MachineId Resolver


The MachineId Resolver API can retrieve a device object, with some informational properties, for all of the currently trusted BIG-IPs on the system. This API does not perform device discovery.


Many BIG-IQ API requests refer to a particular BIG-IP using the deviceReference parameter. You should first call the Device Reference Helper API to get the correct value of deviceReference before trying to use it in another BIG-IQ API. The value of these links is expected to change from release to release. The Device Reference Helper API can query for the correct value of deviceReference if you specify either the hostname, address, or machineId of the target BIG-IP as well as specify the module associated with your request. By using the helper API, you will isolate clients from future version-specific changes to these links.

REST Endpoint: /mgmt/cm/system/machineid-resolver


GET /mgmt/cm/system/machineid-resolver

Request Parameters


Query Parameters



HTTP/1.1 200 OK

Name Type Description
items array of objects List of trusted BIG-IPs on system.
     address string The IP address of the BIG-IP.
     deviceUri string The URL of the BIG-IP.
     build string The build of the BIG-IP.
     edition string The edition of the BIG-IP..
     hostname string The hostname of the BIG-IP.
     httpsPort number The port number of the BIG-IP..
     isClustered boolean True if this BIG-IP is in a cluster.
     isLicenseExpired boolean True if this BIG-IP’s license is expired.
     isVirtual boolean True if this is a BIG-IP VE.
     machineId string The machineId of theBIG-IP.
     managemementAddress string The management address of the BIG-IP.
     mcpDeviceName string The MCP device name.
     product string “BIG-IP”
     properties object Informational properties about the BIG-IP’s state on the BIG-IQ or about the BIG-IP’s own state.
     restFrameworkVersion string Version of the REST framework.
     selfLink string The URL for the machine id resolver device reference.
     slots array BIG-IP slots
          build string Build of BIG-IP in this slot
          isActive boolean True if the BIG-IP in this slot is in active state.
          product string Product in this slot. Possible value: “BIG-IP”.
          version string Version of BIG-IP in this slot
          volume string Name of this slot
     state string The current state of the BIG-IP.
     trustDomainGuid string The UUID of the trust domain.
     uuid string The UUID of the BIG-IP.
     version string The version of the BIG-IP.


Role Allow
All Roles Yes

GET /mgmt/cm/system/machineid-resolver/<machine UUID>

You can specify the machineId to retrieve the information for a specific BIG-IP.

Request Parameters


Query Parameters



HTTP/1.1 200 OK

Name Type Description
address string The IP address of the BIG-IP.
deviceUri string The URL of the BIG-IP.
build string The build of the BIG-IP.
edition string The edition of the BIG-IP..
hostname string The hostname of the BIG-IP.
httpsPort number The port number of the BIG-IP..
isClustered boolean True if this BIG-IP is in a cluster.
isLicenseExpired boolean True if this BIG-IP’s license is expired.
isVirtual boolean True if this is a BIG-IP VE.
machineId string The machineId of theBIG-IP.
managemementAddress string The management address of the BIG-IP.
mcpDeviceName string The MCP device name.
product string “BIG-IP”
properties object Informational properties about the BIG-IP’s state on the BIG-IQ or about the BIG-IP’s own state.
restFrameworkVersion string Version of the REST framework.
selfLink string The URL for the machine id resolver device reference.
slots array BIG-IP slots
     build string Build of BIG-IP in this slot
     isActive boolean True if the BIG-IP in this slot is in active state.
     product string Product in this slot. Possible value: “BIG-IP”.
     version string Version of BIG-IP in this slot
     volume string Name of this slot
state string The current state of the BIG-IP.
trustDomainGuid string The UUID of the trust domain.
uuid string The UUID of the BIG-IP.
version string The version of the BIG-IP.


Role Allow
All Roles Yes


GET to retrieve a trusted BIG-IP’s object

The following example retrieves the device object for a trusted BIG-IP having a machineId of 7703cfab-ead2-4abd-984d-b61f259f705d.

GET https://<BIG-IQ>/mgmt/cm/system/machineid-resolver/7703cfab-ead2-4abd-984d-b61f259f705d


