Peer subnet is invalid.
  • Unable to collect QKView data from peers.
  • Wait and try again.

0x0010000000000007 : "Error creating temp peer file: (%FILENAME/%s) (%ERRNUM/%d)"

level: LOG_ERR
  • Unable to create a temporary file at the given location.
  • Unable to collect QKView data from peers.
  • Check disk status.

0x0010000000000008 : "Error writing temp peer file: (%FILENAME/%s)"

level: LOG_ERR
  • Disk may be full, or there could be file permissions errors.
  • Unable to collect QKView data from peers.
  • Check disk status.

0x0010000000000009 : "Error copying temp peer file: (%FILENAME/%s)"

level: LOG_ERR
  • Disk may be full, or there could be file permission errors.
  • Unable to collect QKView data from peers.
  • Check disk status.

0x0010000000000010 : "Partition Blades Daemon starting. (%version/%s) (%log/%s) (%date/%s)"

  • Peer watcher daemon is starting.
  • None.
  • None.

0x0281000000000001 : "DIAG ZMQ Input Message Router - Not configured"

level: LOG_INFO
  • Informational message printed when HAL ZMQ Input Message Router is not configured.
  • Unknown.
  • Contact F5 Support if this message appears.

0x0281000000000002 : "Service Starting" version=%s

  • Informational message printed when container starts.
  • None
  • None

0x0301000000000002 : "FWU failed to create the HAL connection"

level: LOG_ERR
  • None
  • None
  • None

0x0301000000000004 : "FWU timed out waiting for HAL to be ready" seconds=time.Duration

level: LOG_ERR
  • None
  • None
  • None

0x0301000000000005 : "FWU failed to create BIOS recovery image" error=error

level: LOG_ERR
  • None
  • None
  • None

0x0301000000000006 : "FWU Init failed to create ZMQ PUB" error=error

level: LOG_ERR
  • None
  • None
  • None

0x0301000000000007 : "FWU Init failed to start ZMQ PUB" error=error

level: LOG_ERR
  • None
  • None
  • None

0x0301000000000008 : "Service Starting" version=%s

  • Prints once when container starts.
  • None
  • None

0x0303000000000001 : "BMC SEL Write" event=%s eventDetail=%s

  • None
  • None
  • None

0x0303000000000002 : "LOP PEL Write" event=%s

  • None
  • None
  • None

0x0303000000000004 : "PCIe slot speed not expected, retrying" pcieSpeed=%s expected=%s actual=%s

level: LOG_INFO
  • None
  • None
  • None

0x0341000000000001 : "unable to verify platform-hal at startup"

level: LOG_ERR
  • None
  • None
  • None

0x0341000000000002 : "unable to query platform data at startup"

level: LOG_ERR
  • None
  • None
  • None

0x0341000000000003 : "platform monitor starting" version=%v role=%v slot=%v

  • Informational message printed when platform monitor service starts.
  • None
  • None

0x0981000000000001 : "DIAG_AGENT ZMQ Input Message Router - Not configured"

level: LOG_INFO
  • None
  • None
  • None

0x0981000000000002 : "unable to verify platform-hal at startup"

level: LOG_ERR
  • None
  • None
  • None

0x0981000000000003 : "unable to get platform hal host-type"

level: LOG_ERR
  • None
  • None
  • None

0x0981000000000004 : "unable to get platform hal slot id"

level: LOG_ERR
  • None
  • None
  • None

0x0981000000000005 : "unable to get platform hal host name"

level: LOG_ERR
  • None
  • None
  • None

0x0981000000000006 : "unable to open agent.db, using in-memory DB"

level: LOG_ERR
  • None
  • None
  • None

0x0981000000000007 : "unable to get platform information" err=%v

level: LOG_ERR
  • None
  • None
  • None

0x0981000000000008 : "unable to create ZMQ Publisher" err=%v

level: LOG_ERR
  • None
  • None
  • None

0x0981000000000009 : "unable to start ZMQ Publisher" err=%v

level: LOG_ERR
  • None
  • None
  • None

0x098100000000000a : "unable to communicate with monitoring agent"

level: LOG_ERR
  • None
  • None
  • None

0x098100000000000b : "criteria container initialization error"

level: LOG_ERR
  • None
  • None
  • None

0x098100000000000c : "chassis diagnostic agent initialization error"

level: LOG_ERR
  • None
  • None
  • None

0x098100000000000d : "diag-agent starting" version=%v

  • Informational message printed when diag-agent-blade service starts.
  • None
  • None

0x098100000000000e : "Unable to find FPGA PCIe Component" name=%v task=%v

level: LOG_ERR
  • Failed to find FPGA PCIe component.
  • None
  • None

0x098100000000000f : "unable to fetch action" address=%v key=%v value=%v

level: LOG_ERR
  • Failed to find action.
  • None
  • None

0x0981000000000010 : "unable to find Optic Port Component" port=%v task=%v

level: LOG_ERR
  • Failed to find optical port component.
  • None
  • None

0x0981000000000011 : "Stream component creation error" streamName=%v err=%v

level: LOG_ERR
  • Failed to create stream component.
  • None
  • None

0x0981000000000012 : "diag agent" msg=%v kv=%v

level: LOG_ERR
  • Diag-agent message.
  • None
  • None

0x0981000000000013 : "Unable to find Dma Dm Component" taskDmNumber=%v DmaStatsMonitorEventType=%v

level: LOG_ERR
  • Failed to find Dma Dm Component.
  • None
  • None

0x0981000000000014 : "Get message" i=%v err=%v

level: LOG_ERR
  • Failed to get message.
  • None
  • None

0x0981000000000015 : "Stack" stack=%v

level: LOG_ERR
  • Failed to get stack.
  • None
  • None

0x0981000000000016 : "Start tcpdump capturing error" err=%v

level: LOG_ERR
  • Failed to get Start tcpdump capture.
  • None
  • None

0x0981000000000017 : "tcpdump capturing not started"

level: LOG_ERR
  • Failed to start tcpdump Capture.
  • None
  • None

0x0981000000000018 : "Delete streams error" err=%v

level: LOG_ERR
  • Failed to retrive delete streams.
  • None
  • None

0x0981000000000019 : "unable to create stream" i=%v err=%v

level: LOG_ERR
  • Failed to create stream.
  • None
  • None

0x098100000000001a : "unable to create stream component" i=%v err=%v

level: LOG_ERR
  • Failed to create stream component.
  • None
  • None

0x098100000000001b : "unable to get stream information for streamID" streamId=%v

level: LOG_ERR
  • Failed to get stream information for streamID.
  • None
  • None

0x098100000000001c : "unable to fetch all streams from stream manager to stream information for streamID" hasError=%v

level: LOG_ERR
  • Failed to fetch all streams from stream manager to stream information for streamID.
  • None
  • None

0x098100000000001d : "unable to create component key" err=%v key=%v

level: LOG_ERR
  • Failed to create component key.
  • None
  • None

0x098100000000001e : "Stream Generator has no stream" dm=%v number=%v destBlade=%v

level: LOG_ERR
  • Failed to get stream from stream generator.
  • None
  • None

0x098100000000001f : "unable to update disk monitor task interval " err=%v

level: LOG_ERR
  • Failed to update disk monitor task interval.
  • None
  • None

0x0981000000000020 : "Unable to create monitor input" err=%v

level: LOG_ERR
  • Failed to create monitor input.
  • None
  • None

0x0981000000000021 : "Unable to initialize firmware monitor task" err=%v

level: LOG_ERR
  • Failed to initialize firmware monitor task.
  • None
  • None

0x0981000000000022 : "Unable to get the firmware data" err=%v

level: LOG_ERR
  • Failed to get the firmware data from diag-agent.
  • None
  • None

0x0981000000000023 : "Unable to notify firmware update status to Confd" node=%v

level: LOG_ERR
  • Failed to notify firmware update status.
  • None
  • None

0x0981000000000024 : "DIAG_AGENT unable to get platform hal information" error=%s

level: LOG_ERR
  • None
  • None
  • None

0x0981000000000025 : "Unable to update chassis module present status" err=%v component=%v present=%v

level: LOG_ERR
  • Failed to update chassis module present status.
  • None
  • None

0x0981000000000026 : "Unable to set value in Confd" err=%v keypath=%v

level: LOG_ERR
  • Failed to set CDB value.
  • None
  • None

0x0981000000000027 : "Unable to start session in Confd" err=%v keypath=%v

level: LOG_ERR
  • Failed to start CDB session.
  • None
  • None

0x0981000000000028 : "Unable to get value list from Confd" err=%v keypath=%v

level: LOG_ERR
  • Failed to get CDB value list.
  • None
  • None

0x0981000000000029 : "Unable to get value from Confd" err=%v keypath=%v

level: LOG_ERR
  • Failed to get CDB value.
  • None
  • None

0x098100000000002a : "Unable to get key from dictionary" err=%v key=%v

level: LOG_ERR
  • Failed to get key from dictionary.
  • None
  • None

0x098100000000002b : "Unable to get the firmware data" err=%v

level: LOG_ERR
  • Failed to get the firmware data from diag-agent.
  • None
  • None

