Cloud Providers


This document describes the API to list, create, modify and delete cloud providers.

REST Endpoint: /mgmt/cm/cloud/providers


GET /mgmt/cm/cloud/providers/<id>

Request Parameters


Query Parameters



HTTP/1.1 200 OK

Name Type Description
name string Name of the provider.
description string A brief description of the provider.
providerType string The type of cloud provider (e.g. VMware, AWS, Azure).
awsProperties object Fields associated with AWS providers.
     accessKeyId string The AWS access key ID that BIG-IQ should use.
     secretAccessKey string The AWS secret access key that BIG-IQ should use.
vmwProperties object Fields associated with VMware providers.
     vCenterHostname string The vCenter host.
azureProperties object Fields associated with Azure providers.
     azureCloud string The Azure Cloud environment. The default is Azure.
     clientId string The Client GUID.
     servicePrincipalSecret string Service Principal Secret.
     subscriptionId string The subscripton GUID.
     tenantId string The Tenant GUID.


Role Allow
admin Yes

POST /mgmt/cm/cloud/providers

Request Parameters

Name Type Required Description
name string True Name of the provider.
description string False A brief description of the provider.
providerType string True The type of cloud provider (e.g. VMware, AWS, Azure).
awsProperties object False Fields associated with AWS providers.
     accessKeyId string True The AWS access key ID that BIG-IQ should use.
     secretAccessKey string True The AWS secret access key that BIG-IQ should use.
vmwProperties object False Fields associated with VMware providers.
     vCenterHostname string True The vCenter host.
azureProperties object False Fields associated with Azure providers.
     azureCloud string False The Azure Cloud environment. The default is Azure.
     clientId string Ture The Client GUID.
     servicePrincipalSecret string True Service Principal Secret.
     subscriptionId string False The subscripton GUID.
     tenantId string True The Tenant GUID.

Query Parameters



Same as GET above.


Role Allow
admin Yes

PATCH /mgmt/cm/cloud/providers/<id>

Request Parameters

Name Type Required Description
description string False A brief description of the provider.
awsProperties object False Fields associated with AWS providers.
     accessKeyId string True The AWS access key ID that BIG-IQ should use.
     secretAccessKey string True The AWS secret access key that BIG-IQ should use.
vmwProperties object False Fields associated with VMware providers.
     vCenterHostname string True The vCenter host.
azureProperties object False Fields associated with Azure providers.
     azureCloud string False The Azure Cloud environment. The default is Azure.
     clientId string True The Client GUID.
     servicePrincipalSecret string True Service Principal Secret.
     subscriptionId string False The subscripton GUID.
     tenantId string False The Tenant GUID.

Query Parameters



Same as GET above.


Role Allow
admin Yes

DELETE /mgmt/cm/cloud/providers/<id>

Request Parameters


Query Parameters



Same as GET above.


Role Allow
admin Yes


List a cloud provider

GET /mgmt/cm/cloud/providers/<id>


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
        "description": "Oregon data center",
        "generation": 3,
        "id": "afc0cec4-f72b-37f2-a817-6a997207da9c",
        "kind": "cm:cloud:providers:providerstate",
        "lastUpdateMicros": 1529955940652153,
        "name": "vmw",
        "providerType": "VMware",
        "selfLink": "https://localhost/mgmt/cm/cloud/providers/afc0cec4-f72b-37f2-a817-6a997207da9c",
        "vmwProperties": {
            "vCenterHostname": ""

