Lab 2.7: Perform lab 1, 2 and 4 using Ansible --------------------------------------------- .. note:: Estimated time to complete: **20 minutes** This lab will be using the following F5 Ansible Galaxy roles: - `atc_deploy`_ **ansible Role**: Allows AS3 declaration to be sent to `automation tool chain`_ service. - `bigiq_move_app_dashboard`_ **ansible Role**: Move Application Service(s) in BIG-IQ Application Dashboard. .. include:: /accesslab.rst Tasks ^^^^^ You can look at the details of the AS3 declarations on the `GitHub repository`_. .. _GitHub repository: Connect via ``SSH`` or ``Web Shell`` to the system *Ubuntu Lamp Server*. *(if you use the Web Shell, login as f5student first: su - f5student)*. Execute the playbooks for each tasks. .. warning:: Starting 7.0, BIG-IQ displays AS3 application services created using the AS3 Declare API as Unknown Applications. You can move those application services using the GUI, the `Move/Merge API`_, `bigiq_move_app_dashboard`_ F5 Ansible Galaxy role or create it directly into Application in BIG-IQ using the `Deploy API`_ to define the BIG-IQ Application name. .. _Move/Merge API: .. _Deploy API: .. _atc_deploy: .. _bigiq_move_app_dashboard: .. _automation tool chain: - Task 1: HTTP Application Service:: cd /home/f5/f5-ansible-bigiq-as3-demo ./ as3_bigiq_task01_create_http_app.json Login as **david** and check on BIG-IQ the application has been correctly created. | - Task 2: HTTPS Offload:: cd /home/f5/f5-ansible-bigiq-as3-demo ./ as3_bigiq_task02_create_https_app.json Login as **david** and check on BIG-IQ the application has been correctly created. | - Task 3a: HTTPS Application with Web Application Firewall:: cd /home/f5/f5-ansible-bigiq-as3-demo ./ as3_bigiq_task03a_create_waf_app.json Login as **david** and check on BIG-IQ the application has been correctly created. | - Task 4: Generic Services:: cd /home/f5/f5-ansible-bigiq-as3-demo ./ as3_bigiq_task04_create_generic_app.json Login as **david** and check on BIG-IQ the application has been correctly created. | - Task 5a: Add a HTTPS Application to existing HTTP AS3 Declaration (using POST):: cd /home/f5/f5-ansible-bigiq-as3-demo ./ as3_bigiq_task05a_modify_post_http_app.json Login as **david** and check on BIG-IQ the application has been correctly created. | - Move Task1 application services into a single Application on BIG-IQ:: cd /home/f5/f5-ansible-bigiq-as3-demo ./ansible_helper ansible-playbook /ansible/bigiq_as3_move_apps.yml -i /ansible/hosts Login as **david** and check on BIG-IQ the application has been correctly created. .. warning:: If you want Paula to access the new Application called LAB_task1, David will need to assign the role ``LAB_task1 Manager`` |lab-3-5| | - Task 9: Delete Task1 with their AS3 application services:: cd /home/f5/f5-ansible-bigiq-as3-demo ./ as3_bigiq_task09_delete_task1_app.json Login as **david** on BIG-IQ. Here, we empty the tenant/partition Task1. This should remove those partitions from The relevant Apps should also disappear from BIG-IQ. .. |lab-3-1| image:: ../pictures/module2/lab-3-1.png :scale: 60% .. |lab-3-2| image:: ../pictures/module2/lab-3-2.png :scale: 60% .. |lab-3-3| image:: ../pictures/module2/lab-3-3.png :scale: 60% .. |lab-3-4| image:: ../pictures/module2/lab-3-4.png :scale: 60% .. |lab-3-5| image:: ../pictures/module2/lab-3-5.png :scale: 60%