DNS Self Service


Use the DNS Self Service API to create and check the status of tasks to enable or disable DNS objects, such as DNS listener, pool, server or DataCenter objects. You must create a data center, a server, and a listener before you can answer any DNS queries or establish a DNS sync group. If you are an owner of a enterprise technology application, you may want to use the DNS Self Service API when deploying a Global Server Load Balancing (GSLB) configuration. This API can enable you to deploy a GSLB configuration without having to access the deployment screen in the UI, which can reduce overhead and allow faster changes to the DNS configuration.

Note that some objects can be for a specific BIG-IP, whereas other objects can be for a synchronization group.

REST Endpoint: /mgmt/cm/dns/tasks/self-service


POST /mgmt/cm/dns/tasks/self-service

To create a task to enable or disable a DNS listener or a DataCenter object, you can send a POST request to the tasks/self-service endpoint.

Request Parameters

The JSON in the body of the POST request can contain the following parameters.

Name Type Required Description
name string True Name of the task
resourceReference object True Reference link to the resource for self service. It can point to an object in DNS working-config
     link string True URL
operation string True Possible values: “enable” or “disable”.

Query Parameters



The JSON in the response can contain the following parameters.

HTTP/1.1 200 OK

Name Type Description
id string The UUID identifier of the task.
name string Name of the task
status string The status of the task. The task’s status in the initial response to the POST request can be “STARTED”. To poll for an updated status of the task you can send repeated GET requests to the task’s selfLink. Possible status values: “CREATED”, “STARTED”, “CANCEL_REQUESTED”, “CANCELED”, “FAILED” or “FINISHED”.
selfLink string The URL to access the endpoint of this task directly.
operation string Specifies whether this task enables or disables the object. Possible values: “enable” or “disable”.
customOptions object Custom properties and options.
     customProperties object Properties object for sub-tasks
          <selfLink URL of parent task> object The UUID identifier for the BIG-IP targeted by the request.
               childTaskList object List of URLs to access the child tasks directly.
     optionsForTroubleshooting object Options for troubleshooting
userReference object The user that initiated the task.
     link string URL for the user
ownerMachineId string In a high-availability environment, the machineId of the host running the task.
resourceReference object Reference link to the resource for self service
     link string URL for the resource
identityReferences object References to users provided as links.
     link string URL for user


Role Allow
admin Yes
Application_Editor Yes
DNS_Viewer No
DNS_Deployer Yes
Service_Catalog_Viewer No
DNS_Editor Yes
Service_Catalog_Editor Yes
Application_Manager Yes
Application_Viewer No
Trust_Discovery_Import Yes
DNS_Manager Yes

GET /mgmt/cm/dns/tasks/self-service/{task_id}

To retrieve information about a task, you can send a GET request specified by the task’s identifier, id.

Request Parameters


Query Parameters



The JSON in the GET response can look similar to the response from the POST request.


Role Allow
admin Yes
Application_Editor Yes
DNS_Viewer Yes
DNS_Deployer Yes
Service_Catalog_Viewer Yes
DNS_Editor Yes
Service_Catalog_Editor Yes
Application_Manager Yes
Application_Viewer Yes
Trust_Discovery_Import Yes
DNS_Manager Yes

GET /mgmt/cm/dns/tasks/self-service/{sub_task_id}

To retrieve information about a task, you can send a GET request specified by the sub task’s identifier, id.

Request Parameters


Query Parameters



The JSON in the response can contain the following parameters.

HTTP/1.1 200 OK

Name Type Description
id string The UUID identifier of the sub-task.
name string Name of the sub-task
status string The status of the parent task. The task’s status in the initial response to the POST request can be “STARTED”. To poll for an updated status of the task you can send repeated GET requests to the task’s selfLink. Possible status values: “CREATED”, “STARTED”, “CANCEL_REQUESTED”, “CANCELED”, “FAILED” or “FINISHED”.
selfLink string The URL to access the endpoint of the sub-task directly.
operation string Specifies whether this task enables or disables the object. Possible values: “enable” or “disable”.
customOptions object Custom properties and options.
     customProperties object Properties object for sub-tasks
          parentTask object URL of the parent task
     optionsForTroubleshooting object Options for troubleshooting
startDateTime string Date and time the task was started. For example, “2020-09-09T09:33:48.745-0700”
userReference object The user that initiated the task.
     link string URL for the user
ownerMachineId string In a high-availability environment, the machineId of the host running the task.
deviceReference object Reference link to the BIG-IP
     link string URL for the BIG-IP
resourceReference object Reference link to the resource for self service
     link string URL for the resource
identityReferences object References to users provided as links.
     link string URL for user


Role Allow
Application_Editor Yes
DNS_Viewer Yes
DNS_Deployer Yes
Service_Catalog_Viewer Yes
DNS_Editor Yes
Service_Catalog_Editor Yes
Application_Manager Yes
Application_Viewer Yes
Trust_Discovery_Import Yes
DNS_Manager Yes


POST to enable or disable a DNS listener or DataCenter object

The following example sends a POST request to enable or disable a DNS listener or DataCenter object.