0x098100000000002c : "Unable to activate PSU manager" err=%v

level: LOG_ERR
  • Failed to activate PSU manager.
  • None
  • None

0x098100000000002d : "Unable to start PSU redundancy" err=%v

level: LOG_ERR
  • Failed to start PSU redundancy.
  • None
  • None

0x098100000000002e : "Unable to activate blade manager" err=%v

level: LOG_ERR
  • Failed to activate blade manager.
  • None
  • None

0x098100000000002f : "Unable to clear alarms" err=%v

level: LOG_ERR
  • Failed to clear alarms.
  • None
  • None

0x0981000000000030 : "Unable to deactivate blade manager" err=%v

level: LOG_ERR
  • Failed to deactivate blade manager.
  • None
  • None

0x0981000000000031 : "Unable to stop PSU redundancy" err=%v

level: LOG_ERR
  • Failed to stop PSU redundancy.
  • None
  • None

0x0981000000000032 : "Unable to deactivate PSU manager" err=%v

level: LOG_ERR
  • Failed to deactivate PSU manager.
  • None
  • None

0x0981000000000033 : "Unable to create monitor input" err=%v

level: LOG_ERR
  • Failed to create monitor input.
  • None
  • None

0x0981000000000034 : "Unable to notify firmware update status to Confd" node=%v

level: LOG_ERR
  • Failed to notify firmware update status.
  • None
  • None

0x0981000000000035 : "Unknown LCD sensor" sensor=%v

level: LOG_ERR
  • Unknown LCD sensor.
  • None
  • None

0x0981000000000036 : "Unable to find component" component=%v

level: LOG_ERR
  • Failed to find the component.
  • None
  • None

0x0981000000000037 : "Unable to notify firmware update status as Confd is standby" node=%v

level: LOG_ERR
  • Failed to notify firmware update status as ConfD is standby.
  • None
  • None

0x0982000000000001 : "Verifying Monitoring Agent is up and running" address=%v

level: LOG_INFO
  • Informational message displayed when Monitoring Agent is up and running.
  • None
  • None

0x0982000000000002 : "Verifying Platform HAL is up and running" address=%v

level: LOG_INFO
  • Informational message displayed when Platform HAL is up and running.
  • None
  • None

0x0982000000000003 : "Verifying Platform FWU is up and running" address=%v

level: LOG_INFO
  • Informational message displayed when Platform FWU is up and running.
  • None
  • None

0x0982000000000004 : "Loading Task" task=%v name=%v profile=%v

level: LOG_INFO
  • Informational message displayed when loading a task at diag-agent.
  • None
  • None

0x0982000000000005 : "Cancelling Task" task=%v name=%v profile=%v

level: LOG_INFO
  • Informational message displayed when cancelling a task at diag-agent.
  • None
  • None

0x0982000000000006 : "Running Task" task=%v name=%v profile=%v mode=%v

level: LOG_INFO
  • Informational message displayed when running a task at diag-agent.
  • None
  • None

0x0982000000000007 : "Completed Task" task=%v name=%v profile=%v mode=%v

level: LOG_INFO
  • Informational message when a task has completed at diag-agent.
  • None
  • None

0x0982000000000008 : "Skipping Tasks" task=%v

level: LOG_INFO
  • Informational message displayed when skipping tasks at diag-agent.
  • None
  • None

0x0982000000000009 : "Information event generated at diag-agent" event=%v severity=%s area=%s task=%s profile=%s

level: LOG_INFO
  • Informational message displayed when an event has generated at diag-agent.
  • None
  • None

0x098200000000000b : "Component Attribute Changed" node=%s category=%s component=%v attribute=%v severity=%v health=%s value=%v message=%s

level: LOG_INFO
  • Informational message logged when a component attribute health is changed due to a monitoring activity.
  • None
  • None

0x098200000000000c : "Component Health Changed" component=%v severity=%v

level: LOG_INFO
  • Informational message logged when a component health is changed due to a monitoring activity.
  • None
  • None

0x098200000000000d : "Component Attribute Changed" node=%s category=%s component=%v attribute=%v severity=%v health=%s value=%v message=%s

  • Informational message logged when a component attribute health is changed due to a monitoring activity.
  • None
  • None

0x098200000000000e : "unable to initialize firmware monitor" err=%v

level: LOG_ERR
  • Failed to initialize firmware monitor.
  • None
  • None

0x098200000000000f : "unable to get drive slot from platform HAL" err=%v

level: LOG_ERR
  • Failed to get drive slot from HAL service.
  • None
  • None

0x0982000000000010 : "unable to initialize LOP binary alert handler" err=%v

level: LOG_ERR
  • Failed to initialize LOP binary alert handler attribute.
  • None
  • None

0x0982000000000011 : "unable to update LOP binary alert handler attribute" objectId=%v subObject=%v slotId=%v component=%v attribute=%v err=%v

level: LOG_ERR
  • Failed to update LOP binary alert handler attribute.
  • None
  • None

0x0982000000000012 : "unable to initialize LOP analog alert handler" err=%v

level: LOG_ERR
  • Failed to initialize LOP analog alert handler attribute.
  • None
  • None

0x0982000000000013 : "unable to refresh LOP analog alert handler" err=%v

level: LOG_ERR
  • Failed to refresh LOP analog alert handler.
  • None
  • None

0x0982000000000014 : "unable to update LOP analog alert handler attribute" component=%v attribute=%v err=%v

level: LOG_ERR
  • Failed to update LOP analog alert handler attribute.
  • None
  • None

0x0982000000000015 : "unable to abort profile" name=%v err=%v

level: LOG_ERR
  • Failed to abort profile at diag-agent.
  • None
  • None

0x0982000000000016 : "unable to unload profile" name=%v err=%v

level: LOG_ERR
  • Failed to unload profile at diag-agent.
  • None
  • None

0x0982000000000017 : "Error event generated at diag-agent" event=%v severity=%s area=%s task=%s profile=%s

level: LOG_ERR
  • Error event has generated at diag-agent.
  • None
  • None

0x0982000000000018 : "Warning event generated at diag-agent" event=%v severity=%s area=%s task=%s profile=%s

  • Warning event has generated at diag-agent.
  • None
  • None

0x0982000000000019 : "Component Attribute Changed" node=%s category=%s component=%v attribute=%v severity=%v health=%s value=%v message=%s

level: LOG_ERR
  • Informational message logged when a component attribute state is changed due to a monitoring activity.
  • None
  • None

0x098200000000001a : "Component Attribute Changed" node=%s category=%s component=%v attribute=%v severity=%v health=%s value=%v message=%s

  • Informational message logged when a component attribute state is changed due to a monitoring activity.
  • None
  • None

0x098200000000001b : "Component Health Changed" component=%v severity=%v

level: LOG_ERR
  • Informational message logged when a component health is changed due to a monitoring activity.
  • None
  • None

0x098200000000001c : "Component Health Changed" component=%v severity=%v

  • Informational message logged when a component health is changed due to a monitoring activity.
  • None
  • None

0x098200000000001d : "Service monitor error" service=%v error=%v

level: LOG_ERR
  • Failed to run a service at diag-agent.
  • None
  • None

0x098200000000001e : "Error encountered during DB cleanup at startup" error=%s

level: LOG_ERR
  • Errors encountered at startup during the database cleanup phase.
  • None
  • None

0x1001000000000001 : "BCM56XXD driver error: All L2 stash entries exhausted: vlan_id=(%vlan_id/%d)"

level: LOG_ERR
  • All L2 stash entries exhausted for specified VLAN ID.
  • None
  • Restart the container or reboot the system controller.

0x1001000000000002 : "BCM56XXD driver error: Cannot find VLAN: vlan_id=/, unit=(%vlan_id/%d) (%cvid/%d) (%dev_unit/%d)"

level: LOG_ERR
  • Cannot find VLAN.
  • None
  • Reboot the system controller. If it persists, contact F5 Support.

0x1001000000000003 : "BCM56XXD SDK error: Error adding l2 entry for vlan_id=, unit=(%vlan_id/%d) (%dev_unit/%d)"

level: LOG_ERR
  • Error adding L2 entry for the specified VLAN ID.
  • None
  • Restart the container and reboot the system controller. If the problem persists, please contact F5 Support.

0x1001000000000004 : "BCM56XXD SDK error: Error initializing L2 stash free list"

level: LOG_ERR
  • Unable to initialize L2 free list.
  • None
  • Restart the container and reboot the system controller. If the problem persists, please contact F5 Support.

0x1001000000000005 : "BCM56XXD driver error: Invalid timer_val = (%timer_val/%d)"

level: LOG_ERR
  • Invalid timer value.
  • None
  • None

0x1001000000000006 : "BCM56XXD SDK error: Error setting L2 age timer"

level: LOG_ERR
  • Unable to set up L2 age timer.
  • None
  • Restart the container and reboot the system controller. If the problem persists, please contact F5 Support.

