Dos Attacks Summary


A summary overview of the ongoing denial of service (DoS) attacks, the attacked BIG-IPs, and the protected objects under attack.

REST Endpoint: /mgmt/ap/query/v1/tenants/default/reports/DosAttacksSummary


GET /mgmt/ap/query/v1/tenants/default/reports/DosAttacksSummary

Query Parameters

Name Type Required Description
default-value number False The value can be 0.
from string False Specifies time to start results. The default uses the values of “-1h” for from and “now” for to, which starts from 1 hour before the current time and ends at the current time.
protected-object-type string False The protected object type can filtered by “All”, “Applications” or “Virtual Servers”.
resolution-minutes-TS number False Data values shown according to time increments in minutes. The default value is 5 minutes.
to string False Specifies time to end results. The default uses the values of “-1h” for from and “now” for to, which starts from 1 hour before the current time and ends at the current time.
under-attack boolean False The protected object status can be filtered by protected objects that are under attack or all protected objects. The default is true, which means all protected objects.


HTTP/1.1 200 OK

Name Type Description
applicationsHealth string The number of applications by health status of Critical, Moderate, Good, or Other.
     critical number The number of objects with a critical health status
     good number The number of objects with a good health status
     moderate number The number of objects with a moderate health status
     other number The number of objects with an unknown health status
applicationsUnderAttacks number The number of applications under attack
attackSeverity SeverityHistogram The DDoS attack categorized by 2 (critical) or 1 (warning) severities
attacksTs object A list of the average number of attacks over time
     count number The value during a data collection at the time stamp.
     timeMillis number The data collection time stamp.
devicesUnderAttacks number A sum of all BIG-IPs reporting an ongoing DDoS attack
devicesUnderAttacksTs object The list of the average number of BIG-IPs under attack over time
     count number The value during a data collection at the time stamp.
     timeMillis number The data collection time stamp.
devicesHealth string The number of BIG-IPs by health status of Critical, Moderate, Good or Other. Device health can be controlled by dynamic device health rules.
     critical number The number of objects with a critical health status
     good number The number of objects with a good health status
     moderate number The number of objects with a moderate health status
     other number The number of objects with an unknown health status
devicesTopCPUUsage object A list of BIG-IPs with the highest CPU values
     CPUUsage number The BIG-IP’s current CPU usage
     deviceName string The name of a BIG-IP with high CPU usage
mitigated number DDoS attacks detected with a mitigating DoS profile
notMitigated number DDoS attacks detected with a monitoring DoS profile
protectedObjectsUnderAttacksTs object A list of the average number of protected objects (applications and virtual servers) under DDoS attack over time
     count number The value during a data collection at the time stamp.
     timeMillis number The data collection time stamp.
protocol object The DDoS attack detected by the DoS profile was either HTTP, Network or DNS protocol
     DNS number The number of the currently ongoing DNS attacks
     HTTP number The number of the currently ongoing HTTP attacks
     Network number The number of the currently ongoing network attacks
totalAttacks number The sum of all ongoing DDoS attacks over the defined time period
virtualServersHealth string The number of virtual servers by health status of Critical, Moderate, Good, or Other.
     critical number The number of objects with a critical health status
     good number The number of objects with a good health status
     moderate number The number of objects with a moderate health status
     other number The number of objects with an unknown health status
virtualServersUnderAttacks number The number of virtual servers under DDoS attack


Role Allow
Security Manager Yes


GET to retrieve a summary of all attacks

Following is an example of a response to the default API call, with no parameters.

GET https://<BIG-IQ>/mgmt/ap/query/v1/tenants/default/reports/AllSecurityList


    "kind": "ap:compose:Report",
    "lastUpdateMicros": 246156738473,
    "result": {
            "totalAttacks": 0,
            "attacksTs": [],
            "mitigated": 0,
            "notMitigated": 0,
            "protocol": {
                    "HTTP": 0,
                    "Network": 0,
                    "DNS": 0
            "attackSeverity": {
                    "1": 0,
                    "2": 0
            "devicesUnderAttacks": 0,
            "devicesUnderAttacksTs": [],
            "devicesHealth": {
                    "Critical": 0,
                    "Moderate": 0,
                    "Good": 0,
                    "Other": 0
            "devicesTopCPUUsage": [],
            "virtualServersUnderAttacks": 0,
            "protectedObjectsUnderAttacksTs": [],
            "virtualServersHealth": {
                    "Critical": 0,
                    "Moderate": 0,
                    "Good": 0,
                    "Other": 0
            "applicationsUnderAttacks": 0,
            "applicationsHealth": {
                    "Critical": 0,
                    "Moderate": 0,
                    "Good": 0,
                    "Other": 0
    "requestDurationInMillis": 104