Device Discovery for LTM/ADC Management


Use this API to manage discovery tasks for a BIG-IP ADC namespace from a BIG-IQ. Re-import uses this task as well.

REST Endpoint: /mgmt/cm/adc-core/tasks/declare-mgmt-authority


POST /mgmt/cm/adc-core/tasks/declare-mgmt-authority

To create a discovery task for a BIG-IP from a BIG-IQ, you can send a POST request to the declare-mgmt-authority collection.

Request Parameters

The request parameters in the POST request can contain the following parameters.

Name Type Required Description
clusterName string Yes The name of the BIG-IP cluster used when trust was established.
createChildTask boolean Yes Indicates whether there is a child import associated with the main import task. This can be set to false for Local Traffic.
deviceReference object Yes The reference for the BIG-IP.
     link string Yes The url for the deviceReference.
skipDiscovery boolean No This parameter is deprecated. The skipDiscovery field must be omitted or true.
snapshotWorkingConfig boolean Yes Indicates whether the working configuration on the BIG-IQ should be captured in a snapshot prior to the import.
useBigiqSync boolean Yes Indicates whether the BIG-IQ should synchronize objects for the cluster or whether the BIG-IP device should handle the synchronization. Set the value to the same value which was used during trust establishment.

Query Parameters



The POST adds a device discovery task to the collection.

HTTP/1.1 200 OK

Name Type Description
clusterName string The name of the BIG-IP cluster used when trust was established.
createChildTask boolean Indicates whether there is a child import associated with the main import task. This can be set to false for Local Traffic.
deviceReference object The reference for the BIG-IP.
     link string The url for deviceReference.
id string Unique id assigned to this declare-mgmt-authority task object.
identityReferences array Array of reference links to user used to discover device declare-mgmt-authority.
     link string Reference link to users.
ownerMachineId string A unique id string for the BIG-IQ acting as a device owner for declare-mgmt-authority.
selflink string The url for the task.
skipDiscovery boolean This parameter is deprecated. The skipDiscovery field must be omitted or true.
snapshotWorkingConfig boolean Indicates whether the working configuration on the BIG-IQ should be captured in a snapshot prior to the import.
status string Initially the value is “STARTED”. You can send subsequent GET requests to determine if the task’s status has been updated to “FINISHED”, “CANCELLED” or “FAILED”.
useBigiqSync boolean Indicates whether the BIG-IQ should synchronize objects for the cluster or whether the BIG-IP device should handle the synchronization. Set the value to the same value which was used during trust establishment.
userReference object Reference link to user used to discover device declare-mgmt-authority.
     link string Reference link to users.

Initially the value of status returned in the response will be STARTED. You can then send GET requests to the selfLink from the response until the value of status changes to FINISHED, CANCELLED or FAILED. The currentStep can have a value of DONE or PENDING_CONFLICTS. If the value of currentStep is PENDING_CONFLICTS, this means there are conflicts which you may need to resolve by sending a PATCH request.


Role Allow
Device Manager Yes
Trust Discovery Import Yes

GET /mgmt/cm/adc-core/tasks/declare-mgmt-authority/<id>

To get the status and currentStep for a specific device discovery task, you can send a GET request to the endpoint of the collection and specify the task’s id. This can be the selfLink in the response to the POST used to create the task.

Request Parameters


Query Parameters



The body of the response can be the device discovery properties_declare-mgmt-authority task object (LTM/ADC).

HTTP/1.1 200 OK

Name Type Description
clusterName string The name of the BIG-IP cluster used when trust was established.
conflicts array An array of conflicts which have been detected.
     fromReference object A reference to a conflict provided as a link.
          link string The url to the fromReference conflict.
     resolution string Possible values: “NONE”
copyTaskReference object Enable / Disable declare-mgmt-authority copy difference between working-configuration (BIG-IQ) and current-configuration (BIG-IP).
     link string Reference link to a declare-mgmt-authority copy task object.
createChildTask boolean Indicates whether there is a child import associated with the main import task. This can be set to false for Local Traffic.
currentStep string The current step of device declare-mgmt-authority task as predicated by state. The value can be “DONE” or “PENDING_CONFLICTS”. If the is “DONE”, then the import is complete. If the value is “PENDING_CONFLICTS”, there are conflicts preventing the import which you may be able to resolve by sending a PATCH.
deviceIp string The discovery address of the BIG-IP.
deviceReference object The reference for the BIG-IP
     link string The url for the BIG-IP
differenceReference object Reference link to object containing the differences between the working-configuration on the BIG-IQ and the current-configuration on the BIG-IP.
     link string Reference link to the shared security configuration difference report for adc-core.
differencerTaskReference object Reference link to differencer task. Used to manage difference between working-configuration on the BIG-IQ and the current-configuration on the BIG-IP.
     link string Reference link to shared security configuration difference adc-core task object.
endDateTime string Formatted Date/Time when the device discovery task ended. For example, 2016-10-11T10:30:17.834-0400.
id string Unique identifier assigned to this declare-mgmt-authority task object.
identityReferences array Array of reference links to the user used to discover device declare-mgmt-authority.
     link string Reference link to users.
ownerMachineId string A unique id string for the BIG-IQ which is acting as a device owner for the declare-mgmt-authority.
reImport boolean Flag used to enable or disable re-import configuration.
selflink string A reference link URI to the device discovery declare-mgmt-authority task object.
skipDiscovery boolean This parameter is deprecated. The skipDiscovery field must be omitted or true.
snapshotWorkingConfig boolean Indicates whether the working configuration on the BIG-IQ should be captured in a snapshot prior to the import.
startDateTime string Formatted Date/Time when the device discovery task started. For example, 2016-10-11T10:30:17.834-0400.
status string Status of device discovery task during state transition. Possible values: “STARTED”, “FINISHED”, “CANCELLED” or “FAILED”.
useBigiqSync boolean Indicates whether the BIG-IQ should synchronize objects for the cluster or whether the BIG-IP device should handle the synchronization. Set to the same value that was set during trust establishment.
userReference object Reference link to user used to discover device declare-mgmt-authority.
     link string Reference link to users.
userName string User name of device declare-mgmt-authority object to be managed.
validationBypassMode string Enable or disable the validation check when importing configuration device. The value BYPASS_NONE indicates no bypass (this is the default). The value BYPASS_FINAL indicates skip the final validation phase. The value BYPASS_ALL indicates skip all the validation phases.

