DNS Data Center


This document describes the API to configure DNS data centers and their properties.

REST Endpoint: /mgmt/cm/dns/working-config/datacenter


GET /mgmt/cm/dns/working-config/datacenter/<id>

Request Parameters


Query Parameters



HTTP/1.1 200 OK

Name Type Description
state boolean Specifies whether the data center and its resources are available for load balancing. The default is Enabled
contact string Specifies the name of the administrator or the name of the department that manages the data center
location string Specifies the physical location of the data center
proberPref string Specifies the type of prober to use to monitor servers defined in this data center. The default value is inside-data-center. inside-data-center: Uses a prober inside the data center. outside-data-center: Uses a prober outside the data center. Note: Prober pools are not used by the bigip monitor
proberFallback string Specifies the type of prober to use to monitor servers defined in this data center when the preferred type is not available. The default value is Any Available. Any Available: Uses any available prober, inside or outside the data center. inside or outside the data center. inside-data-center: Uses a prober inside the data center. outside-data-center: Uses a prober outside the data center. none: Specifies that there is no fallback prober
partition string The BIG-IP partition in which the configuration for this object is placed
name string Displays the name of the data center
description string A description of the data center
deviceGroupReference reference DNS Sync Group on which this object is deployed
     name string Name of the resource
     link string URI link of the reference.


Role Allow
Application_Editor Yes
DNS_Viewer Yes
DNS_Deployer Yes
Service_Catalog_Viewer Yes
DNS_Editor Yes
Service_Catalog_Editor Yes
Application_Manager Yes
Application_Viewer Yes
Trust_Discovery_Import Yes
DNS_Manager Yes

POST /mgmt/cm/dns/working-config/datacenter

Request Parameters

Name Type Required Description
state boolean False Specifies whether the data center and its resources are available for load balancing. The default is Enabled
contact string False Specifies the name of the administrator or the name of the department that manages the data center
location string False Specifies the physical location of the data center
proberPref string False Specifies the type of prober to use to monitor servers defined in this data center. The default value is inside-data-center. inside-data-center: Uses a prober inside the data center. outside-data-center: Uses a prober outside the data center. Note: Prober pools are not used by the bigip monitor
proberFallback string False Specifies the type of prober to use to monitor servers defined in this data center when the preferred type is not available. The default value is Any Available. Any Available: Uses any available prober, inside or outside the data center. inside or outside the data center. inside-data-center: Uses a prober inside the data center. outside-data-center: Uses a prober outside the data center. none: Specifies that there is no fallback prober
partition string False The BIG-IP partition in which the configuration for this object is placed
name string False Displays the name of the data center
description string False A description of the data center
deviceGroupReference reference False DNS Sync Group on which this object is deployed
     link string True URI link of the reference.

Query Parameters



HTTP/1.1 200 OK

Name Type Description
state boolean Specifies whether the data center and its resources are available for load balancing. The default is Enabled
contact string Specifies the name of the administrator or the name of the department that manages the data center
location string Specifies the physical location of the data center
proberPref string Specifies the type of prober to use to monitor servers defined in this data center. The default value is inside-data-center. inside-data-center: Uses a prober inside the data center. outside-data-center: Uses a prober outside the data center. Note: Prober pools are not used by the bigip monitor
proberFallback string Specifies the type of prober to use to monitor servers defined in this data center when the preferred type is not available. The default value is Any Available. Any Available: Uses any available prober, inside or outside the data center. inside or outside the data center. inside-data-center: Uses a prober inside the data center. outside-data-center: Uses a prober outside the data center. none: Specifies that there is no fallback prober
partition string The BIG-IP partition in which the configuration for this object is placed
name string Displays the name of the data center
description string A description of the data center
deviceGroupReference reference DNS Sync Group on which this object is deployed
     name string Name of the resource
     link string URI link of the reference.


Role Allow
Application_Editor No
DNS_Viewer No
DNS_Deployer No
Service_Catalog_Viewer No
DNS_Editor Yes
Service_Catalog_Editor No
Application_Manager No
Application_Viewer No
Trust_Discovery_Import No
DNS_Manager Yes

PATCH /mgmt/cm/dns/working-config/datacenter/<id>

Request Parameters

Name Type Required Description
state boolean False Specifies whether the data center and its resources are available for load balancing. The default is Enabled
contact string False Specifies the name of the administrator or the name of the department that manages the data center
location string False Specifies the physical location of the data center
description string False A description of the data center

Query Parameters



HTTP/1.1 200 OK

Name Type Description
state boolean Specifies whether the data center and its resources are available for load balancing. The default is Enabled
contact string Specifies the name of the administrator or the name of the department that manages the data center
location string Specifies the physical location of the data center
proberPref string Specifies the type of prober to use to monitor servers defined in this data center. The default value is inside-data-center. inside-data-center: Uses a prober inside the data center. outside-data-center: Uses a prober outside the data center. Note: Prober pools are not used by the bigip monitor
proberFallback string Specifies the type of prober to use to monitor servers defined in this data center when the preferred type is not available. The default value is Any Available. Any Available: Uses any available prober, inside or outside the data center. inside or outside the data center. inside-data-center: Uses a prober inside the data center. outside-data-center: Uses a prober outside the data center. none: Specifies that there is no fallback prober
partition string The BIG-IP partition in which the configuration for this object is placed
name string Displays the name of the data center
description string A description of the data center
deviceGroupReference reference DNS Sync Group on which this object is deployed
     name string Name of the resource
     link string URI link of the reference.


