Lab 8.5: Deploy BIG-IP in AWS and configure App Services using Ansible, BIG-IQ & Automation Tool Chain ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ .. note:: Estimated time to complete: **20 minutes** In this lab, we are going to deploy a new BIG-IP in AWS and deploy an HTTPS offload Application Service using BIG-IQ and Automation Tool Chain. This lab will be using following F5 Ansible Galaxy roles: - `bigiq_create_ve`_ **ansible Role**: Create a BIG-IP VE (Virtual Edition) from BIG-IQ in AWS, Azure or VMware. - `atc_deploy`_ **ansible Role**: Allows AS3 and DO declarations to be sent to `automation tool chain`_ service. - `ansible.builtin.uri`_ **ansible Module**: Interacts with web services, create SSL cert & key on BIG-IQ - `bigiq_pinning_deploy_objects`_ **ansible Role**: Pin objects (e.g. Cert & Key) on BIG-IQ and deploy it to BIG-IP(s). - `bigiq_move_app_dashboard`_ **ansible Role**: Move Application Service(s) in BIG-IQ Application Dashboard. .. _bigiq_create_ve: .. _ansible.builtin.uri: .. _bigiq_pinning_deploy_objects: .. _atc_deploy: .. _bigiq_move_app_dashboard: .. _automation tool chain: .. include:: /accesslab.rst Workflow ^^^^^^^^ 1. Create VPN between F5 Lab and AWS 2. Create BIG-IP VE using **bigiq_create_ve** 3. Onboard BIG-IP using **atc_deploy** 4. Create SSL Certificate and Key on BIG-IQ using **ansible.builtin.uri** 5. Deploy SSL objects to BIG-IP using **bigiq_pinning_deploy_objects** 6. Create AS3 Application Service HTTPS offload using **atc_deploy** 7. Organized Application Service in BIG-IQ Application Dashboard using **bigiq_move_app_dashboard** 8. Your HTTPS offload Application Service is now up and ready to serve traffic All steps from 2 to 3 are handed in an simple Ansible playbook where creation & deployments of the BIG-IP and its configuration is automated. Tasks ^^^^^ 1. If not already done, run through `Lab 8.1 Prepare your AWS Account`_. .. _Lab 8.1 Prepare your AWS Account: ./lab1.html 2. Login as **david** and navigate to Applications > Environments > Cloud Environments |lab-5-1| 3. Connect via ``SSH`` or ``Web Shell`` to the system *Ubuntu Lamp Server*. *(if you use the Web Shell, login as f5student first: su - f5student)* and :: cd /home/f5/f5-ansible-bigiq-ve-creation-do-demo vi bigiq_create_ve_and_app_services_aws.yml Update Cloud Environment variable in the playbook:: cloud_environment: "demo-8574-aws-environment_DO" You also have the option to change few variables such as VE name, VE password, tenant, app service name, Common Name (CN) of the SSL certificate:: veName: "bigipvm03" vePassword: "u7BnD@4f5" tenant: "aws" appName: "webAppServiceHttp2" cn: "webapp-aws" You can look at the details of the Ansible Playbook source on the `GitHub repository`_. .. _GitHub repository: 4. build the ansible runner container:: docker build -t f5-ansible-runner . Check ansible version and galaxy roles installed:: ./ansible_helper ansible-playbook --version ./ansible_helper ansible-galaxy list 5. Now, let's execute the playbook:: ./ansible_helper ansible-playbook /ansible/bigiq_create_ve_and_app_services_aws.yml -i /ansible/hosts .. note:: Add ``-vvv`` if you want to get the debug output. 6. Let's now review everything which was created by the playbook. Devices > BIG-IP VE Creation |lab-5-2| Devices > BIG-IP VE Onboarding |lab-5-3| Devices > BIG-IP Devices |lab-5-4| Log in to your AWS console to the EC2 Dashboard and look for the VE created. |lab-5-5| Configuration > Local Traffic > Certificate Management > Certificates & Keys |lab-5-6| Deployments > Evaluate & Deploy > Local Traffic & Network |lab-5-7| 7. Test the application service by opening a browser and typing the Virtual Server IP address/port ````. You should see the *Hello, World* website. |lab-5-8| 8. Go back on the BIG-IQ application dashboard and look at the HTTP analytics. |lab-5-9| .. |lab-5-1| image:: pictures/lab-5-1.png :scale: 40% .. |lab-5-2| image:: pictures/lab-5-2.png :scale: 40% .. |lab-5-3| image:: pictures/lab-5-3.png :scale: 40% .. |lab-5-4| image:: pictures/lab-5-4.png :scale: 40% .. |lab-5-5| image:: pictures/lab-5-5.png :scale: 40% .. |lab-5-6| image:: pictures/lab-5-6.png :scale: 40% .. |lab-5-7| image:: pictures/lab-5-7.png :scale: 40% .. |lab-5-8| image:: pictures/lab-5-8.png :scale: 40% .. |lab-5-9| image:: pictures/lab-5-9.png :scale: 40%