Lab 2.12: AS3 Application Creation using GitLab CI/CD pipeline, Ansible and BIG-IQ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- .. note:: Estimated time to complete: **25 minutes** In this lab, we are going to use GitLab to store the BIG-IP configuration (AS3 declaration) and deploy it through BIG-IQ to BIG-IP using Ansible. We are leveraging a **CI/CD pipeline** in GitLab in order to make changes on the BIG-IP device. |gitlab-diagram-http| **Ansible** is an open-source software provisioning, configuration management, and application-deployment tool enabling infrastructure as code. **GitLab** is a web-based DevOps lifecycle tool that provides a Git-repository manager providing wiki, issue-tracking and continuous integration and deployment pipeline features. GitLab will keep track of the changes and control **user access** to the application service configuration of the F5 BIG-IP. We are using BIG-IQ to provide **visibility with enhanced analytics** (HTTP/TCP) to the DevOps/Application owner. This lab will be using the following F5 Ansible Galaxy roles: - `atc_deploy`_ **ansible Role**: Allows AS3 declaration to be sent to `automation tool chain`_ service. - `bigiq_move_app_dashboard`_ **ansible Role**: Move Application Service(s) in BIG-IQ Application Dashboard. .. _atc_deploy: .. _bigiq_move_app_dashboard: .. _automation tool chain: .. include:: /accesslab.rst Workflow ^^^^^^^^ 1. Start GitLab and create new a project 2. Clone gitlab project and deploy AS3 HTTP application service to a BIG-IP through BIG-IQ 3. Infrastructure as code: add a new pool member to the AS3 app service through GitLab Start GitLab and create new a project ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 1. Connect via ``SSH`` or ``Web Shell`` to the system *Ubuntu Lamp Server*. *(if you use the Web Shell, login as f5student first: su - f5student)*. 2. Execute the following commands:: ./gitlab/ 3. Wait ~10 min to open GitLab web UI from the lab environment. Click on the *ACCESS* button of the **Ubuntu Lamp Server** system and click on *GitLab*. The login/password is ``root/purple123``. Or open ``http://localhost:7002`` from Google Chrome browser in the Jumphost. .. note:: You can check GitLab status with ``docker exec gitlab_gitlab_1 gitlab-ctl status`` and GitLab logs with ``docker logs gitlab_gitlab_1``. |lab-12-1| 4. Click on the *GitLab* button on the system *Ubuntu Lamp Server* in the lab environment. Create a new project and name it ``mywebapp``. |lab-12-2| Select *Initialize repository with a README*. |lab-12-3| 5. Copy the Jumphost *Ubuntu Lamp Server* ssh public key:: cat ~/.ssh/ 6. Back in GitLab, click on **Add SSH Key**. |lab-12-4| Paste the public key and click om **Add Key**. |lab-12-5| 7. Let's now configure the gitlab runner with this project. This runner will be used to trigger pipelines when a commit is done on the project and allow us to automatically trigger a set of tasks. First Let's open your project, click **Your Projects**. |lab-12-6| Click on ``mywebapp``. |lab-12-7| Navigate the CI/CD option copy the token value. Click on Settings > CI/CD. |lab-12-8| Find and expand the **Runner** section. |lab-12-9| Finally copy the token value. |lab-12-10| 8. Back in the Linux Jumphost, run the following command to register the gitlab runner using the token value:: ./gitlab/ 9. In GitLab, confirm the GitLab runner is correctly attached to your project. Navigate to the same location where you copy the token. |lab-12-11| Clone gitlab project and deploy AS3 HTTP application service to a BIG-IP through BIG-IQ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 1. From the Linux Jumphost, clone the repository:: git clone ssh://git@localhost:7022/root/mywebapp.git 2. Or order to be able to commit and