Applying firewall policies to contexts and deploying them to BIG-IP devices


Describes how you use the REST API to apply one or more firewall policies to one or more firewall contexts and then deploy those changes to associated BIG-IP devices.


  • All BIG-IP devices to be used have been imported for the Local Traffic and Network Security services.
  • All firewall policies to be deployed have been configured on the BIG-IQ Centralized Management system.
  • All firewall contexts that will have firewall policies assigned to them have been created in the Local Traffic service and deployed to the BIG-IP device.
  • When performing the tasks in this example, review the listed IP addresses and change them as appropriate for your environment. For example, if you are not running the script directly on the BIG-IQ system, you should change localhost to be the IP address of the BIG-IQ Centralized Management system.


Describes the steps you perform to apply one or more firewall policies to one or more firewall contexts and deploy the firewall changes to associated BIG-IP devices.

Perform the REST API actions in the following order:

  1. GET the firewall policies to use.
  2. GET the firewall contexts to use.
  3. PATCH each firewall context with the appropriate firewall policy.
  4. Select the BIG-IP devices to which you want to deploy these changes.
  5. POST the deployment task JSON to the deployment task URI. If needed, PATCH the deployment task as well.
  6. GET the deployment task status to determine if the deployment completed successfully.

REST API actions

1. Retrieve the firewall policy to be applied to the firewall contexts.

Perform a GET operation on the policies collection. In the steps in this example, the context used is a virtual server. Use the filter and select options to narrow the returned JSON information to just the policy in which you are interested.

GET: https://<BIG-IQ>/mgmt/cm/firewall/working-config/policies?$filter=('name'+eq+'Policy_1')&$select=name,selfLink

The following is the JSON response from the GET operation:

  "selfLink": "https://localhost/mgmt/cm/firewall/working-config/policies",
  "totalItems": 1,
  "items": [
      "name": "Policy_1",
      "selfLink": "https://localhost/mgmt/cm/firewall/working-config/policies/1005831c-7e40-30ed-bd0d-f8068526d7ef"
  "generation": 401,
  "kind": "cm:firewall:working-config:policies:policycollectionstate",
  "lastUpdateMicros": 1474559397713741

2. Retrieve the firewall contexts by type, name, or both.

Perform a GET operation on the firewall collection to retrieve the contexts. In this example, a single virtual server is returned. Use the filter and select options to narrow the returned JSON information to just the firewall context in which you are interested. In addition if a specific BIG-IP device is required, that could be used by appending the following: +and+('deviceReference/name'+eq+'<name>')

GET: https://<BIG-IQ>/mgmt/cm/firewall/working-config/firewalls?$filter=('name'+eq+'VirtualServer_1')+and+(firewallType+eq+'vip') &$select=name,firewallType,selfLink,deviceReference

The following is the JSON response from the GET:

  "selfLink": "https://localhost/mgmt/cm/firewall/working-config/firewalls",
  "totalItems": 1,
  "items": [
      "deviceReference": {
        "id": "6e932e01-7b5e-431d-b1d3-8ca5e3eb891d",
        "name": "",
        "kind": "shared:resolver:device-groups:restdeviceresolverdevicestate",
        "machineId": "6e932e01-7b5e-431d-b1d3-8ca5e3eb891d",
        "link": "https://localhost/mgmt/shared/resolver/device-groups/cm-firewall-allFirewallDevices/devices/6e932e01-7b5e-431d-b1d3-8ca5e3eb891d"
      "firewallType": "vip",
      "name": "VirtualServer_1",
      "selfLink": "https://localhost/mgmt/cm/firewall/working-config/firewalls/970b7b0b-8f21-3a88-909a-29df7e73fd5d"

3. Apply the firewall policy to the virtual server firewall context (staged or enforced).

Perform a PATCH operation on the virtual server firewall context. The virtual server is identified by a URI containing its selfLink. Set either stagedPolicyReference or enforcedPolicyReference to the firewall policy selfLink.

