BIG-IQ LTM Application Server Node


API used to create/manage LTM application server nodes allowing for distribution into pools.

Version information

Version : 5.2, 5.3, 5.4, 6.0

URI scheme

BasePath : /mgmt/cm/adc-core/working-config/ltm
Schemes : HTTPS


  • application/json


  • application/json


Create a LTM application server node.

POST /node


POST to create a BIGIP application server node.


Type Name Description Schema Default
Path objectId required Unique id assigned to application server node object. string(UUID) None
Body Json string request body. Input parameter list in json format. required Ex. {} post_application_node_body None


HTTP Code Description Schema
200 POST a BIGIP LTM application server node. properties_collection
400 Error response “Bad Request” 400_error_collection
404 Error response “Public URI path not registered.” 404_error_collection

List all application server node items as a collection.

GET /node


Returns the collection of nodes.


HTTP Code Description Schema
200 Collection of nodes. properties_collection
400 Error response “Bad Request” 400_error_collection
404 Error response “Public URI path not registered.” 404_error_collection

Used to get a single application server node object.

GET /node/{objectId}


Returns the application server node object identified by id for an endpoint URI.


Type Name Description Schema Default
Path objectId required Unique id assigned to a application server node. string(UUID)  


HTTP Code Description Schema
200 Application server node object. properties_node
400 Server error response “Bad Request”. 400_error_collection
404 Error response “Public URI path not registered.” 404_error_collection



Name Description Schema
errorStack Error stack trace returned by java. optional, read-only string
items Collection of application server nodes. Errored response from server. optional < object > array
kind Type information for LTM application server nodes - errors – cm:adc-core:working-config:ltm:node:adcnodecollectionstate. optional, read-only string
message Error message returned from server. optional, read-only string
requestBody The data in the request body. GET (None) optional, read-only string
requestOperationId Unique id assigned to rest operation. optional, read-only integer(int64)


Name Description Schema
errorStack Error stack trace returned by java. optional, read-only string
items Collection of application server nodes. Errored response from server. optional < object > array
kind Type information for node - cm:adc-core:working-config:ltm:node:adcnodecollectionstate. optional, read-only string
message Error message returned from server. optional, read-only string
requestBody The data in the request body. GET (None) optional, read-only string
requestOperationId Unique id assigned to rest operation. optional, read-only integer(int64)


Name Description Schema
generation A integer that will track change made to a node collection object. generation. optional, read-only integer(int64)
items A collection of application server nodes. Properties defining items. optional < object > array
kind Type information for this node collection object - cm:adc-core:working-config:ltm:node:adcnodecollectionstate. optional, read-only string
lastUpdateMicros Update time (micros) for last change made to an node collection object. time. optional, read-only integer(int64)
selfLink A reference link URI to the application server node collection object. optional, read-only string


Name Description Schema
address Network address for application server used for node object. optional string
connectionLimit Specifies the maximum number of connections allowed for the node or node address. optional integer
deviceReference Reference link to BIGIP device associated to application server node. optional deviceReference
fqdn Specifies the node’s fully qualified domain name (FQDN) attributes. optional fqdn
generation A integer that will track change made to a LTM application server node object. - generation. optional, read-only integer(int64)
id Unique id assigned to a virtual server object. optional, read-only string
isEphemeral Is this node short lived when forwarding application traffic. optional boolean
kind Type information for this application server node object. - cm:adc-core:working-config:ltm:node:adcnodestate optional string
lastUpdateMicros Update time (micros) for last change made to an LTN application server node object - time. optional, read-only integer(int64)
name Name of LTM application server node. optional string
partition Displays the administrative partition within which this node resides. optional string
rateLimit Specifies the maximum number of connections per second allowed for a node or node address. The default value is ‘disabled’. optional string
ratio Specifies the fixed ratio value used for a node during ratio load balancing. optional string
selfLink A reference link URI to the LTM application server node object. optional, read-only string
sessionConfig Enables or disables the node for new sessions. The default value is user-enabled. optional string
stateConfig Marks the node up or down. The default value is user-up. optional string


Name Description Schema
id Unique id assigned to a device referenced by this object. optional string
kind Type information for device. shared:resolver:device-groups:restdeviceresolverdevicestate optional string
link Reference link to adc-core-allbigipDevices in shared resolver device-groups. optional string
machineId Unique id assigned to the hardware device. If virtual could be the same as id object. optional string
name A name used to identify this device. optional string


Name Description Schema
addressFamily Specifies the node’s address family. The default is ‘unspecified’, or IP-agnostic optional string
downInterval Specifies the number of attempts to resolve a domain name. The default is 5. optional integer
interval Specifies the amount of time before sending the next DNS query. optional string
isAutoPolulate Specifies whether the node should scale to the IP address set returned by DNS. optional boolean


Name Description Schema
partition Partition where this application node lives. default Common required string
noLock Application node locking. boolean
deviceReference Reference link to device in resolver group. required string
address IP Address of device. required string
appService link uri to application service. required string
connectionLimit Password of device. required string
rootUser Root user of device. string
rootPassword Root password of device. required string
automaticallyUpdateFramework To update rest framework automatically. It is recommended to do so if using REST API. required boolean