LTM Virtual Server


API used to create/manage LTM virtual server.

REST Endpoint: /mgmt/cm/adc-core/working-config/ltm/virtual


POST /mgmt/cm/adc-core/working-config/ltm/virtual

Create a LTM virtual server.

Request Parameters


Query Parameters



HTTP/1.1 200 OK

Add an item the properties_collection representing a BIG-IP virtual server.

Name Type Description
generation integer(int64) A integer that will track change made to a virtual server collection object. generation. optional, read-only
items < object > array A collection of virtual servers. Properties defining items. optional
kind string Type information for this virtual servers collection object - cm:adc-core:working-config:ltm:virtual:adcvirtualcollectionstate. optional, read-only
lastUpdateMicros integer(int64) Update time (micros) for last change made to an virtual server collection object. time. optional, read-only
selfLink string A reference link URI to the virtual server collection object. optional, read-only

HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request

Error response “Bad Request”

Name Type Description
errorStack string Error stack trace returned by java. optional, read-only
items < object > array Collection of virtual servers. Errored response from server. optional
kind string Type information for LTM virtual servers - errors cm:adc-core:working-config:ltm:virtual:adcvirtualcollectionstate. optional, read-only
message string Error message returned from server. optional, read-only
requestBody string The data in the request body. GET (None) optional, read-only
requestOperationId integer(int64) Unique id assigned to rest operation. optional, read-only

HTTP/1.1 404

Error response “Public URI path not registered.”

Name Type Description
errorStack string Error stack trace returned by java. optional, read-only
items < object > array Collection of virtual servers. Errored response from server. optional
kind string Type information for virtual server - cm:adc-core:working-config:ltm:virtual:adcvirtualcollectionstate. optional, read-only
message string Error message returned from server. optional, read-only
requestBody string The data in the request body. GET (None) optional, read-only
requestOperationId integer(int64) Unique id assigned to rest operation. optional, read-only


Role Allow
Local Traffic & Network Deployer No
Local Traffic & Network Editor Yes
Local Traffic & Network Manager Yes
Local Traffic & Network Viewer No
Pool Member Operator No

GET /mgmt/cm/adc-core/working-config/ltm/virtual

List all virtual server items.

Request Parameters


Query Parameters



HTTP/1.1 200 OK

Retrieve a properties_collection representing listing all the virtual servers.

Name Type Description
generation integer(int64) A integer that will track change made to a virtual server collection object. generation. optional, read-only
items < object > array A collection of virtual servers. Properties defining items. optional
kind string Type information for this virtual servers collection object - cm:adc-core:working-config:ltm:virtual:adcvirtualcollectionstate. optional, read-only
lastUpdateMicros integer(int64) Update time (micros) for last change made to an virtual server collection object. time. optional, read-only
selfLink string A reference link URI to the virtual server collection object. optional, read-only

HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request

Error response “Bad Request”

Name Type Description
errorStack string Error stack trace returned by java. optional, read-only
items < object > array Collection of virtual servers. Errored response from server. optional
kind string Type information for LTM virtual servers - errors cm:adc-core:working-config:ltm:virtual:adcvirtualcollectionstate. optional, read-only
message string Error message returned from server. optional, read-only
requestBody string The data in the request body. GET (None) optional, read-only
requestOperationId integer(int64) Unique id assigned to rest operation. optional, read-only

HTTP/1.1 404

Error response “Public URI path not registered.”

Name Type Description
errorStack string Error stack trace returned by java. optional, read-only
items < object > array Collection of virtual servers. Errored response from server. optional
kind string Type information for virtual server - cm:adc-core:working-config:ltm:virtual:adcvirtualcollectionstate. optional, read-only
message string Error message returned from server. optional, read-only
requestBody string The data in the request body. GET (None) optional, read-only
requestOperationId integer(int64) Unique id assigned to rest operation. optional, read-only


Role Allow
Local Traffic & Network Deployer No
Local Traffic & Network Editor Yes
Local Traffic & Network Manager Yes
Local Traffic & Network Viewer Yes
Pool Member Operator No

GET /mgmt/cm/adc-core/working-config/ltm/virtual/{objectId}

Get a single virtual server object identified by id for an endpoint URI.

Request Parameters


Query Parameters

Name Type Description
objectId string(UUID) Unique id assigned to a virtual server. required


HTTP/1.1 200 OK

Retrieve a properties_virtual representing a virtual server object.