PATCH: https://<BIG-IQ>/mgmt/cm/firewall/working-config/firewalls/970b7b0b-8f21-3a88-909a-29df7e73fd5d

The following is the JSON response from the PATCH operation. The response to any successful PATCH is the complete patched object with the patch applied:

    "description": "Virtual Server for VirtualServer_1",
    "deviceReference": {
        "id": "6e932e01-7b5e-431d-b1d3-8ca5e3eb891d",
        "kind": "shared:resolver:device-groups:restdeviceresolverdevicestate",
        "link": "https://localhost/mgmt/shared/resolver/device-groups/cm-firewall-allFirewallDevices/devices/6e932e01-7b5e-431d-b1d3-8ca5e3eb891d",
        "machineId": "6e932e01-7b5e-431d-b1d3-8ca5e3eb891d",
        "name": ""
    "enforcedPolicyReference": {
        "link": "https://localhost/mgmt/cm/firewall/working-config/policies/1005831c-7e40-30ed-bd0d-f8068526d7ef"
    "firewallIpAddress": "",
    "firewallType": "vip",
    "generation": 2,
    "id": "970b7b0b-8f21-3a88-909a-29df7e73fd5d",
    "kind": "cm:firewall:working-config:firewalls:firewallstate",
    "lastUpdateMicros": 1474559398139114,
    "name": "VirtualServer_1",
    "partition": "Common",
    "rulesCollectionReference": {
        "isSubcollection": true,
        "link": "https://localhost/mgmt/cm/firewall/working-config/firewalls/970b7b0b-8f21-3a88-909a-29df7e73fd5d/rules"
    "selfLink": "https://localhost/mgmt/cm/firewall/working-config/firewalls/970b7b0b-8f21-3a88-909a-29df7e73fd5d"

4. Determine which BIG-IP devices need changes deployed to them based on which firewalls were modified.

The device references needed for the deployment are found in the firewall context JSON for each modified context. This example shows the deviceReference for the virtual server returned in the previous example:

"deviceReference": {
    "id": "6e932e01-7b5e-431d-b1d3-8ca5e3eb891d",
    "kind": "shared:resolver:device-groups:restdeviceresolverdevicestate",
    "link": "https://localhost/mgmt/shared/resolver/device-groups/cm-firewall-allFirewallDevices/devices/6e932e01-7b5e-431d-b1d3-8ca5e3eb891d",
    "machineId": "6e932e01-7b5e-431d-b1d3-8ca5e3eb891d",
    "name": ""

5. Evaluate the configuration changes created by the firewall configuration modifications to determine if there are errors.

A deployment task must be created that includes each BIG-IP device that had an associated firewall context updated.

Perform a POST operation to the following URL to create the deployment task:

POST: https://<BIG-IQ>/mgmt/cm/firewall/tasks/deploy-configuration

The deployment can also be created in the deploy-immediately mode (where skipDistribution is set to false) as follows. This type of deployment is only recommended if no warnings or errors are expected.

    "createChildTasks": true,
    "description": "Policy Deploy",
    "deviceReferences": [
            "link": "https://localhost/mgmt/shared/resolver/device-groups/cm-firewall-allFirewallDevices/devices/6e932e01-7b5e-431d-b1d3-8ca5e3eb891d"
    "name": "Policy Deploy",
    "skipDistribution": false

After creating the deployment task in either of these ways, continue to the next step to determine when the deployment completes and its final status. The deviceReferences will be a list of device references determined from the previous step. The name and description fields should be modified to allow unique tracking of each deployment.

If there is a concern that there may be issues with the configuration, the deployment can be done in stages. The first stage is the evaluation stage. If no errors or warnings are detected during evaluation, the configuration can then be deployed to the BIG-IP device in the second stage.

The deployment evaluation is created by performing a POST of the following to the deployment task URI defined above. Once again, the name and description fields should be modified to allow unique tracking of each deployment.

    "createChildTasks": true,
    "description": "Policy Deploy",
    "deviceReferences": [
            "link": "https://localhost/mgmt/shared/resolver/device-groups/cm-firewall-allFirewallDevices/devices/6e932e01-7b5e-431d-b1d3-8ca5e3eb891d"
    "name": "Policy Deploy",
    "skipDistribution": true

In either deployment case, the response JSON for the POST is as follows:

