Application Device Resolver¶
This BIG-IQ API retrieves a list of only the BIG-IPs to which a user can deploy Application Services 3 Extension (AS3) or service-catalog application services from BIG-IQ. The response does not include any BIG-IPs in a Service Scaling Group (SSG).
REST Endpoint: /mgmt/cm/global/application-device-resolver¶
GET /mgmt/cm/global/application-device-resolver¶
Gets a list of only the BIG-IPs to which a user can deploy AS3 or service-catalog application services. To resolve the list of returned BIG-IPs for a certain user, call the API using that user’s credentials and identity.
Request Parameters¶
Query Parameters¶
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
The JSON in response can contain the following fields. All the BIG-IPs exist in the cm-adccore-allbigipDevices device group on BIG-IQ and each item has the same fields and content as returned by the selfLink. The response does not include any BIG-IPs in a Service Scaling Group (SSG).
Name | Type | Description |
items | array | List of only the BIG-IPs to which the user can deploy applications. |
address | string | BIG-IP’s IP address |
build | string | BIG-IP’s build |
deviceUri | string | BIG-IP’s uniform resource identifier |
edition | string | BIG-IP’s edition |
groupName | string | The groupName of the BIG-IP. Possible values: “cm-adccore-allbigipDevices”. |
hostname | string | The hostname of the BIG-IP. |
httpsPort | number | BIG-IP’s HTTP port number |
isClustered | boolean | True if the BIG-IP is part of a cluster. |
isLicenseExpired | string | True if the BIG-IP’s license is expired. |
isVirtual | string | True if this is a BIG-IP VE. |
machineId | string | BIG-IP’s machineId |
managementAddress | string | BIG-IP’s managementAddress |
mcpDeviceName | string | BIG-IP’s mcpDeviceName |
properties | object | Information about the BIG-IP’s state on the BIG-IQ or about the BIG-IP’s own state. This may help the user decide whether to deploy the application. |
imported | boolean | Informational property |
importedDateTime | string | Informational property |
importStatus | string | Informational property |
discovered | boolean | Informational property |
discoveryStatus | string | Informational property |
lastDiscoveredDateTime | string | Informational property |
lastUserDiscoveredDateTime | string | Informational property |
requiresDhcpProfileInDhcpVirtualServer | boolean | Informational property |
restrictsFirewallInlineRules | boolean | Informational property |
restrictsPortTranslationStatelessVirtual | boolean | Informational property |
supports_13_0_Enhs | boolean | Informational property |
supports_12_1_2_Enhs | boolean | Informational property |
supports_13_1_Enhs | boolean | Informational property |
supports_14_0_Enhs | boolean | Informational property |
supports_14_1_Enhs | boolean | Informational property |
supportsAddressRange | boolean | Informational property |
supportsAfm | boolean | Informational property |
supportsAfmSubscribers | boolean | Informational property |
supportsAlpineDosDeviceConfig | boolean | Informational property |
supportsAlpineDosDeviceWhitelistIpProcotol | boolean | Informational property |
supportsAlpineDosProfileEnhs | boolean | Informational property |
supportsAlpineEnhs | boolean | Informational property |
supportsAlpineLogProfileEnhs | boolean | Informational property |
supportsAsmDisallowedGeolocation | boolean | Informational property |
supportsBadgerEnhs | boolean | Informational property |
supportsBotDefense | boolean | Informational property |
supportsBruteForceAttackPreventions | boolean | Informational property |
supportsBruteForceAttackPreventionsBadgerFeatures | boolean | Informational property |
supportsBruteForceAttackPreventionsCascadeFeatures | boolean | Informational property |
supportsCascadeEnhs | boolean | Informational property |
supportsClassification | boolean | Informational property |
supportsCompatibilityLevel | boolean | Informational property |
supportsCpb | boolean | Informational property |
supportsCsrfProtection | boolean | Informational property |
supportsCsrfUrls | boolean | Informational property |
supportsDataProtection | boolean | Informational property |
supportsDatasafe | boolean | Informational property |
