GRE Tunnel Profile


You can use the GRE Tunnel Profile API to retrieve the GRE Tunnel profile.

REST Endpoint: /mgmt/cm/adc-core/working-config/net/tunnels/gre


GET /mgmt/cm/adc-core/working-config/net/tunnels/gre

To retrieve a list of GRE tunnel profiles you can send a GET request to the collection.

Request Parameters


Query Parameters



The JSON in the GET response can contain the following parameters.

HTTP/1.1 200 OK

Name Type Description
defaultsFromReference object The profile from which to inherit settings. The default profile is GRE.
     id string The uuid identifier of the reference profile.
     name string Name of the reference profile. For example, “gre”.
     partition string The partition of the reference profile. For example, “Common”.
     link string The url of the reference profile.
description string A description of the GRE tunnel profile.
encapsulation string Specifies the kind of GRE header to use for encapsulation. The default value is “standard”.
id string The uuid identifier of the GRE profile.
name string Name of the GRE profile. For example, “myGre02”.
overrides array A list of the override properties. For example, [“encapsulation”].
partition string The partition of the GRE profile. For example, “Common”.
rxCsum string Specifies whether the system verifies the checksum on received packets. The default value is “disabled”.
selfLink string The url for the GRE profile.
txCsum string Specifies whether the system includes a checksum on transmitted packets. The default value is “disabled”.


Role Allow
admin Yes

GET /mgmt/cm/adc-core/working-config/net/tunnels/gre/{id}

To retrieve the profile of a single GRE tunnel specified by it’s identifier. In the following, the placeholder {id} is the identifier for a specific GRE tunnel.

Request Parameters


Query Parameters



The JSON in the GET response can contain the following parameters.

HTTP/1.1 200 OK

Name Type Description
defaultsFromReference object The profile from which to inherit settings. The default profile is GRE.
     id string The uuid identifier of the reference profile.
     name string Name of the reference profile. For example, “gre”.
     partition string The partition of the reference profile. For example, “Common”.
     link string The url of the reference profile.
description string A description of the GRE tunnel profile.
encapsulation string Specifies the kind of GRE header to use for encapsulation. The default value is “standard”.
id string The uuid identifier of the GRE profile.
name string Name of the GRE profile. For example, “myGre02”.
overrides array A list of the override properties. For example, [“encapsulation”].
partition string The partition of the GRE profile. For example, “Common”.
rxCsum string Specifies whether the system verifies the checksum on received packets. The default value is “disabled”.
selfLink string The url for the GRE profile.
txCsum string Specifies whether the system includes a checksum on transmitted packets. The default value is “disabled”.


Role Allow
admin Yes

POST /mgmt/cm/adc-core/working-config/net/tunnels/gre

To create a profile of a GRE tunnel specified by it’s identifier, you can send a POST request to the collection and include the profile information in the body of the request.

Request Parameters

Name Type Required Description
defaultsFromReference object False The profile from which to inherit settings. The default profile is GRE.
     id string False The uuid identifier of the reference profile.
     name string False Name of the reference profile. For example, “gre”.
     partition string False The partition of the reference profile. For example, “Common”.
     link string False The url of the reference profile.
description string False A description of the GRE tunnel profile.
encapsulation string False Specifies the kind of GRE header to use for encapsulation. The default value is “standard”.
name string True Name of the GRE profile. For example, “myGre02”.
overrides array False A list of the override properties. For example, [“encapsulation”].
partition string True The partition of the GRE profile. For example, “Common”.
rxCsum string False Specifies whether the system verifies the checksum on received packets. The default value is “disabled”.
txCsum string False Specifies whether the system includes a checksum on transmitted packets. The default value is “disabled”.

Query Parameters



The JSON in the GET response can contain the following parameters. In the following, the placeholder {id} is the identifier for a specific GRE tunnel.

HTTP/1.1 200 OK

Name Type Description
defaultsFromReference object The profile from which to inherit settings. The default profile is GRE.
     id string The uuid identifier of the reference profile.
     name string Name of the reference profile. For example, “gre”.
     partition string The partition of the reference profile. For example, “Common”.
     link string The url of the reference profile.
description string A description of the GRE tunnel profile.
encapsulation string Specifies the kind of GRE header to use for encapsulation. The default value is “standard”.
id string The uuid identifier of the GRE profile.
name string Name of the GRE profile. For example, “myGre02”.
overrides array A list of the override properties. For example, [“encapsulation”].
partition string The partition of the GRE profile. For example, “Common”.
rxCsum string Specifies whether the system verifies the checksum on received packets. The default value is “disabled”.
selfLink string The url for the GRE profile.
txCsum string Specifies whether the system includes a checksum on transmitted packets. The default value is “disabled”.


Role Allow
admin Yes

PATCH /mgmt/cm/adc-core/working-config/net/tunnels/gre/{id}

To modify a profile of a GRE tunnel specified by it’s identifier, you can send a PATCH request and include the profile information in the body of the request.

Request Parameters

Name Type Required Description
defaultsFromReference object False The profile from which to inherit settings. The default profile is GRE.
     id string False The uuid identifier of the reference profile.
     name string False Name of the reference profile. For example, “gre”.
     partition string False The partition of the reference profile. For example, “Common”.
     link string False The url of the reference profile.
description string False A description of the GRE tunnel profile.
encapsulation string False Specifies the kind of GRE header to use for encapsulation. The default value is “standard”.
id string True The uuid identifier of the GRE profile.
name string True Name of the GRE profile. For example, “myGre02”.
overrides array False A list of the override properties. For example, [“encapsulation”].
partition string False The partition of the GRE profile. For example, “Common”.
rxCsum string False Specifies whether the system verifies the checksum on received packets. The default value is “disabled”.
selfLink string False The url for the GRE profile.
txCsum string False Specifies whether the system includes a checksum on transmitted packets. The default value is “disabled”.

