ASM Policy Analyzer Rules


The ASM Policy Rules API can get details about the rules used to analyze a given security policy. The ASM Policy Analyzer API can analyze a security policy, calculate a security score, and store suggestions to improve the policy. After the policy analyzer task has completed, you can use the ASM Policy Analyzer Suggestions API and the ASM Policy Analyzer Rules API to get the policy analyzer results which can be reported to the user. You can also use the ASM Policy Difference API to compare two security policies for the purpose of distinguishing differences in security levels. The policy analyzer can be rerun after changing the policy configuration to check for improvement of the configuration.

REST Endpoint: /mgmt/cm/asm/reports/analyzer/config-analyzer-rules/{id}


GET /mgmt/cm/asm/reports/analyzer/config-analyzer-rules/{id}

Send a GET request to the analyzer/config-analyzer-rules/{id} endpoint to get details about the rule used to generate suggestions. The placeholder {id} represents the UUID identifying the rule. The endpoint for the GET request is the suggestionRuleReference value returned by the sub collection ASM Policy Analyzer Suggestions API.

Request Parameters


Query Parameters



HTTP/1.1 200 OK

Name Type Description
id string UUID of the policy analyzer rule
type string Type of rule
urls string Used for implementation purpose
ruleId string The unique identifier for the rule
category string The category of the suggestion generated from this rule.
selfLink string URL of the rule
severity string The severity given to the suggestion generated from this rule. For example: “Warning”.
isGeneric boolean Used for implementation purpose
articleLink string Used for implementation purpose
ruleCondition string Used for implementation purposes. For example: “if a [cookie] does not check for attack signature”
ruleDescription string Used for implementation purpose
     text string Text used for implementation purpose
     parameters string Array of strings
          name string Name used for implementation purpose
ruleSuggestion string Suggestion or recommendation to the user to improve the policy configuration. For example: “Enable attack signature enforcement for this cookie to enforce protection against detected signatures.”
genericRuleData* string Used for implementation purpose
     group number Used for implementation purpose
     operation string Used for implementation purpose
     targetValue string Used for implementation purpose
     parameterName string Used for implementation purpose
     parameterType string Used for implementation purpose
     isMultiSuggestionRule boolean Used for implementation purpose
bigIqConfigurationDirectLink string Used for implementation purpose
selfLink string URL to details about the rule used to generate suggestions.


Role Allow
Web Application Security Manager Yes
Web Application Security Editor Yes
Web Application Security Viewer Yes
Web Application Security Deployer Yes


GET to retrieve more details on specific suggestion

The following example sends a GET for more details on the specific suggestions

GET https://<BIG-IQ>/mgmt/cm/asm/reports/analyzer/config-analyzer-rules/b8c37e33-defd-351c-b91e-1e03e51657da


The JSON in the response to the POST can look similar to the following.

HTTP/1.1 200 OK

    "id": "b8c37e33-defd-351c-b91e-1e03e51657da",
    "kind": "cm:asm:reports:analyzer:config-analyzer-rules:configanalyzerrulestate",
    "type": "blockingSettings",
    "urls": [
    "ruleId": "1001",
    "category": "General",
    "selfLink": "https://localhost/mgmt/cm/asm/reports/analyzer/config-analyzer-rules/b8c37e33-defd-351c-b91e-1e03e51657da",
    "severity": "Critical",
    "isGeneric": true,
    "generation": 1,
    "articleLink": "No",
    "ruleCondition": "if policy enforcement mode is not in blocking mode ",
    "ruleSuggestion": "The policy's enforcement mode is not set to blocking mode, therefore the policy will not block detected attacks. To protect the application from attacks, change the policy enforcement mode to blocking.",
    "genericRuleData": {
            "group": 1,
            "operator": "NE",
            "targetValue": "blocking",
            "parameterName": "enforcementMode",
            "parameterType": "STR",
            "isMultiSuggestionRule": false
    "ruleDescription": {
            "text": "Policy enforcement not set to block attacks"
    "lastUpdateMicros": 1611339806930572,
    "bigIqConfigurationDirectLink": "https://{bigiq-ip}/ui/configuration/security/web-application/policies/{policy-id}/properties"