BIG-IQ 6.0.1 Licensing - Purchased Pools


An API used to license BIG-IPs through a purchased licensed pool.

Version information

Version : BIG-IQ 6.0.1, 6.0.1

REST Endpoint: /mgmt/cm/device/licensing/pool/purchased-pool


GET /mgmt/cm/device/licensing/pool/purchased-pool/licenses

Returns BIG-IQ purchased license pools which can enable an administrator to license BIG-IPs.

Request Parameters


Query Parameters



HTTP/1.1 200 OK

Retrieves a properties_collection of BIG-IQ purchased license pools.

Name Type Description
generation integer(int64) An integer that will track changes made to a purchased license pool collection object. optional, read-only
items < object > array Collection of purchased license pool objects. optional
kind string Type information for a purchased license pool collection object. optional, read-only
lastUpdateMicros integer(int64) Update time (micros) for last change made to an purchased license pool collection object. time. optional, read-only
selfLink string A reference link URI to a purchased license pool collection object. optional, read-only

HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request

Error response “Bad Request”

Name Type Description
errorStack string Error stack trace returned by java. optional, read-only
items < object > array Collection of purchased license pool objects. optional
kind string Type information for purchased license pools - cm:shared:licensing:pools:licensepoolworkerstate. optional, read-only
message string Error message returned from server. optional, read-only
requestBody string The data in the request body. GET (None) optional, read-only
requestOperationId integer(int64) Unique id assigned to rest operation. optional, read-only

HTTP/1.1 404 Bad Request

Error response “Public URI path not registered.”

Name Type Description
errorStack string Error stack trace returned by java. optional, read-only
items < object > array Collection of purchased license pool objects. optional
kind string Type information for purchased license pools - cm:shared:licensing:pools:licensepoolworkerstate. optional, read-only
message string Error message returned from server. optional, read-only
requestBody string The data in the request body. GET (None) optional, read-only
requestOperationId integer(int64) Unique id assigned to rest operation. optional, read-only


Role Allow
Device Viewer Yes
Device Manager Yes
License Manager Yes

GET /mgmt/cm/device/licensing/pool/purchased-pool/licenses/{objectId}

Gets a specific purchased license pool identified by id.

Request Parameters


Query Parameters

Name Type Description
objectId string(UUID) Unique id assigned to purchased licensed pool object. required


HTTP/1.1 200 OK

Returns a properties_purchased_pool for the purchased license pool.

Name Type Description
baseRegKey string Based Registration Key used to activate or reactivate the purchased license pool. optional
freeDeviceLicenses integer Total number of free device licenses for this purchased license pool. optional
generation integer(int64) A integer that will track changes made to a purchased license pool object. optional, read-only
isInternal boolean Is this purchased licensed pool internal to BIG-IQ? BIG-IQ use only
kind string Type information for this purchased license pool object. optional, read-only
lastUpdateMicros integer(int64) Update time (micros) for last change made to an purchased license pool object. optional, read-only
licenseState object State representation of what is returned from the license server. optional
     activeModules < string > array Modules activated for purchased license pool. optional (Example - VEP1, LTM, 1G, 4 Instances|V092327-5105381|IPV6 Gateway|Rate Shaping|Ram Cache)
     authVers string Version of authentication used by BIG-IQ. optional (Example - 5b)
     authorization string Authorization string used by purchased license pool. Response from license server. optional
     dossier string Dossier generated for this purchased license pool. optional Response from license server.
     evaluationEndDateTime string End date and time a license server evaluate took place (Format - 2016-10-26T00:00:00-04:00) optional
     evaluationStartDateTime string Start date and time a license server evaluate took place (Format - 2016-10-26T00:00:00-04:00) optional
     exclusivePlatform < string > array Platform description response from server. optional (Example - BIG-IQ Pool, Z100, Z100H, Z100K, Z100x)
     featureFlags < object > array Descriptive flags available to purchased license pools. optional
          featureName string Name of feature. (Example - purchased_license_pool_count, apm_urlf_limited_session, apm_web_applications) optional
          featureValue string Weighted value for each feature. (Example - 10)*optional*
     licenseDateTime string Date and time license was generated. (Format - 2016-10-26T00:00:00-04:00) optional
     licenseEndDateTime string End date and time a license was instantiated on BIG-IQ (Format - 2016-10-26T00:00:00-04:00) optional
     licenseStartDateTime string Start date and time a license was instantiated on BIG-IQ (Format - 2016-10-26T00:00:00-04:00) optional
     licenseVersion string Version of BIG-IQ this license is generated for. (Example - 5.1.0) optional
     optionalModules < string > array Modules that are optional for purchased license pool. (Example - VEP1, LTM, 1G, Add 25 Instances) optional
     platformId string Type of BIG-IQ platform information. (Example - BIG-IQ Pool) optional
     registrationKey string Registration Key used by this purchased license pool. Response from license server. optional
     serviceCheckDateTime string Data and time the last service check status request / respose occur from server. (Format - 2016-10-26T00:00:00-04:00) optional
     serviceStatus string Server response describing service status. (Example - As of 2016-10-26 this system has an active service contract.) optional
     usage string Organization usage data. Example - F5 Internal Product Development optional
     vendor string Company Name. optional Example F5 Networks, Inc.
licenseText string Contents of licensed purchased pool. Specific for purchased license pool such as Auth version, Tech support info, license tokens, keys etc. optional, read-only
method string Activation method used. (Example - MANUAL / AUTOMATIC) optional
name string Name of purchased license pool object. optional
privateKey string Private key cryptography keys which are known only to the owner. optional
publicKey < integer > array Public key cryptography which may be disseminated widely. optional
registeredKey < integer > array Registered key post cryptography response from server. optional
selfLink string Reference link to purchased licensed pool. optional, read-only
sortName string Sort string based on BIG-IQ licensing type. (Purchased Pool) optional
state string State of license for purchased license pool. (Example - LICENSED) optional
totalDeviceLicenses integer Total number of device licenses for this purchased license pool. optional
uuid string Unique id assigned to a purchased license pool object. optional, read-only

HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request

Error response “Bad Request”

Name Type Description
errorStack string Error stack trace returned by java. optional, read-only
items < object > array Collection of purchased license pool objects. optional
kind string Type information for purchased license pools - cm:shared:licensing:pools:licensepoolworkerstate. optional, read-only
message string Error message returned from server. optional, read-only
requestBody string The data in the request body. GET (None) optional, read-only
requestOperationId integer(int64) Unique id assigned to rest operation. optional, read-only

HTTP/1.1 404 Bad Request

Error response “Public URI path not registered.”

Name Type Description
errorStack string Error stack trace returned by java. optional, read-only
items < object > array Collection of purchased license pool objects. optional
kind string Type information for purchased license pools - cm:shared:licensing:pools:licensepoolworkerstate. optional, read-only
message string Error message returned from server. optional, read-only
requestBody string The data in the request body. GET (None) optional, read-only
requestOperationId integer(int64) Unique id assigned to rest operation. optional, read-only


Role Allow
Device Viewer Yes
Device Manager Yes
License Manager Yes

POST /mgmt/cm/device/licensing/pool/purchased-pool/licenses/{objectId}/members

Invoke a task to license a BIG-IP and add to this specific purchased license pool as a member to the pool.

Request Parameters

Name Type Description
post_purchased_pool_body_unmanaged object Input parameter list in Json format for an unmanaged device. Ex. {“deviceAddress”: “bigip_address”,”username”: “admin”,”password”: “admin”} required
     deviceAddress string IP Address of BIGIP you wish to license. required
     username string Username of BIGIP you wish to license. required
     password string Password of BIGIP you wish to license. required
post_purchased_pool_body_managed object Input parameter list in Json format for an managed device. Ex. {“deviceReference”:{“link”:”https://localhost/mgmt/shared/resolver/device-groups/cm-bigip-allBigIpDevices/devices/2a2baaf0-b22f-49dc-81c6-4711fa189820”}} required
     deviceReference string Reference link to BIG-IP device under management by BIG-IQ. required

Query Parameters

Name Type Description
objectId string(UUID) Unique id assigned to license purchased pool object. required


HTTP/1.1 200 OK

Add a properties_collection for a device level task to license a BIG-IP device. License the BIG-IP and add to purchased license pool members.

Name Type Description
generation integer(int64) A integer that will track change made to a purchased license pool collection object. generation. optional, read-only
items < object > array Collection of purchased license pool objects. optional
kind string Type information for a purchased license pool collection object. optional, read-only
lastUpdateMicros integer(int64) Update time (micros) for last change made to an purchased license pool collection object. time. optional, read-only
selfLink string A reference link URI to a purchased license pool collection object. optional, read-only

HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request

Error response “Bad Request”

Name Type Description
errorStack string Error stack trace returned by java. optional, read-only
items < object > array Collection of purchased license pool objects. optional
kind string Type information for purchased license pools - cm:shared:licensing:pools:licensepoolworkerstate. optional, read-only
message string Error message returned from server. optional, read-only
requestBody string The data in the request body. GET (None) optional, read-only
requestOperationId integer(int64) Unique id assigned to rest operation. optional, read-only

HTTP/1.1 404 Bad Request

Error response “Public URI path not registered.”

Name Type Description
errorStack string Error stack trace returned by java. optional, read-only
items < object > array Collection of purchased license pool objects. optional
kind string Type information for purchased license pools - cm:shared:licensing:pools:licensepoolworkerstate. optional, read-only
message string Error message returned from server. optional, read-only
requestBody string The data in the request body. GET (None) optional, read-only
requestOperationId integer(int64) Unique id assigned to rest operation. optional, read-only


Role Allow
Device Manager Yes
License Manager Yes

GET /mgmt/cm/device/licensing/pool/purchased-pool/pools/{objectId}/members

Returns all members (BIG-IPs) that are assigned to the specified purchased license pool. Each identified by id/members for an endpoint URI.

