SSLO Topologies Summary


This BIG-IQ API can get summary data for all SSL Orchestrator (SSLO) topologies.

REST Endpoint: /mgmt/ap/query/v1/tenants/default/reports/SsloTopologiesSummary


GET /mgmt/ap/query/v1/tenants/default/reports/SsloTopologiesSummary

Query Parameters


Request Parameters



HTTP/1.1 200 OK

The JSON in the response can include the following parameters.

Name Type Description
topEncryptionStat object List of topologies with their respective greatest decrypted traffic
     <topology> number Greatest decrypted traffic
topNumberOfBigips object List of topologies with their respective greatest number of BIG-IPs with the topology deployed
     <topology> number Greatest number of BIG-IPs with the topology deployed
topologiesHealth object Number of topologies by health status
     critical number Number having a health status of “Critical”
     good number Number having a health status of “Good”
     moderate number Number having a health status of “Moderate”
     other number Number having a health status of “Other”
totalTopologies number Number of all SSLO topologies


Role Allow
SSL Orchestrator Manager Yes


GET to retrieve data for all SSLO topologies

To retrieve information about all SSLO topologies, you can send a GET request to the SsloTopologiesSummary endpoint.

GET /mgmt/ap/query/v1/tenants/default/reports/SsloTopologiesSummary


The JSON in the response can look similar to the following.

     "kind": "ap:compose:Report",
     "lastUpdateMicros": 1044351685662,
     "result": {
             "totalTopologies": 2,
             "topologiesHealth": {
                     "Critical": 1,
                     "Moderate": 0,
                     "Good": 0,
                     "Other": 1
             "topEncryptionStat": {},
             "topNumberOfBigips": {
                     "sslo_topology1": 2,
                     "sslo_topology2": 2
     "requestDurationInMillis": 117
