Delete BIG-IP VE


You can use the Create BIG-IP VE API to create a create-ve item state on BIG-IQ. If the task is successful, this will create a BIG-IP VE in the cloud environment. You can use the Delete BIG-IP API to delete the create-ve item state from the BIG-IQ and remove the BIG-IP VE from the cloud environment.

REST Endpoint: /mgmt/cm/cloud/tasks/delete-ve


GET /mgmt/cm/cloud/tasks/delete-ve

To retrieve a list of all delete BIG-IP VE tasks, you can send a GET request to the delete-ve collection.

Request Parameters


Query Parameters



The JSON in the GET response can contain the following parameters.

HTTP/1.1 200 OK

Name Type Description
createVETaskStateReference object Reference to a create BIG-IP VE task state. To delete this BIG-IP VE, you will need to include this in the body of a POST request to the delete-ve endpoint.
     link string The url for the task state.
currentStep string The current step of the task, for example “COMPLETED”.
endDateTime string Formatted Date/Time when the task ended. For example, “2019-04-16T14:03:38.843-0700”.
id string Unique identifier assigned to this delete BIG-IP VE task.
identityReferences object List of users
     link string Array of reference links to users authorized to delete a BIG-IP VE.
ownerMachineId string Machine id
selfLink object Reference to the delete BIG-IP VE task.
     link string The url for the delete BIG-IP VE task.
startDateTime string Formatted Date/Time when the task started. For example, “2019-04-16T14:03:38.843-0700”.
status string The task’s status. For example, the value can be For example, “STARTED”, “FINISHED” or “FAILED”.
username string The name of the user.
userReference object Reference to a user.
     link string The url to the user.


Role Allow
admin Yes

POST /mgmt/cm/cloud/tasks/delete-ve

To add a task to delete a BIG-IP VE you can send a POST request to the delete-ve collection.

Request Parameters

The request parameters in a POST request can include the following.

Name Type Required Description
createVETaskStateReference object True Reference to a create BIG-IP VE task state.
     link string True The url to the create BIG-IP VE task state.

Query Parameters



HTTP/1.1 200 OK

Name Type Description
createVETaskStateReference object Reference to a create BIG-IP VE task state.
     link string The url to the create BIG-IP VE task state.


Role Allow
admin Yes


POST to delete a BIG-IP VE

You can delete a BIG-IP VE by sending a POST request, you just need to provide a reference to the create-ve task in the body of the request.

POST https://<BIG-IQ>/mgmt/cm/cloud/tasks/delete-ve

The JSON in the body of the POST can look similar to the following example.

     "createVETaskStateReference": {
                    "link": "https://localhost/mgmt/cm/cloud/tasks/create-ve/8a471cba-a7fa-4b54-b2c3-f981d7c9b284"


The response to the POST can look similar to the following example.

HTTP/1.1 200 OK

     "createVETaskStateReference": {
            "link": "https://localhost/mgmt/cm/cloud/tasks/create-ve/8a471cba-a7fa-4b54-b2c3-f981d7c9b284"
     "currentStep": "COMPLETED",
     "endDateTime": "2019-04-16T14:03:38.843-0700",
     "generation": 7,
     "id": "5fdd6102-b7e7-42ba-a781-56c79e18aa7b",
     "identityReferences": [{
            "link": "https://localhost/mgmt/shared/authz/users/admin"
     "kind": "cm:cloud:tasks:delete-ve:deletevetaskitemstate",
     "lastUpdateMicros": 1555448618893818,
     "ownerMachineId": "fb33e5e0-b020-4fe4-ad0c-c9893370aa21",
     "selfLink": "https://localhost/mgmt/cm/cloud/tasks/delete-ve/5fdd6102-b7e7-42ba-a781-56c79e18aa7b",
     "startDateTime": "2019-04-16T14:03:18.375-0700",
     "status": "STARTED",
     "userReference": {
            "link": "https://localhost/mgmt/shared/authz/users/admin"
     "username": "admin"

Note that the JSON in the body of the response includes the task’s id and an initial status of “STARTED”. All operations involve starting the task using a POST, after which you should send GET requests to the task’s endpoint and poll for the task’s status until the task completes. Polling for this example would look as follows.

GET https://<BIG-IQ>/mgmt/cm/cloud/tasks/delete-ve/5fdd6102-b7e7-42ba-a781-56c79e18aa7b