Venafi Generate CSR


Use the Venafi Generate CSR API to generate a certificate signing request (CSR) to send to Venafi. You are required to use this API if using “User Provided CSR” policy.

REST Endpoint: /mgmt/cm/adc-core/tasks/certificate-management


POST /mgmt/cm/adc-core/tasks/certificate-management

Send a POST to the endpoint to generate a CSR for Venafi.

Request Parameters

Name Type Required Description
format string True Certificate information
issuer string True Certificate information
caProvider string True The certificate authority provider. Possible values: “Let’s Encrypt” and “Venafi”.
itemName string True Certificate information
itemPartition string True Certificate information
durationInDays number True Certificate information
country string True Country of origin
commonName string True Certificate information
policyFolderName string True Certificate information
division string True Division of origin
organization string True Organization of origin
locality string True Locality of origin
state string True State of origin
policyFolder string True For example, “\VED\Policy\Certificates\Big IQ\Venafi Generated CSR”
securityType string True Certificate information
keyType string True Cryptography algorithm. Possible value: “RSA”
keySize string True Size of the cryptography key. For example: 2048.
disableDSA boolean True Certificate information
checkComplexity boolean True Certificate information
minPasswordLength number True Minimum length of password
keyPassphrase string True Passphrase for Key Encryption
confirmedKeyPassphrase string True Passphrase for Key Encryption
administratorEmail string False Administrator’s email address
challengePassword string True Challenge password
confirmedChallengePassword string True Challenge password
thirdPartyCa object True Certificate information
     policyFolder string True Folder containing policyFolder
     issuer string True Policy information
     caProvider string True The certificate authority provider. Possible values: “Let’s Encrypt” and “Venafi”.
command string True To generate a csr the value can be “GENERATE_CSR”.

Query Parameters



The JSON in the POST’s response can include the following parameters.

HTTP/1.1 200 OK

Name Type Required
command string To generate a csr the value can be “GENERATE_CSR”.
itemName string Certificate information
itemPartition string Certificate information
keyType string Cryptography algorithm. Possible value: “RSA”
keySize string Size of the cryptography key. For example: 2048.
keyPassphrase string Passphrase for Key Encryption
commonName string Certificate information
division string Division of origin
organization string Organization of origin
locality string Locality of origin
state string State of origin
country string Country of origin
durationInDays number Certificate information
administratorEmail string Administrator’s email address
challengePassword string Challenge password
thirdPartyCa object Certificate information
     policyFolder string Certificate information
     issuer string Certificate information
     caProvider string The certificate authority provider. Possible values: “Let’s Encrypt” and “Venafi”.
id string Certificate information
status string Certificate information
userReference object Certificate information
     link string URL for user
identityReferences object Certificate information
     link string URL for user
ownerMachineId string UUID
selfLink string URL of task


Role Allow
admin Yes
Certificate Editor/Viewer Yes


POST to generates a csr for Venafi

The following example of a POST to generate a certificate signing request for Venafi.

POST https://<BIG-IQ>/mgmt/cm/adc-core/tasks/certificate-management

The JSON in the body of the POST can look similar to the following example.

    "format": "PKCS #12",
    "issuer": "Venafi_18.3_Server",
    "caProvider": "Venafi",
    "itemName": "TestVenafi1.csr",
    "itemPartition": "Common",
    "durationInDays": 365,
    "country": "US",
    "commonName": "TestCommonName",
    "policyFolderName": "",
    "division": "F5 org unit",
    "organization": "F5 org",
    "locality": "Seattle",
    "state": "Washington",
    "policyFolder": "\\VED\\Policy\\Certificates\\Big IQ\\Venafi Generated CSR",
    "securityType": "password",
    "keyType": "RSA",
    "keySize": 2048,
    "disableDSA": true,
    "checkComplexity": true,
    "minPasswordLength": 12,
    "keyPassphrase": "<Passphrase for Key Encryption>",
    "confirmedKeyPassphrase": "<Passphrase for Key Encryption>",
    "administratorEmail": "",
    "challengePassword": "",
    "confirmedChallengePassword": "",
    "thirdPartyCa": {
            "policyFolder": "\\VED\\Policy\\Certificates\\Big IQ\\Venafi Generated CSR",
            "issuer": "Venafi_18.3_Server",
            "caProvider": "Venafi"
    "command": "GENERATE_CSR"


HTTP/1.1 200 OK

    "command": "GENERATE_CSR",
    "itemName": "TestVenafi1.csr",
    "itemPartition": "Common",
    "keyType": "RSA",
    "keySize": 2048,
    "keyPassphrase": "<Passphrase for Key Encryption>",
    "commonName": "TestCommonName",
    "division": "F5 org unit",
    "organization": "F5 org",
    "locality": "Seattle",
    "state": "Washington",
    "country": "US",
    "durationInDays": 365,
    "administratorEmail": "",
    "challengePassword": "",
    "thirdPartyCa": {
            "policyFolder": "\\VED\\Policy\\Certificates\\Big IQ\\Venafi Generated CSR",
            "issuer": "Venafi_18.3_Server",
            "caProvider": "Venafi"
    "id": "547bc73d-a37f-4200-8ede-fcca6c2f62be",
    "status": "STARTED",
    "userReference": {
            "link": "https://localhost/mgmt/shared/authz/users/admin"
    "identityReferences": [{
            "link": "https://localhost/mgmt/shared/authz/users/admin"
    "ownerMachineId": "f4d42871-2083-4515-9d2d-f7bef0ff2618",
    "taskWorkerGeneration": 1,
    "generation": 1,
    "lastUpdateMicros": 1595505633866457,
    "kind": "cm:adc-core:tasks:certificate-management:certmgmttaskstate",
    "selfLink": "https://localhost/mgmt/cm/adc-core/tasks/certificate-management/547bc73d-a37f-4200-8ede-fcca6c2f62be"