Deprecating functionality

Deprecating modules

F5 sometimes deprecates modules. Before the modules go away, you should have enough time to upgrade to a new version of Ansible.

New releases of Ansible happen approximately once per quarter.

With this in mind, the following process should allow you between three and six months to upgrade your Ansible installation to the new code.

If you miss this timeframe, you can upgrade incrementally (2.1 -> 2.2 -> 2.3) instead of upgrading directly to the latest version and, in the process, test that the incremental versions work with your playbooks.

Deprecation process

Here is a sample deprecation process:

  • 2.0 - version to deprecate
  • 2.1 - deprecated version
  • 2.2 - version with deprecated feature removed

During the second release, you MUST insert adequate warnings for the user to see. Ansible highlights warning messages so that they’re more visible than regular messages.

Raise deprecated warnings

To raise warnings about deprecated functionality, add the following method to your ModuleManager class.

def _announce_deprecations(self, result):
    warnings = result.pop('__warnings', [])
    for warning in warnings:

Additionally, you should call that method when you collect the changes to report to the user. For example:

changes = self.changes.to_return()
return result

And finally, you should populate the __warnings key of your changes attribute as needed.

For example, in the bigip_gtm_wide_ip module, the lb_method property uses this code when it sees you are using a deprecated option.

For example:

if self._values['__warnings'] is None:
    self._values['__warnings'] = []
            msg='The provided lb_method is deprecated',

The changes attribute is typically updated during the call to _update_changed_options, during update, or _set_changed_options during create.

If your module needs to detect changes outside of those two general methods, you should do so inside of the should_update method.


To do your own ad-hoc detection inside of should_update, you must overload the base classes’ method. If you do this, you should decide whether or not it is still necessary to call the base classes’ method during the call to your overloaded method.

With that in place, you will find yourself with warning messages raised by Ansible when you use the deprecated functionality.

Deprecating parameters

Below is an excerpt that shows how you might deprecate an option you no longer want to use. You may do this for a number of reasons, but in most cases it is because the original name does not make sense in the context you’re using it in.

For example, you might have named the original option rules, when the more appropriate name for the option would have been irules.


Ansible allows for aliasing of options so that specifying one is equivalent to specifying another. This is not the situation that we are referring to here. It is still perfectly acceptable to use option aliases if you want to. These guidelines are for when you specifically want to remove options that are presumably already in use.

Here is a sample ArgumentSpec from the version where we made the mistake. Let’s assume we made this mistake in version 2.0.

class ArgumentSpec(object):
    def __init__(self):
        self.supports_check_mode = True
        self.argument_spec = dict(
        self.f5_product_name = 'bigip'

Now, we wish to deprecate that option name. In version 2.1 of Ansible, we would do something like this:

class ArgumentSpec(object):
    def __init__(self):
        self.supports_check_mode = True
        self.argument_spec = dict(
        self.f5_product_name = 'bigip'

Additionally, we would include the warnings necessary to make the user aware that they are using deprecated functionality (the rules option).

Finally, during the release cycle of Ansible 2.2, we would want to change our spec to look like this:

class ArgumentSpec(object):
    def __init__(self):
        self.supports_check_mode = True
        self.argument_spec = dict(
        self.f5_product_name = 'bigip'

This removes the deprecated functionality.

Also, do not forget to remove any mention of the deprecation inside the actual module code. We don’t want the legacy code to stick around. This helps keep technical debt at bay.

Deprecating choices

When functionality is deprecated, it may be necessary to raise warnings to the user.

Normally, you do deprecations in the ArgumentSpec. For example, when you use removed_in_version:


This is only relevant when the parameter itself is deprecated.

Sometimes the parameter is a list of choices and the choices themselves are deprecated.

For example, consider the following parameter:

    choices=['foo_1', 'bar_2', 'baz_3']

You may need to deprecate the values themselves in favor of other values.

    choices=['foo-1', 'bar-2', 'baz-3']

This may seem like a simple thing that you could add code to fix, but doing so would increase technical debt.

Mapping old values to new values is a candidate for deprecation.

Custom deprecations

To announce deprecations, you can use the removed_in_version field mentioned previously, but your module can also raise more customized deprecations.

To do this, begin by amending the __init__ method of your Parameters class to define a __warnings variable.

class Parameters(AnsibleF5Parameters):
    def __init__(self, params=None):
        super(Parameters, self).__init__(params)
        self._values['__warnings'] = []

Next, add a new method to the ModuleManager, or, class-specific manager (such as those used when forking logic, like bigip_gtm_pool).

The definition of this method is:

def _announce_deprecations(self):
    warnings = []
    if self.want:
        warnings += self.want._values.get('__warnings', [])
    if self.have:
        warnings += self.have._values.get('__warnings', [])
    for warning in warnings:

The third and final step is to actually make use of the deprecation code that you set up previously. To do that, you want to append to the aforementioned __warnings field.

For example:

if lb_method in deprecated.keys():
    if self._values['__warnings'] is None:
        self._values['__warnings'] = []
                msg='The provided lb_method is deprecated',