Class: RestWorker([options])

The base object, which is mixed in the custom worker. When any worker is loaded an instance of that worker is mixed-in with RestWorker, not inherited. The restnoded framework makes calls to functions in RestWorker. If the function is defined in the custom user worker then that function is called rather then the function implemented on this object.

Name Required Type Default Value Description
options N Object   collection of properties to be applied to RestWorker
options.eventChannel N EventEmitter   pub/sub event channel
options.availabilityMonitor N AvailabilityMonitor   object used to verify other workers are available
options.restOperationFactory N RestOperationFactory   factory class used to create RestOperations to send http
options.restRequestSender N Object module:restRequestSender object with functions to help send restOperations
options.restHelper N Object   object with commonly used restWorker functions
options.wellKnownPorts N Object   object with commonly used constant values
options.restUtil N Object   object with commonly used functions
options.url N Object   nodejs url object @see {@link}

RestWorker Members

(instance) -> API_STATUS

Set of values allowed by the apiStatus property of a rest worker when marked as public. Optionally, use to mark the readiness status of an API. This method is used by F5 to generate self-describing APIs, and enable developers to check the status of an API


// mark this particular myWorker API as 'internal only'
myWorker.onStart = function(success) {
  this.apiStatus = this.API_STATUS.INTERNAL_ONLY;

(instance) -> logger

logger implements logging function


// log an informational and a severe message
MyWorker.prototype.OnGet = function(success, error) {"info message");
   this.logger.severe("severe message");

(instance) -> this

User configuation properties of the RestWorker instance.

Name Type Value Description
isPersisted boolean false Enable persistence on RestWorker state. Persisted workers should use completeRestOperation with body set to state to update the storage. Persisted state should include selfLink and generation. When it is not included, framework will initialize selfLink based on worker URI and generation to 0.
isInMemory boolean false Stores persisted data to in memory only. Requires isPersisted to be true.
isStateRequiredOnStart boolean false Enable loading persisted state from storage during start-up. This is applicable only for persisted workers. Persisted workers that does not load state during start-up can load the state on demand using loadState function. Replication and indexing of persisted state is not yet supported.
isPassThrough boolean false Enable worker URL routing as passthrough.
isPublic boolean false Boolean flag indicating whether the worker has public visibility.
isPostIdempotent boolean false Allow idempotent POST for collections.
apiStatus RestWorker#API_STATUS RestWorker.API_STATUS.NO_STATUS The F5 API LifeCycle state for this resource.
isHelperWorker boolean false Boolean flag indicating whether the worker is designated as a helper module.
uri String   The url the resource is to be accessed at.
dependencies Array false Array containing external worker dependencies.
isSingleton boolean false Indicates if the worker is a single document.
odataAdapterLink String this.wellKnownPorts.ODATA_NODE_ADAPTER_URI Set the default adapter for odata workers


function MyWorker (){
  this.isPersisted = true;
  this.isPassThrough = true;
  this.apiStatus = this.API_STATUS.GA;

RestWorker Methods

(instance) -> onStart(success, error)

First event fired as worker is being loaded. At this point the worker is “unavailable”. The worker will become available after dependent workers are available, and state has been loaded (if worker is persisted)

Name Required Type Default Value Description
success Y function   Function called when onStart is successfully complete.
error Y function   Function called when onStart encounters an error.

(instance) -> onStartCompleted(success, error, state, errMsg)

Second event fired after dependencies are met and state has been loaded from /shared/storage. If the worker.isPersisted or worker.isStateRequiredOnStart is false state will be undefined. User need not implement this function unless custom worker wants to use loaded state or need to run specific logic when dependencies are available.

Name Required Type Default Value Description
success Y function   Function called when onStartCompleted successfully completes. The helper worker /available is registered after this and the url for this worker will handle HTTP events.
error Y function   Function called when onStartCompleted encounters an error.
state Y Object   State object loaded from storage.
errMsg Y (Object|null)   Error message from loading state.


MyWorker.prototype.onStartCompleted = function(success, error, loadedState, errorMsg) {
  if (errorMsg) {
    error("EchoWorker error loading state on start: ", errorMsg);

(instance) -> onShutDown()

The onShutDown function andles situation when server shuts this worker down. The following actions take place when called - - Unregisters all the helper path, such as /available - Unregisters sits subscribers - Unregisters from index worker - Unregisters the public uri

(instance) -> loadState(workerUri, callback)

Loads state.


// load state on start of the get operation (set into this.state previosuly)
SkeletonWorker.prototype.onGet = function(restOperation) {
  var oThis = this;
 // Instead of returning what is in memory manually load the state
  // from storage using helper provided by restWorker and send that
  // in response
      function (err, state) {
          if (err) {
              oThis.logger.warning("[SkeletonWorker] error loading state: %s", err.message);

(instance) -> saveState(workerUri, state, callback)

Saves state. Sets metadata if missing, bumps up generation, and set lastUpdateMicros to now.

(instance) -> deleteState(workerUri, callback)

Deletes state.

(instance) -> getUri()

get url

Type Description

(instance) -> isHelper()

returns true if worker instance is a helper worker a helper worker is typically a uri attached to WORKER_URI an example of a helper worker are /available or /example

Type Description
Boolean true if is a helper worker

(instance) -> completeRestOperation(restOperation, [callback])

helper method to help complete the restOperation or initiate state modifying workflow this is normally done before returning a response to a REST request

Name Required Type Default Value Description
restOperation Y RestOperation   restOperation request to be completed.
callback N function   function invoked once restOperation is completed.


MyWorker.prototype.onGet = function(restOperation) {
  var oThis = this;
  if (this.state.unknown) { // some condition
     restOperation.setBody({Unknown: "Yes"); // set the body to a fixed state
     this.completeRestOperation(restOperation); // and return this body

(instance) -> completeRequest(request, statusCode)

Completes the incoming request with the give status code

Name Required Type Default Value Description
request Y RestOperation   The RestOperation object used to complete the request.
statusCode Y integer   The HTTP status code to use for the completed RestOperation.


MyWorker.prototype.onGet = function(restOperation) {
  var oThis = this;
  if (this.state.acceptOnly) { // some condition
    // return STATUS_ACCEPTED
    this.completeRequest(restOperation, this.wellKnownPorts.STATUS_ACCEPTED);

(instance) -> getExampleState()

Called when the /example helper is invoked. To use, call the function return with desired example JSON.

Type Description
boolean something nonsesnical.


RestWorker.prototype.getExampleState = function() {
   return {
       content: "sample data",
       integerContent: 1,
       stage: stageEnumValues[0]

(instance) -> setPresentationHtmlFilepath(htmlFilepath)

Sets the presentation HTML file path. All presentation files are located under a directory with the installed package’s name. Example: /f5-iAppsLX-hello-world/hi.html

Name Required Type Default Value Description
htmlFilepath Y String   Path to the html file


function MyWorker(options) {

(instance) -> getPresentationHtmlFilepath()

Returns the HTML presentation file path

Type Description