Lab 3.2 - F5 Container Connector Usage ====================================== Now that our container connector is up and running, let’s deploy an application and leverage our F5 CC. For this lab we'll use a simple pre-configured docker image called "f5-hello-world". It can be found on docker hub at `f5devcentral/f5-hello-world `_ App Deployment -------------- From the jumpbox connect to the Marathon UI at and click "Create Application". .. image:: images/f5-container-connector-create-application-button.png #. Click on "JSON mode" in the top-right corner .. image:: images/f5-container-connector-json-mode.png #. **REPLACE** the 8 lines of default JSON code shown with the following JSON code and click Create Application .. literalinclude:: ../marathon/f5-hello-world-app.json :language: json :linenos: :emphasize-lines: 5,9,18,19,22 #. F5-Hello-World is "Deploying" .. note:: The JSON app definition specified several things: #. What container image to use (line 9) #. The BIG-IP configuration (Partition, VS IP, VS Port). #. The Marathon health check for this app. The BIG-IP will replicate those health checks. #. The number of instances (line 5) Wait for your application to be successfully deployed and be in a running state. .. image:: images/f5-container-connector-check-application-running.png #. Click on "f5-hello-world". Here you will see two instance deployed, with their node IP and Port. .. image:: images/f5-container-connector-check-application-instance.png #. Click on one of the assigned to be redirect there: .. image:: images/f5-container-connector-access-application-instance.png #. We can check whether the Marathon BIG-IP Controller has updated our BIG-IP configuration accordingly. Connect to your BIG-IP on and go to Local Traffic --> Virtual Server. .. warning:: Don’t forget to select the “mesos” partition or you’ll see nothing. You should have something like this: .. image:: images/f5-container-connector-check-app-on-BIG-IP-VS.png #. Go to Local Traffic --> Pool --> "f5-hello-world_80" --> Members. Here we can see that two pool members are defined and the IP:Port match ou deployed app in Marathon. .. image:: images/f5-container-connector-check-app-on-BIG-IP-Pool_members.png #. You should be able to access the application. In your browser try to connect to .. image:: images/f5-container-connector-access-BIGIP-VS.png #. Scale the f5-hello-world app. Go back to the Marathon UI ( Go to Applications --> "f5-hello-world" and click "Scale Application". Let's increase the number from `2` to `10` instances and click on "Scale Application". .. image:: images/f5-container-connector-scale-application-UI.png Once it is done you should see 10 "healthy instances" running in Marathon UI. .. image:: images/f5-container-connector-scale-application-UI-10-done.png You can also check your pool members list on your BIG-IP. .. image:: images/f5-container-connector-scale-application-BIGIP-10-done.png As we can see, the Marathon BIG-IP Controller is adapting the pool members setup based on the number of instances delivering this application automatically. #. Scale back the application to `2` to save resources for the next labs.