CA Configuration


Use the CA Configuration API to save, retrieve, or delete a certificate authority (CA) configuration.

REST Endpoint: /mgmt/cm/adc-core/external-ca/config


POST /mgmt/cm/adc-core/external-ca/config

Send a POST request to the endpoint to save a CA configuration.

Request Parameters

The JSON in the body of the POST request can contain the following parameters.

Name Type Required Description
name string True Name of the CA server
caProvider string True The certificate authority provider. Possible values: “Let’s Encrypt” and “Venafi”.
webSdkEndPoint string True URL of the web SDK
keyAlgorithm string True Cryptography algorithm. Possible value: “RSA”. This parameter does not apply if the value of caProvider equals “Venafi”.
keySize number True Size of the cryptography key. For example: 2048. This parameter does not apply if the value of caProvider equals “Venafi”.
terms boolean True Terms of the external CA. This parameter does not apply if the value of caProvider equals “Venafi”.
autoRenewalThreshold number False Optional Venafi threshold value
autoDeployThreshold number False Optional Venafi threshold value
keyPassphrase string False Optional Venafi Key Passphrase for Sync
userName string True if caProvider equals “Venafi” Venafi Server User Name
password string True if caProvider equals “Venafi” Venafi Server Password

Query Parameters



The JSON in the POST’s response can include the following parameters.

HTTP/1.1 200 OK

Name Type Description
uuid string UUID of the configuration
name string Name of the CA server
caProvider string The certificate authority provider. Possible values: “Let’s Encrypt” and “Venafi”.
webSdkEndPoint string URL of the web SDK
keyAlgorithm string Cryptography algorithm. Possible value: “RSA”. This parameter does not apply if the value of caProvider equals “Venafi”.
keySize number Size of the cryptography key. For example: 2048. This parameter does not apply if the value of caProvider equals “Venafi”.
terms boolean Terms of the external CA. This parameter does not apply if the value of caProvider equals “Venafi”.
selfLink string URL of the configuration
autoRenewalThreshold number Venafi threshold value
autoDeployThreshold number Venafi threshold value
userName string Venafi Server User Name
encryptedPassword string Encrypted Venafi password
keyPassphrase string Venafi passphrase


Role Allow
admin Yes
Certificate Editor/Viewer No

GET /mgmt/cm/adc-core/external-ca/config

To retrieve information for all CA configurations, send a GET request to the collection’s endpoint. To retrieve information for a specific configuration, append the configuration’s uuid.

Request Parameters


Query Parameters



HTTP/1.1 200 OK

Name Type Description
items object List of records for CA configurations
     uuid string UUID of the configuration
     name string Name of the server
     caProvider string The certificate authority provider. Possible values: “Let’s Encrypt” and “Venafi”.
     webSdkEndPoint string URL of the web SDK
     keyAlgorithm string Cryptography algorithm. Possible value: “RSA”. This parameter does not apply if the value of caProvider equals “Venafi”.
     keySize number Size of the cryptography key. For example: 2048. This parameter does not apply if the value of caProvider equals “Venafi”.
     terms boolean Terms of the external CA. This parameter does not apply if the value of caProvider equals “Venafi”.
     selfLink string URL of the configuration
     username string The Venafi server’s user name. This can be present if caProvide is “Venafi”.
     keyPassphrase string This can be present if the value of caProvide is “Venafi”.
     encryptedPassword string This can be present if the value of caProvide is “Venafi”.
     autoDeployThreshold string This can be present if the value of caProvide is “Venafi”.
     autoRenewalThreshold string This can be present if the value of caProvide is “Venafi”.
selfLink string URL of the configuration collection


Role Allow
admin Yes
Certificate Editor/Viewer Yes

PATCH /mgmt/cm/adc-core/external-ca/config/{uuid}

To change a CA configuration, send a PATCH request to the configuration’s endpoint.

Request Parameters

The JSON in the body of the PATCH request can contain the following parameters.

Name Type Required Description
autoRenewalThreshold number False Optional Venafi threshold value
autoDeployThreshold number False Optional Venafi threshold value
keyPassphrase string False Optional Venafi Key Passphrase for Sync

Query Parameters



The JSON in the PATCH’s response can include the following parameters.