0x1001000000000007 : "BCM56XXD SDK error: Error adding l2 entry for vlan_id=, port_id=(%vlan_id/%d) (%sc_physport/%d)"

level: LOG_ERR
  • Unable to add L2 entry for VLAN ID.
  • None
  • Restart the container and reboot the system controller. If the problem persists, please contact F5 Support.

0x1001000000000008 : "BCM56XXD driver error: Error adding l2 entry in stash: vlan_id=, port_id=(%vlan_id/%d) (%sc_physport/%d)"

level: LOG_ERR
  • Unable to add L2 entry.
  • None
  • None

0x1001000000000009 : "BCM56XXD SDK error: Error adding l2 entry: unit=, trunk_id=(%i_unit/%d) (%sc_ifname/%d)"

level: LOG_ERR
  • Unable to add L2 entry.
  • None
  • Restart the container and reboot the system controller. If the problem persists, please contact F5 Support.

0x1001000000000010 : "BCM56XXD driver error: Error adding l2 entry in stash: vlan_id=, interface =(%vlan_id/%d) (%sc_ifname/%d)"

level: LOG_ERR
  • Unable to add L2 entry in stash.
  • None
  • None

0x1001000000000011 : "BCM56XXD driver error: Error adding l2 entry in stash: vlan_id=, trunk_id=(%vlan_id/%d) (%trunk_trunk_id/%d)"

level: LOG_ERR
  • Unable to add L2 entry in stash.
  • None
  • None

0x1001000000000012 : "BCM56XXD SDK error: Error: reading L2 entry : (%idx/%d) (%bcm_errmsg_status/%s)"

level: LOG_ERR
  • Unable to read L2 entry.
  • None
  • Restart the container and reboot the system controller. If the problem persists, please contact F5 Support.

0x1001000000000013 : "BCM56XXD SDK error: failed constructing l2_forward result for unit : entry (%dev_unit/%d) (%idx/%d)"

level: LOG_ERR
  • Unable to construct forwarding result for the unit.
  • None
  • Restart the container and reboot the system controller. If the problem persists, please contact F5 Support.

0x1001000000000014 : "BCM56XXD SDK error: Error deleting l2 entry from hardware: vlan_id=(%vlan_id/%d)"

level: LOG_ERR
  • Unable to delete L2 entry from hardware.
  • None
  • Restart the container and reboot the system controller. If the problem persists, please contact F5 Support.

0x1001000000000015 : "BCM56XXD driver error: Error deleting l2 entry from stash: vlan_id=(%vlan_id/%d)"

level: LOG_ERR
  • Unable to delete L2 entry from stash.
  • None
  • Reboot the system controller. If it persists, contact F5 Support.

0x1001000000000016 : "BCM56XXD SDK error: Error flushing l2 table for port_id=(%port/%d)"

level: LOG_ERR
  • Unable to flush L2 table.
  • None
  • Restart the container and reboot the system controller. If the problem persists, please contact F5 Support.

0x1001000000000017 : "BCM56XXD driver error: Error restoring static l2 entries for port_id= on unit .(%port/%d) (%i_unit/%d)"

level: LOG_ERR
  • Unable to restore static L2 entries for the specified port.
  • None
  • Reboot the system controller. If it persists, contact F5 Support.

0x1001000000000018 : "BCM56XXD SDK error: Error flushing l2 table for unit=, vid=, tid=(%unit/%d) (%vid/%d) (%tid/%d)"

level: LOG_ERR
  • Unable to flush L2 table.
  • None
  • Restart the container and reboot the system controller. If the problem persists, please contact F5 Support.

0x1001000000000019 : "BCM56XXD SDK error: Error flushing l2 table for unit=, trunk_id=(%i_unit/%d) (%trunk_trunk_id/%d)"

level: LOG_ERR
  • Unable to flush L2 table.
  • None
  • Restart the container and reboot the system controller. If the problem persists, please contact F5 Support.

0x1001000000000020 : "BCM56XXD driver error: Error restoring static l2 entries: unit=, trunk_id=(%i_unit/%d) (%trunk_trunk_id/%d)"

level: LOG_ERR
  • Unable to restore static L2 entries.
  • None
  • Reboot the system controller. If it persists, contact F5 Support.

0x1001000000000021 : "BCM56XXD SDK error: Error retrieving vlan bitmaps unit=, vid=(%unit/%d) (%ventry_vid/%d)"

level: LOG_ERR
  • Unable to retrieve VLAN bitmaps.
  • None
  • Restart the container and reboot the system controller. If the problem persists, please contact F5 Support.

0x1001000000000022 : "BCM56XXD driver error: Vlan soft struct does not exist(%vid/%d)"

level: LOG_ERR
  • VLAN software structure does not exist.
  • None
  • Reboot the system controller. If it persists, contact F5 Support.

0x1001000000000023 : "BCM56XXD SDK error: Error retrieving rate filter, (%bcm_errmsg_rv/%s)"

level: LOG_ERR
  • Error retrieving rate filter.
  • None
  • Restart the container and reboot the system controller. If the problem persists, please contact F5 Support.

0x1001000000000024 : "BCM56XXD SDK error: Error setting rate filter, (%bcm_errmsg_rv/%s)"

level: LOG_ERR
  • Unable to set rate filter.
  • None
  • Restart the container and reboot the system controller. If the problem persists, please contact F5 Support.

0x1001000000000025 : "BCM56XXD SDK error: Error setting port learning mode, (%bcm_errmsg_rv/%s)"

level: LOG_ERR
  • Unable to set port learning mode.
  • None
  • Restart the container and reboot the system controller. If the problem persists, please contact F5 Support.

0x1001000000000026 : "BCM56XXD SDK error: Error clearing L2 entries for the port, (%bcm_errmsg_rv/%s)"

level: LOG_ERR
  • Unable to clear L2 entries for the port.
  • None
  • Restart the container and reboot the system controller. If the problem persists, please contact F5 Support.

0x1001000000000027 : "BCM56XXD driver error: Error getting IO expander for :MODPRS(%sw_cfg_u_pcfg_p_ifname/%s)"

level: LOG_ERR
  • Unable to get IO expander.
  • None
  • Reboot the system controller. If it persists, contact F5 Support.

0x1001000000000028 : "BCM56XXD driver error: Error getting IO expander for :INT(%sw_cfg_u_pcfg_p_ifname/%s)"

level: LOG_ERR
  • Unable to get IO expander.
  • None
  • Reboot the system controller. If it persists, contact F5 Support.

0x1001000000000029 : "BCM56XXD driver error: Error getting IO expander for :LP(%sw_cfg_u_pcfg_p_ifname/%s)"

level: LOG_ERR
  • Unable to get IO expander.
  • None
  • Reboot the system controller. If it persists, contact F5 Support.

0x1001000000000030 : "BCM56XXD driver error: Error getting IO expander initialization data array"

level: LOG_ERR
  • Unable to initialize IO expander.
  • None
  • Reboot the system controller. If it persists, contact F5 Support.

0x1001000000000031 : "BCM56XXD driver error: Error getting IO expander initialization data count"

level: LOG_ERR
  • Unable to initialize IO expander.
  • None
  • Reboot the system controller. If it persists, contact F5 Support.

0x1001000000000032 : "BCM56XXD info: STUBBED "

level: LOG_INFO
  • Stubbed.
  • None
  • None

0x1001000000000033 : "BCM56XXD driver error: Error configuring and starting LED uprocessors"

level: LOG_ERR
  • Unable to configure or start LED processors.
  • None
  • Reboot the system controller. If it persists, contact F5 Support.

0x1001000000000034 : "BCM56XXD driver error: Error applying default port tuning to unit port (%unit/%d) (%port/%d)"

level: LOG_ERR
  • Unable to apply default port tuning.
  • None
  • Reboot the system controller. If it persists, contact F5 Support.

0x1001000000000035 : "BCM56XXD info: I2C mux reset completed, dev:, IO Exp addr:0x.(%FUNCTION/%s) (%HOST_I2C_DEVNAME/%s) (%IO_EXPDR_1/%x)"

level: LOG_INFO
  • I2C mux reset completed.
  • None
  • None

0x1001000000000036 : "BCM56XXD driver error: Error resetting mux and IO expander (%whatc_str/%s)"

level: LOG_ERR
  • Unable to reset MUX and IO expander.
  • None
  • Reboot the system controller. If it persists, contact F5 Support.

0x1001000000000037 : "BCM56XXD SDK error: SDK error deleting l2 BPDU entry: (%bcm_errmsg_rv/%s)"

level: LOG_ERR
  • Unable to delete L2 BPDU entry.
  • None
  • Restart the container and reboot the system controller. If the problem persists, please contact F5 Support.

0x1001000000000038 : "BCM56XXD SDK error: SDK error configuring l2 BPDU entry: (%bcm_errmsg_rv/%s)"

level: LOG_ERR
  • Unable to configure L2 BPDU entry.
  • None
  • Restart the container and reboot the system controller. If the problem persists, please contact F5 Support.