List all cloud providers

GET /mgmt/cm/cloud/providers


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    "items": [
            "description": "VMware #2",
            "generation": 3,
            "id": "0f98dedb-ee3c-3c75-a3d3-1169e2167134",
            "kind": "cm:cloud:providers:providerstate",
            "lastUpdateMicros": 1529956384829220,
            "name": "vmw2",
            "providerType": "VMware",
            "selfLink": "https://localhost/mgmt/cm/cloud/providers/0f98dedb-ee3c-3c75-a3d3-1169e2167134",
            "vmwProperties": {
                "vCenterHostname": ""
            "description": "VMware #1",
            "generation": 4,
            "id": "afc0cec4-f72b-37f2-a817-6a997207da9c",
            "kind": "cm:cloud:providers:providerstate",
            "lastUpdateMicros": 1529956333856240,
            "name": "vmw",
            "providerType": "VMware",
            "selfLink": "https://localhost/mgmt/cm/cloud/providers/afc0cec4-f72b-37f2-a817-6a997207da9c",
            "vmwProperties": {
                "vCenterHostname": ""

Create a VMware cloud provider

POST /mgmt/cm/cloud/providers
    "providerType": "VMware",
    "name": "vmw_alt",
    "description": "VMware #3",
    "vmwProperties": {
        "vCenterHostname": ""


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    "id": "237486bd-0618-341a-8375-3250ed6f120f",
    "providerType": "VMware",
    "name": "vmw_alt",
    "description": "VMware #3",
    "vmwProperties": {
        "vCenterHostname": ""
    "generation": 1,
    "lastUpdateMicros": 1529956930907778,
    "kind": "cm:cloud:providers:providerstate",
    "selfLink": "https://localhost/mgmt/cm/cloud/providers/237486bd-0618-341a-8375-3250ed6f120f"

Create an AWS cloud provider

POST /mgmt/cm/cloud/providers
    "providerType": "AWS",
    "name": "aws1",
    "description": "AWS #1",
    "awsProperties": {
        "accessKeyId": "AKIAIOSFODNN7EXAMPLE",
        "secretAccessKey": "wJalrXUtnFEMI/K7MDENG/bPxRfiCYzEXAMPLEKEY"


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    "id": "c5086529-d58e-3218-b3ad-1ac25bce03b8",
    "providerType": "AWS",
    "name": "aws1",
    "description": "AWS #1",
    "awsProperties": {
        "accessKeyId": "j1jToj/CgMPHy3+dR6N8NLQsz7cx4fcs9YXSwvjmkhJNUjm5TcQL+HEHe81HdMSA",
        "secretAccessKey": "UnlwHFgF1NiEUwNU+aJ9axwca9vYvem6XebmpLQ68JPlqM2ZD8Ib3vtWv1rTBsjuqPgDLFswb8h2Cb0w/OYPXQ=="
    "generation": 1,
    "lastUpdateMicros": 1529957228775612,
    "kind": "cm:cloud:providers:providerstate",
    "selfLink": "https://localhost/mgmt/cm/cloud/providers/c5086529-d58e-3218-b3ad-1ac25bce03b8"

Modify a cloud provider

PATCH /mgmt/cm/cloud/providers/<id>
    "description": "VMware test provider",
    "vmwProperties": {
        "vCenterHostname": ""


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    "id": "0f98dedb-ee3c-3c75-a3d3-1169e2167134",
    "providerType": "VMware",
    "name": "vmw2",
    "description": "VMware test provider",
    "vmwProperties": {
        "vCenterHostname": ""
    "generation": 4,
    "lastUpdateMicros": 1529957605337464,
    "kind": "cm:cloud:providers:providerstate",
    "selfLink": "https://localhost/mgmt/cm/cloud/providers/0f98dedb-ee3c-3c75-a3d3-1169e2167134"

Delete a cloud provider

DELETE /mgmt/cm/cloud/providers/<id>


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    "id": "237486bd-0618-341a-8375-3250ed6f120f",
    "providerType": "VMware",
    "name": "vmw_alt",
    "description": "VMware #3",
    "vmwProperties": {
        "vCenterHostname": ""
    "generation": 1,
    "lastUpdateMicros": 1529957720061184,
    "kind": "cm:cloud:providers:providerstate",
    "selfLink": "https://localhost/mgmt/cm/cloud/providers/237486bd-0618-341a-8375-3250ed6f120f"