Query Parameters



The JSON in the PATCH response can contain the following parameters.

HTTP/1.1 200 OK

Name Type Description
defaultsFromReference object The profile from which to inherit settings. The default profile is GRE.
     id string The uuid identifier of the reference profile.
     name string Name of the reference profile. For example, “gre”.
     partition string The partition of the reference profile. For example, “Common”.
     link string The url of the reference profile.
description string A description of the GRE tunnel profile.
encapsulation string Specifies the kind of GRE header to use for encapsulation. The default value is “standard”.
id string The uuid identifier of the GRE profile.
name string Name of the GRE profile. For example, “myGre02”.
overrides array A list of the override properties. For example, [“encapsulation”].
partition string The partition of the GRE profile. For example, “Common”.
rxCsum string Specifies whether the system verifies the checksum on received packets. The default value is “disabled”.
selfLink string The url for the GRE profile.
txCsum string Specifies whether the system includes a checksum on transmitted packets. The default value is “disabled”.


Role Allow
admin Yes

DELETE /mgmt/cm/adc-core/working-config/net/tunnels/gre/{id}

To delete the profile of a GRE tunnel, you can send a DELETE request and specify it’s identifier. In the following, the placeholder {id} is the identifier for a specific GRE tunnel.

Request Parameters


Query Parameters



HTTP/1.1 200 OK

The JSON in the body of the response is for the deleted item.


Role Allow
admin Yes


GET to retrieve override GRE tunnel profile properties

The following example sends a GET request to retrieve the override properties of a GRE tunnel profile. The id of the example GRE tunnel profile is 26a28cab-8048-36e8-86cc-e4ec72ea8d6f and the id of the profile from which it inherits settings is 42ed3d5b-3b4e-3fc9-835e-f3220e1c8aa8.



The JSON in the response can look similar to the following example.

    "encapsulation": "transparent-ethernet-bridging",
    "defaultsFromReference": {
            "id": "42ed3d5b-3b4e-3fc9-835e-f3220e1c8aa8",
            "name": "gre",
            "kind": "cm:adc-core:working-config:net:tunnels:gre:adctunnelsgrestate",
            "partition": "Common",
            "link": "https://localhost/mgmt/cm/adc-core/working-config/net/tunnels/gre/42ed3d5b-3b4e-3fc9-835e-f3220e1c8aa8"
    "partition": "Common",
    "name": "myGre02",
    "id": "26a28cab-8048-36e8-86cc-e4ec72ea8d6f",
    "generation": 1,
    "lastUpdateMicros": 1555976303981147,
    "kind": "cm:adc-core:working-config:net:tunnels:gre:adctunnelsgrestate",
    "selfLink": "https://localhost/mgmt/cm/adc-core/working-config/net/tunnels/gre/26a28cab-8048-36e8-86cc-e4ec72ea8d6f"

GET to retrieve all GRE tunnel profile properties

The following example sends a GET request to retrieve all the properties of a GRE tunnel profile. The id of the example GRE tunnel profile is 26a28cab-8048-36e8-86cc-e4ec72ea8d6f and the id of the profile from which it inherits settings is 42ed3d5b-3b4e-3fc9-835e-f3220e1c8aa8.



The JSON in the response can look similar to the following example.

    "encapsulation": "transparent-ethernet-bridging",
    "defaultsFromReference": {
            "id": "42ed3d5b-3b4e-3fc9-835e-f3220e1c8aa8",
            "name": "gre",
            "kind": "cm:adc-core:working-config:net:tunnels:gre:adctunnelsgrestate",
            "partition": "Common",
            "link": "https://localhost/mgmt/cm/adc-core/working-config/net/tunnels/gre/42ed3d5b-3b4e-3fc9-835e-f3220e1c8aa8"
    "partition": "Common",
    "name": "myGre02",
    "id": "26a28cab-8048-36e8-86cc-e4ec72ea8d6f",
    "generation": 1,
    "lastUpdateMicros": 1555976303981147,
    "kind": "cm:adc-core:working-config:net:tunnels:gre:adctunnelsgrestate",
    "selfLink": "https://localhost/mgmt/cm/adc-core/working-config/net/tunnels/gre/26a28cab-8048-36e8-86cc-e4ec72ea8d6f",
    "rxCsum": "disabled",
    "txCsum": "disabled",
    "overrides": [

POST to create a GRE tunnel profile

The following example sends a POST request to create a GRE tunnel profile.


The JSON in the body of the POST can look similar to the following example.

    "partition": "Common",
    "name": "myGre03",
    "description": "test both 14.1 and 13.0, 12.1",
    "rxCsum": "enabled",
    "txCsum": "enabled"


The JSON in the response can look similar to the following example.

    "partition": "Common",
    "name": "myGre03",
    "id": "26a28cab-8048-36e8-86cc-e4ec72ea8d6f",
    "generation": 1,
    "lastUpdateMicros": 1555976303981147,
    "kind": "cm:adc-core:working-config:net:tunnels:gre:adctunnelsgrestate",
    "selfLink": "https://localhost/mgmt/cm/adc-core/working-config/net/tunnels/gre/26a28cab-8048-36e8-86cc-e4ec72ea8d6f",
    "rxCsum": "enabled",
    "txCsum": "enabled"