HTTP Methods

This section contains the current HTTP methods available with BIG-IP AS3. For detailed information on each option, click the link at the end of the paragraph.


To send your declaration to BIG-IP AS3, use the POST method to the URI https://<BIG-IP>/mgmt/shared/appsvcs/declare and put your declaration in the body of the post (after authentication). If successful, you see a success message, and the system echoes your declaration back to you. In addition to deploying a declaration, POST supports more actions, like reporting a previous declaration (useful with remote targets since GET may only have localhost credentials) or returning the index of saved declarations. For more information and usage options (including detailed information on actions), see Method POST


You can use the GET method to retrieve the declarations you previously sent to BIG-IP AS3. Use the GET method to the URI https://<BIG-IP>/mgmt/shared/appsvcs/declare. Only declarations you create in BIG-IP AS3 return, GET does not return anything that was not created by BIG-IP AS3. For more information and usage options, see Method GET, including changes in 3.10.0 for the /task endpoint.


You can use the DELETE method to remove declarations you previously posted. To delete all tenants you created with BIG-IP AS3, use the DELETE method to the URI https://<BIG-IP>/mgmt/shared/appsvcs/declare. To delete individual tenants, use the DELETE method to the URI https://<BIG-IP>/mgmt/shared/appsvcs/declare/<tenant name>. For more information and usage options, see Method DELETE


You can use the PATCH method to modify the configuration produced by a previously-sent declaration without having to resend the entire declaration. For information on PATCH, see (BIG-IP AS3 does not support the test operation object).
Use the PATCH method to the URI https://<BIG-IP>/mgmt/shared/appsvcs/declare.
In the request body, use the following example syntax (see the PATCH operation objects table for examples), as some operations include from and do not include value, for details be sure to see Method PATCH

        "op": "<operation object>",
        "path": "<path with JSON pointer>",
        "value": "<value to assign to object in the path>"

For example, to add a server address:

        "op": "add",
        "path": "/tenant1/app1/pool1/members/0/serverAddresses/3",
        "value": ""

The result? For a tenant named tenant1, within an application named app1, for the member of pool1 (at index 0), this adds a new server IP address with a value of (as the 4th entry in the serverAddress array; use a - (dash) in place of a number if order in the array isn’t important).
For more information and usage options (including detailed information on acceptable operation objects), see Method PATCH