supportsDualStackMgmtPort | boolean | Informational property |
supportsExtractions | boolean | Informational property |
supportsFirewallRuleIdentifiers | boolean | Informational property |
supportsFlowIdleTimers | boolean | Informational property |
supportsFlowInspector | boolean | Informational property |
supportsFqdn | boolean | Informational property |
supportsFwPolicy | boolean | Informational property |
supportsGeoLocation | boolean | Informational property |
supportsGwtProfiles | boolean | Informational property |
supportsHeaderSignaturesOverride | boolean | Informational property |
supportsHopoptProtocol | boolean | Informational property |
supportsHostNameEnforcementMode | boolean | Informational property |
supportsIncrementalDiscovery | boolean | Informational property |
supportsIpIntelligence | boolean | Informational property |
supportsIruleAction | boolean | Informational property |
supportsIruleSampleRate | boolean | Informational property |
supportsJsonProfiles | boolean | Informational property |
supportsLoginEnforcement | boolean | Informational property |
supportsLoginEnforcementCascadeFeatures | boolean | Informational property |
supportsLoginPages | boolean | Informational property |
supportsLoginPagesCascadeFeatures | boolean | Informational property |
supportsLoginPagesHeaderOmits | boolean | Informational property |
supportsNatPolicy | boolean | Informational property |
supportsNestedAddressLists | boolean | Informational property |
supportsNestedPortLists | boolean | Informational property |
supportsPacketTester | boolean | Informational property |
supportsPlainTextProfile | boolean | Informational property |
supportsPortMisusePolicy | boolean | Informational property |
supportsRedirectionProtection | boolean | Informational property |
supportsRuleLogging | boolean | Informational property |
supportsSendToVirtual | boolean | Informational property |
supportsServerTechnologies | boolean | Informational property |
supportsServicePolicy | boolean | Informational property |
supportsSessionTracking | boolean | Informational property |
supportsSessionTrackingAllLoginPagesUsernameSource | boolean | Informational property |
supportsSessionTrackingDeviceIdThresholds | boolean | Informational property |
supportsSessionTrackingSessionHijackingByDeviceId | boolean | Informational property |
supportsSshProfile | boolean | Informational property |
supportsThreatCampaigns | boolean | Informational property |
supportUdpPortList | boolean | Informational property |
supportsUrlCascadeFeatures | boolean | Informational property |
supportsUrlSignaturesOverride | boolean | Informational property |
supportsUserIdentity | boolean | Informational property |
supportsVirtualServerDestinationAddressList | boolean | Informational property |
supportsWebScraping | boolean | Informational property |
supportsWebSocketSecurity | boolean | Informational property |
supportsWhitelistIpBlockRequestAlways | boolean | Informational property |
supportsXmlProfiles | boolean | Informational property |
suppportsXmlValidationFiles | boolean | Informational property |
product | string | This item’s product type. Possible values: “BIG-IP” |
restFrameworkVersion | string | Version of REST framework installed on the BIG-IP. |
selfLink | string | URL reference to this BIG-IP. |
slots | array | BIG-IP slots |
build | string | Build of BIG-IP in this slot |
isActive | boolean | True if the BIG-IP in this slot is in active state. |
product | string | Product in this slot. Possible value: “BIG-IP”. |
version | string | Version of BIG-IP in this slot |
volume | string | Name of this slot |
state | string | BIG-IP’s state. For example, “ACTIVE”. |
trustDomainGuid | string | BIG-IP’s trustDomainGuid |
uuid | string | BIG-IP’s unique identifier |
version | string | BIG-IP’s version |
Role | Allow |
admin | Yes |
Application_Creator | Yes |
Application_Manager | Yes |
GET to retrieve a list of only the BIG-IPs to which a user can deploy applications¶
GET https://<BIG-IQ>/mgmt/cm/global/application-device-resolver
The JSON in the body of the response can look similar to the following example. In this example, the user can deploy applications to only two BIG-IPs.