0x1001000000000039 : "BCM56XXD driver error: ip hash field group does not support an ODD number of HSBs.(%totalHSB/%d)"

level: LOG_ERR
  • IP hash field group does not support an odd number of high speed bridges (HSBs).
  • None
  • None

0x1001000000000040 : "BCM56XXD driver error: IFP port init failed (No device)"

level: LOG_ERR
  • Unable to initialize IFP port.
  • None
  • Try restarting the container. If it persists, contact your internal support.

0x1001000000000041 : "BCM56XXD info: Invalid Ifp redirect params"

level: LOG_INFO
  • Invalid parameters to IFP redirection.
  • None
  • None

0x1001000000000042 : "BCM56XXD info: Created global cos user entry .(%dev_field_entry_cos/%d)"

level: LOG_INFO
  • Created global CoS user entry.
  • None
  • None

0x1001000000000043 : "BCM56XXD info: Deleted global cos user entry .(%dev_field_entry_cos/%d)"

level: LOG_INFO
  • Deleted global CoS user entry.
  • None
  • None

0x1001000000000044 : "BCM56XXD SDK error: Error calling soc_cm_mdebug_init"

level: LOG_ERR
  • Unable to initialize the debug manager.
  • None
  • Restart the container and reboot the system controller. If the problem persists, please contact F5 Support.

0x1001000000000045 : "BCM56XXD SDK error: Error calling soc_mdebug_init"

level: LOG_ERR
  • Unable to initialize the debug manager.
  • None
  • Restart the container and reboot the system controller. If the problem persists, please contact F5 Support.

0x1001000000000046 : "BCM56XXD SDK error: Error updating debug flag (lx) for module (%debug_level/%s) (%mod/%s)"

level: LOG_ERR
  • Unable to update debug flag for module.
  • None
  • Restart the container and reboot the system controller. If the problem persists, please contact F5 Support.

0x1001000000000047 : "BCM56XXD SDK error: Error calling bcm_mdebug_init"

level: LOG_ERR
  • Unable to initialize the debug manager.
  • None
  • Restart the container and reboot the system controller. If the problem persists, please contact F5 Support.

0x1001000000000048 : "BCM56XXD SDK error: Error fetch debug config for module (%mod_name/%s)"

level: LOG_ERR
  • Unable to fetch debug configuration for specified module.
  • None
  • Restart the container and reboot the system controller. If the problem persists, please contact F5 Support.

0x1001000000000049 : "BCM56XXD SDK error: Error fetch debug encoding () for module (%dbg_cfg_lvl_names_i/%s) (%mod_name/%s)"

level: LOG_ERR
  • Unable to decode the debug error for the specified module.
  • None
  • Restart the container and reboot the system controller. If the problem persists, please contact F5 Support.

0x1001000000000050 : "BCM56XXD SDK error: Unable to get sc from unit= port=(%unit/%d) (%port/%d)"

level: LOG_ERR
  • Unable to retrieve interface data from the unit number.
  • None
  • Restart the container and reboot the system controller. If the problem persists, please contact F5 Support.

0x1001000000000051 : "BCM56XXD SDK error: Trouble enabling mirror - interface not initialized(%sc_ifname/%s)"

level: LOG_ERR
  • Mirror was not enabled.
  • None
  • Restart the container and reboot the system controller. If the problem persists, please contact F5 Support.

0x1001000000000052 : "BCM56XXD SDK error: Trouble with bcm_mirror_mode() (%bcm_errmsg_status/%s)"

level: LOG_ERR
  • Unable to set up mirror mode.
  • None
  • Restart the container and reboot the system controller. If the problem persists, please contact F5 Support.

0x1001000000000053 : "BCM56XXD SDK error: Trouble with bcm_mirror_to_set() (%bcm_errmsg_status/%s)"

level: LOG_ERR
  • Unable to set up mirror-to port.
  • None
  • Restart the container and reboot the system controller. If the problem persists, please contact F5 Support.

0x1001000000000054 : "BCM56XXD SDK error: Trouble with bcm_egress_set() (%bcm_errmsg_status/%s)"

level: LOG_ERR
  • Unable to set up egress mirror.
  • None
  • Restart the container and reboot the system controller. If the problem persists, please contact F5 Support.

0x1001000000000055 : "BCM56XXD SDK error: Trouble with bcm_mirror_to_pbmp_set() (%bcm_errmsg_status/%s)"

level: LOG_ERR
  • Unable to set the mirror-to-port bitmap.
  • None
  • Restart the container and reboot the system controller. If the problem persists, please contact F5 Support.

0x1001000000000056 : "BCM56XXD driver error: Trouble getting softc for unit= port=(%unit/%d) (%port/%d)"

level: LOG_ERR
  • Unable to retrieve the interface information for the unit.
  • None
  • Reboot the system controller. If it persists, contact F5 Support.

0x1001000000000057 : "BCM56XXD SDK error: Trouble with bcm_egress_clear() (%bcm_errmsg_status/%s)"

level: LOG_ERR
  • SDK error with egress functions.
  • None
  • Restart the container and reboot the system controller. If the problem persists, please contact F5 Support.

0x1001000000000058 : "BCM56XXD SDK error: Trouble with bcm_ingress_clear() (%bcm_errmsg_status/%s)"

level: LOG_ERR
  • SDK error with ingress functions.
  • None
  • Restart the container and reboot the system controller. If the problem persists, please contact F5 Support.

0x1001000000000059 : "BCM56XXD SDK error: Trouble with bcm_mirror_set() (%bcm_errmsg_status/%s)"

level: LOG_ERR
  • Unable to set mirroring.
  • None
  • Restart the container and reboot the system controller. If the problem persists, please contact F5 Support.

0x1001000000000060 : "BCM56XXD SDK error: Trouble with bcm_mirror_conduit_higig_set() (%bcm_errmsg_status/%s)"

level: LOG_ERR
  • Unable to set mirroring with HiGig.
  • None
  • Restart the container and reboot the system controller. If the problem persists, please contact F5 Support.

0x1001000000000061 : "BCM56XXD SDK error: Trunk port trouble with bcm_mirror_port_set() (%bcm_errmsg_status/%s)"

level: LOG_ERR
  • Unable to set the port for mirroring.
  • None
  • Restart the container and reboot the system controller. If the problem persists, please contact F5 Support.

0x1001000000000062 : "BCM56XXD SDK error: Non-trunk port trouble with bcm_mirror_port_set() (%bcm_errmsg_status/%s)"

level: LOG_ERR
  • Unable to set the port for mirroring.
  • None
  • Restart the container and reboot the system controller. If the problem persists, please contact F5 Support.

0x1001000000000063 : "BCM56XXD driver error: Trouble committing mirror settings to hardware: :(%sc_mirror_to_dev_unit/%d) (%sc_mirror_to_physport/%d)"

level: LOG_ERR
  • Unable to transmit mirroring settings to hardware.
  • None
  • None

0x1001000000000064 : "BCM56XXD driver error: Trouble committing CML settings to hardware: :(%sc_mirror_to_dev_unit/%d) (%sc_mirror_to_physport/%d)"

level: LOG_ERR
  • Unable to transmit CML settings to hardware.
  • None
  • Reboot the system controller. If it persists, contact F5 Support.

0x1001000000000065 : "BCM56XXD info: port mirror (tcpdump) from to CPU.(%enable_0_enabledisable/%s) (%sc_ifname/%s)"

level: LOG_INFO
  • Port mirroring from/to CPU.
  • None
  • None

0x1001000000000066 : "BCM56XXD info: tcpdump limit: 200 packets per second."

level: LOG_INFO
  • There is a 200 packets per second limit for tcpdump.
  • None
  • None

0x1001000000000067 : "BCM56XXD SDK error: trouble with bcm_mirror_port_get():(%bcm_errmsg_rv/%s)"

level: LOG_ERR
  • Unable to get the port for BCM mirror.
  • None
  • Restart the container and reboot the system controller. If the problem persists, please contact F5 Support.

0x1001000000000068 : "BCM56XXD SDK error: Trouble with bcm_mirror_port_set():(%bcm_errmsg_rv/%s)"

level: LOG_ERR
  • Unable to set the port for BCM mirror.
  • None
  • Restart the container and reboot the system controller. If the problem persists, please contact F5 Support.

0x1001000000000069 : "BCM56XXD driver error: Trouble in bs_mirror_set to (%sc_from_ifname/%s) (%sc_conduit_ifname/%s)"

level: LOG_ERR
  • Unable to create a port mirror.
  • None
  • Reboot the system controller. If it persists, contact F5 Support.

0x1001000000000070 : "BCM56XXD driver error: Oops. API problem. from and conduit not on same device"

level: LOG_ERR
  • There is a problem with the API where the from and conduit are not on the same device.
  • None
  • Reboot the system controller. If it persists, contact F5 Support.

0x1001000000000071 : "BCM56XXD driver error: Cannot map egress port from modid "

level: LOG_ERR
  • Unable to map the egress port from module ID.
  • None
  • Reboot the system controller. If it persists, contact F5 Support.

