Lab 1.2: Configuring SNMP for sending traps/alerts to Splunk ------------------------------------------------------------ .. note:: Estimated time to complete: **5 minutes** This feature provides the ability for the customer to specify a message to be displayed on the BIG-IQ login page. .. include:: /accesslab.rst Tasks ^^^^^ **Prerequisites Splunk** - This demo is using a instance of Splunk running in a `container`_. - Refer `Send SNMP events to your Splunk deployment`_ and `Monitor files and directories with the CLI`_ .. _container: .. _Send SNMP events to your Splunk deployment: .. _Monitor files and directories with the CLI: 1. Connect via ``SSH`` or ``Web Shell`` to the system *Ubuntu Lamp Server*. *(if you use the Web Shell, login as f5student first: su - f5student)*. 2. Execute the following commands to start the SNMP trap Listener:: ./splunk/ 3. Open BIG-IQ, go to **System > This Device > SNMP Configuration > SNMP Traps**. Click **Create**. - Name: ``snmptrad`` - Version: ``V2C`` - Community: ``public`` - Destination: ```` - Port: ``162`` .. image:: ../pictures/module1/img_module1_lab2_1.png :align: center :scale: 60% 4. The Devices and System alerts are located under **Monitoring > Alerts & Notifications**. It will display all triggered alerts. .. image:: ../pictures/module1/img_module1_lab2_2.png :align: center :scale: 60% 5. Click on **Settings** to see the type of alerts available. .. image:: ../pictures/module1/img_module1_lab2_3.png :align: center :scale: 60% 6. From you lab deployment, look for **** device, click on *Details* and stop the device. Wait for few seconds, you should coming a new alert showing the device unavailable in the Alerts list. 7. Now, let's have a look at the Applications Alerts. Go to **Applications > Applications**, click on the *IT_apps* Application, then on **** Application Service. On the top right of the application dashboard, click on the Health button. .. image:: ../pictures/module1/img_module1_lab2_4.png :align: center :scale: 60% 8. Change the *Server Site RTT* warning and critical thresholds to ``1ms`` and ``2ms``. Under *Actions*, enable ``SNMP Trap``. .. image:: ../pictures/module1/img_module1_lab2_5.png :align: center :scale: 60% 7. Back on the Application Service dashboard, notice some new alerts are being created about Server Site RTT. .. image:: ../pictures/module1/img_module1_lab2_6.png :align: center :scale: 60% 9. Now, let's open Splunk to see if any SNMP traps were received. From you lab deployment, click on the *SPLUNK* button on the system *Ubuntu Lamp Server*. Use ``admin/purple123`` to authenticate. .. image:: ../pictures/module1/img_module1_lab2_7.png :align: center :scale: 60%