"items": [{
"uuid": "14ee515b-54b7-4838-8528-79ed155dcdd0",
"deviceUri": "",
"machineId": "14ee515b-54b7-4838-8528-79ed155dcdd0",
"state": "ACTIVE",
"address": "",
"httpsPort": 443,
"hostname": "license.revoke",
"version": "",
"product": "BIG-IP",
"edition": "Point Release 7",
"build": "0.0.1",
"restFrameworkVersion": "",
"managementAddress": "",
"mcpDeviceName": "/Common/license.revoke",
"trustDomainGuid": "6e18d00b-a894-4118-bd03005056b68302",
"properties": {
"discovered": true,
"imported": true,
"supportsAlpineDosDeviceConfig": true,
"supportsServerTechnologies": true,
"supportsAlpineDosProfileEnhs": true,
"supportsAfmSubscribers": true,
"supportsBadgerEnhs": true,
"supportsRuleLogging": true,
"supportsPortMisusePolicy": true,
"supportsDualStackMgmtPort": false,
"supportsWhitelistIpBlockRequestAlways": true,
"supportsFlowInspector": true,
"supportsThreatCampaigns": false,
"supportsSendToVirtual": true,
"supportsBruteForceAttackPreventionsCascadeFeatures": true,
"supportUdpPortList": true,
"supportsNestedAddressLists": true,
"supportsAddressRange": true,
"supportsHeaderSignaturesOverride": true,
"supports_13_0_Enhs": true,
"supportsAlpineDosDeviceWhitelistIpProcotol": true,
"supportsGeoLocation": true,
"supportsCsrfProtection": true,
"supportsSshProfile": true,
"supportsSessionTracking": true,
"supportsWebScraping": true,
"supportsLoginPagesCascadeFeatures": true,
"restrictsFirewallInlineRules": true,
"supportsXmlProfiles": true,
"supportsDataProtection": true,
"supportsUserIdentity": true,
"supportsUrlSignaturesOverride": true,
"supportsHostNameEnforcementMode": true,
"supportsFlowIdleTimers": true,
"supportsCpb": true,
"requiresDhcpProfileInDhcpVirtualServer": true,
"supportsAlpineEnhs": true,
"restrictsPortTranslationStatelessVirtual": true,
"supportsUrlCascadeFeatures": true,
"supportsSessionTrackingAllLoginPagesUsernameSource": true,
"supportsCompatibilityLevel": false,
"supportsLoginEnforcementCascadeFeatures": true,
"supportsDatasafe": true,
"supportsNestedPortLists": true,
"suppportsXmlValidationFiles": true,
"supportsExtractions": true,
"supportsWebSocketSecurity": true,
"supportsFqdn": true,
"supportsSessionTrackingSessionHijackingByDeviceId": true,
"supportsIruleAction": true,
"supportsNatPolicy": true,
"supportsLoginPagesHeaderOmits": true,
"supportsCascadeEnhs": true,
"supportsHopoptProtocol": false,
"supportsPlainTextProfile": true,
"supportsIncrementalDiscovery": false,
"supportsRedirectionProtection": true,
"supports_12_1_2_Enhs": true,
"supports_14_0_Enhs": false,
"supportsIpIntelligence": true,
"supportsServicePolicy": true,
"supportsFirewallRuleIdentifiers": false,
"supportsSessionTrackingDeviceIdThresholds": true,
"supportsLoginEnforcement": true,
"supportsJsonProfiles": true,
"supportsBruteForceAttackPreventions": true,
"supportsFwPolicy": true,
"supportsAfm": true,
"supportsPacketTester": true,
"supportsAlpineLogProfileEnhs": true,
"supportsGwtProfiles": true,
"supportsIruleSampleRate": true,
"supportsClassification": true,
"supportsAsmDisallowedGeolocation": true,
"supportsCsrfUrls": true,
"supportsLoginPages": true,
"supports_13_1_Enhs": true,
"supportsBruteForceAttackPreventionsBadgerFeatures": true,
"lastDiscoveredDateTime": "2019-06-14T23:29:17.554Z",
"discoveryStatus": "FINISHED",
"lastUserDiscoveredDateTime": "2019-06-14T23:29:17.554Z",
"importedDateTime": "2019-06-14T23:29:27.060Z",
"importStatus": "FINISHED",
"supportsBotDefense": false,
"supports_14_1_Enhs": false,
"supportsVirtualServerDestinationAddressList": false
"isClustered": false,
"isVirtual": true,
"isLicenseExpired": false,
"groupName": "cm-adccore-allbigipDevices",
"slots": [{
"volume": "HD1.1",
"product": "BIG-IP",
"version": "",
"build": "0.0.1",
"isActive": true
"generation": 49,
"lastUpdateMicros": 1568321584554895,
"kind": "shared:resolver:device-groups:restdeviceresolverdevicestate",
"selfLink": "https://localhost/mgmt/shared/resolver/device-groups/cm-adccore-allbigipDevices/devices/14ee515b-54b7-4838-8528-79ed155dcdd0"
"uuid": "bb16cc27-8365-4772-a0dd-99be547b3161",
"deviceUri": "",
"machineId": "bb16cc27-8365-4772-a0dd-99be547b3161",
