Dashboard authentication (GitHub)#
This documents an example of installing an OAuth2 proxy in front of the Aspen Mesh dashboard. This ensures that only authenticated users in your organization can access the dashboard.
The example uses GitHub as an OAuth2 identity provider. It uses the oauth2-proxy project which has integrations for other providers such as Google, Azure, GitLab, or custom. Please consult those documents if you want to adjust these instructions for a different provider.
We will fulfill some prerequistes, create a GitHub application, configure the OAuth2 proxy, and then deploy it in front of the Aspen Mesh dashboard.
You will need admin permissions for a GitHub organization.
You must choose a domain name where the Aspen Mesh dashboard will be exposed. We will provide this to the GitHub Application as the redirect URI, so GitHub can send users back to the Aspen Mesh dashboard once they have completed the GitHub Authorization flow.
If this is a domain on the public internet, we recommend you protect this domain with HTTPS/TLS. If you have a certificate and keypair, you can provide it directly to the OAuth2 proxy later in this configuration.
We’ll refer to this domain as <DOMAIN>
throughout this document. An example domain might be aspenmesh.admin.yourplatform.com
Create GitHub Application#
The GitHub Application is the authentication endpoint we will redirect to for users to approve a “Sign In with GitHub”.
Go to
in your web browser (replace<yourorganization>
).Click New OAuth App.
Provide entries for these fields:
Application Name: Aspen Mesh
Homepage URL:
Application Description (optional): Aspen Mesh dashboard helps you observe, secure, and gain insights into your microservices.
Authorization callback URL:
Click Register Application. You will be taken to the Application Page which provides the credentials we will need to provide to configure the proxy. Specifically, we will need the Client ID and Client Secret.
Deploy the OAuth2 proxy#
This section involves configuring some credentials for the OAuth2 proxy. If someone later got access to your shell’s scrollback buffer or history, they may be able to discover these secrets. You should close your shell once these steps are complete. This command will disable shell history for this session (you need to run it each time you make a new shell for handling the secrets): set +o history
Make a Cookie Secret. This is used to encrypt the cookies that are stored in your users’ browsers. It can be any long base64 value as long as it is confidential and used only for this application. Here is one way to generate one:
export COOKIE_SECRET=`pwgen -s 150 1 | base64`
Create a secret containing the GitHub Application details and a Cookie Secret. Replace
with the Client ID and Client Secret from the GitHub Application.kubectl create secret generic -n istio-system aspen-mesh-oauth2-proxy-secrets --from-literal=CLIENT_ID=<CLIENT_ID> --from-literal=CLIENT_SECRET=<CLIENT_SECRET> --from-literal=COOKIE_SECRET=$COOKIE_SECRET
Create a secret containing the TLS certificate and key for
. Put the certificate chain and key in files calledfullchain.pem
, or replace those in the command below with a path to the files. Your platform may also have platform-specific techniques for securely creating Kubernetes TLS secrets. If so, create a TLS secret namedaspen-mesh-oauth2-proxy-cert
in theistio-system
namespace.kubectl create secret tls -n istio-system aspen-mesh-oauth2-proxy-cert --key privkey.pem --cert fullchain.pem
At this point, we are finished handling credentials. You may want to remove local copies of the certificates and keys, and close your terminal session and open a new one so that any credentials that appeared on screen while working through this section are not visible.
Deploy the OAuth proxy#
Create a Kubernetes deployment and service like the following. You need to replace
below.apiVersion: apps/v1 kind: Deployment metadata: name: aspen-mesh-oauth2-proxy namespace: istio-system labels: app: aspen-mesh-oauth2-proxy spec: replicas: 1 selector: matchLabels: app: aspen-mesh-oauth2-proxy template: metadata: labels: app: aspen-mesh-oauth2-proxy annotations: sidecar.istio.io/inject: "false" spec: containers: - name: oauth2-proxy image: quay.io/pusher/oauth2_proxy:v4.0.0 imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent args: - '--provider=github' - '--https-address=' - '--tls-cert-file=/etc/oauth2-https-certs/tls.crt' - '--tls-key-file=/etc/oauth2-https-certs/tls.key' - '--email-domain=*' - '--github-org=<github-org>' - '--github-team=<github-team>' - '--cookie-secret=$COOKIE_SECRET' - '--client-secret=$CLIENT_SECRET' - '--client-id=$CLIENT_ID' - '--upstream=http://aspen-mesh-controlplane.istio-system:19001' ports: - containerPort: 4180 name: http - containerPort: 8443 name: https env: - name: COOKIE_SECRET valueFrom: secretKeyRef: name: aspen-mesh-oauth2-proxy-secrets key: COOKIE_SECRET - name: CLIENT_SECRET valueFrom: secretKeyRef: name: aspen-mesh-oauth2-proxy-secrets key: CLIENT_SECRET - name: CLIENT_ID valueFrom: secretKeyRef: name: aspen-mesh-oauth2-proxy-secrets key: CLIENT_ID volumeMounts: - name: https-certs mountPath: /etc/oauth2-https-certs readOnly: true volumes: - name: https-certs secret: secretName: aspen-mesh-oauth2-proxy-cert --- apiVersion: v1 kind: Service metadata: name: aspen-mesh-oauth2-proxy namespace: istio-system labels: app: aspen-mesh-oauth2-proxy spec: type: LoadBalancer selector: app: aspen-mesh-oauth2-proxy ports: - name: https port: 443 protocol: TCP targetPort: 8443
The service
in the namespaceistio-system
istype: LoadBalancer
, so your cloud or platform should create an external load balancer for it. If not, you must follow platform-specific instructions for how to expose the service outside the cluster.You should associate the service
with the domain that you chose at the beginning (<DOMAIN>
). This is platform-specific. In many environments, this means creating an A, AAAA, or CNAME DNS record that points at an automatically assigned load-balancer domain name. You can find the load-balancer domain name or IP address in theEXTERNAL-IP
like this:$ kubectl get svc -n istio-system aspen-mesh-oauth2-proxy
NAME TYPE CLUSTER-IP EXTERNAL-IP aspen-mesh-oauth2-proxy LoadBalancer a123w----------------------5a3e-150000001.us-west-2.elb.amazonaws.com
In your DNS provider, configure
to map to theEXTERNAL-IP
in your browser and you should see a “Sign In with GitHub” button. Click it.You will be taken to GitHub to authorize the app that you created earlier. If you are not logged in to GitHub, you will have to complete a login. You must be a member of the GitHub team specified when configuring the proxy.
Click the Authorize button.
You will be redirected back to the Aspen Mesh dashboard.
To log out, visit
or delete the cookies from your browser for<DOMAIN>