HTTP/1.1 200 OK

Name Type Description
uuid string UUID of the configuration
name string Name of the CA server
caProvider string The certificate authority provider. Possible values: “Let’s Encrypt” and “Venafi”.
webSdkEndPoint string URL of the web SDK
keyAlgorithm string Cryptography algorithm. Possible value: “RSA”. This parameter does not apply if the value of caProvider equals “Venafi”.
keySize number Size of the cryptography key. For example: 2048. This parameter does not apply if the value of caProvider equals “Venafi”.
terms boolean Terms of the external CA. This parameter does not apply if the value of caProvider equals “Venafi”.
selfLink string URL of the configuration
autoRenewalThreshold number Venafi threshold value
autoDeployThreshold number Venafi threshold value
userName string Venafi Server User Name
encryptedPassword string Encrypted Venafi password
keyPassphrase string Venafi passphrase


Role Allow
admin Yes
Certificate Editor/Viewer No

DELETE /mgmt/cm/adc-core/external-ca/config/{uuid}

To delete a specific CA configuration, send a DELETE request to the endpoint and append the configurations uuid. This will delete the CA configuration, linked policy folders and the markers in the certificate or key state. The body of the DELETE request can be empty.

Request Parameters


Query Parameters



The JSON in the body of the DELETE response is for the deleted CA configuration.

HTTP/1.1 200 OK


Role Allow
admin Yes
Certificate Editor/Viewer No


POST to save a CA configuration (Let’s Encrypt)

The following example saves a CA configuration when the CA is Let’s Encrypt.

POST https://<BIG-IQ>/mgmt/cm/adc-core/external-ca/config

The JSON in the body of the POST can look similar to the following example.

    "name": "LE_Staging_Server",
    "caProvider": "Let's Encrypt",
    "webSdkEndPoint": "",
    "keyAlgorithm": "RSA",
    "keySize": 2048,
    "terms": true


HTTP/1.1 200 OK

    "uuid": "5194e771-18d1-377d-8706-1d3102ebb312",
    "name": "LE_Staging_Server",
    "caProvider": "Let's Encrypt",
    "webSdkEndPoint": "",
    "keyAlgorithm": "RSA",
    "keySize": 2048,
    "encryptedUserKey": "--- this value has been omitted from the example ---",
    "terms": true,
    "generation": 1,
    "lastUpdateMicros": 1565688383079313,
    "kind": "cm:adc-core:external-ca:config:externalcaconfigstate",
    "selfLink": "https://localhost/mgmt/cm/adc-core/external-ca/config/5194e771-18d1-377d-8706-1d3102ebb312"

POST to save a CA configuration (Venafi)

The following example saves a CA configuration when the CA is Venafi.

POST https://<BIG-IQ>/mgmt/cm/adc-core/external-ca/config

The JSON in the body of the POST can look similar to the following example.

    "name": "Venafi_18.3_Server",
    "autoRenewalThreshold": 7,
    "autoDeployThreshold": "00:00",
    "keyPassphrase": < Key Passphrase for Sync > ",
    "caProvider": "Venafi",
    "webSdkEndPoint": "",
    "userName": "<Venafi Server User Name>",
    "password": "<Venafi Server Password>"


HTTP/1.1 200 OK

    "uuid": "7d9bf2c4-80b8-3aa0-b868-d34a8ad9b39d",
    "name": "Venafi_18.3_Server",
    "caProvider": "Venafi",
    "webSdkEndPoint": "",
    "autoRenewalThreshold": 7,
    "autoDeployThreshold": "00:00",
    "userName": "<Venafi Server User Name>",
    "encryptedPassword": "GJMPBIt+lSTBbvKXsChH0qS9n6YWk4XnlNdvck7JXmU=",
    "keyPassphrase": "Hq93MmWNGJfoP4eDYzdzPWlzx1PzGZlIh2SLxIgCmJ89TpKrwD+//3GoAo05b3CC",
    "generation": 1,
    "lastUpdateMicros": 1595501429130312,
    "kind": "cm:adc-core:external-ca:config:externalcaconfigstate",
    "selfLink": "https://localhost/mgmt/cm/adc-core/external-ca/config/7d9bf2c4-80b8-3aa0-b868-d34a8ad9b39d"

GET to retrieve all CA configurations

The following example retrieves all the CA configurations.

GET https://<BIG-IQ>/mgmt/cm/adc-core/external-ca/config


The JSON in the GET’s response can look similar to the following example.

