Lab 2.2 - Setup the Master ========================== .. important:: The following commands need to be run on the **master** only unless otherwise specified. Install Mesos, Marathon and Zookeeper ------------------------------------- #. Add the mesos/marathon repo Run the following commands: .. code-block:: bash apt-key adv --keyserver --recv E56151BF cat <> /etc/apt/sources.list.d/mesosphere.list deb $(lsb_release -cs) main EOF #. Install the mesos, marathon and zookeeper packages .. code-block:: bash apt update && apt install mesos marathon zookeeperd -y Setup Zookeeper --------------- .. note:: ``2181`` is zookeeper's default port. #. Setup a unique ID per zookeeper instance. Update ``/etc/zookeeper/conf/myid`` to ``1``, ``2`` or ``3`` depending on the number of master nodes. In our case ``1`` .. code-block:: bash echo 1 > /etc/zookeeper/conf/myid #. Modify the zookeeper config file on each master .. code-block:: bash sed -i /^#server.1/s/#server.1=zookeeper1/server.1= /etc/zookeeper/conf/zoo.cfg Setup Mesos ----------- #. Create mesos `ip` file /etc/mesos-master/ip .. code-block:: bash echo "" > /etc/mesos-master/ip #. Create mesos `hostname` file /etc/mesos-master/hostname (specify the IP address of your node) .. code-block:: bash echo "" > /etc/mesos-master/hostname #. Change the quorum value to reflect our cluster size. It should be set over 50% of the number of master instances. In this case it should be ``1`` because we have only one master .. code-block:: bash echo 1 > /etc/mesos-master/quorum #. Point zookeeper to the master instance. This is done in the file /etc/mesos/zk .. code-block:: bash echo "zk://" > /etc/mesos/zk Setup Marathon -------------- #. First we need to specify the zookeeper masters that marathon will connect to (for information and things like scheduling). We can copy the previous file we setup for mesos: .. code-block:: bash echo "MARATHON_MASTER=`cat /etc/mesos/zk`" > /etc/default/marathon #. We also need to have marathon store its own state in zookeper (since it runs on all three masters): .. code-block:: bash echo "MARATHON_ZK=zk://" >> /etc/default/marathon Start your services ------------------- #. When you install mesos, the master and slave services are enabled (called mesos-master and mesos-slave). Here, we want our master to focus on this tasks so we need to disable the slave service. Do this on *all the master* nodes: .. code-block:: bash systemctl stop mesos-slave echo manual > /etc/init/mesos-slave.override #. We need to restart zookeeper and start mesos-master and marathon process on *all master* nodes: .. code-block:: bash systemctl restart zookeeper systemctl start mesos-master systemctl enable mesos-master systemctl start marathon #. We can validate that it works by connecting to mesos and marathon via a browser. Mesos runs on port 5050 (http) and marathon runs on port 8080 (http). Mesos: .. image:: images/setup-master-check-UI-mesos-master.png Marathon: .. image:: images/setup-master-check-UI-marathon.png #. If you want to check whether the service started as expected, you can use the following commands: .. code-block:: bash systemctl status mesos-master systemctl status marathon You should see something like the following: Mesos: .. image:: images/setup-master-check-service-mesos-master.png Marathon: .. image:: images/setup-master-check-service-marathon.png #. For more information about the marathon service, check the *about* section in marathon by clicking the ``?`` drop down in the upper right hand side of the marathon page. .. image:: images/setup-master-about-marathon.png #. If multiple ``masters`` were configured for high availability you can do the following to test the HA of marathon: .. attention:: For our lab we have only one master so this step is for documentation purposes. - Figure out which mesos is running the framework marathon (based on our screenshot above, it is available on master1) - Restart this master and you should see the framework was restarted automatically on another host. "mesos-master1" would change to "mesos-master2, 3, etc." .. image:: images/setup-master-test-HA-marathon.png