BIG-IQ LTM/ADC Pool Member Management


API used to manage LTM pool members.

Version information

Version : 5.2, 5.3, 5.4, 6.0

URI scheme

BasePath : /mgmt/cm/adc-core/working-config/ltm
Schemes : HTTPS


  • application/json


  • application/json


List all virtual pools items as a collection.

GET /pool


Returns the collection of virtual pools.


HTTP Code Description Schema
200 Collection of virtual pools. properties_collection
400 Error response “Bad Request” error_collection

Used to get a single pool object.

GET /pool/{objectId}


Returns the pool object identified by id for an endpoint URI.


Type Name Description Schema Default
Path objectId Unique id assigned to a virtual pool. required string(UUID) None


HTTP Code Description Schema
200 Virtual pool object. properties_pool
400 Server error response “Bad Request”. error_collection

Add a LTM node as a member of an virtual application pool.

POST /pool/{objectId}/members


Add a application server node to a specific virtual pool.


Type Name Description Schema Default
Path objectId Unique id assigned to pool member object. required string(UUID) None
Body Json string request body. Input parameter list in json format. required Ex. {} post_pool_member_body None


HTTP Code Description Schema
200 POST a node to an application pool. properties_collection
400 Error response “Bad Request” 400_error_collection
404 Error response “Public URI path not registered.” 404_error_collection

Add a LTM node as a member of an virtual application pool.

DEL /pool/{objectId}/members


Delete a application server node for a specific virtual pool.


Type Name Description Schema Default
Path objectId Unique id assigned to pool member object. required string(UUID) None


HTTP Code Description Schema
200 Delete a node for an application pool. properties_collection
400 Error response “Bad Request” 400_error_collection
404 Error response “Public URI path not registered.” 404_error_collection

List all pool members are part of a collection.

GET /pool/{objectId}/members


Returns a collection of pool members.


Type Name Description Schema Default
Path objectId Unique id assigned to a virtual pool. required string(UUID)  


HTTP Code Description Schema
200 Virtual pool members collection object. properties_collection
400 Server error response “Bad Request”. error_collection

Used to get a single pool member (node) object.

GET /pool/{objectId}/members/{objectId}


Returns the pool member object identified by id for an endpoint URI.


Type Name Description Schema Default
Path objectId Unique id assigned to a virtual pool member. required string(UUID)  


HTTP Code Description Schema
200 Virtual pool member (node) object. properties_pool_members
400 Server error response “Bad Request”. error_collection



Name Description Schema
errorStack Error stack trace returned by java. optional, read-only string
items Collection of pool members. error response from server. optional, read-only < object > array
kind Type information for pool member collections-cm:adc-core:working-config:ltm:pool:adcpoolstate. optional, read-only string
message Error message returned from server. optional, read-only string
requestBody The data in the request body. GET (None) optional, read-only string
requestOperationId Unique id assigned to rest operation. optional, read-only integer(int64)


Name Description Schema
generation A integer that will track change made to a virtual pool collection object. generation. optional, read-only integer(int64)
items A collection of pool members. properties defining items. optional < object > array
kind Type information for this virtual pool collection object. optional, read-only string
lastUpdateMicros Update time (micros) for last change made to an virtual pool collection object. time. optional, read-only integer(int64)
selfLink A reference link URI to the virtual pool collection object. optional, read-only string