POST https://<BIG-IQ>/mgmt/mgmt/cm/dns/tasks/self-service

The JSON in the body of the POST can look similar to the following example. The value of operation can be “enable” or “disable”. The value of link in the resourceReference field can be the of an object in the DNS working-config.

    "name": "myTest01",
    "resourceReference": {
            "link": "https://localhost/mgmt/cm/dns/working-config/listener/ae1f274f-8e04-3ac6-821b-3158eec4b231"
    "operation": "enable"


The response to the POST can contain the id, selfLink and status of the task. The initial value of status can be “STARTED” the initial value of step can be “INITIAL”. The JSON in the body of the initial response to the POST can look similar to the following.

    "id": "5ba55f57-dbb1-4fdd-a216-05d822e71d49",
    "kind": "cm:dns:tasks:self-service:selfservicetaskitemstate",
    "name": "test-359",
    "status": "STARTED",
    "selfLink": "https://localhost/mgmt/cm/dns/tasks/self-service/5ba55f57-dbb1-4fdd-a216-05d822e71d49",
    "operation": "enable",
    "generation": 10,
    "customOptions": {
            "customProperties": {
                    "https://localhost/mgmt/cm/dns/tasks/self-service/5ba55f57-dbb1-4fdd-a216-05d822e71d49": {
                            "step": "INITIAL",
                            "childTaskList": [
            "optionsForTroubleshooting": {}
    "userReference": {
            "link": "https://localhost/mgmt/shared/authz/users/admin"
    "ownerMachineId": "a8fa253b-5b29-49b7-9be1-b54d772681bd",
    "lastUpdateMicros": 1599669231945366,
    "resourceReference": {
            "link": "https://localhost/mgmt/cm/dns/working-config/datacenter/eb8c1e48-eb8a-30bf-91e0-e7152cd4ed27"
    "identityReferences": [{
            "link": "https://localhost/mgmt/shared/authz/users/admin"

You can then poll to check for completion of the task by sending repeated GET requests to the endpoint specified by id until the value of status in the response changes to “FINISHED” and the value of step changes to “DONE”. For this example, the placeholder {id} for the task can be replaced by the value 5ba55f57-dbb1-4fdd-a216-05d822e71d49.

GET https://<BIG-IQ>/mgmt/cm/dns/tasks/self-service/{id}

Note that in a sync-group workflow, BIG-IQ can launch multiple sub-tasks to perform a series of actions. The URL links to these sub-tasks are specified by the values in the childTaskList array. To get the status of a sub-task, you can send a GET request to the URL which specifies the child task.

For example, to get the status of the first child task in the list, the GET

GET https://<BIG-IQ>/mgmt/cm/dns/tasks/self-service/35604227-ddb5-49d5-b2bd-2917ae255035

The JSON in the body of the response to the GET can look similar to the following.

    "id": "35604227-ddb5-49d5-b2bd-2917ae255035",
    "kind": "cm:dns:tasks:self-service:selfservicetaskitemstate",
    "name": "test-359-child-1",
    "status": "FINISHED",
    "selfLink": "https://localhost/mgmt/cm/dns/tasks/self-service/35604227-ddb5-49d5-b2bd-2917ae255035",
    "username": "admin",
    "operation": "enable",
    "generation": 2,
    "endDateTime": "2020-09-09T09:33:51.828-0700",
    "customOptions": {
            "customProperties": {
                    "parentTask": "https://localhost/mgmt/cm/dns/tasks/self-service/5ba55f57-dbb1-4fdd-a216-05d822e71d49"
            "optionsForTroubleshooting": {}
    "startDateTime": "2020-09-09T09:33:48.745-0700",
    "userReference": {
            "link": "https://localhost/mgmt/shared/authz/users/admin"
    "ownerMachineId": "a8fa253b-5b29-49b7-9be1-b54d772681bd",
    "deviceReference": {
            "link": "https://localhost/mgmt/shared/resolver/device-groups/cm-dns-allBigIpDevices/devices/a92dd6ca-498d-4a25-b3b8-f92b174c4493"
    "lastUpdateMicros": 1599669231880330,
    "resourceReference": {
            "link": "https://localhost/mgmt/cm/dns/working-config/datacenter/eb8c1e48-eb8a-30bf-91e0-e7152cd4ed27"
    "identityReferences": [{
            "link": "https://localhost/mgmt/shared/authz/users/admin"