Enforcement_Format_Script (object)

Specifies a script using TCL syntax that defines a custom format for HSL reporting applied in an enforcement policy rule. The format and fields available differ depending on whether you are using session-based or flow-based reporting in the rule.

Properties (* = required):

name type(s) default allowed values description
class* string   “Enforcement_Format_Script”  
definition string     TCL script text
label string   “^[^x00-x1fx22#&*<>?x5b-x5d`x7f]*$” Optional friendly name for this object. Allows 0-64 chars, excluding a few likely to cause trouble with string searching, JS, TCL, or HTML
remark string   “^[^x00-x1fx22x5cx7f]*$” Arbitrary (brief) text pertaining to this object. Allows 0-64 chars, excluding only control characters, double-quote, and backslash. This is permissive enough that you should worry about XSS attacks