0x1001000000000072 : "BCM56XXD SDK error: Trouble with bcm_mirror_to_pvmp_set() (%bcm_errmsg_rv/%s)"

level: LOG_ERR
  • Unable to set the mirror-to-port bitmap.
  • None
  • Restart the container and reboot the system controller. If the problem persists, please contact F5 Support.

0x1001000000000073 : "Memory allocation failed: (const char*)'Cannot allocate pkt Q data store, unit=(%unit/%d)"

level: LOG_ERR
  • Unable to allocate data store.
  • None
  • Restart the container and reboot the system controller. If the problem persists, please contact F5 Support.

0x1001000000000074 : "BCM56XXD SDK error: (const char*)'Cannot allocate pkt Q lock, unit=(%unit/%d)"

level: LOG_ERR
  • Unable to allocate lock.
  • None
  • Restart the container and reboot the system controller. If the problem persists, please contact F5 Support.

0x1001000000000075 : "BCM56XXD SDK error: (const char*)'RX already running, unit=(%unit/%d)"

level: LOG_ERR
  • Receiving already running.
  • None
  • Restart the container and reboot the system controller. If the problem persists, please contact F5 Support.

0x1001000000000076 : "BCM56XXD SDK error: (const char*)'Error setting rx packet rate limit, unit= (%unit/%d) (%bcm_errmsg_rv/%s)"

level: LOG_ERR
  • Unable to set packet rate limit.
  • None
  • Restart the container and reboot the system controller. If the problem persists, please contact F5 Support.

0x1001000000000077 : "BCM56XXD SDK error: Error setting up rx DMA, unit= (%unit/%d) (%bcm_errmsg_rv/%s)"

level: LOG_ERR
  • Unable to start the receiving channel.
  • None
  • Restart the container and reboot the system controller. If the problem persists, please contact F5 Support.

0x1001000000000078 : "BCM56XXD SDK error: Error registering rx dma callback, unit= error=(%unit/%d) (%bcm_errmsg_rv/%s)"

level: LOG_ERR
  • Unable to register RX DMA callbacks.
  • None
  • Restart the container and reboot the system controller. If the problem persists, please contact F5 Support.

0x1001000000000079 : "BCM56XXD info: Trouble restoring cpu mirror afterflood control. unit: , reenable(%pr_sc_dev_unit/%d)"

level: LOG_INFO
  • Unable to restore CPU mirror after flood control.
  • None
  • None

0x1001000000000080 : "BCM56XXD info: bs_packet_register :: reenablingcpu mirror () delay=s(%pr_client_id/%s) (%sec_packet_registry_i_mirror_halted/%d)"

level: LOG_INFO
  • Re-enabling mirroring for flood control.
  • None
  • None

0x1001000000000081 : "BCM56XXD driver error: No free space in packet registry"

level: LOG_ERR
  • No free space in packet registry.
  • None
  • Reboot the system controller. If it persists, contact F5 Support.

0x1001000000000082 : "BCM56XXD SDK error: Trouble setting up mirror from to CPU(%pr_sc_ifname/%s)"

level: LOG_ERR
  • Unable to set up mirror from/to CPU.
  • None
  • Restart the container and reboot the system controller. If the problem persists, please contact F5 Support.

0x1001000000000083 : "BCM56XXD driver error: Trouble setting up mirror from to CPU(%sc_ifname/%s)"

level: LOG_ERR
  • Unable to set up mirroring.
  • None
  • None

0x1001000000000084 : "Memory allocation failed: Cannot allocate memory for higig pkt of size=(%send_len/%d)"

level: LOG_ERR
  • Cannot allocate memory for packet of specified size.
  • None
  • None

0x1001000000000085 : "BCM56XXD driver error: Trouble deleting mirror from to CPU(%pr_sc_ifname/%s)"

level: LOG_ERR
  • Unable to delete mirror from/to CPU.
  • None
  • None

0x1001000000000086 : "BCM56XXD driver error: Unable to convert unit= to device(%unit/%d)"

level: LOG_ERR
  • Unable to convert unit.
  • None
  • Reboot the system controller. If it persists, contact F5 Support.

0x1001000000000087 : "BCM56XXD driver error: Unable to convert u=, p= to soft struct(%unit/%d) (%pkt_rx_port/%d)"

level: LOG_ERR
  • Unable to convert to software structure.
  • None
  • Reboot the system controller. If it persists, contact F5 Support.

0x1001000000000088 : "BCM56XXD SDK error: Trouble halting mirror for flood control (%pr_client_id/%s)"

level: LOG_ERR
  • Having trouble halting mirror for flood control.
  • None
  • Restart the container and reboot the system controller. If the problem persists, please contact F5 Support.

0x1001000000000089 : "BCM56XXD info: bs_packet_rx () unit= FULL!flags() halt mirror of (%pr_client_id/%s) (%unit/%d) (%pkt_flags/%x) (%pr_sc_ifname/%s)"

level: LOG_INFO
  • BS mirror disabled for specified unit.
  • None
  • None

0x1001000000000090 : "BCM56XXD info: Queue Full, unit: (%sc_dev_unit/%d)"

level: LOG_INFO
  • Queue is full.
  • None
  • None

0x1001000000000091 : "BCM56XXD driver error: No packet to free in tx callback, unit=(%unit/%d)"

level: LOG_ERR
  • No packets to free in transmission callback.
  • None
  • None

0x1001000000000092 : "BCM56XXD driver error: TX packet length too long. TX aborted(%pkt_data_len/%d)"

level: LOG_ERR
  • Transmitted packet length is too long.
  • None
  • None

0x1001000000000093 : "BCM56XXD info: Tx Aborted. Link(s) not UP yet. unit=, tx_ports=(%unit/%d) (%pbmppbits/%x)"

level: LOG_INFO
  • Transmission canceled since links are not yet up.
  • None
  • None

0x1001000000000094 : "BCM56XXD SDK error: Bad vs_packet_tx() pkt alloc, unit=(%unit/%d)"

level: LOG_ERR
  • Bad packet allocation.
  • None
  • Restart the container and reboot the system controller. If the problem persists, please contact F5 Support.

0x1001000000000096 : "BCM56XXD info: bcm_tx failed. , unit=, pkt=(%bcm_errmsg_rv/%s) (%unit/%d) (%pkt/%p)"

level: LOG_INFO
  • Unable to transmit packet.
  • None
  • None

0x1001000000000097 : "BCM56XXD info: Stuck (retries exhausted)"

level: LOG_INFO
  • Stuck.
  • None
  • None

0x1001000000000098 : "BCM56XXD info: Active tx DMA on unit=(%unit/%d)"

level: LOG_INFO
  • Actively transmitting.
  • None
  • None

0x1001000000000099 : "BCM56XXD driver error: Config property exceeds max len:(%char_buf/%s)"

level: LOG_ERR
  • Configuration property exceeds maximum length.
  • None
  • Try a different configuration.

0x1001000000000100 : "BCM56XXD info: Turning off learning and en_ifilter settings for (%ifname/%s)"

level: LOG_INFO
  • Turning off learning and filter settings.
  • None
  • None

0x1001000000000101 : "BCM56XXD driver error: Unable to disable learning on : (%ifname/%s) (%rv/%d)"

level: LOG_ERR
  • Failed to disable learning.
  • None
  • None

0x1001000000000102 : "BCM56XXD SDK error: Unable to turn off ingress filtering for : (%ifname/%s) (%bcm_errmsg_rv/%s)"

level: LOG_ERR
  • Unable to turn off ingress filtering.
  • None
  • Restart the container and reboot the system controller. If the problem persists, please contact F5 Support.

0x1001000000000103 : "BCM56XXD driver error: Unable to find soft struct for (%ifname/%s)"

level: LOG_ERR
  • Unable to find the software structure for the interface.
  • None
  • Reboot the system controller. If it persists, contact F5 Support.

0x1001000000000104 : "BCM56XXD driver error: PortControlLane set failed. p= err:(%port/%d) (%bcm_errmsg_rv/%s)"

level: LOG_ERR
  • Unable to set port control lanes.
  • None
  • None

0x1001000000000105 : "BCM56XXD driver error: Port speed set failed. p= err:(%port/%d) (%bcm_errmsg_rv/%s)"

level: LOG_ERR
  • Unable to set port speed.
  • None
  • None

0x1001000000000106 : "BCM56XXD driver error: port data structure not found for port=(%port/%d)"

level: LOG_ERR
  • Unable to find port data structure.
  • None
  • Reboot the system controller. If it persists, contact F5 Support.