"state": "ACTIVE",
"address": "",
"httpsPort": 443,
"hostname": "",
"version": "",
"product": "BIG-IP",
"edition": "Point Release 2",
"build": "0.0.2",
"restFrameworkVersion": "",
"managementAddress": "",
"mcpDeviceName": "/Common/",
"properties": {
"discovered": true,
"imported": true,
"supportsAlpineDosDeviceConfig": true,
"supportsServerTechnologies": true,
"supportsAlpineDosProfileEnhs": true,
"supportsAfmSubscribers": true,
"supportsBadgerEnhs": true,
"supportsRuleLogging": true,
"supportsPortMisusePolicy": true,
"supportsDualStackMgmtPort": true,
"supportsWhitelistIpBlockRequestAlways": true,
"supportsFlowInspector": true,
"supportsThreatCampaigns": true,
"supportsSendToVirtual": true,
"supportsBruteForceAttackPreventionsCascadeFeatures": true,
"supportUdpPortList": true,
"supportsNestedAddressLists": true,
"supportsAddressRange": true,
"supportsHeaderSignaturesOverride": true,
"supports_13_0_Enhs": true,
"supportsAlpineDosDeviceWhitelistIpProcotol": true,
"supportsGeoLocation": true,
"supportsCsrfProtection": true,
"supportsSshProfile": true,
"supportsSessionTracking": true,
"supportsWebScraping": true,
"supportsLoginPagesCascadeFeatures": true,
"restrictsFirewallInlineRules": true,
"supportsXmlProfiles": true,
"supportsDataProtection": true,
"supportsUserIdentity": true,
"supportsUrlSignaturesOverride": true,
"supportsHostNameEnforcementMode": true,
"supportsFlowIdleTimers": true,
"supportsCpb": true,
"requiresDhcpProfileInDhcpVirtualServer": true,
"supportsAlpineEnhs": true,
"restrictsPortTranslationStatelessVirtual": true,
"supportsUrlCascadeFeatures": true,
"supportsSessionTrackingAllLoginPagesUsernameSource": true,
"supportsCompatibilityLevel": true,
"supportsLoginEnforcementCascadeFeatures": true,
"supportsDatasafe": true,
"supportsNestedPortLists": true,
"suppportsXmlValidationFiles": true,
"supportsExtractions": true,
"supportsWebSocketSecurity": true,
"supportsFqdn": true,
"supportsSessionTrackingSessionHijackingByDeviceId": true,
"supportsIruleAction": true,
"supportsNatPolicy": true,
"supportsLoginPagesHeaderOmits": true,
"supportsCascadeEnhs": true,
"supportsHopoptProtocol": true,
"supportsPlainTextProfile": true,
"supportsIncrementalDiscovery": false,
"supportsRedirectionProtection": true,
"supports_12_1_2_Enhs": true,
"supports_14_0_Enhs": true,
"supportsIpIntelligence": true,
"supportsServicePolicy": true,
"supportsFirewallRuleIdentifiers": false,
"supportsSessionTrackingDeviceIdThresholds": true,
"supportsLoginEnforcement": true,
"supportsJsonProfiles": true,
"supportsBruteForceAttackPreventions": true,
"supportsFwPolicy": true,
"supportsAfm": true,
"supportsPacketTester": true,
"supportsAlpineLogProfileEnhs": true,
"supportsGwtProfiles": true,
"supportsIruleSampleRate": true,
"supportsClassification": true,
"supportsAsmDisallowedGeolocation": true,
"supportsCsrfUrls": true,
"supportsLoginPages": true,
"supports_13_1_Enhs": true,
"supportsBruteForceAttackPreventionsBadgerFeatures": true,
"lastDiscoveredDateTime": "2019-05-22T00:08:33.991Z",
"lastUserDiscoveredDateTime": "2019-05-22T00:08:33.991Z",
"importedDateTime": "2019-05-22T00:08:48.414Z",
"discoveryStatus": "FAILED",
"importStatus": "FINISHED",
"supportsBotDefense": false,
"supports_14_1_Enhs": false,
"supportsVirtualServerDestinationAddressList": false
"isClustered": false,
"isVirtual": true,
"isLicenseExpired": false,
"groupName": "cm-adccore-allbigipDevices",
"slots": [{
"volume": "HD1.1",
"product": "BIG-IP",
"version": "",
"build": "0.0.3",
"isActive": false
"volume": "HD1.2",
"product": "BIG-IP",
"version": "",
"build": "0.0.2",
"isActive": true
"generation": 117,
"lastUpdateMicros": 1568321584556694,
"kind": "shared:resolver:device-groups:restdeviceresolverdevicestate",
"selfLink": "https://localhost/mgmt/shared/resolver/device-groups/cm-adccore-allbigipDevices/devices/bb16cc27-8365-4772-a0dd-99be547b3161"
"generation": 0,
"lastUpdateMicros": 1568321728519576,
"kind": "cm:global:application-device-resolver:applicationdevicepermitresolverviewstate",
"selfLink": "https://localhost/mgmt/cm/global/application-device-resolver"