
The Parameters topic is more broad than just a single class. Therefore, in this section, only the Parameters base class will be discussed. There are concrete classes that inherit from this base class and they are discussed in the sections listed below.

The Parameters base class

Each module has a class named Parameters. This class is a base class for the more specialized ApiParameters and ModuleParameters classes. The purpose of this base class is to provide functionality and data that is used in both of the specialized classes.

The Parameters classes implementation is a little boiler plate mixed with several module-specific changes. This means that for this tutorial (and for any custom modules that you may write in the future) it is almost certain that you will be changing parts of it.

For the tutorial’s module, please refer to this link for the correct source code for the module’s Parameters class. Replicate this implementation in the tutorial’s module.

The Parameters class boilerplate

The implementation of the Parameters class contains some boilerplate code. Let’s look at that boilerplate and what it means.

The top-of-class variables

Each Parameters class defines several class variables.

Variable Purpose
api_map This is a dictionary (use { ... } form) that maps API Parameter attribute names to property names used internally by the module. This functions as a quick way for the module developer to define a series of property variables that require no form of manipulation when they are received from the API. There are many resource attributes that play well with the user of the API, but they vary from API to API.
api_attributes This is a list of attributes for the resource being modified as they are named in the API. This is used when generating the return value that the api_params method returns. Nearly every module should have this class parameter defined. The value of this list will vary with the module. name and partition attributes are not defined here.
updatables This is a list of attributes that should be updatable. The list contains internal attribute names; i.e., the property values that the developer uses within the module. This list is also used by the Difference class to determine which attributes should be compared during an update.
returnables This is a list of properties that you want to return to the user after the module finishes running. The names in this list are sent to the ReportableChanges class, as well as received back from that class (after appropriate formatting).

The top-of-class variables should always be defined (even if they are empty) because they are used through the module.

Common properties

This module’s Parameters class has several @property definitions included in it. These are not a requirement for all modules. Instead, putting the properties here allows those properties (and their return values) to be used in both the ApiParameters and ModuleParameters automatically.


Be sure to only put properties here that are 100% common to the API and Module parameters classes. Even a slight deviation in return values among code in the different parameters classes can cause issues.

Some of the common properties that this module has (but that others may not) are:

  • name
  • description
  • policy


The general Parameters should only be used for the things that are truly generic between the ApiParameters and ModuleParameters classes. The most common of these are the top-of-class variables. Links to deeper dives on the concrete classes are listed at the top of this topic. Use them as an introduction to those classes and their purpose in the module.