0x1001000000000107 : "BCM56XXD info: Enable higig2 mode on higig ports of unit .(%unit/%d)"

level: LOG_INFO
  • Enabling HiGig2 mode.
  • None
  • None

0x1001000000000108 : "BCM56XXD info: Enable module loopback mode on higig ports of unit .(%unit/%d)"

level: LOG_INFO
  • Enable module loopback mode on HiGig ports of specified unit.
  • None
  • None

0x1001000000000109 : "BCM56XXD driver error: Failed to set module loopback on unit port . (%unit/%d) (%i/%d)"

level: LOG_ERR
  • Failed to set module loopback.
  • None
  • None

0x1001000000000110 : "BCM56XXD info: bcm56xxd: unit port bundle state: (%unit/%d) (%port/%d) (%BUNDLE_ENABLED_pc/%d)"

level: LOG_INFO
  • Unit port bundle state.
  • None
  • None

0x1001000000000111 : "BCM56XXD error: Platform is not supported"

level: LOG_ERR
  • Platform is not supported.
  • None
  • Try a different platform.

0x1001000000000112 : "BCM56XXD driver error: Unable to find specified platform id=, unit=(%platform_id/%x) (%unit/%x)"

level: LOG_ERR
  • Unable to find specified platform ID.
  • None
  • Try a differnet ID.

0x1001000000000113 : "BCM56XXD driver error: Trouble settting transmit phase interpolation for unit=, port=, offset=0x%02x, data=0x%04x(%unit/%d) (%txpis_i_port/%d) (%offset/%x) (%data/%x)"

level: LOG_ERR
  • Unable to tune transmit phase interpolation.
  • None
  • None

0x1001000000000114 : "BCM56XXD SDK error: SDK error: (%bcm_errmsg_rv/%s)"

level: LOG_ERR
  • SDK error message.
  • None
  • Restart the container and reboot the system controller. If the problem persists, please contact F5 Support.

0x1001000000000115 : "BCM56XXD driver error: Unable to find vlan member in QinQ Map for vlan<:>(%sc_ifname/%s) (%vlan_vid/%d) (%vlan_cvid/%d)"

level: LOG_ERR
  • Unable to find the VLAN member.
  • None
  • Reboot the system controller. If it persists, contact F5 Support.

0x1001000000000116 : "BCM56XXD driver error: Error adding '' to QinQ VLAN :(%sc_ifname/%s) (%vlan_vid/%d) (%vlan_cvid/%d)"

level: LOG_ERR
  • Unable to add to QinQ VLAN.
  • None
  • None

0x1001000000000117 : "BCM56XXD driver error: Trouble deleting port from QinQ VLAN<:>(%port/%d) (%vlan_vid/%d) (%vlan_cvid/%d)"

level: LOG_ERR
  • Unable to delete port from VLAN.
  • None
  • None

0x1001000000000118 : "BCM56XXD driver error: Unable to find QinQ data for port vlan<:>(%port/%d) (%vlan_vid/%d) (%vlan_cvid/%d)"

level: LOG_ERR
  • Unable to find data for the port in VLAN.
  • None
  • Reboot the system controller. If it persists, contact F5 Support.

0x1001000000000119 : "BCM56XXD driver error: Unable to select VLAN priority, port:, mode:(%port/%d) (%cos_mode/%d)"

level: LOG_ERR
  • Unable to set VLAN priority.
  • None
  • Reboot the system controller. If it persists, contact F5 Support.

0x1001000000000120 : "BCM56XXD driver error: ERROR: Invalid gport =0x (%gport/%x)"

level: LOG_ERR
  • Unable to resolve the g-port.
  • None
  • Reboot the system controller. If it persists, contact F5 Support.

0x1001000000000121 : "BCM56XXD driver error: Unable to find software structure for unit=, port=(%unit/%d) (%port/%d)"

level: LOG_ERR
  • Unable to find software structure for the specified unit.
  • None
  • Reboot the system controller. If it persists, contact F5 Support.

0x1001000000000122 : "BCM56XXD driver error: Unable to find software structure for unit=, trunk=(%unit/%d) (%tid/%d)"

level: LOG_ERR
  • Unable to find the software structure for the specified unit.
  • None
  • Reboot the system controller. If it persists, contact F5 Support.

0x1001000000000123 : "BCM56XXD driver error: Unable to get default ingress action for port= SDK Error: (%ext_port/%d) (%bcm_errmsg_rv/%s)"

level: LOG_ERR
  • Unable to get default ingress action for specified port.
  • None
  • Reboot the system controller. If it persists, contact F5 Support.

0x1001000000000124 : "BCM56XXD driver error: Unable to get default egress action for port=, SDK Error: (%ext_port/%d) (%bcm_errmsg_rv/%s)"

level: LOG_ERR
  • Unable to get egress action for specified port.
  • None
  • Reboot the system controller. If it persists, contact F5 Support.

0x1001000000000125 : "BCM56XXD driver error: Unable to find VLAN / for port (%statssvid/%d) (%statscvid/%d) (%port/%d)"

level: LOG_ERR
  • Unable to find the VLAN for the port.
  • None
  • None

0x1001000000000126 : "BCM56XXD driver error: Unable to get tag data for VLAN /, port (%statssvid/%d) (%statscvid/%d) (%sc_ifname/%s)"

level: LOG_ERR
  • Unable to get tag data for the specified VLAN.
  • None
  • None

0x1001000000000127 : "Memory allocation failed: Failed to allocate STP data store, unit=, port=(%dev_unit/%d) (%i/%d)"

level: LOG_ERR
  • Unable to allocate Spanning Tree Protocol (STP) data store.
  • None
  • Try restarting the container. If it persists, contact your internal support.

0x1001000000000128 : "Memory allocation failed: Failed to allocate STP data store, unit=, trunk=(%dev_unit/%d) (%trunk_trunk_name/%s)"

level: LOG_ERR
  • Unable to allocate Spanning Tree Protocol (STP) data store.
  • None
  • Try restarting the container. If it persists, contact your internal support.

0x1001000000000129 : "BCM56XXD driver error: Cannot destroy default STG (%stp_stg/%d)"

level: LOG_ERR
  • Unable to destroy default Spanning Tree Protocol (STP) groups.
  • None
  • Reboot the system controller. If it persists, contact F5 Support.

0x1001000000000130 : "BCM56XXD SDK error: Trouble destroying STG , (%stp_stg/%d) (%bcm_errmsg_rv/%s)"

level: LOG_ERR
  • Unable to destroy Spanning Tree Protocol (STP) groups.
  • None
  • Restart the container and reboot the system controller. If the problem persists, please contact F5 Support.

0x1001000000000131 : "Memory allocation failed: Cannot allocate cluster interface data store."

level: LOG_ERR
  • Cannot allocate cluster interface data store.
  • None
  • Try restarting the container. If it persists, contact your internal support.

0x1001000000000132 : "BCM56XXD driver error: Static L2 init failed for remote port=, (%ifname/%s) (%port_id/%d)"

level: LOG_ERR
  • Unable to initialize static L2 for the specified remote port.
  • None
  • Try restarting the container. If it persists, contact your internal support.

0x1001000000000133 : "BCM56XXD driver error: Trunk name already in use (%name/%s)"

level: LOG_ERR
  • Trunk name is already in use.
  • None
  • Try a different name.

0x1001000000000134 : "BCM56XXD driver error: Trunk resources exhausted, unit=(%dev_unit/%d)"

level: LOG_ERR
  • Trunk resources exhausted.
  • None
  • None

0x1001000000000135 : "BCM56XXD driver error: Warning: Possible memory leak. NULL expected for trunk_name"

level: LOG_ERR
  • Possible memory leak.
  • None
  • None

0x1001000000000136 : "Memory allocation failed: Unable to allocate trunk name space for (%name/%s)"

level: LOG_ERR
  • Unable to allocate memory for trunk name.
  • None
  • None

0x1001000000000137 : "BCM56XXD driver error: STP init failed for trunk=(%name/%s)"

level: LOG_ERR
  • Unable to initialize Spanning Tree Protocol (STP).
  • None
  • Try restarting the container. If it persists, contact your internal support.

0x1001000000000138 : "BCM56XXD driver error: Static L2 init failed for trunk=(%name/%s)"

level: LOG_ERR
  • Unable to initialize the specified trunk.
  • None
  • Try restarting the container. If it persists, contact your internal support.

0x1001000000000139 : "BCM56XXD SDK error: bcm_trunk_chip_info_get: unit= (%unit/%d) (%bcm_errmsg_rv/%s)"

level: LOG_ERR
  • Unable to get information about the chip.
  • None
  • Restart the container and reboot the system controller. If the problem persists, please contact F5 Support.

0x1001000000000140 : "BCM56XXD SDK error: Unable to find target trunk members(%trunk_trunk_id/%d)"

level: LOG_ERR
  • Unable to find the targeted trunk with the specified ID.
  • None
  • Restart the container and reboot the system controller. If the problem persists, please contact F5 Support.

0x1001000000000141 : "BCM56XXD driver error: Unable to program trunk id: (cmp:0x(%trunk_trunk_id/%d) (%cmp_state/%x)"

level: LOG_ERR
  • Unable to program the trunk ID.
  • None
  • Reboot the system controller. If it persists, contact F5 Support.

0x1001000000000142 : "BCM56XXD driver error: Unable to find trunk name , unit=(%name/%s) (%unit/%d)"

level: LOG_ERR
  • Unable to find the trunk name.
  • None
  • Make sure the name is correct or try a different name.