Name Type Description
addressStatus string Specifies the virtual will contribute to the operational status of the associated virtual-address. The default is ‘yes’. optional
autoLasthop string Specifies whether to automatically map last hop for pools or not. The default is to use next level’s default. optional
connectionLimit integer Specifies the maximum number of concurrent connections you want to allow for the virtual server. optional
defaultCookiePersistenceReference object Reference link to profiles that the virtual server uses to manage connection persistence. optional
     link string Reference link to profiles that the virtual server uses to manage connection persistence. optional
description string Description of LTM virtual server. optional
deviceReference object Reference link to BIGIP device associated to virtual server. optional
     id string Unique id assigned to a device referenced by this object. optional
     kind string Type information for device. shared:resolver:device-groups:restdeviceresolverdevicestate optional
     link string Reference link to adc-core-allbigipDevices in shared resolver device-groups. optional
     machineId string Unique id assigned to the hardware device. If virtual could be the same as id object. optional
     name string A name used to identify this device. optional
fallbackSourceAddrPersistenceReference object Reference link fallback persistence profile for the virtual server to use when the default persistence profile is not available. optional
     link string Reference link fallback persistence profile for the virtual server to use when the default persistence profile is not available. optional
generation integer(int64) A integer that will track change made to a LTM virtual server object. - generation. optional, read-only
gtmScore integer Specifies a score that is associated with the virtual server. Global Traffic Manager (GTM) can rely on this value to load balance traffic in a proportional manner. optional
id string Unique id assigned to a virtual server object. optional, read-only
ipProtocol string Specifies the IP protocol for which you want the virtual server to direct traffic. Sample protocol names are tcp and udp. optional
kind string Type information for this virtual server object. cm:adc-core:working-config:ltm:virtual:adcvirtualstate optional
lastUpdateMicros integer(int64) Update time (micros) for last change made to an LTN virtual server object - time. optional, read-only
mask string Destination netmask used for client access - ex. or 32. optional
mirror string Enables or disables state mirroring. You can use state mirroring to maintain the same state information in the standby unit that is in the active unit, allowing transactions such as FTP file transfers to continue as though uninterrupted. The default value is disabled. optional
name string Name of LTM virtual server. optional
nat64 string Specifies whether this virtual does NAT64 translation. optional
partition string Displays the administrative partition within which this virtual server profile resides. optional
poolReference object Reference link to virtual pool in which you want the virtual server to automatically direct traffic. optional
     link string Reference link to virtual pool in which you want the virtual server to automatically direct traffic. optional
profilesCollectionReference object Reference link to profiles for the virtual server to use when directing and managing traffic. optional
     isSubcollection boolean Is this a collection of objects. In this case profiles. default: true optional
     link string Reference link to profiles for the virtual server to use when directing and managing traffic. optional
rateLimit string Specifies the maximum number of connections per second allowed for a virtual server. The default value is disabled. optional
rateLimitMode string Indicates whether the rate limit is applied per virtual object, per source address, per destination address, or some combination thereof. The default value is object, which does not use the source or destination address as part of the key. optional
selfLink string A reference link URI to the LTM virtual server object. optional, read-only
sourceAddress string Source address used for client access to virtual server object. optional
sourceAddressTranslation object Type of address translation pool used for implementing selective and intelligent source address translation. optional
     type string Type of address translation pool used for implementing selective and intelligent source address translation. optional
sourcePort string Specifies whether the system preserves the source port of the connection. The default is preserve. Use of the preserve-strict setting should be restricted to UDP only under very special circumstances such as nPath or transparent (that is, no translation of any other L3/L3 field), where there is a 1:1 relationship between virtual IP addresses and node addresses, or when clustered multi-processing (CMP) is disabled. The change setting is useful for obfuscating internal network addresses. optional
state string State of virtual server. enabled / disabled. optional
subPath string Path to virtual server. Partition / optional ex. Common /
translatePort string Enables or disables port translation. Turn port translation off for a virtual server if you want to use the virtual server to load balance. connections to any service. optional
vlanReferences < object > array Specifies an array of vlans against which the packet will be compared. optional
     link string Reference link to vlan against which the packet will be compared. optional
vlansEnabled string Enables the virtual server on the VLANs specified by the VLANs option. optional

HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request

Error response “Bad Request”

Name Type Description
errorStack string Error stack trace returned by java. optional, read-only
items < object > array Collection of virtual servers. Errored response from server. optional
kind string Type information for LTM virtual servers - errors cm:adc-core:working-config:ltm:virtual:adcvirtualcollectionstate. optional, read-only
message string Error message returned from server. optional, read-only
requestBody string The data in the request body. GET (None) optional, read-only
requestOperationId integer(int64) Unique id assigned to rest operation. optional, read-only

HTTP/1.1 404

Error response “Public URI path not registered.”

Name Type Description
errorStack string Error stack trace returned by java. optional, read-only
items < object > array Collection of virtual servers. Errored response from server. optional
kind string Type information for virtual server - cm:adc-core:working-config:ltm:virtual:adcvirtualcollectionstate. optional, read-only
message string Error message returned from server. optional, read-only
requestBody string The data in the request body. GET (None) optional, read-only
requestOperationId integer(int64) Unique id assigned to rest operation. optional, read-only


Role Allow
Local Traffic & Network Deployer No
Local Traffic & Network Editor Yes
Local Traffic & Network Manager Yes
Local Traffic & Network Viewer Yes
Pool Member Operator No

