Access Simplified Workflow Container


The Access Simplified Workflow Container API can retrieve details for all the workflow containers and lists of objects associated with workflows. Use the Access Simplified Workflow API to create and run objects, policies and virtual servers for a Access Simplified Workflow use-case with SAML SP as the type.

REST Endpoint: /mgmt/cm/access/workflow/container


GET /mgmt/cm/access/workflow/container

You can send a GET request to the /workflow/container endpoint to retrieve all the containers containing the list of objects associated with workflows.

Request Parameters


Query Parameters



HTTP/1.1 200 OK

Name Type Description
properties array An array of responses for all workflow containers with lists of objects associated with the workflow.
     id string ID of workflow container. For example: “6df4a5e0-b0d2-497f-9f47-1612217227bb”
     name string Name of workflow container. For example: “test_samlsp_1”
     type string Type of workflow container. For example: “samlSp”
     selfLink string The URL for this workflow container. For example: “https://localhost/mgmt/cm/access/workflow/container/6df4a5e0-b0d2-497f-9f47-1612217227bb
     createdBy string User who created workflow container For example: “admin”
     createdDate string Creation date of workflow container. For example: “2020-12-11T12:44:41.512-0800”
     configReferences array Array of configurations
          properties object Properties of a configuration
                id string ID of this configuration. For example: “724378f8-ef15-397d-8efc-4e3fd5a11d20”.
                link string Self link of this configuration. For example: “https://localhost/mgmt/cm/access/working-config/apm/aaa/saml/724378f8-ef15-397d-8efc-4e3fd5a11d20”.
                name string Name of this configuration.
                partition string Partition of configuration. For example: “Common”.
     deviceGroupReference object Link to device group reference
          link string URL of device group. For example: “https://localhost/mgmt/shared/resolver/device-groups/default-access-group


Role Allow
Admin Yes

GET /mgmt/cm/access/workflow/container/{workflowId}

Send a GET request to the /workflow/container/{workflowId} endpoint, with <workflowId> specified, to retrieve the details of a single workflow container and the list of objects associated with the workflow. {workflowId} represents a placeholder for the ID of workflow.

Request Parameters


Query Parameters



HTTP/1.1 200 OK

Name Type Description
WorkflowContainerResponse object Workflow Container Response
properties object Properties of the workflow
     id string ID of workflow container. For example: “6df4a5e0-b0d2-497f-9f47-1612217227bb”
     name string Name of workflow container. For example: “test_samlsp_1”
     type string Type of workflow container. For example: “samlSp”
     selfLink string The URL for this workflow container. For example: ” https://localhost/mgmt/cm/access/workflow/container/6df4a5e0-b0d2-497f-9f47-1612217227bb
     createdBy string User who created workflow container For example: “admin”
     createdDate string Creation date of workflow container. For example: “2020-12-11T12:44:41.512-0800”
     configReferences object Configuration
          properties object Properties of configuration
                id string ID of configuration. For example: “724378f8-ef15-397d-8efc-4e3fd5a11d20”.
                link string Self link of configuration reference. For example: “https://localhost/mgmt/cm/access/working-config/apm/aaa/saml/724378f8-ef15-397d-8efc-4e3fd5a11d20”.
                name string Name of configuration.
                partition string Partition of configuration reference. For example: “Common”.
     deviceGroupReference object Link of device group reference
          link string URL of device group. For example: “https://localhost/mgmt/shared/resolver/device-groups/default-access-group


Role Allow
Admin Yes

