Lab 8.1: Prepare your AWS Account --------------------------------- .. note:: Estimated time to complete: **15 minutes** .. include:: /accesslab.rst Tasks ^^^^^ .. warning:: If you already created an AWS environment and VPN in Class 2 Module 4 (AWS SSG) you do not need to recreate this item. 1. Create the AWS environment and VPN SSH Ubuntu host in the lab environment. Navigate to: ``cd f5-aws-vpn-ssg`` Execute the Ansible scripts to create the AWS resources (including VPN between AWS and the lab), cloud provider and cloud environment. ``./ ve`` .. note:: VPN object and servers can take up to 15 minutes to complete. The console will output your ephemeral credentials for the resources created, **yours will be different**. Save these for later use. |image01| .. |image01| image:: pictures/image1.png :width: 60%