Lab 1.2: Create a self-signed SSL certificate & key on BIG-IQ ------------------------------------------------------------- .. note:: Estimated time to complete: **10 minutes** .. include:: /accesslab.rst SSL Certificate & Key creation on BIG-IQ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 1. Navigate to **Configuration > Local Traffic > Certificate Management > Certificates & Keys**. .. image:: ./media/img_module1_lab2-1.png :scale: 40% :align: center Fill all necessary information and click **Create**. This will generate a certificate request or CSR along with a Private Key. This CSR will be send to Let's encrypt server which will sign it and send it back to BIG-IQ. - Name: ``webappLab2`` - Issuer: ``Self`` - Common Name: ```` - Division: ``UDF lab`` - Organization: ``F5`` - Locality: ``Seattle`` - State/Province: ``WA`` - Country: ``US`` - E-mail Address: ```` - Subject Alternative Name: ``DNS:`` - Key Password: ``Password@123456`` .. image:: ./media/img_module1_lab2-2.png :scale: 40% :align: center 2. After the Certificate Request is signed, it will show Managed on the BIG-IQ and ready to be deploy on the BIG-IP. .. image:: ./media/img_module1_lab2-3.png :scale: 40% :align: center 3. Now, let's pin both certificate and key to a device. Navigate to Pinning Policies under Local Traffic. Click on **** device. Look for the SSL certificate and add it to the device. .. image:: ./media/img_module1_lab2-4.png :scale: 40% :align: center Repeat the same with the SSL Key: .. image:: ./media/img_module1_lab2-5.png :scale: 40% :align: center 4. Deploy the SSL objects to the BIG-IP. Navigate **Deployment > Evaluate & Deploy > Local Traffic & Network**. Create a new deployment: - Source Scope: ``Partial Change`` - Method: ``Deploy Immediately`` - Source Objects: select both SSL certificate & Key - Target Device(s): ```` Click **Deploy**. .. image:: ./media/img_module1_lab2-6.png :scale: 40% :align: center AS3 HTTPS template with SSL Key Passphrase creation ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 1. Go back on BIG-IQ and navigate to the Applications tab > Applications Templates and select ``AS3-F5-HTTPS-offload-lb-existing-cert-template-big-iq-default-`` and press **Clone**. 2. Give the cloned template a name: ``AS3-F5-HTTPS-offload-lb-existing-cert-with-passphrase`` and click Clone. .. image:: ./media/img_module1_lab4-15.png :scale: 40% :align: center 3. Open the new templates created and select the AS3 class ``Certificates`` on the left menu of the AS3 template editor. Check **Editable** the 2 following attributes: ``JOSE header`` and ``Ciphertext``. .. image:: ./media/img_module1_lab4-16.png :scale: 40% :align: center 4. Save & close the template and publish it so it can be used in the next step. AS3 HTTPS offload application service creation ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 1. Go to the Applications tab > Applications and click **Create** to create an Application Service: +---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Application properties: | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | * Grouping = ``New Application`` | | * Application Name = ``LAB_module2`` | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Select an Application Service Template: | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | * Template Type = Select ``AS3-F5-HTTPS-offload-lb-existing-cert-with-passphrase [AS3]`` | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | General Properties: | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | * Application Service Name = ``https_app_service`` | | * Target = ```` | | * Tenant = ``tenant4`` | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Analytics_Profile. Keep default. | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Pool | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | * Members: ```` | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | TLS_Server. Keep default. | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Certificate | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | * privateKey: ``/Common/webappLab2.key`` | | * certificate: ``/Common/webappLab2.crt`` | | * Passphrase > Ciphertext: ``UGFzc3dvcmRAMTIzNDU2`` | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Service_HTTPS | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | * Virtual addresses: ```` | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ .. note:: In order to get the value of the Ciphertext, we convert the SSL key password (``Password@123456``) using More details on the AS3 Certificate class `here `_. 2. Check the application ``LAB_module2`` has been created along with the application service https_app_service .. image:: ./media/img_module1_lab4-17.png :scale: 40% :align: center .. note:: If not visible, refresh the page. It can take few seconds for the application service to appears on the dashboard. 4. From the lab environment, launch a remote desktop session to have access to the Ubuntu Desktop. You can test the application service by opening Google Chrome browser on the **Ubuntu Jumphost** and type the URL ````. .. note:: The certificate shows not secure as we are using a demo Root CA not imported in the browser by default. .. image:: ./media/img_module1_lab2-7.png :scale: 40% :align: center Certificate expiration alerts ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ BIG-IQ also offers the ability to specify alerts for certificate expiration. Navigate to **Configuration > Local Traffic > Certificate Management > Certificates & Keys** and click the **Alert Settings** button to see the alerts options. .. note:: Starting with BIG-IQ 8.0, the alert settings now provide up to three scheduled alerts prior to SSL certificates expiration. .. image:: ./media/img_module1_lab2-8.png :scale: 40% :align: center