Document Revision History

Doc Revision Description Date
7.0 Documentation for the community-supported release of ACC, version 1.16
This release contains the following:

* Added support for PostgreSQL Monitors
* Added handling to remove invalid declaration refs

* Improved handling when Common is empty
* Fixed ltm traffic-matching-criteria fields
* Removed proxyCaCert, proxyCaKey and proxyCaPassphrase from TLS_Server
* Removed TLS_Client.trustCA if value is none
* Improved passphrase handling for Monitor class
* Improved handling when L4_Profile.keepAliveInterval is disabled
* Improved handling for HTTP_Profile.knownMethods when parser returns an object

* Use @f5devcentral/f5-teem package for usage analytics
* Revise safetyNet into safeMode (disables post-conversion processing)
6.0 Documentation for the community-supported release of ACC, version 1.15.1
This release contains the following:

* Hotfix to disable legacy analytics module
5.0 Documentation for the community-supported release of ACC, version 1.15.0
This release contains the following:

* Added detection for properties encrypted with SecureVault
* Handle Service references to Service_Address objects
* Added protocol-to-port number mapping
* Added support for rejectVlans on Services

* Fixed certificate reference logic for individual certs
* Improve stability when removing default values
* Improve handling for TLS_Server properties
* Handle unprefixed profile paths

* Handle strings in Firewall_Port_List
* Persist comments when converting TCL or HTML to base64
* Convert UCS in-memory
4.0 Documentation for the community-supported release of ACC, version 1.14.0
This release contains the following:

* Add support for http2 monitor
* Add Windows line endings support for config files
* Support quoted strings with special charecters as Data_Group records values
* Add support for Declarative Onboarding (DO) classes (experimental/beta)

* Virtual addresses duplicated in a virtual server
3.0 Documentation for the community-supported release of ACC, version 1.13.0
This release contains the following:

* Support waf type for Endpoint_Policy
* Exit gracefully when file cannot be written

* Incorrect use of /Shared reference for certificates under TLS_Server
* policyEndpoint references missing Application class name
* Renaming duplicated object’s name results in invalid declaration
* Nonexistent property for Service_Generic: vlansEnabled
* Enforcement_Profile property connectionOptimizationService value: none is invalid

* Use node:14-alpine docker base image
2.0 Documentation for the community-supported release of ACC, version 1.12.0
This release contains the following:

* Use logger package instead of console.log
* Allow files up to 1GB to be processed by the REST API

* GitHub Issue 23 Fix AS3 schema parsing for Service_Forwarding class
* Do not attach persistenceMethods to the Service_Forwarding class
* GitHub Issue 24 Fix certificate reference path for the TLS_Server
1.0 Documentation for the community-supported release of ACC, version 1.11.0
This release contains the following:

* AS3 doesn’t recognize ltm monitors

* Fixed detection of Service_HTTPS redirect80 setting and hide redundant Service_HTTP redirect
* ACC doesn’t like the ltm pool /tenant_2/application_2/Pool due to monitor min 1
* Incorrect use of /Common/Shared/snat-pool
* HTTPS cert/key/chain reference missing in the ACC output due to /Common/Shared
* Github Issue #18): ACC returns an empty certificate object for certificates other than default one
* Remark field should match format “f5remark”
* AWS Service Discovery not getting detected by ACC

* Hide default AS3 values by default, use showExtended option to show defaults