GSLB_Topology_Records (object)

Defines GSLB Topology records

Properties (* = required):

name type(s) default allowed values description
class* string   “GSLB_Topology_Records”  
label string   “^[^x00-x1fx22#&*<>?x5b-x5d`x7f]*$” Optional friendly name for this object. Allows 0-64 chars, excluding a few likely to cause trouble with string searching, JS, TCL, or HTML
longestMatchEnabled boolean true true, false Enables the algorithm that requires the system to evaluate all records in the topology statement and use the record that most completely matches the source IP address of the name resolution request. If true, the order of the records as they appear in the array will not be preserved
records* array     Specifies the actual device(s) that are represented by this server object

GSLB_Topology_Record (object)

Properties (* = required):

name type(s) default allowed values description
destination* object     Specifies where the system directs the incoming DNS request
source* object     Specifies the origination section of the topology record, the local DNS
weight integer 1 0 - 4294967295 Specifies the weight for the topology record. The system load balances to the server object and DNS that matches the record with the highest topology weight

GSLB_Topology_Record.destination (object)

Specifies where the system directs the incoming DNS request

Properties (* = required):

name type(s) default allowed values description
matchOperator string “equals” “equals”, “not-equals” Specifies the operation to perform a match. Default value is equals (matches)
matchType* string   “continent”, “country”, “datacenter”, “geoip-isp”, “isp”, “pool”, “region”, “state”, “subnet” Specifies the type/category of match to perform
matchValue* string, object     Specifies the value to match

GSLB_Topology_Record.destination.matchValue (string, object)

Specifies the value to match

GSLB_Topology_Record.source (object)

Specifies the origination section of the topology record, the local DNS

Properties (* = required):

name type(s) default allowed values description
matchOperator string “equals” “equals”, “not-equals” Specifies the operation to perform a match. Default value is equals (matches)
matchType* string   “continent”, “country”, “datacenter”, “geoip-isp”, “isp”, “pool”, “region”, “state”, “subnet” Specifies the type/category of match to perform
matchValue* string, object     Specifies the value to match

GSLB_Topology_Record.source.matchValue (string, object)

Specifies the value to match