
The F5SPKVlan Custom Resource (CR) configures the Traffic Management Microkernel’s (TMM) network interfaces. The F5SPKVlan CR can set interface VLAN tags, Self IP addresses, the Maximum Transmission Size (MTU), and apply Open Virtual Network (OVN) annotations to the TMM Pod.

This document guides you through understanding, configuring and deploying a simple F5SPKVlan CR.

TMM replicas

When scaling the Service Proxy TMM Pod beyond a single instance in the Project, the spec.selfip_v4s and spec.selfip_v6s parameters must be configured to provide unique self IP addresses to each TMM replica. The first self IP address in the array is applied to the first TMM Pod, the second IP address to the second TMM Pod, continuing through the list.

Internal facing interfaces

TMM’s internal facing IP addresses must share the same subnet as the OpenShift nodes. Run the following command to determine the OpenShift node IP address subnet:

oc get nodes -o yaml | grep ipv4

In this example, the IPv4 addresses are in the subnet:

k8s.ovn.org/node-primary-ifaddr: '{"ipv4":"","ipv6":"2620:128:e008:4018::15/128"}'
k8s.ovn.org/node-primary-ifaddr: '{"ipv4":"","ipv6":"2620:128:e008:4018::16/128"}'
k8s.ovn.org/node-primary-ifaddr: '{"ipv4":"","ipv6":"2620:128:e008:4018::17/128"}'
k8s.ovn.org/node-primary-ifaddr: '{"ipv4":"","ipv6":"2620:128:e008:4018::18/128"}'
k8s.ovn.org/node-primary-ifaddr: '{"ipv4":"","ipv6":"2620:128:e008:4018::19/128"}'

OVN annotations

When the SPK Controller is installed and ICNI2 is enabled, OVN annotations are applied to the Service Proxy TMM Pod. OVN then uses SR-IOV and TMM’s internal interface as a gateway for all egress traffic in the Project. To specify TMM’s internal VLAN interface as the gateway, set the VLAN CR’s spec.internal parameter to true on the internal facing VLAN. When set, OVN builds a routing database using the following annotations:

  • k8s.ovn.org/routing-namespaces - Defines the Project for Pod egress network traffic.
  • k8s.ovn.org/routing-network - Defines the internal TMM VLAN to use as the gateway.

_images/spk_warn.png Important: Do not set OVN annotations on multiple internal VLAN interfaces within the same Project.


The CR spec parameters used to configure the Service Proxy TMM network interfaces are:

Parameter Description
name The name of the VLAN object in the TMM configuration.
tag The tagging ID applied to the VLAN object. Important: Do not set the OpenShift network attachment vlan parameter, use the CR tag parameter.
bonded Combine multiple interfaces into a single bonded interface (true/false). The default false (disabled).
interfaces One or more interfaces to associate with the VLAN object.
internal Enable Routing annotations for internal Pods (true/false). The default is false (disabled).This must be set on the internal VLAN, and can only be enabled on one VLAN.
selfip_v4s Specifies a list of IPv4 Self IP addresses associated with the VLAN. Each TMM replica receives an IP address in the element order.
prefixlen_v4 The IPv4 address subnet mask.
selfip_v6s Specifies a list of IPv6 Self IP addresses associated with the VLAN. Each TMM replica receives an IP address in the element order.
prefixlen_v6 The IPv6 address subnet mask.
mtu Maximum transmission unit in bytes: (1500 to 8000). The default is 1500. Important: You must also set the SPK Controller TMM_DEFAULT_MTU parameter to the same value when modifying the default.
trunk_hash The hashing algorithm used to distribute packets across bonded interfaces. Options: src-dst-mac combines MAC addresses of the source and destination. dst-mac the MAC address of the destination. index combine ports of the source and the destination. src-dst-ipport combine IP addresses and ports of the source and the destination (default).
auto_lasthop Disables the auto last hop feature that sends return traffic to the MAC address transmitting the request: AUTO_LASTHOP_ENABLED, AUTO_LASTHOP_DISABLED or AUTO_LASTHOP_DEFAULT.
category Specifies a unique, user-defined category for the VLAN, for example; serverside or clientside. The category value can then be referenced by the F5SPKIngressTCP, F5SPKIngressUDP and F5SPKIngressNGAP SPK CRs to either allow or deny VLAN traffic.
allowed_services Specifies a list of protocols and the protocol service ports this VLAN accepts.
allowed_services.protocol Specifies the protocol traffic the VLAN accepts.
allowed_services.port Specifies the service port traffic the VLAN accepts.


Ensure you have:


Use the following steps to install an external and internal F5SPKVlan CR, and verify the Service Proxy TMM configuration.

  1. Copy the example CRs into a YAML file:

    Example external VLAN CR:

    apiVersion: "k8s.f5net.com/v1"
    kind: F5SPKVlan
      namespace: spk-ingress
      name: "vlan-external"
      name: external
      tag: 3805
      bonded: true
        - "1.1"
        - "1.2"
        - ""
        - ""
        - ""
      prefixlen_v4: 24
        - "aaaa::100"
        - "aaaa::101"
        - "aaaa::102"
      prefixlen_v6: 64
      mtu: 3000
      trunk_hash: src-dst-ipport
      auto_lasthop: "AUTO_LASTHOP_ENABLED"

    Example internal VLAN CR:

    apiVersion: "k8s.f5net.com/v1"
    kind: F5SPKVlan
      namespace: spk-ingress
      name: "vlan-internal"
      name: internal
      tag: 3805
      internal: true
        - "1.3"
        - "1.4"
        - ""
        - ""
        - ""
      prefixlen_v4: 24
        - "aaaa::100"
        - "aaaa::101"
        - "aaaa::102"
      prefixlen_v6: 64
      mtu: 3000
      trunk_hash: src-dst-ipport
      auto_lasthop: "AUTO_LASTHOP_DISABLED"
  2. Install the F5SPKVlan CRs:

    oc apply -f spk-int-vlan.yaml
    oc apply -f spk-ext-vlan.yaml
  3. To verify the self IP address, log in to the Service Proxy TMM container:

    In this example, TMM is installed in the spk-ingress Project:

    oc exec -it deploy/f5-tmm -n spk-ingress -- bash
  4. List the interfaces and grep for the spec.name value:

    In this example, the VLAN spec.name is internal and the self IP address is

    ip addr | grep -E 'internal|external'
    7: external: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 
        inet brd scope global external
    8: internal: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500
        inet brd scope global internal


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