Role Allow
Application_Editor No
DNS_Viewer No
DNS_Deployer No
Service_Catalog_Viewer No
DNS_Editor Yes
Service_Catalog_Editor No
Application_Manager No
Application_Viewer No
Trust_Discovery_Import No
DNS_Manager Yes

DELETE /mgmt/cm/dns/working-config/datacenter/<id>

Request Parameters


Query Parameters



HTTP/1.1 200 OK

Name Type Description
state boolean Specifies whether the data center and its resources are available for load balancing. The default is Enabled
contact string Specifies the name of the administrator or the name of the department that manages the data center
location string Specifies the physical location of the data center
proberPref string Specifies the type of prober to use to monitor servers defined in this data center. The default value is inside-data-center. inside-data-center: Uses a prober inside the data center. outside-data-center: Uses a prober outside the data center. Note: Prober pools are not used by the bigip monitor
proberFallback string Specifies the type of prober to use to monitor servers defined in this data center when the preferred type is not available. The default value is Any Available. Any Available: Uses any available prober, inside or outside the data center. inside or outside the data center. inside-data-center: Uses a prober inside the data center. outside-data-center: Uses a prober outside the data center. none: Specifies that there is no fallback prober
partition string The BIG-IP partition in which the configuration for this object is placed
name string Displays the name of the data center
description string A description of the data center
deviceGroupReference reference DNS Sync Group on which this object is deployed
     name string Name of the resource
     link string URI link of the reference.


Role Allow
Application_Editor No
DNS_Viewer No
DNS_Deployer No
Service_Catalog_Viewer No
DNS_Editor Yes
Service_Catalog_Editor No
Application_Manager No
Application_Viewer No
Trust_Discovery_Import No
DNS_Manager Yes


Get a data center

GET /mgmt/cm/dns/working-config/datacenter/<id>


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    "state": No example value specified    ,
    "contact": "admin"    ,
    "location": No example value specified    ,
    "proberPref": No example value specified    ,
    "proberFallback": No example value specified    ,
    "partition": No example value specified    ,
    "name": "dc1"    ,
    "description": "example data center"    ,
    "deviceGroupReference": {
        "name": "resourceName"    ,
        "link": "https://localhost/mgmt/shared/foo/bar/866cfd8a-4d03-48e9-ba94-bb21a4bc2346"

Get all data centers

GET /mgmt/cm/dns/working-config/datacenter


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    "state": No example value specified    ,
    "contact": "admin"    ,
    "location": No example value specified    ,
    "proberPref": No example value specified    ,
    "proberFallback": No example value specified    ,
    "partition": No example value specified    ,
    "name": "dc1"    ,
    "description": "example data center"    ,
    "deviceGroupReference": {
        "name": "resourceName"    ,
        "link": "https://localhost/mgmt/shared/foo/bar/866cfd8a-4d03-48e9-ba94-bb21a4bc2346"

Create new data center

POST /mgmt/cm/dns/working-config/datacenter
    "state": No example value specified    ,
    "contact": "admin"    ,
    "location": No example value specified    ,
    "proberPref": No example value specified    ,
    "proberFallback": No example value specified    ,
    "partition": No example value specified    ,
    "name": "dc1"    ,
    "description": "example data center"    ,
    "deviceGroupReference": {
        "link": "https://localhost/mgmt/shared/foo/bar/866cfd8a-4d03-48e9-ba94-bb21a4bc2346"


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    "state": No example value specified    ,
    "contact": "admin"    ,
    "location": No example value specified    ,
    "proberPref": No example value specified    ,
    "proberFallback": No example value specified    ,
    "partition": No example value specified    ,
    "name": "dc1"    ,
    "description": "example data center"    ,
    "deviceGroupReference": {
        "name": "resourceName"    ,
        "link": "https://localhost/mgmt/shared/foo/bar/866cfd8a-4d03-48e9-ba94-bb21a4bc2346"

Update a data center

PATCH /mgmt/cm/dns/working-config/datacenter/<id>
    "state": No example value specified    ,
    "contact": "admin"    ,
    "location": No example value specified    ,
    "description": "example data center"


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    "state": No example value specified    ,
    "contact": "admin"    ,
    "location": No example value specified    ,
    "proberPref": No example value specified    ,
    "proberFallback": No example value specified    ,
    "partition": No example value specified    ,
    "name": "dc1"    ,
    "description": "example data center"    ,
    "deviceGroupReference": {
        "name": "resourceName"    ,
        "link": "https://localhost/mgmt/shared/foo/bar/866cfd8a-4d03-48e9-ba94-bb21a4bc2346"

Delete data center

DELETE /mgmt/cm/dns/working-config/datacenter/<id>


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    "state": No example value specified    ,
    "contact": "admin"    ,
    "location": No example value specified    ,
    "proberPref": No example value specified    ,
    "proberFallback": No example value specified    ,
    "partition": No example value specified    ,
    "name": "dc1"    ,
    "description": "example data center"    ,
    "deviceGroupReference": {
        "name": "resourceName"    ,
        "link": "https://localhost/mgmt/shared/foo/bar/866cfd8a-4d03-48e9-ba94-bb21a4bc2346"