Name Description Schema
allowNat Is NAT (addess translation) allowed for application servers in this pool. optional boolean
deviceReference A reference link to a device (BIGIP) that virtual pool exists. Also additional data such as id, name, kind and machine id is provided. optional deviceReference
enableQueueOnConnectionLimit Enable or disable queuing connections when pool member or node connection limits are reached. optional boolean
generation A integer that will track change made to a virtual pool object. generation. optional, read-only integer(int64)
id Unique id assigned to a virtual pool object. optional, read-only string
ignorePersistedWeight Is the weight of persisted connections on pool members when making load balancing decisions counted. optional boolean
ipTosToClientControl Specifies the Type of Service (ToS) level to use when sending packets to a client. possible values on bigiq: 0 ~ 255 optional string
ipTosToServerControl Specifies the Type of Service (ToS) level to use when sending packets to a server. possible values on bigiq: 0 ~ 255 optional string
kind Type information for this virtual pool object. optional, read-only string
lastUpdateMicros Update time (micros) for last change made to an virtual pool object. time. optional, read-only integer(int64)
linkQosToClient Specifies the Quality of Service (QoS) level to use when sending packets to a client. 0 ~ 7, 65535 (passthrough) optional integer
linkQosToServer Specifies the Quality of Service (QoS) level to use when sending packets to a server. 0 ~ 7, 65535 (passthrough) optional integer
loadBalancingMode Specifies the modes that the system uses to load balance name resolution requests among the members of this pool. dynamic-ratio-member, least-connections-member, observed-node, ratio-least-connections-node, round-robin, dynamic-ratio-node, least-connections-node, predictive-member, ratio-member, weighted-least-connections-member, fastest-app-response, least-sessions, predictive-node, ratio-node, weighted-least-connections-node, fastest-node, observed-member, ratio-least-connections-member, ratio-session optional string
membersCollectionReference Reference link to collection of pool members (nodes). optional membersCollectionReference
minActiveMembers Specifies the minimum number of members that must be up for traffic to be confined to a priority group when using priority-based activation. optional integer
name Name of virtual pool. optional string
partition Partition location that pool and members are located. default Common optional string
queueDepthLimit Specifies the maximum number of connections that may simultaneously be queued to go to any member of this pool. optional integer
queueTimeLimit Specifies the maximum time, in milliseconds, a connection will remain enqueued. When unset, there is no limit. optional integer
reselectTries Specifies the number of times the system tries to contact a pool member after a passive failure. optional integer
selfLink A reference link URI to the virtual pool object. optional, read-only string
serviceDownAction Specifies the action to take if the service specified in the pool is marked down. The default value is none. optional string
slowRampTime Specifies, in seconds, the ramp time for the pool. This provides the ability to cause a pool member that has just been enabled, or marked up, to receive proportionally less traffic than other members in the pool. optional integer


Name Description Schema
id Unique id assigned to a device referenced by this object. optional string
kind Type information for device. shared:resolver:device-groups:restdeviceresolverdevicestate optional string
link Reference link to adc-core-allbigipDevices in shared resolver device-groups. optional string
machineId Unique id assigned to the hardware device. If virtual could be the same as id object. optional string
name A name used to identify this device. optional string


Name Description Schema
isSubcollection Does a sub-collection for this object exist. True / False optional boolean
link Reference link to a collection of pool members. optional string


Name Description Schema
connectionLimit Number of connection allowed for pool member. optional integer
generation A integer that will track change made to a virtual pool member object. generation. optional, read-only integer(int64)
id Unique id assigned to a virtual pool collection object. optional, read-only string
kind Type information for this virtual pool member object. optional, read-only string
lastUpdateMicros Update time (micros) for last change made to an virtual pool member object. time. optional, read-only integer(int64)
name Name of pool member. optional string
nodeReference Reference link to ltm nodes. optional nodeReference
partition Partition location that pool and members are located. default Common optional string
port Port used for application connect. optional integer
priortyGroup Specifies the priority group within the pool for this pool member. optional integer
rateLimit Specifies the maximum number of connections per second allowed for a pool member. The default value is ‘disabled optional string
ratio Specifies the ratio weight that you want to assign to the pool member. The default value is 1. optional integer
selfLink A reference link URI to the virtual pool member object. optional, read-only string
sessionConfig Enables or disables the node for new sessions. The default value is user-enabled. optional string


Name Description Schema
link Reference link to node specific to pool member configuration. optional string


Name Description Schema
partition Partition where this application node lives. default Common required string
name Name of application node. required string
port Port to request connection to node. required integer
nodeReference Reference link to application node. required string