Lab 1.2 - Deploy Hello-World Using Route ======================================== Now that CIS is up and running, let's deploy an application and leverage CIS. For this lab we'll use a simple pre-configured docker image called "f5-hello-world". It can be found on docker hub at `f5devcentral/f5-hello-world `_ To deploy our application, we will need the following definitions: - Define the **Deployment** resource: this will launch our application running in a container. - Define the **Service** resource: this is an abstraction which defines a logical set of pods and a policy by which to access them. Expose the service on a port on each node of the cluster (the same port on each node). You’ll be able to contact the service on any :NodePort address. When you set the type field to "NodePort", the master will allocate a port from a flag-configured range (default: 30000-32767), and each Node will proxy that port (the same port number on every Node) for your Service. - Define the **Route** resource: this is used to add the necesary annotations to define the virtual server settings. .. seealso:: `Supported Route Annotations `_ App Deployment -------------- Back on **okd-master1** we will create all the required files: #. Go back to the Web Shell session you opened in a previous task. If you need to open a new session go to the **Deployment** tab of your UDF lab session at to connect to **okd-master1** using the **Web Shell** access method, then switch to the **centos** user account using the "**su**" command: .. image:: ../images/OKDWEBSHELL.png .. image:: ../images/OKDWEBSHELLroot.png .. code-block:: bash su centos #. Create a file called ``deployment-hello-world.yaml`` .. tip:: Use the file in ~/agilitydocs/docs/class2/openshift .. literalinclude:: ../openshift/deployment-hello-world.yaml :language: yaml :caption: deployment-hello-world.yaml :linenos: :emphasize-lines: 2,7,20 #. Create a file called ``nodeport-service-hello-world.yaml`` .. tip:: Use the file in ~/agilitydocs/docs/class2/openshift .. literalinclude:: ../openshift/nodeport-service-hello-world.yaml :language: yaml :caption: nodeport-service-hello-world.yaml :linenos: :emphasize-lines: 2,17 #. Create a file called ``route-hello-world.yaml`` .. tip:: Use the file in ~/agilitydocs/docs/class2/openshift .. literalinclude:: ../openshift/route-hello-world.yaml :language: yaml :caption: route-hello-world.yaml :linenos: :emphasize-lines: 2,7-9,23,24 #. We can now launch our application: .. code-block:: bash oc create -f deployment-hello-world.yaml oc create -f nodeport-service-hello-world.yaml oc create -f route-hello-world.yaml .. image:: ../images/f5-container-connector-launch-app-route.png #. To check the status of our deployment, you can run the following commands: .. note:: This can take a few seconds to a minute to create these hello-world containers to running state. .. code-block:: bash oc get pods -o wide .. image:: ../images/f5-hello-world-pods-route.png .. code-block:: bash oc describe svc f5-hello-world .. image:: ../images/f5-container-connector-check-app-definition-route.png .. attention:: To understand and test the new app pay attention to the **NodePort value**, that's the port used to give you access to the app from the outside. In this example it's "30459", highlighted above. #. Now that we have deployed our application sucessfully, we can check the configuration on BIG-IP1. Go back to the TMUI session you opened in a previous task. If you need to open a new session go back to the **Deployment** tab of your UDF lab session at and connect to **BIG-IP1** using the **TMUI** access method (*username*: **admin** and *password*: **admin**) .. image:: ../images/TMUI.png .. image:: ../images/TMUILogin.png Browse to :menuselection:`Local Traffic --> Virtual Servers` .. warning:: Don't forget to select the "okd" partition or you'll see nothing. With "*Route*" you'll seee two virtual servers defined. "**okd_http_vs**" and "**okd_https_vs**", listening on port **80** and **443**. .. image:: ../images/f5-container-connector-check-app-route-bigipconfig.png These Virtuals use an LTM Policy to direct traffic based on the host header. You can view this from the BIG-IP GUI at :menuselection:`Local Traffic --> Policies` and click :menuselection:`Published Policy --> "openshift_insecure_routes"` .. image:: ../images/f5-check-ltm-policy-route.png #. Check the Pools to see a new pool and the associated pool members. Browse to: :menuselection:`Local Traffic --> Pools` and select the "openshift_default_f5-hello-world-web" pool. Click the Members tab. .. image:: ../images/f5-container-connector-check-app-route-pool.png .. note:: You can see that the pool members listed are all the cluster node IPs on port 30459. (**NodePort mode**) #. Access your web application via **Firefox** on the **superjump**. .. note:: Open a new tab and select the "" shortcut or type in the URL field. .. image:: ../images/f5-container-connector-access-app.png #. Delete Hello-World .. important:: Do not skip this step. Instead of reusing some of these objects, the next lab we will re-deploy them to avoid conflicts and errors. .. code-block:: bash oc delete -f route-hello-world.yaml oc delete -f nodeport-service-hello-world.yaml oc delete -f deployment-hello-world.yaml .. attention:: Validate the objects are removed via the management console. :menuselection:`Local Traffic --> Virtual Servers`