push changes, we will need to configure the user email and name in git:: git config --global "" git config --global "root" 3. Copy the lab files into the ``mywebapp`` repository:: cd mywebapp cp -r ~/gitlab/lab1/* ~/gitlab/lab1/.gitlab-ci.yml . ls -la ls -l as3 This folder contains: - **.gitlab-ci.yml**: pipeline definition - **hosts**: ansible host file with BIG-IQ access information - **bigiq_as3_deploy.yml**: ansible playbook to deploy the AS3 application services - **as3/my_http_app_service1.json**: AS3 declaration defining HTTP application service load balancer You can look at each file on the lab `GitHub repository`_. .. _GitHub repository: 4. Add and commit the new files to the ``mywebapp`` repository:: git status git add . git status git commit -m "Add .gitlab-ci.yml, Ansible playbook, host file and AS3 declaration" git status 5. Push the changes to gitlab:: git push origin master 6. Back in gitlab, navigate under jobs and click on the running jobs, display output. |lab-12-12| Follow the execution of the job and wait for it to end. |lab-12-13| 7. Login on **BIG-IQ** as **david**, go to Applications tab, under``LAB_gitlab`` Application, check the application is there and analytics are showing. |lab-12-14| .. warning:: Starting 7.0, BIG-IQ displays AS3 application services created using the AS3 Declare API as Unknown Applications. You can move those application services using the GUI, the `Move/Merge API`_, `bigiq_move_app_dashboard`_ F5 Ansible Galaxy role or create it directly into Application in BIG-IQ using the `Deploy API`_ to define the BIG-IQ Application name. .. _Move/Merge API: .. _Deploy API: .. _bigiq_move_app_dashboard: Infrastructure as code: add a new pool member to the AS3 app service through GitLab ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 1. Now, let's add a new pool member to our HTTP application service. Edit the file ``as3/my_http_app_service1.json``:: vi as3/my_http_app_service1.json Add the pool member ```` as showing below: .. code-block:: yaml :linenos: :emphasize-lines: 6 "members": [ { "servicePort": 80, "serverAddresses": [ "", "" ], "shareNodes": true } .. note:: `How to Use the vi Editor`_ .. _How to Use the vi Editor: 3. Commit and push the changes:: git add as3/my_http_app_service1.json git commit -m "Add new pool member" git status git push origin master 4. Back in gitlab, navigate under jobs and click on the running jobs, display output. |lab-12-15| 5. Login on **BIG-IQ** as **david**, go to Applications tab and check the new pool member has been added. |lab-12-16| .. |gitlab-diagram-http| image:: /class1/pictures/module2/diagram_gitlab_as3_bigiq_http.png :align: middle :scale: 60% .. |lab-12-1| image:: ../pictures/module2/lab-12-1.png :scale: 40% .. |lab-12-2| image:: ../pictures/module2/lab-12-2.png :scale: 40% .. |lab-12-3| image:: ../pictures/module2/lab-12-3.png :scale: 40% .. |lab-12-4| image:: ../pictures/module2/lab-12-4.png :scale: 40% .. |lab-12-5| image:: ../pictures/module2/lab-12-5.png :scale: 40% .. |lab-12-6| image:: ../pictures/module2/lab-12-6.png :scale: 40% .. |lab-12-7| image:: ../pictures/module2/lab-12-7.png :scale: 40% .. |lab-12-8| image:: ../pictures/module2/lab-12-8.png :scale: 40% .. |lab-12-9| image:: ../pictures/module2/lab-12-9.png :scale: 40% .. |lab-12-10| image:: ../pictures/module2/lab-12-10.png :scale: 40% .. |lab-12-11| image:: ../pictures/module2/lab-12-11.png :scale: 40% .. |lab-12-12| image:: ../pictures/module2/lab-12-12.png :scale: 40% .. |lab-12-13| image:: ../pictures/module2/lab-12-13.png :scale: 40% .. |lab-12-14| image:: ../pictures/module2/lab-12-14.png :scale: 40% .. |lab-12-15| image:: ../pictures/module2/lab-12-15.png :scale: 40% .. |lab-12-16| image:: ../pictures/module2/lab-12-16.png :scale: 40%