If BIG-IQ detects pending conflicts the value of currentStep is PENDING_CONFLICTS, which you may be able to resolve by sending a PATCH a to the selflink with the appropriate conflict JSON.


Role Allow
Device Manager Yes
Trust Discovery Import Yes

PATCH /mgmt/cm/adc-core/tasks/declare-mgmt-authority/<id>

You may be able to resolve conflicts by sending a PATCH request to the task specified by it’s id. This can be the selfLink from the response to the GET which returns a currentStep value of PENDING_CONFLICTS and a conflicts object.

Request Parameters

The request parameters in the PATCH request can contain the following parameters.

Name Type Required Description
conflicts array Yes An array of conflicts which have been detected by BIG-IQ.
     fromReference object Yes A reference to the import conflict provided as a link. The object being imported from the working-configuration (BIG-IQ).
          link string Yes The url to the fromReference conflict.
     resolution string Yes The value may be “NONE”. Set the value to USE_BIGIQ to indicate that the existing working configuration on the BIG-IQ will be maintained where any conflict exists. Set the value to USE_BIGIP to indicate that the current configuration on the BIG-IP will be used to update the working configuration on the BIG-IQ where any conflict exists.
     toReference object Yes A reference to the import conflict provided as a link. The object being imported to the current-configuration(BIG-IP).
          link string Yes The url to the toReference conflict.

Query Parameters



HTTP/1.1 200 OK

Name Type Description
clusterName string The name of the BIG-IP cluster used when trust was established.
conflicts array An array of conflicts which have been detected by BIG-IQ.
     fromReference object A reference to the import conflict provided as a link. The object being imported from the working-config.
          link string The url to the fromReference conflict.
     resolution string The value may be “NONE”. Set the value to USE_BIGIQ to indicate that the existing working configuration on the BIG-IQ will be maintained where any conflict exists. Set the value to USE_BIGIP to indicate that the current configuration on the BIG-IP will be used to update the working configuration on the BIG-IQ where any conflict exists.
createChildTask boolean Indicates whether there is a child import associated with the main import task. This can be set to false for Local Traffic.
currentStep string The current step of device declare-mgmt-authority task as predicated by state. The value can be “DONE” or “PENDING_CONFLICTS”. If the is “DONE”, then the import is complete. If the value is “PENDING_CONFLICTS”, there are conflicts preventing the import which you may be able to resolve by sending a PATCH.
deviceIp string The discovery address of the BIG-IP.
deviceReference object The reference for the BIG-IP
     link string The url for the BIG-IP.
differenceReference object Reference link to object containing the differences between the working-configuration on the BIG-IQ and the current-configuration on the BIG-IP.
     link string Reference link to the shared security configuration difference report for adc-core.
differencerTaskReference object Reference link to differencer task. Used to manage difference between working-configuration on the BIG-IQ and the current-configuration on the BIG-IP.
     link string Reference link to shared security configuration difference adc-core task object.
id string Unique identifier assigned to this declare-mgmt-authority task object.
identityReferences array Array of reference links to the user used to discover device declare-mgmt-authority.
     link string Reference link to users.
ownerMachineId string A unique id string for the BIG-IQ which is acting as a device owner for the declare-mgmt-authority.
reImport boolean Flag used to enable or disable re-import configuration.
selflink string A reference link URI to the device discovery declare-mgmt-authority task object.
skipDiscovery boolean This parameter is deprecated. The skipDiscovery field must be omitted or true.
snapshotWorkingConfig boolean Indicates whether the working configuration on the BIG-IQ should be captured in a snapshot prior to the import.
startDateTime string Formatted Date/Time when the device discovery task started. For example, 2016-10-11T10:30:17.834-0400.
status string Status of device discovery task during state transition. Possible values: “STARTED”, “FINISHED”, “CANCELLED” or “FAILED”.
useBigiqSync boolean Indicates whether the BIG-IQ should synchronize objects for the cluster or whether the BIG-IP device should handle the synchronization. Set to the same value that was set during trust establishment.
userReference object Reference link to user used to discover device declare-mgmt-authority.
     link string Reference link to users.
userName string User name of device declare-mgmt-authority object to be managed.
validationBypassMode string Enable or disable the validation check when importing configuration device. The value BYPASS_NONE indicates no bypass (this is the default). The value BYPASS_FINAL indicates skip the final validation phase. The value BYPASS_ALL indicates skip all the validation phases.


Role Allow
Device Manager Yes
Trust Discovery Import Yes

After sending PATCH request, you can send additional GET requests on the selfLink returned from PATCH response until the status updates to one of the following: FINISHED, CANCELLED or FAILED, and currentStep has a value of DONE.