    "childDeployTasks": [
            "description": "Policy Deploy",
            "deviceReferences": [
                    "link": "https://localhost/mgmt/shared/resolver/device-groups/cm-security-shared-allSharedDevices/devices/6e932e01-7b5e-431d-b1d3-8ca5e3eb891d"
            "generation": 1,
            "id": "4cf1f614-704c-466b-9ed9-558d28fd1644",
            "identityReferences": [
                    "link": "https://localhost/mgmt/shared/authz/users/admin"
            "isChildTask": true,
            "kind": "cm:security-shared:tasks:deploy-configuration:deployconfigtaskstate",
            "lastUpdateMicros": 1474579219691578,
            "name": "Policy Deploy",
            "ownerMachineId": "ece40a9a-c62d-4ee0-b9ea-a42ef379515b",
            "parentTaskReference": {
                "link": "https://localhost/mgmt/cm/firewall/tasks/deploy-configuration/70e8c87d-cec6-4ed5-8de4-88682ff3bd63"
            "selfLink": "https://localhost/mgmt/cm/security-shared/tasks/deploy-configuration/4cf1f614-704c-466b-9ed9-558d28fd1644",
            "skipDistribution": true,
            "snapshotReference": {
                "link": "https://localhost/mgmt/cm/security-shared/working-config/snapshots/9619b966-390d-457e-abe2-044eadc74571"
            "status": "STARTED",
            "taskWorkerGeneration": 1,
            "userReference": {
                "link": "https://localhost/mgmt/shared/authz/users/admin"
    "childSnapshotReference": {
        "link": "https://localhost/mgmt/cm/security-shared/working-config/snapshots/9619b966-390d-457e-abe2-044eadc74571"
    "childTaskReferences": [
            "link": "https://localhost/mgmt/cm/security-shared/tasks/deploy-configuration/4cf1f614-704c-466b-9ed9-558d28fd1644"
    "createChildTasks": true,
    "currentStep": "WAIT_FOR_CHILD_DEPLOY",
    "description": "Policy Deploy",
    "deviceDetails": [
            "deviceReference": {
                "link": "https://localhost/mgmt/shared/resolver/device-groups/cm-firewall-allFirewallDevices/devices/6e932e01-7b5e-431d-b1d3-8ca5e3eb891d"
            "differenceCount": 4,
            "hostname": "",
            "postDeploymentErrorCount": 0,
            "verificationCriticalErrorCount": 0,
            "verificationErrorCount": 1
    "deviceReferences": [
            "link": "https://localhost/mgmt/shared/resolver/device-groups/cm-firewall-allFirewallDevices/devices/6e932e01-7b5e-431d-b1d3-8ca5e3eb891d"
    "differenceReference": {
        "link": "https://localhost/mgmt/cm/firewall/reports/config-differences/3717d94d-41ac-46cc-8a2d-30dede717a28"
    "differenceTaskReference": {
        "link": "https://localhost/mgmt/cm/firewall/tasks/difference-config/1a2fa07f-bc4a-4190-ae30-c92e1e8f6db1"
    "discoveryTaskReferences": [
            "link": "https://localhost/mgmt/cm/firewall/tasks/discover-config/de08c2a3-a5a4-4f30-bff0-20484f585080"
    "generation": 12,
    "id": "70e8c87d-cec6-4ed5-8de4-88682ff3bd63",
    "identityReferences": [
            "link": "https://localhost/mgmt/shared/authz/users/admin"
    "kind": "cm:firewall:tasks:deploy-configuration:deployconfigtaskstate",
    "lastUpdateMicros": 1474579219766431,
    "name": "Policy Deploy",
    "ownerMachineId": "ece40a9a-c62d-4ee0-b9ea-a42ef379515b",
    "selfLink": "https://localhost/mgmt/cm/firewall/tasks/deploy-configuration/70e8c87d-cec6-4ed5-8de4-88682ff3bd63",
    "skipDistribution": true,
    "snapshotReference": {
        "link": "https://localhost/mgmt/cm/firewall/working-config/snapshots/f2dcf02f-b334-4616-a025-d2c2137bccf0"
    "snapshotTaskReference": {
        "link": "https://localhost/mgmt/cm/firewall/tasks/snapshot-config/7389e9e2-f4e5-4d1c-a39d-c7fdc5f98bf9"
    "startDateTime": "2016-09-22T17:20:11.926-0400",
    "status": "STARTED",
    "userReference": {
        "link": "https://localhost/mgmt/shared/authz/users/admin"
    "username": "admin",
    "verifyConfigReference": {
        "link": "https://localhost/mgmt/cm/firewall/reports/config-verifications/4efd2db4-e049-4039-b13b-2d18e5becaaf"
    "verifyConfigTaskReference": {
        "link": "https://localhost/mgmt/cm/firewall/tasks/verify-config/3d35d99e-b1f1-4329-a6e8-0ea482529fd0"

