API Rest Client in Visual Studio Code ===================================== In case you need to use an API Rest Client for this lab, follow below instructions to use the **REST Client for Visual Studio Code**. 1. Open Visual Studio Code in the **Ubuntu Jumphost** and open the extensions menu, click on **REST Client** extension and go through the details section to get familiar with the extension. .. image:: /pictures/rest_client-01.png :scale: 40% :align: center 2. Back on the Explorer tab in VS code, navigate under ``project`` folder and open ``postman.rest``. The ``postman.rest`` is a file with a number of BIG-IQ Rest call examples. You will find the BIG-IQ IP address under ``# My Variables`` section at the top of the file. In order to authenticate to the BIG-IQ, click on *Send Request* below the URL. .. image:: /pictures/rest_client-02.gif :scale: 40% :align: center .. note:: The response window will open to the right side and the F5 authentication token will be automatically saved in the ``f5_token`` variable defined in the file. .. note:: The token timeout in BIG-IQ is set by default to **5 min**. If you get 401 Invalid registered claims, request a new token. 3. Once your are authenticated to the BIG-IQ, you can send POST or GET requests described in the lab guide. You may use the examples listed below the one call to authenticate to the BIG-IQ or replace the JSON body as described in the lab guide. .. image:: /pictures/rest_client-03.png :scale: 40% :align: center