Request Parameters


Query Parameters

Name Type Description
objectId string(UUID) Unique id assigned to purchased license pool object. required


HTTP/1.1 200 OK

Retrieve the properties_purchased_pool for the purchased license pool members.

Name Type Description
baseRegKey string Based Registration Key used to activate or reactivate the purchased license pool. optional
freeDeviceLicenses integer Total number of free device licenses for this purchased license pool. optional
generation integer(int64) A integer that will track changes made to a purchased license pool object. generation. optional, read-only
isInternal boolean Is this purchased licensed pool internal to BIG-IQ. BIG-IQ use only
kind string Type information for this purchased license pool object. optional, read-only
lastUpdateMicros integer(int64) Update time (micros) for last change made to an purchased license pool object. time. optional, read-only
licenseState object State representation of what is returned from the license server. optional
     activeModules < string > array Modules activated for purchased license pool. optional (Example - VEP1, LTM, 1G, 4 Instances|V092327-5105381|IPV6 Gateway|Rate Shaping|Ram Cache)
     authVers string Version of authentication used by BIG-IQ. optional (Example - 5b)
     authorization string Authorization string used by purchased license pool. Response from license server. optional
     dossier string Dossier generated for this purchased license pool. optional Response from license server.
     evaluationEndDateTime string End date and time a license server evaluate took place (Format - 2016-10-26T00:00:00-04:00) optional
     evaluationStartDateTime string Start date and time a license server evaluate took place (Format - 2016-10-26T00:00:00-04:00) optional
     exclusivePlatform < string > array Platform description response from server. optional (Example - BIG-IQ Pool, Z100, Z100H, Z100K, Z100x)
     featureFlags < object > array Descriptive flags available to purchased license pools. optional
          featureName string Name of feature. (Example - purchased_license_pool_count, apm_urlf_limited_session, apm_web_applications) optional
          featureValue string Weighted value for each feature. (Example - 10)*optional*
     licenseDateTime string Date and time license was generated. (Format - 2016-10-26T00:00:00-04:00) optional
     licenseEndDateTime string End date and time a license was instantiated on BIG-IQ (Format - 2016-10-26T00:00:00-04:00) optional
     licenseStartDateTime string Start date and time a license was instantiated on BIG-IQ (Format - 2016-10-26T00:00:00-04:00) optional
     licenseVersion string Version of BIG-IQ this license is generated for. (Example - 5.1.0) optional
     optionalModules < string > array Modules that are optional for purchased license pool. (Example - VEP1, LTM, 1G, Add 25 Instances) optional
     platformId string Type of BIG-IQ platform information. (Example - BIG-IQ Pool) optional
     registrationKey string Registration Key used by this purchased license pool. Response from license server. optional
     serviceCheckDateTime string Data and time the last service check status request / respose occur from server. (Format - 2016-10-26T00:00:00-04:00) optional
     serviceStatus string Server response describing service status. (Example - As of 2016-10-26 this system has an active service contract.) optional
     usage string Organization usage data. Example - F5 Internal Product Development optional
     vendor string Company Name. optional Example F5 Networks, Inc.
licenseText string Contents of licensed purchased pool. Specific for purchased license pool such as Auth version, Tech support info, license tokens, keys etc. optional, read-only
method string Activation method used. (Example - MANUAL / AUTOMATIC) optional
name string Name of purchased license pool object. optional
privateKey string Private key cryptography keys which are known only to the owner. optional
publicKey < integer > array Public key cryptography which may be disseminated widely. optional
registeredKey < integer > array Registered key post cryptography response from server. optional
selfLink string Reference link to purchased licensed pool. optional, read-only
sortName string Sort string based on BIG-IQ licensing type. (Purchased Pool) optional
state string State of license for purchased license pool. (Example - LICENSED) optional
totalDeviceLicenses integer Total number of device licenses for this purchased license pool. optional
uuid string Unique id assigned to a purchased license pool object. optional, read-only

HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request

Error response “Bad Request”

Name Type Description
errorStack string Error stack trace returned by java. optional, read-only
items < object > array Collection of purchased license pool objects. optional
kind string Type information for purchased license pools - cm:shared:licensing:pools:licensepoolworkerstate. optional, read-only
message string Error message returned from server. optional, read-only
requestBody string The data in the request body. GET (None) optional, read-only
requestOperationId integer(int64) Unique id assigned to rest operation. optional, read-only

HTTP/1.1 404 Bad Request

Error response “Public URI path not registered.”

Name Type Description
errorStack string Error stack trace returned by java. optional, read-only
items < object > array Collection of purchased license pool objects. optional
kind string Type information for purchased license pools - cm:shared:licensing:pools:licensepoolworkerstate. optional, read-only
message string Error message returned from server. optional, read-only
requestBody string The data in the request body. GET (None) optional, read-only
requestOperationId integer(int64) Unique id assigned to rest operation. optional, read-only


Role Allow
Device Viewer Yes
Device Manager Yes
License Manager Yes

