GeoIP Config


Use the GeoIP Config API to query GeoIP configuration settings in BIG-IQ, such as delayTimeBetweenBigips which specifies the number of seconds to wait before updating the next BIG-IP in a sequence of multiple BIG-IPs.

Use the GeoIP Register Update API to register GeoIP update package files with the BIG-IQ. Before using the GeoIP Register Update API, download the GeoIP DB update file package from F5 . The GeoIP DB update file package can contain a ZIP file and MD5 file. For example, you can manually download the files to your computer using SCP or any other file transfer tool and then copy them to the BIG-IQ.

You can use the GeoIP DB File API to get or delete a GeoIP DB File object. You cannot use the GeoIP DB File API with POST, PUT or PATCH operations. To create a GeoIP DB File object, use the GeoIP Register Update API.

Finally, use the GeoIP Update Manager API to distribute and apply the GeoIP updates from the BIG-IQ to the specified BIG-IPs.

REST Endpoint: /mgmt/cm/device/geoip/config/


GET /mgmt/cm/device/geoip/config

To query the GeoIP configuration settings, send a GET request to the /geoip/config endpoint.

Request Parameters


Query Parameters



The JSON in the response can contain the following parameters.

HTTP/1.1 200 OK

Name Type Description
delayTimeBetweenBigips number The number of seconds to wait before updating the next BIG-IP in the sequence. This delay may be necessary when updating multiple BIG-IPs because each update operation uploads a ~100 MB ZIP file to the BIG-IP.
selfLink string URL of the GeoIP configuration settings.


Role Allow
Device_Common_Viewer Yes
device_manager Yes

PUT /mgmt/cm/device/geoip/config

You can send a PUT to add a GeoIP configuration setting.

Query Parameters


Request Parameters

The JSON in the body of the PUT request can contain the following parameters.

Name Type Required Description
delayTimeBetweenBigips number False When updating multiple BIG-IPs, this is the number of seconds to wait before updating the next BIG-IP in the sequence. This delay may be necessary when updating multiple BIG-IPs because each update operation uploads a ~100 MB ZIP file to the BIG-IP.


The JSON in the response can contain the following parameters.

HTTP/1.1 200 OK

Name Type Description
delayTimeBetweenBigips number The number of seconds to wait before updating the next BIG-IP in the sequence. This delay may be necessary when updating multiple BIG-IPs because each update operation uploads a ~100 MB ZIP file to the BIG-IP.
selfLink string URL of the GeoIP Config object.


Role Allow
Device_Common_Viewer Yes
device_manager Yes

PATCH /mgmt/cm/device/geoip/config

You can send a PATCH to modify a GeoIP configuration setting.

Query Parameters


Request Parameters

The JSON in the body of the PATCH request can contain the following parameters.

Name Type Required Description
delayTimeBetweenBigips number False The number of seconds to wait before updating the next BIG-IP in the sequence. This delay may be necessary when updating multiple BIG-IPs because each update operation uploads a ~100 MB ZIP file to the BIG-IP.


The JSON in the response can contain the following parameters.

HTTP/1.1 200 OK

Name Type Description
delayTimeBetweenBigips number The number of seconds to wait before updating the next BIG-IP in the sequence. This delay may be necessary when updating multiple BIG-IPs because each update operation uploads a ~100 MB ZIP file to the BIG-IP.
selfLink string URL of the GeoIP Config object.


Role Allow
Device_Common_Viewer Yes
device_manager Yes


PUT to add a setting

The following example sends a PUT request to add a GeoIP configuration setting.

PUT https://<BIG-IQ>/mgmt/cm/device/geoip/config

The JSON in the body of the PUT can look similar to the following example.

    "delayTimeBetweenBigips": 2


The response to the PUT can contain the selfLink of the GeoIP configuration setting.

HTTP/1.1 200 OK

    "delayTimeBetweenBigips": 2,
    "generation": 1,
    "lastUpdateMicros": 1579303379434281,
    "kind": "cm:device:geoip:config:geoipconfigstate",
    "selfLink": "https://localhost/mgmt/cm/device/geoip/config"