0x1001000000000143 : "BCM56XXD driver error: Invalid trunk ID , id=(%name/%s) (%tid/%d)"

level: LOG_ERR
  • Invalid trunk ID.
  • None
  • Make sure the ID is correct or try a different name.

0x1001000000000144 : "BCM56XXD driver error: L2 stash restore failed for trunk (%trunk_trunk_name/%s)"

level: LOG_ERR
  • Unable to restore L2 stash for the specified trunk.
  • None
  • Reboot the system controller. If it persists, contact F5 Support.

0x1001000000000145 : "BCM56XXD SDK error: Unable to find target trunk in hardware(%tid/%d)"

level: LOG_ERR
  • Unable to find target trunk in the hardware.
  • None
  • Restart the container and reboot the system controller. If the problem persists, please contact F5 Support.

0x1001000000000146 : "BCM56XXD driver error: Trouble setting trunk: unit=, trunk=(%i_unit/%d) (%trunk_trunk_name/%s)"

level: LOG_ERR
  • Unable to set the trunk.
  • None
  • Reboot the system controller. If it persists, contact F5 Support.

0x1001000000000147 : "BCM56XXD driver error: STP state set failed, unit=, trunk=(%unit/%d) (%name/%s)"

level: LOG_ERR
  • Unable to set the Spanning Tree Protocol (STP) state.
  • None
  • Reboot the system controller. If it persists, contact F5 Support.

0x1001000000000148 : "BCM56XXD driver error: Unable to find trunk name (%trunk_name/%s)"

level: LOG_ERR
  • Unable to find the trunk name.
  • None
  • Make sure the name is correct or try a different name.

0x1001000000000149 : "BCM56XXD driver error: Requested port not a member :(%member_module_id/%d) (%member_physport/%d)"

level: LOG_ERR
  • Requested port is not a member of the trunk.
  • None
  • None

0x1001000000000150 : "BCM56XXD driver error: Trouble resetting qinq-ethertype, port (%member_ifname/%s)"

level: LOG_ERR
  • Unable to reset the type of the Ethernet port.
  • None
  • None

0x1001000000000151 : "BCM56XXD SDK error: bs_trunk_addr_set: unit= (%unit/%d) (%bcm_errmsg_rv/%s)"

level: LOG_ERR
  • Unable to set the address of the trunk.
  • None
  • Restart the container and reboot the system controller. If the problem persists, please contact F5 Support.

0x1001000000000152 : "BCM56XXD info: SDK error delete l2 entries for trunk on unit .(%bcm_errmsg_rv/%s) (%tid/%d) (%i_unit/%d)"

level: LOG_INFO
  • Error in deleting L2 entries.
  • None
  • None

0x1001000000000153 : "BCM56XXD driver error: Trouble removing trunk hash filters: unit=(%i_unit/%d)"

level: LOG_ERR
  • Unable to remove the trunk hash filter.
  • None
  • Reboot the system controller. If it persists, contact F5 Support.

0x1001000000000154 : "BCM56XXD SDK error: Trouble setting trunk , unit (%trunk_trunk_id/%d) (%dev_unit/%d)"

level: LOG_ERR
  • Unable to set up the trunk.
  • None
  • Restart the container and reboot the system controller. If the problem persists, please contact F5 Support.

0x1001000000000155 : "BCM56XXD SDK error: Trouble destroying trunk , unit (%trunk_trunk_id/%d) (%dev_unit/%d)"

level: LOG_ERR
  • Unable to destroy the trunk.
  • None
  • Restart the container and reboot the system controller. If the problem persists, please contact F5 Support.

0x1001000000000156 : "BCM56XXD info: SDK error delete l2 entriesfor trunk on unit (%bcm_errmsg_rv/%s) (%trunk_trunk_id/%d) (%dev_unit/%d)"

level: LOG_INFO
  • Error in deleting L2 entries.
  • None
  • None

0x1001000000000157 : "BCM56XXD driver error: Trouble setting trunk hash filters: unit , hash=(%dev_unit/%d) (%trunk_hash/%d)"

level: LOG_ERR
  • Unable to set trunk hash filters.
  • None
  • Reboot the system controller. If it persists, contact F5 Support.

0x1001000000000158 : "BCM56XXD driver error: Unable to match module id for module (%mod_id/%d)"

level: LOG_ERR
  • Unable to match the module ID.
  • None
  • Try a different module ID.

0x1001000000000159 : "BCM56XXD driver error: Error: Bad input pointers."

level: LOG_ERR
  • Bad input pointer.
  • None
  • Try a different pointer.

0x1001000000000160 : "BCM56XXD SDK error: Trouble reading trunk info from hardware: trunk=, tid=, rv= on unit .(%trunk_trunk_name/%s) (%trunk_trunk_id/%d) (%rv/%d) (%unit/%d)"

level: LOG_ERR
  • Unable to read the trunk information from hardware.
  • None
  • Restart the container and reboot the system controller. If the problem persists, please contact F5 Support.

0x1001000000000161 : "BCM56XXD SDK error: Trouble removing FFP filter from hardware, SDK error (%bcm_errmsg_rv/%s)"

level: LOG_ERR
  • Unable to remove the fast filtering processor (FFP) filter from hardware.
  • None
  • Restart the container and reboot the system controller. If the problem persists, please contact F5 Support.

0x1001000000000162 : "BCM56XXD SDK error: Trouble deleting FFP filter, SDK error (%bcm_errmsg_rv/%s)"

level: LOG_ERR
  • Unable to delete fast filtering processor (FFP) filter.
  • None
  • Restart the container and reboot the system controller. If the problem persists, please contact F5 Support.

0x1001000000000163 : "BCM56XXD SDK error: bcm_trunk_create_id: unit= (%unit/%d) (%bcm_errmsg_rv/%s)"

level: LOG_ERR
  • Unable to create trunk.
  • None
  • Restart the container and reboot the system controller. If the problem persists, please contact F5 Support.

0x1001000000000164 : "BCM56XXD SDK error: bs_gport_trunk_set: unit= (%unit/%d) (%bcm_errmsg_rv/%s)"

level: LOG_ERR
  • Unable to set up trunk using generalized port.
  • None
  • Restart the container and reboot the system controller. If the problem persists, please contact F5 Support.

0x1001000000000165 : "BCM56XXD info: Configure port based RTAG7 hash on unit .(%unit/%d)"

level: LOG_INFO
  • Configuring port-based hash on specified unit.
  • None
  • None

0x1001000000000166 : "BCM56XXD info: Configure RTAG7 hash on unit .(%unit/%d)"

level: LOG_INFO
  • Configuring RTAG7 hash on specified unit.
  • None
  • None

0x1001000000000167 : "BCM56XXD driver error: Unable to convert invalid slot number: slot=, port=(%slot/%d) (%port/%d)"

level: LOG_ERR
  • Invalid slot number.
  • None
  • None

0x1001000000000168 : "BCM56XXD driver error: Unable to convert invalid port number: slot=, port=(%slot/%d) (%port/%d)"

level: LOG_ERR
  • Invalid port number.
  • None
  • None

0x1001000000000169 : "BCM56XXD SDK error: Error setting unit=, port= default vlan id(%unit/%d) (%port/%d)"

level: LOG_ERR
  • Unable to set the port with default VLAN.
  • None
  • Restart the container and reboot the system controller. If the problem persists, please contact F5 Support.

0x1001000000000170 : "BCM56XXD driver error: Incorrect PCI memory address space : (%PRETTY_FUNCTION/%s) (%LINE/%d)"

level: LOG_ERR
  • Wrong memory address space.
  • None
  • Reboot the system controller. If it persists, contact F5 Support.

0x1001000000000171 : "BCM56XXD driver error: Failed to open /dev/mem : (%PRETTY_FUNCTION/%s) (%LINE/%d)"

level: LOG_ERR
  • Unable to open /dev/mem file.
  • None
  • Reboot the system controller. If it persists, contact F5 Support.

0x1001000000000172 : "BCM56XXD driver error: : mmap failed with error (%PRETTY_FUNCTION/%s)"

level: LOG_ERR
  • Unable to create new mapping in virtual address space.
  • None
  • Reboot the system controller. If it persists, contact F5 Support.

0x1001000000000173 : "BCM56XXD driver error: Error: chassis_slot not yet populated"

level: LOG_ERR
  • Slots are not yet populated.
  • None
  • Wait for a bit and try again.

0x1001000000000174 : "BCM56XXD driver error: Error: chassis_max_slots not yet populated"

level: LOG_ERR
  • Maximum slots in the chassis are not yet populated.
  • None
  • Wait for a bit and try again.