The JSON in the response to the GET can look similar to the following. T

        "uuid": "7703cfab-ead2-4abd-984d-b61f259f705d",
        "deviceUri": "",
        "machineId": "7703cfab-ead2-4abd-984d-b61f259f705d",
        "state": "ACTIVE",
        "address": "",
        "httpsPort": 443,
        "hostname": "",
        "version": "13.1.3",
        "product": "BIG-IP",
        "edition": "Final",
        "build": "0.0.6",
        "restFrameworkVersion": "13.1.3-0.0.6",
        "managementAddress": "",
        "mcpDeviceName": "/Common/",
        "trustDomainGuid": "8071dd39-c223-4b3c-bc63fa163e83a778",
        "properties": {
                "cm:gui:module": [
                "modules": [],
                "cm-bigip-allBigIpDevices": {
                        "cm:gui:module": [
                        "shared:resolver:device-groups:discoverer": "20d984d2-9da5-4b59-b78b-54d7bd6d11f2",
                        "modules": []
                "cm-adccore-allbigipDevices": {
                        "imported": true,
                        "discovered": true,
                        "supportsAfm": true,
                        "supportsCpb": true,
                        "importStatus": "FINISHED",
                        "supportsFqdn": true,
                        "discoveryStatus": "FINISHED",
                        "importedDateTime": "2019-12-02T22:16:11.181Z",
                        "supportsCsrfUrls": true,
                        "supportsDatasafe": true,
                        "supportsFwPolicy": true,
                        "supportsNatPolicy": true,
                        "supportUdpPortList": true,
                        "supportsAlpineEnhs": true,
                        "supportsBadgerEnhs": true,
                        "supportsBotDefense": false,
                        "supportsLoginPages": true,
                        "supportsSshProfile": true,
                        "supports_13_0_Enhs": true,
                        "supports_13_1_Enhs": true,
                        "supports_14_0_Enhs": false,
                        "supports_14_1_Enhs": false,
                        "supports_15_0_Enhs": false,
                        "supports_15_1_Enhs": false,
                        "supportsCascadeEnhs": true,
                        "supportsExtractions": true,
                        "supportsGeoLocation": true,
                        "supportsGwtProfiles": true,
                        "supportsIruleAction": true,
                        "supportsRuleLogging": true,
                        "supportsWebScraping": true,
                        "supportsXmlProfiles": true,
                        "supportsAddressRange": true,
                        "supportsJsonProfiles": true,
                        "supportsPacketTester": true,
                        "supportsUserIdentity": true,
                        "supports_12_1_2_Enhs": true,
                        "supportsFlowInspector": true,
                        "supportsSendToVirtual": true,
                        "supportsServicePolicy": true,
                        "lastDiscoveredDateTime": "2019-12-02T22:16:00.213Z",
                        "supportsAfmSubscribers": true,
                        "supportsClassification": true,
                        "supportsCsrfProtection": true,
                        "supportsDataProtection": true,
                        "supportsFlowIdleTimers": true,
                        "supportsHopoptProtocol": false,
                        "supportsIpIntelligence": true,
                        "supportsIruleSampleRate": true,
                        "supportsNestedPortLists": true,
                        "supportsSessionTracking": true,
                        "supportsThreatCampaigns": false,
                        "supportsLoginEnforcement": true,
                        "supportsPlainTextProfile": true,
                        "supportsPortMisusePolicy": true,
                        "supportsDualStackMgmtPort": false,
                        "supportsWebSocketSecurity": true,
                        "lastUserDiscoveredDateTime": "2019-12-02T22:16:00.213Z",
                        "supportsCompatibilityLevel": false,
                        "supportsNestedAddressLists": true,
                        "supportsServerTechnologies": true,
                        "supportsUrlCascadeFeatures": true,
                        "suppportsXmlValidationFiles": true,
                        "restrictsFirewallInlineRules": true,
                        "supportsAlpineDosProfileEnhs": true,
                        "supportsAlpineLogProfileEnhs": true,
                        "supportsIncrementalDiscovery": false,
                        "supportsAlpineDosDeviceConfig": true,
                        "supportsLoginPagesHeaderOmits": true,
                        "supportsRedirectionProtection": true,
                        "supportsUrlSignaturesOverride": true,
                        "supportsFirewallRuleIdentifiers": false,
                        "supportsHostNameEnforcementMode": true,
                        "supportsAsmDisallowedGeolocation": true,
                        "supportsHeaderSignaturesOverride": true,
                        "supportsLoginPagesCascadeFeatures": true,
                        "supportsBruteForceAttackPreventions": true,
                        "supportsWhitelistIpBlockRequestAlways": true,
                        "requiresDhcpProfileInDhcpVirtualServer": true,
                        "supportsLoginEnforcementCascadeFeatures": true,
                        "restrictsPortTranslationStatelessVirtual": true,
                        "supportsSessionTrackingDeviceIdThresholds": true,
                        "supportsAlpineDosDeviceWhitelistIpProcotol": true,
                        "supportsVirtualServerDestinationAddressList": false,
                        "supportsBruteForceAttackPreventionsBadgerFeatures": true,
                        "supportsSessionTrackingSessionHijackingByDeviceId": true,
                        "supportsBruteForceAttackPreventionsCascadeFeatures": true,
                        "supportsSessionTrackingAllLoginPagesUsernameSource": true,
                        "cm:gui:module": [
                        "modules": []
                "cm-adccore-allDevices": {
                        "cm:gui:module": [],
                        "modules": []
                "cm-bigip-allDevices": {
                        "shared:resolver:device-groups:discoverer": "20d984d2-9da5-4b59-b78b-54d7bd6d11f2",
                        "cm:gui:module": [],
                        "modules": []
        "isClustered": false,
        "isVirtual": true,
        "isLicenseExpired": false,
        "slots": [{
                "volume": "HD1.1",
                "product": "BIG-IP",
                "version": "13.1.3",
                "build": "0.0.6",
                "isActive": true
        "generation": 4,
        "lastUpdateMicros": 1575324951435097,
        "kind": "shared:resolver:device-groups:restdeviceresolverdevicestate",
        "selfLink": "https://localhost/mgmt/cm/system/machineid-resolver/7703cfab-ead2-4abd-984d-b61f259f705d"