    "items": [{
                    "uuid": "5194e771-18d1-377d-8706-1d3102ebb312",
                    "name": "LE_Staging_Server",
                    "caProvider": "Let's Encrypt",
                    "webSdkEndPoint": "",
                    "keyAlgorithm": "RSA",
                    "keySize": 2048,
                    "encryptedUserKey": "--- this value has been omitted from the example ---",
                    "terms": true,
                    "generation": 1,
                    "lastUpdateMicros": 1565688383079313,
                    "kind": "cm:adc-core:external-ca:config:externalcaconfigstate",
                    "selfLink": "https://localhost/mgmt/cm/adc-core/external-ca/config/5194e771-18d1-377d-8706-1d3102ebb312"
                    "kind": "cm:adc-core:external-ca:config:externalcaconfigstate",
                    "name": "Venafi_18.3_Server",
                    "uuid": "7d9bf2c4-80b8-3aa0-b868-d34a8ad9b39d",
                    "selfLink": "https://localhost/mgmt/cm/adc-core/external-ca/config/7d9bf2c4-80b8-3aa0-b868-d34a8ad9b39d",
                    "userName": "<Venafi Server User Name>",
                    "caProvider": "Venafi",
                    "generation": 1,
                    "keyPassphrase": "--- this value has been omitted from the example ---",
                    "webSdkEndPoint": "",
                    "lastUpdateMicros": 1595501429130312,
                    "encryptedPassword": "--- this value has been omitted from the example ---",
                    "autoDeployThreshold": "00:00",
                    "autoRenewalThreshold": 7
    "generation": 2,
    "kind": "cm:adc-core:external-ca:config:externalcaconfigcollectionstate",
    "lastUpdateMicros": 1565688383445387,
    "selfLink": "https://localhost/mgmt/cm/adc-core/external-ca/config"

PATCH to change a CA configuration

The following example changes a CA configuration, specified by the configuration’s uuid. In this example the value of uuid is “7d9bf2c4-80b8-3aa0-b868-d34a8ad9b39d” and the CA is Venafi.

PATCH https://<BIG-IQ>/mgmt/cm/adc-core/external-ca/config/7d9bf2c4-80b8-3aa0-b868-d34a8ad9b39d

The JSON in the body of the POST can look similar to the following example.

    "autoRenewalThreshold": 7,
    "autoDeployThreshold": "00:00",
    "keyPassphrase": <Key Passphrase for Sync>


HTTP/1.1 200 OK

    "uuid": "7d9bf2c4-80b8-3aa0-b868-d34a8ad9b39d",
    "name": "Venafi_18.3_Server",
    "caProvider": "Venafi",
    "webSdkEndPoint": "",
    "autoRenewalThreshold": 7,
    "autoDeployThreshold": "00:00",
    "userName": "<Venafi Server User Name>",
    "encryptedPassword": "GJMPBIt+lSTBbvKXsChH0qS9n6YWk4XnlNdvck7JXmU=",
    "keyPassphrase": "ykhL5G6mCeiayYrVmhYyuATqhds5D3h0P1/p48kMqiuvgfChnMWIdWWd9tnNa0Av",
    "generation": 2,
    "lastUpdateMicros": 1595502426223510,
    "kind": "cm:adc-core:external-ca:config:externalcaconfigstate",
    "selfLink": "https://localhost/mgmt/cm/adc-core/external-ca/config/7d9bf2c4-80b8-3aa0-b868-d34a8ad9b39d"

DELETE to delete a CA configuration

The following example deletes a CA configuration specified by it’s uuid. This can delete the CA configuration, linked policy folders and the markers in the cert/key state. This example deletes the configuration having a value of uuid equal to “bbd7a31c-cdaa-3ec8-b713-9457d74958c2”.

DELETE https://<BIG-IQ>/mgmt/cm/adc-core/external-ca/config/bbd7a31c-cdaa-3ec8-b713-9457d74958c2


HTTP/1.1 200 OK

The JSON in the body of the response to the DELETE is for the record being removed.

    "uuid": "bbd7a31c-cdaa-3ec8-b713-9457d74958c2",
    "name": "LE_Staging_Server",
    "caProvider": "Let's Encrypt",
    "webSdkEndPoint": "",
    "keyAlgorithm": "RSA",
    "keySize": 2048,
    "encryptedUserKey": "--- this value has been omitted from the example ---",
    "terms": true,
    "generation": 1,
    "lastUpdateMicros": 1565688383079313,
    "kind": "cm:adc-core:external-ca:config:externalcaconfigstate",