0x1001000000000175 : "BCM56XXD info: map unit higig port to hgm module id mac Id .(%unit/%d) (%port/%d) (%mod_id/%d) (%mac_id/%d)"

level: LOG_INFO
  • Mapping HiGig port to HGM module MAC ID.
  • None
  • None

0x1001000000000176 : "BCM56XXD info: Increment HA heartbeat from , line (%func/%s) (%line/%d)"

level: LOG_INFO
  • Incrementing high availability (HA) heartbeat.
  • None
  • None

0x1001000000000177 : "BCM56XXD driver error: Unable to find vlan member in vlan : (%vlan_vid/%d) (%vlan_cvid/%d)"

level: LOG_ERR
  • Unable to find the VLAN member in VLAN.
  • None
  • Reboot the system controller. If it persists, contact F5 Support.

0x1001000000000178 : "BCM56XXD driver error: Cannot add a trunk member to a vlan"

level: LOG_ERR
  • Unable to add a trunk member to a VLAN.
  • None
  • Reboot the system controller. If it persists, contact F5 Support.

0x1001000000000179 : "BCM56XXD driver error: No support for multiple untagged vlan ports"

level: LOG_ERR
  • Use of multiple untagged VLAN ports is not supported.
  • None
  • None

0x1001000000000180 : "BCM56XXD driver error: Unable to find free member space in vlan (%vlan_vid/%d)"

level: LOG_ERR
  • Unable to find free member space in VLAN.
  • None
  • None

0x1001000000000181 : "BCM56XXD driver error: Trouble adding member to QinQ vlan (%sc_ifname/%s) (%vlan_vid/%d)"

level: LOG_ERR
  • Unable to add member to QinQ VLAN.
  • None
  • Reboot the system controller. If it persists, contact F5 Support.

0x1001000000000182 : "BCM56XXD driver error: Trunk workers cannot have their VLANs changed, unit=(%dev_unit/%d)"

level: LOG_ERR
  • Unable to change the VLANs for the trunk workers.
  • None
  • None

0x1001000000000183 : "BCM56XXD driver error: Could not enable port learning unit , port (%dev_unit/%d) (%p/%d)"

level: LOG_ERR
  • Unable to enable port learning on the unit.
  • None
  • None

0x1001000000000184 : "BCM56XXD driver error: Problem changing vlan id unit=, old vid=(%unit/%d) (%vid/%d)"

level: LOG_ERR
  • Unable to change VLAN ID.
  • None
  • Reboot the system controller. If it persists, contact F5 Support.

0x1001000000000185 : "BCM56XXD driver error: Problem changing vlan id /, unit=(%vid/%d) (%cvid/%d) (%unit/%d)"

level: LOG_ERR
  • Unable to change VLAN ID.
  • None
  • Reboot the system controller. If it persists, contact F5 Support.

0x1001000000000186 : "Memory allocation failed: Error allocating vlan data store, unit=, vid=(%dev_unit/%d) (%vid/%d)"

level: LOG_ERR
  • Unable to allocate VLAN data store.
  • None
  • Try restarting the container. If it persists, contact your internal support.

0x1001000000000187 : "Memory allocation failed: Error allocating vlan member list store, unit=, vid=(%dev_unit/%d) (%vid/%d)"

level: LOG_ERR
  • Unable to allocate VLAN member list store.
  • None
  • Try restarting the container. If it persists, contact your internal support.

0x1001000000000188 : "BCM56XXD driver error: Attempt to delete non-existent VLAN vid=/(%vid/%d) (%cvid/%d)"

level: LOG_ERR
  • Attempted to delete nonexistent VLAN.
  • None
  • None

0x1001000000000189 : "BCM56XXD driver error: Trunk already exists on vlan (%trunk_trunk_name/%s) (%next_vlan_vid/%d)"

level: LOG_ERR
  • Trunk already exists on VLAN.
  • None
  • None

0x1001000000000190 : "BCM56XXD driver error: Trouble adding trunk member to vlan (%vs_softc_t_trunk_members_i_ifname/%s) (%vlan_vid/%d)"

level: LOG_ERR
  • Unable to add trunk member to VLAN.
  • None
  • Reboot the system controller. If it persists, contact F5 Support.

0x1001000000000191 : "BCM56XXD driver error: Unable to add trunk to vlan /(%trunk_trunk_id/%d) (%vid/%d) (%cvid/%d)"

level: LOG_ERR
  • Unable to add trunk to VLAN.
  • None
  • Reboot the system controller. If it persists, contact F5 Support.

0x1001000000000192 : "BCM56XXD driver error: Unable to find vlan , on unit (%vid/%d) (%i/%d)"

level: LOG_ERR
  • Unable to find the VLAN.
  • None
  • Make sure the VLAN is correct and try again.

0x1001000000000193 : "BCM56XXD driver error: Unable to find free member space in vlan , unit (%vid/%d) (%i/%d)"

level: LOG_ERR
  • Unable to find free member space in VLAN.
  • None
  • None

0x1001000000000194 : "BCM56XXD driver error: Trunk not a member of vlan (%trunk_trunk_name/%s) (%vlan_vid/%d)"

level: LOG_ERR
  • Trunk is not a member of the VLAN.
  • None
  • Make sure the VLAN is correct and try again.

0x1001000000000195 : "BCM56XXD driver error: Unable to delete trunk from vlan /(%trunk_trunk_id/%d) (%vid/%d) (%cvid/%d)"

level: LOG_ERR
  • Unable to delete trunk from the VLAN.
  • None
  • Reboot the system controller. If it persists, contact F5 Support.

0x1001000000000196 : "BCM56XXD driver error: Problem changing CVID:, VLAN:/ not found(%new_cvid/%d) (%vid/%d) (%old_cvid/%d)"

level: LOG_ERR
  • Unable to change CVID.
  • None
  • Reboot the system controller. If it persists, contact F5 Support.

0x1001000000000197 : "BCM56XXD driver error: Problem changing CVID:, VLAN:/(%new_cvid/%d) (%vid/%d) (%old_cvid/%d)"

level: LOG_ERR
  • Unable to change CVID.
  • None
  • Reboot the system controller. If it persists, contact F5 Support.

0x1001000000000198 : "BCM56XXD driver error: Trouble setting ether-type for member (%sc_ifname/%s)"

level: LOG_ERR
  • Unable to set the Ethernet type for the member.
  • None
  • Reboot the system controller. If it persists, contact F5 Support.

0x1001000000000199 : "BCM56XXD SDK error: Bad trunk change handler register, unit=(%unit/%d)"

level: LOG_ERR
  • Bad trunk link event handler.
  • None
  • Restart the container and reboot the system controller. If the problem persists, please contact F5 Support.

0x1001000000000200 : "BCM56XXD SDK error: Bad linkscan change handler register, unit=(%unit/%d)"

level: LOG_ERR
  • Bad linkscan event handler.
  • None
  • Restart the container and reboot the system controller. If the problem persists, please contact F5 Support.

0x1001000000000201 : "BCM56XXD driver error: Trunk hash not recognized(%mcp_hash/%d)"

level: LOG_ERR
  • Trunk hash is incorrect.
  • None
  • Reboot the system controller. If it persists, contact F5 Support.

0x1001000000000202 : "BCM56XXD driver error: Error deleting trunk on unit (%trunk_name/%s) (%dev_unit/%d)"

level: LOG_ERR
  • Unable to delete trunk on the unit.
  • None
  • Reboot the system controller. If it persists, contact F5 Support.

0x1001000000000203 : "BCM56XXD info: Trunk not found(%trunk_name/%s)"

level: LOG_INFO
  • Trunk not found.
  • None
  • None

0x1001000000000204 : "BCM56XXD driver error: Error: Internal insanity"

level: LOG_ERR
  • Something has been initialized or set up incorrectly.
  • None
  • Reboot the system controller. If this problem persists, please contact your internal support.

0x1001000000000205 : "BCM56XXD driver error: Error creating trunk on unit (%trunk_name/%s) (%dev_unit/%d)"

level: LOG_ERR
  • Unable to create trunk on the unit.
  • None
  • None

0x1001000000000206 : "BCM56XXD driver error: Error trunk already exists on unit (%trunk_name/%s) (%dev_unit/%d)"

level: LOG_ERR
  • Trunk already exists on this unit.
  • None
  • None

0x1001000000000207 : "BCM56XXD driver error: Trunk has working members on unit (%trunk_name/%s) (%dev_unit/%d)"

level: LOG_ERR
  • Trunk has working members on the unit.
  • None
  • None

0x1001000000000208 : "BCM56XXD driver error: Unable to find Non fabricswitch on this platform to support remote trunk member."

level: LOG_ERR
  • Fabric switch is down or malfunctioning.
  • None
  • Powercycle entire Chassis, reboot. If still do not working, reach F5 internal support for help.

0x1001000000000209 : "BCM56XXD driver error: Trouble adding interface to trunk=(%csc_ifname/%s) (%trunk_name/%s)"

level: LOG_ERR
  • Unable to add interface to the trunk.
  • None
  • Reboot the system controller. If it persists, contact F5 Support.

0x1001000000000210 : "BCM56XXD driver error: Trouble deleting interface from trunk=(%csc_ifname/%s) (%trunk_name/%s)"

level: LOG_ERR
  • Unable to delete interface from the trunk.
  • None
  • Reboot the system controller. If it per