Lab 2.13: Migrate AS3 application service(s) with its referenced objects from a BIG-IP to another BIG-IP -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- .. note:: Estimated time to complete: **15 minutes** In this lab, we are goin to show you how to use Ansible to migrate Application Services from one BIG-IP to another. For the example, we are going to migrate a backend application service running on the Seattle BIG-IP to the San Jose BIG-IP (visit *Getting Started* page for more details on the lab topology.) This lab will be using the following F5 Ansible Galaxy role: - `bigiq_migrate_apps`_ **ansible Role**: Migrate AS3 application service(s) with its referenced objects from a BIG-IP to another BIG-IP. .. _bigiq_migrate_apps: .. include:: /accesslab.rst Tasks ^^^^^ 1. Let's look at the Ansible playbook ``bigiq_as3_migrate_apps.yml``. .. code-block:: yaml :linenos: :emphasize-lines: 6,7,8,9 - name: Migrate AS3 application service(s) from a BIG-IP to another. include_role: name: f5devcentral.bigiq_migrate_apps vars: dir_as3: /ansible/tmp device_address: tenant_to_migrate: backend new_device_address: new_tenant_name: backendnew new_bigiq_app_name: "App Services migrated" register: status This playbook is using the `bigiq_migrate_apps`_ ansible role to move all AS3 application services from ```` in tenant ``backend`` to ```` in a tenant ``backendnew``. 2. Login on **BIG-IQ** as **david**, go to Applications tab and navigate under **IT_apps** > **backend_site24tcp**. |lab-13-1| 2. Connect via ``SSH`` or ``Web Shell`` to the system *Ubuntu Lamp Server*. *(if you use the Web Shell, login as f5student first: su - f5student)* and add the bigiq_migrate_apps role to the Ansible runner container:: cd /home/f5/f5-ansible-bigiq-as3-demo vi Dockerfile Add the following line at the end:: RUN ansible-galaxy install f5devcentral.bigiq_migrate_apps --force Build the ansible runner docker:: docker build -t f5-ansible-runner . Check ansible version and galaxy roles installed:: ./ansible_helper ansible-playbook --version ./ansible_helper ansible-galaxy list 3. Now, let's execute the playbook:: ./ansible_helper ansible-playbook /ansible/bigiq_as3_migrate_apps.yml -i /ansible/hosts When the tasks are completed, check the PLAY RECAP and make sure there nothing failed. PLAY RECAP ******************************************************************************************************************* : k=64 changed=11 unreachable=0 failed=0 skipped=28 rescued=0 ignored=0 4. Back on **BIG-IQ** on the Applications tab and navigate under **App Services migrated** > **backendnew_site24tcp**. |lab-13-2| | |lab-13-3| 5. Now we have validated the backend application services have been migrated over to ````, let's remove the old application services on ````. Go back on the *Ubuntu Lamp Server* and edit the ansible playbook:: cd /home/f5/f5-ansible-bigiq-as3-demo vi bigiq_as3_migrate_apps.yml Let's add the 2 variables to the playbook ``remove_old_tenant`` and ``cleanup_only`` which will only run the part where we remove the old tenant on ````. .. code-block:: yaml :linenos: :emphasize-lines: 11,12 - name: Migrate AS3 application service(s) from a BIG-IP to another. include_role: name: f5devcentral.bigiq_migrate_apps vars: dir_as3: /ansible/tmp device_address: tenant_to_migrate: backend new_device_address: new_tenant_name: backendnew new_bigiq_app_name: "App Services migrated" remove_old_tenant: true cleanup_only: true register: status .. note:: This lab execute the creation of the app services in a new tenant and deletion of the old tenant in 2 steps but they could be done in 1 step. In this case, just add ``remove_old_tenant: true`` in the initial playbook. 6. Now, let's execute the playbook again with the new variables:: ./ansible_helper ansible-playbook /ansible/bigiq_as3_migrate_apps.yml -i /ansible/hosts Answer **yes** to the following question:: Are you sure you want to delete tenant backend and all its content on Do you want to proceed? (yes/no): 7. Back on the BIG-IQ Application dashboard, verify the Application Service **backend_site24tcp** under **IT_apps** has been removed. .. |lab-13-1| image:: ../pictures/module2/lab-13-1.png :scale: 40% .. |lab-13-2| image:: ../pictures/module2/lab-13-2.png :scale: 40% .. |lab-13-3| image:: ../pictures/module2/lab-13-3.png :scale: 40%