If the deploy-immediately option was not used, the following URL should be queried approximately every 10 seconds, waiting for the status value to be FINISHED, FAILED or CANCELED:

GET: https://<BIG-IQ>/mgmt/cm/firewall/tasks/deploy-configuration/70e8c87d-cec6-4ed5-8de4-88682ff3bd63

If the task reaches the FINISHED status, the deviceDetails for the main task and childDeployTasks should be checked for the verificationCriticalErrorCount and verificationErrorCount as shown in the following.

If however, the status does not reach FINISHED or either count is not 0, consult the BIG-IQ Centralized Management Network Security Deployment page to determine the issue encountered with the deployment evaluation task.

“childDeployTasks”: [
    "deviceDetails": [
            "deviceReference": {
                "link": "https://localhost/mgmt/shared/resolver/device-groups/cm-shared-allSharedDevices/devices/6e932e01-7b5e-431d-b1d3-8ca5e3eb891d"
            "differenceCount": 4,
            "hostname": "",
            "postDeploymentErrorCount": 0,
            "verificationCriticalErrorCount": 0,
            "verificationErrorCount": 1
"deviceDetails": [
        "deviceReference": {
            "link": "https://localhost/mgmt/shared/resolver/device-groups/cm-firewall-allFirewallDevices/devices/6e932e01-7b5e-431d-b1d3-8ca5e3eb891d"
        "differenceCount": 4,
        "hostname": "",
        "postDeploymentErrorCount": 0,
        "verificationCriticalErrorCount": 0,
        "verificationErrorCount": 1

If the verification counts are all 0, then the deployment evaluation phase did not find any issues and the deployment can continue.

Perform a PATCH operation on the existing deployment task as follows and then continue to the next step.

PATCH:  https://<BIG-IQ>/mgmt/cm/firewall/tasks/deploy-configuration/70e8c87d-cec6-4ed5-8de4-88682ff3bd63

    "skipDistribution": false,
    "status": "STARTED"

6. Check the status of the deployment of the firewall configuration changes to the network.

Check that the deployment task has completed without errors. Poll the deployment task as outlined previously, looking for the status of FINISHED, FAILED or CANCELED. The optional select is used to limit the return JSON content to the elements interested.

GET: https://<BIG-IQ>/mgmt/cm/firewall/tasks/deploy-configuration/70e8c87d-cec6-4ed5-8de4-88682ff3bd63?$select=name,status

The final task response JSON should look similar to the following:

    "name": "Policy Deploy",
    "status": "FINISHED",

If the status does not reach FINISHED, consult the Network Security Deployment page in the BIG-IQ Centralized Management user interface to determine the issue encountered with the deployment task.

Common Errors

Error generated when an incorrect URI is sent in the REST request

  "code": 404,
  "message": "Public URI path not registered",
  "referer": "",
  "restOperationId": 19541801,
  "errorStack": [
    " Public URI path not registered",
    "at java.util.concurrent.Executors$",
    "at java.util.concurrent.ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor$ScheduledFutureTask.access$201(",
    "at java.util.concurrent.ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor$",
    "at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(",
    "at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$",
  "kind": ":resterrorresponse"

GET response when no objects are found based on the filter criteria

  "selfLink": "https://localhost/mgmt/cm/firewall/working-config/policies",
  "totalItems": 0,
  "items": [],
  "generation": 14,
  "kind": "cm:firewall:working-config:policies:policycollectionstate",
  "lastUpdateMicros": 1474033768399515

PATCH response to a deleted evaluation task

    "code": 404,
    "kind": ":resterrorresponse",
    "message": "cm/firewall/tasks/deploy-configuration/3d702bd0-5963-4949-a1b5-279191054fa8",
    "originalRequestBody": "{\"skipDistribution\":false,\"status\":\"STARTED\",\"generation\":0,\"lastUpdateMicros\":0}",
    "referer": "",
    "restOperationId": 4644482

API References

  • BIG-IQ Firewall Policy API
  • BIG-IQ Firewall Contexts API